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1、<p><b>  力學的基本概念</b></p><p>  對運動,時間和作用力作出科學分析的分支被稱為力學,它由靜力學和動力學兩部分組成。靜力學對靜止系統(tǒng)進行分析,即在靜力學系統(tǒng)中不考慮時間這個因素,而動力學是對隨時間變化的系統(tǒng)進行分析。</p><p>  通過配合表面作用力被傳送到機器的各個部件,例如從齒輪傳到軸或者是從一個齒輪通過嚙合傳遞到另一個


3、心力的大小,方向和作用點。</p><p>  當一些物體連接在一起形成一個組合或者系統(tǒng)時,在兩個接觸的物體之間作用和反作用的力被稱之為約束力。這些力約束各個物體使其處于特有的狀態(tài)。作用在這個物體系統(tǒng)外部的力叫做外力。</p><p>  電力,磁力和重力是不需要直接接觸就可以施加的力的實例。不是全部但是大多數(shù),與我們有關的力都是通過直接的實際接觸或者是機械接觸才能產(chǎn)生的。</p&g

4、t;<p>  力是一個矢量。力的要素就是它的大小,它的方向和作用點,一個力的方向包括力的作用線的概念和它的指向。因此,沿著力的作用線,力的方向有正副之分。</p><p>  沿著兩條不重合的平行線作用在一個物體上的兩個大小相等、方向相反的作用力不能合并成一個合力。任何作用在一個剛體上的兩個力構成一個力偶。力偶臂就是這兩個力的作用線之間的垂直距離。</p><p>  力偶

5、矩也是一個矢量,用M表示,垂直于力偶面;M的方向主要依據(jù)右手螺旋定則確定。力矩的大小是力偶臂與其中一個力的大小的乘積。</p><p>  如果一個剛體滿足下列條件,那么它處于平衡狀態(tài):</p><p>  (1)作用在它上面的所有外力的矢量和等于零。</p><p>  (2)作用在它上面的所有外力對于任何一個軸的力矩之和等于零。</p><p

6、>  在數(shù)學上這兩個條件被表示為</p><p>  所使用的術語“剛體”可以是整臺機器,一個機器中幾個相互連接的零件,一個單獨的零件或者是零件的一部分。隔離體簡圖是一個從機器中隔離出來的物體的草圖或視圖,在圖中標出所有作用在物體上的力和力矩。通常圖中應該包括已知的力和力矩的大小、方向還有其他相關信息。</p><p>  這樣得到的圖成為“隔離體簡圖”,其原因是圖中的零件或物體的一

7、部分已經(jīng)從其余的機械零部件中隔離出來了,其余的機器零部件對它的作用已經(jīng)用力和力矩代替。對于一個完整的機器零部件隔離體簡圖,圖上所表示出的,作用在其上面的力和力矩是通過與其相鄰或相接觸零件施加的,是外力。對于一個零件的一部分的隔離體簡圖作用在切面上的力和力矩都是通過被切掉部分施加的,是內力。</p><p>  繪制和提交簡潔、清晰的隔離體簡圖是工程交流的核心。這是真實的,因為他們代表了思考過程的一部分,無論這個過

8、程有沒有繪制在圖紙上,因為簡圖的繪制是把思考結果進行交流的唯一方式。無論出現(xiàn)的問題多么簡單,你都要養(yǎng)成繪制隔離體簡圖的習慣。隔離體簡圖的繪制加速了解決問題的過程,大大的降低了犯錯誤的機會。</p><p>  使用隔離體簡圖的優(yōu)點總結如下:</p><p> ?。?)對于一個人來說,把詞語、想法和觀點用物理模型表示是很容易的。</p><p> ?。?)有助于幫助人

9、們觀察和理解一個問題的各個方面。</p><p>  (3)有助于確定解決問題的途徑。</p><p> ?。?)有助于發(fā)現(xiàn)和數(shù)學的關系。</p><p>  (5)他們的應用易于記錄解題的步驟,有助于作出有關簡化的假設。</p><p> ?。?)解題所用的方法可以存儲,供以后參考。</p><p> ?。?)他們有

10、助于你的記憶,并且易于向其他人解釋和表達你的工作。</p><p>  在分析機器中的力時,我們幾乎總是要把機器分離成許多單個的部件來繪制標有作用在各個部件上的力的隔離體簡圖。許多部件都要通過運動副進行連接。</p><p>  在任何工程結構中,單個的零件或部件都將受到外力,而這些力是由他們所工作的環(huán)境或條件產(chǎn)生的。如果零部件處于平衡狀態(tài),那么外力作用的結果就是零,但是這些力共同在這個零

11、部件上施加了一個載荷,這個載荷使這個零部件有變形的趨勢,這種趨勢是內力相互作用的結果,是在物體內部建立起來的。</p><p>  把載荷施加到零部件上有許多不同的方法。載荷可以被歸為如下幾類:</p><p>  靜載荷是一個逐漸施加的載荷,因此在一個相對很短的時間力就可以達到平衡。</p><p>  持續(xù)載荷是一個在相當長的時間內持續(xù)作用的載荷,例如物體的重力

12、。這種類型的載荷被認為是和靜載荷以同樣的方式作用著;但是,由于溫度和應力的原因,在短時間內加載和持續(xù)加載兩種情況下,阻力失效有所不同。</p><p>  沖擊載荷是一個快速被施加的載荷(能源載荷)。震動通常是由沖擊載荷引起的,直到震動被消除才能達到平衡,震動通常都是有阻尼力消除的。</p><p>  重復載荷是一個被施加并且移動過上千次的載荷。</p><p>

13、  疲勞載荷或交變載荷的大小隨著時間而改變。</p><p>  有人注意到上述作用在處于平衡狀態(tài)的物體上的外力和物體的內力相互作用。因此,如果一個物體受到拉伸或是擠壓,例如在橫截面上施加一個均勻的外力,那么就會產(chǎn)生均勻的內力,并且這個物體也會受到均勻的應力,這個應力被定義為</p><p>  因此應力是壓縮應力還是拉伸應力取決于載荷的性質,它的單位是牛頓每平方米。</p>

14、<p>  如果一個物體受到軸向載荷的作用,還產(chǎn)生力應力,物體的長度將發(fā)生變化。如果物體的原始長度是,變化后長度增加了,那么所產(chǎn)生的應變如下</p><p>  因此應變衡量了物體的變形程度,它是無量綱,例如它沒有單位;他是兩個具有相同單位的數(shù)量的比值。</p><p>  因此,在載荷的作用下材料的變化實際上都是很小的,通常都用應變來表示,其形式是應變,當它的形式變?yōu)闀r就是微

15、應變。</p><p>  拉伸應力和應變被認為是正向的。拉縮應力和應變被認為是負向的。因此負應變使長度減小。</p><p>  如果材料在卸下載荷后恢復到?jīng)]加載荷是的狀態(tài),這種材料是彈性材料。應用于大范圍的工程材料,至少部分在負載范圍內的彈性,其特點就是產(chǎn)生的變形和所施加的載荷成正比。因此載荷和它們所產(chǎn)生的應變成比例關系,變形和應變成比例關系,這也就意味著當材料是彈性材料時應力和應變成

16、比例。因此胡克定律是</p><p>  這則定律在一定的范圍內適用于鐵合金材料,甚至可以以一定的精度用于其他工程材料,如混凝土,木材和有色金屬等。</p><p>  如果材料是彈性的,當卸下載荷時,所產(chǎn)生的變形將完全恢復;不會產(chǎn)生永久變形。</p><p>  在材料彈性范圍內,在胡克定律應用范圍內,可表示為</p><p>  這種持續(xù)

17、的象征用來表示,被成為彈性模量或楊氏模量。因此</p><p>  楊氏模量在拉伸和壓縮是被認為是一樣的,對于大多數(shù)工程材料其數(shù)值都是很高的。特別是鋼,,因而應變通常都是很小的。</p><p>  在大多數(shù)普通工程應用中應變很少超過0.1%。對于任何材料,楊氏模量的精確值都是通過在材料樣品上進行標準試驗才能確定。</p><p>  Basic Concepts

18、in Mechanics</p><p>  The branch of sicientific analysis which deals with motions,time,and forces is called mechanic and is made up of two parts,statics and dynamics.Statics deals with the analysis of statio

19、nary systems,i.e.,those in which time is not a factor,and dynamics deals with systems which change with time.</p><p>  Forces are transmitted into machine members through mating surfaces,e.g.,fron a gear to

20、a shaft or from one gear through meshing teeth to another gear,from a V belt to a pulley,or from a cam to a follower.It is necessary to know the magnitudes of these forces for a variety of reasons.The distribution of the

21、 forces at the boundaries or mating surfaces must be reasonable,and theirintensities must be within the working limits of the materials composing the surfaces.For example,if theforce operating</p><p>  When

22、a number of bodies are connected togther to form a group or system,the forces of action and reaction between any two of the cinnecting bodies are called constraint foeces.These forces constrain the bodies to behave in a

23、specific manner.Forces external to this system of bodies are called applied forces.</p><p>  Electic,magnetic,and gravitational forces are examples of forces that may be applied without actual physical conta

24、ct.A great many ,if not most,of the forces eith which we shall be concerned occur through direct physical or nechanical contact.</p><p>  Force F is a vector.The characteristics of a force are its nagnitude,

25、its direction,and its point of application.The direction of a force includes the concept of a line,along which the forfe is directed,and a sense.Thus,a forceis directed positively or negatively along a line of action.<

26、;/p><p>  Two equal and opposite foeces acting along two noncoincident parallel straifht lines in abody cannot be combined to obtain a single resultant force.Any two such forces acting on a body constitute a co

27、uple.The atm of the couple is the perpendicular distance between their lines of action,and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action.</p><p>  The moment of a couple is another

28、vector M directed normal to the plane of the couple;the sense of M is in accordance with the riht-hand rule for rotation.The magnitude of the moment is the product of the arm of the couple and the mafnitude of one of the

29、 forces.</p><p>  A rigid body is in static equilibrium if:</p><p>  (1) The vector sum of all forces acting upon it is zero.</p><p>  (2) The sum of the miments of all the foeces a

30、cting about any single axis is zero.</p><p>  Mathematically these two statements are expressed as</p><p>  The term “rigid body ” as used here may be an entire machine,severral connected parts

31、of a machine,a single part,or a portion of a part.A free-body diagram is s sketch or drawing of the body,isolated from the machine,on which the forces and moments are shown magnitudes and directions as well as other pert

32、inent information.</p><p>  The diagram so obtained is called “free” because the part or portion of the body has been freed from the remaining machine elements and their effects have been replaced by forces

33、and miments.If the free-body diagram is of an entire machine part,the forces shown on it are the external forces (applied forces) and miments exerted by adjoining or connected parts.If the diagran is a portion of a part,

34、the forces and moments acting on the cut portion are the internal forces and moments exerted by the p</p><p>  The construction and presentation of clear and nearly drawn free-body diagrams represent the hea

35、rt of engineeting communication.This is true because they represent a part of the thinking process,whether they ate actually placed on paper or not,and because the constuction of these diagrans is the only way the result

36、s of thinking can be cimmunicated ti others.You should acquire the habit og draqong free-body diagrams no matter how simple the problem may appear to be.construction of the diagrams sp</p><p>  The advantage

37、s of using free-body diagrams can be summarized as follows:</p><p>  They make it easy for one to translate words and thoughts and ideas into physical models.</p><p>  They assist in seeing and

38、understanding all facets of a problem.</p><p>  They help in planning the attack on the problem.</p><p>  They make mathematical relations easier to see or find.</p><p>  Their ude

39、makes it rasy to keep track of one’s progress and helps in making simplifying assumption.</p><p>  The methods used in the solution may be stored for future reference.</p><p>  They assidt your

40、memory and make it easier to explain and present your work to others.</p><p>  In analyzing the forces in machines we shall amost always need to separate the machine into its individual component and cinsteu

41、ct free-body diagrams showing the forces thet act upon each component.Many of these parts will be cinnected to each other by kinematic pairs.</p><p>  In any engineering structure the individual components w

42、ill be subjected to external forces arising from the service conditions or environment in which the component works.If the component or member is in equilibrium,the resultant of the external forces will be zero but,never

43、theless,they together place a load on the member which tends to deform that member and which must be reacted by internal forces set up within the material.</p><p>  There are a number of different ways in wh

44、ich load can be applied to a member.Loads may be classified with respect to time:</p><p>  A static load is a gradually applied load for which equilibrium is reached in a relatively short time.</p>&l

45、t;p>  A sustained load is a load that is constant over a long period od time,such as the weight of a structure.This type of load is treated in the same manner as a static load;however,for some materials and cinditions

46、 of temperature and stress,the resistance to failure may be different under short time loading and under sustained loading.</p><p>  An impact load is a rapidly applied load (an energy load).Vibration normal

47、ly results from an impact load ,and equilibrium is not established until the vibration is eliminated,usually by natural damping forces.</p><p>  A reprated load is a load that is applied and temoved many tho

48、usands of times.</p><p>  A fatigue or alternating load is a load whose magnitude and sign are changed with time.</p><p>  It has been noted above that external force applied to a body in equili

49、brum is reacted by internal forces set up within the material.If ,therefore,a bar is subjected to a uniform tension or compression,i.e. a force,which is unifoemly applied across the cross-section,then the internal forces

50、 set up ate also distributed uniformly and the bar is said to be subjected to a uniform normal stress,the stress being defined as </p><p>  Stress may thus be compressive or tensile depending on the nature

51、of the loaad and wil be measured in units of newtons per square meter or multiples of this.</p><p>  If a bar is subjected to an axial load, and hence a stress, the var will change in length. If the bar has

52、 an originallength L and changes in length by an amount , the strain produced is defined as follows:</p><p>  Strain is thus a measure of the deformation of the material and is non-dimensional, i.e. it has n

53、o units; it is simply a ratio of two quantities with the same unit.</p><p>  Since, in practice, the extensions of materials under load are very small, it is often convenient to measure the strains in the fo

54、rm of strain , i.e. microstrain,when the symbol used becomes .</p><p>  Tensile stresses and strains are cinsidered positive in sense. Compressive stresses and strains are considered negative in sense. Thus

55、a negative strain produces a decrease in length.</p><p>  A material is said to be elastic if it returns to its original, unloaded dimensions when load is removed. A particular form of elasticity which appli

56、es to a large range of engineering materials, at least over part of their load range, produces deformations which are proportional to the loads producing them. Since loads ate proportional to the stresses they produce an

57、d deformations are proportional to the strains, this also implies that, whilst materials are elastic, stress is proportional to str</p><p>  This law is obeyed within certain limits by most ferrous alloys an

58、d it can even be assumed to apply to other engineering materials such as concrete, timber and non-ferrous alloys with reasonable accuracy.</p><p>  Whilst a material is elastic the deformation produced by an

59、y load will be completely recovered when the load is removed; ther is no permanent deformation.</p><p>  Within the elastic limits of materials, i.e. within the limits in which Hooke’s law applies, ut has be

60、en shown that</p><p>  This constant is given the symbol E and termed the modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus. Thus </p><p><b>  (2.5)</b></p><p>  Young’smodulus E

61、 is generally assumed to be the same in tension or compression and for most engineering materials has a high numerical value. Typically, for steel, so that it will be oberved from Eq.(2.5) that strains are normally very

62、 small.</p><p>  In most common engineering applications strains rarely exceed 0.1%. The actual value of Young’s modulus for any material is normally determined by carrying out a standard test on a specimen


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