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1、<p>  四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)的計算機仿真</p><p>  摘 要:介紹了使用SABER對四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)進行計算機仿真的一套方</p><p>  法,闡述了PWM雙閉環(huán)控制原理,將部分仿真波形與實際試驗波形進行了對比,表明仿真結(jié)果是可</p><p><b>  信的。</b></p>

2、<p>  關(guān)鍵詞:四象限變流器;脈寬調(diào)制;控制系統(tǒng);計算機仿真</p><p>  ComputersimulationofPWMdoubleclosed-loop</p><p>  controlsystemfor4-qconverter</p><p><b>  LIBo</b></p><p>

3、  (RollingStockResearchInstitute,ChinaAcademyofRailwaySciences,Beijing100081,China)</p><p>  Abstract:AcomputersimulationmethodusingSABERforPWMdoubleclosed-loopcontrolsystemfor4-qconverteris</p><p

4、>  introduced.TheprincipleofPWMdoubleclosed-loopisdescribed.Comparisonofsomesimulationwaveformswithmeasuredtest</p><p>  waveformsshowsthesimulationresultsarebelievable.</p><p>  Keywords:4-q

5、converter;PWM;controlsystem;computersimulation</p><p><b>  1. 引言</b></p><p>  自從70年代產(chǎn)生四象限變流這種獨特的交直變換拓撲結(jié)構(gòu)以來,四象限變流器便作為交流傳動電力機車交直交傳動系統(tǒng)的電網(wǎng)側(cè)變流器,扮演著重要角色。簡言之,通過四象限變流器的控制,對電網(wǎng)側(cè),可以使電網(wǎng)電流波形接近于正弦

6、,電網(wǎng)功率因數(shù)接近于1,最大程度地提高電網(wǎng)的經(jīng)濟效益,減少電網(wǎng)對周圍環(huán)境的電磁污染;對直流側(cè),在電網(wǎng)電壓或負載發(fā)生變化</p><p>  時,能夠維持直流中間電壓的穩(wěn)定,給電機側(cè)逆變器提供良好的工作條件。而且,四象限變流器可以實現(xiàn)牽引與再生工況間快速平滑地轉(zhuǎn)換。80年代以來,隨著計算機的飛速發(fā)展,計算機仿真技術(shù)已逐步深入到科研、產(chǎn)品開發(fā)等各個領(lǐng)域。在電力電子領(lǐng)域,通過使用計算機仿真技術(shù),設(shè)計者在設(shè)計階段就能全面

7、考察系統(tǒng)的動靜態(tài)特性,選擇合理的系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)及參數(shù),在最大程度上避免設(shè)計的盲目性,提高試驗的一次成功率,縮短研制周期、節(jié)約研制成本。這種利用計算機仿真技術(shù)進行輔助設(shè)計的方法已成為電力電子研究領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展方向。本文介紹了使用SABER軟件對四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)進行計算機仿真的過程,并給出了仿真波形及相對照的部分實際試驗波形。</p><p>  2. SABER簡介</p><p> 

8、 SABER是美國ANALOGY公司開發(fā)的一種可用于電力電子、自動控制、光電、電磁、機械、液壓、熱工等領(lǐng)域的計算機仿真軟件。從結(jié)構(gòu)上看,它主要由3部分組成:SABERSKETCH、SABERGUIDE和SABERSCOPE。SABERSKETCH用于以圖形方式輸入被仿真的系統(tǒng);SABERGUIDE把輸入的系統(tǒng)當作一個網(wǎng)絡(luò),首先通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)列表(Netlist)提取系統(tǒng)的結(jié)構(gòu)信息,然后通過直流分析(DCAnalysis)得到系統(tǒng)的靜態(tài)工作點,

9、在此基礎(chǔ)上再對系統(tǒng)進行時域(TimeDomain)及頻域(FrequencyDomain)范圍內(nèi)的各種分析;當對系統(tǒng)完成分析計算后,便可用SABERSCOPE觀看所有變量的波形,并對波形進行各種分析運算。</p><p>  SABER的優(yōu)點可概述如下:</p><p>  (1)SABER秉承了模塊化、自頂向下、層次化(Hierarchy)的設(shè)計思想,增強了設(shè)計的科學(xué)性,提高了設(shè)計效率。

10、</p><p>  (2)SABER具有豐富的模型,它的模型庫中包括了電力電子、機械、液壓等領(lǐng)域的各種常用模型。同時,SABER還給用戶提供了一個硬件級的建模語言MAST。使用MAST語言,可以方便地構(gòu)造出自己的模型。</p><p>  (3)SABER提供了強大的系統(tǒng)分析功能。設(shè)計者可以從各個方面對系統(tǒng)進行考察。在時域方面有直流分析(DCAnalysis)、瞬態(tài)分析(Transien


12、p>  SensitivityAnalysis),利用這種分析功能,設(shè)計者可以控制一個或幾個參數(shù)在一定的范圍內(nèi)變化,觀察它們對系統(tǒng)特性的影響,從而找出它們最合適的數(shù)值來。</p><p>  (4)SABER不僅對數(shù)?;旌舷到y(tǒng)仿真得心應(yīng)手,而且可以對由電力電子、電磁、機械、液壓等數(shù)個不同系統(tǒng)構(gòu)成的一個混合系統(tǒng)進行仿真。這種強大的混合仿真能力其實是SABER的最大優(yōu)點。</p><p>

13、;  3. 四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制原理</p><p>  四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)的工作原理及各種參數(shù)的計算方法在文獻[1]和[2]中已做了詳盡論述,在此僅對四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制原理做一簡述。</p><p>  四象限變流器作為交直交傳動系統(tǒng)中的電網(wǎng)側(cè)變流器,其實質(zhì)是交流電網(wǎng)與直流中間回路進行能量交換的中間介質(zhì)。當負載增加時,它從電網(wǎng)吸取更多的能量供給直流側(cè);當負

14、載減小時,它將直流側(cè)多余的能量返送給電網(wǎng);當由牽引轉(zhuǎn)入再生時,它使直流側(cè)由從電網(wǎng)吸收能量變?yōu)橄螂娋W(wǎng)輸送能量,反之亦然。在對能量的這些控制過程中,四象限變流器通過PWM雙閉環(huán)控制算法來實現(xiàn)維持直流中間電壓穩(wěn)定,使電網(wǎng)功率因數(shù)接近于1,電網(wǎng)電流波形接近于正弦等控制特性。</p><p>  由四象限變流器的瞬時功率平衡公式uNiN=UdId可以看出,四象限變流器對能量的控制實際體現(xiàn)在對iN的控制上,對Ud和功率因數(shù)的

15、控制最終都是通過控制iN來實現(xiàn)。</p><p>  在控制過程中只要保持矢量U→L與U→N的正交,就可保證電網(wǎng)的基波功率因數(shù)等于1。四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制正是基于此原理實現(xiàn)的。以Ud給定值與反饋值之差作為電壓調(diào)節(jié)器的輸入,以U給定值與反饋值之差作為相位調(diào)節(jié)器的輸入,2個調(diào)節(jié)器的輸出經(jīng)PWM調(diào)制對矢量U→S1進行控制,達到穩(wěn)定Ud和保證U=0的目的,從而實現(xiàn)電壓、相位雙閉環(huán)控制。</p>&l

16、t;p><b>  4.計算機仿真</b></p><p>  4.1 仿真系統(tǒng)構(gòu)成</p><p>  整個仿真系統(tǒng)由主電路及控制電路構(gòu)成。主電路根據(jù)圖1來構(gòu)建。交流側(cè)使用理想交流電壓源,因為進行的是系統(tǒng)級仿真,所以對GTO元件做了合理簡化,將其近似為理想開關(guān)。主電路中的電阻、電感、電容器、理想開關(guān)、交流電壓源等均采用SABER提供的模型。</p>

17、<p>  四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)的計算機仿真圖4 仿真系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)圖控制電路構(gòu)建,包括濾波器、整形、相位檢測、軟啟動控制器、相位調(diào)節(jié)器、電壓調(diào)節(jié)器、PWM控制器、直流中間電壓動態(tài)過壓限制器等模塊。除濾波器采用SABER提供的模型外,其余模塊均使用MAST語言自己建立。這個仿真系統(tǒng)充分利用了SABER的數(shù)?;旌戏抡婀δ?達到了將四象限變流器主電路與控制電路結(jié)合起來進行仿真的目的</p><p>

18、;  負載的急劇突變有可能使四象限變流器不能及時將直流側(cè)能量返送給交流側(cè),從而使直流中間電壓快速上升,造成過壓,對系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)生嚴重損害。因此,應(yīng)在直流側(cè)加入一個保護環(huán)節(jié)——直流中間電壓動態(tài)過壓限制器。當直流中間電壓快速上升,四象限變流器來不及將其調(diào)回給定值時,直流中間電壓動態(tài)過壓限制器工作,通過斬波限壓的方式,將直流中間電壓限制在保護值以下,協(xié)助四象限變流器將直流中間電壓調(diào)回到給定值上。</p><p><b&

19、gt;  4.2 仿真策略</b></p><p>  主電路參數(shù):uN=1200V,給定值Ud為2600V,系統(tǒng)額定輸出功率為1200kW。</p><p>  在仿真過程中,用在直流側(cè)投切電阻的方法來模擬負載的突變。負載分3次投入,每投入1個電阻,系統(tǒng)輸出功率升高400kW,第3個電阻投入后,系統(tǒng)輸出功率升為1200kW。然后,將3個電阻一起切除,與此同時,將一個串直流電壓

20、源、電阻和電感的支路投入,模擬由滿功率牽引突然轉(zhuǎn)為滿功率再生的情況。通過這些操作,可以觀察直流中間電壓Ud和電網(wǎng)電流iN的動態(tài)響應(yīng),衡量控制系統(tǒng)的動態(tài)調(diào)節(jié)性能。</p><p><b>  4.3 仿真結(jié)果</b></p><p>  當直流中間環(huán)節(jié)出現(xiàn)過壓時,直流中間電壓動態(tài)過壓限制器將會進行限壓,比較了有和沒有直流中間電壓動態(tài)過壓限制器時直流中間電壓的波形。從中可

21、以看出,通過限制器的動作,過電壓的波峰被削掉了,直流中間電壓被限制在保護值以下。</p><p><b>  5. 結(jié)論</b></p><p>  通過SABER的仿真,證明了四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)具有良好的控制性能,可以滿足大功率交流傳動電力機車對四象限變流器控制的要求。通過對四象限變流器PWM雙閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)的仿真,也說明了SABER的確是一個優(yōu)秀的仿真

22、軟件,是電力電子設(shè)計者得力的CAD工具。在國家“九五”重點攻關(guān)課題“200kmh動力分散交流傳動電動車組牽引變流器及其控制系統(tǒng)的研制”中,應(yīng)充分利用計算機仿真這一先進的設(shè)計手段,以提高設(shè)計質(zhì)量。</p><p><b>  參考文獻:</b></p><p>  [1]邵公寅,李中浩.四象限變流器系統(tǒng)[J].鐵道學(xué)報,1983,(3).</p><

23、p>  [2]陳鴻蔭,張 黎.四象限變流器兩相兩重供電的數(shù)字控制系統(tǒng)[J].</p><p>  鐵道學(xué)報,1983,(9).</p><p>  [3]ShenJTaufiqJA.Computeraideddesignofthecontrolsystemofa3-level</p><p>  highpowerPWMconverterforrailwayt

24、ractionapplication[C].ANALOGY</p><p>  POWERELECTRONICSSEMINAR,1996.</p><p>  [4]李 軍,桂武鳴.用Saber作交直交系統(tǒng)仿真[J].機車電傳動,</p><p><b>  1997,(4).</b></p><p>  [5]李 軍.

25、一個四象限變流器系統(tǒng)的計算機仿真[J].機車電傳動,</p><p><b>  1996,(6).</b></p><p>  1. Preface</p><p>  Since the 70's produced four quadrants to change to flow this kind of to hand over

26、to keep the transformation to rush toward the structure specially, four quadrants change to flow the machine and then be the exchanges spreads to move the electric power motorcycle to hand over to keep hand over to sprea

27、d the charged barbed wire net side of move the system to change to flow the machine, the impersonation emphasizes the important person color.Chien speech, pass the control that four quadrants chang</p><p>  

28、Hour, can maintain the direct current in the center the stability of the electric voltage, go against to change the machine to provide the good work condition to the electrical engineering side.And, four quadrants change

29、 to flow the machine and can carry out to lead to convert with the reborn work condition quickly and smoothly.Since 80's, fly along with the calculator to develop soon, the calculator imitate the true technique to h

30、ave already gone deep into each realms, such as research and the</p><p>  2. Brief introduction of SABER</p><p>  SABER is the American ANALOGY company develops a kind of and can used for electr

31、ic power electronics, automatic control, the light electricity, electromagnetism, machine, liquid's press, hot work etc. realm of calculator imitate the true software.See from the structure, it mainly is constitute b

32、y 3 parts: SABERSKETCH, SABERGUIDE and SABERSCOPE.The SABERSKETCH used for is imitate with the sketch method importation true system; the SABERGUIDE chases the importation of in the light of network of s</p><

33、p>  The SABER advantage can say all as follows:</p><p>  (1)The SABER takes orders the mold piece to turn, from the crest get down, the layer turn( Hierarchy) of design thought, strengthenned science of d

34、esign, raise the design efficiency.</p><p>  (2)The SABER has abundant model, including the electric power electronics, machine, liquid to press various in common use model of the realm of etc. in its model

35、database.At the same time, the SABER returns to provide a hardware class for customer to set up the mold language MAST.Use the language of MAST, can construct the model of an oneself expediently.</p><p>  (3

36、)The SABER provided the strong system analysis function.Design can carry on the investigation to the system from the each aspect.At the area contain direct current analysis( DCAnalysis), in a sudden the analysis( Transi

37、entAnalysis) etc.; have the to sign the leaf's analysis( FFT), to ring the analysis( Small- SignalFrequencyAnalysis), the mutation analysis( Small- SignalDistortionAnalysis)...etc. in the area of .The SABER can also

38、used for should the dint analysis( StressAnalysis) and covaria</p><p>  SensitivityAnalysis), the one who make use of this kind of analysis function, design can control an or a few parameterses within the sc

39、ope of certain variety, observe the influence of them upon the system characteristic, thus find out their quite the cheese number.</p><p>  (4)SABER not only the logarithms mold admixture system really imit

40、ate with proficiency, and can to really be pressed a hybrid system that several different systems of etc. constitute by the electric power electronics, electromagnetism, machine, liquid to carry on imitate.This kind of s

41、trong admixture imitates biggest advantage that the true ability is a SABER in fact.</p><p>  3. Four quadrants change to flow the machine PWM double to shut the wreath control principle</p><p>

42、  Four quadrants change to flow the machine PWM double calculation method of the work principle and various parameter that shuts the wreath control system to have already done the detailed treatise in cultural heritage[

43、1] and[2], changing to flow the machine PWM double to shut the wreath control principle to do a Chien to say to four quadrants only here.</p><p>  Four quadrants change to flow the machine conduct and action

44、s to hand over to keep hand over to spread to move the charged barbed wire net in the system side to change to flow the machine, in fact quality is the exchanges charged barbed wire net and direct currents in the center

45、the back track carries on the energy commutation of middle lie the quality.When the load increase, it absorbs more energies to supply the direct current side from the charged barbed wire net; be When the load let up, it

46、</p><p>  Change the equilibrium formula uNiN of moment power of flow the machine from four quadrants= the UdId can see, four quadrants change to flow the machine to the actual body of the control of the ene

47、rgy now to iN control up, to Ud and the control of the power factors end is all to pass to control the iN to carry out.</p><p>  In control process as long as keep the vector U → L and U → the N is hand over

48、, can guarantee that a power of factor of the charged barbed wire net be equal to 1.Four quadrants change to flow the machine PWM double to shut the wreath control exactly according to this principle realization of.With

49、the Ud give settle value and feedback the bad value is the importation of the electric voltage modulator, with the U give settle value and feedback value of bad conduct and actions mutually the importat</p><p&

50、gt;  4.The calculator really imitate</p><p>  4.1 Imitate the true system constitute</p><p>  Whole imitate the true system to be constitute by the main electric circuit and the control electric

51、 circuit.Main electric circuit according to figure 1 to set up.Communicate the side usage ideal exchanges electric voltage source, what to carry on really is a system class to imitate, so did the reasonable simplificat

52、ion to the component of GTO, looking like it as the ideal switch.The electric resistance, the electricity feeling, capacitor, ideal switch, the exchanges electric voltage source...</p><p>  Four quadrants ch

53、ange to flow the machine PWM double calculator that shuts the wreath control system to imitate the true figure 4 imitate the true system structure diagram control electric circuit to set up, include the filter, orthope

54、dics, mutually an examination, soft start controller, mutually a modulator, electric voltage modulator, controller of PWM, direct current in the center the electric voltage dynamic state leads to press to limit the machi

55、ne etc. mold piece.In addition to filter ad</p><p>  The nasty play mutation of the load probably make four quadrants change flow the machine can't return the direct current side energy to give the excha

56、nges side in time, thus making direct current in the center fast rising of electric voltage, resulted in press, produce the serious damage to the system.Therefore, should join a protection link- direct current in the dir

57、ect current side in the center the electric voltage dynamic state lead press the restrict machine.When direct current in the cente</p><p>  4.2 Imitate the true strategy</p><p>  Main electric c

58、ircuit parameter: uN=1200 Vs, give settle to be worth the Ud as 2600 Vs, the system sum settles to output the power as 1200 kWs.</p><p>  In imitate true process, use the mutation that the method that slices

59、 the electric resistance in the direct current side hurl imitates the load.The load divides to throw in 3 times, throwing in 1 electric resistance each time, the system outputs the power to go up the 400 kWs, the 3 elect

60、ric resistance devotion after, system output the power advances to the 1200 kWs.Then, be lead by the full power 3 electric resistances cut off together, at the same time, pay a direct current electric voltage so</p>

61、;<p>  4.3 Imitate the true result</p><p>  When direct current in the center the link appears to press, direct current in the center the electric voltage dynamic state lead to press to limit the mach

62、ine and will carry on limit's press, relatively to have and have no direct current in the center the electric voltage dynamic state lead press to limit the machine hour direct current in the center a form of the elec

63、tric voltage.From in can see, pass the action of limit the machine, the wave crest that conduct electricity to press is pared, t</p><p>  5. Conclusion</p><p>  Really imitate through a SABER, p

64、roved that four quadrants change to flow the machine PWM double to shut the wreath control system to have the good control function, can satisfy the big power exchanges to spread to move the electric power motorcycle to

65、change the request of flow the machine control to four quadrants.Really pass to change to flow the machine PWM double to shut the wreath control system to imitate to four quadrants, also explained that the SABER is reall


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