1、<p><b> 數控機床的改造</b></p><p> 1 數控系統(tǒng)發(fā)展簡史及趨勢 </p><p> 1946年誕生了世界上第一臺電子計算機,這表明人類創(chuàng)造了可增強和部分代替腦力勞動的工具。它與人類在農業(yè)、工業(yè)社會中創(chuàng)造的那些只是增強體力勞動的工具相比,起了質的飛躍,為人類進入信息社會奠定了基礎。</p><p> 六
2、年后,即在1952年,計算機技術應用到了機床上,在美國誕生了第一臺數控機床。從此,傳統(tǒng)機床產生了質的變化。近半個世紀以來,數控系統(tǒng)經歷了兩個階段和六代的發(fā)展。 </p><p> 1.1 數控(NC)階段(1952~1970年) </p><p> 早期計算機的運算速度低,對當時的科學計算和數據處理影響還不大,但不能適應機床實時控制的要求。人們不得不采用數字邏輯電路"搭&qu
3、ot;成一臺機床專用計算機作為數控系統(tǒng),被稱為硬件連接數控(HARD-WIRED NC),簡稱為數控(NC)。隨著元器件的發(fā)展,這個階段歷經了三代,即1952年的第一代--電子管;1959年的第二代--晶體管;1965年的第三代--小規(guī)模集成電路。 </p><p> 1.2 計算機數控(CNC)階段(1970年~現在) </p><p> 到1970年,通用小型計算機業(yè)已出現并成批生
4、產。于是將它移植過來作為數控系統(tǒng)的核心部件,從此進入了計算機數控(CNC)階段(把計算機前面應有的"通用"兩個字省略了)。到1971年,美國INTEL公司在世界上第一次將計算機的兩個最核心的部件--運算器和控制器,采用大規(guī)模集成電路技術集成在一塊芯片上,稱之為微處理器(MICROPROCESSOR),又可稱為中央處理單元(簡稱CPU)。 </p><p> 到1974年微處理器被應用于數控系
5、統(tǒng)。這是因為小型計算機功能太強,控制一臺機床能力有富裕(故當時曾用于控制多臺機床,稱之為群控),不如采用微處理器經濟合理。而且當時的小型機可靠性也不理想。早期的微處理器速度和功能雖還不夠高,但可以通過多處理器結構來解決。由于微處理器是通用計算機的核心部件,故仍稱為計算機數控。 </p><p> 到了1990年,PC機的性能已發(fā)展到很高的階段,可以滿足作為數控系統(tǒng)核心部件的要求。數控系統(tǒng)從此進入了基于PC的階段
6、。 </p><p> 總之,計算機數控階段也經歷了三代。即1970年的第四代--小型計算機;1974年的第五代--微處理器和1990年的第六代--基于PC(也就是為PC-BASED)。 </p><p> 1.3 數控未來發(fā)展的趨勢 </p><p> 1.3.1 繼續(xù)向開放式、基于PC的第六代方向發(fā)展 </p><p> 基于PC
7、所具有的開放性、低成本、高可靠性、軟硬件資源豐富等特點,更多的數控系統(tǒng)生產廠家會走上這條道路。至少采用PC機作為它的前端機,來處理人機界面、編程、聯(lián)網通信等問題,由原有的系統(tǒng)承擔數控的任務。PC機所具有的友好的人機界面,將普及到所有的數控系統(tǒng)。遠程通訊,遠程診斷和維修將更加普遍。 </p><p> 1.3.2 向高速化和高精度化發(fā)展 </p><p> 這是適應機床向高速和高精度方向
8、發(fā)展的需要。 </p><p> 1.3.3 向智能化方向發(fā)展 </p><p> 隨著人工智能在計算機領域的不斷滲透和發(fā)展,數控系統(tǒng)的智能化程度將不斷提高。 </p><p> ?。?)應用自適應控制技術 </p><p> 數控系統(tǒng)能檢測過程中一些重要信息,并自動調整系統(tǒng)的有關參數,達到改進系統(tǒng)運行狀態(tài)的目的。 </p>
9、<p> ?。?)引入專家系統(tǒng)指導加工 </p><p> 將熟練工人和專家的經驗,加工的一般規(guī)律和特殊規(guī)律存入系統(tǒng)中,以工藝參數數據庫為支撐,建立具有人工智能的專家系統(tǒng)。 </p><p> ?。?)引入故障診斷專家系統(tǒng) </p><p> ?。?)智能化數字伺服驅動裝置 </p><p> 可以通過自動識別負載,而自動調
10、整參數,使驅動系統(tǒng)獲得最佳的運行。 </p><p> 2 機床數控化改造的必要性 </p><p> 2.1 微觀看改造的必要性 </p><p> 從微觀上看,數控機床比傳統(tǒng)機床有以下突出的優(yōu)越性,而且這些優(yōu)越性均來自數控系統(tǒng)所包含的計算機的威力。 </p><p> 2.1.1 可以加工出傳統(tǒng)機床加工不出來的曲線、曲面等復雜
11、的零件。 </p><p> 由于計算機有高超的運算能力,可以瞬時準確地計算出每個坐標軸瞬時應該運動的運動量,因此可以復合成復雜的曲線或曲面。 </p><p> 2.1.2 可以實現加工的自動化,而且是柔性自動化,從而效率可比傳統(tǒng)機床提高3~7倍。 </p><p> 由于計算機有記憶和存儲能力,可以將輸入的程序記住和存儲下來,然后按程序規(guī)定的順序自動去執(zhí)行
12、,從而實現自動化。數控機床只要更換一個程序,就可實現另一工件加工的自動化,從而使單件和小批生產得以自動化,故被稱為實現了"柔性自動化"。 </p><p> 2.2 宏觀看改造的必要性 </p><p> 從宏觀上看,工業(yè)發(fā)達國家的軍、民機械工業(yè),在70年代末、80年代初已開始大規(guī)模應用數控機床。其本質是,采用信息技術對傳統(tǒng)產業(yè)(包括軍、民機械工業(yè))進行技術改造。
13、除在制造過程中采用數控機床、FMC、FMS外,還包括在產品開發(fā)中推行CAD、CAE、CAM、虛擬制造以及在生產管理中推行MIS(管理信息系統(tǒng))、CIMS等等。以及在其生產的產品中增加信息技術,包括人工智能等的含量。由于采用信息技術對國外軍、民機械工業(yè)進行深入改造(稱之為信息化),最終使得他們的產品在國際軍品和民品的市場上競爭力大為增強。 </p><p> 3 數控化改造的內容及缺乏</p>&
14、lt;p> 3.1 數控改造業(yè)的興起 </p><p> 在美國、日本和德國等國家,機床改造作為新的經濟增長行業(yè),生意盎然,正處在黃金時代。由于機床以及技術的不斷進步,機床改造是個"永恒"的課題。在美國、日本、德國,用數控技術改造機床和生產線具有廣闊的市場,已形成了機床和生產線數控改造的新的行業(yè)。在美國,機床改造業(yè)稱為機床再生(Remanufacturing)業(yè)。從事再生業(yè)的著名公司
15、有:Bertsche工程公司、ayton機床公司、Devlieg-Bullavd(得寶)服務集團、US設備公司等。。在日本,機床改造業(yè)稱為機床改裝(Retrofitting)業(yè)。從事改裝業(yè)的著名公司有:大隈工程集團、崗三機械公司、千代田工機公司、野崎工程公司、濱田工程公司、山本工程公司等。 </p><p> 3.2數控化改造的內容 </p><p> 機床與生產線的數控化改造主要內容
16、有以下幾點: </p><p> 其一是恢復原功能,對機床、生產線存在的故障部分進行診斷并恢復; </p><p> 其二是NC化,在普通機床上加數顯裝置,或加數控系統(tǒng),改造成NC機床、CNC機床; </p><p> 其三是翻新,為提高精度、效率和自動化程度,對機械、電氣部分進行翻新,對機械部分重新裝配加工,恢復原精度;對其不滿足生產要求的CNC系統(tǒng)以最新C
17、NC進行更新; </p><p> 其四是技術更新或技術創(chuàng)新,為提高性能或檔次,或為了使用新工藝、新技術,在原有基礎上進行較大規(guī)模的技術更新或技術創(chuàng)新,較大幅度地提高水平和檔次的更新改造。 </p><p> 3.3 數控化改造的缺乏</p><p> 3.3.1 減少投資額、交貨期短 </p><p> 同購置新機床相比,一般可以節(jié)
18、省60%~80%的費用,改造費用低。特別是大型、特殊機床尤其明顯。一般大型機床改造,只花新機床購置費用的1/3,交貨期短。但有些特殊情況,如高速主軸、托盤自動交換裝置的制作與安裝過于費工、費錢,往往改造成本提高2~3倍,與購置新機床相比,只能節(jié)省投資50%左右。 </p><p> 3.3.2 機械性能穩(wěn)定可靠,結構受限 </p><p> 所利用的床身、立柱等基礎件都是重而堅固的鑄造
19、構件,而不是那種焊接構件,改造后的機床性能高、質量好,可以作為新設備繼續(xù)使用多年。但是受到原來機械結構的限制,不宜做突破性的改造。 </p><p> 3.3.3 熟悉了解設備、便于操作維修 </p><p> 購買新設備時,不了解新設備是否能滿足其加工要求。改造則不然,可以精確地計算出機床的加工能力;另外,由于多年使用,操作者對機床的特性早已了解,在操作使用和維修方面培訓時間短,見效
20、快。改造的機床一安裝好,就可以實現全負荷運轉。 </p><p> 3.3.4 可充分利用現有的條件 </p><p> 可以充分利用現有地基,不必像購入新設備時那樣需重新構筑地基。</p><p> 3.3.5 可以采用最新的控制技術</p><p> 可根據技術革新的發(fā)展速度,及時地提高生產設備的自動化水平和效率,提高設備質量和檔
21、次,將舊機床改成當今水平的機床。</p><p><b> 4 數控系統(tǒng)的選擇</b></p><p> 數控系統(tǒng)主要有三種類型,改造時,應根據具體情況進行選擇。</p><p> 4.1 步進電機拖動的開環(huán)系統(tǒng)</p><p> 該系統(tǒng)的伺服驅動裝置主要是步進電機、功率步進電機、電液脈沖馬達等。由數控系統(tǒng)送出
22、的進給指令脈沖,經驅動電路控制和功率放大后,使步進電機轉動,通過齒輪副與滾珠絲杠副驅動執(zhí)行部件。只要控制指令脈沖的數量、頻率以及通電順序,便可控制執(zhí)行部件運動的位移量、速度和運動方向。這種系統(tǒng)不需要將所測得的實際位置和速度反饋到輸入端,故稱之為開環(huán)系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)的位移精度主要決定于步進電機的角位移精度,齒輪絲杠等傳動元件的節(jié)距精度,所以系統(tǒng)的位移精度較低。 </p><p> 該系統(tǒng)結構簡單,調試維修方便,工作可
23、靠,成本低,易改裝成功。 </p><p> 4.2 異步電動機或直流電機拖動,光柵測量反饋的閉環(huán)數控系統(tǒng) </p><p> 該系統(tǒng)與開環(huán)系統(tǒng)的區(qū)別是:由光柵、感應同步器等位置檢測裝置測得的實際位置反饋信號,隨時與給定值進行比較,將兩者的差值放大和變換,驅動執(zhí)行機構,以給定的速度向著消除偏差的方向運動,直到給定位置與反饋的實際位置的差值等于零為止。閉環(huán)進給系統(tǒng)在結構上比開環(huán)進給系統(tǒng)
24、復雜,成本也高,對環(huán)境室溫要求嚴。設計和調試都比開環(huán)系統(tǒng)難。但是可以獲得比開環(huán)進給系統(tǒng)更高的精度,更快的速度,驅動功率更大的特性指標??筛鶕a品技術要求,決定是否采用這種系統(tǒng)。 </p><p> 4.3 交/直流伺服電機拖動,編碼器反饋的半閉環(huán)數控系統(tǒng) </p><p> 半閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)檢測元件安裝在中間傳動件上,間接測量執(zhí)行部件的位置。它只能補償系統(tǒng)環(huán)路內部部分元件的誤差,因此,它的
25、精度比閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)的精度低,但是它的結構與調試都較閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)簡單。在將角位移檢測元件與速度檢測元件和伺服電機作成一個整體時則無需考慮位置檢測裝置的安裝問題。 </p><p> 當前生產數控系統(tǒng)的公司廠家比較多,著名公司的如德國SIEMENS公司、日本FANUC公司。 </p><p> 選擇數控系統(tǒng)時主要是根據數控改造后機床要達到的各種精度、驅動電機的功率和用戶的要求。 </p>
26、;<p> 5 數控改造中主要機械部件改裝探討 </p><p> 一臺新的數控機床,在設計上要達到:有高的靜動態(tài)剛度;運動副之間的摩擦系數小,傳動無間隙;功率大;便于操作和維修。機床數控改造時應盡量達到上述要求。不能認為將數控裝置與普通機床連接在一起就達到了數控機床的要求,還應對主要部件進行相應的改造使其達到一定的設計要求,才能獲得預期的改造目的。 </p><p>
27、 5.1 滑動導軌副 </p><p> 對數控車床來說,導軌除應具有普通車床導向精度和工藝性外,還要有良好的耐摩擦、磨損特性,并減少因摩擦阻力而致死區(qū)。同時要有足夠的剛度,以減少導軌變形對加工精度的影響,要有合理的導軌防護和潤滑。 </p><p><b> 5.2 齒輪副 </b></p><p> 一般機床的齒輪主要集中在主軸
28、箱和變速箱中。為了保證傳動精度,數控機床上使用的齒輪精度等級都比普通機床高。在結構上要能達到無間隙傳動,因而改造時,機床主要齒輪必須滿足數控機床的要求,以保證機床加工精度。 </p><p> 5.3 滑動絲杠與滾珠絲杠 </p><p> 絲杠傳動直接關系到傳動鏈精度。絲杠的選用主要取決于加工件的精度要求和拖動扭矩要求。被加工件精度要求不高時可采用滑動絲杠,但應檢查原絲杠磨損情況,
29、如螺距誤差及螺距累計誤差以及相配螺母間隙。一般情況滑動絲杠應不低于6級,螺母間隙過大則更換螺母。采用滑動絲杠相對滾珠絲杠價格較低,但難以滿足精度較高的零件加工。 </p><p> 滾珠絲杠摩擦損失小,效率高,其傳動效率可在90%以上;精度高,壽命長;啟動力矩和運動時力矩相接近,可以降低電機啟動力矩。因此可滿足較高精度零件加工要求。 </p><p> 5.4 安全防護 </p
30、><p> 必須以安全為前提。在機床改造中要根據實際情況采取相應的措施,切不可忽視。滾珠絲杠副是精密元件,工作時要嚴防灰塵特別是切屑及硬砂粒進入滾道。在縱向絲杠上也可加整體鐵板防護罩。大拖板與滑動導軌接觸的兩端面要密封好,絕對防止硬質顆粒狀的異物進入滑動面損傷導軌。</p><p> The Numerical Control Engine Bed Transforms</p>
31、<p> First numerical control system development summary brief history and tendency </p><p> In 1946 the first electronic accounting machine was born in the world, this indicated the humanity create
32、d has been possible to strengthen and partially to replace the mental labor the tool. It with the humanity these which in the agriculture, the industry society created only is strengthens the physical labor the tool to c
33、ompare, got up the quantitive leap, entered the information society for the humanity to lay the foundation. </p><p> After 6 years, in 1952, computer technology applied to the engine bed , the first numeric
34、al control engine bed were born in US. From this time on, the traditional engine bed has had the archery target change. Since nearly half century, the numerical control system has experienced two stages and six generatio
35、n of development. </p><p> 1.1 Numerical control (NC) stage (1952 ~ 1970) </p><p> The early computer operating speed is low, was not big to then science computation and the data processing in
36、fluence, but could not adapt the engine bed real-time control request. The people can not but use numeral logic circuit "to build" to become an engine bed special purpose computer to take the numerical control
37、system, is called the hardware connection numerical control (HARD-WIRED NC), Jian Chengwei numerical control (NC). Along with the primary device development, this stage has had been</p><p> 1.2 Computer num
38、erical control (CNC) stage (in 1970 ~ present) </p><p> In 1970, the general minicomputer already appeared and the mass production. Thereupon transplants it takes the numerical control system the core part,
39、 from this time on entered the computer numerical control (CNC) the stage ("which should have computer in front of the general" two characters to abbreviate). In 1971, American INTEL Corporation in the world fi
40、rst time the computer two most cores part -- logic units and the controller, used the large scale integrated circuit technology integration </p><p> The microprocessor is applied to 1974 in the numerical co
41、ntrol system. This is because minicomputer function too strong, controlled an engine bed ability to have wealthily (therefore once uses in controlling the multi- Taiwan engine bed at that time, called it group control),
42、was inferior to used the microprocessor economy to be reasonable. Moreover then small machine reliability was not ideal. The early microprocessor speed and the function although insufficiently are also high, but may solv
43、e t</p><p> In 1990, PC machine (personal computer, domestic custom had called microcomputer) the performance has developed to the very high stage, may satisfiedly take the numerical control system core par
44、t the request. The numerical control system henceforth entered based on the PC stage. </p><p> In brief, the computer numerical control stage has also experienced three generations. Namely 1970 fourth gener
45、ation of -- minicomputer; 1974 five dynasties -- microprocessor and 1990 sixth generation -- (overseas was called PC-BASED) based on PC. </p><p> Also must point out, although overseas already renamed as th
46、e computer numerical control (namely CNC).</p><p> Also must point out, although overseas already renamed as the computer numerical control (namely CNC), but our country still the custom called the numerica
47、l control (NC). Therefore we daily say "numerical control", the materially already was refers to "computer numerical control". </p><p> 1.3 the numerical control future will develop tend
48、ency </p><p> 1.3.1 open style continues to, to develop based on the PC sixth generation of direction </p><p> The software and hardware resources has which based on PC are rich and so on the
49、characteristic, the more numerical controls serial production factory can step onto this path. Uses PC machine to take at least its front end machine, processes the man-machine contact surface, the programming, the assoc
50、iation</p><p> 1.3.2 approaches and the high accuracy development </p><p> This is adapts the engine bed to be high speed and the high accuracy direction need to develop. </p><p>
51、 1.3.3 develops to the intellectualized direction </p><p> Along with the artificial intelligence in the computer domain unceasing seepage and the development, the numerical control system intellectualized
52、 degree unceasingly will enhance. </p><p> (1) applies the adaptive control technology </p><p> The numerical control system can examine in the process some important information, and the auto
53、matic control system related parameter, achieves the improvement system running status the goal. </p><p> (2) introduces the expert system instruction processing </p><p> The skilled worker an
54、d expert's experience, the processing general rule and the special rule store in the system, take the craft parameter database as the strut, the establishment has the artificial intelligence the expert system. </p
55、><p> (3) introduces the breakdown to diagnose the expert system </p><p> (4) intellectualized numeral servo drive </p><p> May through the automatic diagnosis load, but the automat
56、ic control parameter, causes the actuation system to obtain the best movement.</p><p> Second engine bed numerical control transformation necessity </p><p> 2.1 microscopic looks at the tran
57、sformation the necessity </p><p> From on microscopic looked below that, the numerical control engine bed has the prominent superiority compared to the traditional engine bed, moreover these superiority com
58、e from the computer might which the numerical control system contains. </p><p> 2.1.1 may process the traditional engine bed cannot process the curve, the curved surface and so on the complex components<
59、/p><p> Because the computer has the excellent operation ability, may the instant accurately calculate each coordinate axis instant to be supposed the movement physiological load of exercise, therefore may tur
60、n round the synthesis complex curve or the curved surface.</p><p> 2.1.2 may realize the processing automation, moreover is the flexible automation, thus the efficiency may enhance 3 ~ 7 times compared to t
61、he traditional engine bed</p><p> Because the computer has the memory and the memory property, may the procedure which inputs remember and save, then the order which stipulated according to the procedure au
62、tomatic carries out, thus realization automation. The numerical control engine bed so long as replaces a procedure, may realize another work piece processing automation, thus causes the single unit and the small batch of
63、 production can automate, therefore is called has realized "flexible automation". </p><p> 2.2 great watches the transformation the necessity </p><p> From on macroscopic looked that
64、, the industry developed country armed forces, the airplane weapon industry, in the end of the 70's, at the beginning of the 80's started the large-scale application numerical control engine bed. Its essence is,
65、uses the information technology to the traditional industry (including the armed forces, airplane weapon industry) carries on the technological transformations. Except that uses outside the numerical control engine bed,
66、FMC, FMS in the manufacture process, </p><p> Third the numerical control transformation content and superiorly lacks </p><p> 3.1 Transformation industry starting </p><p> In U
67、S, Japan and Germany and so on the developed country, their engine bed transforms took the new economical growth profession, thrives abundantly, is occupying the golden age. As a result of the engine bed as well as the t
68、echnical unceasing progress, the engine bed transformation is "the eternal" topic. Our country's engine bed transformation industry, also enters from the old profession to by the numerical control technolog
69、y primarily new profession. In US, Japan, Germany, have the broad mark</p><p> 3.2 Numerical control transformation content </p><p> The engine bed and the production line numerical control tr
70、ansformation main content has following several points: </p><p> First is extensively recovers the function, to the engine bed, the production line has the breakdown partially to carry on the diagnosis and
71、the restoration; </p><p> Second is NC, the addend reveals the installment on the ordinary engine bed, or adds the numerical control system, transforms the NC engine bed, the CNC engine bed; </p><
72、;p> Third is renovates, for increases the precision, the efficiency and the automaticity, to the machinery, the electricity partially carries on renovates, reassembles the processing to the machine part, extensively
73、recovers the precision; Does not satisfy the production request to it the CNC system to carry on the renewal by newest CNC; </p><p> Fourth is the technology renews or the technical innovation, for enhances
74、 the performance or the scale, or in order to use the new craft, the new technology, carries on the big scale in the original foundation the technology to renew or the technical innovation, the great scope raises the lev
75、el and the scale renewal transformation. The new electrical system transforms after, how carries on the debugging as well as the determination reasonable approval standard, also is the technology preparat</p>&
76、lt;p> 3.3 The numerical control transformation superiorly lacks </p><p> 3.3.1 reduced investment costs, the date of delivery are short</p><p> With purchases the new engine bed to compare
77、, may save 60% ~ 80% expense generally, the transformation expense is low. Large-scale, the special engine bed especially is specially obvious. The common large-scale engine bed transforms, only spends the new engine bed
78、 purchase expense 1/3, the date of delivery is short. But some peculiar circumstances, like the high speed main axle, the tray automatic switching unit manufacture and the installment too requires a lot of work, costs a
79、great deal of mo</p><p> 3.3.2 machine capability stable are reliable, the structure is limited </p><p> Uses foundation and so on lathe bed, column all is heavy but the firm casting component
80、, but is not that kind of welding component, after the transformation engine bed performance high, the quality is good, may take the new equipment continues to use many years. But receives the original mechanism the limi
81、t, not suitably makes the unprecedented transformation. </p><p> 3.3.3 familiar understood the equipment, is advantageous for the operation service </p><p> When purchases the new equipment, d
82、id not understand whether the new equipment can satisfy its processing request. The transformation then otherwise, may precisely calculate the engine bed the processing ability; Moreover, because many years use, the oper
83、ator already understood to the engine bed characteristic, uses and services the aspect to train the time in the operation short, effective is quick. The transformation engine bed as soon as installs, may realize the capa
84、city load revolution. </p><p> 3.3.4 may fully use the existing condition </p><p> May fully use the existing ground, does not need to like buys when the new equipment such to have reto constr
85、uct the ground. </p><p> 3.3.5 may use the newest control technology </p><p> enhances the production equipment the automated level and the efficiency, improves the equipment quality and the s
86、cale, alters to the old engine bed now the horizontal engine bed.</p><p> Fourth, numerical control system choice </p><p> When the numerical control system mainly has three kind of types, the
87、 transformation, should act according to the special details to carry on the choice. </p><p> 4.1 Step-by-steps the open system which the electrical machinery drives </p><p> This system servo
88、 drive mainly is step-by-steps the electrical machinery, the power step-by-steps the electrical machinery, the battery solution pulse motor and so on. Entering sends out which by the numerical control system for instruct
89、ion pulse, after the actuation electric circuit control and the power enlargement, causes to step-by-step the electrical machinery rotation, through gear vice- and ball bearing guide screw vice- actuation executive compo
90、nent. So long as the control command pulse </p><p> This system structure simple, debugging service convenient, work reliable, cost low, is easy to reequip successfully. </p><p> 4.2 The async
91、hronous motor or the direct current machine drive, diffraction grating survey feedback closed loop numerical control system </p><p> This system and the open system difference is: Physical location feedback
92、 signal which by position detector set and so on the diffraction grating, induction synchromesh obtains, carries on the comparison as necessary with the given value, two interpolations enlargements and the transformation
93、, the actuation implementing agency, by the speed which assigns turns towards the elimination deviation the direction movement, until assigns the position and the feedback physical location interpolation is </p>&
94、lt;p> Enters for the system complex in the structure compared to the split-ring, the cost is also high, requests strictly to the environment room temperature. The design and the debugging is all more difficult than t
95、he open system. But may obtain compared to the split-ring enters for a system higher precision, quicker speed, actuation power bigger characteristic target. May act according to the product specification, decided whether
96、 uses this kind of system. </p><p> 4.3 The direct current servo electrical machinery drives, encoder feedback semi-closure link numerical control system </p><p> Half closed-loop system exami
97、nation part installs in among passes in the moving parts, indirectly surveys the executive component the position. It only can compensate a system ring circuit interior part of part the error, therefore, its precision co
98、mpared to closed-loop system precision low, but its structure and the debugging all compares the closed-loop system to be simple. In makes the angular displacement examination part and the speed examination part and the
99、servo electrical machinery time</p><p> The current production numerical control system company factory quite are many, overseas famous company like German SIEMENS Corporation, Japanese FANUC Corporation; N
100、ative corporation like China Mount Everest Corporation, Beijing astronautics engine bed numerical control system group company, Central China numerical control company and Shenyang upscale numerical control country engin
101、eering research center. </p><p> When choice numerical control system mainly is each kind of precision which the engine bed must achieve after the numerical control transformation, actuates the electrical m
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