
已閱讀1頁,還剩9頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p>  成本會計的形成和重要性</p><p>  成本會計在舊中國只是粗具雛形,在新中國才有巨大發(fā)展。由于社會主義建設(shè)的偉大實踐,我國培育了數(shù)代成本管理人才,且其中不乏校校者,但許多富有創(chuàng)造性的實踐并不曾在理論上充分反映。相對地說,成本會計在理論上不僅先天不足,并且后天失調(diào),這從數(shù)十年一貫的成本會計教材可見端倪。約言之,從20世紀50年代起關(guān)于成本會計的理論闡述就是錯誤的,此后半個世紀中略有修補,

2、但抱殘守缺的基本思路末變。本文僅先就闡述成本理論的起點即基點略抒己見。 </p><p><b>  一、問題的提出 </b></p><p>  每一學(xué)科都是一個概念系統(tǒng),它并非概念的堆集,而是按客觀邏輯依次展開。《資本論》就是從商品二重性--價值--交換--貨幣--資本……依次展開。半個世紀以來對成本會計的論述自不例外:這些教材都不約而同地從分

3、析商品二重性開始,從價值引向社會平均必要勞動量。由于成本不包含剩余勞動,于是從社會必要生產(chǎn)費引向成本本質(zhì)。但都諱言成本!不直截說出成本是什么,回避給成本下定義。歷史上大概只是唯心論的佛教禪宗講頓悟,才主張第一義不可說??茖W(xué)不能這樣,馬克思在《資本論》第l卷第5章闡述勞動過程時,就引用 富蘭克林給人下的定義是《atool-makinganima心制造工具的動物。相形之下,一些成本文獻老是從抽象到抽象,因為本質(zhì)或?qū)嵸|(zhì)終歸是抽象,似

4、乎在做文字游戲。 </p><p>  這些教材的作者對成本的本質(zhì)或?qū)嵸|(zhì)并不一定了然,當(dāng)敘述到損失性費用時便破綻立見。許多文獻將廢品損失之類一律稱為損失性費用,并不考察這些損失在一定生產(chǎn)力水平條件下,是否是正常的、必要的,能否避免的,都顧名思義地認定為非必要生產(chǎn)費。 </p><p>  上述教本就寫道:損失性支出(如廢品損失)雖不形成產(chǎn)品價值,也需列入產(chǎn)品成本,必須嚴

5、格控制。這種不考慮生產(chǎn)力水平、對損失一律視同非必要生產(chǎn)費,主張嚴格控制,要求損失和消耗越少越好的片面觀點,對指導(dǎo)成本管理實踐只能有害無益。</p><p>  不妨設(shè)想,某種廢品損失在當(dāng)今生產(chǎn)力條件下是正常的,必要的;為了堅持嚴格控制的理論指導(dǎo),生產(chǎn)中很可以一味精工細作,因而廢品確實可能下降。但是為此精工細作的所費往往超出降低廢品的所得。物料消耗也是如此,例如機械運轉(zhuǎn)要添加潤滑油,多加固然浪費,如果一味控制,添加

6、過少便會導(dǎo)致部件磨損,甚至出現(xiàn)大事故。固定資產(chǎn)壽命以及煉鋼爐齡也不是越長越好,明眼人都清楚,可是一些成本教材中卻孤立、靜止地重復(fù)嚴格控制的說教,這不是理論遠落后于實踐嗎引以上只不過是就成本論成本,省小失大。事實發(fā)展還不盡如此。深圳有一家南方玻璃公司,公司股票上市稱 深南玻,在籌備股票上市時公司廢品達40%以上。公司管理層居然宣稱:必須堅持高廢品率,贏得信譽,以便出口獲得優(yōu)價。這遠不是傳統(tǒng)的嚴格控制觀念,也不是就成本論成本,而是

7、就信譽,優(yōu)價來看待廢品。小荷剛露尖尖角!這正是一種成本管理的新視野,而成本會計理論是否值得更新呢! </p><p>  此外,如百接成本與間接成本、變動成本和固定成本,以及可控制成本和不可控制成本,都是一對對辯證概念,其間不存在不可逾越的界限。又如輔助車間的若干種分配方法之間,分明存在辯證的聯(lián)系和關(guān)系。 </p><p>  不妨順便指出:上述三對辯證概念即六個成本名

8、詞或術(shù)語在中國成本文獻中,往往不稱成本而稱為費用,如直接費用等等。成本與費用混淆不清。而且用費用表述成本的頻率高得多川企業(yè)會計準則》與《企業(yè)財務(wù)通則》規(guī)定企業(yè)管理費用、銷售費用和財務(wù)費用當(dāng)作期間費用,直接計入當(dāng)期損益。換言之,費用不應(yīng)計人產(chǎn)品成本??梢哉J為,這是與國際接軌的開端,但兩則對成本和費用的區(qū)分作了不正確的表述,只好另文討論。這里只簡述西方對二者的區(qū)分:成本是有效的成本 (un-expired cost),是

9、可以計人庫存 (當(dāng)作資產(chǎn))的成本 (inventorial cost)刊;而費用是失效的成本(exprired cost),當(dāng)然也是不應(yīng)計人庫存并構(gòu)成資產(chǎn)的成本。成本文獻中構(gòu)詞不當(dāng)?shù)拿~術(shù)語遠不只上述,不贅述。</p><p><b>  二、幾點反思 </b></p><p>  (一)成本不屬于價值范疇。《資本論》

10、旨在分析資本剝削制度,因此從分析資本主義社會中最普遍、最常見的商品的二重性人手,正是抓住了要領(lǐng);但是作為成本會計教材也從分析商品二重性開始,這是為了說明什么呢?可能是一些理論工作者依據(jù)馬克思關(guān)于價值w的公式: W=C+V+m, 令成本為k,于是: w=k+m,移項:k=w-m 也就是:成本等于商品價值減剩余價值。但須指出:這里的成本k是一個抽象,或者說,它是成本的本質(zhì)部分,即社會必要生產(chǎn)費的一部分

11、,并非成本會計作為對象的現(xiàn)實的歷史成本。 </p><p>  馬克思早在《資本論》第3卷第1章指出,成本具有一種假象,似乎它是價值本身的一個范疇。不僅指明是假象,并且正面指出,成本這一范疇,同商品的價值的形成或同資本的增值過程毫無關(guān)系。(中共中央編譯局譯,人民出版社1978年版《資本論》第3卷第33頁)。換言之,成本只是生產(chǎn)過程中的耗費,資本借生產(chǎn)耗費的過程來對勞動者實行剝削,但這種生產(chǎn)耗費與榨取的剩

12、余價值率和量的大小程度是毫不相關(guān)的。由此可見,半個世紀以來借助從商品二重性人手來解說成本,從根本上是誤會,從惟理上終于未能將成本是什么說明白。 </p><p>  (二)不能脫離生產(chǎn)力論成本。由于從商品二重性入手闡述成本,并由價值代表社會平均必要勞動量推導(dǎo)出成本之本質(zhì)是社會必要生產(chǎn)費的一部分;這種從抽象到抽象的推導(dǎo)是不必經(jīng)過深思熟慮,完全可以從形式邏輯推導(dǎo)得出的。以上不加區(qū)分地將廢品損失斷定為不構(gòu)成產(chǎn)

13、品價值的說法,當(dāng)然也是不遵從辯證邏輯而按照形式邏輯得出的推論。然而這毫厘之差,卻謬以千里。</p><p>  馬克思曾舉工廠紡織棉紗為例,假定把棉花紡成棉紗的時候,每天115磅棉花中有15磅沒有變成棉紗,而是變成了飛花。如果損失這15磅棉花是正常的,在棉花的平均加1條件下是不可避免的。那么這15磅棉花雖然不是棉紗的要素,但它的價值同形成棉紗實體的棉花完全一樣,也加入棉紗的價值中。為了生產(chǎn)100磅棉紗,15磅棉花

14、的使用價值必須成為飛花(同上書第3卷第232頁)。由此可見,對飛花的損失,廢品損失和其它類似損失,都應(yīng)作如是觀:即考慮平均加工條件。,也就是生產(chǎn)力水平。 </p><p>  一部人類社會史,特別是科技發(fā)展史中,每一進步的標志不是生產(chǎn)什么而是如何生產(chǎn)。鄉(xiāng)村的水磨出現(xiàn)使人類進入農(nóng)業(yè)社會,蒸汽機的發(fā)明使人類進人工業(yè)社會,而生產(chǎn)力的提高總是和成本呈反比例而下降。半個世紀以來,科技總是從代用和縮微以及上規(guī)模這三

15、方面促使成本神奇般地飛速下降。代用的事例十分普遍,用玻璃纖維代銅線傳輸信息,用量少、成本低、傳輸?shù)男畔⒘慷啵瑤撞豢赏斩Z。縮微的典型是電子工業(yè),由電子管發(fā)展到晶體管,再從集成電路發(fā)展到第兒代的集成電路。如今不到手掌大的計算器在20世紀40年代居然是要占用兩間辦公室的龐大裝置,因此它的生產(chǎn)成本以每10年下降90%的高速度展現(xiàn)出來。而以上諸方面的結(jié)果又使世界對銅、鋼鐵等傳統(tǒng)材料的需求日趨下降,對節(jié)約世界非再生產(chǎn)資源又是好事。 &

16、lt;/p><p>  以上所謂一念之差,是指過去只是從概念推導(dǎo)得出成本本質(zhì)是必要生產(chǎn)費的一部分,卻未真正理解社會生產(chǎn)力才是區(qū)別必要與非必要生產(chǎn)費的分水嶺,而生產(chǎn)力又可由人力推進而變動不居的。可是過去的成本文獻中再不涉及從必要費與非必要費二者的區(qū)別中探討從不同途徑謀求降低成本的措施的可能性。這無疑是根本性的欠缺??梢哉J為,成本會計除了提供信息,更應(yīng)把如何謀求降低和優(yōu)化成本當(dāng)成更主要的任務(wù),這是可行的,也是必要的,例如

17、: </p><p>  l、對非必要生產(chǎn)費可以從加強常規(guī)管理,盡可能地謀求節(jié)約;</p><p>  2、對必要生產(chǎn)費同樣可以因時因地制宜地有所作為: </p><p>  其一是從技術(shù)改造或革新來提高生產(chǎn)力水平,使必要費轉(zhuǎn)化為非必要費; </p><p>  其二是采用優(yōu)化的途徑,即便生產(chǎn)技術(shù)上不曾變動,同樣

18、能有效地降低成本。我曾在拙著《經(jīng)濟效益審計》(1991年改革出版社版)第3章后另增附錄專廣]討論優(yōu)化,并就單指標、雙指標、多指標直至系統(tǒng)優(yōu)化逐一舉例。扼要說來: </p><p>  (1)單指標。采用一分為二的方法對任何技術(shù)經(jīng)濟指標如煉鋼爐齡、設(shè)備、房屋使用壽命、廢品率、實收率等都可從為此付出的代價,和因此所獲的效益,從正負、得失之間權(quán)衡優(yōu)劣。 </p><p>  


20、達到約定的精礦品位標準,又降低了資源流失。</p><p>  (3)三個相聯(lián)的指標。這時相互比較權(quán)衡的因素既多,避弊趨利的思路更廣寬。要言之,納入考察的指標越多,更利于適用系統(tǒng)分析。補述一句:運用唯物辯證法,除了對單指標運用一分為二,其余是講聯(lián)系;歸根到底,一一分為二仍然是考察分為二的雙方的聯(lián)系,分的目的是找到二,從而看雙方聯(lián)系。由此可見,優(yōu)化講系統(tǒng)分析,實際是辯證法。</p><p>

21、<b>  三、生產(chǎn)二重性 </b></p><p>  看來從商品二重性的分析人手來闡述成本,不僅在理論上站不住腳。并且因為忽視生產(chǎn)力水平對成本的決定性意義,從此脫離成本與生產(chǎn)力以及產(chǎn)品和市場之間依存制的聯(lián)系和關(guān)系,局限于就成本論成本,使成本會計從理論上走向死胡同,因而有必要從根本上考慮改革。正確的選擇應(yīng)政從生產(chǎn)二重性出發(fā)。生產(chǎn)過程既是人力、物力、財力的耗費過程,同時也是產(chǎn)品的形

22、成過程。投入和產(chǎn)出是活生生的現(xiàn)實,彼此又是矛盾的對立和統(tǒng)一。投人是為了產(chǎn)出,沒有投入便沒有產(chǎn)出;不求產(chǎn)出自然不會投入,無效的產(chǎn)出也使投人變成浪費。 </p><p>  從分析生產(chǎn)二重性出發(fā),再從生產(chǎn)的耗費直接引出成本的概念和定義,從生產(chǎn)的目的和結(jié)果引向產(chǎn)品和市場。從此成本和產(chǎn)品再不是彼此分離、孤立的概念,永遠是矛盾的對立和統(tǒng)一。而這種統(tǒng)一中又以生產(chǎn)力為中間的基本連結(jié)鏈,這里包含雙重意義:一是產(chǎn)品成本水


24、成本的理解十分狹窄,幾乎在理論上局限于工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的結(jié)果。對于十年樹木的林業(yè)以及起碼一年以上甚至長達三、五年的房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)業(yè),如果不另作補充規(guī)定,便會使這類行業(yè)或產(chǎn)業(yè)在產(chǎn)品竣工或成材可以銷售前數(shù)年無端在帳面上出現(xiàn)虛虧! </p><p>  如上所述,從分析生產(chǎn)二重性,一方面從生產(chǎn)耗費引出成本,再從成本的偶然性和必然性引出成本本質(zhì),冉從本質(zhì)與非木質(zhì)部分的區(qū)分引出如上所述如何分別采取不同途徑謀求降低不同部分成本

25、的相應(yīng)措施。僅就此而論,這樣的邏輯順序不僅順理成章,而且符合從具體到坤象的認識進程。且再從成本的偶然性說起。</p><p>  偶然是必然的表現(xiàn)和存在形式,產(chǎn)品成本涵蓋的因素多,偶然的因素便多,最典型的是技術(shù)上的正負公差;可見實際(歷史)成本乃是諸多偶然表現(xiàn)的綜合。持傳統(tǒng)觀念的會計師往往堅持他們計算的成本是 準確無誤的。不錯,用他們計算的成本結(jié)算當(dāng)期損益也會是準確無誤的,但他無法說明其中某些成本項目或


27、#160; </p><p>  Cost accounting formation and significance</p><p>  The cost accounting is only a rude utensil embryonic form in old China , has enormous development just now in new China.

28、Because of great socialist construction practice, our country has cultivated number generation control of production cost talented person , the practice being no lack of person of school of school, but a lot of rich crea

29、tiveness among them has reported and not once in terms of theory sufficiently. Say in terms of theory not only, the cost accountant is congenitally deficient, </p><p>  One, problem suggesting that</p>

30、<p>  Every discipline all is a concept system , its not conceptual stack is gathered, but is that the logic spreads out in proper order according to the objective. Capital be capital from dual character of commod

31、ity- - value- - money of exchange, Spread out in proper order. Direct on the cost accounting discussion during the past half centuries from block of wood exception: These teaching material begins all simultaneously from

32、 analysing a dual character of commodity , leads the average amount of so</p><p>  These teaching material authors are not bound to be clear to cost nature or essence , just the flaw sees immediately when sh

33、ould recount to loss cost. A lot of document calls discard loss loss cost and the like without exception , does not inspect these loss under certain productivity level condition , firmly believes that whether being to wh

34、ether can avoid , seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function regular , necessary or not, for being not necessary production expenses.</p><p>  The above-mentioned textbook writes right away saying

35、: Loss is expended (if the discard loses) though not forming product value , necessaries also lists in cost of goods manufactured, must subjugate. This thinks that productivity is horizontal , look at without exception t

36、o loss and must certainly need production expenses , advocate strict control , demands the viewpoint losing and consuming the fewer , the better single-facet , guides control of production cost practice to be able to onl

37、y be no</p><p>  It would be well if tentative plan , some kind of discard loss are regular , necessary under productivity in the nowadays condition; Guide for the theory persisting in subjugating , can inte

38、nsively and carefully work out blindly very much in giving birth to a child, the discard may come down as a result indeed. But, what be wasted intensively and carefully working out for this purpose sometimes exceeds the

39、gains reducing a discard. Material consumption is also that so , for instance, machinery w</p><p>  Besides, change cost and fixed cost if hundred takes over cost and indirect cost, may control cost and be n

40、ot allowed to control cost and, being to discriminate a concept pair , impassable boundary do not exist between them. Between assigning method some kinds if assisting a workshop's, connection and relation that clear

41、existence discriminates.</p><p>  Why not point out passingly: Above-mentioned three pair of dialectical concept are six cost nouns or technical terms in Chinese cost document , do not sometimes call cost bu

42、t are called cost, if direct cost waits a minute. Cost and cost are blurring. And use cost formulation cost frequency Gaodeduo river criteria for enterprise accounting " to enter with the cost , direct plan stipulat

43、ing that enterprise administration cost , selling expenses and financial affairs cost are regarded as a period "</p><p>  Two, several rethink profoundly</p><p>  (1) cost does not belong t

44、o the value category. Capital aim at analysing capital exploiting system, hand, exactly is to have grasped main point therefore from the dual character analysing common , the most common commodity of capitalist society m

45、iddle; Teaching material begins but as the cost accounting also from analysing a dual character of commodity , what this is for explanation? May be that a few theory workers judge by Max's formula about value w: W=c

46、+v+m, make cost be k,thereupon:  W=k+m</p><p>  The 3rd volume 1st of chapters point out Max as far back as Capital , cost has one kind of false appearance , it is value a category of self seemingly. No

47、t only show clearly be that false appearance, and the facade point out, cost this one category , the formation with the commodity value or the added value process with capital are totally unrelated. (The Central Committe

48、e of the Communist Party of China compilation and translation bureau translates, the people press printing plate Capital in 19</p><p>  (2) can not isolate self from productivity commenting on cost. Since th

49、at the average amount of socially necessary labor starting with the dual character of commodity setting forth cost, and representing from value deduces out nature of cost is that society is necessary produce the wasteful

50、 part; This is an unnecessarily course chewing the cud from abstract to abstract derivation , can infer from Aristotelian logic completely reach. All above does not distinguish the deduction that the field rea</p>

51、<p>  Max Zeng Ju factory spinning and weaving cotton yarn is an example , having not becoming cotton yarn 15 pound among 115 pound of cotton every day on the supposition that cotton is spun when becoming cotton y

52、arn,is to have become flying but. If losing this 15 pound of cotton is regular, be inevitable under average cotton increment condition. Its value and the cotton forming the cotton yarn entity's are then exactly alike

53、 although this 15 pound of cotton being not the cotton yarn key element,in t</p><p>  A volume human society history, every progressive signs are not what to produce but be how to give birth to a child espec

54、ially in science and technology phylogeny. That the country water mill appears makes human being enter agricultural society , the steam engine invention makes human being receive person industrial society , the productiv

55、ity rise assumes inverse proportion but comes down but always with cost. Science and technology always complies with substitute the sum micro and upper scale d</p><p>  The above so-called a great mistake ma

56、de in a moment of weakness, the part being that referring to the nature go over however infer from the concept reaching cost is necessary production expenses, has not understood that social productive forces is really di

57、fferentiating necessary production expenses of necessary Not And watershed, but productivity may changed able because manpower pushes forward really but. But if past cost do not involve in complying with the possibility

58、discussing the measure</p><p>  1 , the routine producing a fee to being not necessary being able to comply with a sharpening are managed , are seek economy as far as possible;</p><p>  2, certa

59、inly needs production expenses face to face same can accomplish to some extent in a manner appropriate to local conditions time the reason;</p><p>  One is that productivity is horizontal from changing its t

60、echnology or coming improve innovation , makes the necessary fee change into to being not a necessary fee;</p><p>  It's two is to adopt the approach optimizing , costs down even if alteration , the same

61、 energy are never effective on the technology. I (reform printing plate 3rd chapter queen of press another increase an appendix discussing an optimization specifically broadly] , single together index , pair of indices ,

62、 many indices once in my writing "the economic effect audits " in 1991) until system optimization gives an example one by one. To the point as a matter of fact:</p><p>  (1) Shan index. Adopt the m

63、ethod bisecting to wait to may from the price paying for this purpose to any technology economic target if steelmaking furnace life , equipment , building life time , rejection rate , actually recieve rates, what be judg

64、ed between beneficial result , secondary positiveness and negativeness , advantages and disadvantages obtaining is therefore superior or inferior and.</p><p>  (2) pair of index. But lose the approach obtain

65、ing big benefit be small from making a choice in judging first , second directly most, the spirit tends towards an interest rate besides avoiding meeting the disadvantage practice , the zinc ore stone reason hides for in

66、stance not leading to an oxide very much, elect to such an extent as the ore is difficult to oxidize in the beneficiation roaming, running off is big but actually recieve rates low, oxidize with vulcanization ore there b

67、e no a differ</p><p>  (3) three association indices. Factor judging mutually comparatively at this time now that many , avoid meeting disadvantage tend towards broader width of the benefit train of thought.

68、 The index being going to speak , be brought into examination is increasingly many , is beneficial to apply to systems analysis more. Help state one: The materialist dialectics applying, bisects except the index applies

69、to Shan , the others is to say connection; That after all, one bisects still is to inspect the c</p><p>  Three, produce dual character</p><p>  Look to set forth cost coming the analysis hand f

70、rom the dual character of commodity , be not tenable not only in terms of theory. Isolate self from cost and productivity herefrom and depend on connection and relation making between the product and the marketplace and

71、because of ignoring the productivity level decisive significance to cost,be confined to with regard to cost in terms of cost, make a cost accounting secondary the trend blind alley, is necessary theoretically as a result

72、 from think</p><p>  Produce dual character from analysis starting off , again, elicit cost concept and definition by consuming giving birth to a child directly , lead the product and the marketplace to from

73、 purpose and result giving birth to a child. That if cost and the product not are each other part for , isolated concepts , herefrom, is a contradictious countering against and unification forever. But, this is that midd

74、le basic connects chain , contains double significance here in the unification with productivi</p><p>  As mentioned above, produce dual character from analysis, one aspect consumes elicitation cost from giv

75、ing birth to a child , elicit cost nature by cost contingency and certainty again, Ran draws from nature Not And xylon part differentiation as mentioned above how respectively to adopt different approach seeking the corr

76、esponding measure reducing different part cost. Only regarding of here, not only such a logic order logical, and accord with from the cognition course arriving at the feminine e</p><p>  Be that inevitable b

77、ehaviour there exists a form in sum by chance, the factor that cost of goods manufactured contains completely is many , the accidental factor just is an upper technology positiveness and negativeness common difference ma

78、ny , the most representative; It can be seen that actual (history) cost is indeed to be a lot of accidental behaviour synthesis. That the accountant who holds traditional ideas sometimes insists on the cost that they cal


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