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1、Introduction,A naturalist’s life would be happy one if he had only to observe and never to write (Charles Darwin)In science, no matter how spectacular the results are, the work is not completed until the results are pu

2、blishedOne of the best ways scientific researchers provide their expertise and to be recognized professionally is to publish as many good papers as possible in a number of very prestigious professional journals,Introdu

3、ction,Journals decide which manuscripts to publish largely on the opinions of other scientists who judge the quality of submitted papers- A process called peer review Attracting the reviewers’ attention and support is

4、 vital!!The purpose of this presentation is to help candidates to prepare the manuscript and to show all steps from the rough manuscript to published paper,Contents,kinds of scientific written communicationscientific w

5、riting in generalIMRAD formatpaper organizationpaper writingpaper submissionthe editing processproof-reading… and pointers to reading,Scientific written communication,ReportsTheses or dissertationsJournal articl

6、esSlide presentationsPostersBooks and book chaptersTechnical manuals/users guidesResearch or grant proposals,Why Publish?,contributes knowledgeensures scientific rigorallows feedback (improves work)Promotes caree

7、rdocument productivitydocument impact on field/reputationAdvertises your lab for future traineesimproves chances of funding,Information on writing scientific paper,Scientific writing is primarily an exercise in

8、organizationScientific writing is highly stylized with distinctive and clearly evident component partsEach scientific paper should have proper order in contents,Information on writing scientific paper,If your researc

9、h work is important, then it should be communicated effectively, clearly in words of certain meaningThe best English in scientific writing is that which gives the sense in the fewest short wordsEnjoy the sheer of bea

10、uty of simple declarative sentence using clear and short word The ultimate goal of scientific research is publication,Information on writing scientific paper,Scientists with PhD can make journal editors quite happy wit

11、h plain, unassuming, simple, and freshman level compositionA scientific paper is not literature If the ingredients are properly organized, the paper will almost write itself,Information on writing scientific pape

12、r,The very first decision you need to make is to which journal you intend to submit. This in itself is often a difficult taskMany factors are involved in the decision (e.g. impact of the journal vs probability of accept

13、ance; publication lag; desired audience, etc)Once you decide, read the journal’s “Instructions for authors”, usually found inside the front or back cover. Ensure that you follow all of these to the letter,Information on

14、 writing scientific paper,Also, journals differ in style - some use “Introduction” as a heading for that section, others don’t. Peruse some publishedpapers to acquaint yourself with the journal’s style. This is much eas

15、ier than reading the formatting instructions,Mission of Scientific Journals,Publication of important, quality and current scientific information,Criteria for Acceptance,Clarity of objectiveness Originality Appropriat

16、e experimental design and methods Appropriate statistical analysis,Criteria for Acceptance,Depth of the investigationSubstance of the resultsScientific interpretation and thorough discussion of resultsThe impor

17、tance of topic to the journal,Rejection - Why?,Wrong JournalThe subject matter is of insufficient interest to the readership to a specific journalOffering too longFaults in presentationRetrospective studyStatistics

18、The results are trivialThe scientific quality is substandardGroups in trial not comparable,The object of a Scientific Paper,Enable the reader to:Assess the observations you madeRepeat the experiment if they wishDete

19、rmine whether the conclusions drawn are justified,IMRAD format,Other types of journal papers,State-of-the-artReviewBibliographyTechnical notesLetter to the editor,Paper organization,TitleThe title is the only part o

20、f your paper most people will read - make it clear, concise (self-contained) and informativeActual findings should be described with claims that can be supportedIt should be catchy / memorableThe title is a label, not

21、 a sentence,The list of Authors,Student first, supervisor secondAn author of a paper should be defined as one who takes intellectual responsibility for the research results being reportedGive credit where it is due. It

22、 does not cost anything, and it creates friends. Science is more of a social activity than you might think Authors’ affiliations and corresponding author,Paper organization,AbstractThe abstract is vitally important -

23、without doubt the most important 200-300 words in the paperNever forget that the abstract is often the only thing readers will read from your paper. Pay attention to it! Make it very concise, clear-cut, easy to read. Av

24、oid technical terms or complicated reasoningFirst 1-2 sentences: introduction to the concept Next 1-2 sentences: the system and the specific question,Abstract,No methods, unless unavoidable or newNext x sentences, a b

25、rief summary of the results Final 1-2 sentences: conclusion You can end with a sentence that hints at the major topic of the discussionTyped as a single paragraphNo abbreivations /or citationsAs a summary of work do

26、ne, it is written in past tense,Paper organization,IntroductionNo more than 2 pagesA bad beginning makes a bad endingcall attention to the specific subject, define the problemprovide background and present the result

27、s of other studies (literature review)Should not be (too) technicallist the structure of your research project and what you plan to present in your paper,Materials and Methods,Sufficient detail so that work can be repe

28、atedDescribe new methods in detail- the degree of replication and sensitivityCite the accepted method briefly using referenceIf a published method is modified, such modifications must be described in detail,Materia

29、ls and Methods,Statistical analysis of data if appropriate.Use subheadings as needed for clarityask a colleague if he/she can follow the methodologySince your procedures have been completed, report them using past

30、tense.,Paper organization,ResultsDisplay of data with logical development showing how your findings satisfy your objectivesThe results should be short and sweet, with no excess verbiagePresent and discuss results conc

31、isely using figures and tables as neededFindings described in past tense,Results,Generally does NOT include explanations or discussion of the results Table and figure legends should be accompanied with sufficient infor

32、mation for main point.Table and figure should be able to stand alone All tables and figures must be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the textNumerical data with the correct number of significant di

33、gits,Paper organization,Discussionthe hardest section to write, you discuss, you do not recapitulate the Resultsshow the relationship among observed factsClearly indicate what new information is provided by the presen

34、t study- - originalityend with a short summary/conclusion,Discussion Advice,Move from your specific findings to the literature, theory and practiceMake sure not to ignore the major issue (did it resolve problem, answer

35、 question, support hypothesis?Don’t overgeneralize or make unsupported conclusionsDon’t ignore deviations in your dataAvoid speculation that cannot be tested in near future,Conclusions,Conclusions should not be a summ

36、ary of the work done or a virtual duplication of the abstractConclusions should be justified by the data presentedEmphasis should be on major conclusions and implicationConclusion is optional in many scientific jou

37、rnals,“Thank you” Acknowledgments,Technical assistanceAdvice on research or manuscriptGifts of materialsAssistance in preparing manuscriptFinancial assistance,Searching scientific literature,Explore ideas to your sub

38、jectgaps in research on a subject of interestexistence of any duplication to your workConduct a specific searchmanually in the libraryon-line searchingKeep up-to-date with the specific subject,Literature review,Dev

39、eloping an outlinechronological arrangementcomparison and contrast in contraversional theoriesCreating a skeletonselect a few documents and write about eachdiscern the main points of their contents,High Quality of R

40、eview,Free from biasConstructiveIn-depth and thorough reviewThe emphasis on the points of major importance,Points of considerations,Before submitting a paper, therefore, be sure that you have something important an

41、d publishable to say. To know this, you should discuss your results with others working in the field, both in your own institution and elsewhere. The best way to do this is to present your results at scientific meetings

42、 — if you can get to them.,A rough draft is ready but ….,Will you have co-authors?Which journal to submit your manuscript?How soon will it be published?How to deal with editors?,Professional publishers ElsevierSprin

43、ger VerlagJ Wiley & SonsKluwer Academic PublishingMCB University PressIOP PublishingAcademic Press,Journals - Publishers,Where to submit the manuscript,The prestige factorThe circulation factorThe frequency fa

44、ctorThe audience factor,Paper writing,Write a rough abstract first or start text in the middleA rough draft is readySelect the journal and read Instructions to Authors (manuscript requirements: style in headings, the

45、system for citations, figures and tables, etc.)Write the final manuscript,The final draft,Front MatterTitle (fewest possible words that describe the contents)Author’s (co-authors) name and addressAbstract (miniversio

46、n of the paper, no citations)KeywordsArticle BodyIntroductionTheoretical and experimental sectionsResultsDiscussion/ConclusionEnd MatterAcknowledgment (technical help and financial assistance)References (at 52 j

47、ournals were found 33 different styles for listing)Appendixes,Citations and references,For a better credibility you have to review the literature and show that your contribution extends from a solid foundation of resear

48、chQuality and quantity of the sources you have consulted will enhance your workYou have make it possible for readers to retrace your stepsYour references can be as valuable as your research methods and findingsAt lea

49、st three citation styles (in-text citations) and 100 reference styles are commonly used,Citations: Alphabet-number system,Examples in the textIn 1986 Schmitt (10) developed a ….With optimum design sensitivity (10) ...

50、,References9. Schittkowski, K. 1999. Nonlinear Programming Software…..10. Schmitt, L. A. 1986. Symposium summary and concluding remarks. ...,Note: list of references in author alphabetical order,Citations: Name-year (

51、Harward) system,Examples in the text:Schmitt (1986) developed a …With optimum design sensitivity (Schmitt, 1986) …..,ReferencesSchittkowski, K. Nonlinear Programming Software, …… 1999.Schmitt, L. A. Symposium and c

52、oncluding remarks,…1986.,Note: list of references in author alphabetical order,Citations: Order of citation (Vancouver) system,Examples in the textIn 1986, Schmitt (1) developed a …..With optimum design sensitivity (1

53、) …..,References1. Schmitt, L. A. (1986). Symposium summary and concluding remarks,Note: list of references not in author alphabetical order,Ethics of scientific writing,Avoid the dual publicationDon’t use the work

54、of others without appropriate attributionList only those co-authors who contributed substantially to the work,Final submission,In-house reviews are required?Submit the paper to the journal’s editor (only to one journal

55、)Hard-copy of manuscript (usually three or more copies)Disk of the same versionText: Word, Word Perfect, TeX/LaTeX, etc.Figures: tif, gif, postscript, etc.,Editing process,Editor log a manuscript and send an acknowle

56、dgement that the paper has been receivedEditor sends the manuscript to reviewers On the basis of the reviews and the editor’s opinion, your paper will be accepted, conditional accepted or rejected.,Editors,I expect the

57、 editor to accept all my papers, accept them as they are submitted, and publish them promptly. I also expect him to scrutinize all other papers with the utmost care, especially those of my competitors.,Bibliography,Davis

58、, M. Scientific Papers and Presentations, Academic Press, 1997Day, R. A. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 4th Ed., Cambridge University Press, 1995Michaelson, H. B. How to Write and Publish Engineering Pape

59、rs and Reports, 3rd Ed., Oryx Press, 1990O’Connor, M. Writing Successfully in Science, Academic Press, 1991Paradis, J. G. and Zimmerman, M. L. The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication, MIT Press, 1997,… a

60、nd more books,Briscoe, M.H. A Researcher’s Guide to Scientific and Medical Illustrations, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1990Hodges, E. R. S. The Guild Handbook of Scientific Illustration, Van Nostrand-Reinhold, NY, 1989Reynolds

61、, L. and Simmonds, D. Presentation of Data in Science, Nijhoff, Hague, 1983Smith, R. V. Graduate Research: A Guide for Students in the Science, ISI Press, Philadelphia, 1984Stock, M. A Practical Guide to Graduate Resea


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