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1、碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文論 律 師 執(zhí) 業(yè) 條件 制 度o nL a w y e rC o n d itio nS y ste m作 者 姓 名 : 石 艷 芳指 導(dǎo) 教 師 :西 南 政 法 大 學(xué)S o u th w e stU n iv e rsityo f P o litic a lS e ie n c ean dL a wA b s t r a e tL aw y er ’ 5eo n d itio n saretheb asi

2、so fform u latin glaw y ersy stem ,w h o seim P ro v em en td ire ctlyd oin fl u en c eo nw h ichkin do fP e o P leb ee o m ela w y er.L aw y er’ 5e o n d itio nsy stemin elu d estw oasP ects, n am el又 theb arex am in at

3、io nsy steman dthesy stemforthelaw y erstoo b tainth ecert ifi e ate . V 門letherh av in gthere q u ire dq u alifi e atio n s15th ek eyfaeto ro fsele etio nforlaw y er ’ 5P erso rm el,w h o seil n P o rtan ee15o b v io u

4、s. H o w ev er ,inP ra etie e ,itsim P o rtan eedoesn ’ tseemtob ePaidenou ghat ention . Th ePresent51 擬ationi noureountr y15thatt hesele etio ncri teri aforlaw y ersd on o tk eePineo n sisten eean dthere15la cko fm an a

5、g em en to nth eP eo P lew h oap P lyforth eP raetie in ge erti五e ate , w h iehgr e at l yh in d ersthed ev e lo P m en to fC h in a ’ law y ersy stem . T h isP ap erm ain lyan alyZ e sthesh o rtag e so fth eP re sen tla

6、w y er’ sco n d itio nsys temi nC h in a . Wi thth eco m P arativ ean aly sism eth o dthea u th o ran al鄧 e stheforeignc o u n tri e s’law y ersy stem ,o ntheb a seo fw h ichtheau tho rP utforw ardaseri e so fsu gg estio

7、 ntoP erfeetth elaw ye r ’ 5eo n d itio nsy steminC h in a .Inad d itio ntoitsin tr o du c tio nan dP re fae e ,ato talo f2 5 , 0 0 0w o rd s,thisP ap erm ain lyin e lu d e sth re eP ar t s, an tth ed eta ilsa rea sfollo

8、 w s :Th efi rstP ar t15theP re sen tsitUatio no fthelaw y er ’ 5e o n d itio nsy steminC h in a . T h isS ec ‘ , on ‘ s( 早 , v, de d ‘ n‘ o ‘ WOpa r t‘ 二 t h e“ ‘ a t Us“ fOb‘ a i n‘ ng ‘ a wye rqua l ‘ f i c a t ‘ onsa

9、 nd ‘ a wye r ’ spracti ee c己 rt i 6 cate. 仆 e au山。 : anal 鄧estheShort ageSof 伍ereferredprobl em sfr o mthen atio n alco n d itio n s, P o litie a lc o n d itio n s, b u sin e ssco n d itio n san dtheb eh av io reo n d i

10、tio n s.Th ese eo n dP ar t15theeo m P ar i so nw ithlaw y er’ 5co n d itio nsy steminforeigneo u n tries.Th isse ctio n15alsod iv id edintotw oP ar t s: thestatu so fo b tainin glaw y erq u alifi eatio n san dlaw y er ’

11、 5P ra ctic eeer t ifi e ateinso m ed e v elo P ede o un tr i e ssu cha stheP resen tre gU latio n so ntheab o v eP ro b lem sintheU n ited 丸 n g d o m ,theU n itedS tate s,G e rm an yan dF ran c e . Wi theo m P ara tiv

12、ean a ly sism e tho d ,theau tho rd e seri b e sth ea dv an ta g e so fth ere late dsy stem sinforeigneo u n tr i e sfro mth efollo w i n gasP e ets: thecu rr e n ttrain in gsy stem , th eex istin gin sP eetio nsy steman

13、 do th erre lev an teo n ditio n s.Th ethirdP ar t15thean aly siso fh o wtoim P ro v ethelaw y er ’ 5e o n d itio nsy stem ,w h ichin e lu d e sh o wtoP erfectthee d u e atio nsy steman dtheb arex am in atio nforlaw ye r


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