已閱讀1頁,還剩25頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p>  組合機床和自動線的發(fā)展趨勢</p><p>  摘要:組合機床和組合機床自動線是一種專用高效自動化技術裝備,被廣泛應用于汽車、拖拉機、內燃機和壓縮機等許多工業(yè)生產(chǎn)領域。組合機床及其自動線的技術性能和綜合自動化水平在很大程度上決定了企業(yè)產(chǎn)品的競爭力?,F(xiàn)代組合機床和自動線作為機電一體化產(chǎn)品,它是控制、驅動、測量、監(jiān)控、刀具和機械組件等技術的綜合反映。近20年來,組合機床和自動線技術的不斷發(fā)展。

2、</p><p>  關鍵詞:組合機床自動線節(jié)拍;組合機床柔性化;組合機床自動線柔性化;組合機床綜合自動化程度;組合機床自動線可靠性和利用率</p><p>  組合機床品種的發(fā)展重點</p><p>  在組合機床中,回轉式多工位組合機床(圖2)和自動線(圖3)占有很重要的地位。因為這兩類機床可以把工件的許多加工工序分配到多個加工工位上,并同時能從多個方向對工件的

3、幾個面進行加工,此外,還可以通過轉位夾具(在回轉工作臺機床上)或通過轉位、翻轉裝置(在自動線上)實現(xiàn)工件的五面加工或全部加工,因而具有很高的自動化程度和生產(chǎn)效率,被汽車、摩托車和壓縮機等工業(yè)部門所采用。</p><p>  圖1 鼓輪式組合機床(水平回轉軸線)</p><p>  圖2 回轉式多工位組合機床</p><p><b>  圖3 自動線<

4、;/b></p><p>  自動線節(jié)拍時間進一步縮短</p><p>  目前,以大批量生產(chǎn)為特征的轎車和輕型載貨車,回轉式多工位組合機床和自動線在三班運行的情況下,其節(jié)拍時間一般為20~30秒,當零件生產(chǎn)批量更大時,機床的節(jié)拍時間還要更短些(表1)。</p><p>  表1國外部分自動線和回轉式多工位組合機床的節(jié)拍時間</p><p&

5、gt;  自動線的短節(jié)拍,主要是通過縮短基本時間和輔助時間來實現(xiàn)的。</p><p>  縮短基本時間的主要途徑是采用新的刀具材料和新穎刀具,以通過提高切削速度和進給速度來縮短基本時間。例如,德國大眾汽車廠在加工鋁合金缸蓋燃燒室側面時,采用PCD銑刀,銑削速度高達3075m/min,進給速度達 3600mm/min;在鏜削灰鑄鐵缸體的缸孔時,采用裝有三個可轉位CBN刀片的新穎鏜刀頭,切削速度達 800m/min,

6、進給速度為1500mm/min,加工深度為146mm的缸孔,其實際加工時間僅為5.8s,比傳統(tǒng)加工工藝可縮 短2/3的加工時間。</p><p>  縮短輔助時間主要是縮短包括工件輸送、加工模塊快速引進以及加工模塊由快進轉換為工進后至刀具切入工件所花的時間。為縮短這部分空行程時間,普遍采用提高工件(工件直接輸送)或隨行夾具的輸送速度和加工模塊的快速移動速度。目前,隨行夾具的輸送速度可達60m/min或更高些,加工

7、模塊快速移動速度達40m/min。 目前,隨行夾具高速輸送裝置常用的有電液比例閥控制的或擺線驅動的輸送裝置。電液比例閥控制系統(tǒng)具有良好的啟動和制動性能,且系統(tǒng)結構簡單,這種輸送裝置仍被許多自動線所采用。 </p><p>  組合機床柔性化進展迅速</p><p>  汽車工業(yè),為迎合人們個性化需求,汽車變型品種日益增多,以多品種展開競爭已成為汽車市場競爭的特點之一,這使組合機床制造業(yè)面臨

8、著變型多品種生產(chǎn)的挑戰(zhàn)。為適應多品種生產(chǎn),傳統(tǒng)以加工單一品種的剛性組合機床和自動線必須提高其柔性。汽車市場競爭更趨激烈,產(chǎn)品市場壽命進一步縮短,新車型的開發(fā)周期日益縮短(目前一般為35個月),汽車品種不斷增多,因而汽車工業(yè)對柔性自動化技術裝備的需求量日益增多。組合機床及其自動線在保持其高生產(chǎn)效率的條件下,進一步提高其柔性就愈來愈具有重要意義。 </p><p>  圖4 立柱移動式數(shù)控三坐標加工模塊</p

9、><p>  圖5 自動換箱式多軸加工模塊</p><p>  圖6 轉塔式多軸加工模塊</p><p>  圖7 回轉工作臺式多軸加工模塊</p><p>  組合機床的柔性化主要是通過采用數(shù)控技術來實現(xiàn)的。開發(fā)柔性組合機床和柔性自動線的重要前提是開發(fā)數(shù)控加工模塊,而有著較長發(fā)展歷史的加工中心技術為開發(fā)數(shù)控加工模塊提供了成熟的經(jīng)驗。柔性組

10、合機床和柔性自動線用的數(shù)控加工模塊,按其數(shù)控坐標(軸)數(shù),主要有單坐標(Z)、雙坐標(X-Z、Y-Z、 Z-U和Z-B等)和三坐標(X-Y-Z)加工模塊;按其主軸數(shù),有單軸和多軸加工模塊,也有單軸和多軸復合加工模塊。</p><p>  單坐標加工模塊由數(shù)控滑臺和主軸部件(或多軸箱,包括可換多軸箱)組成。雙坐標加工模塊由數(shù)控十字滑臺和主軸部件組成,如數(shù)控雙坐標銑削模塊。立柱移動式數(shù)控三坐標加工模塊(圖4),其刀具

11、能在三個坐標上實現(xiàn)運動,可根據(jù)加工工件的品種和加工任務 配備刀庫、換刀機械手以及所需的刀具,具有很高的柔性。這種加工模塊是柔性自動線實現(xiàn)多品種加工最重要的模塊之一。</p><p>  立柱移動式CNC三坐標加工模塊可利用X軸和Y軸的聯(lián)動來實現(xiàn)周邊銑削工藝,特別是在銑削象變速箱體這類剛性較差的工件時,可采用較小直徑的銑刀,實現(xiàn)高速(切削速度達2500m/min)周邊銑削,由此減小加工時的切削 力和工件的變形。這比

12、采用雙坐標銑削加工模塊用大直徑銑刀進行銑削要優(yōu)越得多。 </p><p>  多軸加工模塊是又一種重要模塊,主要用于加工箱體和盤類工件的柔性組合機床和柔性自動線。這類模塊有多種不同的結構形式,但基本上可分為自動換箱式多軸加工模塊(圖5)、轉塔式多軸加工模塊(圖6)和回轉工作臺式多軸加工模塊(圖7)。自動換箱式模塊由于可在專門設置的多軸箱庫中儲存較多的多軸箱,故可用來加工較多不同品種的工件。而轉塔式和回轉工作臺式多

13、軸加工模塊,由于在轉塔頭和回轉工作臺上允許裝的多軸箱數(shù)量有限 (一般為4~6個),所以這種加工模塊只能實現(xiàn)有限品種的加工。</p><p>  單軸和多軸復合加工模塊是一種三坐標數(shù)控加工模塊,可通過自動換刀或自動更換多軸箱而實現(xiàn)單軸加工或多軸加工。80年代中期德國Honsberg公司推出的CNCMACH模塊化系統(tǒng)是很有特色的一種模塊化系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)充分應用模塊化結構原理,在作為系統(tǒng)基礎模塊的 CNC三坐標模塊上,通

14、過增減各種不同的功能模塊,拼裝成各種不同坐標或不用工藝用途的加工模塊。具體地說,從坐標看,除三坐標外,還可組成雙坐標和單坐標加工模塊;從刀庫看,可裝設刀具庫和多軸箱庫,可單獨實 現(xiàn)刀具或多軸箱的自動更換,也可依次實現(xiàn)刀具和多軸箱的更換。</p><p>  CNC MACH系統(tǒng),不僅在機械結構方面,而且在控制和軟件等方面也是模塊化的。因此,利用該系統(tǒng)模塊,可以很方便地拼裝成柔性自動線(FTL)、柔性加工單元(FM

15、C)或柔性制造系統(tǒng)(FMS)。 除上述各種CNC加工模塊外,機器人和伺服驅動的夾具也是柔性組合機床和柔性自動線的重要部件。</p><p>  組合機床自動線柔性化的迅速發(fā)展和節(jié)拍時間的日益縮短,充分顯示了CNC技術和刀具技術給組合機床自動線 帶來的巨大技術進步,使柔性自動線在多品種、大批量生產(chǎn)中成為重要的技術裝備。在組合機床和自動線實現(xiàn)柔性化發(fā)展的同時,加工中心高速化發(fā)展異常迅速。90年代初,由于高速加工中心組

16、成的柔性生產(chǎn)線進入大批量生產(chǎn)領域,出現(xiàn)了加工中心與自動線競爭的局面。 </p><p><b>  加工精度日益提高</b></p><p>  表2 轎車發(fā)動機關鍵件的精度</p><p>  汽車制造業(yè)為增強其汽車的競爭力,不斷地加嚴其發(fā)動機關鍵件的制造公差(表2),并通過計算機輔助測量和分析方法,以及通過設備能力檢驗來提高其產(chǎn)品的質量。目

17、前,在驗收組合機床和自動線時,已普遍要求設備的工序能力系數(shù)要大于1.33,有的甚至要求工序能力系數(shù)要大于1.67,以便確保穩(wěn)定的加工精度。組合機床制造廠為了滿足用戶對工件加工精度的高要求,除了進一步提高主軸部件、鏜桿、夾具(包括鏜模)的精度,采用新的專用刀具,優(yōu)化切削工藝過程,采用刀具尺寸測量控制系統(tǒng)和控制機床及工件的熱變形等一系列措施外。目前,在自動線上這種質量保證系統(tǒng)愈來愈多地被用來對整個生產(chǎn)過程中的加工質量進行連續(xù)監(jiān)控。 <

18、/p><p>  綜合自動化程度日益提高</p><p>  為進一步提高工件的加工精度和減少工件在生產(chǎn)過程中的中間儲存、搬運以及縮短生產(chǎn)流程時間,將工件加工流程中的一些非切削加工工序(如工序間的清洗、測量、裝配和試漏等)集成到自動線或自動線組成的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)中,以實現(xiàn)工件加工、表面處理、測量和裝配等工序的綜合自動化。 </p><p>  清洗:在自動線和自動線組成的生產(chǎn)

19、系統(tǒng)中,清洗設備主要用于工件的工序間清洗和工件的最終清洗。工件的工序間清洗主要是為下一道工序創(chuàng)造必要的工作條件。近年來,國內外越來越關注工業(yè)清洗對環(huán)境的污染。</p><p>  自動測量:在自動線上采用自動測量旨在對工件的加工質量進行監(jiān)控。近幾年來,由于自動線節(jié)拍時間的日益縮短、被測工件的精度要求越來越高以及測量又要在生產(chǎn)條件下進行。因此,自動測量系統(tǒng)不僅要具有很高的工作速度和很高的工作精度,并且要具有較強的抗

20、環(huán)境干擾(如切屑、塵埃、冷卻液蒸汽、油液、振動和溫度等)能力或測量系統(tǒng)具有對某些干擾量能進行自動補償?shù)男阅堋?lt;/p><p>  裝配:在主體工件的加工過程中,有的需要將個別零件裝配到主體件上后再繼續(xù)進行加工。在現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)中,已普遍地將這類工序間裝配集成到自動線或自動線組成的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)中。</p><p>  密封性試驗:對一些有密封性能要求的工件(如缸體、缸蓋和進排氣管等),在自動線上經(jīng)一

21、定的切削加工后,需進行密封性試驗,以防止不合格工件進入下一道工序,以致影響產(chǎn)品性能。</p><p>  自動線可靠性和利用率不斷改善和提高</p><p>  為提高自動線加工過程的可靠性、利用率和工件的加工質量,自動線上愈來愈多的采用過程監(jiān)控,對其各組成設備的功能、加工過程和工件加工質量進行監(jiān)控,以便快速識別故障、快速進行故障診斷和早期預報加工偏差,使操作人員和維修人員能及時地進行干預

22、,以縮短設備調試周期、減少設備停機時間和避免加工質量偏差。</p><p>  顯然,提高自動線的利用率和工件加工質量是生產(chǎn)控制和監(jiān)控的主要目的。從目前自動線生產(chǎn)控制和監(jiān)控的內容看,生產(chǎn)控制和監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)基本上是由質量監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)、自動線運行控制與監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)和刀具監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)這幾個部分組成的。</p><p>  近年來,質量監(jiān)控已日益成為現(xiàn)代自動線生產(chǎn)監(jiān)控的重要一環(huán)。由于汽車工業(yè)不斷提高發(fā)動機質量,各

23、汽車制造廠普遍要求將零件的設計公差帶壓縮1/3~1/2作為工序公差,對機床能力系數(shù)提出了很高的要求。為此,自動線制造廠為確保設備具有穩(wěn)定的加工質量,已日益重視應用SPC對自動線的生產(chǎn)過程進行連續(xù)監(jiān)控,對加工質量偏差的趨向進行早期預報,以便把工件的加工公差始終控制在預定的范圍內。</p><p>  現(xiàn)代自動線的過程控制和監(jiān)控不僅包含對變得愈來愈復雜的自動線的過程控制和對所有終點開關、電動機保護開關、節(jié)拍時間、冷卻

24、和潤滑液的供給以及液壓、氣動功能等進行監(jiān)控和診斷,而且還包括對刀具耐用度、設備維修間隔和工件計數(shù)等進行管理,并通過一些直觀的過程圖形顯示、操作指引、故障報警和診斷指示,使操作人員更便于監(jiān)控整個自動線的生產(chǎn)過程。</p><p>  當前,自動線的控制技術已由集中控制方式轉向分散控制方式。根據(jù)對這種新的控制模式的研究表明,采用分散控制系統(tǒng)要比采用集中控制系統(tǒng)可節(jié)省費用5%。這主要是由于分散控制系統(tǒng)可減少電纜敷設費用

25、(采用總線系統(tǒng))、減少電氣保養(yǎng)維修費(由于提高了透明度)、省去控制柜臺架(分散控制系統(tǒng)的控制柜直接設置在自動線的加工工位上)和無需設置集中冷卻裝置等。分散控制系統(tǒng)的模塊化和標準化也有利于降低成本和提高透明度。</p><p>  切削過程監(jiān)控(刀具碰撞、刀具磨損和刀具破損等監(jiān)控)是現(xiàn)代自動線過程監(jiān)控的重要組成部分。在切削加工中,主要的干擾是來自刀具,象汽車發(fā)動機缸體、缸蓋和變速箱體等復雜工件的加工,往往要采用許多

26、條自動線,上千把刀具,刀具出現(xiàn)超過磨損極限和破損的概率比較高,通過對切削過程進行監(jiān)控可顯著地減少自動線的停機時間。如德國一汽車廠的缸蓋加工自動線,由于采用了切削過程監(jiān)控系統(tǒng),使自動線的生產(chǎn)率提高了8%。</p><p>  在自動線上,對多軸鉆削和攻絲進行監(jiān)控具有特別重要意義。由于傳感器技術的不斷進步,多軸鉆削監(jiān)控和攻絲監(jiān)控技術已日趨成熟。</p><p><b>  結束語&l

27、t;/b></p><p>  近20年來,我國組合機床自動線技術取得了長足進步,自動線在加工精度、生產(chǎn)效率、利用率、柔性化和綜合自動化等方面的巨大進步,標志著組合機床自動線技術發(fā)展達到的高水平。自動線的技術發(fā)展,刀具、控制和其它相關技術的進步以及用戶需求變化起著重要的推動作用,其中,特別是CNC控制技術對自動線結構的變革及其柔性化起著決定性作用。</p><p>  隨著市場需求的

28、變化,柔性將愈來愈成為決擇設備的重要因素。因此,自動線也面臨由高速加工中心組成的FMS的激烈競爭。</p><p>  Combination machine tools and automatic line the development trend</p><p>  Abstract: Combination machine tools and Combination machine

29、 tools automatic line is a kind of special high automation technology and equipment, which has been widely used in automobiles, tractors, internal combustion engines and compressors many industrial production field. Comb

30、ination machine tools and automatic line of the technical performance and integrated automation level in largely determines the enterprise product's competitiveness. Modern Combination machine tools and automatic lin

31、e as </p><p>  Keywords: Combination machine tools automatic line beat;Flexible Combination machine tools;Combination machine tools automatic line flexibility;Combination machine tools integrated automation

32、degree; Combination machine tools automatic line reliability and efficiency</p><p>  Combination machine tools of varieties of key growth</p><p>  In Combination machine tools, rotary multistage

33、 Combination machine tools (Figure 2) and automatic line (Figure 3 ) occupies a very important position. Because of these two kinds of machine can be the piece of many processes allocation to multiple processing availabl

34、e, and at the same time can from multiple directions of workpiece surface processing, several in addition, through inversion fixture (in the rotation workbench machine) or through inversion, turn-over device (on) to impl

35、ement the wor</p><p>  Figure 1 drum wheeled Combination machine tools (level rotary axis)</p><p>  Figure 2 rotary multistage Combination machine tools</p><p>  Figure 3

36、automatic line</p><p>  Automatic line takt time further shorten</p><p>  At present, mass production is the characteristic of cars and light carriage, rotary multistage Combination machine tool

37、s and automatic line in class three operation, its takt time is generally 20 ~ 30 seconds, when parts production batch larger, and the machine's takt time when more short (Table 1).</p><p>  Table 1 f

38、oreign part automatic line and rotary multistage Combination machine tools of takt time</p><p>  Automatic line of short meter, mainly through shorten basic time and auxiliary time to realize.</p><

39、;p>  To shorten the main way is basic timing tool material and adopt new novel knives, to through improving the cutting speed and feeding speed to shorten the basic time. For example, Volkswagen car factory in aluminu

40、m alloy cylinder combustion chamber flanking, using PCD milling cutter, milling speed up to 3075m/min, feed rate of 3600mm/min, In the cylinder block 1ta series of grey cast iron, using equipped with three holes can turn

41、 a boring cutter blades of novel CBN, cutting speed reaches 800m/min</p><p>  Shorten auxiliary time is mainly shorten including workpiece conveying, processing module rapid introduction as well as processin

42、g module by fast forward convert into after work to tool cut workpiece spends time. For shortening the travel time, this part empty universally adopted enhance workpieces direct transport) or (workpiece accompanying jig

43、transmission speed and processing module of rapid movement speed. At present, accompanying jig conveyor speed can reach 60m/min or higher, processing m</p><p>  Combination machine tools flexible progression

44、</p><p>  Automobile industry, to cater for people personalized needs, car variant varieties was increasing, with many varieties compete has become one of the characteristics of automobile market competition

45、, this makes Combination machine tools manufacturing faced variant multiple variety production challenge. In order to adapt to the multiple variety production, traditional by processing single crop rigidity Combination m

46、achine tools and automatic line needs to improve its flexibility. Auto market compe</p><p>  Figure 4 pillar mobile nc three coordinates processing module</p><p>  Figure 5 automatically cha

47、nge stallations.the multiaxial processing module</p><p>  Figure 6 turn tower multiaxial processing module</p><p>  Figure 7 rotary work desktop multiaxial processing module</p><p&

48、gt;  Combination machine tools is primarily through the flexible adopts CNC technology to realize. Develop flexible Combination machine tools and flexible automatic line of important premise is the development of nc mach

49、ining module, and has a long history of machining center technology for development of nc machining module provides mature experiences. Flexible Combination machine tools and flexible automatic line with nc machining mod

50、ule, according to the nc coordinates (axis) number, basically hav</p><p>  Single coordinate by nc machining module sliding table and the spindle component (or more spindle box, including can change more spi

51、ndle box) composition. Double coordinates by nc machining module cross platform and spindle sliding parts, such as CNC double coordinates milling module. Pillar mobile nc three coordinates processing module (Figure 4), i

52、ts tool in three coordinates can be implemented on sports, parts to be processed varieties and machining task equipped with tool store, cutter repla</p><p>  Pillar mobile CNC three coordinates processing mo

53、dules available X axis and Y axis to realize the interaction of peripheral milling process, especially in milling speed of this kind of rigid body like poor workpiece, can be made smaller diameter milling cutter, realize

54、 high speed (cutting speed reaches 2500m/min) peripheral milling, thus reduce processing cutting force and deformation of the workpiece. This is better than adopt double coordinates milling module with large diameter mil

55、ling cutter</p><p>  The multiaxial processing module is also an important modules, mainly used for machining cabinet and dish of workpiece flexible Combination machine tools and flexible automatic line. Thi

56、s module have many different structure form, but basically can be divided into automatically change stallations.the multiaxial processing module (Figure 5), and turn tower multiaxial processing module (Figure 6) and rota

57、ry work desktop multiaxial processing module (Figure 7). Automatically change stallations.the </p><p>  Uniaxial and multiaxial compound machining module is a kind of three coordinates nc machining module, c

58、an change through the automatic knife or automatic replacement spindle box should realize uniaxial processing or the multiaxial processing. Mid 80's Germany Honsberg company launched CNCMACH modular system is very di

59、stinctive a modular system, this system can be applied modular structure theory, as a system of CNC based module on the module, three coordinates by increase or decrease of various </p><p>  CNC MACH system,

60、 not only in the mechanical structure but also in control and software etc is modular and. Therefore, the use of the system module can be easily assembles into flexible automatic line (FTL), flexible machining unit (FMC)

61、 or flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). In addition to the various kinds of CNC processing module outside, robot and servo drive of fixture is flexible Combination machine tools and flexible automatic line of important

62、 component.</p><p>  Combination machine tools automatic line flexible rapid development and takt time of increasingly shorter, fully displays the CNC technology and the cutting tool technology to Combinatio

63、n machine tools with the great automatic line technological progress, make flexible automatic line in many varieties, mass production become important technical equipment. In Combination machine tools and automatic line

64、to realize the flexible development and at the same time, high speed machining center to abnor</p><p>  Machining accuracy is increasing day by day</p><p>  Table 2 car engine health precisio

65、n</p><p>  Automobile manufacturing for enhance its competitiveness, car continually add strict its engine health of manufacturing tolerance (table 2), and through computer aided measurement and analysis met

66、hod, and through equipment capacity test to improve the quality of its products. At present, the acceptance Combination machine tools and automatic line, already universal demand equipment process ability coefficient tha

67、n 1.33, some even requirements process ability coefficient than 1.67, in order to en</p><p>  Integrated automation degree is increasing day by day</p><p>  To further improve the machining accu

68、racy and reduce the workpiece in production process of intermediate storage, handling and shorten the production process time, the workpiece machining processes of some of the machining procedure (such as between product

69、ion processes cleaning, measuring, assembly and test leakage, etc.) are integrated into the automatic line or automatic line composed of production system, in order to realize the workpiece processing, surface treatment,

70、 measurement and assemb</p><p>  Cleaning: in automatic line and automatic line composed of production system, cleaning equipment is mainly used for the workpiece process between the final rinse clean and wo

71、rkpiece. The workpiece process between cleaning are mainly for next procedure, create the necessary working conditions. In recent years, domestic and foreign pay more and more attention to industrial cleaning pollution t

72、o the environment.</p><p>  Automatic measurement: in automatic line adopts automatic measurement of the workpiece machining quality to monitor. In recent years, due to the automatic line takt time measured

73、by the increasingly shorter, workpiece precision demand is higher and higher and the measured again want in production conditions. Therefore, automatic measurement system should not only has high speed and high precision

74、, and will work with strong anti environmental interference (such as scraps, dust, cooling fluid stea</p><p>  Assembly: the subject of workpiece machining process, some needs will individual part assembly t

75、o subject pieces again after continue processing. In modern production, already generally this kind of process between assembly integrated into the automatic line or automatic line composed of production systems.</p&g

76、t;<p>  Tightness test: for some sealed performance requirements of workpiece (such as the cylinder block and head and into the exhaust pipe etc), in automatic line on the certain after cutting processing, need to

77、 undertake sealing test, in order to prevent the unqualified workpiece into the next procedure that affect the product performance.</p><p>  Automatic line reliability and constantly improve and enhance the

78、utilization ratio</p><p>  In order to improve the machining process of the automatic line reliability, availability and workpiece machining quality, automatic line on more and more using process monitoring,

79、 the function of each composition equipment and machining process and workpiece machining quality monitoring, so fast identification of fault, fast for fault diagnosis and early forecast processing deviation, make the op

80、erator and maintenance personnel can timely intervention to shorten the equipment debugging cycle, r</p><p>  Obviously, raise the utilization rate of automatic line and workpiece machining quality is the pr

81、oduction control and monitoring the main goal. From the current transfer machine production control and monitoring content viewing, production control and monitoring system is basically by quality monitoring system, auto

82、matic line operation control and monitoring system and the cutting tool monitoring system this several parts.</p><p>  In recent years, the quality monitoring has become a modern automatic line production mo

83、nitoring is important one annulus. As the car industry continuously improve quality, each engine automobile factory universal demand will parts design tolerance zone compression 1/3 to 1/2 as a process of machine capacit

84、y coefficient of tolerance, raised very tall requirement. Therefore, automatic line factory to ensure that equipment has the stable machining quality, already pay more attention to the applica</p><p>  Moder

85、n automatic line process control and monitoring to become increasingly complex includes not only the automatic line of the process control and to all end switch, motor protecting switch, takt time, cooling and lubricatio

86、n fluids supply and hydraulic, pneumatic functions monitoring and diagnosis, but also include tooling durability, equipment maintenance intervals and workpiece counting manage, and through some intuitive process graphic

87、display, operating instructions, fault alarm and diagno</p><p>  At present, automatic line control technology has already by centralized control mode steering decentralized control mode . According to the n

88、ew control mode of the research indicate that the distributed control system than with centralized control system can save cost 5%. This is mainly because decentralized control system can reduce cables fee (by bus system

89、), reduce electrical maintenance maintenance (due to improve the transparency), save contorol bench (distributed control system controllin</p><p>  Cutting process monitoring (tool collision, tool wear and t

90、ool breakage etc monitoring) is a modern automatic line process monitoring is an important part of. In machining, the main disturbance is from cutting tools, like the automobile engine cylinder block and head and variabl

91、e speed case etc complex workpiece machining, tend to adopt the automatic line, many thousands of knife, the cutting tool wear and tear appear more than limit of probability is higher, through the cutting process monitor

92、i</p><p>  In automatic line, of multiaxial drilling and tapping monitor has important significance. Due to the sensor technology advances, the multiaxial drilling monitoring and tapping monitoring technolog

93、y has become increasingly mature.</p><p><b>  Closing</b></p><p>  Over the past 20 years, China's Combination machine tools automatic line technology has made considerable progr

94、ess, automatic line in machining accuracy, production efficiency, utilization, flexibility and integrated automation etc, marking the great progress of technology development to a portfolio tools automatic line of high l

95、evel. Automatic line technical development, cutting tool, control and other relevant technological advance and user demand change plays an important role in promoting, a</p><p>  Along with the change of mar

96、ket demand, flexible will are increasingly becoming the important factor of choice equipment. Therefore, automatic line also faced by the high speed machining center of FMS is composed of competition.</p><p>

97、;  References: </p><p>  [1] CongFengTing. Combination machine tools design (second edition) [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai science and technology press, 1994.</p><p>  [2] XieGuYing. Combination machi

98、ne tools design reference manual [M].beijing: machinery industry press, 1994.</p><p>  [3] non-standard equipment design. YaoYongMing [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai jiaotong university press, 1999.</p><p

99、>  [4] YangLiMing. The machine tool's fixture design manual [M].beijing: national defense industry press, 1996.</p><p>  [5] LiHong. Machining technology handbook. Beijing. Beijing press. 1990</p&g


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