立足原文準定位 合理分析排干擾_第1頁
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1、<p>  立足原文準定位 合理分析排干擾</p><p>  編者按:“得閱讀者得天下”,這是對閱讀理解重要性的精辟概括。無論是從篇幅和分值,還是從學生所花費的解題時間來看,閱讀理解在各類英語考試中都算得上是重中之重。高考中,閱讀理解題目難易結合,同學們是否總會錯上幾個,難以拿到滿分呢?此次特別匯總了針對各類題型的解題技巧,希望對大家攻克閱讀理解題有所幫助,讓我們認真聽聽老師們是怎么分析的吧! <

2、;/p><p>  縱觀近幾年各地高考英語試題,細節(jié)理解題都是閱讀理解的“重頭戲”。雖然多為難度中等或偏易的題目,但由于閱讀信息量大,文章細節(jié)紛繁復雜,題目陷阱防不勝防,細節(jié)理解題是一個很容易“費了功夫又丟分”的題型。下面就來探討一下細節(jié)理解題的答題方略。 </p><p>  一、細節(jié)理解題的題型特點 </p><p>  不同于“主旨大意題”主要關注考生對文章的整體

3、把握,細節(jié)理解題主要考查考生對文章中某些特定細節(jié)的理解能力。細節(jié)理解題往往通過對事實信息直接提問、指代關系判斷、詞義猜測、數(shù)字計算、圖形識別、表格分析和事件順序排列等方式考查,具體多呈現(xiàn)為以下幾種提問形式: </p><p>  (1) According to the passage, when /where/why/how/what/which/who...?。浚▽κ聦嵭畔⒅苯犹釂枺?</p>

4、<p> ?。?) Which of the following (sentences /statements) is?。∟OT) mentioned in the passage??。▽κ聦嵭畔⒅苯犹釂枺?</p><p> ?。?) Which of the following (sentences / statements) is?。∟OT) true according to the passa

5、ge??。▽κ聦嵭畔⒅苯犹釂枺?</p><p> ?。?) What does the underlined word “it/he/she/they... ” refer to?(指代關系判斷) </p><p> ?。?) The underlined word “... ” in Paragraph... probably means . (詞義猜測) </p>&l

6、t;p> ?。?) How long/How many/How much/When...???(數(shù)字計算) </p><p> ?。?) Which of the following pictures can correctly describe...???(圖形識別) </p><p>  (8) The chart shows that .?。ū砀穹治觯?</p>&l

7、t;p> ?。?) What’s the right order of the events related to...????。ㄊ录樞蚺帕校?</p><p>  細節(jié)理解題涉及文章方方面面的細節(jié),而這些細節(jié)多為構成文章所陳述事件的要素或用來證明文章主旨思想的論據(jù)。因此,認真答好細節(jié)理解題能夠幫助考生更好地理解文章內(nèi)容,把握中心思想,從而為解答要求更高、難度更大的“主旨大意題”鋪平道路。 </p&g

8、t;<p>  二、 細節(jié)理解題的答題方法 </p><p>  不同類型的細節(jié)理解題的答題方法各異,但總體上都可以按照以下四個步驟進行答題: </p><p>  1. 速讀全文,把握大意 </p><p>  速讀全文時要著眼全文而不要糾纏于文章中的某些細節(jié)。當文章比較長時,可以只瀏覽各個小標題、各段首尾句和文章的第一段和最后一段,大致了解作者的行

9、文規(guī)律和文章的總體基調(diào),為帶著問題尋讀文章做好準備。 </p><p>  2. 瀏覽考題,找準題眼 </p><p>  在瀏覽考題時要迅速找準題干中的“題眼”――關鍵詞。關鍵詞是題目和原文相聯(lián)系的紐帶,也是帶著問題到原文中找相關句子的依據(jù)。 </p><p>  3. 尋讀原文,準確定位 </p><p>  在帶著題目的關鍵詞尋讀原文時

10、,盡量按照題目順序結合文章的行文順序,從前向后依次跳讀,尋找與題目關鍵詞意思相同或相近甚至是相反的詞句。 </p><p>  4. 合理分析,排除干擾 </p><p>  在原文中找到與題目相對應的語句之后,就要結合題目要求辨析各選項與文中細節(jié)的異同。在對正確選項沒有十分把握的情況下,可以運用排除法排除干擾項。細節(jié)理解題的干擾項通常有文不對題、張冠李戴、偷換概念、擴縮范圍、斷章取義、無

11、中生有、把未然當已然、過度猜測等形式。要準確排除干擾項,就要把選項與文中細節(jié)進行認真細致的對照比較。 </p><p>  三、 做細節(jié)理解題的常見失誤 </p><p>  下面以2012年江蘇高考試卷的閱讀理解B篇為例,簡略分析一下同學們在做細節(jié)理解題時的常見失誤。 </p><p>  Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen

12、 Merrigan sees an epidemic(流行?。weeping across America’s farmland. It has little to do with the usual challenges, such as flood, rising fuel prices and crop?eating insects. The country’s farmers are getting older, and t

13、here are fewer people standing in line to take their place. National agricultural census(普查) figures show that the fastest?growing group of farmers is the part over 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even hig

14、her when the 2012 stati</p><p>  Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture. Aside fr

15、om trying to stop the graying of America’s farmers, her work is made tougher by a recent blog posting that put agriculture at No. 1 on a list of “useless” college degrees. Top federal agriculture officials are talking ab

16、out the posting, and it has the attention of agricultural organizations across the country.   “There coul</p><p>  In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more foo

17、d production by 2050, she said. </p><p>  “I truly believe we’re at a golden age of agriculture. Global demand is at an all?time record high, and global supplies are at all?time record lows,” said Matt Rush,

18、 director of the Texas Farm Bureau. “Production costs are going to be valuable enough that younger people are going to have the opportunity to be involved in agriculture.” </p><p>  The Department of Agricul

19、ture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. The National Young Farmers’ Coalition has also been pushing for state and federal policy changes to make it easier for 

20、new farmers. </p><p>  Ryan Best, president of Future Farmers of America, has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the country and visiting with high school students about careers in agriculture. The 21?

21、year?old Best hopes his message―that this is a new time in agriculture―will motivate the next generation to turn around the statistics. “Never before have we had the innovations(創(chuàng)新) in technology which have led to agricu

22、lture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,” he said. “There’s really a pla</p><p>  59. What is the new challenge to American agriculture? </p><p>  A. Fewer and older farm

23、ers. B. Higher fuel prices. </p><p>  C. More natural disasters. D. Lower agricultural output. </p><p>  60. Why is Merrigan visiting universities across the country? </p><p>  A. T

24、o draw federal agriculture officials’ attention. </p><p>  B. To select qualified agriculture graduates. </p><p>  C. To clarify a recent blog posting. </p><p>  D. To talk more stu

25、dents into farming careers. </p><p>  62. What do the underlined words “to turn around the statistics” in the last paragraph mean? </p><p>  A. To re?analyze the result of the national census. &

26、lt;/p><p>  B. To increase agricultural production. </p><p>  C. To bring down the average age of farmers. </p><p>  D. To invest more in agriculture. </p><p>  Keys: 59.A

27、 60.D 62.C </p><p>  1. 不分主次,平均用力 </p><p>  拿到文章,不問體裁,不分主次,咬文嚼字,一讀到底,是考生最常見的失誤。 </p><p>  上例中閱讀材料是社科類的文章。此類文章往往在第一段點出文章要討論的話題,然后列舉不同人的不同觀點,最后一段多為“展望未來”??忌绻蛔x到底,往往會被紛繁的事例和觀點擾亂思緒,以致于

28、抓不到文章主旨大意。 </p><p>  正確的做法是,在“速讀全文,了解大意”時要抓住首尾段和段落首尾句,找到主題句:“The country’s farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place.”然后帶著問題,在原文中從前向后依次尋讀。 </p><p&g

29、t;  不管是為了把握文章大意的預讀還是帶著問題查找原文的尋讀,都要根據(jù)所讀信息與文章大意或問題的相關性合理地變化閱讀速度。遇到相關信息就放慢速度,仔細研讀;無關信息則可以“該放手時就放手”。 </p><p>  2. 脫離原文,主觀臆斷 </p><p>  有些考生為了節(jié)省時間而不仔細地閱讀原文,只是通過自己對某類知識的主觀了解而憑空想象,這是一種本末倒置的做法。 </p>

30、;<p>  在做上例中第59題時,考生往往會簡單地根據(jù)自己的常識把“美國農(nóng)業(yè)遇到新挑戰(zhàn)”歸因為“不斷飆升的油價(Higher fuel prices)”或“越來越多的自然災難(More natural disasters)”而錯選B項或C項。 </p><p>  細節(jié)理解題的選項是與文中的細節(jié)一一對應的,不能未經(jīng)查閱細節(jié)的出處就依據(jù)自己的理解胡亂猜想,也不能未經(jīng)認真辨析各選項與文中細節(jié)的異同就主

31、觀臆斷。 </p><p>  3. 脫離題干,定位不準 </p><p>  在帶著問題尋讀原文時,有些考生往往會脫離題干的要求,被原文中與題目一模一樣的單詞或短語所迷惑。 </p><p>  上例中第60題中的A、B、C選項的陳述都能在原文第二段中找到對應的語句,都與Merrigan訪問各個大學有關,但都不是題干所要求的“Merrigan訪問各個大學的原因”。

32、其中C選項“To clarify a recent blog posting”僅僅是Merrigan訪問大學時要做的事情,而不是訪問大學的目的。 </p><p>  要想準確定位到相關信息句,就不能只看文中的只言片語,而要立足題干的要求,放眼上下文,結合文章主旨大意來判斷。 </p><p>  4. 似是而非,落入圈套 </p><p>  題目中提供的信息往往

33、都是對原文中的對應細節(jié)信息的轉(zhuǎn)換,而題目干擾項故意將細節(jié)信息中的范圍、程度、語義色彩等改變,使信息的轉(zhuǎn)換發(fā)生偏差,造成似是而非的假象。考生很容易疏忽信息轉(zhuǎn)換的偏差,落入干擾項精心設置的陷阱。 </p><p>  上例中第62題中的B選項就和原文貌合神離,根據(jù)最后一段,“鼓勵下一代從事農(nóng)業(yè)”僅僅是為了“增加年輕農(nóng)民的數(shù)量”,而不是為了增加農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)(To increase agricultural producti


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