1、<p> 畢業(yè)設計(論文)運用灰色關系分析選擇供營商的聯(lián)合方法外文資料翻譯</p><p> 河 北 科 技 大 學</p><p> 畢業(yè)設計 論文 外文資料翻譯</p><p> 學 院 經濟管理學院 </p><p> 專 業(yè) 國際經濟與貿易
2、 </p><p> 姓 名 郭 秀 慧 </p><p> 學 號 030206218 </p><p> 外文出處 World Scientific </p><p> worldscientificcom
3、 </p><p> 附 件 1外文資料翻譯譯文2外文原文 </p><p><b> 指導教師評語</b></p><p> 簽名 </p><p> 年 月 日附件1外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p> 運用灰色關系分析選擇供營商
4、的聯(lián)合方法</p><p> 摘要本文使用一種灰色關系分析 GRA 聯(lián)合方法與向前供應鏈模型 FSCM 分析階層過程 AHP 為評估和選擇供營商開發(fā)一個新的模型展示模型在實踐解決幫助也決定階層的結構是否可能代表供營商選擇決定是否包括影響供營商選擇的所有關鍵GRA模型的有效印度南部的原始設備制造業(yè) OEM 產業(yè)說明GRA的AHP得到的結果提出的模型幫助產業(yè)有效地選擇供營商</p><p>
5、 供營商選擇 向前供應鏈模型 FSCM 原始設備制造業(yè) OEM 灰色關系分析 GRA 分析階層過程 AHP </p><p> 1 當前產業(yè)傾向于僅集中他們的核心業(yè)務越來越外購生產職能反過來這實踐創(chuàng)造了更大和更加復雜的供應鏈這些鏈的成功管理是公司基石一</p><p> 基本上產業(yè)組織有效作用被劃分例如銷計劃生產購買財務等等供應鏈是集為組織創(chuàng)造一個一般計劃的供應鏈滿足服務策他們
7、需要經常被表達一般定性概念標準應該是可以定量地被評估的具體要求 </p><p> 顧客選擇標準措施常標準和下一個收集信息收集信息評標準的數量和類型洞察可利用的數據的種類然而收集信息沒有到位具體標準和措施可能 </p><p> 購買作用的角色和結構演變買原材料組織和供營商活動包括選擇合格的供營商估計供營商的表現談判合同比較價格質量和服務源頭物品和服務分期付款購買售貨條的評估價值預的價
8、格服務和有時需求改變定物品被接受的形式等等 </p><p> 供營商選擇過程的宗旨為買家減少風險總價值最大化考慮一系列戰(zhàn)略這些變供營商的時間表國內和國際供營商選擇供營商的數量即一或多個產品種類選擇 </p><p> 本文使用灰色關系分析 GRA 和向前供應鏈模型 FSCM 分析階層過程 AHP 為位于印度南部生產橡膠產品的原始器材制造者 OEM 產業(yè)評估供營商選擇提出一個結構模型
9、本文組織如下第3部分問題第4部分提出解答方法第5部分使用AHP和GRA提出的聯(lián)合方法6部分中討論模型 案件例證 的應用第7部分和第8部分提出案件例證本文結論的結果比較</p><p><b> 2回顧 </b></p><p> 供營商選擇決定復雜在決定過程中必須考慮各種各樣的標準60年代這標準和量供營商表現分析許多科學家和購買者許多和研究致力這個問題這個部分簡要
10、地供營商選擇問題結果現的 </p><p> 早在1966年Dickson1評估供營商23個不同標準這些標準他闡明質量和交貨時間供營商選擇最重要的工作指標之中從那許多主要援引他的供營商選擇問題概念經驗和數學 </p><p> 在供營商選擇的經驗Weber et al供應商選擇最重要標準的全面根據他們的調查價格選擇過程中重要因素訂貨交貨的時間質量因素Jiuh-Biing提出他的研究方法
11、刺激全球性相關領域的研究也許幫助關全球性操作的不確定性和復雜問題 </p><p> Chan和Chung基因優(yōu)化解決供應鏈管理分布式網絡問題在工作他們以基因算法結合分析階層過程減少計算時間策制定的能力Vaidya和Kumar分析階層過程 AHP 應用的并且提AHP作為一個多標準策制定工具的各種應用 </p><p> Handeld et al在AHP幫助下在他們的供應商評估決定集成
12、環(huán)境問題Liu et al和Weber et al為一個多供營商選擇問題 VSP 提出了數據包封分析方法</p><p> Vanegas和Labib提顧客要求確定重量的方法使用模糊的線段的概念通過重量從AHP轉換成模糊的數字Maggie和Tummala電信系統(tǒng)選擇供營商上述供營商的選擇多數研究只考慮了三個主要因素 質量服務和價格 和大約15個次級因素本文描述五個主要因素 質量交付設計能力服務和價格 和供營商選
13、擇21個次級因素 </p><p> 3 問題選擇的公司為它的橡膠制造業(yè)產品供應鏈當前公司面對關產品質量很多問題在包括從產業(yè)學術界研究專家研究小組發(fā)現了質量問題由于從一供營商購買原材料質量測試公司計劃從三個供選擇的供營商挑選的最佳供營商購買原料改進產品的質量供營商1供營商2和供營商3 現在問題是哪些供營商將被選擇和次是供營商選擇過程中最和重要的選擇供營商選擇可能的和次從產業(yè) 購買采購銷售產品質量和 到學術供
14、營商選擇和次通過選擇直接不同功能區(qū)域表1選擇的最佳供營商四個第1級代表最佳供營商的選擇目標 第2級代表質量 Q 交付 D 或者技術能力 E 服務 S 和價格 R 第3級代表21次級第4級代表供營商的數量4 解方法 </p><p> 這在選擇以后采取多標準制定工具例如AHP和GRA解決供營商選擇問題第一個部分使用AHP方法因為它定性和定量標準解決當前問題方法GRA方法第二部分因為AHP更快速和簡下面AHP和G
15、RA方法概要41 AHP概要 </p><p> AHP12是一應用領域復雜多標準問題方法這個方法被考慮復雜和無特定結構的決定的一種有效和實用方法研究AHP來處理影響供營商選擇決定有形和無形的因素次級因素方法的選擇根據問題和其他方法缺點決策者成對比較判斷每個標準的重要性AHP的結果是每個決定選擇給予優(yōu)先的等或本文的研究集中于公式化AHP和基于GRA的聯(lián)合方法為橡膠制造工廠選擇一個最佳的供營商 基本上AHP方法考
16、慮決策問題有三步 比較評斷 并且優(yōu)先權綜合如下描述 AN INTEGRATED APPROACH FOR SELECTING A VENDOR USING GREY RELATIONAL ANALYSIS</p><p> This paper develops a new model for evaluating and selecting the vendor using an integrated ap
17、proach of Grey Relational Analysis GRA along with an Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP in a Forward Supply Chain Model FSCM The paper aims to demonstrate how the model can help in solving such decisions in practice
18、It also examines the structure of the decision hierarchy whether it can represent vendor selection decisions in reality and whether it covers all key factors affecting vendor selection c</p><p> Keywords Ve
19、ndor selection Forward Supply Chain Model FSCM Original Equipment Manufacturing OEM Grey Relational Analysis GRA Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP </p><p> 1 Introduction</p><p> At pres
20、ent industries tend to focus only on their core business and resort more and more to outsourcing several of their production functions than in the recent past In turn this practice has created larger and more complex sup
21、ply chains The successful management of these chains is one of the cornerstones for companies to stay competitive</p><p> Basically industrial organizations have been divided in operative functions such as
22、marketing planning production purchasing finance etc Supply chain is a strategy that integrates these functions creating a general plan for the organization which satisfies the service policy maintaining the lowest possi
23、ble cost level due to the incredible competition environment that they are exposed to A supply chain is a network of departments which is involved in the manufacturing of a product from the procur</p><p> T
24、he objective of vendor selection is to identify vendors with the highest potential for meeting customers needs consistently and at an acceptable cost Selection is a broad comparison of vendors using a common set of crite
25、ria and measures However the level of detail used for examining potential vendors may vary depending on customers needs The overall goal of selection is to identify high potential vendors</p><p> To select
26、likely vendors the customer judges each vendors ability to meet consistently and cost-effectively its needs using selection criteria and right measures Criteria and measures are developed to be applicable to all the vend
27、ors being considered and to reflect the customers needs and its supply and technology strategy It may not be easy to convert its needs into useful criteria because needs are often expressed as general qualitative concept
28、s while criteria should be specific requirements t</p><p> The customer can set measures while it is developing selection criteria to ensure that the criteria will be practical to use Often developing crite
29、ria and measures overlaps with the next step gathering information Gathering information may offer insight into the number and type of criteria that will be required for the evaluation and the type of data that is availa
30、ble However gathering information without specific criteria and measures in place can lead to extraneous effort </p><p> There has been an evolution in the role and structure of the purchasing function thro
31、ugh the 90s Purchasing involves buying the raw materials vendors and components for the organization The activities associated with it include selecting and qualifying vendor rating vendor performance negotiating contrac
32、ts comparing price quality and service sourcing goods and service timing purchases selling terms of sale evaluating the value received predicting price service and sometimes demand changes specif</p><p> Th
33、e objective of the vendor selection process is to reduce risk and imize the total value for the buyer and it involves considering a series of strategic variables Among these variables is the time frame of the relationshi
34、p with vendors the choice between domestic and international vendors and the number of vendors that is choosing between single or multiple sourcing and the type of product </p><p> This paper presents a str
35、uctured model for evaluating the vendor selection for the original equipment manufacturers OEM industry producing rubber products located at the southern part of India using the Grey Relational Analysis GRA and Analy
36、tical Hierarchy Process AHP in a Forward Supply Chain Model FSCM This paper is organized as follows In Sec 2 a literature review is provided Section 3 describes the problem Section 4 presents the solution methodology
37、 Section 5 presents the proposed in</p><p> 2 Literature Review </p><p> Vendor selection decisions are complicated by the fact that various criteria must be considered in decisions making pro
38、cess The analysis of such criteria and measuring the performances of vendors have been the focus of many scientists and purchasing practitioners since the 1960s Many papers and researches were dedicated to this problem T
39、his section briefly summarizes the literature of existing approaches and results obtained for the vendor selection problem </p><p> Early in 1966 Dickson1 reports 23 different criteria for vendors evaluatio
40、n Of these criteria he states that cost quality and delivery times are among the most important performance measures in the selection of vendors Since that time numerous papers have cited his work approaching the vendor
41、selection problem mainly from three perspectives conceptual empirical and mathematical </p><p> In the empirical area of the vendor selection Weber et al3 present a comprehensive review of the literature pr
42、oviding the most important criteria in the choice of suppliers According to their investigation they rank price as the most important factor in the selection process followed by lead-time and quality factors Jiuh-Biing p
43、roposed a methodology in his research that would stimulate research in the related fields of global logistics and may help address issues regarding the uncertainty and co</p><p> Chan and Chung5 develop a m
44、ulti-criterion genetic optimization for solving distribution network problems in supply chain management In this work they combine analytic hierarchy processes with genetic algorithms to capture the capability of multi-c
45、riterion decision-making which will reduce the computation time Vaidya and Kumar presents a literature review of the applications of Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP and also provided the various application area where t
46、he AHP is used as a multiple crit</p><p> Handeld et al in their work integrate environmental issues in their supplier assessment decisions with the help of AHP Liu et al and Weber et al presented a data en
47、velopment analysis method for a Vendor Selection Problem VSP with multiple objectives </p><p> Vanegas and Labib proposed a method to determine the weights for the customer requirements by converting the
48、weights from the AHP into fuzzy numbers using the concept of a fuzzy line segment Maggie and Tummala in their paper discussed about the vendor selection for the telecommunication systems and based on the proposed model t
49、he time taken to select the vendor has been reduced </p><p> The above literature reveals that for selection of vendors most previous researchers have considered only three main factors quality service and
50、 price and about 15 sub-factors This paper describes five main factors quality delivery engineering capability service and price and 21 sub-factors for the vendor selection </p><p> 3 Problem Description
51、</p><p> The company chosen for this work plans to build a supply chain for its rubber manufacturing product At present the company is facing a lot of problems regarding the quality of products manufactured
52、 After the long study done by the research team comprising of experts from industry and academia it was found that the quality problems have risen because of the raw materials purchased from the single vendor without tes
53、ting the quality So the company has planned to improve the quality of the product b</p><p> Among the questions that arise is which vendors are to be selected The attributes and the sub-attributes have to b
54、e most prevalent and important in the vendor selection process Choosing the possible attributes and sub-attributes for the vendor selection involves a decision making team which includes experts from the industry side p
55、urchasing director purchasing manager sales manager product manager quality manager and production manager and the academic side The attributes and sub-attributes in</p><p> It comprises of four levels for
56、 selecting the best vendor Level 1 represents the goal ie selection of best vendor Level 2 represents the five attributes Quality Q Delivery D Engineeringtechnical capability E Service S and Price R Level 3 rep
57、resents 21 sub-attributes and Level 4 represents the number of vendors</p><p> 4 Solution Methodology </p><p> In this work the multi criteria decision-making tools such as AHP and GRA are ado
58、pted to solve the vendor selection problem after selecting attributes and sub-attributes In the first part the AHP approach is used since it can combine both qualitative and quantitative criteria making it an appropriate
59、 approach for solving the current problem GRA approach is used in the second part because the calculations involved are faster and simpler than in AHP The overview of AHP and GRA approaches are discu</p><p>
60、 41 Overview of AHP </p><p> The AHP12 is a decision making approach designed to aid in the solution of complex multiple criteria problems in a number of application domains This method has been found to b
61、e an effective and practical approach that can consider complex and unstructured decisions The AHP is proposed in this research in order to handle both tangible and intangible factors and sub-factors affecting vendor sel
62、ection decisions The selection of the methodology is based on the characteristics of the problem and the</p><p> com Establishment of a structural hierarchy </p><p> This step allows a complex
63、 decision to be structured into a hierarchy descending from an overall objective to various attributes sub-attributes and so on until the lowest level The objective or the overall goal of the decision is represented at t
64、he top level of the hierarchy The attributes and sub-attributes contributing to the decision are represented at the intermediate levels Finally the decision alternatives or selection choices are laid down at the last lev
65、el of the hierarchy According to S</p><p> Also the number of the levels in a hierarchy depends on the complexity of the problem being analyzed and the degree of detail of the problem that an analyst requir
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- 外文資料翻譯--運用灰色關系分析選擇供營商的聯(lián)合方法
- 畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯
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