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1、大學英語四級寫作,黑龍江科技學院外語系 趙 聰,,ExerciseFor this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling. You should write at least 120words f

2、ollowing the outline given below:1.如今不少學生在英語學習中不重視拼寫2.出現(xiàn)這種現(xiàn)象的原因是……3.為了改變這種狀況,我認為……,Due:,adj. 1. 應支付[給予]的2. 應有的, 應得到的3. 到期的4. 預定, 預期5. 適當?shù)? 正當?shù)? 適宜的6. 由于;因為7. 適當?shù)模磺‘數(shù)?;合適的 n. 1.

3、0;應有的權利;應得到的東西 2. 應繳款(如俱樂部會費)adv. 1. 正向;正對著prep. 1. 該由…所得;應向…支付2. 應得;被欠,,此次四級的作文題目,考查的是一個非常具體而又細微的話題。但是,縱觀歷年四級考試試題,這似乎又不是很意外,因為它沿襲了四級考試青睞校園生活的規(guī)律。此次話題關于spelling(拼寫),顯然是學生日常學習生活中熟悉的不能再熟悉的話題,再看歷次考試,從

4、05年以來的十次考試中,考查校園生活的就高達7次;從題材上來看,此次題目應該屬議論文范疇,也是四級最??嫉捏w裁;從命題類型來看,該題目屬于“問題解決型”,與08年12月的“限制塑料袋使用”屬同一類型?! 〔煌淖魑念}型中,對列提綱的要求也有所不同。在四六級作文考試中,常見的是給出題目和提綱題型,因此只需自己能正確有效地去利用已經(jīng)給出的中文提綱。對提綱材料進行加工、補充、擴展。各段落的展開要根據(jù)提綱的來龍去脈進行。尤其要注意確定重點,選

5、準擴充點,將較抽象的內(nèi)容具體化,闡述透徹。  下面以Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling這篇提綱式作文為例,具體分析該提綱內(nèi)容是怎樣發(fā)展、深化的。(2010年6月四級真題),,根據(jù)提綱要求,可以進行如下構思:  第一段應展現(xiàn)如今很多學生不重視英語學習中拼寫的現(xiàn)象。  第二段應重點解釋導致如今學生不重視英語學習中拼寫現(xiàn)象的原因,這些原因主要有:電子產(chǎn)品的普及,如電子詞典、電腦等,老師不重

6、視,學生認為學好英語口語聽力才是重點。這些原因?qū)е氯藗冊絹碓讲恢匾晻鴮懢毩暫鸵?guī)范?! 〉谌问潜疚牡闹攸c。闡述如何解決不重視拼寫問題時,切忌只簡單地寫出“We should take measures to solve the problem”這樣空洞的、表態(tài)性的句子,而不提出具體的解決方法。只有提出具體的解決方法,才能使文章顯得充實,有說服力?! 「鶕?jù)上面的構思,可以列出下列提綱:,,Outline: I. fewer a

7、nd fewer students pay attention to their word-spelling1. can only imitate the pronunciation of a word but be incapable of spelling itII. There are some causes for it1. fewer and fewer students need to write English es

8、says2. the goal of most students to learn English is to speak it and pass the examination3. the wide use of electronic devices such as e-dictionaries and computersIII. Measures should be taken to solve the problem.1.

9、 we need to attach great importance to word-spelling.2. should write English as much as they can3. the dictations should be reinforced in the class.,,或許有人會先給出一個更細的中文提綱,然后考慮如何將其轉(zhuǎn)化為英文提綱,或者邊寫邊考慮如何用英文表達細化了的中文提綱的內(nèi)容。這樣勢必占用不少

10、時間,會降低寫作的速度。因此,建議考生構思列提綱時,最好直接用英語列出更細的提綱。這樣既可以節(jié)約不少寶貴的時間,又可以提高寫作的速度?! √峁P寫作  擬好了提綱之后,就進入寫作階段。這是一個遣詞造句,連句成篇,將不同信息組合排列的過程。寫作過程中得到的是些雜亂無序的字、詞、句,需要通過一些過渡手段將其連接成完整的文章。對構思素材的取舍增補,框架結構的調(diào)整,段落、語句順序的排列,并兼顧各種語法現(xiàn)象。在初稿的寫作過程中,一定要注意以所擬

11、定的提綱為指導,注意語言表達的正確性和流暢性?! ⌒薷臐櫳 懗鰜淼某醺逋谡Z法、用詞乃至文章的結構上都會有這樣那樣的問題,需要做一些修改:  1. 應該做語篇結構上的檢查。這主要是檢查文章的主題是否明確,篇章層次是否明顯,段落銜接是否連貫,內(nèi)容是否切題等?! ?. 具體檢查每個段落。這一步主要檢查段落是否完善,中心是否突出,段內(nèi)各句是否銜接緊湊等?! ?. 做語法上的檢查,包括用詞是否恰當,標點是否正確,句子結構是否完整

12、,語句是否通順等。,,滿分范文: Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling Nowadays, students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study. This phenomenon greatly influences students’ writ

13、ing and brings on worries among teachers. There are possibly three reasons contributing to this phenomenon. First, exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attention to spelling. Second, some teachers

14、 should also be responsible for it because they don’t emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching. Last but not least, some students are too lazy to recite words. Since spelling is one of the most impor

15、tant factors in English study, due attention should be given to it. As for me, I think, first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, which would help student pay more attention to spelling. Then, schools

16、should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well as the students to realize the importance. Finally, for students themselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interested in word spelling. Only by t

17、hese can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement.,第一部分:概述,教育部最新修訂的考試大綱對四級寫作的具體要求是:能就與課文難度相仿的閱讀材料做筆記、寫提綱和回答問題;能就一定的話題和給定的提綱寫短文;能寫短信或便條,表達意思清楚,無重大語言錯誤,能在半小時內(nèi)寫出120-150詞的短文。 四級作文的閱卷采用總

18、體評分方法(global scoring),閱卷人員就總的印象給出獎勵分(reward scores),而不是按照語言點的錯誤數(shù)目扣分。閱卷人員從內(nèi)容和語言兩個方面對作文進行綜合評判。內(nèi)容和語言是一個整體,作文表達題目所規(guī)定的內(nèi)容,而內(nèi)容要通過語言來表達。,,四級作文一般稱作“12句作文”一般來講“三段式作文”四級作文發(fā)展趨勢: 1.實用性增強。議論文占大多數(shù),但是近年來應用文有上升的趨勢; 2.注重綜合能力的考核。傾向于幾種

19、文體的綜合體。話題主要有三大類:社會熱門話題,校園生活和日常生活話題;題目類型有:提綱式作文,段首句作文,情景作文,關鍵詞作文,圖表作文和應用文(主要是書信體作文),提綱式作文是四級考試的主要題型。,第二部分:四級作文題型分類及寫作模板,一、總述四級考試作文主要看內(nèi)容、結構、語言三個方面。內(nèi)容不跑題即可,注意:1.不要妄圖以情動人;2.不要妄圖在構思上出奇制勝。結構上牢記總分總:先寫主題句(Topic Sentence),

20、再寫分論點(Supporting sentences),最后寫總結句(Conclusion)。語言最重要,往往使評分產(chǎn)生重大差異,語言要模仿和包裝。,二、四級作文試題分類,四級作文從試題角度可以分為現(xiàn)象解釋型、對比選擇型、問題解決型、觀點論證型與應用文五種類型?,F(xiàn)象解釋型此類作文在四級考試作文中最為常見。命題主要要求考生對某一社會現(xiàn)象進行解釋并加以評論,其基本結構是:首先說明現(xiàn)狀;其次闡述這種現(xiàn)狀產(chǎn)生或存在的原因;最后做出分析,

21、提出建議或總結觀點。對比選擇型此類作文同樣是四級考試中常見的類型,它的標志十分明顯。作文題目要求較明確,富有針對性,即直接要求考試比較兩種觀點或做法,進而表明自己對問題或事務的態(tài)度或觀點,也就是做出選擇。問題解決型 此類作文要求考生從提示性文字或圖表、圖畫入手,解釋提示性文字、圖表、圖畫反映出的問題,提出問題的危害性或解決這一問題的緊迫性;然后對問題展開分析,提出解決問題的方案或應對措施;最后一段要求考生表明自己的態(tài)度、做法等。

22、,,觀點論證型 此類作文往往要求考生根據(jù)題目給出論點,按照提綱的結構要求對其下論證,然后表明自己的立場和看法。通過擺事實、講道理的方式剖析事物,論述事理,發(fā)表意見,確立或否認某一主張。應用文 應用文中的信函,也是四級作文設計的試題之一。在這類題型中,考生會讀到一個特定的場景,試題要求考生按照這個場景給相關人士寫一封短信,并在信中明確表達自己寫信的原因、動機、目的和愿望等。文章所設及的內(nèi)容多種多樣,但大部分都與日常生活比較



25、證→得出結論(證明觀點的正確性)。應用文基本方法為:分析所給情景→選擇寫作方法。,1.現(xiàn)象解釋型模板,Topic sentence1.——has become a common part of people’s life.2.And——has always aroused the greatest concern.3.what impresses us most is ——.4.The reasons——are varied.

26、5. Among the various reasons,——plays an important role.6.That is to say,——7.What is more,——8.For example,——9.When talking about——,——10.On the one hand——11.On the other hand,——12.In brief,——,信息提示1.空格內(nèi)用概括性的詞語填出最近出現(xiàn)

27、的總體現(xiàn)象。2.空格內(nèi)填題目要去討論的具體現(xiàn)象3.現(xiàn)象的具體表現(xiàn)4.過度句,填現(xiàn)象或現(xiàn)象帶來的后果,為下文分析產(chǎn)生的原因做鋪墊。5.原因之一。6.具體說明原因一。7原因二。8 舉例說明原因二9.空格一填作者要討論的現(xiàn)象,空格二填作者的看法。10.支持看法的理由一或說明看法的第一個方面。11.理由二或第二個方面。12.總結。,,Reading regularly has long become a common pa

28、rt of people’s life. And reading preference has always aroused the greatest concern. What impresses us most is according to the table, the percentage of book circulation in an American university library, which shows tha

29、t the circulation of popular fictions, general nonfictions, science/technology/education books and art/ literature/poetry books accounts for 65.9%,18.2%,10.8%and 5.1% respectively. The reasons for the phenomenon are vari

30、ed. Among the various reasons, the appealing content of the popular fictions plays an important part. That is to say, thanks to its appealing plot, popular fictions attract more people than other types of books do. W

31、hat is more, science and art books which require readers’ knowledge on relevant fields are highly demanding. For example, it’s hard for students majoring in chemistry to understand Browning’s poems, and vice versa. W

32、hen talking about my reading preference, I think I prefer to science books. On the one hand, in order to deepen what I’m specializing in, I need read more books relevant to my major. On the other hand, these books can al

33、so broaden our horizons. In brief, college students should choose books according to their interests and needs.,2.對比選擇型作文模板,1.Different people have different views on——2. Some people prefer,——.3. Others tend to, ——.4.

34、As to me, I agree with /to ——5. Of course,——.6.For example,——7.But,——8.The following reasons can account for my preference——9.The main reason is ——.10.A good example to illustrate is ——11.Fur another,——12.From th

35、e foregoing(綜上所述),——,1.開門見山直入主體,表明對某事人們的不同看法。2.表明一部分人的看法。3.另一部分的看法。4.作者的看法。5.承認自己不贊同的看法有一定的合理性。6. 舉例說明支持第五句。7 轉(zhuǎn)折指出這種觀點的不足。8 啟下句過度到下段具體闡述自己所支持的觀點的理由。9.支持觀點的理由一。10.舉例說明理由一。11.理由二。12.總結全文,從長遠看來。,Is a test of spok

36、en necessary?,A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). Different people have different views on it. Some prefer to have such a test. Others tend to decline any

37、 kind of test of spoken English. As to me, I agree with the first statement. Of course, a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle and the test time is not long enough to fully display participants’ abili

38、ty to spoken in English. For example, if a candidate draws a topic which he or she is not familiar with, it’s hard to show his or her command of spoken English. But without such a test, some people may not have motivatio

39、n to practise spoken English. The following reasons can account for my preference. The main reason is that such a test enhances college students’ awareness of the importance of spoken English. A good example to illu

40、strate is that several years ago, college students only stressed reading and writing skills, ignoring to building up listening and speaking ability. For another, a certificate of such a test will make job-hunting easier.

41、 From the foregoing, I think a test of spoken English is of necessity.,3.問題解決型作文模板,1.Withthedevelopment/improvement of ——,——.2. It is necessary that——.3. On the one hand, ——.4. On the other hand, ——5. Therefore, h

42、ow to —— is worth paying attention.6.Firstly——7.Secondly——8.For example,——9. Thirdly, ——.10.In other words,——11.In fact, ways to —— are countless.12.It’s time that ——,1.空格一處鋪墊,空格二處填寫某一問題。2.關注解決現(xiàn)象引出的問題很必要3.解決問題很必要的

43、理由一。4.解決問題很必要的理由二。5.承上啟下,填要解決的問題。6. 解決辦法一。7 解決辦法二。8. 舉例解釋解決辦法二。9. 解決辦法三。10. 闡明解決辦法三。11. 指出解決問題的辦法多種多樣。12. 強調(diào)解決問題時不可待。,Reduce Waste on Campus,With the improvement of living standard, waste on campus is increasing

44、ly serious. It is necessary that something should be done to reduce waste on campus. On the one hand, our waste has already caused a great loss of precious resources, such as water and electricity. On the other hand, our

45、 waste adds our parents as well as our society a burden. Therefore, how to eliminate waste on campus is worth paying attention. Firstly, we should turn off the light when we leave our dorms or classrooms so as to sav

46、e electricity as much as possible. Secondly, we should stop wasting water when we bath, or wash clothes and dishes. For example, we should use a basin when we clean faces. Thirdly, we should be economical. In other words

47、, when go shopping, we should buy only what we really need. In fact, the ways to reduce waste on campus are countless. It’s time that we cultivate the habit of thrift in every possible way.,4.觀點論證型作文模板,1. It is true

48、 that——.2. However,——.3.I think——.4.—— can be listed as follow.5. First of all, —— 6. Secondly ——7.For example——8.Thirdly,——9. A case in point is ——.10.It goes without saying that —— 11.There is no doubt that —

49、— 12.In conclusion ——,1.提出普遍存在地觀點。2.談不同地觀點。3.自己地觀點,即文章地論點4.過度句,轉(zhuǎn)折到觀點地論證,由題目選擇具體的詞。5.論證理由一6.論證理由二。7.舉例具體說明理由二。8. 論證理由三。9. 舉例說明理由三。10. 提出執(zhí)行該觀點時應注意的事項。11. 得出結論。12. 總結全文。,It Pays to Be Honest,It is true that most o

50、f us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities, etc. I think that we should be honest. The reasons can be listed as follows. Firstl

51、y, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time. Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more

52、 harmonious. For example, consumers will not be afraid of being overcharged if dealers are honest, and on the contrary dealers can win more customers. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is

53、 that Singapore which is a society of trustworthiness and integrity has a comparatively low criminal rate. It goes without saying that being honesty is of benefit to both the collective and the individual. There is

54、 no doubt that we should foster the spirit of honesty. In conclusion, laying stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society.,應用文作文模板建議信模板,Dear——1. I am delighted to learn that——.2. It——.3. In my opini

55、on,——.4. On the one hand,——.5. On the other hand, —— 6. As to the——, I suggest——.7.If ——8.It is unnecessary for you to——9. In addition,——.10.I am sure——11.Please inform me —— 12.I am looking forward to ——

56、 Sincerely yours, Signature:,1.寫信的原因。2.引出作者的建議。3.表達建議內(nèi)容。4.提出建議的理由一。5.建議的理由二。6.具體到某一方面的建議內(nèi)容。7.供被建議人選擇的條件。8.建議內(nèi)容的另一方面。9.其它的建議。10.對建議內(nèi)容的評價。11. 對建議內(nèi)容所做出的承諾。12. 表達個人的愿望。

57、,A Letter to a Schoolmate,June 7th, 2010Dear Wang, I am delighted to learn that you will visit me for a week during this national days. It has been several years since we departed last time, and I am looking forward

58、 to your visit. In my opinion, Nanjing is your best choice for this holiday. On the one hand, there are many places of interest and historical sites in Nanjing. On the other hand, Nanjing is a cultural center with variou

59、s artistic and musical performances. As to the famous sites, I suggest that you should visit the Confucius Temple and Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. If you are interested in parks, the XXX park will be your best choice.

60、It is not necessary for you to bring anything except your sweaters since it is a little chill in the evening. In addition, as there will be many people at the railway station, you should not leave your belongings unatten

61、ded! I am sure you will enjoy your visit in Nanjing. Please inform me once you have made your decision. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

62、 Sincerely Yours, Zhang Ying.,第三部分:大學英語四級“提綱式作文”寫作方法及技巧,,,(一)拋開句子的構成、段落的展開、各類文體

63、作文的寫作技巧等理論不說,單就實用的原則來看,寫四級作文應注意的主要方面有五:1.切題2.干凈3.減少錯誤4.開門見山5.閃光點。1.切題。拿到作文試卷后的第一件事就是—審題。作文不跑題,這似乎已是老生常談,但要完全做到,也并非像有些考生想象的那般輕而易舉。例如:有的考生寫“How university graduates find work”一文,竟寫成了自己喜歡什么樣的工作。這樣一來,你詞匯量再大,語法知識再好,也只能是“南轅北


65、個戰(zhàn)略性問題。記住,把你的作文寫得干凈整齊就等于向閱卷人員發(fā)送一個信息———“老師,我尊重你的辛勤勞動!”這對自己作文的得分,不是很有幫助嗎?3.減少錯誤。寫作過程中碰到自己不會寫或拿不準的詞或句型,是寫還是不寫?我們的看法是,盡可能不寫,可以采取避開或用別的替代的方法,英語中叫做“play safe”。四級作文萬一寫不太高明,那也首先要保證減少錯誤:盡量讓你的作文做到無懈可擊!,例如:About Hong Kong ①The

66、 Present State ②Hong Kong’ s Past ③Its Future讓我們以第一段香港的“現(xiàn)狀”為例來看一下:,,Hong Kong is in the South of China. It is a beautiful and prosperous city. Its people are brave and diligent. Its position is unique and its economy is

67、 booming. People call it “the pearl in the east”.其中,當你寫到prosperous,diligent,unique,booming等詞的時候,若是拿不準,怎么辦呢?這時,腦子要學會急轉(zhuǎn)彎,可以用busy,hard,working,special,甚至good來替代。盡管busy并不能完全代表prosperous的意思,但是,車水馬龍、熱鬧繁忙的景象,還是可以基本上表達出來的。需要指出

68、的是,“play safe”這一招并不意味著我們不必下苦功去記一些必要的、十分基本的詞匯,有些詞的使用率很高,比如computer,environment,efficiency等,是避不開的。還有的考生上了考場,連modern,society,pollution,甚至benefit這類詞都拼寫不準,那就不能不給人一個基本功太差的印象。,,4.開門見山。5.閃光點。這兩個術語是什么意思呢?讓我們看一看“Good Health”這篇作文

69、。①Importance of good health ②Ways to keep fit. ③My own practices.先看第一段“好身體的重要性”,有的考生寫道:“With the rapid development of our economy,with the improvement of our living standard,with more and more people s realization of th

70、e importance of good health,now people are attaching greater importance to their health.”“隨著經(jīng)濟的飛速發(fā)展,隨著人民生活的改善,隨著大家對健康的重要性的了解,…”不要忘記,四級作文總共才要你寫百十來個字,你一開頭就羅羅嗦嗦說了三四十個字,還沒有說到正題上,多么不得要領。切記,好的作文應該單刀直入,直截了當。不要兜圈子,繞彎子,第一句話最好就采用“


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