1、<p> Standards for Piezoelectric Ceramic Materials</p><p> This document details some of the standards related activities for piezoelectric materials, mainly bulk ceramic types. Standards related pure
2、ly to quartz have been omitted, in order to limit the size of the task. </p><p> The production of standards, particularly international ones, is a long and unrewarding business, and that they ever become s
3、tandards is a tribute to the persistence of a small number of individuals. Consequently the existence or not of a standard in a particular area is not solely because of the need for such a standard, but is due to the con
4、certed effort of these individuals. Also because of the need to keep documents current, if years after publication of a standard there is nobody prepared t</p><p> Standards organisations with Piezoelectric
5、 related standards</p><p><b> CENELEC </b></p><p> CENELEC is the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization and It has been officially recognised as the European Stan
6、dards Organisation in its field by the European Commission in Directive 83/189/EEC.</p><p> A comprehensive series of piezoelectric standards are being developed for CENELEC under BTTF 63-2. There are two w
7、orking groups in this committee and it is WG-2 that is producing standards related to piezoelectric materials, under the stewardship of Wanda Wolny. At the time of writing the first three are close to being approved by t
8、he various national committees. As with most standards within CENELEC there are English, French and German versions of these standards.</p><p> prEN 50324-1:2001 Piezoelectric properties of ceramic material
9、s and components - Part 1: Definitions and Classifications </p><p> This standard relates to piezoelectric transducer ceramics for application both as transmitters and receivers in electroacoustics and ultr
10、asonics over a wide frequency range. They are used for generation and transmission of acoustic signals, for achievement of ultrasonic effects, for transmission of signals in communication electronics, for sensors and act
11、uators, and used for generation of high voltages in ignition devices.</p><p> Piezoelectric ceramics can be manufactured in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Commonly used shapes include discs, rectangula
12、r plates, bars, tubes, cylinders and hemispheres as well as bending elements (circular and rectangular), sandwiches and monolithic multilayers.</p><p> prEN 50324-2:2001 Piezoelectric properties of ceramic
13、materials and components - Part 2: Methods of measurement and properties - Low power </p><p> The methods of measurement described in this specification are for use with piezoelectric components produced fr
14、om the ceramic materials described in prEN 50324-1 "Definitions and classification". Methods of measurement for specific dielectric, piezoelectric and elastic coefficients are generally applicable to piezoelect
15、ric ceramics.</p><p> The polycrystalline nature of ceramics, statistical fluctuations in composition and the influence of the manufacturing process, result in specified material coefficients being typical
16、mean values. These values are provided for design information only.</p><p> Piezoelectric transducers can have widely differing shapes and may be employed in a range of vibrational modes. Material parameter
17、s however, are measured on simple test-pieces, (discs, rods) using specific geometric anmd electrical boundary conditions. Consequently, the results of the tests provide basic material parameters only and must be used as
18、 a guide to the actual properties of manufactured commercial components.</p><p> prEN 50324-3:2001 Piezoelectric properties of ceramic materials and components - Part 3: Methods of measurement - High power
19、</p><p> This standard relates piezoelectric transducer ceramics for power application over a wide frequency range botha as electromechanical or mechanoelectrical converters.</p><p> This stan
20、dard covers the large signal characterization of piezoelectric ceramics material only, and not the characterization of a complete assembled transducer.</p><p> The selection of a material for a given power
21、application is difficult and the advice given in section 2 is mainly indicative.</p><p> prEN 50ZZZ-1 (BTTF 63-2(CONV)12) Properties of multilayer actuators - Part 1: Terms and definitions </p><p
22、> This European Standard relates to the definitions for Multilayer actuators. Their applications have been widely increased in various field of industry : </p><p> mechanical engineering : tools positio
23、ning, clamps, active wedges, damping, active control, generation sonic or ultrasonic vibrations, ... </p><p> microelectronics : positioning of masks, wafers or magnetic heads, non magnetic actuation, circu
24、it breakers, </p><p> fluids : proportional valves, pumps, ink jet, droplet generators, injectors, </p><p> optics : mirrors or lenses positioning, focusing, laser cavity tuning, alignment or
25、deformation of fiber, scanners, choppers, interferometers, modulators. </p><p> Multilayer actuators can be manufactured in a wide variety of sizes. The most common shape is the rectangular bar. Ring multil
26、ayer actuators exist also. The measurements under prestress apply to the stack actuators. This standard relates to "d33 actuators, which elongate in the direction of poling" and is limited to the static and qua
27、sistatic applications. </p><p> prEN 50ZZZ-2 (BTTF 63-2(CONV)12) Properties of multilayer actuators - Part 2: Methods of measurement </p><p> This standard describes the measurement techniques
28、, which can be applied to measure the properties of Multilayer Actuators, as defined in prEN 50ZZZ-1. </p><p> Multilayer actuators can be manufactured in a wide variety of sizes. The most common shape is t
29、he rectangular bar. Ring multilayer actuators exist also. The measurements under prestress apply to the stack actuators. This standard relates to "d33 actuators", which elongate in the direction of poling"
30、 and is limited to the static and quasistatic applications. </p><p> prEN 50PPP (BTTF 63-2(CONV)12) Properties of piezoelectric thick films </p><p><b> IEC </b></p><p>
31、; The IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission is the international standards and conformity assessment body for all fields of electrotechnology. The standards are maintained by a series of technical committee
32、s that cover a narrow subject area. Most of the standards developed in the IEC are maintained and produced by TC49, Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection. At present the only active wor
33、k item related to piezoelectric ceramics seems to be a glossary</p><p> TC-49 Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection </p><p> IEC 60483 (1976-01) Guide to dyn
34、amic measurements of piezoelectric ceramics with high electromechanical coupling </p><p> IEC 60302 (1969-01) Standard definitions and methods of measurement for piezoelectric vibrators operating over the f
35、requency range up to 30 MHz </p><p> IEC 60642 (1979-01) Piezoelectric ceramic resonators and resonator units for frequency control and selection - Chapter I: Standard values and conditions - Chapter II: Me
36、asuring and test conditions </p><p> IEC 60642-2 (1994-02) Piezoelectric ceramic resonator units - Part 2: Guide to the use of piezoelectric ceramic resonator units </p><p> IEC 60642-3 (1992-
37、03) Piezoelectric ceramic resonators - Part 3: Standard outlines </p><p> IEC 61253-1 (1993-12) Piezoelectric ceramic resonators - A specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electronic compone
38、nts (IECQ) - Part 1: Generic specification - Qualification approval </p><p> IEC 61253-2 (1993-12) Piezoelectric ceramic resonators - A Specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electronic comp
39、onents (IECQ) - Part 2: Sectional specification - Qualification approval </p><p> IEC 61253-2-1 (1993-12) Piezoelectric ceramic resonators - A specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electron
40、ic components (IECQ) - Part 2: Sectional specification - Qualification approval - Section 1: Blank detail specification - Assessment level E </p><p> IEC 61261-1 (1994-03) Piezoelectric ceramic filters for
41、use in electronic equipment - A specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electronic components (IECQ) - Part 1: Generic specification - Qualification approval </p><p> IEC 61261-2 (1994-03) Pi
42、ezoelectric ceramic filters for use in electronic equipment - A specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electronic components (IECQ) - Part 2: Sectional specification - Qualification approval </p>&
43、lt;p> IEC 61261-2-1 (1994-03) Piezoelectric ceramic filters for use in electronic equipment - A specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electronic components (IECQ) - Part 2: Sectional specification -
44、Qualification approval - Section 1: Blank detail specification - Assessment level E </p><p> IEC 61994-4-2 TS Ed. 1.0 B 1CD Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection - Glossar
45、y - Part 4-2: Piezoelectric materials - Piezoelectric ceramics </p><p> TC-87 Ultrasonics </p><p> IEC 61088 (1991-09) Characteristics and measurements of ultrasonic piezoceramic transducers &
46、lt;/p><p> Specifies the essential electroacoustic characteristics of piezoceramic transducers for industrial application of ultrasonic energy. Also specifies the methods of measuring these characteristics. It
47、 has the status of a technical report. </p><p> SC-47E Subcommittee 47E: Discrete Semiconductor Devices</p><p> IEC 60747-14-1 (2000-10) Semiconductor devices - Part 14-1: Semiconductor sensor
48、s - General and classification </p><p> Describes general items concerning the specifications for sensors which are basically made of semiconductor materials, but also applicable to sensors using dielectric
49、 or ferroelectric materials. </p><p> IEEE-UFFC </p><p> The IEEE-UFFC is the Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
50、. The IEEE published some of the most quoted standards related to piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials, including</p><p> 176-1987 IEEE Standard on Piezoelectricity [Description] </p><p>
51、 180-1986 IEEE Standard Definitions of Primary Ferroelectric Electric Terms </p><p> Both these standards have been withdrawn by the IEEE although they are still available from some sources as a historical
52、document.</p><p> There are currently two active groups working under the IEEE-UFFC auspices</p><p> IEEE Subcommittee on Loss in Acoustic Materials: </p><p> Standards on Charac
53、terization of Losses in Electromechanical Materials coordinated by Dr Stewart Sherrit (JPL). The aim is to develop new ways of analysing loss through use of complex impedance and to write new IEEE standard based on the a
54、nalysis. Details of this can be found at the UTMR website. </p><p> A Draft of the IEEE standard on Ferroelectricity </p><p> This is a definition of terms for ferroelctrics and is being devel
55、oped by SusanTrolier-McKinstry. There is a link to this at the IEEE-UFFC website but at the time of writing this was not working.</p><p> US Military Standards </p><p> The US military have sp
56、ecifications and standards relating to the supply of goods for use in defence, including the following standard</p><p> MIL-STD 1376B (SH) Piezoelectric Ceramic Material and Measurements - Guidelines for So
57、nar Transducers </p><p> This standard was cancelled in 1999. It is still widely referred to as the source of of the various Navy types for piezoelectric materials.</p><p> There is also some
58、standards development going on at the UTMR although it is not clear what form these standards will eventually be published as.</p><p> Committee on Standard Protocols for Single Crystal Piezoelectrics </
59、p><p> This is coordinated by Dr Lynn Ewart-Paine (NUWC) on behalf of Dr Wallace Smith - ONR and is aimed at producing a protocol for the calculation of the dielectric constant and piezoelectric coefficients f
60、or piezoelectric single crystals. </p><p><b> VAMAS </b></p><p> VAMAS is the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards and supports world trade in products dependant
61、on advanced materials technologies, through International collaborative projects aimed at providing the technical basis for harmonized measurements, testing, specifications, and standards. </p><p> The pre-
62、standards research activities of VAMAS are organized into technical committees called Technical Working Areas (TWAs) which are approved by the a steering committee and led by International Chairmen. A recent technical wo
63、rking area, TWA 24 Performance Related Properties for Electro-Ceramics is chaired by Dr. Markys Cain, and there are a number of proposed projects in this area directly related to piezoelectrics.</p><p> A n
64、ew VAMAS project - An International Intercomparison of Direct Piezoelectric Coefficient using the Berlincourt Method., has just started. The objective is to determine the experimental variability in the measurement of th
65、e piezoelectric coefficient of electroceramic materials via the standard method described as the Berlincourt Method. See the TWA 24 home page for more details.</p><p> The VAMAS TWA-24 home page is hosted a
66、t NPL. </p><p><b> EIA </b></p><p> The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) is a national trade organization that includes the full spectrum of U.S. manufacturers, representing mo
67、re than 80% of the electronics industry. There are some standards related to multilayer capacitors, including</p><p> EIA 521 Application Guide for Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors- Electrical </p><
68、p> Summary This document covers capacitor classes I-IV. Definition of important terms are included. Factors influencing performance as temperature, voltage (a.c. and d.c.), temperature-voltage, ageing, and frequency
69、are discussed in detail. Other topics as piezoelectric properties, corona, dielectric absorption, reliability, and applications are described extensively.</p><p> Standards organisations with no active cont
70、ent related to piezoelectric materials</p><p><b> ANSI </b></p><p> ANSI, the American National Standards Institute, is a private, non-profit organization that administers and coor
71、dinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. </p><p> ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), the International Organization
72、for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). As a result the most of the piezoelectric related work is already covered in the IEC standards.</p&g
73、t;<p><b> ISO </b></p><p> The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 140 countries, one from each country.
74、 ISO is a non-governmental organization established in 1947. The mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange
75、of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and econom</p><p><b> CEN </b></p><p> CEN, the Comité Europ
76、3;en de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization), promotes voluntary technical harmonization in Europe in conjunction with worldwide bodies and its partners in Europe. In Europe, CEN works in partnership wi
77、th CENELEC.</p><p><b> ASTM </b></p><p> Organized in 1898, ASTM (the American Society for Testing and Materials) is one of the largest voluntary standards development organization
78、s in the world. ASTM is a not-for-profit organization that provides a forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services. </p><p> The s
79、tandards involving piezoelectric materials produced by this organisation are mainly related to their use as acoustic emission sensors, and there are no standards directly related to the performance of piezoelectric mater
80、ials or devices. There are however a couple of standards relevant to piezoelectric materials measurement</p><p> ASTM D 150-98 ‘Standard test methods for AC loss characteristics and permittivity (Dielectric
81、 Constant) of solid electrical insulation’. </p><p> ASTM D149-97a 'Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial P
82、ower Frequencies' </p><p> Note: The information in this document is based on information available to the author through the Web and other sources. If there are any errors or omissions that you think s
83、hould be included please inform the author . </p><p><b> 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)壓電陶瓷材料</b></p><p> 這份文件的細(xì)節(jié)壓電材料有關(guān)的活動(dòng)的一些標(biāo)準(zhǔn),主要是散裝陶瓷類(lèi)型。與純粹的石英標(biāo)準(zhǔn)已被省略,以限制任務(wù)的規(guī)模。</p><p> 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)生產(chǎn),尤其是國(guó)際的,是一個(gè)長(zhǎng)期和吃力不討好的業(yè)
84、務(wù),而且他們都成為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是對(duì)一個(gè)少數(shù)個(gè)人存在的敬意。因此存在或不標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的在某一特定領(lǐng)域不完全是因?yàn)閷?duì)此類(lèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的需要,但由于這些人的共同努力。同時(shí),由于需要保持現(xiàn)有的文件,如果年后的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)有沒(méi)有人愿意保持這個(gè)文件時(shí),是有它便會(huì)被收回或取消的危險(xiǎn)出版。這種情況反映在壓電材料標(biāo)準(zhǔn)領(lǐng)域,那里有強(qiáng)烈的群體,歐洲(CENELEC的)和美國(guó)協(xié)會(huì)(IEEE - UFFC),但最引述一些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)最近已撤回協(xié)會(huì)(IEEE 176-1987,電機(jī)及電子學(xué)工程師聯(lián)合會(huì)1
85、80-1986 ,符合MIL - STD 1376B(上海))。 壓電相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)機(jī)構(gòu) CENELEC的是歐洲電工技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化委員會(huì),并已被正式確認(rèn)為歐洲標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化組織,歐洲委員會(huì)在其領(lǐng)域的指令83/189/EEC。 </p><p> 阿壓電標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的全面系列正在開(kāi)發(fā)CENELEC的下BTTF 63-2。有兩個(gè)在本委員會(huì)工作組,這是工作組- 2,它提供的有關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),根據(jù)壓電材料的萬(wàn)達(dá)Wolny管理。在編寫(xiě)本報(bào)告的第3
86、個(gè)時(shí)間已接近由各國(guó)家委員會(huì)批準(zhǔn)。由于大部分內(nèi)CENELEC的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)有英語(yǔ),法語(yǔ)和德語(yǔ)版本這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 </p><p> 本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)涉及的既是發(fā)射機(jī)和接收器的電聲和超聲換能器的應(yīng)用壓電陶瓷在很寬的頻率范圍。它們用于發(fā)電和聲波信號(hào)的傳送,對(duì)超聲波的影響成就,在通訊電子信號(hào)傳輸,傳感器和執(zhí)行器,并在高電壓點(diǎn)火裝置一代使用。 </p><p> 壓電陶瓷可以制造各種形狀和尺寸的不同。常用的形狀包括光
87、碟,矩形板,棒,管,氣瓶和半球以及彎曲的元素(圓形和矩形),三明治和單片多層。</p><p> 本規(guī)范中描述的測(cè)量的方法是為從代替DIN 50324-1描述的“定義和分類(lèi)”的壓電陶瓷材料制成的組件使用。測(cè)量方法特定的電介質(zhì),壓電和彈性系數(shù)一般適用于壓電陶瓷。 多晶陶瓷的性質(zhì),統(tǒng)計(jì)波動(dòng)的組成和制造過(guò)程的影響,在指定的材料是典型的均值系數(shù)的結(jié)果。這些值提供了設(shè)計(jì)參考。</p><p>
88、壓電傳感器可以廣泛不同的形狀,可在振動(dòng)模式的范圍就業(yè)。但是材料參數(shù),測(cè)量簡(jiǎn)單的試件,(光盤(pán),棒)使用特定的幾何anmd電邊界條件。因此,該試驗(yàn)結(jié)果只提供基本的物質(zhì),必須作為商業(yè)組件的制造性能指南的實(shí)際使用的參數(shù)。 這個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與在很寬的頻率,機(jī)電或mechanoelectrical轉(zhuǎn)換范圍博塔電力應(yīng)用壓電陶瓷換能器。</p><p> 本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)涵蓋了壓電陶瓷材料的大信號(hào)特性方面,沒(méi)有一個(gè)完整的組裝傳感器特性
89、。 在給定的權(quán)力申請(qǐng)材料的選擇是困難的,在第2條提出的意見(jiàn)主要是指示性的。 </p><p> 這涉及到歐洲標(biāo)準(zhǔn)多層執(zhí)行器的定義。他們的申請(qǐng)已被廣泛增加,各工業(yè)領(lǐng)域:機(jī)械工程:工具的定位,夾具,積極楔,阻尼,主動(dòng)控制,發(fā)電,聲波或超聲波的振動(dòng) 微電子:口罩,晶圓或磁頭,非磁性驅(qū)動(dòng),斷路器定位, 流體:比例閥,泵,噴墨,小滴發(fā)電機(jī),噴油嘴, </p><p> 光學(xué)反
90、射鏡或透鏡定位,聚焦,激光腔調(diào)整,調(diào)整或纖維,掃描儀變形,菜刀,干涉儀,調(diào)制器。</p><p> 多層執(zhí)行器可以在一個(gè)生產(chǎn)各種尺寸。最常見(jiàn)的形狀是長(zhǎng)方形欄。環(huán)多層驅(qū)動(dòng)器也存在。根據(jù)預(yù)應(yīng)力的測(cè)量適用于堆棧器。這個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)涉及“d33的致動(dòng)器,而伸長(zhǎng)的極化方向”并僅限于靜態(tài)和準(zhǔn)靜態(tài)應(yīng)用。 代替DIN 50ZZZ - 2(BTTF 63-2(換)12) -第2部分:測(cè)量方法多層驅(qū)動(dòng)器性能。這個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)描述了測(cè)量
91、技術(shù),它可以用來(lái)衡量多層執(zhí)行器的屬性,如代替DIN 50ZZZ定義為1。</p><p> 多層執(zhí)行器可以在一個(gè)生產(chǎn)各種尺寸。最常見(jiàn)的形狀是長(zhǎng)方形欄。環(huán)多層驅(qū)動(dòng)器也存在。根據(jù)預(yù)應(yīng)力的測(cè)量適用于堆棧器。這個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)涉及“d33的驅(qū)動(dòng)器”,它伸長(zhǎng)的極化方向并僅限于靜態(tài)和準(zhǔn)靜態(tài)應(yīng)用。 </p><p> IEC國(guó)際電工委員會(huì),國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)是國(guó)際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和電工各個(gè)領(lǐng)域的符合性評(píng)估機(jī)構(gòu)。這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是維持
92、的一系列的技術(shù)委員會(huì),覆蓋狹窄的學(xué)科領(lǐng)域。在國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)制定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)大多是維護(hù)和TC49,壓電和頻率控制和選擇設(shè)備所產(chǎn)生的電介質(zhì)。目前唯一積極的工作項(xiàng)目有關(guān)的壓電陶瓷似乎是一個(gè)詞匯,獨(dú)立選舉委員會(huì)61994-4-2。 IEC60483(1976年至1901年)指南高機(jī)電耦合壓電陶瓷的動(dòng)態(tài)測(cè)量 IEC60302(1969年至01年)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的定義和測(cè)量方法在頻率高達(dá)30 MHz的壓電振子 IEC60642(1979年至
93、01年)壓電陶瓷諧振器和頻率控制和選擇-第一章:標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值和條件-第二章:測(cè)量和試驗(yàn)條件諧振器單位 IEC60642-2(1994至1902年)壓電陶瓷諧振器的單位-第2部分:指南壓電陶瓷諧振器的使用單位 IEC60642-3(1992年至03年)壓電陶瓷諧振器-第3部分:標(biāo)準(zhǔn)概述 IEC61253-1(1993至1912年)壓電陶瓷諧振器-以質(zhì)量為國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)(IECQ)電子元器件的評(píng)估系統(tǒng)規(guī)范-第1部分:總規(guī)范
94、-資質(zhì)審批</p><p> IEC61253-2(1993至1912年)壓電陶瓷諧振器-以質(zhì)量為國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)(IECQ)電子元件評(píng)估制度規(guī)范-第2部分:分規(guī)范-資質(zhì)審批 IEC61253-2-1(1993年至1912年)壓電陶瓷諧振器-以質(zhì)量為國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)(IECQ)電子元器件的評(píng)估系統(tǒng)規(guī)范-第2部分:分規(guī)范-資質(zhì)審批-第1部分:空白詳細(xì)規(guī)范-評(píng)估E級(jí) IEC61261-1(1994年至1
95、903年)壓電陶瓷過(guò)濾器在使用電子設(shè)備-以質(zhì)量為國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)(IECQ)電子元器件的評(píng)估系統(tǒng)規(guī)范-第1部分:總規(guī)范-資質(zhì)審批 IEC61261-2(1994年至1903年)壓電陶瓷過(guò)濾器在使用電子設(shè)備-以質(zhì)量為國(guó)際電工委員會(huì)(IECQ)電子元器件的評(píng)估系統(tǒng)規(guī)范-第2部分:分規(guī)范-資質(zhì)審批。</p><p> IEC61261-2-1(1994至03年)壓電陶瓷過(guò)濾器在使用電子設(shè)備-以質(zhì)量為國(guó)際電工委員
96、會(huì)(IECQ)電子元器件的評(píng)估系統(tǒng)規(guī)范-第2部分:分規(guī)范-資質(zhì)審批-第1部分:空白詳細(xì)規(guī)格-評(píng)估E級(jí)。</p><p> IEC61994-4-2 T型車(chē)埃德。 1.0乙1CD壓電和頻率控制和選擇-詞匯-第4-2:壓電材料-壓電陶瓷介質(zhì)設(shè)備。</p><p> 增距鏡TC - 87超聲IEC61088(1991-09)的特點(diǎn)和壓電陶瓷超聲波換能器測(cè)量。</p><
97、p> 指定的工業(yè)應(yīng)用超聲能量壓電陶瓷電聲換能器基本特征。還規(guī)定了測(cè)量這些特性的方法。它有一個(gè)技術(shù)報(bào)告的狀態(tài)。 </p><p> 資深大律師- 47E小組47E:半導(dǎo)體分立器件。</p><p> IEC60747-14-1(2000-10)半導(dǎo)體器件- 14-1部分:半導(dǎo)體傳感器-一般和分類(lèi)關(guān)于描述有基本的半導(dǎo)體材料制成的傳感器的規(guī)格一般項(xiàng)目,但也適用于傳感器使用介質(zhì)或鐵電材
98、料。</p><p> IEEE標(biāo)準(zhǔn)UFFC </p><p> 在IEEE - UFFC是超聲波,鐵電和變頻調(diào)速的電氣和電子工程師學(xué)會(huì)部分。在IEEE發(fā)表的有關(guān)壓電鐵電材料,包括最引述一些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。</p><p> 176-1987 IEEE標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的壓電[簡(jiǎn)介] </p><p> 180-1986 IEEE標(biāo)準(zhǔn)定義的小鐵電條款<
99、/p><p> 這兩個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)已撤回了IEEE雖然還是從作為歷史來(lái)源提供的一些文件。 </p><p> 本規(guī)范中描述的測(cè)量的方法是為從代替DIN 50324-1描述的“定義和分類(lèi)”的壓電陶瓷材料制成的組件使用。測(cè)量方法特定的電介質(zhì),壓電和彈性系數(shù)一般適用于壓電陶瓷。 多晶陶瓷的性質(zhì),統(tǒng)計(jì)波動(dòng)的組成和制造過(guò)程的影響,在指定的材料是典型的均值系數(shù)的結(jié)果。這些值提供了設(shè)計(jì)參考。</p>
100、<p> 目前有兩個(gè)積極組織下,IEEE工作,UFFC主持</p><p> 符合IEEE小組委員會(huì)在聲學(xué)材料損耗: </p><p> 標(biāo)準(zhǔn),在斯圖爾特Sherrit博士(JPL)的協(xié)調(diào)機(jī)電材料損失表征。目的是通過(guò)發(fā)展分析復(fù)雜的阻抗使用損失的新途徑,并寫(xiě)入新的IEEE標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的基礎(chǔ)上的分析。這個(gè)細(xì)節(jié),可在UTMR網(wǎng)站上找到。 </p><p>
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