1、<p><b> 語言學詞匯匯總</b></p><p> conduct v. (often passive) to do sth. in an organized way</p><p> generalization n. 普遍化</p><p> validity n. 真實性</p><p>
2、 dialectual a. of the art or method of arguing according to certain rules of question & answer辯證的</p><p> complement v. to combine well with sth., often sth. That has different quality; to add another
3、thing to sth.</p><p> complementation n.</p><p> stand vi ~ in: to do someone else’s job temporarily while they are not available to do it.</p><p> muddle v. to put things into d
4、isorder</p><p> scope n. the limits of a subject or activity</p><p> entity n. sth. that has a single separate & independent existence 實體</p><p> norm n. (pl.) ways of behavi
5、ng that are regarded as usual or generally acceptable準則;規(guī)范</p><p> instinct n. An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli:本能&
6、lt;/p><p> instinctive a.</p><p> voluntary a. Arising from or acting on one's own free will.</p><p> arbitrary a. Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity,
7、reason, or principle:任意的,武斷的</p><p> intrinsic a. Of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent.本質的:屬于或關于事物的本質特征的;固有的</p><p> design v. to formulate a plan for; devise計劃:為制定一個計劃;
8、設計</p><p> n. The purposeful or inventive arrangement of parts or details設計方案:有目的,有意圖的細節(jié)安排</p><p> onomatopoeic a. 擬聲的, 聲喻的</p><p> onomatopoeia n. The formation or use of words
9、such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to象聲詞:詞的構成或用法,例如buzz 或 nurmur 模仿事物或行動的聲音</p><p> sophisticated a. Having acquired worldly knowledge or ref
10、inement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté.老于世故的:具備世故的知識或精細的;缺乏自然的單純或天真幼稚的;Very complex or complicated非常復雜精密或尖瑞的</p><p> gibbon n. Any of several small, arboreal apes of the genus Hylobates of sou
11、theast Asia and the East Indies, having a slender body, long arms, and no tail長臂猿:一種體小、生活于樹林中的長臂猿屬 類人猿,產自東南亞和東印度群島的,有瘦長的身軀、長臂且沒有尾巴</p><p> repertoire n. The stock of songs, plays, operas, readings, or other
12、 pieces that a player or company is prepared to perform全部劇目:某一個演員或劇團隨時準備表演的全部歌曲、戲劇、歌劇、讀物或其它作品</p><p> orthographic a. Of or relating to orthography.正字法的:屬于或有關正字法的; Spelled correctly.正確拼寫的</p><p&g
13、t; orthography n. The art or study of correct spelling according to established usage正字法:根據(jù)已建立的用法改正拼寫的藝術和研究; The aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words拼字法:關于字母及其在詞中順序的那一部分言研究; *A me
14、thod of representing the sounds of language or a language by letters and diacritics; spelling表音法:用書寫符號或印刷符號表現(xiàn)某一語言的讀音的方法</p><p> phonic adj. (Linguistics) Of, relating to, or having the nature of sound, espe
15、cially speech sounds.</p><p> articulator n. 發(fā)音清晰的人,發(fā)音器官</p><p> spectrograph n. A spectroscope equipped to photograph or otherwise record spectra.光譜儀:用來拍攝或記錄光譜或聲譜的分光鏡</p><p> la
16、rynx n. The part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea, having walls of cartilage and muscle and containing the vocal cords enveloped in folds of mucous membrane.</p><p> 喉:位于咽與氣管之間的呼
17、吸道的一部分,管壁由軟骨與肌肉組成,內有由粘液狀的膜構成的褶頁所保護的聲帶</p><p> glottis n. The opening between the vocal cords at the upper part of the larynx.聲門:喉上部聲帶間的空隙</p><p> taut a Strained; tense緊張的:緊張的;繃緊的</p>&
18、lt;p> uvula n. A small, conical, fleshy mass of tissue suspended from the center of the soft palate小舌,懸雍垂:懸垂在軟腭中央的小的圓錐狀肉塊</p><p> twang v. To speak in a strongly nasal tone of voice帶鼻音說話或發(fā)音; To cause to
19、 make a sharp, vibrating sound使發(fā)出撥弦聲:使發(fā)出尖銳的顫音</p><p> diacritic a. A mark, such as the cedilla of façade or the acute accents of résumé, added to a letter to indicate a special phonetic va
20、lue or distinguish words that are otherwise graphically identical區(qū)別音符:一個添加到一個字母上的標志,如façade 上所加的變音符號或 ré-sumé, 上表示發(fā)高音的記號,表示一個特殊的發(fā)音或用于區(qū)別與圖示相同的詞</p><p> transcribe v. (Linguistics) To represent
21、 (speech sounds) by phonetic symbols記下…的音標:用音標表示(用語音)翻譯或轉譯</p><p> convex a. Having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere凸起的:具有向外彎曲或凸出的表面或邊界的,如球體的外表面</p>&l
22、t;p> stoppage n. The act of stopping or the condition of being stopped; a halt停止:停止的動作或被停止的狀態(tài);中止</p><p> retroflex a. (Linguistics) Pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back against the roof of
23、the mouth.卷舌音的:將舌尖向后卷抵住口中硬腭而發(fā)音的</p><p> n.(Linguistics)A sound pronounced with the tongue in retroflex position, as the sound (r) in some varieties of English.卷舌音:舌尖處于卷舌音狀態(tài)時發(fā)出的聲音,如英語的一些變種音(r)</p><
24、;p> lax n. Pronounced with the muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed, as the vowel “e” in let松弛元音的:舌頭和下顎肌肉比較放松時發(fā)出的,如元音e 在 let 中的發(fā)音</p><p> intervene v. To come, appear, or lie between two thi
25、ngs插進:來到、出現(xiàn)于或位于兩個物體之間; To occur as an extraneous or unplanned circumstance干擾:作為一無關的或計劃外的情形發(fā)生</p><p> physiological a. Of or relating to physiology生理學的,與生理學有關的; Being in accord with or characteristic of the
26、normal functioning of a living organism.生理的,生理機能的,生理上正常的:根據(jù)有生命的有機體正常功能的,或具有此特征的</p><p> sloppy a. Marked by a lack of neatness or order; untidy:邋遢的:以缺少整潔或秩序為特征的;不整潔的</p><p> alveolar a. (Lingu
27、istics) Formed with the tip of the tongue touching or near the inner ridge of the gums of the upper front teeth, as the English t, d, and s.齒齦音的,齒槽音的:用舌尖接觸或靠近上前牙齦內側邊緣而形成的發(fā)音,如英語語音 t, d, 和 s </p><p> n. An
28、 alveolar sound齒槽音,齒齦音</p><p> pervert v. To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. See Synonyms at corrupt 濫用,誤用:使錯誤或不恰當?shù)厥褂?;誤用參見 corrupt; To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort:</p><p
29、><b> 誤解,誤會,歪曲</b></p><p> pitch n. Acoustics The distinctive quality of a sound, dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound waves produced by its source.【聲學】 音質:聲音的特性,主要依據(jù)從音源發(fā)出的聲波的頻率;
30、 Music The relative position of a tone within a range of musical sounds, as determined by this quality音樂】 音高:在一定音樂聲中,某一音調相應的位置,由音高決定; Music Any of various standards for this quality associating each tone with a particula
31、r frequency【音樂】 音調:一種音高標準,將每一音調與其特定的頻率相連</p><p> entangle v. To twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl纏住; To complicate; confuse使錯綜復雜;使混亂; To involve in or as if in a tangle. See Synonyms at
32、 catch </p><p> 使卷入或如同卷入混亂之中參見 catch</p><p> hold good for: (對)…適用</p><p> scarcity n. Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage</p><p> whitewash n. A mixture of
33、 lime and water, often with whiting, size, or glue added, that is used to whiten walls, fences, or other structures.石灰水、白涂料; Concealment or palliation of flaws or failures.粉飾,掩蓋</p><p> blackout n. The conc
34、ealment or extinguishment of lights that might be visible to enemy aircraft during an air raid燈火管制; Lack of illumination caused by an electrical power failure.照明不足</p><p> headstrong a. Determined to have o
35、ne's own way; stubbornly and often recklessly willful. See Synonyms at obstinate See Synonyms at unruly 剛愎自用的,固執(zhí)已見的;頑固且通常不考慮后果地任性的參見 obstinate參見 unruly</p><p><b> headsoff</b></p><
36、;p> carryall n. A large receptacle, such as a bag, basket, or pocketbook, used to carry things from one place to another大提包; A closed automobile with two lengthwise seats facing each other.</p><p> 封閉式汽
37、車;A covered one-horse carriage with two seats馬車</p><p> sleepwalk v. To walk or perform other motor acts while asleep; somnambulate.夢游;夢游</p><p> cutup n. A mischievous person; a prankster.喜歡惡
38、作劇的人;愛胡鬧的人</p><p> inborn a. Possessed by an organism at birth. See Synonyms at innate 天生的:生物天生固有的參見 innate; Inherited or hereditary.遺傳的或繼承的</p><p> off-licence n. (商店的)賣酒執(zhí)照</p><p&g
39、t; uplift v. To raise; elevate抬起;提高</p><p> redcoat n. A British soldier, especially one serving during the American Revolution英國士兵:英兵,特別是在美國獨立戰(zhàn)爭中服役的英國士兵</p><p> bigwig n. A very important pe
40、rson.要人,大亨:一個非常重要的人</p><p> highbrow a. Of, relating to, or being highly cultured or intellectual有高深學向或文化素養(yǎng)的; </p><p> n. One who possesses or affects a high degree of culture or learning.有高深學
41、問或文化素養(yǎng)的人</p><p> affix v. Grammar To add as an affix加詞綴</p><p> n. Something that is attached, joined, or added; an appendage or addition.附加物; (Linguistics) A word element, such as a prefix or
42、 suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem, or root.詞綴</p><p> consensus n. An opinion or position reached by a group as a whole or by majority will大多數(shù)意見; The voters' consensus was that the m
43、easure should be adopted.大多數(shù)選民的意見是采取這個措施; General agreement or accord:大致上的同意或一致</p><p> resort v. To have recourse訴諸,依靠:進行求助; To go customarily or frequently; repair.常去:習慣或頻繁地去;常去</p><p> dive
44、rgence n. The degree by which things diverge.分歧:事情分叉(叉開)的程度</p><p> exemplify v. To illustrate by example舉例說明; To serve as an example of作為…例子</p><p> template/templet n. A pattern or gauge, su
45、ch as a thin metal plate with a cut pattern, used as a guide in making something accurately, as in woodworking.樣板</p><p> tedious a. Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; boring. See Synonyms
46、 at boring 單調乏味的:由于時間長、緩慢或呆滯而令人厭倦的;令人厭煩的參見 boring</p><p> accommodate v. To provide for; supply with提供;供應; To hold comfortably without crowding.See Synonyms at contain 容納,提供空間;To make suitable; adapt. See S
47、ynonyms at adapt 使適應;使符合參見 adapt; To allow for; consider允許;考慮</p><p> inflection n. A pattern of forming paradigms, such as noun inflection or verb inflection詞形變化的規(guī)則:形成詞形變化的種類,如名詞屈折變化、動詞屈折變化</p><
48、p> matrix n. A situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained母體,發(fā)源地:可產生、發(fā)展或包含其它物的地點或環(huán)境</p><p> dub v. To honor with a new title or description授予…新稱號
49、,把…稱為; To give a name to facetiously or playfully; nickname起綽號:取一個詼諧或好玩的名字;給…起綽號</p><p> depict v. To represent in words; describe. 描述:用文字表示</p><p> insersion n. The act or process of insertin
50、g.插入; Something inserted, as an ornamental strip of lace or embroidery inserted between pieces of fabric.嵌飾的東西</p><p> overt a. Open and observable; not hidden, concealed, or secret:公開的,明白的</p><p
51、> circumvent v. To surround (an enemy, for example); enclose or entrap.圍住(例如敵人);包圍或誘陷; To go around; bypass繞行;避開</p><p> bold a. Fearless and daring; courageous勇敢的,無畏的;敢作敢為的; Unduly forward and brazen i
52、n manner莽撞的; Clear and distinct to the eye; conspicuous醒目的:清晰的;易見的; (Printing) Boldface.(印刷術) 黑體的,粗體的.</p><p> denote v. To mark; indicate作標志;指明; To serve as a symbol or name for the meaning of; signify:表示,
53、意為; To signify directly; refer to specifically: See Synonyms at mean (1)直接表示;特指參見 mean(1)</p><p> signify vt. To denote; mean. See Synonyms at mean 1表示…的意思;是…的意思參見 mean1;</p><p> To make known
54、, as with a sign or word表明:使…公諸于眾,如用手勢或話語</p><p> vi. To have meaning or importance. See Synonyms at count 1有重要性,要緊:有意義的或有重要性的參見 count1</p><p> manifest v. To show or demonstrate plainly; reve
55、al顯示:清楚地顯示或表示;表明;To be evidence of; prove證實:提供證據(jù);證明</p><p> indicate v. To show the way to or the direction of; point out指示,指明;指出; To serve as a sign, symptom, or token of; signify:象征,顯示;To suggest or demon
56、strate the necessity, expedience, or advisability of:說明,顯示:暗示或表明某事之必要性、迫切性或明智性;To state or express briefly:簡述,表示:簡單扼要地說明或表明</p><p> unicorn n. A fabled creature symbolic of virginity and usually represented
57、 as a horse with a single straight spiraled horn projecting from its forehead.獨角獸,麒麟:一種虛構的代表童貞的動物,通常表示為一匹馬,有直螺旋狀的獨角從它的額部突出</p><p> plausible a. Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible
58、:看似真實的,看似有道理的;可靠的; Giving a deceptive impression of truth, acceptability, or reliability; specious花言巧語的:產生事實、可接受性或可信賴性的欺騙印象的;華而不實的</p><p> referent n. Something that refers, especially a linguistic item in
59、its capacity of referring to a meaning.能指事物:能指稱之物,特指有能夠指稱某種意思的能力的一語言成份; Something referred to所指事物</p><p> reference n. An act of referring:參考:參考的行為; Significance in a specified context特殊的重要性:在特定上下文中有特別的意義;M
60、eaning or denotation涵義:意思或含義The state of being related or referred相關:被提及或被參考的狀態(tài); A mention of an occurrence or a situation:提及:提到發(fā)生的事件或處境; A note in a publication referring the reader to another passage or source參考書目:提示讀者
61、參考另外的篇章或資料的出版物注解; The passage or source so referred to.參考資料:供參考的篇章或資料</p><p> ---with reference to; in reference to關于;就…而言</p><p> virtue n. Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness正直,善良:道
62、德上的優(yōu)點和正直;美德; An example or kind of moral excellence美德,德行:一種美德或其實例; Chastity, especially in a girl or woman.貞操:貞操,尤指女孩或女子; A particularly efficacious, good, or beneficial quality; advantage:優(yōu)點,長處:尤其靈驗的、好的或受益的品質;長處; Effect
63、ive force or power:效力,力量:</p><p> --- by virtue of或in virtue of: On the grounds or basis of; by reason of:借助;憑借;因為</p><p> spatiotemporal a. Of, relating to, or existing in both space and time
64、時空 :關于時間和空間的、與之有關的或存在于時間和空間的; Of or relating to space-time時空的:時空的或與之有關的</p><p> collocation n. The act of collocating or the state of being collocated并置:并置排列的行為或被并置排列的狀態(tài); An arrangement or juxtaposition, es
65、pecially of linguistic elements, such as words.搭配:排列或并置,尤指語言學中的成分排列,如構詞</p><p> sense n. Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hear
66、ing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.感覺:接受和感覺體外或體內刺激的能力,如聽力、視力、嗅覺、觸覺、味覺和平衡的官能; *Intuitive or acquired perception or ability to estimate直覺,意識:直覺的或已獲得的估計的領悟力或能力; A capacity to appreciate or understand欣賞或理解的能力;
67、A meaning that is conveyed, as in speech or writing; signification含義:要傳達的意思,如在演說或文學作品中;含義</p><p> v. To become aware of; perceive感覺:意識到;感覺; To grasp; understand.理解;領會</p><p> canine a./n. Of,
68、relating to, or characteristic of the canids犬科動物的:犬科動物的、與之相關的或具有其特點的; Of, relating to, or being one of the pointed conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.犬齒的:門牙和第一顆前磨牙之間的鋒利錐形牙的、與犬齒相關的或位于犬齒的<
69、;/p><p> triplet n. A group or set of three of one kind三個一組:一類人或物的三個組成一組或一套;One of three children born at one birth.三胞胎中的一個; A group of three lines of verse三行聯(lián)句:一組三行短詩</p><p> windscreen/windshie
70、ld n. A screen for protection against the wind風擋:用于防風起保護作用的屏障; Chiefly British The windshield of a motor vehicle.【多用于英國】 汽車擋風玻璃</p><p> polysemy n. 多義(詞)現(xiàn)象</p><p> leak v. To permit the escape
71、, entry, or passage of something through a breach or flaw:泄漏;To escape or pass through a breach or flaw:漏出:通過缺口或裂縫逃逸或通過</p><p> leek n. An edible plant (Allium porrum) related to the onion and having a whi
72、te, slender bulb and flat, dark-green leaves.韭蔥,北美野韭,蔥屬植物:一種與洋蔥有關的可食性植物(韭蔥 蔥屬) ,長有白色、纖細的球莖和扁平、深綠的葉子</p><p> bow n.弓, 樂弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首; v. 鞠躬, 彎腰</p><p> tear n.破處, 破縫, 淚滴, 眼淚, 扯, 飛奔, 激怒</p>
73、;<p> vi. 流淚, 撕破, 猛沖, 飛奔, 被撕破</p><p> vt.扯, 撕, 撕破, 戳破, 拉掉, 折磨, 使分裂, 撕掉</p><p> lead vt.領導, 引導, 致使</p><p> vi. 領導, (道路等)通向, 導致, 用水砣測深</p><p> n.領導, 領先, 導線, 鉛
74、, (自船上測海水深度的)鉛陲, 石墨, 鉛筆芯</p><p> fast adj. 緊的, 牢的, 忠實的, 快速的, 耐久的, 緊的</p><p> adv. 牢固地, 很快地, 緊緊地, 徹底地</p><p> n. 禁食, 絕食, 齋戒</p><p> vi. 絕食, 齋戒</p><p>
75、 scale n. 刻度,衡量,比例,數(shù)值范圍,比例尺,天平,等級</p><p> vt. 依比例決定,攀登,測量</p><p> vi. 剝落,生水垢,重,攀登,衡量</p><p> etymology n. The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by d
76、etermining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral for
77、m where possible.詞源:一種語言形式的起源及其歷史發(fā)展可通過確定該詞或詞素的基本組成部分,已知最早的用法及其形式和含義的轉變,追溯它從一種語言轉變?yōu)榱硪环N語言的過程,鑒定它在其它語言中的同源詞和重現(xiàn)它的祖?zhèn)餍问絹碚宫F(xiàn)和說明; The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies詞源學:有關詞源的一門語言學分支</p><p> inclusi
78、ve a. Taking a great deal or everything within its scope; comprehensive包括的,包羅廣泛的:將大量或每一件事都包括在其范圍之內的;綜合性的</p><p> dimension n. A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.尺寸:存在于空間范圍的一種量變
79、,特別是寬度、高度或長度; Often dimensions Extent or magnitude; scope常作 dimensions 面積:范圍或大??;規(guī)模; Aspect; element:各方面:方面;因素</p><p> assertion n. The act of asserting武斷:武斷的行為; Something declared or stated positively, ofte
80、n with no support or attempt at proof.斷言:肯定的宣稱或陳述,通常沒有證據(jù)或不試圖證實</p><p> inconsistent a. Lacking in correct logical relation; contradictory矛盾的:缺少正確的邏輯關系的;矛盾的; Not in agreement or harmony; incompatible不一致的或不協(xié)調
81、的;不相容的</p><p> presuppose v. To believe or suppose in advance預先相信或假定; To require or involve necessarily as an antecedent condition. See Synonyms at presume要求或需要以…為先決條件參見 presume</p><p> anomal
82、ous a. Deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule不規(guī)則的:偏離正常的一般的順序、形式或規(guī)則的; Equivocal, as in classification or nature不明確的,模棱兩可的:在類別或性質上不明確的</p><p> Swahali n. 斯瓦希里人[語] adj.班圖人[語]的</p><
83、;p> bitter-sweet and get-rich-quick又苦又樂、盡快致富</p><p> glorification n. 贊頌</p><p> glorify v. To give glory, honor, or high praise to; exalt.贊美;頌揚; To cause to be or seem more glorious or ex
84、cellent than is actually the case:使增色,美化;To give glory to, especially through worship崇拜:給榮譽,尤指通過崇拜</p><p> insurmountable a. Impossible to surmount; insuperable:不可逾越的;難以克服的</p><p> coin v. To
85、make (pieces of money) from metal; mint or strike:鑄造; To devise (a new word or phrase)杜撰:設計(新單詞或短語)</p><p> outright adv. Without reservation or qualification; openly直率地;Completely and entirely; wholly徹底地,
86、完全地; At once; straightway:立即;當場;Without additional payments owing, constraints, or stipulations無條件地</p><p> adj. Presented without reservation; unqualified直率的; 無保留的;無條件無限制的; Complete; total:完全的;全部的;Thorough
87、going; out-and-out:徹底的;明顯的; Made without constraints, stipulations, or additional payments owed無限制的:設有限制、條款或額外的應付額的</p><p> Kodak n. 美國柯達公司; [美]柯達(柯達公司的照相機和照相材料的商標名)</p><p> clip v. To cut sho
88、rt; curtail截短;縮短; To shorten (a word or words) by leaving out letters or syllables.省略,簡略:通過去除字母或音節(jié)來縮短(單詞)</p><p> discotheque n.A nightclub that features dancing to recorded or sometimes live music and ofte
89、n has showy decor and elaborate lighting迪斯科舞廳:以伴有唱片或有時現(xiàn)場音樂來跳舞為特征的夜總會,而且經常有華麗的室內裝潢和精心設計的燈光裝置</p><p> bulldozer n. A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land, usually having continuous tre
90、ads and a broad hydraulic blade in front推土機:用來清除和平整土方的重型的,駕駛操作的機器,常有連續(xù)的履帶,前部有寬的液壓鏟刀; An overbearing person; a bully專橫的人,暴徒</p><p> script n. Handwriting手跡; A style of writing with cursive characters.草寫體:潦草的
91、書寫體</p><p> acronym n. A word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as WAC for Women's Army Corps, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar for radio
92、 detecting and ranging.首字母縮拼詞:一單詞由一名字的起首字母組成。如WAC 為 W omen's Army Corps的第一個字母組成?;蛘呤怯善鹗鬃帜负鸵幌盗袉卧~中的部分字母組成,如 radar 由 radio detecting and ranging的組成</p><p> retention n. The act of retaining保持; The c
93、ondition of being retained.保留,滯留;Capacity or power of retaining保持力,持續(xù)力; An ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced; memory.記憶力; Something retained被保持物</p><p> fetter n. A chain o
94、r shackle for the ankles or feet.腳鐐; Something that serves to restrict; a restraint.桎梏,羈絆;束縛</p><p> hound n. A domestic dog of any of various breeds commonly used for hunting, characteristically having dro
95、oping ears, a short coat, and a deep, resonant voice.獵狗:一種通常用于打獵的家狗,其特點是耳朵下垂,毛發(fā)較短,叫聲低沉響亮; A dog.狗; A contemptible person; a scoundrel.可鄙之人;無賴</p><p> lust n. Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.性欲; An ov
96、erwhelming desire or craving強烈的欲望或渴望; Intense eagerness or enthusiasm強烈的渴望或熱情</p><p> overtone n. Often overtones An ulterior, usually implicit meaning or quality; an implication or a hint常作 overtones 次要的意義
97、,暗示;蘊涵或暗示</p><p> assault n. A violent physical or verbal attack.攻擊,抨擊; A military attack, such as one launched against a fortified area or place.進攻:軍事攻擊,如向要塞地區(qū)或地方發(fā)動的攻擊</p><p> apt a. Exactly
98、suitable; appropriate:恰當?shù)模缓线m的; Having a natural tendency; inclined有一種自然傾向的;Quick to learn or understand聰明的:迅速學習或理解的</p><p> update v. To bring up to date:更新:使…跟上時代; </p><p> n. Information tha
99、t updates.更新(舊信息)的信息;The act or an instance of bringing up to date更新的行為或事例</p><p> readout n. Presentation of data, usually in digital form, from calculations or storage讀出:從計算工具或存儲庫中顯示出,通常是以數(shù)據(jù)形式存在的信息</p&
100、gt;<p> rover n. One that roves; a wanderer流浪漢;漫游者; A crewed or uncrewed vehicle, used especially in exploring the terrain of a planet and its satellites.飛行器:尤指用于探測行星及其衛(wèi)星上地形的載人或未載人的飛行器</p><p> modul
101、e n. A standard or unit of measurement.模:度量標準或單位; A standardized, often interchangeable component of a system or construction that is designed for easy assembly or flexible use組合部件; Computer Science A portion of a progra
102、m that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program【計算機科學】 程序塊;A self-contained unit of a spacecraft that performs a specific task or class of tasks in support
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