1、Train-the-Trainer,T3-010,How To Use This Courseware,To view this course online:Internet Explorer:A scroll bar is provided for navigation. Do not use the back button in the browser or it will take you back to the start
2、 of the course. To best view the course, right-click the first slide and choose Full Screen.Netscape:The course will open up in PowerPoint. Choose View > Slide Show or press F5 to start the course.To view the Spea
3、ker Notes:Right-click the slide and choose Speaker Notes.To access the Table of Contents:Click the button to return to the Table of Contents.,,,,Change Record,Course Mission Statement,This course provides an o
4、verview of concepts encountered within a training environment and instructs the trainee on techniques and skills required for being an effective trainer and facilitator within the classroom.,Terminal Objectives,At the co
5、mpletion of this course, the trainee will be able to:Identify and describe a learning process, learning styles, and learner characteristicsIdentify and apply appropriate training styles for the training environmentAp
6、ply appropriate presentation skills to ensure effective communication and successful training deliveryDevelop facilitation skills to monitor trainees’ participation, obtain feedback, and improve performance in the class
7、roomIdentify and apply the techniques provided in managing the classroom,Table of Contents,Introduction to Train-the TrainerLesson 1: Learning StylesLesson 2: Trainers & Adult LearnersLesson 3: Presentation Sk
8、illsLesson 4: Facilitation SkillsLesson 5: Classroom ManagementCourse Review,Introduction to Train-the-Trainer,,,,,,Styles in Training,Learning,Instructing,Presentation and Facilitation,Presentation skills involves
9、the ability to communicate effectively course content. Facilitation skills involve the ability to coach, guide, and motivate the trainee in comprehending course content.,Managing Classrooms,Classroom management a
10、ddresses a number of areas:,Facilities and Environment,Instructional Aids,Momentum and Flow,Lesson 1: Learning Styles,Lesson 1: Objectives,Terminal Objective: Identify and describe a learning process, learning styles, a
11、nd learner characteristics.Identify major concepts in the learning processDescribe four main learning stylesList learner characteristics,Lesson 1: Enabling Objective 1.1,Knowledge: Identify the major steps that occ
12、ur within the learning process.,,Situation,,Lesson 1 Concept: Learning Process,,Evaluation,Experience,,,,,,,,,,,Jarvis 1987,,Learning is a change in behavior and cognitive abilities.,Lesson 1: Enabling Objective 1.2,Kn
13、owledge: Describe four learning styles with their attributes and related characteristics.,Exercise 1.1a: “What’s Your Orientation?”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Exercise 1.1a: Your Orientation,,Lesson 1 Concept:
14、 Learning Orientation,Experiential Learning Cycle,Lesson 1 Concept: Kolb’s Learning Styles,Diverger:Imaginative AbilitySmall Group DiscussionBroad Interests,Converger:Practical ApplicationTechnical IssuesIndepend
15、ent,Assimilator: Theoretical Models Abstract Concepts Research Oriented,Accommodator: Hands-On Adaptable Intuitive Problem Solvers,,,Lesson 1 Concept: Learning Style,Experiential Learning Cycle,,Accommodator
16、,Diverger,Assimilator,Converger,Lesson 1 Concept: Other Styles,Reflective / Impulsive“Windshield Wiper”Holistic / SerialistDependent / Independent Regardless of the perspective – Learning Styles Vary!,Lesson 1: En
17、abling Objective 1.3,Knowledge: List the five common learner characteristics and some of their attributes.,Lesson 1 Concept: Learner Characteristics,Reservoir of ExperienceVolume and DiversityReadiness to LearnMotiv
18、ation & WIIFMOrientation to LearningProblem-centeredSelf-ConceptRisk AssessmentDefense MechanismsAbility to LearnStyle and Processing,Lesson 1: Review,Review Question 1: The objective within the learning pro
19、cess is?Review Question 2: List the four learning styles and an attribute of each?Review Question 3: List five learner characteristics.,Lesson 2: Trainers & Adult Learners,Lesson 2: Objectives,Terminal Objective
20、: Identify and apply appropriate training styles for the training environment.Identify four instructional approachesDescribe three instructional stylesList the characteristics of learningDescribe the principles in l
21、earningIdentify the levels in learning,Lesson 2: Enabling Objective 2.1,Knowledge: Identify the four instructional approaches and their characteristics.,Lesson 2 Concept: “The Approach,,,,,,,,Socialization,Mentoring,
22、,,,,,,,,,,,Lesson 2: Enabling Objective 2.2,Knowledge: Describe three instructional styles and their characteristics.,Lesson 2 Concept: Instructional Styles,AuthoritarianDominates processOne-way information flowLim
23、ited participationDemocraticLearning is collaborativeTrainer & trainee promotes topicTwo-way information flowOpen participationLaissez-faireLittle directionDisorganizedTopic-at-hand,Lesson 2: Enabling Objec
24、tive 2.3,Knowledge: List five characteristics of adult learning.,,,,,,Lesson 2 Concept: P.E.M.A.S.,PurposefulWIIFM,ExperienceKnow to UnknownTactile/Auditory/Visual,MultifacetedProblem-centeredPsychomotor,ActiveDi
25、splay behavior change,StylesPreference and orientation,Lesson 2: Enabling Objective 2.4,Knowledge: List the six principles of adult learning.,Lesson 2 Concept: R.E.E.P.I.R.,ReadinessEstablish purposeExerciseRepeti
26、tionEffectPleasant rewardsPrimacyFirst impressionsIntensityEngagingRecencySequencing,Lesson 2: Enabling Objective 2.5,Knowledge: Identify the three domains of learning.,,Lesson 2 Concept: C.A.P.,CognitiveKnow
27、ledgeAffectiveAttitudes and beliefsPsychomotorPhysical / Motor skills,Lesson 2: Review,Review Question 1: List the three instructional styles and a characteristic of each?Review Question 2: What are the five chara
28、cteristics of adult learning?Review Question 3: List the six principles in adult learning and an attribute of each.,Lesson 3: Presentation Skills,Lesson 3: Objectives,Terminal Objective: Determine and apply presentati
29、on skills to ensure effective communications and successful training delivery.Develop and apply communications and presentation skillsDescribe the elements for a successful presentation,Lesson 3: Enabling Objective 3
30、.1,Knowledge: Develop and apply communications and presentation skills.Skill: Develop and apply communications and presentation skills within the training environment.,Exercise 3.1a: Why Bad Performance Occurs,List al
31、l the things you can think of that contribute to a poorly delivered presentation.Turn the list around – create positive statements from the negative ones. You now have a list of some of the qualities a good presenter sh
32、ould have.,,,,,,,,Lesson 3 Concept: Presentation Preparation,WHO is attending?,HOW will I know they are learning?,HOW do I get the message across?,WHY should they learn this?,WHERE am I doing this?,WHEN am I doing this?
33、,WHAT do they need to learn?,Lesson 3 Concept: Preparation (cont’d),The basic planThe beginning – to excite and introduceThe delivery – to inform and instructThe end – to confirm and leave a lasting impressionOr
34、Tell them what you’re going to sayTell themTell them what you told them,Lesson 3 Concept: “The Beginning”,I gniteN eedT itleR angeO bjective,INTRO,Lesson 3 Concept: “The Beginning” (cont’d),Self-introductionGre
35、etIdentifyQualifyTopicTimeSurprisesQuestions,Lesson 3 Concept: Presentation “The Delivery”,We remember only:,Lesson 3 Concept: “Delivery Attitude” (cont’d),Your attitudeFirst impressions matterPeople associate
36、attitude and appearance with quality of work,Lesson 3 Concept: “Posture & Delivery” (cont’d),Your posture: Feet: Hip to shoulder widthWeight: Balanced, not rockingShoulders: Square to audienceArms: Use simple
37、 gestures in accordance with words(keeps attention and dissipates nervous energy)Movement: Move around the room with purposePocket: A hand in the pocket creates an informal style(But do not play with keys or coins),
38、Lesson 3 Concept: “The Delivery” (cont’d),Your eye contactWhereFocus on one individual at a timeHold until completed thought or phraseRandomize (3+ seconds)Keep body language consistentBenefitsOne-on-one communic
39、ation simulationReduce anxietyConfident appearancePace,Lesson 3 Concept: “Voice & Delivery” (cont’d),Your voiceC learL oudA ssertiveP ause,Lesson 3 Concept: “Humor & Delivery” (cont’d),HumorAppropriate
40、 for the topic and NEVER offensiveNo humor about names, nationalities, etc.Stop using humor if your audience is unresponsiveAvoid joke-book humor; originality is bestGet your timing rightBe spontaneous - take advant
41、age of the moment,Lesson 3 Concept: The End,Summarize the key points – the objectivesMake your final closing statement in such a way that your message is driven home.,Lesson 3: Enabling Objective 3.2,Knowledge: Descri
42、be the elements for a successful presentation.Skill: Apply the elements for a successful presentation when delivering a training class.,Lesson 3 Concept: Successful Presentations,You understand the needs of your trai
43、neesYou know your subjectYou have planned your presentationYou have rehearsed properlyYou are confident in manner and styleYou have effective classroom management skills,,,,,Lesson 3 Concept: Elements for Success,T
44、ime management,Practice,Motivation,Class climate,Lesson 3 Concept: Timing,Start on timeBe consistent with timingTrack content periodicallyDevelop contingency plan if the class is running early or behindBe flexible, b
45、ut pragmatic,Lesson 3 Concept: Classroom Climate,First impressions countHave course clearly identifiedHave your name prominently displayedUse trainees’ namesRefer to trainees’ ideas and examplesMaintain eye contact
46、Thank them for attention and participation,Lesson 3 Concept: Motivation,Be positiveSet realistic goalsExample enthusiastic behaviorPractice makes “perfect”,Lesson 3 Concept: Practice,PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE…D
47、o not be too formalAnticipate problems and have solutionsRelax,Lesson 3 Concept: Making Training Stick,AuditoryVisualKinesthetic,Lesson 3: Review,Review Question 1: What are some of the basic considerations when p
48、reparing for a course?Review Question 2: Which presentation approach assures that the trainee will retain the most information from a learning experience?Review Question 3: The most important and essential aspect whe
49、n preparing to present a course is to?,Lesson 4: Facilitation Skills,Lesson 4: Objectives,Terminal Objective: Develop facilitation skills to monitor trainees’ participation, obtain feedback, and improve performance in
50、 the classroom.List the common facilitation skills and their characteristicsDescribe the common facilitation situations,Lesson 4: Enabling Objective 4.1,Knowledge: List the four common facilitation skills and their c
51、haracteristics.,Lesson 4 Concept: Skill Types,AttendingObservingListeningQuestioning,Lesson 4 Concept: Attending,Present yourself in a manner that shows your interests in the topic and the trainees.Build rapportCo
52、mmunicate trainee valueNote non-verbal behaviors,,,Lesson 4 Concept: Observing,This skill helps you assess how well the training is being received. Observe their body languageEvaluate and make the inferenceAdjust ap
53、propriately,Lesson 4 Concept: Listening,This skill provides you the opportunity to verify the trainees’ understanding of the content.Listening also provides you the with the feedback on how the training is being receiv
54、ed.Listen first for content and meaningParaphrase if necessary for clarificationObserve and use non-verbal cuesObserve and use verbal cuesLet them finish,Lesson 4 Concept: Questions,Questions helps you determine:W
55、hat the trainees already knowHow the training is being receivedEnable the trainees to assess their level of understandingThree skills associated with questions are:Asking questionsHandling trainee answers to questio
56、nsResponding to trainee questions,Lesson 4 Concept: Questions,Open vs. ClosedOpen questions are phrased for a response that might facilitate discussion. Class controls answers.Closed questions are phrased for a spec
57、ific answer. The trainer controls answer.Overhead vs. DirectOverhead questions are asked to the class as a whole.Direct questions are asked for participation or expert opinion.,Lesson 4 Concept: Questioning Ti
58、ps,Should be developed when developing your contentShould be briefShould be at various difficulty levelsShould seek to involve all traineesShould always restate and point out positives from responses,Lesson 4 Concept
59、: Handling Answers,Use positive reinforcement for correct answerAcknowledge the effort.Use positive or neutral acknowledgement for an incorrect answer.Respond in a fashion that maintains continuity and pace,Lesson 4
60、Concept: Responding to Questions,Provide the answerRedirect the questionDefer the questionREMEMBER…The way you handle the question and answer process initially sets the tone and the environment for collaborative
61、learning.,Lesson 4 Concept: Managing Discussions,Discussion is an exchange of opinions and feelings.Listening is two-thirds of a discussion.Opinions are neither right nor wrong.Everyone may contribute.A pre-determin
62、ed objective must be set.,Lesson 4: Enabling Object 4.2,Knowledge: Describe four common facilitation situations encountered within a training environment and how to manage them.,Lesson 4 Concept: When to……..,Common fa
63、cilitation scenarios can include:Enlisting participation and motivatingGuiding and rewarding desired performanceCorrecting errors or misunderstandingsResolving issues,Lesson 4 Concept: Participation,Various levels o
64、f trainee participation can be expected. Key in the process is the ability of the instructor to identify trainees that need support and motivation to meet the objectives of the course.,Lesson 4 Concept: Guiding,The lear
65、ning environment provides the opportunity to obtain the desired performance by the trainee. Guiding the “willing” or “confused” motivates and rewards all participants.,Lesson 4 Concept: Misunderstandings or Errors,Teach
66、:When the trainee does not have the knowledge to respond or executeCoach:When the trainee has the knowledge but is having difficulty applying the knowledgeCounsel:When the trainee has the knowledge and knows they ha
67、ve made an error,Lesson 4 Concept: Issue Resolution,Observe body language, facial expression, eye contact, and vocal expressionDecide if the situation warrants actionDetermine appropriate actionTake action and follow
68、-through,Lesson 4: Review,Review Question 1: List the four facilitation skill types.Review Question 2: What three conditions can be determined by using questions? Review Question 3: List the common facilitation scen
69、arios.,Lesson 5: Classroom Management,Lesson 5: Objectives,Terminal Objective: Identify and apply the techniques provided in preparing and managing the classroom.List and prepare the support requirements for training
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