1、<p><b> 附錄A 譯文</b></p><p><b> 單片機的歷史</b></p><p> 1971年十一月,一家名為英特爾的公司公開推出了世界上第一個單芯片微處理器,英特爾4004(美國專利#3821715),這是由英特爾的工程師Mazor費德里科Faggin,特德Hoff和斯坦發(fā)明的。在發(fā)明了集成電路這一革命性
2、的電腦設計后,電腦芯片愈來愈小的趨勢開始顯現(xiàn)出來。 英特爾4004芯片通過將所有的電腦系統(tǒng)(即中央處理單元,存儲器,輸入和輸出控制)都集中在一塊集成電板上而使電腦芯片越來越小。 這些也都使得人類對非生命性物質的智能化處理成為了可能。</p><p><b> 英特爾的歷史</b></p><p> 1968年, 正在為Fairchil
3、d半導體公司工作的鮑勃諾伊斯和戈登摩爾兩個工程師工作的并不快樂,因此他們準備離開公司去創(chuàng)造屬于他們自己的公司,而當時Fairchild的許多員工也都紛紛離開公司去尋求更好的出路。 諾伊斯和摩爾人喜歡被昵稱為“Fairchildren”。</p><p> 鮑勃?諾伊斯自己寫了一網頁關于他想要創(chuàng)辦的新公司的構思,而這些構思也足已說服舊金山風險資本家羅克參與到諾伊斯和摩爾的新公司創(chuàng)建中。而事實上羅克在不到
4、兩天內就賺了$250萬美元。</p><p> 一個芯片是否能具有12種功能</p><p> 1969年年底,一位來自日本的潛在客戶Busicom預定了12種特制的電腦芯片。 而這些具有鍵盤掃描,顯示控制,打印機控制及其他功能的芯片都被運用在Busicom制造的計算器。</p><p> 雖然英特爾沒有適合做這項工作的人才,但他們確能提出一個關于這
5、項工作的解決方案。 英特爾工程師泰德霍夫覺得英特爾可以制作出具有12項功能的芯片。 最終英特爾和Busicom在共同資助新的可編程,多用途邏輯芯片上達成了協(xié)議。</p><p> 作為新型芯片的程序編寫員,費德里科Faggin領導了這個新型芯片設計團隊,當然泰德霍夫和斯坦Mazor也在這個團隊中。 九個月后,一項革命性的成果誕生了,它填補了之前芯片的一些不足之處。</p>
6、;<p> 巧妙的是,英特爾決定以40046萬美元回購Busicom的設計和銷售權。 次年Busicom變破產了,他們生產的產品從未使用過4004芯片。 英特爾又提出了一個聰明的市場營銷計劃,以鼓勵促進4004芯片的應用開發(fā),這也使得4004芯片在幾個月之內便得到了人們的廣泛使用。</p><p> 英特爾4004微處理器</p><p> 4004
7、是世界上第一個通用的微處理器。 在60年代后期,許多科學家曾討論過微型計算機的可能性,但幾乎所有人都認為,集成電路技術還沒有到達這一成熟地步。但英特爾的Ted Hoff的并不這樣認為,他認為新的硅門控MOS技術可以使單芯片CPU(中央處理單元)的制造成為可能,因此他也就成為史上有這前衛(wèi)意識的第一人。</p><p> 霍夫和英特爾開發(fā)團隊在一個只有4毫米長3毫米寬的電腦內部安裝了超過2300個的晶體管
8、。 憑借其4位CPU,命令寄存器,譯碼器,解碼控制,控制的機器的命令和臨時登記的監(jiān)測,4004是一個一個小的發(fā)明啦! 今天的64位微處理器仍然是基于類似的設計,微處理器仍然是最復雜的大規(guī)模生產的產品,它機內超過550萬個晶體管,并進行著每秒超過幾億次的計算量,而且這種微處理器肯定會更新淘汰的很快。</p><p><b> 單片機構架</b></p>&l
9、t;p> 他的NVIDIA nForce媒體與通訊處理器(MCP)為桌面提供了先進的技術和無與倫比的性能,移動和專業(yè)系統(tǒng),并繼續(xù)在平臺技術NVIDIA傳統(tǒng)的行業(yè)處于領先地位。 </p><p> 降低延遲: 比于相同的功能雙芯片,單芯片NVIDIA架構提供了一種固有的性能優(yōu)勢相。 除了整體延遲降低,NVIDIA nForce MCP也顯著提高者設備的吞吐量。 極快
10、的專用HyperTransport連接讓與CPU的NVIDIA MCP的通信速度高達8.0GBps,保證了充足的系統(tǒng)帶寬。 當多個設備同時運行或用于支持高帶寬設備時,這種技術是十分有利的。</p><p> 設計效率:相比于目前市場上現(xiàn)有的0.22微米的產品,NVIDIA公司推出的單芯片架構采用0.15微米工藝技術。 該技術提供了與眾不同的效果和集成功能:簡化了電路板布局和更多的功能空間板和
11、附加芯片組,并降低了功耗和消耗的熱量,簡化了庫存管理和成本。</p><p> 先進的技術特點: 內建的NVIDIA RAID技術,提供了優(yōu)化的系統(tǒng)的性能。 NVIDIA公司提供了用于解決臺式機和工作站的性能的最好解決方案。 此外,處理器的NVIDIA nForce解決方案提供了支持最新圖片的功能。 </p><p><b> AVR單
12、片機</b></p><p> 關于這方面最好的例子便是AVR單片機了。AVR 內核具有豐富的指令集和 32 個通用工作寄存器。所有的寄存器都直接與算邏單元(ALU) 相連接,使得一條指令可以在一個時鐘周期內同時訪問兩個獨立的寄存器。這種結構大大提高了代碼效率,并且具有比普通的 CISC微控制器最高至 10倍的數據吞吐率。 </p><p> ATmega8 有如下特點 :
13、8K 字節(jié)的系統(tǒng)內可編程 Flash( 具有同時讀寫的能力,即 RWW),512 字節(jié) EEPROM,1K 字節(jié) SRAM,32 個通用 I/O 口線,32 個通用工作寄存器,三個具有比較模式的靈活的定時器 / 計數器 (T/C), 片內 / 外中斷,可編程串行 USART,面向字節(jié)的兩線串行接口, 10 位 6 路 (8 路為 TQFP 與 MLF 封裝 )ADC,具有片內振蕩器的可編程看門狗定時器,一個 SPI 串行端口,以及五種可
14、以通過軟件進行選擇的省電模式。工作于空閑模式時 CPU 停止工作,而 SRAM、 T/C、 SPI 端口以及中斷系統(tǒng)繼續(xù)工作;掉電模式時晶體振蕩器停止振蕩,所有功能除了中斷和硬件復位之外都停止工作;在省電模式下,異步定時器繼續(xù)運行,允許用戶保持一個時間基準,而其余功能模塊處于休眠狀態(tài); ADC 噪聲抑制模式時終止 CPU 和除了異步定時器與 ADC 以外所有 I/O 模塊的工作,以降低 ADC 轉換時的開關噪聲; Standby 模式下
15、只有晶體或諧振振蕩器運行,其余功能模塊處于休眠狀態(tài),使得器件只消耗極少的電流,同時具有快速</p><p> 本芯片是以 Atmel 高密度非易失性存儲器技術生產的。片內 ISP Flash 允許程序存儲器通過 ISP 串行接口,或者通用編程器進行編程,也可以通過運行于 AVR 內核之中的引導程序進行編程。引導程序可以使用任意接口將應用程序下載到應用Flash存儲區(qū)(Application Flash Memo
16、ry)。在更新應用Flash存儲區(qū)時引導Flash區(qū)(Boot Flash Memory)的程序繼續(xù)運行,實現(xiàn)了 RWW 操作。 通過將 8 位 RISC CPU 與系統(tǒng)內可編程的 Flash 集成在一個芯片內,ATmega8 成為一個功能強大的單片機,為許多嵌入式控制應用提供了靈活而低成本的解決方案。 </p><p> ATmega8 具有一整套的編程與系統(tǒng)開發(fā)工具,包括:C 語言編譯器、宏匯編、 程序調試
17、器 / 軟件仿真器、仿真器及評估板。</p><p> 但由于單片機對成本是敏感的,所以目前占統(tǒng)治地位的軟件還是最低級匯編語言,它是除了二進制機器碼以上最低級的語言了,既然這么低級為什么還要用呢?很多高級的語言已經達到了可視化編程的水平為什么不用呢?原因很簡單,就是單片機沒有家用計算機那樣的CPU,也沒有像硬盤那樣的海量存儲設備。一個可視化高級語言編寫的小程序里面即使只有一個按鈕,也會達到幾十K的尺寸!對于家用
18、PC的硬盤來講沒什么,可是對于單片機來講是不能接受的。 單片機在硬件資源方面的利用率必須很高才行,所以匯編雖然原始卻還是在大量使用。一樣的道理,如果把巨型計算機上的操作系統(tǒng)和應用軟件拿到家用PC上來運行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。 </p><p> 可以說,二十世紀跨越了三個“電”的時代,即電氣時代、電子時代和現(xiàn)已進入的電腦時代。不過,這種電腦,通常是指個人計算機,簡稱PC機。它由主機、鍵盤、顯示器等組成。還
20、名稱前冠以形容詞——“智能型”,如智能型洗衣機等?,F(xiàn)在有些工廠的技術人員或其它業(yè)余電子開發(fā)者搞出來的某些產品,不是電路太復雜,就是功能太簡單且極易被仿制。究其原因,可能就卡在產品未使用單片機或其它可編程邏輯器件上。</p><p><b> 單片機的應用</b></p><p> 目前單片機滲透到我們生活的各個領域,幾乎很難找到哪個領域沒有單片機的蹤跡。導彈的導航
21、裝置,飛機上各種儀表的控制,計算機的網絡通訊與數據傳輸,工業(yè)自動化過程的實時控制和數據處理,廣泛使用的各種智能IC卡,民用豪華轎車的安全保障系統(tǒng),錄像機、攝像機、全自動洗衣機的控制,以及程控玩具、電子寵物等等,這些都離不開單片機。更不用說自動控制領域的機器人、智能儀表、醫(yī)療器械以及各種智能機械了。因此,單片機的學習、開發(fā)與應用將造就一批計算機應用與智能化控制的科學家、工程師。 </p><p> 單片機廣泛應用
22、于儀器儀表、家用電器、醫(yī)用設備、航空航天、專用設備的智能化管理及過程控制等領域,大致可分如下幾個范疇:</p><p> 1.在智能儀器儀表上的應用 </p><p> 單片機具有體積小、功耗低、控制功能強、擴展靈活、微型化和使用方便等優(yōu)點,廣泛應用于儀器儀表中,結合不同類型的傳感器,可實現(xiàn)諸如電壓、功率、頻率、濕度、溫度、流量、速度、厚度、角度、長度、硬度、元素、壓力等物理量的測量。
23、采用單片機控制使得儀器儀表數字化、智能化、微型化,且功能比起采用電子或數字電路更加強大。例如精密的測量設備(功率計,示波器,各種分析儀)。</p><p> 這里面最好的例子便是電子秤了。</p><p> 現(xiàn)代社會的發(fā)展對其稱重技術提出了更高的要求。目前,臺式電了秤在商業(yè)貿易中的使用已相當普遍,但存在較大的局限性:體積大、成本高、需要工頻交流電源供應、攜帶不便、應用場所受到制約。但是
24、在工業(yè)測量中還沒有讓人們期待的電子秤出現(xiàn)。多年來,人們一直期待測量準確、價格低廉的在工業(yè)發(fā)展中起到巨大作用的電子秤投放市場。</p><p> 目前國際化的趨勢是電子秤向小型化,模塊化,集成化,智能化,其技術性能趨向于速率高,準確度高,穩(wěn)定性該,可靠性高等,其功能趨向是稱重計量的控制信息和非控制信息并重的智能化電子秤。</p><p> 2.在工業(yè)控制中的應用 </p>
25、<p> 用單片機可以構成形式多樣的控制系統(tǒng)、數據采集系統(tǒng)。例如工廠流水線的智能化管 理,電梯智能化控制、各種報警系統(tǒng),與計算機聯(lián)網構成二級控制系統(tǒng)等。 </p><p> 3.在家用電器中的應用 </p><p> 可以這樣說,現(xiàn)在的家用電器基本上都采用了單片機控制,從電飯煲、洗衣機、電冰箱、空調機、彩電、其他音響視頻器材、再到電子秤量設備,五花八門,無所不在。 <
26、/p><p> 4.在計算機網絡和通信領域中的應用 </p><p> 現(xiàn)代的單片機普遍具備通信接口,可以很方便地與計算機進行數據通信,為在計算機網絡和通信設備間的應用提供了極好的物質條件,現(xiàn)在的通信設備基本上都實現(xiàn)了單片機智能控制,從手機,電話機、小型程控交換機、樓宇自動通信呼叫系統(tǒng)、列車無線通信、再到日常工作中隨處可見的移動電話,集群移動通信,無線電對講機等。 </p>
27、<p> 5.單片機在醫(yī)用設備領域中的應用 </p><p> 單片機在醫(yī)用設備中的用途亦相當廣泛,例如醫(yī)用呼吸機,各種分析儀,監(jiān)護儀,超聲診斷設備及病床呼叫系統(tǒng)等等。 </p><p> 6.在各種大型電器中的模塊化應用 </p><p> 某些專用單片機設計用于實現(xiàn)特定功能,從而在各種電路中進行模塊化應用,而不要求使用人員了解其內部結構。如音樂
28、集成單片機,看似簡單的功能,微縮在純電子芯片中(有別于磁帶機的原理),就需要復雜的類似于計算機的原理。如:音樂信號以數字的形式存于存儲器中(類似于ROM),由微控制器讀出,轉化為模擬音樂電信號(類似于聲卡)。 </p><p> 在大型電路中,這種模塊化應用極大地縮小了體積,簡化了電路,降低了損壞、錯誤率,也方便于更換。 </p><p> 7.單片機在電子設備領域中的應用 </
29、p><p> 單片機在各種電子中的應用非常廣泛,例如汽車中的發(fā)動機控制器,基于CAN總線的汽車發(fā)動機智能電子控制器,GPS導航系統(tǒng),abs防抱死系統(tǒng),制動系統(tǒng)等等。 </p><p> 此外,單片機在工商,金融,科研、教育,國防航空航天等領域都有著十分廣泛的用途。 </p><p> 在這方面最好的例子便是單片機在先進液晶電視控制器當中的運用。</p>
30、<p> 一、能量回饋單元工作原理</p><p> 在變頻調速系統(tǒng)中,當電機的負載是位能式負載如:油田抽油機、礦用提升機等;或大慣量負載如:風機、水泥制管、 </p><p> 動平衡機等;以及軋鋼機、大型龍門刨床、機床主軸等需要快速制動類負載時,電機都不可避免地存在發(fā)電過程,即電機轉子在外力的拖動或負載自身轉動慣量的維持下,使得電機的實際轉速大于變頻器輸出的同步轉速
31、,電機所發(fā)出的電能將會儲存在變頻器的直流母線濾波電容中,如果不把這部分能量消耗掉,那么直流母線電壓就會迅速升高,影響變頻器的正常工作。 </p><p> 能量回饋單元,通過自動檢測變頻器的直流母線電壓,將變頻器的直流環(huán)節(jié)的直流電壓逆變成與電網電壓同頻同相的交流電壓,經多重噪聲濾波環(huán)節(jié)后連接到交流電網,從而達到能量回饋電網的目的,回饋到電網的電能達到發(fā)電能量的97%以上,有效節(jié)省電能。 </p>
32、<p> 二、能量回饋單元注意事項</p><p> 2.1、能量回饋單元及與其相連接的設備內部都有危及人身安全的高壓,錯誤的操作或不當的安裝可能會導致人身財產的損失,因此建議由受過專門訓練的人員安裝操作。 </p><p> 2.2、安裝和接線時,為確保安全,請務必將能量回饋單元和與其相連的變頻器電源全部斷開,并且等待5—10分鐘,待變頻器內部電容上儲存的電能全部放電完畢
33、后,才可操作。 </p><p> 2.3、能量回饋單元與變頻器的距離盡可能靠近,最遠不要超過2米。 </p><p> 2.4、由于能量回饋單元內部的特殊設計,使得用戶可以不考慮電網的相序,即:能量回饋單元的A、B、C接線端子不用與電網的A、B、C或變頻器的輸入R、S、T一一對應。但是接線時要求能量回饋單元的A、B、C端子必須和變頻器的交流輸入端子R、S、T直接相連,不可以通過任何中
34、間開關或接觸器,也不可以連接到其他交流回路。 </p><p> 2.5、能量回饋單元的DC(+)端子與變頻器的直流母線正相連接,DC(-)與變頻器的直流母線負相聯(lián)接,這兩根電纜建議采用軟電纜,并且絞合連接,以減少輻射。 </p><p> 2.6、位于散熱器上的PE保護地接線螺釘,請連接真正的保護地,不可以連接電網的零線(中性線)。 </p><p> 2.
35、7、能量回饋單元設計為自然冷卻方式,因此要求能量回饋單元的上下100mm內、左右30mm內不能有其他遮擋物影響空氣流動。 </p><p> 三、能量回饋單元適用場合</p><p> 3.1、能量回饋單元應用在位能式負載如:油田抽油機、礦用提升機等; </p><p> 3.2、能量回饋單元適用于大慣量負載如:風機、水泥制管、動平衡機、離心機等; </
36、p><p> 3.3、能量回饋單元適用于需要快速停車的場合,如軋鋼機、大型龍門刨床、機床主軸等, </p><p> 3.4、能量回饋單元適用于其它電動機可能工作在再生發(fā)電狀態(tài)的場合。 </p><p> 四、能量回饋單元與制動單元的區(qū)別</p><p> 能量回饋單元是將電機再生發(fā)電的電能反饋回電網(此時電表反轉),供其他設備使用,回饋
37、效率可以高達97%以上。而制動單元需和制動電阻一起使用,將電機再生發(fā)電的電能消耗在制動電阻上變成熱能浪費掉。 </p><p> 另外,采用制動單元和制動電阻的制動方式與能量回饋單元相比,制動轉矩小,無法實現(xiàn)電機的精密制動. </p><p><b> 參考文獻</b></p><p> 摩爾,華潤,Balser,Muhich,JS和東,
38、稀土(1992)。 “ IBM公司的單芯片RISC處理器(RSC)的 。“ 處理器的電腦程序,1991年IEEE國際會議及超大規(guī)模集成電路計算機設計。IEEE計算機學會,第200-204頁, 書號0-8186-3110-4 。</p><p><b> 附錄B 外文原文</b></p><p> In
39、November, 1971, a company called Intel publicly introduced the world's first single chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004 (U.S. Patent #3,821,715), invented by Intel engineers Federico Faggin, Ted Hoff, and Stan Mazor.
40、 After the invention ofintegrated circuits revolutionized computer design, the only place to go was down -- in size that is. The Intel 4004 chip took the integrated circuit down one step further by placing all the p
41、arts that made a computer think (i.e. central processing unit, mem</p><p> The History of Intel</p><p> In 1968, Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore were two unhappy engineers working for the
42、 Fairchild Semiconductor Company who decided to quit and create their own company at a time when many Fairchild employees were leaving to create start-ups. People like Noyce and Moore were nicknamed the "Fairchildre
43、n".</p><p> Bob Noyce typed himself a one page idea of what he wanted to do with his new company, and that was enough to convince San Francisco venture capitalist Art Rock to back Noyce's and Moore
44、's new venture. Rock raised $2.5 million dollars in less than 2 days.</p><p> One Chip Does the Work of Twelve</p><p> In late 1969, a potential client from Japan called Busicom, asked to
45、have twelve custom chips designed. Separate chips for keyboard scanning, display control, printer control and other functions for a Busicom-manufactured calculator.</p><p> Intel did not have the manpower f
46、or the job but they did have the brainpower to come up with a solution. Intel engineer, Ted Hoff decided that Intel could build one chip to do the work of twelve. Intel and Busicom agreed and funded the new programmable,
47、 general-purpose logic chip.</p><p> Federico Faggin headed the design team along with Ted Hoff and Stan Mazor, who wrote the software for the new chip. Nine months later, a revolution was born. At 1/8th in
48、ch wide by 1/6th inch long and consisting of 2,300 MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) transistors, the baby chip had as much power as the ENIAC, which had filled 3,000 cubic feet with 18,000 vacuum tubes.</p>
49、;<p> Cleverly, Intel decided to buy back the design and marketing rights to the 4004 from Busicom for $60,000. The next year Busicom went bankrupt, they never produced a product using the 4004. Intel followed a
50、clever marketing plan to encourage the development of applications for the 4004 chip, leading to its widespread use within months.</p><p> The Intel 4004 Microprocessor</p><p> The 4004 was th
51、e world's first universal microprocessor. In the late 1960s, many scientists had discussed the possibility of a computer on a chip, but nearly everyone felt that integrated circuit technology was not yet ready to sup
52、port such a chip. Intel's Ted Hoff felt differently; he was the first person to recognize that the new silicon-gated MOS technology might make a single-chip CPU (central processing unit) possible.</p><p>
53、; Hoff and the Intel team developed such an architecture with just over 2,300 transistors in an area of only 3 by 4 millimetres. With its 4-bit CPU, command register, decoder, decoding control, control monitoring of mac
54、hine commands and interim register, the 4004 was one heck of a little invention. Today's 64-bit microprocessors are still based on similar designs, and the microprocessor is still the most complex mass-produced produ
55、ct ever with more than 5.5 million transistors performing hundreds </p><p> The single chip structure</p><p> The NVIDIA nForce media and communications processors (MCPs) deliver advanced tech
56、nologies and unmatched performance to desktop, mobile, and professional systems, and continue the NVIDIA tradition of industry-leading platform technology.¹ Coupled with the NVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture (
57、UDA), which ensures a stable software image for simplified deployment and upgrades in the enterprise, the feature-rich NVIDIA MCP platforms deliver value without compromising performance, and enable a new gen</p>
58、<p> Lowered latencies: The single-chip NVIDIA architecture provides an inherent performance advantage compared to dual-chip implementations of the same functionality. In addition to overall latency reductions
59、, the NVIDIA nForce MCP significantly boosts device throughput. An extremely fast dedicated HyperTransport link lets the NVIDIA MCPs communicate with the CPU at up to 8.0GBps, which ensures ample system bandwidth. This i
60、s especially beneficial when multiple devices are active, or for supporting </p><p> Design efficiency: The NVIDIA single-chip architecture uses 0.15 micron process technology compared with the 0.22 mi
61、cron process used by existing solutions on the market today. This solution offers unmatched integration of features and functionality and results in: Simplified board layouts and more room for on-board features and add-o
62、n chipsets. Lower power consumption and dissipated heat. Simplified inventory management and cost efficiencies.</p><p> Advanced technology features: Built-in NVIDIA RAID technology delivers optimized
63、disk performance through disk striping and fault tolerance through disk mirroring. Select versions of the NVIDIA nForce MCPs incorporate a native Gigabit Ethernet port TCP/IP acceleration. NVIDIA delivers the highest per
64、formance networking solution for desktops and workstations. In addition, NVIDIA nForce solutions offer support for the latest graphics processors.</p><p> The NVIDIA nForce MCPs uphold NVIDIA’s traditions o
65、f reliability, stability, and compatibility. Adherence to the Company’s standards for engineering excellence continues to ensure the success of a growing base of design partners building systems and solutions with AMD an
66、d NVIDIA technology. </p><p> AVR single chip</p><p> The best example is AVR single chip.Its core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working registers. </p>&
67、lt;p> All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architectur
68、e is more code efficient while achieving throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers. </p><p> The ATmega8 provides the following features: 8K bytes of In-System Programmable
69、Flash with Read-While-Write capabilities, 512 bytes of EEPROM, 1K byte of SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, three flexible Timer/Counters with compare modes, internal and external
70、interrupts, a serial program- mable USART, a byte oriented Two-wire Serial Interface, a 6-channel ADC (eight channels in TQFP and MLF packages) where four (six) channels have 10-bit accuracy and two c</p><p>
71、; The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density non-volatile memory technology. The Flash Program memory can be reprogrammed In-System through an SPI serial interface, by a conventional non-volatile memory progr
72、ammer, or by an On-chip boot program running on the AVR core. The boot program can use any interface to download the application program in the Application Flash Memory. Software in the Boot Flash Section will continue t
73、o run while the Application Flash Section is updated, providing</p><p> Control applications </p><p> The ATmega8 AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development tools, in
74、cluding C compilers, macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, In-Cir- cuit Emulators, and evaluation kits.</p><p> Due to cost that is sensitive to microcontroller, so, at present, the dominant softwa
75、re or lowest assembly language, besides the binary machine,code is above the lowest language. Many senior language has reached the level of visual programming . That is the results why the cost is essential.The reason is
76、 very simple, that is no home computer microcontroller as the CPU, also did not like hard disk that mass storage device. A visual small programs written in high-level languages inside has even a </p><p> Ca
77、n say that, the twentieth century across the three "electricity" age, namely the age of electricity, electronic era and now has entered the computer era. However, this kind of computer, usually refers to the pe
78、rsonal computer, the abbreviation PCS. It consists of host, keyboard, display etc. And those computer, most people do not so familiar with. This computer is intelligence gives all kinds of mechanical SCM (also called mic
79、ro controller). As the name suggests, the computer is minimal system</p><p> MCU application </p><p> Currently microcontroller penetrated into every aspect of our lives, almost hard to find w
80、hich field no trace of single chip. Missile navigation devices, the plane on various kinds of instrument control, computer network communication and data transmission, industrial automation process real-time control and
81、data processing, is widely used in all kinds of intelligent IC card, civil luxury car security system, video camera, video camera, full-automatic washing machine control, as well as program-</p><p> SCM is
82、widely applied in instrumentation, household appliance, medical equipment, aerospace, special equipment of intelligent management and process control and other fields, roughly can divide the following several categories:
83、</p><p> 1. In intelligent instruments on the application</p><p> Single-chip microcomputer with small size, low power consumption, control function is strong, flexible, miniaturization and ex
84、tended use convenience etc, which are widely used in instrumentation, combined with different kinds of sensors, which can realize such as voltage, power, frequency, humidity, temperature and flow rate, speed, thickness,
85、Angle, length, hardness, elements and pressures, physical measurement. Adopting SCM control makes instrument digital, intelligent, miniaturization, and fu</p><p> The best illustration of this field is desk
86、-top electronic scales.</p><p> The development of the modern society has put forward higher request on weighing technology. The desk-top electronic scales have been great application in commercial trade, b
87、ut they have many shortcomings such as large volume, high cost, AC supply power and not cove nince to carry, so they are restricted to use. The usual portable scales are lever scales which are mostly used by residents, a
88、nd spring balance which measure through compression or drawing of spring. They are being rejected for thei</p><p> The portable electronic scales consist of power, weighing sensor, microchip, keyboard/switc
89、h LED and etc. Its technical indictors include10kg maximal measuring range,10g division value, III precision, 1.5V work voltage. Its technical indictors refer to the indictors of the electri conic measuring tools of most
90、 popularity in the markets and of large output at home and board, so the instrument is strengthened the competitive power after putting on markets. It possesses many intelligent functions, </p><p> New-type
91、 portable electronic scales can measure mass rapidly and accurately and communicate value. Furthermore, it is small, simply structured, easy to operate and convenient to carry. The instrument is able to meet the needs of
92、 commercial trade and residents, so its application has a bright future.</p><p> 2. The application in industrial control </p><p> MCU can constitute the various forms of control system, the d
93、ata acquisition system. For example the production line of the intelligent pipe principle, the elevator intelligent control, various alarm system, network with computer constitute a secondary control system, etc. </p&
94、gt;<p> 3. The application in household appliances </p><p> It can be said that now of household appliances basically adopts single-chip microcomputer control, from electric cooker, washing machines
95、, refrigerators, air conditioner, color television, other audio video equipment, arrive again micro-electronic quantity equipment, multifarious, omnipresent. </p><p> 4. In computer network and communicatio
96、n in the field of application </p><p> Modern single-chip generally have communication interface can be easily and computer data communications, for in the computer network and communication between devices
97、 applied to provide the excellent material conditions of present communication equipment basically realized the single-chip microcomputer intelligent control, from mobile, telephone, small pabx, building automatic train
98、communication calling system, wireless communication, arrive again daily work deductions-from the mobile phone, c</p><p> 5. Microcomputer in the medical device field of application </p><p> M
99、icrocomputer in the medical equipment of use also is quite widespread, such as medical breathing machines, various analyzer, monitors, ultrasound diagnostic equipment and sickbed call system, etc. </p><p>
100、6. In various large-scale electric appliance of modular applications </p><p> Some special MCU designed to accomplish a specific function, and in various circuit of modular application, without asking using
101、 personnel understand its internal structure. If music integrated microcontroller, seemingly simple function, miniature in pure electronic chip (different from the principle of tape) be complex resemble computer principl
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