1、<p><b> 附錄A</b></p><p> 四工位組合機床的設計與研制</p><p><b> 摘要</b></p><p> 摘要:本文介紹了一種用于加工載重汽車輪轂的單面立式30軸鉆、擴、鉸組合機床,以及機床的設計方法、結構、性能特點和使用操作等。</p><p>
2、 關鍵詞:組合機床;輪轂;設計;研制</p><p> 四工位組合機床用于對載重汽車前、中后輪轂10-27+0.033孔的鉆、擴、鉸加工。此類機床過去已有的設備相對落后,電氣系統(tǒng)、液壓系統(tǒng)及機床主要部件相對過時和陳舊。本文介紹的組合機床有較先進的電氣控制系統(tǒng)和液壓系統(tǒng),機床的運行采用三菱可編程控制器程序控制,程序可根據加工流程圖進行調整,變成方便靈活。它集粗鉆、擴加工和精鉸加用于一身,自成體系地形成一條圓形加工
3、流水線。該設備占地面積小,加工精度高,性能穩(wěn)定可靠,是汽車制造工廠加工輪轂不可多得的設備。它是由專用底座,專用主軸箱,專用夾具及鉆模板,THL86立柱,HY80系列滑臺及TD80A動力頭,AHY125A回轉工作臺等組成。</p><p> ?。?組合機床的技術發(fā)展</p><p><b> 1.1 組合機床</b></p><p> 組合機
4、床是一種專用高效自動化技術裝備,目前,由于它仍是大批量機械產品實現高效、高質量和經濟性生產的關鍵設備,因而被廣泛應用于汽車、拖拉機、內燃機和壓縮機等許多工業(yè)生產領域。所以說組合機床的技術性能和綜合自動化水平,在很大程度上決定了這些工業(yè)部門產品的生產效率、產品質量和企業(yè)生產組織的結構,也很大程度上決定了企業(yè)產品的競爭力。</p><p> 現在組合機床作為機電一體化產品,它是控制、驅動、測量、監(jiān)控、刀具和機械組建
5、等技術的綜合反映。近20年來,這些技術有長足進步,同時作為組合機床組要用戶的汽車和內燃機等行業(yè)也有很大的變化,其產品市場壽命不斷縮短,品種日益增多且質量不斷提高。這些因素有力地推動和激勵了組合機床的不斷發(fā)展。</p><p> 1.2 組合機床品種的發(fā)展</p><p> 在組合機床這類專用機床中,回轉式多工位組合機床和自動線占有很重要的地位。因為這兩類機床可以把工件的許多加工工序分配
6、到多個加工工位上,并同時能從多個方向對工件的幾個面進行加工,此外,還可以通過轉位夾具(在回轉工作臺機床上) 或通過轉位、翻轉裝置(在自動線上) 實現工件的五面加工或全部加工,因而具有很高的自動化程度和生產效率,被汽車、摩托車和壓縮機等工業(yè)部門所采用。</p><p> 根據有關統(tǒng)計資料,德國在1990~1992 年期間,回轉式多工位組合機床和自動線的產量約各占組合機床總數的50 % 左右。應指出,回轉式多工位組
7、合機床實際上是一種特殊型式的小型自動線, 適合于加工輪廓尺寸≤ 250mm 的中小件。與自動線相比, 在加工同一種工件的情況下,回轉式多工位組合機床所占作業(yè)面積要比自動線約小2/ 3 。</p><p> 1.3 組合機床柔性化進展迅速</p><p> 十多年來,作為組合機床重要用戶的汽車工業(yè),為迎合人們個性化需求,汽車變型品種日益增多,以多品種展開競爭已成為汽車市場競爭的特點之一,
8、這使組合機床制造業(yè)面臨著變型多品種生產的挑戰(zhàn)。為適應多品種生產,傳統(tǒng)以加工單一品種的剛性組合機床和自動線必須提高其柔性。在70 年代,數控系統(tǒng)的可靠性有了很大的提高,故到70 年代末和80 年代初,像Alfing 、Hüller2 的運動特性曲線。由于電液比例閥控制系統(tǒng)Hille 和Ex2cell2o 等公司相繼開發(fā)出數控加工模塊和柔性自動線(F TL) ,從此數控組合機床和柔性自動線逐年增多。在1988 年至1992 年間,
9、日本組合機床和自動線(包括部分其它形式的專用機床) 產量的數控化率已達32 % ~39 % , 產值數控比率達35 %~ 51 % ; 德國組合機床和自動線產量的數控化,發(fā)動機變型品種日益增多的趨向率為18 %~62 % , 產值數控化率達45 %~66 %</p><p> ?。?四工位組合機床的設計</p><p> ?。?1 工藝方案的確定</p><p>
10、 組合機床是針對某種零件或某道工工序而設計的,工藝方案又是組合機床設計的關鍵,它是根據被加工零件的結構特點、加工部位、加工的尺寸精度、粗糙度以及其他技術要求來確定設計的。</p><p> 被加工件是汽車輪轂零件,在前道立車工序上已加工出280-0.1的定位圓,要求在375的圓周面上加工出10個27+0.033的孔,其位置公差為0~0.12,粗糙度為3.2。根據以上要求,工藝方案應確定粗精加工分開進行,即先鉆2
11、5的孔,然后擴孔到26.6,再精餃孔到27,考慮到零件的加工精度和工序集中原則,粗精加工合并成一道工序在一臺機床上進行。由此確定機床的鉆、擴、鉸三個工位,加之裝卸工件工位,故命名為四工位組合機床。</p><p> ?。?2 配置型式及其結構方案</p><p> 機床的配置型式主要取決于被加工零件的加工精度和工藝方案,既要考慮能實現工藝方案以保證零件的加工精度、技術要求和生產效率;又要
13、gt; 3 組合機床的主要組成部分</p><p><b> ?。?1 床身</b></p><p> 床身部件必須有足夠的承載能力和足夠的剛度動態(tài)性能及過載儲備稀疏,以保證各部件之間能長期保持其正確的相對位置。組合機床的剛度和部件之間的精度保持性要由床身部件來保證。本機床的床身不見主要由回轉工作臺底座、立座底座、立柱和立柱墊等構成。它們起著組合機床的基礎骨架作用
14、。床身部件包括配重在內的重量達組合機床總重量的70%以上,因而具有良好的剛性和抗振性能,為保證機床的加工精度奠定了良好的基礎。</p><p><b> ?。?2 滑臺</b></p><p> 滑臺之用來實現進給運動的動力部件,它主要由滑臺,滑臺座和液壓油缸三部分組成。滑臺座固定在立柱上,液壓油缸體固定在滑座上,活塞桿與滑臺相互連接,工作時,液壓油缸固定,活塞桿帶
15、著滑臺在滑座的導軌上作往返運動。本機床液壓滑臺屬于大型滑臺,有足夠的能量儲備?;_的工作有快進、共進和快退三種狀態(tài)。其動作是由電氣系統(tǒng)和液壓系統(tǒng)共同控制的。在滑臺上安裝有動力頭和主軸箱,滑臺頂部裝有鋼絲繩滑輪組,另一端在立柱中裝有配重塊,目的是使滑臺在滑座上移動輕便,并可防止滑臺端過重而下滑。</p><p> ?。?3 動力頭及主軸箱</p><p> 動力頭是主軸運動的驅動裝置,它帶
17、,以滿足對零件的加工。主軸箱主軸的排列根據被加工零件的工藝要求進行設計,并與回轉工作臺上的夾具工位向對應,主軸箱的傳動齒輪及傳動軸可選標準件。</p><p> ?。?4 主軸及鉆模板</p><p> 主軸的結構取決于零件的加工工藝以及主軸的受力情況。對于鉆削加工的主軸,受軸向切削力較大,應采用推力球軸承或滾錐軸承定位。主軸與刀具的連接方式采用莫氏3#導向套接桿,刀具的長短比例可視加工
18、情況調整接桿。用于鉆、擴孔加工的主軸轉速為175r/min。切削速度V=13.7m/min,進刀量S=0.17mm/r.鉸孔加工的主軸轉速為50r/min,切削速度V=4.24m/min,進刀量S=0.6mm/r,進刀速度Sv=30mm/min。鉆模板主要起對刀具的輔助定位作用,防止刀具在加工時擺動,從而提高被加工件的精度。</p><p><b> ?。?5 回轉工作臺</b></p
19、><p> 回轉工作臺是多工位組合機床的輸送部件。本機床的回轉工作臺分四個工位,1工位用于裝、卸工件,2.3.4分別是鉆、擴、鉸工位?;剞D工作臺作單方向的回轉運動,相當于一條圓形自動生產線,其結構緊湊,生產效率高,可以方便的實現電氣自動控制。該機床是齒盤定位回轉工作臺,其主要組成有:花盤、工作臺體、多齒定位盤、集屑槽、呼吸器、卡緊油缸、活塞、轉位齒輪、轉位離合器、液壓閥、轉位齒條等?;剞D工作臺的齒盤是圓周分布的一對
20、相互嚙合的端面齒輪,靠圓周多齒嚙合定位,具有定位精度高和剛性好的特點,所以在轉臺上無論徑向力、軸向力或切向力,都可以起到自動定心的作用。</p><p><b> ?。?6 夾具</b></p><p> 夾具使用來防止并固定被加工零件的。正確選擇加工用定位基準是確保加工精度的重要條件。夾具的尺寸精度和安裝精度的高低直接影響到零件的加工精度,本機床共有四套尺寸相同的
21、夾具,均布在回轉工作臺上并與回轉臺中心形成同心圓流水線。夾具主要有四個夾具體、定位圈、夾緊油缸等組成。每套夾具有四個夾緊油缸,等分固定在夾具體的四個方向上,夾緊工件時受力均衡,防止零件變形。定位圈時夾具的關鍵部件,必須使四套夾具的定位圈尺寸公差相一致,而且四套夾具的回轉中心與回轉工作臺的回轉中心也應絕對重合,才能保證零件的加工精度。</p><p><b> 3.7 液壓系統(tǒng)</b><
22、;/p><p> 機床的液壓系統(tǒng)相當于人體的血液喜歡系統(tǒng),被加工零件的夾緊、放松,工作臺的抬起、旋轉和落下,動力頭滑臺的快進、共進和快退等都是靠液壓系統(tǒng)來實現。液壓系統(tǒng)主要由液壓站集中控制,液壓電機為22KW,液壓泵為變量葉片泵,滑臺的動作是由一個三位五通電磁閥和調速閥來控制?;剞D工作臺的抬起、落下、回轉和復位,以及工件的夾緊和放松,主要由三個兩位四通電磁閥來控制。另外專設一路由程序控制的對液壓滑臺自動定時潤滑。&
23、lt;/p><p><b> ?。?8 電氣系統(tǒng)</b></p><p> 本機床采用F1-60MR三菱可編程控制器作為中央控制樞紐。它是由中、大規(guī)模集成電路組成,具有強大的邏輯控制功能和邏輯存儲功能,響應速度快,功耗小,體積小,受命小,可靠性高,通用性強,可不受條件限制地對程序進行在線編程、調試和修改。它可以實現對程序的自我診斷和故障檢測,可進行邏輯運算和編程的控制,
24、定時和計數的控制,可以容易地實現機、電、液一體化。電氣系統(tǒng)的交流在、輸出控制主要有主軸電機,液壓電機,冷卻電機。直流輸出主要控制液壓站的十路電磁閥。</p><p> 電氣系統(tǒng)的硬件主要有可編程控制器、變壓器、接觸器、操縱按鈕和保險器、整流二極管和續(xù)流二極管、以及行程開關等組成;軟件主要包括主程序,同時有為程序服務的各個期間的輸入輸出地址標和程序梯形圖等。</p><p> 機床的操作
25、分調整和自動兩種方式,調整方式為手動控制機床的單步操作;自動方式由程序控制按加工流程圖實現自動循環(huán)。</p><p><b> ?。?9 冷卻系統(tǒng)</b></p><p> 機床外部設有專用的帶腳輪的冷卻箱,便于維修和清理,冷卻泵電機為0.12KW。容量為50L/min,冷卻水到達鉆模板后分成三路,每一路有10個導向水嘴,對應于10把刀具,俄有效地實現刀具的冷卻。冷
26、卻泵在滑臺工進時由程序控制自動啟動,實施對被加工工件的冷卻,工進到終點時自動關閉。</p><p> 4 組合機床的安裝調試及精度檢驗</p><p> 在組裝過程中始終貫穿著對系統(tǒng)部件的不斷調試,以及對影響加工尺寸的主要部件的自身精度和結合精度進行調整。</p><p> 系統(tǒng)的調試是根據各個系統(tǒng)的要求和機床工作循環(huán)圖的要求來對電氣系統(tǒng)、液壓系統(tǒng)、冷卻系統(tǒng)、
27、主機系統(tǒng)自身和相互之間進行有關調整。</p><p> 對主要部件自身精度和結合精度進行調整是指以下幾個方面:</p><p> ?。?)機床側底座、立柱底座的安裝水平。</p><p> ?。?)機床側底座、立柱底座、機床導軌的扭曲。</p><p> ?。?)主軸孔軸線的徑向跳動。</p><p> (4)主軸
28、孔軸線對機床導軌的平行度。</p><p> (5)夾具襯套孔軸線或樣件孔軸線對導軌的平行度。</p><p> ?。?)主軸和夾具襯套孔或樣件孔對導軌的等距度。</p><p> ?。?)回轉工作臺的回轉中心與主軸箱的加工中心的同軸度。</p><p><b> 5 試車</b></p><p&
29、gt; 當工件狀態(tài)旋鈕開關置于“調整”位置時,操作各按鈕如夾緊、放松、前進、后退等,可進行機床的單步動作,此功能主要用于機床試運行或刀具的調整等。當開關置于“自動”狀態(tài)時,機床的動作完全由程序自動進行控制,每次裝卸完工件后,只需按“夾緊”、“抬起”按鈕,機床就會自動循環(huán)、周而復始的工作下去,直到按“停止”按鈕為止,此功能主要用于對零件的自動加工。</p><p> 經試車運轉一切正常,并對零件進行了加工試切驗
30、證,經過機械工業(yè)部第十七計測試中心檢測,尺寸公差及精度符合零件圖紙的技術要求。</p><p><b> 6 本組合機床特點</b></p><p> (1)機床上的通用部件和標準零件約占機床零部件總量的70%以上,因此設計和制造的周期短,經濟效益好。</p><p> (2)機床采用專用的夾具、刀具及鉆模板,一次性調整后,其加工質量全靠
31、工藝裝備來保證,對操作人員的技術水平要求不高,且勞動強度低。</p><p> (3)該設備占地面積小,加工精度高,性能穩(wěn)定可靠,是汽車制造廠加工輪轂的專</p><p><b> 用設備。</b></p><p> (4)機床有鉆、擴、鉸及裝卸四個工位,裝卸及加工同步進行,因此機床的生產效率高,每小時可加工零件15件以上,加工質量穩(wěn)定。
32、</p><p> (5)機床采用可編程控制程序控制,因而自動化程度高,且機床的動作在不改變電氣線路的情況下可在線編制程序,隨機調整。</p><p><b> 附錄B</b></p><p> Design and reseach of four engineering location association lathes[17]&l
33、t;/p><p><b> ABSTRACT</b></p><p> Abstract:This text introduce one is it process form , truck of hub vertical 30 axle get into , expand , cut with scissors and make the lathe up to us
34、e for, And lathe design method , structure , performance characteristic and uses and operates etc.ing.</p><p> Keywords: Combination machine;Hub Design;Reseach</p><p><b> Preface</b&g
35、t;</p><p> Four worker location association lathe use for10-27+0.033 to drill , hub of hole under truck , expand , cutting with scissors processing. This kind of existing equipment in the past of lathe lagg
36、ed behind relatively, electric system , hydraulic pressure system and main part of lathe were relatively out of date and outmoded. Association lathe that this text introduce have more advanced electric control system and
37、 hydraulic pressure system, the operation of the lathe adopts Mitsubishi's programmab</p><p> Make the technical development of the lathe up</p><p> 1.1 Association lathe</p><p&
38、gt; It is the automatic technical equipment of a kind of special-purpose university to make the lathe up, At present. Because it is still the key equipment that the engineering goods in enormous quantities were realized
39、 high-efficiently , the high quality and economy produced, Widely used in such a lot of industry production fields as the automobile , tractor , internal-combustion engine and compressor ,etc.. So say that makes the tech
40、nical feature of the lathe and comprehensive automation level up </p><p> Make the lathe up as the integrated products of electromechanics now, It controls, urges, measures, control, the comprehensive refle
41、ction of technology that the cutter and machinery are set up ,etc.. The past 20 years, Technology the make considerable progress, at the same time as make up lathe group want automobile and internal-combustion engine of
42、user trade change a great deal too, Its life-span of product market is shortening constantly, the variety increases day by day and quality is being </p><p> Make the development of the variety of lathe up&l
43、t;/p><p> In making the lathe up this kind of special-purpose lathe , Turning round type many worker's location association lathes and transfer machine occupy very important status. Because two lathe these
44、 can is it get a lot of location , Engineer of processing , have to assign a lot of processing process of work piece, and can process several of the work piece from a lot of directions at the same time , In addition, Can
45、 also through transfer to location jig (turn workingbench round at the lathe ) or thr</p><p> According to relevant statistical data, Germany is here 1990-1992 During annual ,Person who turn round many work
46、er location association lathe and output of transfer machine is it is it make about 50 , lathe of total amount up to take each to invite. Should point out , Turning round type many worker's location association lathe
47、s are a small-scale transfer machine of a kind of special pattern in fact, Suited to processing medium and small one of the size ¡Ü 250mm of outline. Compared with transfer</p><p> Make the flexib
48、ility progress of the lathe up rapidly </p><p> During the last ten years, Regarded as the auto industry which makes important users of the lathe up , In order to cater to individualized demands of people,
49、Automobile person who become variety increases day by day, Is it become characteristic , automobile of market competition one of already to compete with many variety, This is it make up lathe manufacturing industry face
50、many variety challenge of production of becoming etc. to make. In order to adapt to many variety production, With process </p><p> 2 The designs of four engineering location association lathes</p>&l
51、t;p> 2.1 Sureness of a craft scheme</p><p> Make up lathe to a certain part or some Engineer process and design, The craft scheme is the key to making the lathe up to design, It according to process int
52、o structure characteristic of part , process position , size precision , roughness and other specification requirement that process is it is it design to confirm to come. It is an automobile hub to process one .In before
53、 whether dish set up car the processes last 280-0.1localization round already, Require that processes the hole of 10 times</p><p> 2.2 Dispose the pattern and structure scheme</p><p> The disp
54、osition pattern of the lathe depends on the machining accuracy of the part and craft scheme processed mainly, Should consider that can realize the craft scheme soes as to ensure the machining accuracy , specification req
55、uirement and production efficiency of the part ; And also it is easy to operate to consider, easy to maintain, cool and arrange the bits in sound conditionly . The disposition pattern of this lathe belongs to and makes t
56、he lathe up large-scaly, Total weight is about 21t, </p><p> 3.Make the main component of the lathe up</p><p> 3.1 Lathe bed </p><p> The lathe bed part must be enough bearing ca
57、pacity and enough dynamic performance of rigidity and overload and store sparsly, so as to ensure that can keep its correct relative position for a long time between every part. Make up rigidity and precision keeping of
58、part of lathe guarantee by the lathe bed part Lathe this lathe bed is it turn workingbench base round , set up of base , post and post cushion ,etc. form mainly to disappear. They play a making the basic skeleton of the
59、lathe up role. </p><p> 3.2 Slippery platform</p><p> To is it is it enter give power part of sport to realize to used for slippery platform, It mainly by slippery platform, slippery pedestal
60、 and hydraulic pressure cylinder 3 part make up. The slippery pedestal is fixed on post, the cylinder block of hydraulic oil is fixed on slide , cylinder rod and slippery platform join each other, When working, hydraulic
61、 pressure cylinder regular, cylinder rod bring slippery platform make round sport at guide of slide. This slippery platform of hydraulic pressu</p><p> 3.3 Power head and main shaft case</p><p>
62、; The power head is the drives of sports of the main shaft , It drive each , main shaft of case output main shaft make cutter decide body sport. This lathe is got into, expanded , the diameter of hole cutter of dumpling
63、 is 25mm , 26 respectively. 6mm and 27mm, It is 35CrMoV to process the part material, hardness HRC28-32, Consider the torsion stores coefficient , the lathe adopts the power very beginning of standard Model TD80A , the m
64、ain electrical machinery is 15KW. The rotational speed is 970r/</p><p> 3.4 Main shaft and boring the template</p><p> The structure of the main shaft depends on receiving the strength situati
65、on of the processing technology of the part and main shaft . For get into main shaft processed to sharpen , cut strength to be relatively heavy axial , should adopt thrust ball bearing or get away the bearing of the awl
66、orientate. Main shaft and connection way of cutter adopt 3 lead set connect pole , size proportion of cutter can is it process situation change and answer the pole to depend on. The rotational speed of main </p>&
67、lt;p> 3.5 Turn the workingbench round</p><p> It is a transport part of much worker's location association lathes to turn the workingbench round. Gyration workingbench of lathe divide into four work
68、er person, 1 worker location is it load with , unload the work piece to use for, 2. 3. 4 separately bores, expands, cuts with scissors worker's location . It turn workingbench round it last folk prescription to gyrat
69、ion sport,equivalent to pieces of production line not automatic not round, its structure is compact, the realization that production</p><p><b> 3.6 Jig</b></p><p> The jig enables
70、being used for preventing and fixing and is processed the part. It is an important condition of guaranteeing the machining accuracy to choose to process correctly with the datum of orienting. Size precision of jig instal
71、l level of precision influence machining accuracy of part directly, This lathe has four sets of jigs the same in size in all, Deploy it in turning the workingbench round and with going back to the revolving stage centre
72、to form the assembly line of concentric circ</p><p> 3.7 Hydraulic pressure system</p><p> The blood that the hydraulic pressure system of the lathe is equivalent to the human body likes the s
73、ystem, Clamping to process part, relax, to lift , rotate and drop workingbench, power head slippery platform enter, enter and is it is it realize to come by the hydraulic pressure system to retreat soon altogether soon.
74、Centralized control stands by the hydraulic pressure mainly in the hydraulic pressure system, the hydraulic pressure electrical machinery is 22KW, the hydraulic pump is a variable</p><p> 3.8 Electric syste
75、m</p><p> This lathe adopts the programmable controller of F1-60MR Mitsubishi as the central control pivot. It is hit, the large scale integrated circuit makes up , The function and logic of logic control w
76、ith power store the function, the response speed is fast, the consumption is little , small, it is small to receive assignments, dependability is high, the commonability is strong, not carried on online programming , deb
77、ugged and revising to the procedure restraining from by the condition . It can reali</p><p> The hardware of the electric system has a programmable controller mainly, voltage transformer , contactor , handl
78、e button , insurance device and rectification diode and flow diode , and journey switch ,etc. make up continuously; Software include main program mainly, is it output address mark and procedure ladder-shaped picture ,etc
79、. for introduction of each that procedure serve to have at the same time.</p><p> The operation of the lathe divides into adjusting and two automatic ways, Regulate way into the manual single step operation
80、 of controlling the lathe ; The automatic way is controlled and realized automatic circulation according to processing the flow chart by the procedure .</p><p> 3.9 Cooling system</p><p> The
81、lathe outside has special-purpose case of cooling with foot wheel, it is easy to maintain and clear up , the electrical machinery of coolant pump is 0. 12KW. Capacity 50L/min, cooling water is it get into template divide
82、 three No. into , 10 lead the water outlet all the way while being every to reach, correspondent to 10 cutters, Russia realizes the cooling of the cutter effectively. Coolant pump is it start automatically to control by
83、procedure when the slippery worker in Taiwan enters, imp</p><p> 4 The installation which makes the lathe up is debugged and the precision is examined</p><p> Running through constant debuggin
84、g to the part of the system all the time in the course of assembling, and to influencing one's own precision of the main part of the dimension and combining the precision to adjust.</p><p> Systematic d
85、ebugging to come according to each demand and lathe job demand , circulation of picture of system to the electric system, hydraulic pressure system , cooling system , host computer system oneself is it is it change to ha
86、ve something to do with to go on each other.</p><p> Whether combine to main part one's own precision precision is it mean following odd to adjust.</p><p> (1)The side base of the lathe ,
87、installation level of the post base .</p><p> ?。?)The side base of the lathe , distortion of post base , lathe guide.</p><p> (3)The radial of the axis of the main shaft hole beats .</p>
88、<p> ?。?)Parallel degree to the lathe guide of axis of the main shaft hole.</p><p> (5)The bush hole axis of the jig or the parallel degree to the guide of kinds of hole axis..</p><p> ?。?/p>
89、6)Main shaft, and jig bush hole or kinds of pieces of hole to guide distance degree.</p><p> ?。?)Turn the gyration centre of the workingbench and coaxial degree of the machining center of the main shaft case
90、 round.</p><p> 5 Take a trial run</p><p> When the state knob switch of the work piece is put " adjusting " the position , operate every button such as clamping , relaxing , advanci
91、ng , going backwards etc., can carry on single step movements of the lathe , this function is used in adjustment of the test run of the lathe or the cutter ,etc. mainly. When the switch is put in the " automatic sta
92、te ", movements of the lathe are totally controlled automatically by the procedure , load and unload after the work piece each time, is it press "</p><p> Through is it operate everything to be no
93、rmal to take a trial run , is it is it is it is it prove to cut to try on to process to go on to the part, measure through Ministry of Machine-Building Industry 17 idea test center, dimensional tolerance and precision ac
94、cord with specification requirement , part of drawing.</p><p> 6 This association lathe characteristic</p><p> (1)Part in common use and standard part on the lathe account for more than 70% of
95、 the total amount of spare part of the lathe , so the cycle designed and making is short, economy is profitable.</p><p> (2)The bed adopts special-purpose jig , cutter and bores the template , after disposa
96、ble adjustment, processing its quality is it guarantee by craft , the engineering level to the attenbant is expected much to equip all, and labour intensity is low.</p><p> (3)This equipment is small in flo
97、or space, the machining accuracy is high, it is reliable that performance is steady, it is a dedicated device that the automobile factory processed the hub .</p><p> (4)Lathe is it get into , expand , cut w
98、ith scissors and load and unload 4 pieces of Engineer location to have, load and unload and process going on in step, so the production efficiency of the lathe is high, can process more than 15 parts per hour, processing
99、 quality is steady.</p><p> (5)The lathe adopts the programmable control procedure to control, therefore the automatic degree is high, and can work out the procedure online in case of not changing electric
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- 外文翻譯--四工位組合機床的設計與研制
- 外文翻譯---四工位組合機床的設計與研制.doc
- 四工位組合機床的設計與研制.doc
- 四工位組合機床的設計與研制.doc
- 四工位組合機床的設計與研制【中文4865字】
- 四工位組合機床的設計與研制【中文4865字】
- 四工位回轉專用組合機床設計
- 四工位回轉專用組合機床設計
- 四工位回轉專用組合機床設計
- 四工位組合機床課程設計
- 四工位組合機床的控制
- 四工位組合機床的控制
- 四工位組合機床控制系統(tǒng)的設計
- 四工位組合機床總圖.dwg
- 四工位組合機床總圖.dwg
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- 四工位組合機床總圖.dwg
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