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1、This article was downloaded by: [University of Saskatchewan Library] On: 02 January 2015, At: 09:38 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer

2、House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKApplied Economics LettersPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rael20Management innovation, c

3、orporation core competence and corporate culture: the impact of relatednessChich-Jen Shieh aa Department of International Business , Chang Jung Christian University , Kway Jen, Sector 1, 396 Chang Jung Road, Tainan, 7110

4、1, Taiwan Published online: 08 Feb 2011.To cite this article: Chich-Jen Shieh (2011) Management innovation, corporation core competence and corporate culture: the impact of relatedness, Applied Economics Letters, 18:12,

5、1121-1124, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2010.526567To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2010.526567PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLETaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the

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11、ions of access and use can be found at http:// www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditionsthe corporate culture (Bohlander et al., 2001). Quinn (1992) noted that the accumulation of capacity to develop new technology i

12、s an additional approach to learning the modes of organizational innovation and corporate culture, and adds great value to core com- petence. Van Der Panne et al. (2003) found that the success of management innovation is

13、 determined by corporation core competence and corporate culture. They made reference to one essential point related to management innovation: adaptability of management innovation is the core competence of a corporation

14、. If corporate culture can take advantage of the correla- tion between management innovation and corpora- tion core competence, corporations shall grasp the most favourable timing of coming into management innovation.II.

15、 MethodologyResearch hypothesesFor understanding the relationships between study variables, this study focused on the organizational, informational and technological aspects of manage- ment innovation. For corporation co

16、re competence, shift of resources and capability, combination of dis- tinctiveness and persistence, effective integration of resources and dynamic process of realization were tested. The dimensions for corporate culture

17、were bureaucratic, innovative, supportive and effective cul- tures. This study further investigated the role corpo- rate culture plays in the relationship betweenmanagement innovation and corporation core compe- tence. T

18、here were four hypotheses in the study as shown below.H1 : A positive correlation exists between manage-ment innovation and corporation core competence.H2 : A positive correlation exists between corporateculture and mana

19、gement innovation.H3 : A positive correlation exists between corporateculture and corporation core competence.H4 : Corporate culture has a moderator variable onthe relationship between management innovation and corporati

20、on core competence. H4 was split into the following three sub hypotheses: H4.a, H4.b and H4.c.H4.a : Corporate culture enhances the positive cor-relation of organizational innovation with the four dimensions of corporati

21、on core competence.H4.b : Corporate culture enhances the positive cor-relation of information innovation with the four dimensions of corporation core competence.H4.c : Corporate culture enhances the positive cor-relation

22、 of technological innovation with the four dimensions of corporation core competence.Research sample and scalesIn this study, samples were chosen by way of convenience sampling. These owners/managers were asked to answer

23、 questionnaires about the three variables in the study. The study designed the questions for the three scales of questionnairethrough the interviews of experts and scholars. There were eight questions for the scale for m

24、anagement innovation, eight for the scale for corporation core competence and six for the scale for corporate culture. Of the 800 questionnaires sent, 260 valid ones were returned. The questions were primarily based on 6

25、-point Likert scales.The study applied the component analysis to extractcommon factors and the varimax to carry out ortho- gonal rotation. The eigenvalues higher than 1 and the factor loading higher than 0.6 were set as

26、the criteria to remove unsuitable questions (Kaiser, 1958). According to these criteria, the study deleted one question out of eight for the scale for management innovation. The study also carried out reliability and val

27、idity analysis, Clark and Guy (1998) said that Cronbach’s a higher than 0.7 shows high reliability, that between 0.7 and 0.35 shows fair reliability and that less than 0.35 shows low reliability. The three scales in the

28、study met the requirements of high reliability.III. Results and DiscussionsFrom the results of Pearson’s correlation analysis, the correlation coefficients between the organizational and technological innovation dimensio

29、ns of management innovation and the four dimensions of corporation core competence were positive, whereas the informa- tion innovation dimension coefficients were negative. Therefore, hypothesis H1 is partially tenable.T

30、he correlation coefficients between the threedimensions of management innovation and corporate culture were both positive and negative leaving hypothesis H2 partially tenable (Table 1).Corporate culture showed a signific

31、ant positive cor-relation with the four dimensions of corporation core competence. Therefore, hypothesis H3 is tenable.As for the testing of hypothesis H4, there are fourpartial cases based on bureaucratic culture (sampl

32、e size: N = 69), innovative culture (N = 63), supportive culture (N = 51) and effective culture (N = 77), as compared with the entire sample (sample size:N = 260).1122 C.-J. ShiehDownloaded by [University of Saskatchewan


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