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1、2900 英文單詞, 英文單詞,16400 英文字符,中文 英文字符,中文 4870 字出處: 出處:Ayman, Hassaan, Mahmoud, et al. Planting design for urban parks: Space syntax as a landscape design assessment tool[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2015, 4(1):3

2、5-45.Planting design for urban parks: Space syntax as a landscape design assessment toolAyman,Hassaan,Mahmoud,Reham,OmarAbstractTrees are a major factor in defining the spatial qualities of outdoor spaces. This study inv

3、estigates the influence of spatial configuration produced by the proposed tree planting design on the visual fields of an urban park using space syntax theory. Space syntax theory assumes that an urban area can be repres

4、ented as a matrix of connected spaces. The quantitative properties of this matrix in the form of syntactic measures can be measured using computer simulations. This research investigates how space syntax techniques can h

5、elp assess the effect of tree configurations on the social structure of a small-scale garden in an urban park. Such techniques are assumed useful in predicting the social structure of the proposed space and in assessing

6、design alternatives. An experimental study using three different planting design proposals for an urban park is conducted. Data are analyzed using space syntax techniques. Results reveal a significant effect of planting

7、configurations on syntactic measures across the three proposals. This study suggests that space syntax techniques may have a significant value in the assessment of schematic planting design, especially at the pedestrian

8、movement level.KEYWORDS:Landscape design; Space syntax; Planting; Urban parks; Cairo1. IntroductionThe current literature has investigated the influence of landscape vegetation on the frequency and range of movement (Shr

9、iver, 1997; Foltête and Piombini, 2007; Chamberlain and Meitner, 2013) and on the choices of routes in specific places such as public gardens (Loiteron and Bishop, 2005). However, these studies are focused on pedest

10、rian behavior in small and closed spaces (Zacharias,1997; Moskell and Allred, 2013) and in unknown areas (Zacharias, 2006). Generalizing these observations in large, familiar environments is necessary to distinguish the

11、processes of space perception that affect movement. Research on movements in an intraurban environment must integrate a large amount of qualitative data to generate useful inputs for urban planning (Røe, 2000; Stahl

12、e and Marcus, 2010), such as landscapes. Such approach will help in understanding how individuals choose their routine trips in an environment and how social structure is affected by pedestrian trips.Visual representatio

13、n and simulation techniques are traditionally used to help designers in the design process. These techniques help in visualizing design concepts and in exploring how proposed layouts might work in reality. This study inv

14、estigates the use of identifying the visual properties of spatial configurations initiated by planting designs in a landscape setting.1.1 Aim of the studyThis study investigates the effect of the planting design of urban

15、 parks based on the assumptions of a space syntax model, especially at the pedestrian movement level. This method may have an extensive value in the evaluation process at the schematic planting design stage. The main que

16、stion motivating this study is whether a planting design method can be developed by used “agents” that navigate through VR environments to retrieve isovists, which represent the measures of visible space throughout confi

17、gurations and the associated visual fields through the space that they produce (Benedikt, 1979a, 1979b). On the contrary, Batty and Jiang (1999) developed a parallel “agent system” to construct isovists. Extending the wo

18、rk on isovists, Conroy (2001) investigated the formal visual properties of paths that people take within controlled experiments in VR environments. Fisher- Gewirtzman and Wagner (2002) suggested that visibility analysis

19、should cover and quantify the third dimension as Benedikt (1979a, 1979b) managed to achieve for two dimensions. They proposed a three-dimensional analysis of the “spatial openness” (or isovist volume) of views from flats

20、. However, they restricted themselves to a two- dimensional isovist area because of inadequate computing processing capacity. Teller (2003) suggested an innovative solution to overcome the problem of computational comple

21、xity in a three-dimensional analysis. He investigated the angular area of the sky observable throughout the urban environment to analyze “sky opening” from locations. This method offers a scale-invariant measure of the e

22、nvironment, which Teller recommended as a practical way to avoid the scale dependency of many measures of isovists, such as area or visual integration. He suggested that apart from offering examples of typical values, th

23、e method is also useful for classifying town squares and investigating the effect of new buildings on the perception of the environment. A related approach was established by Ratti (2002), who mapped the distribution of

24、perceived sky area from various positions that give a weighted directional measure of visual openness.Turner (2003a, 2003b) argued that although these innovative techniques add a three-dimensional quality, they cannot be

25、 broken down into the recent uses of visibility analysis, which can be divided into two categories: (1) classification and (2) assessment of the perceptual qualities of the environment. The present study extends the argu

26、ment that the visibility analysis of the proposed planting designs could detect the specific effects of spatial properties caused by various planting arrangements in landscape design.2.3 Space syntax theorySpace syntax i

27、s a research program that studies the correlation between human societies and space from the perspective of the general theory of the structure of populated space in all its different forms: buildings, settlements, citie

28、s, and landscapes (Hillier, 1996; Hillier and Hanson, 1998; Bafna, 2003; Koohsari et al., 2013). Space syntax is also defined as a graph-based theory used by architects and urban designers to examine how the spatial layo

29、ut of buildings and cities influences the economic, social, and environmental outcomes of human movement and social interaction (Dawson, 2002). Its techniques offer precise quantitative descriptions of the way in which t

30、he built spaces of a setting are organized (Hillier et al., 1983). According to Hillier and Hanson (1984), the social meaning of the environment arises from spatial composition, and the topological structure of an enviro

31、nment is a primary element by which a society creates and establishes roles to develop some types of social relationships.Therefore, constructed environmental spatial patterns incorporate and give shape to social pattern

32、s.Space syntax is built on two recognized ideas that attempt to reflect both the objectivity of space and our intuitive engagement (Hillier and Vaughan, 2007). The first idea is that we should think of space not as the b

33、ackground to human activity, as we think of it as the background to objects, but as an essential aspect of everything human beings do in the sense of moving through space. Movement is essentially linear, and interface re


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