1、理論語(yǔ)言學(xué)研究,蘇曉軍,挖井,認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué):研究什么?,,The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics,Edited by Dirk Geeraerts and Hubert Cuyckens Oxford University Press ,1364 pages, Oct 2007Edited by Dirk Geeraerts, Professor of Linguistics, Uni
2、versity of Leuven, Belgium , and Hubert Cuyckens, Professor of Linguistics, University of Leuven, Belgium,The Future of Cognitive Linguistics (Handbook PP.15-17),1)強(qiáng)調(diào)語(yǔ)言的社會(huì)方面(social aspects of language),研究社會(huì)認(rèn)知和社會(huì)變異現(xiàn)象(soci
3、al cognition and sociovariational phenomena);2)強(qiáng)調(diào)實(shí)證研究方法(empirical methods within Cognitive Linguistics):實(shí)驗(yàn)研究,語(yǔ)料庫(kù)研究;3)追求認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)的理論統(tǒng)一性(theoretical unification),使認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)成為理論上統(tǒng)一的知識(shí)體系。,Unique contribution as a Chinese – Going I
4、nternational,於寧趙曉寰,Metaphor in Culture,,Metaphor in Culture: Universality and VariationZoltán KövecsesCambridge University Press 2005,To what extent and in what ways is metaphorical thought relevant to an un
5、derstanding of culture and society? Can the cognitive linguistic view of metaphor simultaneously explain universality and diversity in metaphorical thought? Cognitive linguists have done important work on universal aspec
6、ts of metaphor, but they have paid less attention to why metaphors vary both interculturally and intraculturally as extensively as they do. This book proposes a new theory of metaphor variation. Firstly, the major dimens
7、ions of metaphor variation are identified; that is, those social and cultural boundaries that signal discontinuities in human experience. Secondly, the book describes which components, or aspects, of conceptual metaphor
8、are involved in metaphor variation, and how they are involved. Thirdly, it isolates the main causes of metaphor variation. Lastly, it deals with the issue of the degree of cultural coherence in the interplay among concep
9、tual metaphors, embodiment, and causes of metaphor variation,Cultural model,Quinn, Naomi. 1987. Convergent evidence for a cultural model of American marriage. In Dorothy Holland and Naomi Quinn, eds., Cultural models in
10、language and thought173–92. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.,For her cultural model of marriage, Quinn (1987) interviewed husbands and wives in eleven marriages (fifteen hours of tape recording) and applied the te
11、chniques of key words, metaphor grouping, and reasoning analysis. The most frequent key words were commitment, love, and fulfillment. She identified the following eight templates, in her terminology ‘‘proposition-schemas
12、,’’ around which the metaphors used to explicate these schemas are grouped:,1. marriage is enduring2. marriage is mutually beneficial3. marriage is unknown at the outset4. marriage is difficult5. marriage is effortfu
13、l6. marriage is joint7. marriage may succeed or fail8. marriage is risky,隱喻與文化研究,Books by Ning Yu,From Body to Meaning in Culture: Papers on Cognitive Semantic Studies of Chinese. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benj
14、amins. 2009. The Chinese HEART in a Cognitive Perspective: Culture, Body, and Language. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics series, 12). 2009. The Contemporary Theory of Metaph
15、or: A Perspective from Chinese. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Human Cognitive Processing series, 1). 1998.,Journal articles by Ning Yu (1),Heart and cognition in ancient Chinese philosophy. Journal of Cogni
16、tion and Culture 7(1/2), 27–47. 2007. Following the theory of conceptual metaphor in cognitive linguistics, this paper studies a predominant conceptual metaphor in the understanding of the heart in ancient Chinese phil
17、osophy: THE HEART IS THE RULER OF THE BODY.,Journal articles by Ning Yu (2),The eyes for sight and mind. Journal of Pragmatics 36(4), 663–686. 2004. This is a study of metonymic and metaphoric expressions containing bo
18、dy-part terms for the eye(s) in Chinese.,Journal articles by Ning Yu (3),Chinese metaphors of thinking. Cognitive Linguistics 14(2/3), 141–165. 2003. This article studies two of the four special cases, namely THINKING
19、IS MOVING and THINKING IS SEEING, that constitute the metaphor system THE MIND IS A BODY in Chinese.,Book by Xiaohuan Zhao,Zhao, X. Classical Chinese Supernatural Fiction: A Morphological History. 416 pp. Lewiston,
20、 New York, USA & Ceredigion, Wales, UK: the Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.,Journal articles by Xiaohuan Zhao,Zhao, X. "On the Modes of Theme-Rheme Combination and Logic-semantic Relations in the Text of the Tao te ch
21、ing,"Studies in Sinology, Vol. 29, Issue 2 (September 2007), pp. 79-110.Zhao, X. "Structural Patterns in Advertising Chinese: a Textual Analysis from the Theme-Rheme Perspective," The New Zealand Language
22、 Teacher, Issue I (October 2005), pp. 28-34.,應(yīng)用認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué),應(yīng)用認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)與二語(yǔ)習(xí)得認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)與外語(yǔ)教學(xué),Applied Cognitive Linguistics,,Applied Cognitive Linguistics,Applied Cognitive Linguistics I: Theory and Language Acquisition Applied Co
23、gnitive Linguistics II: Language Pedagogy Mouton de Gruyter 2001,Cognitive Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition & Foreign Language Teaching,,Mouton de Gruyter 2004,Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second L
24、anguage Acquisition,Routledge 2008,Routledge 2008,Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology,,Mouton de Gruyter 2008,Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching,,Palgrave Macmillan 2009,Journa
25、l articles (1),Low, Graham D. 1988. On teaching metaphor. Applied Linguistics 9: 125–47. looks at the functions of metaphor in language use and the pedagogical implications for devising teaching and reference materi
26、als. Low argues quite convincingly that the systematicity of metaphor requires a discussion of methodological problems, such as constraints on the design of teaching materials and the development of effective types of ex
27、ercise,Journal articles (2),Deignan, Alice, Danuta Gabrys′, and Agnieszka Solska. 1997. Teaching English metaphors using cross-linguistic awareness-raising activities. ELT Journal 51: 352–60.From a cross-linguistic per
28、spective, Deignan, Gabrys′, and Solska (1997) suggest awareness-raising activities for Polish learners of English and develop strategies for comprehending and creating metaphors in the second language,textbook,,Rudzka-Os
29、tyn, Brygida. 2003. Word power: Phrasal verbs and compounds: A cognitive approach. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.,a didactic application of Cognitive Linguistics, largely based on the concepts of trajector and landmark an
30、d involving the extension of prototypical literal senses into metaphorized, more abstract senses represented in radial networks. The aim is ‘‘to discover which semantic features are conveyed by the particle or by the phr
31、asal verb as a whole’’ , that is, to make the learner acquainted with the nonspatial or figurative meanings inherent in the particle and/or prepositional system. Moreover, it adheres to one of the principles of a pedagog
32、ical grammar—that it should be based on an, at least implicitly, contrastive approach—in that it provides the students with cognitive insights and tools to analyze the ways in which their native language expresses simila
33、r relations with the world.Unlike traditional, nonsemantic ways of grouping particles around one specific verb, this textbook groups verbs around particles/prepositions. In this way, the figurative meanings of the parti
34、cles/prepositions can become transparent, and this transparency is said to lead to more meaningful learning.,Future research (Handbook, PP 1155-1156),It has been advocated that the metaphorical structure of language shou
35、ld be presented to foreign language learners as an integral part of language that is nonarbitrary in nature and that allows systematic treatment.A field which has hardly been researched involves the multicultural classr
36、oom, in which the status and use of the underlying contrastive metaphor systems in two or more languages could be systematically explored. In this regard, more work should be done on the role of interference, which can g
37、ive an account of the learner’s cognitive strategies and provide an understanding of the social range of linguistic expressions in the target language.,There is still a need to provide further substantial studies from an
38、 applied cognitive linguistic perspective in order to show the all-embracing embodied nature of human language, in other words, a holistic understanding of the way language works. In order to demonstrate that, for exampl
39、e, grammar has an experiential and interactional grounding and to allow young learners ‘‘‘to grasp’, ‘feel’ or ‘see’ the syntax of English’’, it will be necessary to understand grammar as fundamentally embodied and imagi
40、native, through metaphor and image schemas.,認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)與語(yǔ)篇分析,認(rèn)知詩(shī)學(xué)認(rèn)知文體學(xué),Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis,,John Benjamins 2002,Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction,,Routledge 2002,Cognitive Poetics in
41、 Practice,,Routledge 2003,Toward a Theory of Cognitive Poetics,,Sussex Academic Press; second edition 2008,Cognitive Poetics:Goals, Gains and Gaps,,Mouton de Gruyter 2009,認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)與翻譯研究,BooksJournal articles:Metaphor an
42、d translation: some implications of a cognitive approach, Journal of Pragmatics 36 (2004) 1253–1269A Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of Classical Chinese Poetry Translation, 理論語(yǔ)言學(xué)研究 第2卷第2號(hào) 2008年12月,Cognitive linguistics an
43、d poetics of translation,,The task of translating one language into another poses a great challenge for translators of literary texts. Here, Cognitive Linguistics provides a special contribution.Tabakowska’s (1993) stud
44、y applies Cognitive Grammar principles to literary translation. Defining translation equivalence in terms of units larger than a single sentence, Tabakowska notes that these units overlap with Langacker’s notions of imag
45、e and scene construal. In a series of case studies, Tabakowska shows how Cognitive Linguistics contributes to the art and practice of translation by (i) providing systematic explanations for the ease or difficulty of tra
46、nslation; (ii) describing the techniques of style through ‘‘pairing individual dimensions of imagery with particular linguistic means’’ and (iii) identifying the reasons in some cases for the impossibility of translation
47、. She concedes that ‘‘it takes a poet to translate poetry’’ but argues that Cognitive Linguistics can help provide better understanding of the images and techniques in poetic text.,Stylistic Approaches to Translation,,St
48、ylistic Approaches to Translation,4. Cognitive stylistics and translation 4.1 The cognitive turn in stylistics and translation studies 4.2 Translating the mind in the text 4.3 Ambiguity and text
49、ual gaps 4.4 Foregrounding, salience and visibility 4.5 Metaphor, mind and translation 4.6 Iconicity, mimesis and diagesis 4.7 Cognitive stylistics and the pretence of translation,認(rèn)知語(yǔ)言學(xué)的社會(huì)維度,,
50、Mouton de Gruyter 2008,Cognitive Sociolinguistics,A union of Cognitive Linguistics and Sociolinguistics was bound to happen. Both proclaim a usage-based approach to language and aim to analyse actual language use in obje
51、ctive ways. Whereas Sociolinguistics is by nature on the outlook for language in its variety, Cognitive Linguistics can no longer afford to ignore social variation in language as it manifests itself in the usage data. No
52、r can it fail to adopt an empirical methodology that reflects variation as it actually occurs, beyond the limited knowledge of the individual observer. Conversely, while Cognitive Linguistics can only benefit from a heig
53、htened sensitivity to social aspects, the rich, bottom-up theoretical framework it has developed is likely to contribute to a much better understanding of the meaning of variationist phenomena.,World Englishes: A Cogniti
54、ve Sociolinguistic Approach,,Mouton de Gruyter 2009,Over the last three decades, the field of linguistics saw a number of major and remarkable evolutions. Among the foremost developments is the emergence of two new and g
55、rowing research paradigms, the Cognitive Linguistics framework and the world Englishes paradigm, which are now firmly established on the linguistic agenda world-wide. The driving forces that have led to the rise of the t
56、wo frameworks are quite different. CL was proposed as a genuine theoretical paradigm, in explicit opposition to and out of disagreement with the then and still dominant framework of Generative Grammar. It is thus, most o
57、f all, an outgrowth of theoretically oriented discourse and of a paradigm shift within the discipline of linguistics itself, and unites linguists, controversies notwithstanding, who share a common theoretical perspective
58、. The forces that led to the rise of the WE paradigm are crucially different in this respect. This research framework is essentially linguistics’ recognition of, reaction to, and reflection on drastic social and sociolin
59、guistic developments brought about, first of all, by the dynamics of globalization. Unlike CL, it is not constituted by a common theoretical background. Rather, the common denominator of the WE paradigm is the joined int
60、erest in the linguistic effects and implications of these societal processes, and there is a high heterogeneity of theoretical perspectives.,Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics,,Mouton de Gruyter 2010,Edited by Dirk
61、Geeraerts, Gitte Kristiansen, and Yves Peirsman,Part one: Lexical and lexical-semantic variation,Heterodox concept features and onomasiological heterogeneity in dialects Dirk Geeraerts, Dirk SpeelmanMeasuring an
62、d parameterizing lexical convergence and divergence between European and Brazilian Portuguese Augusto Soares da SilvaAwesome insights into semantic variation Justyna A. RobinsonApplying word space models to s
63、ociolinguistics. Religion names before and after 9/11 Yves Peirsman, Kris Heylen, Dirk Geeraerts,Part two: Constructional variation,The English genitive alternation in a cognitive sociolinguistics perspective Bene
64、dikt Szmrecsanyi (Not) acquiring grammatical gender in two varieties of Dutch Gunther De VogelaerLectal variation in constructional semantics: “Benefactive” ditransitives in Dutch Timothy Colleman,Part three: Va
65、riation of lectal awareness and attitudes,Lectal acquisition and linguistic stereotype formation Gitte KristiansenInvestigations into the folk’s mental models of linguistic varieties Raphael BertheleA cognitive a
66、pproach to quantitative sociolinguistic variation: Evidence from th-fronting in Central Scotland Lynn Clark, Graeme Trousdale,Journal articles,Gender metaphor 1Gender metaphor 2,empirical methods within Cognitive Lin
67、guistics (1實(shí)證研究舉例),Emotional effects of reading excerpts from short stories by James JoyceSome parameters of literary and news comprehension: Effects of discourse-type perspective on reading rate and surface structure r
68、epresentationForegrounding, defamiliarization, and affect: Response to literary stories,empirical methods within Cognitive Linguistics (2語(yǔ)料庫(kù)),,Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-based Approaches to Syntax And Lexi
69、sMouton de Gruyter 2006,Cognitive Linguistics, the branch of linguistics that tries to "make one's account of human language accord with what is generally known about the mind and the brain," has become on
70、e of the most flourishing fields of contemporary linguistics. The chapters address many classic topics of Cognitive Linguistics. These topics include studies on the semantics of specific words (including polysemy and syn
71、onymy) as well as semantic characteristics of particular syntactic patterns / constructions (including constructional synonymy and the schematicity of constructions), the analysis of causatives, transitivity, and image-s
72、chematic aspects of posture verbs. The key characteristic of this volume is that all papers adopt the methodological perspective of Corpus Linguistics, the rapidly evolving branch of linguistics based on the computerized
73、 analysis of language used in authentic settings. Thus, the contributions do not only all provide various new insights in their respective fields, they also introduce new data as well as new corpus-based and quantitative
74、 methods of analysis. On the basis of their findings, the authors discuss both theoretical implications going well beyond the singular topics of the studies and show how the discipline of Cognitive Linguistics can benefi
75、t from the rigorous analysis of naturally-occurring language. The languages which are investigated are English, German, Dutch, and Russian, and the data come from a variety of different corpora. As such, the present volu
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