1、<p><b> 中文2020字</b></p><p> 本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)</p><p> 外 文 翻 譯</p><p><b> 原文:</b></p><p> How Many Properties Can a Property Manager M
2、anage ?</p><p> The oldest question in the real estate management profession is, "How many properties can a property manager manage ? "The answer has always been, "Well ,it depends." &l
3、t;/p><p> Executive property managers often use their intuition to determine when a property manager has reached the maximum number of properties he or she can manage. However, quantifying the number of proper
4、ties a property manager can manage can be achieved methodically.</p><p> METHOD TO THE MADNESS</p><p> Calculating the number of properties a manager can manage first requires evaluating the o
5、perations of a company and then rating the management activities of each property. To achieve this, companies should develop a point system taking such factors into consideration.</p><p> To develop a point
6、 system, the executive property manager must first determine a set of criteria used to evaluate the company's management philosophy, how its operations work and the experience of its property managers. Each property
7、should then be assigned a score based on its management activities as they relate to the determined criteria.</p><p> Companies also need to establish a range of points each property manager should be able
8、to handle. They can then assign managers properties with a total point score within that range. Ultimately, the final determination of the number of properties a property manager can manage combines the objectivity of th
9、e evaluation process and the executive property manager's intuitive understanding of how his or her company and managers operate.</p><p> This process can be used to evaluate a variety of commercial an
10、d residential property types. An evaluation form can easily be developed for any property type or a portfolio of mixed-property types.</p><p> INVARIABLY COMPLEX</p><p> To accurately assess a
11、 company, five variables should be taken into account. Each of the variables is used to determine how the property management company operates, which then forms the base for the range of property points within a portfoli
12、o that a typical property manager could manage.</p><p> The first variable to consider when assessing a company is whether a property management company or division is managing properties owned by the firm
13、or its parent company-known as in-house management—or whether the firm is providing third-party management services. </p><p> Generally, managing in-house properties is easier than managing third-party prop
14、erties: In-house management has one client with one set of goals and objectives, one accounting system, one set of reporting requirements and uses one property management software program. Firms providing third-party man
15、agement services, however, have multiple clients with different goals and objectives, more reporting requirements, multiple required software programs, and the list goes on.</p><p> As a result, property ma
16、nagers working for firms managing their own properties should be able to manage more properties or be assigned a higher number of property points than property managers working for third-party property management firms.&
17、lt;/p><p> Another variable to consider when assessing a company is its operations. The firm should take a close look at its administrative and accounting support, the supervision and resources available to it
18、s property managers and additional duties assigned to property managers.</p><p> Some firms assign accounting responsibilities like calculating the commercial tenants' prorata share of pass-through char
19、ges, year-end reconciliations and percentage rent adjustments to their property managers. Other firms believe their accounting personnel can more efficiently and accurately perform these calculations and would rather hav
20、e their property managers in the field managing their properties.</p><p> Property managers who are lacking or sharing administrative assistants, or who are assigned additional duties like leasing, accounti
21、ng tasks and tenant improvement supervision, will have less time to manage properties. If this is the case they should be assigned fewer properties to manage. Even so, the income from transactions and tenant improvement
22、 supervision often far exceeds the income generated by assigning one or two more properties to a property manager's portfolio.</p><p> The level of service provided by the property management firm is al
23、so an important variable that should be analyzed. All property owners do not need the same level of service. Institution owners require a higher level of service than local owners who visit their property regularly and d
24、o not need sophisticated accounting reports. In fact, the local owner will prefer to pay a lower fee for a lower level of service.</p><p> The final variable companies should take into account while doing t
25、heir assessment is the experience and capabilities of their property managers. Experienced property managers can manage a larger or more challenging portfolio than a neophyte. Firms should develop two ranges of points th
26、eir property managers can manage, one for the experienced manager and the other for the entry level property managers. </p><p> The work habits and efficiency of the property manager will also determine the
27、 number of properties he or she can manage. Does the property manager have transaction experience leasing, refinancing or selling properties? Can the property manager supervise or coordinate tenant improvements? These an
28、d other skills will determine which properties and the number of properties a property manager can manage.</p><p> ANALYZE THIS</p><p> After assessing the management company, a rating system
29、is then developed for each property and its management activities. Each property management activity and the property's location are assigned a number and they are totaled for a property's score.</p><p
30、> When developing the points for each property's management activity , the executive property manager considers a whole new set of variables(discussed in the sidebar on page 42) to develop a baseline for each man
31、agement activity. Each property's management activity or variable are then evaluated using the baseline points. The executive property manager can rate the properties the firm currently manages and this can be the st
32、arting point for creating the system discussed.</p><p> After the executive property manager has developed company specific criteria, determined the level of activity for the baseline of service for each va
33、riable, and issued, implemented and used the method for a while, he or she will become comfortable with the system created and assigning points and over time may modify the number of points used to determine portfolio si
34、zes. </p><p> Every property management company has its own management philosophy and methods to operate its company. Each property management company develops a market niche, including the types of propert
35、ies it manages, the geographic area or areas it operates in, the level and types of services it provides and the type of property ownership or clients it serves.</p><p> Sourse: Hal Cottingham ,Richard Muhl
36、ebach . How Many Properties Can a Property Manager Manage, Journal of Property Management(2007),40-43</p><p><b> 譯文:</b></p><p> 一個物業(yè)管理者可以管理多少物業(yè)</p><p> 在物業(yè)管理行業(yè)有一個最古
37、老的問題是,“一位物業(yè)經理可以管理多少物業(yè)?”答案始終是同一個,“這要看情況”。</p><p> 高級物業(yè)經理人總是憑直覺來判斷物業(yè)經理人何時能達到他或她可以管理的最大數量的物業(yè)。然而,量化一位物業(yè)管理者可以管理的物業(yè)數量可以實現有條不紊。</p><p> 解決問題的途徑 </p><p> 要了解一名物業(yè)管理者可以管理多少物業(yè),首先對公司業(yè)務進行評估
38、,然后評價每一棟物業(yè)的管理活動。為了實現這一目標,公司制定的計分制度應該將這些因素列于考察范圍內。</p><p> 要開發(fā)一個計分制度,高級物業(yè)管理人員必須首先確定用于評估公司物業(yè)管理活動及經營理念的標準。根據制定的標準,對每一棟物業(yè)的物業(yè)管理活動進行打分。</p><p> 企業(yè)還需建立一系列的評估標準便于每個物業(yè)管理者能夠操作。然后,他們可以根據這個標準給每位物業(yè)管理者的管理工作
39、進行打分。高級物業(yè)經理可以根據每位物業(yè)管理者得到的分數,并結合對每位物業(yè)管理者的了解,最后決定每位物業(yè)管理者可以管理的物業(yè)的數量。</p><p> 這種方法可以用于評價商業(yè)、住宅等各種物業(yè)類型。并且這種評估標準、評估內容可以根據物業(yè)類型做相應的調整,即使是混合型物業(yè)也可以。</p><p><b> 復雜的考核內容</b></p><p>
40、; 為了準確地評估公司,五個變量是必須要考慮的。以這些變量為基礎的考核形式用來確定物業(yè)管理公司如何管理運作??己藘热堇锇烁鞣N類型的物業(yè)管理。作為一名物業(yè)管理人員,這是必須要掌握的。</p><p> 第一個變量是用來確認一家公司的物業(yè)管理是由其母公司或是其下屬的物業(yè)管理公司提供服務,還是由公司內部提供物業(yè)管理服務,甚至是第三方提供服務。</p><p> 一般情況下,公司內部提供
41、物業(yè)管理比第三方提供物業(yè)管理更好:公司內部是公司的一個部門,和公司本身有共同的目標,而且制作的各類報告符合本公司的要求,在同一個會計系統(tǒng)內。而由企業(yè)提供的第三方服務,由于企業(yè)的目標、服務理念的不同,制作的各類報告要求等有所不同。因此需要多種管理服務軟件。這樣的例子不勝枚舉。</p><p> 因此,為本公司的物業(yè)提供物業(yè)管理服務的工作人員可以管理更多的物業(yè)或是在物業(yè)管理計分考核中得到更高的分數。那些第三方物業(yè)管
42、理提供者就相對要差一些。</p><p> 另一個變量的設置是用來評估公司時要考慮的評估一家公司的業(yè)務。公司需要仔細了解物業(yè)管理人員在后勤管理、財務會計、監(jiān)管、資源利用等情況,以及物業(yè)管理人員的其他工作職責。</p><p> 有些公司像每個商鋪承租者應該負責多少公攤面積的物業(yè)管理費那樣,到了年末,通過年終對賬和相應租金百分比來計算物業(yè)管理費用。而另一些公司則認為本公司的會計人員能更加
43、有效、準確地計算出其物業(yè)管理費用,因此傾向于由本公司來負責物業(yè)管理。</p><p> 那些沒有單獨配備助手或是承擔額外的工作職責的物業(yè)管理人員會因為承租人要求加強會計監(jiān)督等工作內容的增加,使得缺乏充裕的時間來管理物業(yè)。這將是部分物業(yè)管理人員能夠管理的物業(yè)較少的原因之一。然而,這并不影響物業(yè)管理人員的收入情況。這些物業(yè)管理人員會從額外的工作中獲取收入,而且比那些僅僅是以管理物業(yè)來獲取收入的管理人員高很多。<
44、;/p><p> 物業(yè)管理公司提供的服務并不處于同一層次。這是由于所有的業(yè)主并不需要同樣的服務水平。從事于物業(yè)投資的機構需要比當地人物業(yè)投資人更高的物業(yè)服務,因為他們需要各種準確的會計報告。然而,那些當地的物業(yè)所有者并不需要。因此,當地的物業(yè)所有者會傾向于選擇一些服務水平比較低的物業(yè)管理公司來為他們提供服務。</p><p> 最后一個考察內容是公司會評估物業(yè)管理人員的工作經歷和工作能力。
45、經驗豐富的物業(yè)管理人員相對于新手來說,可以管理更多的物業(yè),甚至是管理那些具有一定難度的物業(yè)。企業(yè)在物業(yè)管理人員時,最好是兩個人,分別是有經驗的物業(yè)管理人員和剛入行的物業(yè)管理人員。</p><p> 一個物業(yè)管理者的工作習慣和工作效率決定了他所能管理的物業(yè)的多寡。物業(yè)管理者是否有物業(yè)交易、租賃、利用物業(yè)融資等職業(yè)經驗?物業(yè)管理者是否可以起監(jiān)督的作用或是滿足承租人更高的要求?這些相關的經驗和技能都決定了物業(yè)管理者所
46、能管理的物業(yè)的數量及類型。</p><p><b> 如何分析評估內容</b></p><p> 在評估完物業(yè)管理公司后,根據每個物業(yè)及其管理活動的特性特性添加相應的考核內容評級制度。每個物業(yè)的管理情況及其位置都會給予一個編號。他們會根據評估標準給每個物業(yè)一個總分。</p><p> 在制定每個物業(yè)管理需要考察的內容時,高級物業(yè)管理人員會
47、考慮到一系列的影響因素,以此制作一個基礎的考察標準。在評估每個物業(yè)的管理情況時都會以此作為基準點。高級物業(yè)管理者已經就能否應用這個系統(tǒng)對物業(yè)管理公司當下的物業(yè)管理活動進行合理的評級進行了討論。</p><p> 高級物業(yè)管理人員根據已經制定的物業(yè)管理評估標準進行評估。根據實踐中的情況做了相應的調整。最后得出的具體將更加符合實際情況。同時,被評估的物業(yè)管理人員對此評估標準也比較滿意。隨著時間的推移,這個系統(tǒng)可能用
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- 一個物業(yè)管理者可以管理多少物業(yè)【外文翻譯】
- 小區(qū)物業(yè)管理外文翻譯
- 物業(yè)管理的外文翻譯
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