1、<p> 引言 模具CAD/CAE/CAM是改造傳統(tǒng)模具生產方式的關鍵技術,是一項高科技、高效益的系統(tǒng)工程。它以計算機軟件的形式,為企業(yè)提供一種有效的輔助工具,使工程技術人員借助于計算機對產品性能、模具結構、成形工藝、數(shù)控加工及生產管理進行設計和優(yōu)化。模具CAD/CAE/CAM技術能顯著縮短模具設計與制造周期、降低生產成本和提高產品質量已成為模具界的共識。
2、0; 與任何新生事物一樣,模具CAD/CAE/CAM在近二十年中經歷了從簡單到復雜,從試點到普及的過程。進入本世紀以來,模具 CAD/CAE/CAM技術發(fā)展速度更快、應用范圍更廣,為了使廣大模具工作者能進一步加深對該技術的認識,更好發(fā)揮模具CAD/CAE/CAM的作用,本文針對模具中應用最廣泛、最具有代表性的鑄造模、鍛模、級進模、汽車覆蓋件模和塑料注射模CAD/CAE/CAM的發(fā)展狀況和趨勢作概括性的介紹
3、和分析。 鑄造模CAD/CAE/CAM的發(fā)展概況 鑄造成形過程模擬的探索性工作始于求解鑄件的溫度場分布。 1962年丹麥的Fursund用有限差分法首次對二維形狀的鑄件進行了凝固過程的傳熱計</p><p> 塑料注射模CAD/CAE/CAM的發(fā)展概況 塑料注射模CAD/C
4、AM是伴隨著通用機械CAD/CAM技術發(fā)展而不斷深化的。從上世紀60年代基于線框模型的CAD系統(tǒng)開始, 到70年代以曲面造型為核心的CAD/CAM系統(tǒng),80年代實體造型技術的成功應用,90年代基于特徵的參數(shù)化實體/曲面造型技術的完善,為塑料注射模采用 CAD/CAE/CAM技術提供了可靠的保證。目前在國內外巿場已涌現(xiàn)出一批成功應用于塑料注射模的 CAD/CAE/CAM系統(tǒng)。
5、0; 現(xiàn)在國外一些著名的商品化三維造型軟件都帶有獨立的注射模設計模塊,如美國PTC公司的Pro/E、UGS公司的UG-II、SDRC公司的I-DEAS系統(tǒng)。這三個CAD/CAM系統(tǒng)目前在塑料模具工業(yè)中的應用最為廣泛。此外還有美國CV公司的CADDS系統(tǒng)、法國MATRA公司的EUCLID系統(tǒng)、法國 DASSAULT公司的CATIA系統(tǒng)、英國DELCAM公司的DUCT系統(tǒng)、日本造船信息系統(tǒng)株式會社的Space-E系統(tǒng)和日
6、本UNISYS株式會社的CADCEUS系統(tǒng)等都各具特色,擁有各自的用戶群。 塑料注射模CAE</p><p> 關于我國光纖產業(yè)現(xiàn)狀及幾點看法</p><p> 一、我國光纖產業(yè)發(fā)展的概況 </p><p> 1、光纖產業(yè)發(fā)展的回顧</p><p><b> (1)起步</
7、b></p><p> 我國光纖產業(yè)起步于上個世紀70年代中期,當時的郵電部、機械、電子部系統(tǒng)和北京市、上海市等地的諸多單位,都投入力量,從事光纖和光纖預制棒的研制工作。并在70年代末80年代初,利用自已研制的光纖(當時為多模光纖)進入到了試驗階段。 </p><p> 但由于受到技術、經濟實力等多方面的因素影響,當時的工作基本上還是限于實驗室研制的范疇。 </p>
8、<p> (2)二次創(chuàng)業(yè)期的失敗 </p><p> 80年代中期,國內掀起了第二次光纖創(chuàng)業(yè)高潮,先后有十多個單位從英國SGC,HEATHWAY和法國ASM等設備供應商引進光纖預制棒設備30多套和光纖拉絲設備30多條線。但由于對光纖產業(yè)的認識不足,當時只引進了生產設備,而忽視了引進先進的生產工藝技術和先進的管理模式。而且投資過于分散,十多個單位各行其事,每個單位引進的規(guī)模都很小,又都缺乏消化研發(fā)的
9、后續(xù)資金投入,加上當時國內市場需求甚微等各方面的因素,使這一波“引進創(chuàng)業(yè)”工作基本上是以失敗告終。 </p><p> (3)“長飛”的成功</p><p> 到80年代后期,隨著改革開放力度的加大和通信事業(yè)的發(fā)展,我們國家采用了與國外光纖生產企業(yè)合作的方式,先后成立了“西古”和“長飛”兩個光纖光纜合資企業(yè)。特別是“長飛”公司的組建,第一個在引進全套先進生產設備的同時,成功的從荷蘭菲利
10、浦引進了先進成熟的生產工藝和先進的企業(yè)管理模式。</p><p> 長飛發(fā)展的實踐證明,選定好的合作伙伴,引進先進工藝技術和先進企業(yè)管理模式的決策是十分正確的,“長飛”的組建和發(fā)展,才真正建立了規(guī)?;?、現(xiàn)代化的國內光纖光纜企業(yè)。</p><p> (4)光纖產業(yè)群體的形成 </p><p> “西古”和“長飛”的初期規(guī)模,現(xiàn)在看來都是很有限的,“西古”的設計
11、產能只有2萬芯公里,“長飛”初期設計光纖產能5萬芯公里,光纜4500公里。 </p><p> 隨著我國通信事業(yè)特別是光通信事業(yè)的大發(fā)展,市場對光纖的需求急劇增加,市場的牽引作用極大地激發(fā)了我國光纖制造業(yè)的發(fā)展,到本世紀初,我國才真正形成了由“長飛”、“杭州富通”、“南京華新藤倉”、“上海朗訊”、“武漢烽火科技”、“亨通光電阿爾法”、“江蘇法爾勝”、“成者中住”、“中天科技”、“浙江華倫”、“深圳特發(fā)”、“南京
12、特恩弛”等十多家企業(yè)生產光纖的產業(yè)群體。</p><p> 2、光通信的發(fā)展帶動和激發(fā)了國內光纖產業(yè)的發(fā)展 90年代初期,郵電部確定的不再采用同軸電纜,而全部采用光纜建設通信網和國家對通信采取超前發(fā)展的政策,是我國近十多年光纖光纜產業(yè)得以快速發(fā)展的決定因素?!傲濉逼陂g(81-85年),我國光纖鋪設才300多公里,“七五”期間(86-90年),世界只有7000多公里,當時光纜的芯數(shù)又很小,折合光纖只幾萬芯公里
13、??梢姰敃r光纖光纜市場小的可憐。進入90年代,特別是93年之后,由于郵電部確定大力發(fā)展光通信和通信建設超前發(fā)展的思路,資金的投入逐年大幅增長,使光纖光纜用量也得到大幅度增長。為使大家直觀了解這一增長的趨勢,筆者把“八五”和“九五”期間我國對光纖需求的數(shù)字列于下表,供參考。 </p><p> 由上表可見,十年時間,我國對光纖的需求增長了近百倍。由于國內通信建設對光纖需求的快速增長,使國內光纖市場嚴重供不應求,8
14、0-90%的光纖要依靠進口,在這種形勢下,市場的力量促使在“長飛”不斷擴容的同時,“上海朗訊”、“南京華新藤倉”、“杭州富通”等光纖企業(yè)先后建成投產,這樣也就使我國光纖的產能和產量逐年上升。表二列出了我國近十年光纖的產量數(shù)字變化,供參考。 </p><p> 3、我國光纖企業(yè)生產設備和產品質量狀況 </p><p> (1)光纖拉絲設備一流</p><p>
15、我國光纖企業(yè)使用的拉絲機經歷了一、二、三代的變更。第一代拉絲機塔高6米,空氣冷卻,線速度每分鐘80-120米,目前第一代拉絲機用于生產已被淘汰,大部分卻只安排做試驗性的工作,但有的還在使用。第二代塔高12M,氬氣冷卻,拉絲速度300-400M/min,這一代還有少數(shù)在使用,主要用于多模和特種光纖的生產。</p><p> 我國現(xiàn)有拉制光纖的設備,絕大部分都是第三代產品。拉絲速度一般都在1000M/min以上,采
16、用了冷卻效率更高的氦氣冷卻,為適應高速拉絲冷卻的要求,塔高多在20M以上,自動化控制程度高,適合于拉大預制棒,生產效率高,質量也達到了更好保證。 </p><p> 我國現(xiàn)有生產單模光纖的拉絲機都是最新裝備、最先進的第三代設備,其中大部份是從世界知名線纜使用設備制造商芬蘭耐斯隆公司和日本神戶制鋼引進,少部份從英國、法國和美國相關公司引進。目前我國有這類光纖拉絲生產線110余條。 </p><
17、p><b> (2)光纖預制棒 </b></p><p> 發(fā)展為兩步法,第一步生產預制棒的芯棒,其沉積方法有:MCVD法(改進化學汽相沉積法,PCVD法(等離子體化學汽相沉積法)、VAD法(汽相軸向沉積法)和OVD法(外汽相沉積法)等四種方法。 </p><p> 第二步是在芯棒上附加外色層(俗稱外色技術)、制成預制棒。 </p><
18、p> 光纖預制棒的光學特性,主要取決于芯棒制作技術。光纖預制棒的成本主要取決于外色技術。國內光纖企業(yè)生產預制棒涵蓋了PCVD、MCVD、VAD和OVD等各種技術,但是,應該講目前我國光纖產業(yè)在預制棒研制和生產環(huán)節(jié)上還是個瓶頸。雖然“長飛公司”、“烽火科技”、“法爾勝光子”和“杭州富通”等公司在光纖預制棒的研制方面做了大量的工作,并取得了可喜的成績。當然長飛公司也進行了擴容,提高了批量生產的能力,但直到2003、2004年,海關統(tǒng)
19、計數(shù)字表明,我國光纖企業(yè)拉絲用的光纖預制棒,有百分之六、七十還是靠進口。目前業(yè)內相關企業(yè)正在為改變這一現(xiàn)狀而努力,相信近幾年會有更大的突破。</p><p> (3)光纖產品質量完全能取代進口產口 近幾年,我國光纖產業(yè)在困境中奮力拼搏、在競爭中求發(fā)展,由于各企業(yè)的共同努力,在營造市場公平環(huán)境的同時,在技術層面和產品質量層面也取得了可喜的成果,許多企業(yè)生產出高質量和低水峰光纖,各種測試表明,我國本地光纖的各項參
20、數(shù)指標已達到國際先進水平,業(yè)內專家認為,國產光纖之所以達到世界先進水平,是由于: </p><p> ①、我國光纖行業(yè)起步雖然較晚,但是國內光纖生產企業(yè)引進的都是近期國際先進的生產測試設備,光纖的生產、檢測設備等硬件是世界最先進的水平。 </p><p> ?、?、在引進先進設備的同時,絕大多數(shù)合資企業(yè)都引進了先進的工藝,技術和先進的管理,并在生產實踐中加以掌握和改進。</p>
21、<p> ?、?、我國已實行電信器材設備入網證制度多年,國內各光纖企業(yè)又都通過了IS09000質量體系的認證。實事求是地講,國內光纖生產企業(yè)總體上講已具備現(xiàn)代化的產業(yè)生產管理水平,筆者相信許多視察過光纖企業(yè)的領導和專家學者都會認同這一點。 </p><p> 國產光纖用于國家光通信網建設至少也有2000多萬芯公里了。實踐表明,工程反應良好。國產品牌光纖完全能滿足用戶的需求,性能指標完全可以與國外名牌
22、光纖相媲美。而且與國外名牌光纖相比,還有價格優(yōu)勢和服務方面的優(yōu)勢。從產品品種上看,我國光纖企業(yè)已經能夠生產目前市場需要的所有商用光纖產品</p><p> 二、光纖價格與光纖反傾銷 </p><p> 1、光纖價格的總體走勢 </p><p> (1)世界光纖(常規(guī)單模)價格總體走勢</p><p> 隨著光通信的發(fā)展,對光纖的需求逐
23、年大幅增加。生產工藝、技術的改進成熟,產業(yè)化規(guī)模的擴大,生產效率的提高,使光纖價格總體呈下降趨勢。如表三所示:</p><p> (2)我國進口光纖價格的走勢 </p><p> 1995年前后,歐、美市場光纖價格在60美元/公里左右。由于當時中國市場90%的光纖依賴進口,為國外廠商所壟斷,使進口光纖價格高出國際市場20%左右,達70多美元/公里。1998年以后,我國本地光纖產能逐漸增
24、大,自給能力增強(接近30-40%),進口光纖價格開始逐漸與國際市場持平。2002年以后,由于國際市場疲軟,世界光纖市場嚴重供過與求,各國光纖巨頭為了爭奪中國市場,紛紛降價,出現(xiàn)了進口光纖價格低于國際市場價格的趨勢。進口光纖價格由高于國際市場價到逐漸持平,再到低于國際市場價的變化和上述的光纖價格總體走勢示見下圖: </p><p> (3)國內光纖市場價格總體狀況 </p><p>
25、上面已經談到,90年代中期以前,國內絕大多數(shù)單模光纖依賴進口,光纖價格完全由供應方所壟斷。90年代后期,光纖本地化生產能力逐漸增強,由于市場上先入為主和品牌效應等諸多因素,國內市場光纖價格由高到低的排位情況基本上是康寧最高,朗訊、日本住友、藤倉等次之,長飛和南京華新藤全的光纖價格和日本光纖價相仿或略低一些。韓國光纖進入中國市場后,一直是以最低的價格銷售,充當中國光纖市場降價的引導者。 </p><p> 以19
26、99年為例,當時康寧光纖的售價在每公里350元左右,比國產長飛光纖每公里要高出50-60元,而韓國光纖售價比長飛要低20元左右。到2002年后半年,光纖的絕對價格都大大降低了。但相對價位順序基本未變。如下表四: </p><p> 由于總體市場是供過于求,2002年我國光纖市場出現(xiàn)了惡性價格競爭,光纖價格與價值出現(xiàn)倒掛現(xiàn)象,全行業(yè)虧損。康寧光纖售價差距由原來的50元/公里縮小到20元/公里,在上面壓;韓國光纖仍
27、比國產光纖價低10-15元/公里,中國光纖受到兩面的打壓。</p><p><b> 2、光纖反傾銷 </b></p><p> 2002年,北美網絡泡沫破滅之后,全球光通信市場遭遇前所未有的寒流,光纖需求一落千丈。中國市場雖然也受到影響,但仍表現(xiàn)出較強的市場需求。歐、美、日、韓等國光纖產能在2000年前后大幅增加,面對需求大幅下滑,供需矛盾突出,出路在哪里?光纖
29、富通、法爾勝等國內光纖企業(yè),舉起光纖反傾銷的大旗以維護國內光纖行業(yè)的合法權益。 </p><p> 從企業(yè)問題的提出,訴訟的各種準備到立案、初裁、終裁,歷時兩年半,2005年1月1日,商務部對我國通信制造業(yè)的第一案——光纖反傾銷做出了肯定性的終裁。我們得以勝訴。 </p><p> 反傾銷的勝訴,給國內光纖產業(yè)以更大的市場空間,業(yè)內人士認為,在這一利好形勢下,應更進一步加強行業(yè)市場行為
30、的理性和規(guī)范加強行業(yè)內和產業(yè)上、下鏈間的溝通與協(xié)調,加強行業(yè)內的合作,聯(lián)合和整合的力度,以求得行業(yè)健康發(fā)展。 </p><p> 三、對我國光纖產業(yè)健康發(fā)展的思考</p><p> 我國光纖產業(yè)已經有了一定的規(guī)模,拉絲能力完全能滿足國內市場的需求,并有一定的余量,光纖產品質量和產品種類完全能滿足通信建設的需求,取代進口產品。但是我們也應當清醒地看到,目前我們掌握光纖預制棒生產核心技術的
31、企業(yè)還太少,美國和日本的一些公司在光纖預制棒技術上還在對我們進行封鎖。和國際上的光纖巨頭相比,我們很多企業(yè)的實力和競爭力還都很不夠,要想把國內光纖產業(yè)做大做強,筆者認為應當從以下幾方面開展工作: </p><p> 1、合行業(yè)之力,攻克預制棒研制、生產瓶頸 </p><p> 光纖預制棒的許多核心技術,目前仍為美、日、歐等幾個光纖產業(yè)巨頭所壟斷,它們事實上還在對我國實行技術封鎖。我們的
32、許多企業(yè)和美、日一些公司談判光纖預制棒的合作問題,至今前后已有20年之久,多沒能成功。而光纖預制棒是生產光纖的母料,新品光纖的研制、開發(fā),有賴于光纖預制棒的研制、開發(fā)。預制棒是光纖產業(yè)的核心,它的技術含量最高,研制起來難度最大,需要投入的資金最多,在產業(yè)鏈中的利潤比率也最高。我國光纖產業(yè)要想做大做強,要想不再受制于人,必須盡快地掌握各種先進的光纖預制棒工藝技術。 </p><p> 而要做到這一點,單靠一個企業(yè)
33、的力量(含技術力量和財力等等)是遠遠不夠的。筆者認為在預制棒問題上,要想盡快改變目前的局面,必須加強國內光纖企業(yè)的聯(lián)合協(xié)作,集行業(yè)之合力以攻關。同時應盡力爭取得到主管政府部門在政策層面和資金等方面的支持。 </p><p> 2、理性面對市場價格競爭 </p><p> 市場經濟,產品的價格最終是由市場決定的。那個產品利潤率過高、暴利,資金就會向那里流入,市場供需關系就會起變化。200
35、調整、整合,生產有所控制,市場逐漸復蘇,經過一定的周期,供需達到新的基本平衡,這是目前光纖行業(yè)所企所盼的。關鍵還是市場需求狀況,目前,大家都把目標瞄向中國,其原因之一是大家都看好中國的光纖市場前景。 </p><p> 正常的市場調節(jié)、市場競爭(含價格競爭),有利于企業(yè)通過競賽、比拼,改進、研發(fā)新的工藝技術,想方設法進行產品創(chuàng)新和提高勞動生產率,企業(yè)會根據(jù)市場需求,規(guī)劃企業(yè)的適度規(guī)模,以達最大限度地發(fā)揮人才的作
36、用,提高設備的運轉使用率,降低企業(yè)的管理成本等等,使其產品更具競爭力。這種競爭是健康的,有利于數(shù)量的競爭。但目前的問題是,我們 </p><p> 現(xiàn)代化的企業(yè),比較成熟的企業(yè)應當理性對待價格競爭,不應搞惡性價格戰(zhàn),不應指望以低價傾銷的方式就可以把對手壓垮。相反,惡性價格戰(zhàn)必然會使各相關企業(yè)在商戰(zhàn)中都打的頭破血流。近兩年由于進口光纖傾銷引起的惡性價格戰(zhàn)使我國光纖業(yè)裁員、減薪、全行業(yè)虧損的嚴重后果大家有目共睹。
37、</p><p> 反過來講,那個企業(yè)也不會使自己處于長期虧損狀態(tài)下運轉,光纖、光纜行業(yè)也不會例外,如果價格與價值長期倒掛,必然會影響其產品質量,從而給產業(yè)鏈的下一環(huán)節(jié)——通信網的建設帶來隱患。到那時,其后果決不是眼前利益省一點點采購費用所能彌補的。 </p><p> 3、加強行業(yè)聯(lián)合和行業(yè)管理 </p><p> 我國現(xiàn)有光纖生產企業(yè)十幾家,相對于通信電纜
39、的企業(yè)為龍頭,以它們的影響力、凝聚力帶動并加速企業(yè)間的合作、聯(lián)合,逐步形成若干個不同聯(lián)合式的大型的光纖產業(yè)集團。這條路子,如果處理的好,即可以解決企業(yè)的生存,又有利于行業(yè)內的溝通與協(xié)調,同時可以增加我國光纖企業(yè)在國際上的競爭力。筆者認為這是業(yè)內各企業(yè)領導今后決策時可能要認真考慮和探討的一個問題。 </p><p> 本次光纖反傾銷的勝訴,是我國大多數(shù)光纖企業(yè)合作、聯(lián)合的產物,應企業(yè)的要求成立的光纖產業(yè)分會給企業(yè)
40、的聯(lián)合、溝通搭建了一個平臺。在協(xié)會的組織、協(xié)調和眾多企業(yè)的共同努力下,我們?yōu)楹葱l(wèi)企業(yè)、行業(yè)自己的權益,據(jù)理力爭,并得到國家的支持,取得了勝訴,這是我們光纖行業(yè)組織起來后共同取得的一個成果,它也向我們展示了行業(yè)自身組織的力量。 </p><p> 目前我國政府對行業(yè)協(xié)會的工作越來越重視,行業(yè)協(xié)會認真開展工作。在企業(yè)與企業(yè)之間,在通信或光纖制造業(yè)與運營業(yè)之間,在企業(yè)與政府間的橋梁作用將更加重要。筆者感覺,我國的光纖
41、光纜產業(yè)還面臨如何真正把行業(yè)協(xié)會辦成是企業(yè)自己的組織,是行業(yè)內部溝通、交流的平臺,是行業(yè)內企業(yè)共同制定自身的游戲規(guī)則,加強自律、自我約束的平臺,協(xié)會在為眾多企業(yè)服務的同時,也應該成為按游戲規(guī)則認真加強行業(yè)管理,以維護行業(yè)內大多數(shù)企業(yè)和整個行業(yè)利益。 </p><p> 我們真誠希望中國通信企協(xié)通信電纜光纜專委會能辦成這樣一個協(xié)會,為我國通信線纜制造業(yè)做好服務工作,為我國光纖光纜業(yè)的健康發(fā)展,為我國的通信建設做一
42、些有益的工作</p><p> About our country optical fiber industry present situation and several views </p><p> First, our country optical fiber industry development survey 1st, optical fiber industry de
43、velopment review (1) starts Our country optical fiber industry start to the last century70's intermediate stages, then places such as Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication, machinery, electron department system and
44、 Beijing,Shanghai many units, all invested the strength, was engaged in the optical fiber and the optical fiber prefabricates the stick the development work. And in at the end of the 70's the b</p><p>
45、But because receives the technology, the economic potentiality and soon the various factor influence, then work basically or is restricted in the laboratory development the category. (2) two time starts an undertaking th
46、e time defeat The 80's intermediate stages, the home raised the second optical fiber to start an undertaking the high tide, successively some more than 10 units from English SGC, equipment supplier and so on HEATHWAY
47、 and French ASM introduced the optical fiber to prefabricate the</p><p> (3) "long flight" to the success of the late 1980s, along with the reform and opening up and intensify the development of c
48、ommunications, We fiber production enterprises with foreign countries have adopted a cooperative approach, set up the "old West" and "long flight" two fiber optic cable joint venture. Especially the &
49、quot;long flight" to the formation of the company, the introduction of a set of advanced production equipment at the same time. Philips from the Netherlands to the successful introdu</p><p> Long flies
50、 the development practice to prove that, designated the partner, the introduction advanced craft technology and the advanced business management pattern decision-making is extremely correct ,"long flies" settin
51、g up with the development, has only then trulyestablished the scale, the modernized domestic fiber optic cabl eenter prise</p><p> (4) optical fiber industry community's formation "West ancient&quo
52、t; and "long flies" the initial period scale, now looked like all is very limited, "west ancient" the design produces can only have 20,000 cores kilometers, "long flies" the initial period d
53、esign optical fiber to produce can 50,000 cores kilometers, the optical cable 4,500 kilometers. Corresponded the enterprise along with our country specially is the optical communication enterprise big development, the ma
54、rket to the optical fiber dem</p><p> 2nd, the optical communication development led and stimulated the domestic optical fiber industry development The 90's initial period, Ministry of Posts and Telecom
55、munication determines no longer uses the coaxial cable, but completely uses the optical cable construction communications network and the country the policy which adopt to the correspondence develops in advance, is deter
56、mining factor which our country nearly more than10 years fiber optic cable industry can fast develop. "65" period(81</p><p> 3rd, our country optical fiber enterprise production equipment and prod
57、uct quality condition (1) optical fiber wiredrawing equipment first-class Our country optical fiber enterprise uses the drawing machine has experienced one, two, three generation of changes. The first generation of drawi
58、ng machine tower height 6 meters, the air cooling, line speed each minute 80-120 meter, at present the first generate on of drawing machine uses in to produce has been eliminated, majority of actually only arr</p>
59、<p> Our country existing drawing optical fiber equipment, the major part all is the third generation product. The wiredrawing speed all above1000M/min, has generally used the evaporation efficiency higher helium
60、cooling, cools the request for the adaption high speed wire drawing, tower GaoDuo above 20M, automated control degree high, suits to enlarges prefabricates the stick, the production efficiency is high, the quality has al
61、so achieved a better guarantee. Our country existing production single m</p><p> (2) optical fiber prefabrication stick The production optical fiber prefabrication stick now already the development was two
62、steps, the first step of production prefabricates the stick the core stick, its deposition method includes: MCVD law (improvement chemistry vapor phase sedimentation, PCVD law (plasma chemistry vapor phase sedimentation)
63、, VAD law (vapor phase axial sedimentation) and OVD law (outside vapor phase sedimentation) and so on four methods. Outside second step is attaches the col</p><p> The domestic optical fiber enterprise prod
64、uced the prefabricated stick to cover PCVD, MCVD, VAD and OVD and so on each kind of technology, but , should speak the present our country optical fiber industry on the prefabricated stick development and the production
65、 link or abottleneck. Although "long flew the company", "the beacon-fire science and technology", "the Farr victory photon" and "Hangzhou richly passes" and so on the company prefa
66、bricates the stick in the optical fiber the development as</p><p> (3) the optical fiber product quality versatile substitution import produces the mouth In recent years, our country optical fiber industry
67、furiously strives for success in the difficult position, strives for the development in the competition, as a result of various enterprises 'joint effort, while builds the market fair environment, has also yielded th
68、e encouraging result in the technical stratification plane and the product quality stratification plane, many enterprises produce high grade and </p><p> (1) Our country optical fiber profession start altho
69、ugh is later, but the domestic optical fiber production enterprise will introduce all is the short-term international advanced production test facility ,hardware and so on optical fiber production, check-out facility is
70、the world most advanced level. (2)th, during introduction advanced equipment, the over whelming majority joint capital enterprise has all introduced the advanced craft, the technology and the advanced management, and per
71、forms in</p><p> Second, the optical fiber price and the optical fiber instead dump 1st, optical fiber price overall trend (1) world optical fiber (conventional single model) price overall trend Along with
72、the optical communication development, largely increases year by year to the optical fiber demand. The production craft, the technical improvement is mature, the industry scale expansion, the production efficiency enhanc
73、ement, causes the optical fiber price overall to assume the drop tendency. </p><p> (2) our country imports the optical fiber price the trend Around 1995, European, beautiful market optical fiber price abou
74、t 60 US dollars/kilometers. As a result of the Chinese market 90%optical fiber dependence import, monopolized at that time for the overseas merchant, causes the import optical fiber price to outdo the international marke
75、t about 20%, amounted to more than 70 US dollars /kilometers. After 1998, the our country local optical fiber produces can gradually increase, is self-suffic</p><p> (3) do mestic optical fiber market pric
76、e overall condition </p><p> Above already talked about before, 90 ages intermediate stages, the domestic overwhelming majority single model optical fiber dependence import, the optical fiber price complete
77、ly monopolized by the supply side. The 90's later periods, the optical fiber localization productivity gradually strengthens, because in the market first impressions ares most lasting with the brand effect and so on
78、many factors, the domestic market optical fiber price basically is healthy and peaceful is highest from Gao</p><p> 2nd, the optical fiber instead dumps In 2002, after the North America network froth is dis
79、illusioned, the global optical communication market bitter experience unprecedented cold current, the optical fiber demand suffers a disastrous decline. The Chinese market although also come sunder the influence, but sti
80、ll displayed the stronger market demand .Country optical fiber and so on Europe, America, date, Han produces can around 2000 the large increase, largely glides down facing the demand , the s</p><p> Third,
81、to our country optical fiber industry health development ponder Our country optical fiber industry already had the certain scale, the wiredrawing ability has versatileely satisfied the domestic cmarket the demand, and ha
82、d the certain remainder, the optical fiber product quality and the product type versatilely satisfies the correspondence construction the demand, the substitution import product. But we also must soberly see, at present
83、we grasp the optical fiber prefabrication stick produ</p><p> 1st, gathers strength of the profession, attacks and captures the prefabricated stick development, produces the bottleneck The optical fiber pre
84、fabricates the stick many cores technology, at present still for America, the date, Europe and so on several optical fibers industries giant monopolized, they also in implemented the technical blockade in fact to our cou
85、ntry. Our many enterprises and America, date some companies negotiate the optical fiber to prefabricate the stick the cooperation questi</p><p> 2nd, rationality facing market price competition .The market
86、economy, the product price finally is decides by the market. That product profit margin excessively is high, the sudden and huge profits, the fund can to there inflow, the market supply and demand relations be able to ge
87、t up the change. 2001 ago, optical fiber profit margin excessively high, may achieve about 30%, do mestically made, outside the multitudinous enterprise massive funds investment to expand allows, to put up a factory (at&
88、lt;/p><p> The normal market regulation, the market competition (contain price competition), is advantageous to the enterprise through the competition, compared to spells, the improvement, researches and devel
89、ops the new craft technology, does everything possible to carryon product innovation and the enhancement labor productivity, the enterprise can act according to the market demand, the plan enter prise's moderate scal
90、e, reaches maximum limit plays talent edper son's role, enhances the equipment the rev</p><p> In turn says, that enterprise cannot cause oneself to be at under the long-term loss condition to revolve,
91、the optical fiber, the optical cable profession cannot be exceptional, if the price and the value hang upside down for a long time, inevitably can affect its product quality, thus brings the hidden danger for the industr
92、ial chain next link - communications network construction. By that time, its consequence in no way is at present the benefit saves a spot purchase expense to be able to make</p><p> 3rd, strengthens the pro
93、fession union and the profession management Our country existing optical fiber production enter prise several, are opposite to the correspondence cable plant and the optical cable factory quantity says, this numeral slig
94、htly wanted to be many. But, excessively small optical fiber production scale, also all produces the homogeneity product, in market competition exceptionally intense today, is very difficult to have the profit to say. In
95、 2002 until now, various optical fib</p><p> At present our country government more and more takes to the profession association's work, the profession association earnestly does the work. Between the e
96、nterprise and the enterprise, in the correspondence or the optical fiber manufacturing industry and between the operation industry , will be more important in the enterprise and the intergovernmental bridge role. The aut
97、hor felt that, how our country fiber optic cable industry also does face truly completes the profession association is the </p><p> We sincerely hoped Chinese correspondence business cooperates the communic
98、ations cable optical cable special commission to be able to complete this kind of association, passes the fuse cable manufacturing industry for our country to complete the service work, for our country fiber optic cable
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