1、<p><b> 中文3580字</b></p><p> 附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p><b> 網(wǎng)絡游戲的開發(fā)</b></p><p> 1. 網(wǎng)絡游戲的發(fā)展歷程</p><p> “網(wǎng)絡讓我們的地球變成一個村落!”曾經(jīng)說過的這句話代表了人類一種廣泛溝通的欲望。2
2、000年后,網(wǎng)絡所營造的泡沫經(jīng)濟開始破滅,一個個盛極一時的網(wǎng)絡公司紛紛傳出裁員或倒閉的消息,而一個網(wǎng)站卻呈現(xiàn)另外一番景象:2001年5月,聯(lián)眾游戲以17萬同時在線、2000萬注冊用戶的規(guī)模成為世界最大在線游戲網(wǎng)站。</p><p> 就是以聯(lián)眾游戲和文字MUD為代表的網(wǎng)絡在.com泡沫經(jīng)濟中獨樹一幟的表現(xiàn),讓不少人看到了其中所蘊涵的巨大商機。在后面的這幾年里,網(wǎng)絡游戲確實以驚人的速度發(fā)展起來了。</p&g
3、t;<p> 1998年6月 聯(lián)眾網(wǎng)絡游戲世界正式推出。第一批進入中國大陸的網(wǎng)絡游戲之一《萬王之王》獲得巨大的成功。隨后,由北京華義代理的《石器時代》于2001年1月正式上市。由亞聯(lián)游戲代理的《千年》緊跟在2001年2月開始測試,4月開始正式收費。</p><p> 到2001年6月止,網(wǎng)絡游戲進入中國大陸一年間,市場上推出的網(wǎng)絡游戲數(shù)量達到十數(shù)款,呈現(xiàn)一片欣欣向榮的景象。 網(wǎng)絡游戲的火爆登場,
4、引起了眾多媒體的關注,一批網(wǎng)絡游戲的專業(yè)媒體在此期間顯露頭角。然而,在網(wǎng)絡游戲從無到有的快速成長背后,不可否認地存在成長過快所帶來的問題,如盲目引進游戲、游戲運營管理混亂等。早期中國網(wǎng)絡游戲的發(fā)展,并沒有進行良好的產(chǎn)業(yè)規(guī)劃,存在著一定的自發(fā)性。因而早期的網(wǎng)絡游戲,除少部分仍能成功運營外,大部分都已退出市場或慘淡經(jīng)營。</p><p> 2000年6月 華彩公司正式發(fā)行中國大陸第一款大型多人在線RPG《萬王之王》
5、;從《萬王之王》進入中國開始,就注定與之相關的許多方面?zhèn)涫苡绊?,其中受影響最大之一的則是單機游戲市場。2000年底,網(wǎng)絡游戲的迅猛發(fā)展,使其規(guī)模達到了多年形成的單機游戲市場規(guī)模的數(shù)成,而到了2001 年,網(wǎng)絡游戲更是發(fā)展到與單機游戲市場規(guī)模相當。</p><p> 一個接一個新網(wǎng)絡游戲測試及上市的消息幾乎充斥了2001年下半年的網(wǎng)絡游戲市場。但2000年下半年和 2001年上半年不同,這一時期開始有一些資深的單
6、機游戲廠商加入,他們在單機游戲市場運作方面的心得,再加上之前已經(jīng)上市網(wǎng)絡游戲的運營經(jīng)驗,中國網(wǎng)絡游戲開始步入穩(wěn)定成熟的發(fā)展。大部分在今天占據(jù)主要地位的網(wǎng)絡游戲代理商都在這一時期顯露頭角,而大量在未來發(fā)展中起推動作用的網(wǎng)絡游戲也都在這時開始測試及準備工作。</p><p> 與此同時,網(wǎng)絡游戲的相關媒體如《大眾網(wǎng)絡報》也表現(xiàn)得進一步成熟,他們在對網(wǎng)絡游戲的詮釋和指導玩家正確進行游戲方面表現(xiàn)得更加有力??梢钥吹?,在
7、這一時期,媒體與運營商之間開始了更頻繁更廣泛的合作,為網(wǎng)絡游戲向成熟穩(wěn)重的方向發(fā)展起到推波助瀾的作用。</p><p> 在飛速發(fā)展的今天,中國網(wǎng)絡游戲產(chǎn)業(yè)已經(jīng)處在一個穩(wěn)定成熟的發(fā)展階段。從整體來看,這個階段中國網(wǎng)絡游戲產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展呈現(xiàn)出統(tǒng)一性和協(xié)調(diào)性,并且逐漸形成了完整的產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈,處于產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈上的渠道銷售商、點卡銷售商、上網(wǎng)服務業(yè)(網(wǎng)吧等)和媒體等,伴隨著網(wǎng)絡游戲產(chǎn)業(yè)的脈搏,飛速發(fā)展起來。而占據(jù)產(chǎn)業(yè)整體鏈條上最關鍵
8、地位的網(wǎng)絡游戲運營商,變得更加成熟和理智。同時,網(wǎng)絡游戲公司與主要電信和網(wǎng)絡廠商也建立了非常緊密的合作關系。</p><p> 2001年,中國網(wǎng)絡游戲的市場規(guī)模接近3.1億元人民幣,根據(jù)IDC的研究,在2002 年中國網(wǎng)絡游戲市場規(guī)模將達到9.1億元人民幣,比2001年增長187.6%。IDC預計,到2006年,中國網(wǎng)絡游戲的市場規(guī)模將達到83.4億元人民幣,2001~2006年的年復合增長率將達到92.6%
9、。2001年,中國付費網(wǎng)絡游戲用戶僅168.1萬,而2002年底將達到401萬.網(wǎng)絡游戲將有著不可限量的未來!</p><p> 2. 網(wǎng)絡游戲給玩家所帶來的利弊</p><p> 2.1網(wǎng)絡游戲的好處</p><p> 網(wǎng)絡游戲能給我們帶來的好處有:</p><p> (1)培養(yǎng)寬廣的心懷。網(wǎng)游里什么人都有,有好人也有壞人,年齡也有
10、大有小,但游戲畢竟是游戲,任何事情都不值得去生氣,即使有人對你做了特別不好的事情,你也要有寬廣的心懷,一笑了之,能夠擁抱敵人的人才是真正是勝者。在網(wǎng)絡游戲里這種情況練習久了,你在真實的生活里面也可以做到,擁有寬廣的心懷,做一個君子坦蕩蕩的人。</p><p> (2)省錢之道。每個人在學習或工作之余,特別是晚上,都有自己的娛樂方式(當然能學習最好,不過很難做到),比起到外面旅游、購物、唱歌、喝酒等,玩網(wǎng)絡游戲真
11、正用到的錢反而少了。想一想自己在玩網(wǎng)游的時候,是不是沒怎么花錢,而沒玩網(wǎng)游的時候,會到處花錢。</p><p> (3)練習交流技巧。游戲里通過人與人之間的交流、合作達到自己的目的,故交流非常重要,真實生活也是一樣,能夠做到自由交流的人應該能成就一番事業(yè)。</p><p> (4)可以交朋友。通過在網(wǎng)游里的交流、多次“生死”的合作,很多人都有了感情,故達到現(xiàn)實生活中無法交往的目的,這也
12、是網(wǎng)絡游戲所帶來的好處。各網(wǎng)絡游戲的玩家會在上面簽名并留下聯(lián)系方式,你也可以任意搜索玩家,可按游戲名、角色名、所在服務器、所在幫派、職業(yè)角色、性別、地方等條件搜索。</p><p> 2.2網(wǎng)絡游戲的壞處</p><p> 如果脫離了它的實質(比如為了瘋狂升級、瘋狂賺錢、結婚、打裝備而努力的奮斗),就會形成惡性上癮。這樣會造成人精神萎靡不振。甚至會產(chǎn)生錯覺,分不清現(xiàn)實與游戲。如果玩游戲
13、一旦上癮會長期處于游戲的興奮狀態(tài),容易導致急躁情緒,影響正常的工作、學習、休息,用精神衛(wèi)生專家的話說是慢性自殺。</p><p> 總的來說,網(wǎng)絡游戲是一種益智的游戲,是健康的、向上的,沒有任何危險性的一種娛樂活動。適可而止玩游戲是放松身心的一種健康活動,當我們工作壓力過重時??梢酝嫱嬗螒蚍潘梢幌?,當我們學習時間過長也可以玩玩游戲放松一下。另外有些游戲也有益于開發(fā)我們的思維靈敏度。</p><
14、;p> 3. 網(wǎng)絡游戲的發(fā)展趨勢</p><p> 從九十年代的MUD時代,到99年《網(wǎng)絡創(chuàng)世紀》進入中國,再到2001年盛大《傳奇》的奇跡成功,直到今天國內(nèi)網(wǎng)絡游戲市場的一片興盛勢頭。網(wǎng)絡游戲這個龐然大物已經(jīng)在中國走過了好幾個不同的階段。今年國家新聞出版署宣布強制實行“網(wǎng)絡游戲防沉迷”,標志著我國網(wǎng)絡游戲業(yè)就進入了由政府參與調(diào)控的新階段。隨著網(wǎng)絡游戲的影響不斷增大,網(wǎng)絡游戲具備了越來越多的社會意義。在
15、這個新階段中,網(wǎng)絡游戲的經(jīng)營重點不再只是考慮到底能給玩家提供多少娛樂,同時還要關心一款游戲對于社會的影響。國內(nèi)的網(wǎng)絡游戲業(yè)面臨著新的一次洗牌。</p><p> 說到網(wǎng)絡游戲對于社會的影響,正負兩方面都是我們不能忽略的。網(wǎng)絡游戲的正面價值在于它大大擴展了我國網(wǎng)絡事業(yè)和計算機業(yè)的發(fā)展,吸引了大批用戶加入到網(wǎng)絡使用者的行列中來。網(wǎng)絡游戲創(chuàng)造了大量的社會財富以及就業(yè)機會,帶動了不少地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。國內(nèi)的通信業(yè),計算機
16、業(yè)以及網(wǎng)吧服務業(yè)因為網(wǎng)絡游戲的興起而迅速發(fā)展起來。同時,網(wǎng)絡游戲還是一種廉價而普遍的新型娛樂方式,為收入處于中下水平的社會成員提供了一個相比之下危害并不是很大的消遣之所。</p><p> 但是,現(xiàn)在社會輿論越來越關心網(wǎng)絡游戲對于社會的負面影響。首當其沖的就是對未成年人的危害。雖然歸其原因未成年人進入網(wǎng)絡游戲的責任并不只在游戲本身,但是在目前社會監(jiān)督不力的情況下,網(wǎng)絡游戲擔負起了限制未成年人過分投入游戲的主要責
17、任。其中對未成年人最大的危害就是網(wǎng)絡游戲占據(jù)了未成年人過多的時間和精力,影響了他們的健康成長。由此連帶出的,是其他一些負面影響:比如某些網(wǎng)絡游戲惡劣低俗的游戲環(huán)境;比如暴力網(wǎng)絡游戲的PK設定;一些網(wǎng)絡游戲的結婚和賭博的設定;還有就是網(wǎng)絡游戲本身需要玩家支付的費用,對于未成年人來說也并不輕松。</p><p> 過去,對于社會輿論的這些職責,網(wǎng)絡游戲的廠商們雖然也采取了一些措施,但是在利益的考慮下并不那么重視。但
18、是在今年“網(wǎng)絡游戲防沉迷系統(tǒng)”推出以后,網(wǎng)絡游戲的廠商們就不得不直面這個問題了。</p><p> 在運營結果上休閑網(wǎng)絡游戲和永久免費的網(wǎng)絡游戲不會受到“網(wǎng)絡游戲防沉迷系統(tǒng)”的沖擊,在實際效果上這兩類游戲同樣不會對未成年人產(chǎn)生過多的危害,不會成為社會輿論的職責對象。</p><p> 這是因為,休閑網(wǎng)絡游戲和永久免費網(wǎng)絡游戲的游戲定位在于玩家業(yè)余時間的休閑活動,并不期望占用玩家過多的游
20、游戲中的價值會遠遠低于那些收費游戲的。那么這些網(wǎng)絡游戲的玩家交易市場就不會像收費游戲那么興旺。沒有了玩家之間的現(xiàn)金交易,游戲財富對于未成年人的吸引力就會變得更小。同時,其他游戲常見的欺騙、盜號等非法行為也會隨之減少。干凈安全的游戲環(huán)境更加有利于未成年人的健康成長。</p><p> 很多人都會知道,任何一個行業(yè)都不可能毫無節(jié)制的無限增長。發(fā)展到一定程度以后必然會因為某種原因停滯下來。我感覺到現(xiàn)在,網(wǎng)絡游戲業(yè)就可
21、能面臨著一次停滯發(fā)展期,只有那些順應發(fā)展的網(wǎng)絡游戲——比如休閑網(wǎng)絡游戲和永久免費網(wǎng)絡游戲——才會在網(wǎng)絡游戲市場的變革中留存下來,迎來事業(yè)的新的高峰。</p><p> 附件2:外文原文(復印件)</p><p> Network game development</p><p> 1. Network game development course</p
22、><p> "The network lets our Earth turn a village!" Had said this speech has represented the desire which human one kind of wide-spread links up. After 2000, the network builds the bubble economy star
23、ts to be disillusioned, one all prevails for a time the network company spreads the news in abundance which reduces staff or goes out of business, but a website actually presents other scene: In May, 2001, the joint audi
24、ences play by 170000 at the same time on-line, 20 million registrations users' scale be</p><p> Is take the association audiences game and writing MUD as representative's network the performance whi
25、ch bubble economy establishes a new school in the .com, lets many people see contained huge opportunity. In the behind these years, the network game truly developed by the astonishing speed.</p><p> In June
26、, 1998 the association numerous networks game world officially promoted. The first batch enters one of mainland China network games "Kings of the Ten thousand Kings" to obtain the huge success. Afterwards, &quo
27、t;the Stone Age" officially goes on the market by the northern national capital righteousness proxy in January, 2001. "Millennium" follows close on by the Asian association game proxy in February, 2001 sta
28、rts to test, in April starts officially to collect fees.</p><p> Stops to June, 2001, the network game enters a mainland China during for year, in the market promotes the network game quantity achieved ten
29、several section, present a piece of prosperous scene. The network game irritably was taken to the threshing ground, has aroused the multitudinous media interest, one batch of networks games specialized media revealed the
30、 horns. However, behind the fast growth which the network game grows out of no question which exists grows excessively quickly brings, like</p><p> In June, 2000 the colorful company officially distributes
31、mainland China first section large-scale multi- people on-line RGP "Kings of the Ten thousand Kings";</p><p> Enter China "Kings of from the Ten thousand Kings" to start, is doomed with
32、it correlation many aspects to prepare is affected, affects in a big way one is the single plane game market. 2000 year's end, the network game swift and violent development, enabled its scale to achieve many years f
33、ormed single plane game market scale several tenths, but to in 2001, the network game were develop and the single plane game market scale quite.</p><p> The new network game tested the news which and went o
34、n the market nearly to flood one after the other in 2001 the second half year network game market. But in 2000 second half year and in 2001 the first half year is different, this time starts to have some senior single pl
35、ane game merchants to join, they in single plane game market operation aspect attainment, in addition before already went on the market the network game operation experience, the Chinese network game starts to march into
36、 the st</p><p> At the same time, the network game related media like "Populace Network Newspaper" also displays further maturely, they in play the family to the network game annotation and the in
37、struction correctly to carry on the game aspect to display powerfully. Maybe, in this time, the media and between operations businesses started a more frequent broader cooperation develops the function for the network ga
38、me to the mature steady direction which adds fuel to the flames.</p><p> In rapid development today, the Chinese network game industry already occupied a stable mature development phase. Overall speaking, t
39、his stage China network game industry development presents the unity and the coordination, and gradually has formed the integrity industrial chain, is in on the industrial chain the channel seller, the spot card seller,
40、accesses the net service industry (internet bar and so on) and the media and so on, is following the network game industry pulse, rapidly develops.</p><p> In 2001, the Chinese network game market scale app
41、roaches 310 million Yuan, according to IDC research, in 2002 the Chinese network game market scale achieved 910 million Yuan, compare in 2001 to grow 187.6%. IDC estimated that, to 2006, the Chinese network game market s
42、cale achieved 8.34 billion Yuan, 2,001 ~ 2006 year compound rate of increment will achieve 92.6%. In 2001, China pays expenses the network game user only 1.681 million, but 2002 year's end achieved 4010000. The netwo
43、rk game has th</p><p> 2. The network game advantages and disadvantages</p><p> 2.1 Network game advantage</p><p> The network game can the advantage which brings to us include:&
44、lt;/p><p> (1) Cultivates the type broad intention. In the net swims any people all to have, has the good person also to have the unprincipled person, the age also has greatly has small, but plays is after all
45、 plays, any matter all is unworthy goes to the vitality, even if some people have handled specially not the good matter to you, you also must have the broad intention, as soon as has smiled it, can hug the enemy the tale
46、nted person is truly is the victor. This kind of situation practiced for a long ti</p><p> (2) Economizes the road. Each person in the study or after-working hours, specially the evening, all has own entert
47、ainment way (certainly to be able to study well, but is very difficult to achieve), compares outside travels, the shopping, sings, drinks and so on, played the network to play the money which the real correct use arrived
48、 to be instead few. Thinks oneself is playing the net swims, is not does not have how spends, but has not played the net to swim, can everywhere spend.</p><p> (3) Practice exchange skill. In the game throu
49、gh between the person and person's exchange, the cooperation achieves own goal, therefore exchanges the count for much, the real life also is same, can achieve the free alternating current the person should be able a
50、n achievement enterprise.</p><p> (4) May make the friend. Through in net You Li exchange, many times "life and death" the cooperation, very many people all had the sentiment, therefore achieved i
51、n the real life is unable the goal which associates, this also is an advantage which the network game brings. Various networks game plays the family to be able to sign in above and to leave behind the contact method, you
52、 also may search play the family, may according to the game name, role, in the server, in condition search and so on t</p><p> 2.2 Network game disadvantage</p><p> If has been separated from
53、its essence (for instance in order to crazily promotes, crazily makes money, marriage, hits equipment but diligently struggle), can form the malignancy to become addicted. This can create the person spirit to be dispirit
54、ed. Even can have the illusion, cannot distinguish clearly the reality and the game. If plays the game once to become addicted can be at the game for a long time the emotional state, is easy to cause the irritable mood,
55、interferes with the normal work, </p><p> Overall, network game is a program for the game, it is a healthy, upward, but there is no danger of an entertainment. Knows when to stop plays the game is relaxes t
56、he body and mind one kind of health activity, when our working pressure is overweight. May plays the game to relax, when we study time excessively is long also may plays the game to relax. Some games will also benefit th
57、e development of our thinking sensitivity.</p><p> 3 Network game development tendency</p><p> From the 90's MUD times, "Network Create Century" to 99 years to enter China, again
58、 is grand "Legend" to 2001 miracle success, until a today domestic network game market piece of prosperous tendency. The network played this colossus already to pass through the quite several different stages i
59、n China. This year the national news publication bureau announcement forces to implement "the network game to guard against sinks confuses", symbolized our country network game industry entered participated <
60、;/p><p> Speaks of the network game regarding society's influence, the positive and negative two aspects all are we cannot neglect. The network game positive value lay in it greatly to expand our country n
61、etwork enterprise and the computer industry development, attracted the large quantities of users to join to in the network user's ranks. The network game has created the massive public wealth as well as the employmen
62、t opportunity, has led many local economical development. Domestic correspondence indust</p><p> But, now the public opinion more and more cares about the network game regarding society's negative influ
63、ence. Bears the brunt is to the minor the harm. Although turns over to its reason minor to enter the network game the responsibility and not only in plays it but does not supervise in the strength situation in the presen
64、t society, the network game shouldered has limited the minor excessively to invest the game the primary responsibility. Was the network game occupied the minor excessively muc</p><p> In the past, regarding
65、 public opinion these responsibilities, the network game merchants although also has taken some measures, but certainly not that takes under the benefit consideration. After but "the network game guards against in t
66、his year sinks confuses the system" promotes, the network game merchants can not but face directly this question.</p><p> The leisure network game and the permanent free network game cannot be under &q
67、uot;the network game guards against sinks confuses the system" the impact in the operation result, these two kind of games similarly cannot have excessively many harms in the actual effect to the minor, cannot becom
68、e the public opinion the responsibility object.</p><p> This is because, the leisure network game and the permanent free network game locates lies in plays the family spare time the leisure activity, certai
69、nly did not expect takes plays the family excessively many games time. In plays the family to carry on the game in the process, cannot because must consider oneself spent how many card in the game to grasp to play the ef
70、ficiency. On the contrary plays the family in these games to carry on the game to have more unflustered, plays family's investment</p><p> Very many people can know that, any profession is all impossibl
71、e the infinite growth which does not control. To a certain extent, the future is bound to a standstill because of some reasons. I felt the present, the network game industry on possibly faces time is stagnating sends the
72、 exhibition period, only has these to comply with the development the network game for instance leisure network game and the permanent free network game only then can preserve down in the network game market transform<
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