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1、Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Environmental Managementjournal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jenvmanResearch articleSewage sludge processing and management in small and medium-sized municipal was

2、tewater treatment plant-new technical solutionAnna Grobelak?, Anna Grosser, Ma?gorzata Kacprzak, Tomasz Kamizela??Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment, Institute of Environmenta

3、l Engineering, Czestochowa, PolandA R T I C L E I N F OKeywords:Sewage sludge disposalSmall wastewater treatment plantsCompostBiomassRenewable energyA B S T R A C TAlthough sewage sludge generated by most large wastewate

4、r treatment plants is treated as waste, this ‘waste’ isboth a source of energy and nutrients. Moreover, mainly in the small and medium-sized installations of muni-cipal wastewater treatment plants is produced sewage slud

5、ge that meets the standards for soil application.Unfortunately, the overly simplified operating systems of small wastewater treatments plants cannot provide thesatisfactory content of water in sewage sludge for energy re

6、covery purposes. Therefore, new solutions for sewagesludge treatment are required. The study presents an innovative, energy effective, wastewater treatment andsewage sludge processing in one operational sequence, with si

7、gnificant energy consumption decrease and au-tothermal biomass production. Current research contains detailed technical information about the novel in-tegrated waste water treatment plant and sewage sludge treatment inst

8、allation as well as cost analysis incomparison to conventional treatments.The aim of this study was to evaluate the operation of the one prototype line for wastewater and sewagesludge treatment and the assessment of the

9、obtained biomass and fertilizer.This new technology is a solution for small and medium-sized municipal wastewater treatment plants and isleading to change the conception of wastewater treatment process as a whole and is

10、resolving the management ofsewage sludge at the place where it is generated. In described process the sewage sludge is adequately treated bythe installation apparatus and can be used in two ways: as a source of pathogen-

11、free compost, or as a biomassand feedstock for simple thermal installation. Obtained sewage sludge can be recycled as biomass for combustionwith the remaining ash acing as a plant nutrient-rich source (soil properties en

12、hancer). Finally, in a modifiedwastewater treatment process, an odorless and stabilized compost or biomass for thermal energy recovery can beobtained and utilized directly at the place of origin. This alternative system

13、allows for the systematic (andtechnological) adjustment of already existing, upgraded and newly-designed wastewater treatment plants. Thisnew and innovative technology driven by assumptions about the best possible use of

14、 the resources and energy,allows for a more sustainable functioning of the treatment plant. The present study provides a significant insightinto closing carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and energy loops in wastewa

15、ter treatments system.1. IntroductionSewage sludge is covered by numerous legal acts in the EuropeanUnion (EU), such as those regarding water protection, soil fertilization,environmental protection and waste management.

16、They are also subjectto the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on wasteof the so-called Waste Framework Directive (EC directive 2008/98/EC).With the existing state of waste management technology, it

17、is im-possible to avoid the formation of sewage sludge. It is estimated that13.84 MT/y of dry solids are captured during wastewater treatment inUSA (Seiple et al., 2017) and 10 MT/y is produced in Europe (Werle,2015). In

18、 Poland wastewater treatment plants generate sewage sludgeat the level of 560,000 Mg d.m./year (CSO - Central Statistics Office(Polish) and increases every year (Statistical Year book, 2015). EU Di-rective 99/31/EC on th

19、e Landfill of Waste as well as Polish law sig-nificantly limits the storage of sewage sludge, detailed by specific reg-ulations (EC Directive 99/31/EC), and results in the prohibition ofstorage of untreated sewage sludge

20、 after the date 01.01.2016. Thepreparation of sewage sludge for reuse, otherwise understood as ‘sludgetreatment’, is a viable alternative to storage. If it is not possible to usesludge in recovery processes, then they sh

21、ould be disposed of. One ofthe most important concepts associated with the transformation ofhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.111Received 12 October 2018; Received in revised form 24 December 2018; Accepted 28 De

22、cember 2018? Corresponding author. ?? Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: agrobelak@is.pcz.pl (A. Grobelak), tkamizela@is.pcz.pl (T. Kamizela).Journal of Environmental Management 234 (2019) 90–96Available online 04 Ja

23、nuary 20190301-4797/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Tneither coagulants nor flocculating additives (coagulants and poly-electrolytes) are used.The installation for dosing a structural agent is designed to

24、preparethe solution of the bulking agent and its dosing to a stream of dis-charged excess sewage sludge. The installation apparatus consists oftwo tanks with a capacity of 300 L, with a stirrer and dosing pump ofinstalle

25、d power 0.8 kW. Wastewater without slurries on the band filteris directed to the retention tank. Then, it is delivered to SBR (sequen-cing batch reactor) reactors for biological treatment under standardoxygen conditions.

26、The use of a belt filter and excessive, modified sludge (addition ofcellulose) enables a significant reduction of pollutant load in waste-water directed to SBR reactors. It also limits the production of excessivesludge.

27、Parameters of treated wastewater do not exceed the valuesspecified in the European law (COD (chemical oxygen demand) <125 mg O2/L, BOD5 < 25 mgO2/L, SS < 35 mg/L). In the research ofGikas (2017), the enhanced pr

28、imary solids removal, based on advancedmicrosieving and filtration processes, (pore size: 100–300 μm) wasapplied, causing 80–90% reduction in TSS and 60–70% reduction inBOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen requirement in origi

29、nal sample). Incurrent study using Bionor Sludge waste water treatment technologyand band filter separation, the 94% of BOD5 and 95% of TSS wasachieved. It is worth noting that the treatment test plant operates evenwith

30、a high load of difficult organic pollutants, COD = 1920 mg O2/L(Fig. 2).Dehydrated excessive sewage sludge, together with raw sewagesludge (after passing through band filter and slotted sieve), constitutes acompost load.

31、 It is then transported by a screw conveyor to acomposter, which itself a thermo-composter (AgroNova). This processof composting under high temperature is adapted from the treatment ofdifferent organic waste, e.g. food w

32、aste. The process takes place at atemperature of 70 °C. The compost is mixed, aerated, and heated. Afterabout 5–7 days, the compost has already reacted, hygienised, and thehumidity (65% initial) has been reduced to

33、about 15–20% (final con-tent of water) (Fig. 3).The screw feeder has a length of 5 m and transports raw, dehydratedsewage sludge and excess sewage sludge to the thermo-composter. Theinstalled power of the device is 0.55

34、kW.With flow capacity 1500 kg/week, a biomass of high energy andfertilizer potential is obtained in the thermo-composter (Fig. 3) - theresult of biological decomposition of organic matter from a mixture ofraw sludge and

35、excess sludge. Agitation and aeration processes pro-duced by the shaft with paddles takes place in this device. The wholecomposter working chamber is heated by electric heaters and hot,processed water. Moreover, this dev

36、ice's - with installed power of5.2 kW - construction, enables both its encapsulation and degassingprocess. Subjecting excessive sewage sludge to the composting processreplaces its stabilization in the technological p

37、rocess of wastewatertreatment. The whole process can be stopped at this step, having sta-bilized the compost or ‘biomass’ in by the RES's definition, as a fertilizerfor soil improvement. This can further be followed

38、by incineration ofthe achieved biomass. A complete incineration unit consists of a tray, ascrew feeder and a furnace (Table 3). The screw feeder feeds the fuel onthe grate, where the complete combustion with a controlled

39、 air blastTable 1Technical parameters of the drum screen.Parameter ValueOutput up to 20 L/sPerforation 10 mmDiameter 300 mmSieve drive power 0.75 kWConstruction material stainless steelTable 2Technical parameters of the

40、band filter.Parameter ValueNominal capacity 10 L/sPerforation of the filter belt 350 μmFilter belt working width 400 mmFig. 2. Average annual values of pollution indicators in treated and untreatedwastewater; average ann

41、ual data from 2016 to 2017.Fig. 3. Sewage sludge stabilized after the thermos-composting process (dryconsistency).Table 3Technical parameters of the furnace.Parameter ValueFurnace nominal power 14.9 kWFuel consumption 3.


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