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1、碩 士 學 位 論 文關 聯(lián) 企 業(yè) 違 法 破 產(chǎn) 立 法 規(guī) 制研 究L e g isla tv eR e se a r c ho fA ff i lia te dE n te r P r ise ’ 5Ille g a lB a n k r u ta c y作 者 姓 名 : 汪 紅 麗指 導 教 師 : 汪世 虎 教 授西 南 政 法 大 學S o u th w e stU n iv e rsityo f P o litie a

2、 lS e ie n c ean dL aw矛A b s tra C tA na ff i liated 弓 n terprisear i se sinth ein ten sem ark etco m P etitio n , wh o seu n iq u eo rg an iz atio nP lay sanactiv eP ar tinim P ro v in gth eo P eratio ne ff i e ien cy ,

3、 red u ein gth eo P era tin ge o stsan da ch iev in gthesea leb en e fi tan d50o n . H o w ev er,it15theu n iq u eo rg an iz atio nthateasilyle ad stheeo n tro len terprisean da etu aleo n tro llertom an iP u lateth esu

4、b o rd in ateen terpriseex ee ssiv ely , an din d u e esu n fairo fre latedtran sa etio n sb etw eenth em , w h iehP ro v id esth en atu ralb ar iers,n o te a silyd iseo v eredb yex tem alered ito rs,forth etran sfero fi

5、n ap P ro P ri ateP ro P ert y , eo nv ey an c eo fc aP ita l, an deo n fusio no fassetsan daeeo u n t. W h enth eb ank ruP teyo fan yo n eo rsev era lm em b e rso fth eaff i liateden terpriseo e eur e d ,th erearen oP r

6、o P ert ie so ff e redb yth ein so lv en td eb to ro rd eb to rsforth ed istri b u tio nam o n gcred ito rs,o rth ereeo v eryo f th eered ito rso f th een terp riseo re n terpri se sinb a nk ruP tc y15o b v io u slyu n f

7、air.B e e au seth erelativ eter m san dP ro v isio n sab o u tb an k rUP te yo fth een te rpri seine o rp o ratio nlaw , in so lv en c yla w , g en er a lciv illawan deri m in allawarem a in lyaP P liedinth eb an k ruP t

8、e yo fsin g leen terp ri se,wh ieh15h ardlyu sedinth ec a seo fille g a lb an k ruP teyo fa ff i liate de n te rP ri se ,it15n e ee ssarytoi n stitu teo u ro w neo m P le tesy stemd ealin gw ithth eille ag a li n so lv e

9、n eyo fa ff i liateden te不 P ri se, b a se do nth erefe r en c etosu chad v an c edsy stem sino therleg alre g in eso ntheregu la tio no fth eillega lin so lv en c yo fa ff i liate den terp rise , a sth eru le so feq u i

10、tab lesu b o rd in atio nan dsub sta n tiv ee o n so lid atio n ,liab ilityo feo m P e n satio no rP a y l llen tofm ani Pulati ngeorporati on, andt h eob l i gati onsofjoi ntP ayl l lentofb en efi tialsubordi nateen ter

11、prise . T h erearem a infou rP ar t sd iscu ssedintheP ap e r: ap artfro mth eP re fae ean de P ilo g u e .T h efi rstP art, thean aly siso fex sistin gform sinilleg a lb an k ru P teyo faff i liateden terprise ,m ain ly

12、follo w ed : fi xth ed efi n itio no fasso ciateden terprise,se arehth ein tem alrelatio n sh iPan dex tem aleh ara cteristieso faff i liate den terp rise ,in tro d u eethem a croform so faff i liateden terprise ’ 5ille

13、g alb an k ruP teyinth eformo fe x am P les, sum m o riz ethem icro seo P ieo p e ratio n so faSSo c iate den terprise ’ 5ille g alb an k ruP te y . W ea ck l lo w led g eth atth eille g a lb an k ruP teyo fa sso ciate d

14、en terprise15ex P re sslyd iff e ren tw ithth en o rm alco rp o ratio n ’ sin so lv en ey , an dit’ 5u n iq u ean dclo seo rg an iz atio ncre atth eo P P o rt u n ityforille g alb an k ruP te yo fa sso eia te den terp ri


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