1、<p><b> 電加熱鍋爐系統(tǒng)</b></p><p> 該鍋爐以電力為能源,通過電加熱管加熱供暖、空調(diào)或衛(wèi)生用熱水,該機加熱快、熱效率高、體積小、無噪音、模塊式供熱、節(jié)約能源、安裝使用方便、綜合了國內(nèi)外各方面先進技術(shù)而成的最新一代產(chǎn)品。</p><p><b> 一、控制原理</b></p><p>
2、 采用YLZK系列鍋爐電腦控制器。我公司吸收國外先進技術(shù),結(jié)合國內(nèi)鍋爐控制自動化的各種需要和具體應用現(xiàn)狀,采用現(xiàn)代電腦控制技術(shù),而推出的新一代鍋爐控制器。適用于蒸汽鍋爐、熱水鍋爐和導熱油爐的自動控制,具有可靠性高、自動化程度高、使用方便、操作簡單、功能豐富、控制靈活、造型美觀、性能價格比高等優(yōu)點。</p><p> 本機采用智能模塊式工控機(IPC)作為控制系統(tǒng)的核心。智能模塊式工控機(IPC)是一種基于串行總
3、線的多種模塊組成的工業(yè)控制計算機系統(tǒng)。由于采用了串行總線,它比以往采用的并行總線(如STD、PC104,ISA等)具有更多的優(yōu)點。它的每一個模塊就是一個帶有微處理器(CPU)的智能單元,本身具有強大的可編程功能,可獨立完成各種復雜的單元功能,是國內(nèi)鍋爐電腦控制器中最先進的產(chǎn)品。</p><p> 具有鍋爐水溫控制、鍋爐水位控制、回水溫度檢測、二次回水電動調(diào)節(jié)閥控制、缺水保護、超溫保護、定時控制等自動控制功能。&
4、lt;/p><p> 管束式電熱鍋爐是該廠綜合了國內(nèi)外各方面技術(shù)而形成的新一代產(chǎn)品。它采用模糊控制原理,結(jié)合PLC控制器,通過溫度傳感器,構(gòu)成閉環(huán)調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)。按恒溫、節(jié)能的優(yōu)化運行原則,隨著水溫的變化,控制系統(tǒng)不斷進行溫度采樣、邏輯運算和人工神經(jīng)元控制算法調(diào)節(jié)運算,從而實現(xiàn)自動恒溫之目的。</p><p><b> 二、產(chǎn)品特點</b></p><p
5、> ?。?)利用觸摸屏作操作界面,實現(xiàn)人機對話,易懂、易學、易記,操作簡單方便。通過顯示屏上的功能鍵可查核、設定和修改各種調(diào)節(jié)參數(shù)。</p><p> (2)系統(tǒng)控制核心PLC,其可編程序靈活性大、邏輯處理能力強,具有較高的運行速度及可靠性。</p><p> ?。?)執(zhí)行機構(gòu)采用國際先進電器元件。</p><p> (4)控制器帶內(nèi)藏式實時日歷時鐘。系統(tǒng)
6、可按用戶要求,在任意時間設定多個不同的溫度設定值,達到最佳節(jié)能效果。</p><p> (5)鍋爐控制柜設有斷流、超溫、超壓、短路、漏電、缺相、過流等保護功能,鍋爐運行更加穩(wěn)定、安全。</p><p> (6)鍋爐可外設蓄熱水箱,利用夜間低谷電加熱熱水至95℃,進行蓄熱水箱儲存,白天利用換熱器換熱后進行供暖,對電網(wǎng)起動削峰添谷的作用運行更加經(jīng)濟。</p><p>
7、; ?。?)鍋爐可實現(xiàn)變負荷功能,衛(wèi)生熱水和空調(diào)熱水可單獨提供或交叉提供,起到一機多用或多機同用的目的。</p><p> ?。?)鍋爐采用最清潔能源——電能,真正實現(xiàn)綠色環(huán)保、零污染,最大限度地保護人類生存環(huán)境。</p><p> 三、機組性能參數(shù)說明:</p><p> 采暖熱水額定出口/進口溫度:85℃/65℃(承壓電熱水出回水溫度為:95℃/70℃)&l
8、t;/p><p> 工作壓力:常壓(承壓電熱水鍋爐壓力0.7MPa/1.0MPa)</p><p> 供熱量自動調(diào)節(jié)范圍(無級自動調(diào)溫):10-100%</p><p> 使用電源:380∨50Hz</p><p> 允許出口溫度:85℃(規(guī)范要求<90℃)</p><p> 鍋爐水質(zhì)應附合GB1576-2
9、001《工業(yè)鍋爐水質(zhì)》要求。</p><p><b> 四、鍋爐的結(jié)構(gòu)</b></p><p> 整體的結(jié)構(gòu)包括鍋爐本體和輔助設備兩大部分。鍋爐中的爐膛、鍋筒、燃燒器、水冷壁過熱器、省煤器、空氣預熱器、構(gòu)架和爐墻等主要部件構(gòu)成生產(chǎn)蒸汽的核心部分,稱為鍋爐本體。鍋爐本體中兩個最主要的部件是爐膛和鍋筒。</p><p> 爐膛又稱燃燒室,是供
10、燃料燃燒的空間。將固體燃料放在爐排上,進行火床燃燒的爐膛稱為層燃爐,又稱火床爐;將液體、氣體或磨成粉狀的固體燃料,噴入火室燃燒的爐膛稱為室燃爐,又稱火室爐;空氣將煤粒托起使其呈沸騰狀態(tài)燃燒,并適于燃燒劣質(zhì)燃料的爐膛稱為沸騰爐,又稱流化床爐;利用空氣流使煤粒高速旋轉(zhuǎn),并強烈火燒的圓筒形爐膛稱為旋風爐。</p><p> 爐膛的橫截面一般為正方形或矩形。燃料在爐膛內(nèi)燃燒形成火焰和高溫煙氣,所以爐膛四周的爐墻由耐高溫
11、材料和保溫材料構(gòu)成。在爐墻的內(nèi)表面上常敷設水冷壁管,它既保護爐墻不致燒壞,又吸收火焰和高溫煙氣的大量輻射熱。</p><p> 爐膛設計需要充分考慮使用燃料的特性。每臺鍋爐應盡量燃用原設計的燃料。燃用特性差別較大的燃料時鍋爐運行的經(jīng)濟性和可靠性都可能降低。</p><p> 鍋筒是自然循環(huán)和多次強制循環(huán)鍋爐中,接受省煤器來的給水、聯(lián)接循環(huán)回路,并向過熱器輸送飽和蒸汽的圓筒形容器。鍋筒簡
12、體由優(yōu)質(zhì)厚鋼板制成,是鍋爐中最重的部件之一。</p><p> 鍋筒的主要功能是儲水,進行汽水分離,在運行中排除鍋水中的鹽水和泥渣,避免含有高濃度鹽分和雜質(zhì)的鍋水隨蒸汽進入過熱器和汽輪機中。</p><p> 鍋筒內(nèi)部裝置包括汽水分離和蒸汽清洗裝置、給水分配管、排污和加藥設備等。其中汽水分離裝置的作用是將從水冷壁來的飽和蒸汽與水分離開來,并盡量減少蒸汽中攜帶的細小水滴。中、低壓鍋爐常用
13、擋板和縫隙擋板作為粗分離元件;中壓以上的鍋爐除廣泛采用多種型式的旋風分離器進行粗分離外,還用百頁窗、鋼絲網(wǎng)或均汽板等進行進一步分離。鍋筒上還裝有水位表、安全閥等監(jiān)測和保護設施。</p><p> 為了考核性能和改進設計,鍋爐常要經(jīng)過熱平衡試驗。直接從有效利用能量來計算鍋爐熱效率的方法叫正平衡,從各種熱損失來反算效率的方法叫反平衡。考慮鍋爐房的實際效益時,不僅要看鍋爐熱效率,還要計及鍋爐輔機所消耗的能量。<
14、/p><p> 單位質(zhì)量或單位容積的燃料完全燃燒時,按化學反應計算出的空氣需求量稱為理論空氣量。為了使燃料在爐膛內(nèi)有更多的機會與氧氣接觸而燃燒,實際送入爐內(nèi)的空氣量總要大于理論空氣量。雖然多送入空氣可以減少不完全燃燒熱損失,但排煙熱損失會增大,還會加劇硫氧化物腐蝕和氮氧化物生成。因此應設法改進燃燒技術(shù),爭取以盡量小的過量空氣系數(shù)使爐膛內(nèi)燃燒完全。</p><p> 鍋爐煙氣中所含粉塵(包括
15、飛灰和炭黑)、硫和氮的氧化物都是污染大氣的物質(zhì),未經(jīng)凈化時其排放指標可達到環(huán)境保護規(guī)定指標的幾倍到數(shù)十倍??刂七@些物質(zhì)排放的措施有燃燒前處理、改進燃燒技術(shù)、除塵、脫硫和脫硝等。借助高煙囪只能降低煙囪附近地區(qū)大氣中污染物的濃度。</p><p> 煙氣除塵所使用的作用力有重力、離心力、慣性力附著力以及聲波、靜電等。對粗顆粒一般采用重力沉降和慣性力的分離,在較高容量下常采用離心力分離除塵靜電除塵器和布袋過濾器具有較
16、高的除塵效率。濕式和文氏—水膜除塵器中水滴水膜能粘附飛灰,除塵效率很高還能吸收氣態(tài)污染物。</p><p> 二十世紀50年代以來,人們努力發(fā)展灰渣綜合利用,化害為利。如用灰渣制造水泥、磚和混凝土骨料等建筑材料。70年代起又從粉煤灰中提取空心微珠,作為耐火保溫等材料。</p><p> 鍋爐未來的發(fā)展將進一步提高鍋爐和電站熱效率;降低鍋爐和電站的單位功率的設備造價;提高鍋爐機組的運行靈
17、活性和自動化水平;發(fā)展更多鍋爐品種以適應不同的燃料;提高鍋爐機組及其輔助設備的運行可靠性;減少對環(huán)境的污染。</p><p> Electric boiler system</p><p> The boiler to electric power for energy, heating through the electric heating tube heating, air co
18、nditioning or sanitation with hot water, heating it faster, high thermal efficiency, small size, no noise, modular heating, energy conservation, the installation of easy to use, a combination of all aspects of domestic a
19、nd foreign advanced technology from the latest generation of products. </p><p> NO.1 Control Principle </p><p> Boiler YLZK series used computer controller. I absorb advanced foreign technolog
20、y companies, combined with domestic boiler control automation applications and specific needs of the status quo, the use of modern computer-controlled technology, and the introduction of a new generation of boiler contro
21、ller. Apply to steam boilers, hot water boilers and automatic control of heat-conducting oil furnace, high reliability, high degree of automation, easy to use, easy to operate, feature-rich, flexible </p><p>
22、; This machine adopts intelligent modular IPC (iPC) as the core control system. Smart Modular Industrial Computer (iPC) is a serial bus based on a variety of industrial control modules computer systems. As a result of t
23、he serial bus, which used more than ever parallel bus (such as STD, PC104, ISA, etc.) have more advantages. It is each module with a microprocessor (CPU) of the intelligent unit, itself a powerful programmable function i
24、ndependently of the unit features a variety of complex, compute</p><p> With the boiler water temperature control, boiler water level control, backwater temperature detection, the second backwater valve ele
25、ctric control, water protection, over-temperature protection, automatic control functions such as timing control. Control the plant-type electric boiler is a combination of various aspects of technology at home and abro
26、ad to form a new generation of products. It uses the principle of fuzzy control, combined with PLC controllers, temperature sensors, the system co</p><p> NO.2 Features </p><p> (1) for the us
27、e of touch-screen interface, the realization of human-computer dialogue, easy-to-understand, easy to learn, easy to remember, easy to operate. Through the screen to check the function keys can be set and modify a variety
28、 of adjustment parameters. </p><p> (2) the core system control PLC, great flexibility of its programmable logic processing capability with high speed and reliability. </p><p> (3) organizatio
29、ns to adopt the international advanced the implementation of electrical components. </p><p> (4) Controller with Built-in real-time clock calendar. System users can request, at any time to set up a number o
30、f different temperature settings to achieve the best energy-saving effect. </p><p> (5) boiler control cabinet has a stop, over-temperature, over-pressure, short circuit, leakage, lack of phase, such as ove
31、r-current protection, the boiler is running more stable and safe. </p><p> (6) to peripheral storage boiler water storage tanks, the use of night-time trough of hot water heating to 95 ℃, storage tanks for
32、storage, the day after the use of heat exchangers for heat exchangers for power grid Valley start-up the role of Tim Clipping run more economy. </p><p> (7) boiler load function can be changed, health water
33、 and air-conditioning or hot water can be provided separately to provide cross-play of a machine or machines with multi-purpose use. </p><p> (8) boilers to use the most clean energy - electricity, true gre
34、en, zero emission, to maximize the protection of human life. </p><p> NO.3 Unit performance parameters Description: </p><p> Rated hot water heating export / import Temperature: 85 ℃ / 65 ℃ (a
35、 backwater pressure electric water temperature: 95 ℃ / 70 ℃) </p><p> Working pressure: atmospheric pressure (pressure electric water boiler and pressure 0.7MPa/1.0MPa) </p><p> The scope for
36、automatic adjustment of heat (no thermostat level) :10-100% </p><p> Power: 380 ∨ 50Hz </p><p> Allowed outlet temperature: 85 ℃ (specification <90 ℃) </p><p> All boiler wate
37、r should be attached to GB1576-2001 "industrial boiler water" requirement. </p><p> NO.4 Boiler structure: </p><p> The overall structure of the boiler and auxiliary equipment of tw
38、o major parts. Boiler in the furnace, drum, burner, wall superheater, economizer, air preheater, furnace wall structure and composition of major components of the core of the production of steam, known as the boiler. Boi
39、ler in the two most important components are the furnace and the drum. </p><p> Also known as furnace combustion chamber, fuel combustion for space. Will be on solid fuel on the grate for the fire-bed combu
40、stion furnace known as the layer burning stoves, also known as the fire-bed furnace; will be liquid, gas or ground into a powder of the solid fuel, is injected into the combustion chamber of the furnace of fire known as
41、the Room burning furnace, furnace room, also known as the fire; air will hold its coal combustion was boiling and low-grade fuel for combustion furnace kn</p><p> Furnace cross-section of generally square o
42、r rectangular. Fuel combustion in the furnace flame and high temperature flue gas to form, so the stove around the furnace wall by the high temperature materials and thermal insulation materials. In the furnace wall on t
43、he inner surface of the regular laying of water-wall tube, it will not burn the protection of furnace wall and the flame and high temperature flue gas to absorb the large number of radiant heat. </p><p> Fu
44、rnace designed to take full account of the characteristics of the use of fuel. Each boiler shall be fueled with the original design as much as possible fuel. Burning characteristics of the larger difference in fuel econo
45、my when the boiler operation and reliability can be reduced. </p><p> Drum is a natural cycle and multiple forced circulation boiler, the economizer to accept the water supply, circuit connection to the ste
46、am superheater cylinder delivery device described. Traditional drum made from high quality thick steel plate is a boiler in one of the most important components. </p><p> Drum's main function is water,
47、soft drinks to the separation of pot ruled out running in the saline water and mud residue, to avoid high concentrations of salt and impurities in the boiler water with the steam entering the superheater and the steam tu
48、rbine in. </p><p> Device includes an internal drum separator and steam cleaning equipment, water distribution pipes, sewage processing equipment such as drugs. Separator device which is to come from the wa
49、ll and the saturated steam from the water and to minimize the steam in small water droplets carried. , The low-pressure boilers used as a baffle and baffle gap separating coarse components; over medium-pressure boiler in
50、 addition to a variety of widely used types of cyclone for the separation of rough, but also </p><p> To assess performance and to improve the design, often have to go through the boiler heat balance test.
51、Directly from the efficient use of energy to calculate the thermal efficiency of boiler is a balanced approach is called, from a variety of heat loss to the efficiency of counter-balance method is called counter-balance.
52、 Consider the practical benefits of the boiler room not only depends on the thermal efficiency of boilers, but also taking into account the auxiliary boiler and the amount of e</p><p> Unit mass or unit vol
53、ume of fuel combustion, the chemical reaction is calculated according to the theory of air known as air traffic demand. In order to make the fuel in the furnace, there are more opportunities for contact with oxygen combu
54、stion, the actual volume of air into the furnace is greater than the total theoretical air. Although more air into the incomplete combustion can reduce heat loss, but the smoke will increase heat loss, but also exacerbat
55、e corrosion of sulfur oxides and nitrog</p><p> Boiler flue gas contained dust (including fly ash and carbon black), oxides of sulfur and nitrogen pollution in the atmosphere are the material, without purif
56、ication of their emission targets can be achieved several times indicators of environmental protection provisions of the several dozen times. Emissions control measures of these substances have a pre-combustion, improved
57、 combustion technology, dedusting, desulfurization and denitrification, such as. High chimney with only the area around th</p><p> Flue gas dust removal of the force used by gravity, centrifugal force, iner
58、tia force of adhesion, as well as sound waves, static electricity and so on. Generally used for coarse particle sedimentation and inertial force of gravity separation, at a high capacity centrifugal separation under the
59、regular use of electrostatic precipitators and bag dust filter with high collection efficiency. And the Sultan's wet - water film dust collector in the droplet adhesion film can fly, can absorb a very high</p>
60、<p> The twentieth century since the 50's, people strive to develop comprehensive utilization of ash, Wei of harm. Ash manufacturers such as cement, brick and concrete aggregate and other construction material
61、s. 70s extract from fly ash from Cenosphere, such as a fire-resistant insulation materials. </p><p> Boiler future development will further enhance the thermal efficiency of boilers and power plants; boiler
62、s and power plants to reduce the unit cost of power equipment; to improve the operation of boiler unit level of flexibility and automation; to develop more varieties to suit different boiler fuel; raise the boiler unit a
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- 【精品文檔】408關(guān)于鍋爐控制系統(tǒng)設計簡jie概述介紹有關(guān)的外文文獻翻譯成品:電加熱鍋爐系統(tǒng)(中英文雙語對照)
- 電加熱鍋爐安裝施工方案
- 電加熱鍋爐DCS系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn).pdf
- gbt 19065-2011 電加熱鍋爐系統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟運行
- jbt 10393-2002 電加熱鍋爐技術(shù)條件
- 蓄熱式電加熱鍋爐供熱系統(tǒng)的研究與計算.pdf
- 電加熱鍋爐溫度控制系統(tǒng)的設計及實現(xiàn).pdf
- 中英文翻譯--電鍋爐系統(tǒng)
- 基于fx3u的電加熱鍋爐控制系統(tǒng)設計
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc
- 外文翻譯-中英文.doc