1、<p> 畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p> 系 別 </p><p> 專 業(yè) </p><p> 姓 名 </p><p> 學 號
2、 </p><p> 外文出處 Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on </p><p> Machine Learning and Cybernetics,Baoding,12-5 July 2009</p><p> 附 件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文
3、;2.外文原文 </p><p> 附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p> 當前無線射頻識別技術應用略述</p><p><b> 摘 要</b></p><p> 無線射頻識別技術可以自動識別多目標并以非接觸式方式移動目標。越來越多的零售商、銀行、交通管理系統(tǒng)、展覽及物流供應商將這項新技術應用于他們的產(chǎn)
4、品和服務。因此,這給RFID技術的研究帶來了機遇和挑戰(zhàn)。本文簡單介紹了RFID系統(tǒng)的組成、原理及RFID技術的特點。本文比較了RFID與傳統(tǒng)條碼,然后提供了一個簡短的關于目前RFID應用情況的調(diào)查報告。</p><p> 關鍵詞:無線射頻識別技術 應用 物流</p><p><b> 簡 介</b></p><p> 無線射頻識別
5、(RFID)是一種識別技術。與RFID技術的前身——條碼技術相比,RFID技術具有很多的優(yōu)點。但由于其成本高,RFID技術至今未能廣泛應用到各行各業(yè)。RFID技術因其無需視線掃描而具有無可比擬的先進性,它能夠降低勞動力水平,提高知名度并改善庫存管理。</p><p> RFID技術的普及提供了一項人或物體定位及追蹤的解決方案。RFID定位與跟蹤系統(tǒng)根據(jù)獨特的識別標簽、閱讀器與物體標簽間射頻通信的信號強度確定物體
6、的空間位置,主要適用于室內(nèi),而GPS系統(tǒng)是不適合應用于室內(nèi)的。</p><p> RFID技術是一項基于“無線電頻率”的非接觸式的自動識別技術,自動識別靜態(tài)或動態(tài)的人和對象。 RFID標簽是一個特殊的微芯片,植入商品中,可以跟蹤和管理物理對象,是物流管理信息化和跟蹤信息化的重要手段。</p><p> RFID的系統(tǒng)組成部分包括: (1)標簽(應答器):對象植入待確定。
7、 (2)閱讀器:可以讀或讀/寫,按結構和技術。正如圖1-1,RFID的工作原理</p><p> 圖1-1 RFID的工作原理</p><p> 二、目前RFID技術的研究重點</p><p> 由于RFID技術日趨成熟且RFID標簽價格下降,RFID越來越受到工業(yè)界和學術界的關注。通過在物品上貼射頻標簽,我們就可以跟蹤和管理這些對象。這項技術會逐漸取代目前的
8、廣泛采用的條碼系統(tǒng)。</p><p> ?。ㄒ唬㏑FID標簽與條碼</p><p> 條碼技術廣泛采用于商品和對象的識別。我們能夠在超市的任何包裝產(chǎn)品上找到條碼。Zebra公司是領先的條碼供應商之一,它為全世界超過一百個國家提供專業(yè)數(shù)碼印刷及自動識別解決方案。二十年前,該公司主要生產(chǎn)標準標簽。如今,Zebra 開展RFID業(yè)務。從應用角度來看,尤其是在零售業(yè)方面,條碼和RFID有著相似的
9、市場應用點。RFID技術會取代條碼嗎?</p><p> 從概念的角度來看,RFID標簽和條碼標簽也有相似之處。通過提供一種易于識別的取貨碼,管理便利店商品。兩者之間的主要差別是條碼技術采用只讀方式且必須在閱讀器規(guī)定的線路上讀取。與條碼相比,RFID通過無線電傳輸數(shù)據(jù)且能夠改變存儲在RFID標簽上的數(shù)據(jù)。這種遠距離的非接觸式自動化操作有效減少人力需求。RFID最先進的一點是它可以在同類型的產(chǎn)品中識別個別物品。R
10、FID為供應鏈所有進程中單一商品提供實時跟蹤環(huán)境?;谶@些功能,RFID技術減少了倉儲,配送和庫存成本。這直接為企業(yè)帶來更多的利潤,顯著提高客戶服務質(zhì)量。</p><p> (二)射頻標準的發(fā)展</p><p> 企業(yè)逐漸認識到RFID 產(chǎn)品和服務創(chuàng)造的巨大商機。RFID技術主要在美國,日本,韓國和中國發(fā)展。美國食品和藥品管理局國際部已經(jīng)開始推動RFID技術的發(fā)展,沃爾瑪就是一個成功的
11、例子。沃爾瑪用RFID產(chǎn)品取代條碼節(jié)省67億美元,6億美元存儲成本及5.7億美元丟失盜竊成本。然而,RFID技術還沒有一個單一的全球標準。美國正在建立本國的RFID硬件和應用標準,歐洲標準主要遵循美國的標準。</p><p> 日本在智能通信和家電領域有深入的研究。日本提出的UID標準目前只應用于本土。日本經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易和產(chǎn)業(yè)部(METI)正在推動RFID在日本的發(fā)展和應用。日本經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易產(chǎn)業(yè)部的兩個主要任務是降低RF
12、ID標簽成本、促進日本標準全球化。韓國的研究和開發(fā)集中在自動化和智能家電方面。</p><p> 中國政府也意識到了RFID產(chǎn)業(yè)價值,并制定自己的RFID 標準。中國因其大規(guī)模寬領域的工業(yè)而被稱為“世界工廠”。因此,中國有潛力發(fā)展自己的標準。雖然與上述國家相比中國的RFID行業(yè)起步較晚,但其成長迅速,正逐漸成為全球極具競爭力的國家。一些公司如Invengo,正在開發(fā)其自主品牌的RFID產(chǎn)品。</p>
13、<p> ?。ㄈ┠壳吧漕l技術的發(fā)展</p><p> 硬件組件對于所有RFID系統(tǒng)而言是共同的,而不同的軟件形成不同的RFID應用。硬件方面的主要問題包括:產(chǎn)品小型化、降低成本、大制作等。</p><p> 一些公司如德國西門子,加快RFID芯片的發(fā)展,快速豐富自己的產(chǎn)品以滿足用戶的需求。目前超高頻RFID芯片的集成度已大大增加。</p><p>
14、; 第二代(Gen.2)RFID標簽很快取代上一代,并在應用市場占主導份額。富士通首次開發(fā)的64 KB內(nèi)存RFID標簽訪問速度高、存儲量大,已經(jīng)成功應用于航空業(yè)。閱讀器的價格不斷遞減,RFID讀取器的功能不斷加強而價格卻不斷遞減。最近一年,微軟發(fā)布了BizTalk Server,這種服務器將RFID技術與微軟的產(chǎn)品應用集成。</p><p> 由于RFID系統(tǒng)成為日常生活的重要部分,敏感且私人信息都可能存儲在
15、RFID 標簽中。這一安全威脅變得越來越嚴重,限制了RFID技術的推動和發(fā)展。由于RFID標簽成本和空間的限制,RFID技術通常不具備高功率的安全機制。RFID標簽是易受攻擊的。如果沒有適當?shù)陌踩胧?,任何人都可以用RFID讀寫裝置閱讀、修改和刪除一個RFID標簽上的數(shù)據(jù)。而且RFID標簽很容易復制,這對門禁系統(tǒng)而言是一大威脅。</p><p> 現(xiàn)在,一些安全措施可供應用方面使用。例如,ISO為數(shù)據(jù)認證頒布的
16、15693標準已經(jīng)應用于銀行卡授權和建設門禁系統(tǒng)。然而,所有的安全措施都有一些缺點,它已成為關于RFID技術的熱門研究話題。</p><p><b> 射頻技術的主要應用</b></p><p> RFID技術的應用主要集中在物流、零售業(yè)、收費系統(tǒng)、機票、醫(yī)療保健,安全和識別系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b> ?。ㄒ唬┪锪?lt;/
17、b></p><p> 其中最著名的RFID技術的應用之一是供應鏈管理。RFID標簽附在商品上。RFID閱讀器跟蹤供應鏈中的物品或零件及所有的物品從產(chǎn)地到銷售點。Megatrux是世界100強物流公司之一,其將摩托羅拉公司的RFID計劃應用到供應鏈管理。他們的客戶服務得到改善,而成本卻大大降低。 </p><p> RFID技術在產(chǎn)品交付方面很有價值。我們利用貼在物品上的R
18、FID標簽跟蹤產(chǎn)品從揀貨到提交的移交過程和當前位置。RFID技術能夠緩解人為失誤造成的錯誤交貨,并不要求像條碼一樣一對一的視線閱讀。 在識別大批量的貨物時,減少了時間并節(jié)約閱讀標簽成本。在2005年,澳大利亞郵政開始在國內(nèi)郵政服務范圍內(nèi)處理RFID標簽信封。聯(lián)邦快遞開始測試RFID技術的應用,用其跟蹤包裹的溫度、位置、濕度水平和交貨狀態(tài)。</p><p> 在服裝行業(yè),RFID技術應用于生產(chǎn)、分銷和零售。RFI
19、D系統(tǒng)可以提供庫存可視性,加強顧客購物體驗。該系統(tǒng)能夠知道哪些衣服客戶挑選的頻率最高,并根據(jù)標簽提供服裝定制廣告。美國服飾在其旗下的八個商店運用RFID系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)每周節(jié)省勞動力約60-80小時。日本服裝制造商Sankei 在制造過程利用RFID系統(tǒng)跟蹤服裝并促進網(wǎng)上銷售。</p><p><b> ?。ǘ┝闶蹣I(yè)</b></p><p> 在零售行業(yè),RFID技術
21、的建議。數(shù)據(jù)挖掘和其他器械學習技巧能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)隱藏的顧客行為、購物習慣、商品與青睞物品之間的關聯(lián)。</p><p><b> 四、結束語</b></p><p> RFID技術具有很多優(yōu)點,如以高精度、非接觸的方式同步采集大量數(shù)據(jù)等。RFID技術對我們的生活影響越來越大,逐漸取代超市和物流管理中的條碼。目前,射頻技術最廣泛的應用是的訪問控制和貨物位置追蹤。實際上,RF
22、ID技術提供個體物品識別和在線多變數(shù)據(jù)存儲的功能。對于這些附加功能,我們要創(chuàng)造一個更好的工具。因此,我們期待新一代的RFID應用納入智能化。智能化的RFID應用可能帶來新的研究和商業(yè)機會。此外,它有助于進一步降低成本、提高客戶服務,并提供商業(yè)模式更新的洞察力。</p><p><b> 五、參考文獻</b></p><p> [1] Kuo shien Huang
23、 and Shun ruing Tang,RFID Application Strategy and Deployment in Bike Renting</p><p> System,International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology,PP.660-663,Feb,2008 </p><p> [2]
24、Landt J.The history of RFID,Potentials,Vol 24,No.4,PP.8.11,Nov.2</p><p> [3] Michael K.and MeCathie L.,The Pros and Cons of RFID in Supply Chain Management.International </p><p> Conference o
25、n Mobile Business,PP.623.629,July 2005.</p><p> [4] Allen Nogee, Tags and Chip:Changing the World for Less Then The Pricc of A Cup Of Coffee,In-Stat</p><p> /MDE,PP.14,December,2004</p>
26、<p> [5] http://www.zebra.com</p><p> [6] Christine Gallen,Total RFID Revenue to Exceed$5.6 Billion in 2009,According to ABI research,</p><p> http://www.abiresearch.com/press/1395.<
27、;/p><p> 附件2:外文原文(復印件或打印件)</p><p> A Brief Survey on Current RFID Applications</p><p><b> Abstract</b></p><p> RFID can automatically identify multi-target
28、 and moving target in non-contact method. there are an increasing number of retailers,banks,traffic managements,exhibitions and logistic providers practicing this new technology to their products and services.Therefore,i
29、t brings both opportunities and challenges to RFID researchers.This article briefly introduced component, principle and characteristic of the RFID technology..In this paper we compared RFID and the traditional bar code,a
30、nd then provide </p><p> Keywords: RFID Application Logistic </p><p> 1. Introduction</p><p> Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a new identification technology. RFID
31、has a greater number of benefits than its predecessor, the bar code. It is not universally adopted in many industries due to its high cost hitherto. However, RFID is unmatched advanced because it does not require sight s
32、canning, it acts to reduce labor levels, enhances" visibility, and improves inventory management.</p><p> The popularization of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) provides a solution of the location
33、/ tracing of human or objects. RFID location and tracing system,measures the space location of object based on unique identification tag and signal intensity of RF communication between reader and tag in object, mainly
34、apply to indoor location, which GPS system is not suitable for . </p><p> RFID, a non-contact automatic identification technology based on “Radio Frequency”, automatically identify static/moving object/huma
35、n. RFID tag, a special microchip, implanted in commodity, can trace and manage physical object, is an important means of logistics management informatization and tracing informatization .</p><p> The compon
36、ent of RFID system including: </p><p> (1) Tag (transponder): implanted in object to be identified. </p><p> (2) Reader: can read or write/read, according to the structure and technology. As
37、 figure 1, RFID </p><p> work principle.</p><p> Figure 1-1,RFID work principle</p><p> 2. Current Research Focuses of RFID</p><p> With the growing maturity of R
38、FID technology and the drop in price of RFID tags,RFID attracts increasing interests from both industry and academic.By attaching RFID tags on objects,one could keep track on and manage those objects.This technology grad
39、ually replaces current widely adopted barcode systems.</p><p> 2. 1.RFID Tag and Bar code</p><p> Bar code is widely adopted for goods and object identification.One could find bar code on ever
40、y packaged item in supermarkets. Zebra Company is one of the leading bar code providers and provides on-demand specialty digital printing and automatic identification solutions in more than 100 countries around the world
41、.About twenty years ago, the company mainly produced the standard labels. Now Zebra also moves to RFID business.From the application point of view, bar code and RFID share a similar mark</p><p> From concep
42、tual point of view, RFID tag and bar code are also similar.Both of them target to facilitate goods management by providing an easy to fetch identification code.There are two major differences between them,barcode is read
43、-only and must be in line-of-sight from the reader .Comparing with bar code.RFID is able to transmit data by radio frequency and alter data stored on the RFID tag chip.This long range and non-contact operation allows aut
44、omation to reduce man power requirement.The most </p><p> 2.2. Development of RFID Standard</p><p> Enterprises gradually realize the great business opportunities created by RFID products and
45、 services.Major developments of RFID technologies are located at USA,Japan,Korea and China.For examples, Wal-Mart,the international department of the United States,the United States Food and Drug Administration have prom
46、oted the development of RFID.A successful example is Wal-Mart.They replaced some barcodes by RFID products which saved US$6.7 billion barcode cost,US$0.6 billion storage cost and US$0.57 b</p><p> Japan has
47、 strong research and product lines on intelligent communication and home appliances.Japanese proposed the UID standard which is adopted in Japan homeland only.Japanese Ministry of Economy ,Trade and Industry(METI) is pus
48、hing for the development and applications of RFID in Japan.The two major missions of METI are to reduce the cost of RFID tags and to promote the Japanese standard to worldwide.Korea focuses their RFID research and develo
49、pment on automation and home appliances’ intelligen</p><p> The China government also realizes the industrial value of RFID and is formulating its own RFID standard.China is considered as the “world factory
50、” because of its large scale and wide range of industry. Therefore, China has the potential to develop its own standard. In comparison to aforementioned countries, although China is late in starting its RFID industry, it
51、 grows up rapidly and is gradually becoming very competitive in worldwide. Several companies,e.g. Invengo,in China are making progress</p><p> 2.3.Current RFID Technology Development</p><p> H
52、ardware components are common to all RFID applications while different software leads to different RFID application, Major issues in RFID hardware include product miniaturization,cost reduction, large production,etc.<
53、/p><p> Some companies,such as German Siemens, speeded up the development of RFID chips to enrich their products and to meet users’ needs.The integration density of current UHF RFID chips has been greatly incr
54、eased.</p><p> The new Generation 2(Gen.2) RFID tags quickly replace old generation tags and have a dominant share on the RFID application market. Fujitsu developed the first RFID tag with 64 KB memory whic
55、h has been successfully adopted in aviation industry owing to its high access speed and large storage.The price of RFID readers are monotonically decreasing while the capacities of RFID readers are enhancing, in recent y
56、ear, Microsoft issued the BizTalk Server which integrates the RFID with Microsoft product</p><p> As RFID systems becoming an important part of everyday life, sensitive and private information may be stored
57、 in RFID tag. This security threat becomes more serious and puts a severe limitation to the promotion and deployment of RFID applications.However, owing to the limitation of space and cost of a RFID tag, RFID tag usually
58、 does not equip with high power security mechanism.RFID tags are frangible to attack .Without appropriate security , anyone could read,alter and delete data on the RFID tag</p><p> 3.Major RFID Applications
59、</p><p> RFID applications focus on logistic,toll system,ticket, healthcare,security and identification systems.</p><p> 3.1 Logistic</p><p> One of the most famous RFID applicat
60、ions is supply chain management. RFID tags are attached to goods. Items or parts in the supply chain and all items are tracked by RFID readers from manufacture to point of sales. Megatrux ,a top l00 logistics company in
61、the world, has applied Motorola RFID plan to its supply chain management. Their customer services have been improved while the costs have been reduced greatly.</p><p> RFID also has a great value in product
62、 delivery. We could track the handing process and current location of the product from pick up to delivery with RFID tag attached on it. It helps to relieve incorrect delivery owing to human mistakes. It does not require
63、 one to one line of sight reading which is required for barcode. This reduce the time and cost of reading tags for a large batch of goods.The Australia Post begun processing RFID-tagged envelops in domestic mail servic
64、e in 2005.Federal Expr</p><p> In apparel industry ,RFID is applied in manufacturing, distribution and retail.RFID system provides inventory visibility and enhances customer shopping experience.The RFID sys
65、tem is able to know which clothes being picked up by customers most frequently and to provide customized advertisement on picked clothes according to the RFID tags.American Apparel applied RFID system to eight of their s
66、tores.it helps to save about 60-80 hours per week in labor .Japanese apparel manufacturer Sankei utilizes</p><p> 3.2 Retail</p><p> In retail industry, RFID are usually used to collect custom
67、er data.By tracking those data, one may have a real time visibility on the stocks of products. However, the data could be further utilized to provide more useful information and assist in decision making.For example,in a
68、 supermarket,every customer is given an interaction device when entering the supermarket.With the device,they can input personal information(age, gender, occupation, etc) and intended shopping list.Then,the device return
69、s</p><p> 4.Conclusions</p><p> RFID technology has a lot of advantages,such as simultaneous collection of large quantities of data with high accuracy, non-contact, etc.RFID technology has an
70、increasing influence to our lives and gradually replaces bar code in supermarket and logistic management.Most of current RFID applications are for access control and goods location tracking.In fact,RFID provides the func
71、tion of individual goods identification and online changeable data storage.We should make a better utility to these addi</p><p> REFERENCES</p><p> [1] Kuo shien Huang and Shun ruing Tang,RFID
72、 Application Strategy and Deployment in Bike Renting</p><p> System,International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology,PP.660-663,Feb,2008 </p><p> [2] Landt J.The history of RF
73、ID,Potentials,Vol 24,No.4,PP.8.11,Nov.2</p><p> [3] Michael K.and MeCathie L.,The Pros and Cons of RFID in Supply Chain Management.International </p><p> Conference on Mobile Business,PP.623.
74、629,uly 2005.</p><p> [4] Allen Nogee, Tags and Chip:Changing the World for Less Then The Pricc of A Cup Of Coffee,In-Stat</p><p> /MDE,PP.14,December,2004</p><p> [5] http://ww
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- rfid外文翻譯---當前無線射頻識別技術應用略述
- 當前無線射頻識別技術應用略述畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯
- 無線射頻識別技術
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- 射頻識別技術簡介畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯
- 外文翻譯--射頻識別(rfid)趨勢
- 外文文獻及翻譯-射頻識別(rfid)技術簡介
- 無線射頻識別技術(rfid)基礎知識
- 無線射頻識別技術(RFID)在郵件處理中的應用.pdf
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- 無線射頻識別技術及其在圖書館的應用現(xiàn)狀
- 白酒防偽管理中的無線射頻識別技術
- 無線射頻識別(RFID)技術在圖書管理中的應用.pdf
- 通信機房固定資產(chǎn)管理中無線射頻識別技術的應用.pdf
- 射頻識別技術在汽車上的應用
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- 無線安防系統(tǒng)中射頻識別技術的研究.pdf
- rfid(射頻識別技術)
- 射頻識別技術漫談
- 應用無線射頻識別技術的圖書管理系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn).pdf