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1、 高頻詞根小結(jié) 【特別提示】在英語語言歷史演變的過程中,單詞的詞形和詞義都會發(fā)生或多或少的變化,但是“萬變不離其中” 。這個“中”就是某一單詞的“核心含義” 。詞根、詞綴是構(gòu)成英語單詞的元素,了解、牢記和把握這些元素,不僅可以牢固地掌握單詞的意義,達到事半功倍的學(xué)習(xí)效果。對于應(yīng)試的讀者,詞根在篇章中所起到的一致性和連貫性的作用更是非同小可的。本詞根表中,出現(xiàn)的詞匯僅僅為考試大綱詞匯表要求的詞匯,但是如果掌握好這些詞根,也同樣為將來的學(xué)習(xí)

2、打下了堅實的基礎(chǔ)。 【符號說明】最前面部分為詞根,詞根有兩種:自由詞根(例如“act”,可以單獨構(gòu)成詞匯)和附著詞根(例如“-ag-”,不可單獨用作詞匯) 。單詞后帶“*”為超綱詞匯。 “-acer- / -egr-”: sour; sharp (酸; 鋒利) → acid; acute; acrimony; eager; vinegar; “-act - / -ag-”: do; perform; drive (做; 行為; 沖)

3、 → act; action; actor; activate; activity; agency; agent; agenda; agitate; essay; exact; interact; react; transaction; activist*; agile*; “-aer / -air-”: air; mist (空氣)→ aerial; aeroplane; airplane; aerobics; air; aircr

4、aft; airline; airport; “-aesm / -aesti-”: estimate; value(估計) → aim; estimate; esteem; “-agri- / -ager-”: field; land(田野;地) → agriculture; agrarian; pilgrim; “-add- / -dere- / -agger-”: heap; put (堆積; 放置)→ add; additiona

5、l; addition; exaggerate; “-agon-”: struggle; anguish(痛苦) → agony; “-aisl / -isle-”: wing(翼) → aisle; “-ali- / - alt - / -el-”: foreign; other; (change) (外;其他;變化) → alien; alter; alternate; altruism; else; elsewhere; unal

6、ienable*; adulterate*; “-alti- / -alto-”: high; top(高;提高)→ altitude; alto; enhance; old; “-am- / -ama- / -ami-”: love(愛) → amateur; amiable; enemy; “-ambi-”: going around (走動)→ ambassador; ambiguous; ambition; ambulance

7、; amble; “-amplus-”: spacious (大;寬敞)→ ample; amplify; amplifier; “-anima-” : life; breath; mind(生命) → animal; animate; unanimous; animate*; “-ann-”: years(年) → anniversary; annual; “-ante- / -ant- / -anti-”: before(前;之前

8、) → anticipate; “-apt- / -ept- ”: fit; fitted; suitable; fasten(適當(dāng);緊) → apt; adapt; adaptation; inept; “-arc-”: bow(弓) → arch; “-archi-”: chief(主要) → architect; architecture; “-arm-”: weapon (武器)→ arm; alarm; “-art- /

9、-arti- / -ert-”: craftsmanship (藝術(shù);技藝)→ art; artist; artificial; inertia; “-aster- / -astr-”: stars(星星) → astronaut; disaster; disastrous; “-atmo-”: vapor(氣)→ atmosphere; “-auc- / -aug- / -auth-”: increase; growth (增加)

10、 → auction; augment; author; authority; auxiliary; “-aud- / -aur- / -edi-”: hear; hearing; ear(聽) → audience; audit; aural; obedience; obedient; obey; ; “-auto- / -auth-”: self; genuine (自己; 真正的)→ authentic; automate;

11、 automobile; automatic; automation; “-avan- / -aban- / -ante-”: set out before (前)→ advance; advanced; advantage; disadvantage; vantage; “-avia-”: bird(鳥) → aviation; “-balk- / -balc”: beam; ridge(橫梁;阻礙) → balcony; “-ba

12、ll- / -bull- / -bu- / -bow- / -pill-”: dance; globe (球; 圓) → ball; ballet; balloon; bowl; bowling; bubble; bulb; bull; bullet; bulletin; bully; pill; bud (等) ;// pillow; “-band- / -bend- / -bond- / -bind- / -bunc-”: jo

13、in; combine (limit) (結(jié)合;限制)→ abandon; ban; band; bandage; bend; bind; bond; binding; bound; boundary; bunch*; bondage*; “-bank- / -bench- / -banqu-”: bench (長凳“過去為金融交易的地方” )→ bank; bankrupt; bench; banquet; bench; “-ba

14、r-”: stick; rod (長木條)→ bar; barrel; embarrassment; “-bas- / -bass-”: of low height; pedestal (基礎(chǔ)) → base; baseball; basic; basis; database; “-bat- / -bar- / -bell-”: club; hit (木棍;打擊)→ bar; barrel; barrier; bat; batter

15、y; battle; combat; debate; batter*; belligerent*; abate*; baton*; billiard*; rebuke*; “-bene- /-bon-”: good (好;善)→ benefit; beneficial; bonus; “-bi- / -bin- / -bo-”: two; twice (二;兩;雙)→ combine; binary; balance; bicycle

16、; billion; biscuit; both; combination; combine; “-biblio-”: books(書) → Bible; bibliography; “-bill- / -bull-”: seal; document; boss (玉璽; 印章) → bill; bulletin; bull; bully; “-bio- / -bi-”: life(生命) → biography; aerobics

17、; “-blam- / -blasm-”: blaspheme(褻瀆) → blame; blaspheme*; “-brac-”: arms(雙臂) → brace; bracket; brake; embrace; “-bread- / -breed- / -brib-”: crumb; morsel (面包)→ bread; breed; bribe; bribery; “-break- / -breach- / -brick-

18、”: break (打破) → break; breach; brick; brisk; “-brev- / -brief-”: short (短;簡)→ brief; brevity; “-bri- / -brill-”: shine (閃耀)→ bright; brighten; brilliant; occur; occurrence; recur; recourse*; “-covr- / -cover-”: cover ov

19、er (覆蓋)→ cover; discover; uncover; “-creat”: make; produce(產(chǎn)生;創(chuàng)造) → create; creation; creativity; creature; creationism; recreate; “-cred”: credit; faith(相信) → credential; credit; discredit; credible; credulous; grant; i

20、ncredible; creed*; “-cres / -creas- / -cruit-”: grow(增加,增長) → concrete; crew; decrease; increase; increasingly; recruit; crescent*; create(類別) “-crim-”: verdict; accusation; → crime; criminal; criminologist*; “-crimin-

21、 / -cris- / -crit- // -cros- / -crux-”: ①cross; ②divide; decide; able to discern (十字形;分開,區(qū)分)→ cross; crucial; cruise; // crisis; criteria; discriminate; discrimination; crusade*; “-crop-”: sprout; craw (萌芽;芽) → crop; cr

22、uise; “-crud- / -crud- / -crue-”: press; hurry (血腥, 粗糙; 敦促; 急迫)→ crude; cruel; cruelty; crowd; “-cuit- / -cuis-”: cook(烹飪) → biscuit; “-cum(u)- / -cil-”: heap up (堆積)→ accumulate; council; coil; cull*; “-cur- / -car- /

23、 -cher-”: care; dear (關(guān)心;珍愛) → accurate; accuracy; care; careful; caress; charity; cherish; cure; curious; secure; security; charity*; precarious*; “-cus- / -curs-”: curse(詛咒) → accuse; curse; excuse; “-damn- / -demn- /

24、 -temn-”: damn(譴責(zé)) → condemn; contempt; damage; damn; danger; “-day- / -dai-”: day (日;天)→ dial; daily; day; diary; “-dec- / -deci-”: ten(十) → dean; decade; December; decimal; “-dece- / -deco-”: ornament(教堂裝飾) → decent; d

25、ecorate; “-demo-”: people; folk (民; 民眾)→ democracy; democratic; epidemic; demography*; “-dense-”: thick(厚;濃) → condense; dense; density; “-deterior-”: worse(更糟糕) → deteriorate; “-di- / -du- / -doub- / -dub-”: two(二,兩,雙

26、;懷疑,可疑) → dilemma; double; dubious; duplicate; dual*; doubt; doubtful; undoubtedly; “-dic-”: fix (固定;決定) → addict; “-dic / -diti- / -dex- / -doc- / -dox-”: ①speak; ②teach; show; belief( 說 ; 教 , 信 仰 ) → condition; contra

27、dict; contradiction; contradictory; dedicate; dictate; dictation; discipline; index; indicate; indication; predict; verdict; // doctor; doctrine; document; orthodox; paradox; indict*; jurisdiction*; docile*; dogma*; “-d

28、igni- / -divi- / -divu- / -dei-”: god; worth; merit (神; 價值, 優(yōu)點)→ divine; dignity; indignity*; disdain*; “-domai- / -domi-”: lord(貴族;封地) → domain; dome; domestic; dominant; dominate; domineering*; dauntless*; “-dorm / -

29、diz- / -doz- / -daz-”: sleep; quiet; lull; weak(睡眠;眩目;安靜) → dazzle; dizzy; doze; dormant; dormitory; daze*; “-dot / -dote- / -don- / -dat- / -dos- / -dit-”: give; grant(給予;授予) → anecdote; donate; dote; data; date; dose;

30、 dosage; edit; editor; edition; editorial; endow; pardon; render; tradition; treason; update; up-to-date; “-drain- / -dry- / -drou-”: dry (干燥)→ drain; draught; dry; drought; drug; draw; dredge*; “-dram- / -dras-”: do;

31、perform(做;履行) → drama; dramatically; drastic; “-dress-”: direct; straight; arrange(直接;安排) → address; dress; “-drift- / -drive-”: float(漂移) → drift; “-duc- / -duct- / -doc-”: lead (領(lǐng), 導(dǎo))→ conduce; conduct; deduce; doc

32、k; educate; education; induce; introduce; introduction; produce; product; production; productivity; reduce; reduction; reproduce; seduce*; “-due- / -dev- / -deb-”: owe (欠)→ debt; due; duty; endeavor; undue; unduly*; due

33、s*; “-dur- / -duur-”: last; harden (延續(xù); 艱辛)→ door; durable; duration; during; endurance; endure; indulge; “-dare- / -durr- / -turr-”: venture; dare(冒險) → dare; “-ease- / -aise-” : comfort; to relieve(安逸;減輕) → disease;

34、ease; easy; uneasy; “-eco-”: life; environment; money(生命;環(huán)境;金錢) → ecology; economic; economical; economics; economy; “-equa-”: to equal; level(平等;等同) → adequate; equal; equality; equation; equivalent; “-ern-”: energetic

35、; activity(能量;活動) → earnest; energy; “-err-”: wanderer; to err(偏移;過錯) → erroneous; error; “-esse- / -ens- / -esse- / -est-”: to exist; to be(存在) → absent; absence; entity; essence; interest; presence; present; presently;

36、 represent; representative; “-eston- / -stun-”: strike with thunder(打擊;驚異) → astonish; pierce; “-et- / -eat- / -ed-”: eat(吃) → eat; eatable; edible; “-ethn- / -ethno-”: nation; race(民族;種族) → ethnic; “-exam- / -exem-”: w

37、eigh; take out(掂量;取樣) → exam; examination; example; sample; “-exo- / -ext-”: outside(在外) → exotic; exterior; external; extra; extreme; “-fabr- / -forg-”: workshop; craftsman (制作;工藝)→ fabric; fabricate; forge; “-face- / -

38、fac- / -fect- / -fic- / -fy / -feas- / -fair- / -feat-”: to do; to make; // easy; facile (做, 作, 制; 容易)→ affair; affect; benefit; beneficial; to certificate; defeat; defect; deficient; effect; effective; efficiency; effi

39、cient; exemplify; face; fact; factor; factory; fashion; fashionable; feasible; feat; feature; fiction; infect; infection; office; officer; official; perfect; perfection; proficiency; profit; profitable; suffice; sufficie

40、nt; superficial; surface; faction*; // difficult; difficulty; facilitate; facility; faculty; facet*; prefecture*; profiteering*; // fatigue; “-fail- / -fal- / -faut-”: to disappoint; deceitful (失誤, 失望; 欺騙)→ fail; f


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