外文翻譯--- 個人管理技巧_第1頁
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1、<p>  PERSONAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS</p><p>  Abstract:With the rapid development of construction industry,management skills of project manager has an important effect on project cost, quality, schedule. Th

2、is paper from the project manager of the challenges and opportunities,using new innovations ,human aspects,assignment of work, motivation, decision making and time management introduces the personal management skill of p

3、roject managers.</p><p>  Key words: project manager personal management skill </p><p>  Using new innovations motivation time management</p><p>  Challenges and Opportunities&l

4、t;/p><p>  There is a great amount of pride and satisfaction in seeing a project completed and</p><p>  in operation. There are many challenges in managing engineering and construction due to the d

5、ynamic nature of projects. Solving problems as they arise instills a sense</p><p>  of satisfaction in the project manager and members of the project team. Most project</p><p>  managers agree t

6、hat life-long friends are created by working with people on projects. Years after a project is completed, conversations between people who have worked together on past projects often turn to amusing memories of the probl

7、ems that occurred and the methods used to resolve the problems. Generally, the problems seem much less serious after the project is completed than they were during execution of the project.</p><p>  Successf

8、ul people convert challenges to opportunities. Regardless of how difficult a problem may appear, there is always a way to resolve it. After completing a</p><p>  project, most project managers are enthusiast

9、ically ready to start a new project. They look forward to the next project and the opportunity to apply the lessons learned from previous projects. Most project managers agree that they have fun doing their work.</p&g

10、t;<p>  USING NEW INNOVATIONS</p><p>  New technologies sometimes are resisted by people until they are proven. Too</p><p>  often the technology is available, but it is not used because

11、people sometimes resist</p><p>  change. The successful project manager should assess new technology and devise</p><p>  innovative methods to incorporate the technology to enhance the project m

12、anagement</p><p><b>  process.</b></p><p>  The Internet is a technology that is currently available and has the potential to</p><p>  impact the way project managers do

13、 their work, similar to the impact of computers.</p><p>  The advantages of managing projects via the Internet are numerous, primarily in</p><p>  saving time and increasing efficiency. Informat

14、ion can be distributed more rapidly</p><p>  to geographically dispersed owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers. Correspondence,drawings, and photographs can be posted on project-specific Internet<

15、/p><p>  sites and cataloged for easy access. Key team members can monitor data exchange,</p><p>  which greatly reduces turnaround time for decision making. For example, using traditional methods

16、it may take an hour just to process a request for information (RF'I)</p><p>  and then take days or weeks to get an answer for the RFI. Now electronic RFIs can</p><p>  be submitted and logg

17、ed almost instantly, and responses are often made the same day or within a few days. Designers, suppliers, and contractors know they are accountable with web-enabled project management. Today, many companies operate in a

18、 paperless environment by using the electronic media of the Internet. The increased efficiencies are attracting the attention of project managers who are pressed to accomplish more work in less time. Projects are getting

19、 more complex, and project personnel ar</p><p>  Websites improve both internal and external communications. It can be a significant public information tool. A company can establish public and private websit

20、es for a project. The general public can visit one website for the latest on traffic conditions and construction schedules, while team members use a different site to exchange detailed design and construction information

21、. The private site can save a vast amount of time by providing rapid data exchange among numerous offices and</p><p>  Subcontract working on a project.E-mail is the most common and often used aspect of the

22、Internet. It allows users to send written messages with optional attachments to anyone in the world who has a computer . Attachments can include drawing files,word processing documents, spreadsheets, photos, multimedia c

23、lips, and web pages. Faxes can also be sent over the Internet instead of over regular voice lines. Web-enabled management systems add speed and efficiency to processing project information. Th</p><p>  In pl

24、ace of a local area network, a web server can be used as a central repository for project documents. The documents may include word processing files, spreadsheets, photographs, and drawings. Users can add and check in an

25、d check out existing documents. Documents and file systems can be used during the design or construction phase but are more common in the design phase.Project administration can also be greatly enhanced via the web. Web-

26、enabled systems can manage work flow. In addition to do</p><p>  Voice and multimedia are another application of project management via the</p><p>  Internet. The Internet can be used as a facil

27、itator of voice communication. E-mail can now carry attachments video . Inexpensive hardware and software also allow two or more users to teleconference on-line or allow users to get a live video feed from an on-line cam

28、era.This is an effective tool for resolving problems in the field by a team of experts who may be located in the home office without requiring them to travel to the job-site.</p><p>  Security of information

29、 can he addressed by use of Intranets and Extranets. An</p><p>  Intranet is an Internet site set up for private use of a company that might include certain corporate financial data, schedules, bulletins, an

30、d human resource information</p><p>  or other confidential information. Intranets can save companies money by reducing the amount of hard copy notices and flies that might be printed and distributed manuall

31、y or by mail. An Extranet is an Internet site set up by a company for shared use with others. It might contain a variety of information with limited or full access to its employees; trading partners, such as subcontracto

32、rs; and suppliers; or the general public. Project-specific websites are included in this category.</p><p>  The success of project management via the web has a tremendous potential for</p><p>  

33、saving time and increasing productivity, but education and training are essential. The project manager must understand the technology and exercise innovation to adapt the new technology. For any new technology, precautio

34、ns must be taken. For example, transmitting designs and data over the Internet can open up new areas for errors, omissions, and unauthorized revisions. Confirmed receipt of information may sometimes be necessary to ensur

35、e the information has been received. Use of the web is just </p><p>  HUMAN ASPECTS</p><p>  The information is gathered and managed to successfully bring a project to completion. Although a sys

36、tem must be developed for management and control of a project, it is people who make things happen. A project management system serves as a guide for overall coordination of the entire project; however, some refinement a

37、nd modification of the system is sometimes necessary for a particular project. People are the only resource that have the capability to detect problems and make the adjustments th</p><p>  There is a tendenc

38、y of some project managers to complain that the work is not being accomplished because of factors beyond their control. For example, a project manager may feel that team members are too inexperienced, or that it takes mo

39、re time to explain what needs to be done than the time it takes to do it themselves, or fear that a mistake by a team member would be too costly. Other typical examples are the feeling that others are too busy and don

40、9;t have time for additional assignments or th</p><p>  The feeling by project managers that it takes more time to explain the job than to do it themselves often results in the project manager doing the work

41、, at nights or on week-ends. Many times a person can do the work quicker than explaining what is needed by others. However, if the work must be repeated on a particular project, or on future projects, it usually is more

42、efficient to explain it to others one time so they are experienced in doing it in the future. Project managers must realize that </p><p>  The accomplishment of a project usually involves high costs over an

43、extended period of time with many risks. The fear that a mistake by a person would be too costly is a concern by every project manager. Because of this fear, a project manager may be reluctant to assign the work to other

44、s and end up doing the work himself or herself. The problem is the lack of confidence in others and the fear that they don't have sufficient judgment to handle the situation if a problem arises. The excuse that i<

45、/p><p>  ASSIGNMENT OF WORK</p><p>  Project management involves coordinating the work rather than doing the work; therefore the project manager delegates the work to members of the project team. A

46、ssigning work to another person delegates authority and responsibility to that person to accomplish the work and to make decisions that may be necessary. However, delegating authority, responsibility, and decision making

47、 does not necessarily cause the project manager to relinquish control. A project manager may define different levels of </p><p>  An effective project manager must lead the project team and reinforce the con

48、fidence of individuals. Trust must be shown in their capability, intelligence, and judgment. The leader of any group must occasionally check with members to see what is going on and how they are doing. This builds confid

49、ence and respect among the team members, who in turn will strive to accomplish quality work. A project manager must recognize and reward successful and outstanding performance. People relish this recogni</p><p

50、>  MOTIVATION</p><p>  Experienced managers readily agree that there are all types of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, those who don't know what's happening, an

51、d in some instances those who don't want to know what's happening. The project manager must devise methods to motivate each of these types of people.</p><p>  Each member of a project team provides a

52、n expertise that is needed to accomplish a project. Usually individual team members are assigned to the project from various discipline departments by their respective supervisors. Although everyone works for the project

53、, each person may report to a different supervisor. Therefore, the project manager as the leader of a project team is placed in a situation of motivating individuals who actually report to a supervisor other than the pro

54、ject manager. Thus, </p><p>  few people would work if they were not being paid. Although money may be a motivator to a certain degree, there are other factors that influence the motivation of people. Unless

55、 the pay is exceptionally different, there are other factors that must be considered. If money were the only motivator, the project manager would have a problem with motivation because he or she usually is not the person

56、 who directly establishes the pay of individual team members. Because most project managers have no con</p><p>  Many books have been written and numerous theories have been proposed related to motivating pe

57、ople. Most people are motivated by needs. As presented, Maslow's theory of needs identifies five levels of needs that people strive to achieve: basic survival, safety, social, ego, and self-fulfillment. The theory pr

58、oposes that an individual strives to satisfy the basic survival needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Upon satisfaction of these needs, a person strives for the next level of need; safety, w</p><p>  DECISIO

59、N MAKING</p><p>  Numerous decisions must be made during management of a project that require a significant amount of time and effort on the part of the project manager. While many decisions are routine and

60、can be made rapidly, others are significant and may have a major impact on the quality, cost, or schedule of a project. Good decisions cannot be made unless the primary objectives and goals that are to be accomplished ar

61、e known and understood. Decision making involves choosing a course of action from various a</p><p>  evaluation of alternatives that may solve a problem, but not pertain to the central objective to be achiev

62、ed. The project manager must coordinate the effort of the project team to ensure a focused effort. Decisions must be made in a timely manner to prevent delays in work that may</p><p>  impact the cost and sc

63、hedule of a project. Most of the project decisions are made internally (within the project manager's organization), which can be managed relatively easy. However, some decisions are made externally (outside the proje

64、ct manager's organization) by owners or regulatory agencies, particularly in the review and approval process. Early in the project, the project manager must identify those activities that require external decisions s

65、o the appropriate information will be provided</p><p>  The project manager should avoid crisis decisions, although many decisions are</p><p>  made under pressure. One must gather all pertinent

66、 information, forecast potential</p><p>  outcomes, think, and then use their best judgment to make the decision. It is not</p><p>  possible to anticipate all eventual outcomes, but with carefu

67、l thought and review,</p><p>  one can eliminate the unlikely events. There is a certain amount of risk in everything</p><p>  we do and sometimes wrong decisions are made by good managers; howe

68、ver,</p><p>  new information may become available or changed circumstances may arise that</p><p>  will require a change in the previous decision.Decisiveness is required of a project manager t

69、o gain the respect of team members.</p><p>  A project manager must avoid procrastination and vacillation and should encourage decision making in team members. Indecision creates tension in most people, whic

70、h causes stress and further indecisiveness. Failure to be decisive can cause many things to go wrong; no one knows what to do, work is not done because of lack of direction, all of which causes a waste in talent, resourc

71、es, and time. It is the responsibility of the project manager to ensure that appropriate decisions are made by the rig</p><p>  TIME MANAGEMENT</p><p>  Time is irreplaceable and vital to the pe

72、rsonal and business life of everyone. A project manager spends a large amount of time communicating and interacting with others who are involved in the project. Therefore, it is important that time is spent in a producti

73、ve and effective manner. A project manager must be cautious, because there are always more interesting and worthwhile things to do than time allowed to do them. An analysis of how time is spent is necessary in order to d

74、etermine how effect</p><p>  unscheduled visitors. . An analysis of the distribution of time by</p><p>  categories will enable the project manager to determine where his or her time is</p>

75、;<p>  spent most, so improvements can be made. It is usually easier to reduce a category</p><p>  of high expenditure of time by a small amount than it is to reduce a category of low</p><p

76、>  expenditure of time.</p><p>  the following provides a partial listing of common time wasters.</p><p>  1. Unproductive telephone calls</p><p>  2. Unproductive meetings</p

77、><p>  3. Unscheduled visitors</p><p>  4. Special requests</p><p>  5. Attempting too much at once</p><p>  6. Lack of goals and objectives</p><p>  7. Procr

78、astination on decisions</p><p>  8. Involvement in routine items that others can handle</p><p>  9. Inability to set and keep priorities</p><p>  10. Inability to say no</p>

79、<p>  Common time wasters of project managers are unproductive telephone calls and</p><p>  meetings. Although the telephone is necessary for a manager to perform his or her work, it can be quite disrup

80、tive. There are times when calls should not be received so other tasks can be done. A secretary, assistant, or answering machine can intercept calls to assist in the management of telephone usage. Meetings are mandatory

81、for project management. The most effective way to conduct a productive meeting is to prepare an agenda that is distributed to all attendees prior to the meeting. An agend</p><p>  The project manager must se

82、t priorities and develop a system to manage his or her time. Tasks that are the least interesting can be scheduled at the peak of one's energy. There should be a thorough review to evaluate job activities that can be

83、 assigned to others and an analysis of work to determine how and what can be combined or eliminated. Emphasis should be placed on long-term items, rather than short-term items that can often be delegated to others. Most

84、people are more motivated by work tha</p><p><b>  個人管理技巧</b></p><p>  摘要:隨著建筑業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,項目經(jīng)理的管理技巧對工程項目的成本、質(zhì)量、進度有很大的影響。本文從挑戰(zhàn)和機遇、采用新方法、人的因素、任務(wù)分配、激勵、決策、時間管理方面介紹項目經(jīng)理的個人管理技巧。</p><p

85、>  關(guān)鍵詞: 項目經(jīng)理 個人管理技巧 </p><p>  激勵 采用新的方法 時間管理</p><p><b>  挑戰(zhàn)和機遇</b></p><p>  當(dāng)項目經(jīng)理看到工程項目竣工并在運作,會有大量的自豪感和滿足感。然而工程項目在建設(shè)管理過程中,由于項目的動態(tài)性,會有許多挑戰(zhàn), 在解決出現(xiàn)的問題時卻給項目經(jīng)理和

86、項目團隊成員灌輸某種意義上滿意度。 大多數(shù)項目經(jīng)理同意,終身朋友在項目上是通過一起工作建立起來的。工程項目完成之后,項目經(jīng)理在過去項目工作中的交流往往變成經(jīng)常浮現(xiàn)在記憶中有趣的問題和用來解決問題的方法。 一般情況下,出現(xiàn)的問題在項目完成后似乎比他們在項目的執(zhí)行過程中更嚴(yán)重。</p><p>  當(dāng)一個可能問題出現(xiàn),無論多么困難,項目經(jīng)理將它看做挑戰(zhàn)的機會,總是有一種方法來解決它。在一個項目完成后,大多數(shù)項目經(jīng)理從

87、中吸取教訓(xùn),學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗,他們期待著接下來的項目和機會,精心地準(zhǔn)備開始一個新項目,大多數(shù)項目經(jīng)理同意,他們在工作中非常愉快。</p><p><b>  運用新方法</b></p><p>  有時,抵制新技術(shù)的人直到證明適用才被人接受,通常來說,新技術(shù)是可用的,由于人們不愿革新而抵制它。 成功的項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)當(dāng)評估新的技術(shù)和設(shè)計新方法,采用該技術(shù)方法,以提高項目管理的過程。

88、</p><p>  目前,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是一個可用的和有潛力的技術(shù),影響著項目經(jīng)理做他們的工作,類似于計算機對他們的影響。項目經(jīng)理通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)管理項目的優(yōu)勢有很多,主要是在節(jié)約時間和提高效率。信息可以迅速傳達(dá)給業(yè)主、設(shè)計師、承包商和供應(yīng)商。函授,圖紙和圖片,可以貼在具體項目的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站上易于訪問,而主要團隊成員可以進行數(shù)據(jù)交換,</p><p>  這大大降低了決策的周轉(zhuǎn)時間。例如,使用傳統(tǒng)方法可

89、能需要一個小時只處理一個請求信息(RFI),然后把幾天或幾周內(nèi)得到請求信息答案?,F(xiàn)在電子請求信息提交和記錄幾乎是同時的,一天或者幾天之內(nèi)反應(yīng)往往都是相同的,設(shè)計師、供應(yīng)商和承包商知道他們對網(wǎng)絡(luò)項目管理是負(fù)責(zé)任的。如今,許多企業(yè)通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)媒體進行無紙化辦公,提高效率備受矚目,在壓力下項目經(jīng)理在更短的時間內(nèi)要完成更多的工作。項目越來越復(fù)雜,項目人員預(yù)計交付結(jié)果時間更短, 此外,與過去的項目相比,團隊成員工作位置分布更廣泛。今天,設(shè)計工作在任

90、何地方幾乎都可以立即通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)發(fā)送到世界的任何其他位置 設(shè)計工作可以不斷前進,在24小時內(nèi),設(shè)計人員可以將文件從一個設(shè)計辦公室傳送到世界上的另一個國家。</p><p>  網(wǎng)站改善內(nèi)部和外部通信。 它可以是一個重要的公共信息的工具,對于一個項目,公司可以設(shè)立公共和私人網(wǎng)站 ,一般公眾可以訪問這個網(wǎng)站,了解最新的交通條件及工程進度,而團隊成員使用不同的網(wǎng)站交換詳細(xì)設(shè)計及施工信息。 私人網(wǎng)站可以節(jié)省大量的時間,一


92、記錄、進度更新,和其他數(shù)據(jù)的字段,將其轉(zhuǎn)移到一個數(shù)據(jù)庫合并在一個公司的網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)。另一個例子是項目進度的運用,使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)驅(qū)動工具旨在允許團隊成員看到他們的作業(yè)跨多個項目而使用一個web瀏覽器。開發(fā)、維護和溝通項目進度是至關(guān)重要的項目管理的過程。無論是通過關(guān)鍵線路法或簡單的日歷日程,一個網(wǎng)站可以及時發(fā)布近期的活動。</p><p>  一個web服務(wù)器可以代替一個局域網(wǎng),作為一個中央存儲庫項目文件。這些文件可能包括字處


94、議的解決。工作成本報告也可以發(fā)布進行審查。為了安全,有限的訪問可以提供成本信息不允許訪問一個會計系統(tǒng)。狀態(tài)報告可以發(fā)布在網(wǎng)上與鏈接到其他信息,比如時間表、成本報告,向開發(fā)商發(fā)出正式或事故報告。這提供了一種方式,給用戶一個基于文檔的數(shù)據(jù)庫,是非常容易維護和控制的。</p><p>  語音和多媒體是通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)進行項目管理的另一個應(yīng)用程序?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)可以用來作為話音通信的服務(wù)者。電子郵件現(xiàn)在可以攜帶視頻附件,便宜的硬件和

95、軟件還允許兩個或更多用戶在線電話會議或允許用戶從網(wǎng)上相機實時得到一個視頻。這是一個專家小組在現(xiàn)場解決問題的有效工具,可設(shè)在家里辦公,而不要求他們前往作業(yè)現(xiàn)場。</p><p>  信息的安全性,他可以利用內(nèi)部網(wǎng)和外部網(wǎng)來解決 。一個內(nèi)部網(wǎng)是一個互聯(lián)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站設(shè)置為私人公司使用的,可能包括企業(yè)財務(wù)數(shù)據(jù),時間表,公告,和人力資源信息或其他機密信息。企業(yè)內(nèi)部網(wǎng)可以通過減少文件的數(shù)量、增加手動分配或發(fā)郵件為企業(yè)節(jié)省資金。一個

96、外部網(wǎng)是一個互聯(lián)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站設(shè)立為公司與他人共享使用的。它可能包含各種各樣有限或完全訪問的員工和貿(mào)易伙伴,如分包商,和供應(yīng)商或公眾。具體項目的網(wǎng)站都包括在這一類。</p><p>  通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)項目管理的成功有著巨大的潛力,節(jié)省時間和提高生產(chǎn)率,但教育和培訓(xùn)是必不可少的。項目經(jīng)理必須懂技術(shù)和鍛煉創(chuàng)新思維,適應(yīng)新技術(shù)。對于任何新技術(shù),必須采取預(yù)防措施。 例如,在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上傳輸?shù)脑O(shè)計和數(shù)據(jù)可以開拓的新領(lǐng)域和錯誤,遺漏和未經(jīng)授權(quán)

97、的修改。 有時確認(rèn)收到信息可能需要以確保信息已被收到。利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)結(jié)合僅僅是一個將技術(shù)投入到工作中的例子。 隨著新技術(shù)的開發(fā),項目經(jīng)理必須響應(yīng)潛在的應(yīng)用和設(shè)計方法,采用該技術(shù)提高項目管理的效率。</p><p><b>  人的方面</b></p><p>  收集和管理信息去成功完成一個項目 盡管對于一個項目的管理和控制開發(fā)一個系統(tǒng)是必須的,但是執(zhí)行的主體還是人。


99、><p>  一些項目經(jīng)理抱怨說,工程由于因素?zé)o法控制而沒有完成。例如,項目經(jīng)理可能覺得團隊成員太缺乏經(jīng)驗,或者解釋需要做什么比做他們花費更多時間,或者擔(dān)心由一個團隊成員的錯誤,將會付出沉重代價。其他典型的例子是覺得別人太忙,沒時間和額外的作業(yè)或者其他人避免承擔(dān)責(zé)任 。雖然這些因素是值得關(guān)注,他們和類似的因素是與人的工作和日常工作的一部分可以通過良好的管理技巧予以克服,項目經(jīng)理在做這項工作之前有多年的項目管理經(jīng)驗,他


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