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1、<p><b>  畢業(yè)論文(設計)</b></p><p><b>  英文文獻翻譯</b></p><p>  英文題目 An Intelligent Card Entrance Guard System Based on Fingerprint</p><p>  中文題目 一種基于指紋識別的IC卡門禁

2、系統(tǒng) </p><p>  院 系 電子工程系 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 電子信息工程 </p><p>  基于指紋識別的IC卡門禁系統(tǒng)</p><p>  摘要:本文討論了一種具有廣泛應用前景的指紋IC卡電子門禁系統(tǒng),主要介紹了其設計方案、系統(tǒng)的總線結(jié)構(gòu)以及單片機控制部分的軟、硬件實現(xiàn)。該系統(tǒng)將成熟的指紋

3、生物識別技術(shù)和IC卡技術(shù)緊密結(jié)合在一起,很好地解決了門禁系統(tǒng)中的身份認證問題和紙質(zhì)門票帶來的不便,具有很強的靈活性、可靠性和安全性,非常適合于大型風景區(qū)等公共場所的門禁管理。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:指紋門禁 ;智能;指紋識別;單片機</p><p>  對于一票制而需多次進入的地鐵、旅游勝地入口等場合,傳統(tǒng)的紙質(zhì)售票方式已經(jīng)越來越不適用于各部門管理的要求,進行計算機電子門票管理是社會


5、卡合一"的功能,方便可靠地進行入口身份認證,十分便于部門管理。</p><p>  1 門禁系統(tǒng)總體方案</p><p>  1.1“人卡合一”的設計思路</p><p>  生物識別技術(shù)是一種根據(jù)人類的生理特征(指紋、聲音、臉孔、虹膜等)來進行個人身份認證的辯識技術(shù)。近年來,隨著信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展,生物識別技術(shù)在國內(nèi)外得到了越來越廣泛的研究和應用。其中指紋自


7、片,特征字節(jié)的大小為300~400B,存儲量相對較小。</p><p>  另一方面,與磁卡相比IC卡作為個人指紋的載體又具有以下幾個優(yōu)點:(1)IC卡片使用壽命較長,一般可反復讀寫10萬次以上。(2)卡片存儲容量大,具有足夠空間存放指紋圖像的特征數(shù)據(jù)。(3)加密存儲卡具有邏輯加密功能,卡片受密碼保護,可以防止非法復制。</p><p>  門禁系統(tǒng)將卡持有者的指紋加密后存儲在智能卡上,并


9、人卡合一”的計算機管理,也為管理者提供了靈活的門禁方案。</p><p><b>  1.2 系統(tǒng)組成</b></p><p>  基于上述設計思路和一般的實際應用要求,一般的指紋IC卡 門禁系統(tǒng)由3個部分組成,其基于單個入口處的總體框圖如圖1所示.</p><p>  (1)門禁管理系統(tǒng) 門禁管理子系統(tǒng)完成門票管理和發(fā)卡兩項功能。其中門票

10、管理軟件實現(xiàn)門票記錄、查詢、統(tǒng)計等管理任務。所謂發(fā)卡是指在將卡片發(fā)行給用戶之前,需要由發(fā)卡機構(gòu)將卡片的應用序列號、密碼、允許使用天數(shù)等基本信息寫入用戶IC卡內(nèi)的這一過程。一般來講,門禁管理PC 機可以通過兩種方式實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)采集:利用大容量IC卡人工批量采集或通過串口互聯(lián)形成的低層電子門閘網(wǎng)絡實時地完成入口數(shù)據(jù)采集。對于有多個入口的門禁系統(tǒng),如大型的足球體育場、有多個景點的大型自然風景區(qū)等,需要在不同地點,安裝多個這樣的子系統(tǒng)。這時系統(tǒng)需要

11、根據(jù)地點間距離和用戶要求,將各門票管理PC機再組成一個局域網(wǎng),便于各入口處統(tǒng)一管理和相互間的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸。對于大型的體育場,多個入口間距離較近,采用10M 或100M的以太網(wǎng)較為合適。對于大型的自然景區(qū)或地鐵,各入口處距離較遠且地形復雜,鋪設電纜難,采用基于模擬通信方式的公眾電話網(wǎng)(PSTN),就基本可以滿足系統(tǒng)要求。</p><p>  (2)指紋IC 卡 所謂指紋IC卡,是指記錄用戶生物指紋特征值和其它信息值

12、的存儲IC 卡。在門禁系統(tǒng)中,指紋IC卡就是一張由用戶唯一持有的電子門票。用戶首次使用時,由IC卡門閘提取指紋并和當前時間一起寫入卡中,以后卡持有者在每次進入時將該卡插入讀卡機,隨后將手指伸到指紋采集窗口,讀卡機便會自動將他的指紋和卡上的指紋相比對,比對成功則啟動門閘放行,同時記錄進入的卡號、時間等信息。目前市場上有多種型號的IC卡,對于各生產(chǎn)廠家的產(chǎn)品,特點也不盡相同。例如美國ATMEL公司生產(chǎn)的AT88C102 加密存儲卡,該卡具有

13、1kB 的加密EEPROM 、2B密碼、4 次密碼比較機會、10萬次讀寫循環(huán)能力,完全可滿足門禁系統(tǒng)的需要。</p><p>  (3)IC卡 電子門閘指紋 IC卡電子門閘是本文介紹的重點,它由指紋采集驗證模塊、IC卡讀寫器、單片機控制系統(tǒng)、電動門閘4 個部分組成。其中前3個部分有機地溶于門閘的箱體之中,共同形成一個獨立的身份驗證和出、入控制終端。它可獨立于上位計算機完成卡片第一次使用時用戶指紋提取、寫入和再

14、次使用時的身份驗證以及邏輯判斷等幾項基本操作。</p><p>  1.3 IC卡電子門閘</p><p>  IC卡電子門閘是指紋門禁系統(tǒng)的核心,在討論了門禁系統(tǒng)設計思路和系統(tǒng)組成后,以下將對指紋IC卡門閘各子模塊的組成和功能作進一步的介紹。</p><p>  指紋采集校驗模塊 數(shù)字指紋采集校驗模塊包括一個35mm ×35mm光電感應式傳感器板、一

15、個32位 CPU、動態(tài)隨機存儲器(DRAM)、閃存(Flash Memory),可編程邏輯器件(PLD)等部件組成,其結(jié)構(gòu)框圖如圖2所示。它是一個基于第三方產(chǎn)品的獨立子系統(tǒng)。指紋采集校驗模塊可提供一個RS-232接口與單片機進行聯(lián)系,在微處理器控制系統(tǒng)的參與下完成以下兩個功能。首先,能采集完整的數(shù)字指紋圖像,并從中提取特征生物代碼,傳輸給單片機系統(tǒng)。其次能夠自動進行指紋鑒定:提取指紋采集圖像特征,并將該數(shù)字指紋特征生物代碼信息存儲在Fl

16、ash中 ,再與預存在IC卡中的該用戶特征生物代碼信息自動進行比較;能夠?qū)⒅讣y校驗的結(jié)果按占一定的傳輸規(guī)程傳遞給單片機系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  電動式IC卡讀寫器 IC卡讀寫器是門閘系統(tǒng)直接與智能卡接觸的機電裝置,它內(nèi)含接口電路。CPU通過操作時序可以完成讀寫器卡片內(nèi)數(shù)據(jù)的讀取、寫入等基本操作。它是CPU對智能卡進行讀/寫操作的橋梁。為了使系統(tǒng)更加方便快捷,我們采用了電動式入出卡控制結(jié)構(gòu)。</p>

17、;<p>  (3)電動門閘 這里使用的是三輥電動門閘,它是門禁系統(tǒng)的執(zhí)行機構(gòu),通過單片機控制其打開和關(guān)閉。</p><p>  (4)單片機控制系統(tǒng) 單片機控制系統(tǒng)是指紋IC卡門閘系統(tǒng)運行的核心,它負責協(xié)調(diào)系統(tǒng)各項工作,完成IC卡讀寫,指紋采集和驗證命令發(fā)送,門閘執(zhí)行機構(gòu)控制,根據(jù)用戶要求實現(xiàn)各種門閘控制邏輯,同時采用128× 64點陣型LCD(英文4 行×16字 ,中

18、文4行 ×8字)顯示當前狀態(tài),根據(jù)面板輸入進行運行模式切換等工作。</p><p>  2 系統(tǒng)硬、軟件設計及性能指標</p><p>  2.1 單片機控制系統(tǒng)硬件框圖</p><p>  在指紋門閘系統(tǒng)中,單片機控制系統(tǒng)硬件設計是系統(tǒng)研發(fā)的一個難點。它包括IC卡接口、輥軸控制、指紋儀接口、系統(tǒng)LCD顯示和外圍存儲器擴展接口以及系統(tǒng)電源等幾部分電路組成。

19、其總體具體設計框圖如圖3所示。微處理器與外圍芯片采用I2C 串行總線技術(shù):即利用AT89051的 二根I/O口線模擬I2C 串行總線時序,再采用I2C接口器件進行I/O口擴展。這樣一來,雖然加大了軟件編程的難度,但是卻大大減化了硬件電路設計,提高了系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定性和可靠性,同時還降低了硬件成本。另外一方面,為增強系統(tǒng)對繼電器電弧和電磁抗干擾能力,各個工作部分采用單獨的電源供電,各個信號地之間不直接連接,用光耦隔離。電路設計中也多處采用去耦電

20、容和選用優(yōu)質(zhì)電源,降低了交流回路的工頻干擾。</p><p>  2.2 系統(tǒng)軟件流程</p><p>  圖4是主程序流程圖,系統(tǒng)上電復位初始化時,讀取系統(tǒng)EEPROM中的各項參數(shù),然后定時檢測是否有卡插入,并不斷刷新系統(tǒng)顯示。當有卡插入時,完成IC卡檢測、指紋采集校驗、門閘電機控制、入門邏輯檢驗等基本功能。</p><p><b>  2.3 系統(tǒng)性能

21、</b></p><p>  對于本文所述的IC卡指紋門禁系統(tǒng),識別性能指標是系統(tǒng)的關(guān)鍵。經(jīng)過長期使用和多次測試,各項指標如下。識別時間:<2s ;允許旋轉(zhuǎn)角度:±45°;特征字節(jié)大?。?00; FRR(拒真率):<0.1%;FAR(認假率):<0.001%。工作溫度:-5℃~40℃ ;工作濕度:RH 90%;可見系統(tǒng)反映速度快,識別效果良好且運行性能穩(wěn)定。<

22、;/p><p><b>  3 課程小結(jié)</b></p><p>  隨著我國信息產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展,生物識別技術(shù)和IC卡技術(shù)分別在各自領(lǐng)域取得了廣泛的應用。在此基礎(chǔ)上,本文將兩者結(jié)合在一起提出了"人卡合一"的指紋IC卡技術(shù)思路并討論了一種指紋IC卡電子門禁系統(tǒng),討論了門禁系統(tǒng)的總體設計及門閘系統(tǒng)的單片機控制的軟、硬件實現(xiàn)。該系統(tǒng)將成熟的指紋生物識別

23、技術(shù)和IC卡技術(shù)緊密結(jié)合在一起,很好地解決了門閘系統(tǒng)中的身份認證問題,具有可靠性強、安全性高等特點。目前該系統(tǒng)已現(xiàn)場實時運行,取得了良好的運行效果。</p><p>  An Intelligent Card Entrance Guard System Based on Fingerprint</p><p>  【Abstract】An intelligent card entrance

24、 guard system based on fingerprint identification is proposed in this paper. The total idea designed for this system is described firstly, and then the implementation of hardware and software of SCM in this system are di

25、scussed. The identification and other problems in the previous paper tickets systems can be solved very well be using the combination of fingerprint identification and intelligent card technologies.</p><p> 

26、 【Key words】Fingerprint entrance guard, Intelligent card, fingerprint identification, .Single chip microcomputer(SCM)</p><p>  Situations and so on subway which, tourist attraction entrance must enter many t

27、imes regarding a ticket system, the traditional paper booking way more and more was not already suitable for various divisional management request, carries on the computer electron admission ticket management is the soci

28、al development ultimately. And the entrance status authentication is the entrance guard management core work. In the present many computer system, user's status authentication uses " mostly; User ID+ </p>

29、<p>  1. Entrance guard system overall concept</p><p>  1.1 " The person card unites " Design mentality</p><p>  The biological recognition technology is one kind according to hu

30、manity's physiological characteristic (fingerprint, sound, the face, iris and so on) carries on individual status authentication to debate knows the technology. In recent years, along with information industries'

31、 development, the biological recognition technology in domestic and foreign obtained more and more extensive research and the application. And the fingerprint automatic diagnosis technology develops the maturest one biol

32、ogi</p><p>  On the other hand, compares the IC card with the magcard to take individual fingerprint the carrier also to have the following several merits: the (1) IC card service life is long, generally may

33、 repeatedly above the read-write 100,000 times. (2) Card storage capacity is big, has the enough spatial depositing fingerprint image characteristic data. (3) encryption memory stick has the logical encryption function,

34、the card the password protection, may prevent the illegal duplication. </p><p>  After entrance guard system card holder fingerprint encryption, saves on the smart card, and (or on system) installs the finge

35、rprint recognition system in the smart card read-write machines and tools, when holds the card the card insertion smart card read-write machines and tools, the read-write machines and tools first read the fingerprint inf

36、ormation and request the user compared to the fingerprint, through compared to and holds the card myself fingerprint to the card fingerprint to be possibl</p><p>  1.2 System composition</p><p>

37、  Based on the above design mentality and the general practical application request, the common fingerprint IC card entrance guard system is composed of 3 parts.</p><p>  (1)Entrance guard management system

38、management system The entrance guard management.Subsystem completes the admission ticket management and sends the card two functions. And the admission ticket management software realizes management tasks and so on admis

39、sion ticket record, inquiry, statistics. So-called sends the card is refers to before the card release for the user, needs by to send the card organization the card application series number, the password, the permission

40、 use number of days and </p><p>  (2) fingerprint IC card The so-called fingerprint IC card, is refers to the record user biology fingerprint characteristic value and other information value memory IC card.

41、In the entrance guard system, the fingerprint IC card is one electronic admission ticket which has only by the user. When the user uses for the first time, reads in together the card by the IC card roll-down door extract

42、ion fingerprint and with the current time, the card holder when each time will enter later this card insert</p><p>  (3)IC card electron roll-down door fingerprint The IC card electron roll-down door is the

43、key point which this article said that it by the fingerprint gathering confirmation module, the IC card reader-writer, the monolithic integrated circuit control system, the electrically operated roll-down door 4 parts is

44、 composed. And the first 3 parts organically dissolve in the roll-down door box body, forms an independent identification authentication together and, enters the control terminal. It may the</p><p>  1.3 IC

45、card electron roll-down door</p><p>  The IC card electron roll-down door is the fingerprint entrance guard system's core, after discussing the entrance guard system design mentality and the system compo

46、sition, the following will make the further introduction to the fingerprint IC card roll-down door various submodules' composition and the function. </p><p>  (1) Fingerprint gathering verification modul

47、e The digital fingerprint gathering verification module including a 35mm ×35mm electro-optic induction board (i.e. gathering window OpticalUnit), 32 CPU, dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), dodges saves (Flash Memo

48、ry), part compositions and so on programmable logical component (PLD), its structure diagram as shown in Figure 2. It is one based on the third party product independent subsystem (e.g. American ATMEL-Grenoble division C

49、orporation's FCD4A14 </p><p>  (2) Electromotive type IC card reader-writer The IC card reader-writer is the roll-down door system directly with the smart card contact mechanical and electrical installme

50、nt, it contains the interface circuit. CPU may complete in the reader-writer card through the operation succession the data read, to read in and so on elementary operation eo. It is CPU carries on to the smart card reads

51、/writes the operation the bridge. In order to cause the system to be more convenient quickly, we used electr</p><p>  (3)electrically operated roll-down door What here uses is three roller electrically opera

52、ted roll-down doors, it is the entrance guard system's implementing agency, controls it through the monolithic integrated circuit to open, the pass. </p><p>  (4) monolithic integrated circuit control sy

53、stem The monolithic integrated circuit control system is fingerprint IC the Carmen brake system series movement core, it is responsible for coordination system each work, completes the IC card read-write, fingerprint gat

54、hering and the confirmation order transmission, the roll-down door implementing agency control, realizes each kind of roll-down door control logic according to the user request, simultaneously uses 128× 64 lattice L

55、CD (English 4 lines o</p><p>  2. The system is hard, software design and performance index</p><p>  2.1 Monolithic integrated circuit control system hardware diagram</p><p>  In th

56、e fingerprint roll-down door system, the monolithic integrated circuit control system hardware design is a system research and development difficulty. It including the IC card connection, the stone roller control, the fi

57、ngerprint meter connection, the system LCD demonstration and the periphery memory expands the connection as well as the system power source and so on several part of electric circuit compositions. Its overall concrete de

58、sign diagram as shown in Figure 3. The microprocessor a</p><p>  2.2 System software flow</p><p>  On when system electricity replacement initialization, in read system EEPROM each parameter, th

59、en fixed time examines whether to have the card insertion, and unceasingly refurbishing system demonstration. When has the card insertion, completes the IC card examination, the fingerprint gathering verification, the ro

60、ll-down door motor control, the basic logical checking and so on basic function</p><p>  2.3 System performance</p><p>  The IC card fingerprint entrance guard system which states regarding this

61、 article, the recognition performance index is system's key. After uses for a long time and tests many times, each target is as follows. Recognition time: <2s ;Permission degrees rotation:±45°;Characteri

62、stic byte size:400,FRR:<0.1%,FAR:<0.001%.Operating temperature:-5℃~40℃ ;Work humidity:RH 90%;Obviously the system reflection speed is quick, the recognition effect is good, and the performance characteristic is sta

63、ble.</p><p>  3. Subtotal</p><p>  Along with our country information industries technology's fast development, the biological recognition technology and the IC card technology has obtained

64、the widespread application separately in the respective domain. Based on this, this article unified both were proposing together " The person card unites " The fingerprint IC card technology mentality and discu


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