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1、<p>  字數(shù):英文2904單詞,16015字符;中文5190漢字</p><p>  出處:M Crosby,V Kalyanaraman,et al.BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin[J]Applied Innovation Review.2016,7(2):6-19</p><p><b>  外文文獻: </b&

2、gt;</p><p>  BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin</p><p>  Abstract A blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that h

3、ave been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The

4、 blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made. Bitcoin, the decentralized peer-to-peer digital curren</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  A blockchain is

5、essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by c

6、onsensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made. To use a basic analo

7、gy, it is easier to steal a cookie from a co</p><p>  Bitcoin is the most popular example that is intrinsically tied to blockchain technology. It is also the most controversial one since it helps to enable a

8、 multibillion-dollar global market of anonymous transactions without any governmental control. Hence it has to deal with a number of regulatory issues involving national governments and financial institutions.</p>

9、<p>  However, Blockchain technology itself is non-controversial and has worked flawlessly over the years and is being successfully applied to both financial and non-financial world applications. Last year, Marc An

10、dreessen, the doyen of Silicon Valley’s capitalists, listed the blockchain distributed consensus model as the most important invention since the Internet itself. Johann Palychata from BNP Paribas wrote in the Quintessenc

11、e magazine that bitcoin’s blockchain, the software that allows the digit</p><p>  Section I: BlockChain Technology</p><p>  1.Short History of Bitcoin</p><p>  In 2008, an individua

12、l (or group) writing under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash System”. This paper described a peer-to-peer version of the electronic cash that would allow onl

13、ine payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Bitcoin was the first realization of this concept. Now “cryptocurrencies” is the label that is used to describe al

14、l networks and mediums of exchange that</p><p>  The author of the first paper wanted to remain anonymous and hence no one knows Satoshi Nakamoto to this day. A few months later, an open source program imple

15、menting the new protocol was released, beginning with the Genesis block of 50 coins. Anyone can install this open source program and become part of the bitcoin peer-to-peer network. It has grown in popularity since then.

16、</p><p>  The popularity of the Bitcoin has never ceased to increase since then. Moreover, the underlying BlockChain technology is now finding new range of applications beyond finance.</p><p>  

17、2.Blockchain Technology: How does it work?</p><p>  We explain the concept of the blockchain by explaining how Bitcoin works since it is intrinsically linked to the Bitcoin. However, the blockchain technolog

18、y is applicable to any digital asset transaction exchanged online.</p><p>  (1)Validate Entries</p><p>  (2)Safeguard Entries</p><p>  (3)Preserve Historic Record</p><p&g

19、t;  Internet commerce is exclusively tied to the financial institutions serving as the trusted third party who process and mediate any electronic transaction. The role of trusted third party is to validate, safeguard and

20、 preserve transactions. A certain percentage of fraud is unavoidable in online transactions and that needs mediation by financial transactions. This results in high transaction costs.</p><p>  Bitcoin uses c

21、ryptographic proof instead of the trust-in-the-third-party mechanism for two willing parties to execute an online transaction over the Internet. Each transaction is protected through a digital signature, is sent to the “

22、public key” of the receiver, and is digitally signed using the “private key” of the sender. In order to spend money, the owner of the cryptocurrency needs to prove his ownership of the “private key”. The entity receiving

23、 the digital currency then verifies the digita</p><p>  However, there is question of maintaining the order of these transactions that are broadcasted to every other node in the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network.

24、 The transactions do not come in order in which they are generated, and hence there is a need for a system to make sure that double-spending of the cryptocurrency does not occur. Considering that the transactions are pas

25、sed node by node through the Bitcoin network, there is no guarantee that orders in which they are received at a node are the same</p><p>  The Bitcoin solved this problem by a mechanism that is now popularly

26、 known as Blockchain technology. The Bitcoin system orders transactions by placing them in groups called blocks and then linking these blocks through what is called Blockchain. The transactions in one block are considere

27、d to have happened at the same time. These blocks are linked to each-other (like a chain) in a proper linear, chronological order with every block containing the hash of the previous block.</p><p>  Section

28、II: Existing Market</p><p>  Blockchain technology is finding applications in both financial and non-financial areas that traditionally relied on a third trusted online entity to validate and safeguard onlin

29、e transactions of digital assets. There was another application “Smart Contracts” that was invented in year 1994 by Nick Szabo. It was a great idea to automatically execute contracts between participating parties. Howeve

30、r, it did not find usage until the notion of crypto currencies or programmable payments came into exis</p><p>  Smart Contracts are contracts which are automatically enforced by computer protocols. Using blo

31、ckchain technology has made it much more easier to register, verify and execute them. Moreover, open source companies like Ethereum and Codius are already enabling Smart Contracts using blockchain technology and many com

32、panies which operate on bitcoin and blockchain technologies are beginning to support Smart Contracts. Many cases where assets are transferred only after meeting certain conditions, whic</p><p>  In particula

33、r, Ethereum has created lot of excitement for its programmable platform capabilities. The company allows anyone to create their own cryptocurrency and use that to execute and pay for Smart Contracts, while it also posses

34、ses its own cryptocurrency (ether) which is used to pay for the services. Ethereum is already powering a wide range of early applications in areas such as Governance, autonomous banks, keyless access, crowdfunding, finan

35、cial derivatives trading and settlement, all by </p><p>  Companies such as IBM, Samsung, Overstock, Amazon, UBS, Citi, Ebay, and Verizon Wireless, to name a few, are all exploring alternative and novel uses

36、 of the blockchain for their own applications. Nine of the world’s biggest banks including Barclays and Goldman Sachs5 have recently joined forces with the New York based financial technology firm R3 in September 2015 in

37、 order to create a framework for using the blockchain technology in the financial market. This is the first time banks have come to</p><p>  Section III: Applications of Technology-Compelling Use Cases in bo

38、th Financial and Non-Financial Areas</p><p>  1.Financial Applications</p><p>  1.1.Private Securities</p><p>  It is very expensive to take a company public. A syndicate of banks m

39、ust work to underwrite the deal and attract investors. The stock exchanges list company shares for secondary market to function securely with trades settling and clearing in a timely manner. It is now theoretically possi

40、ble for companies to directly issue the shares via the blockchain. These shares can then be purchased and sold in a secondary market that sits on top of the blockchain. </p><p>  NASDAQ launched its Private

41、Equity Exchange in 2014. This is meant to provide the key functionalities like Cap table and investor relationship management for the the pre-IPO or private companies. The current process of trading stocks in this exchan

42、ge is inefficient and slow due to involvement of multiple 3rd parties. NASDAQ has joined hands with a San Francisco based Startup called chain.com to implement private equity exchange on top of BlockChain. Chain.com is i

43、mplementing BlockChain based sma</p><p>  1.2. Insurance</p><p>  Assets which can be uniquely identified by one or more identifiers that are difficult to destroy or replicate can be registered

44、in blockchain. This can be used to verify ownership of an asset and also trace the transaction history. Any property (physical or digital such as real estate, automobiles, physical assets, laptops, other valuables) can p

45、otentially be registered in blockchain and the ownership, transaction history can be validated by anyone, especially insurers.</p><p>  Everledger is a company which creates permanent ledger of diamond certi

46、fication and the transaction history of the diamond using blockchain. The characteristics which uniquely identify the diamond such as height, width, weight, depth, color etc are hashed and registered in the ledger. The v

47、erification of diamonds can be done by insurance companies, law enforcement agencies, owners and claimants. Everledger provides a simple to use web service API for looking at a diamond, and create, read or upd</p>

48、<p>  2.Non-Financial Applications:</p><p>  2.1.Notary Public</p><p>  Verifying authenticity of the document can be done using blockchain and eliminates the need for centralized authorit

49、y. The document certification service helps in Proof of Ownership (who authored it), Proof of Existence (at a certain time) and Proof of Integrity (not tampered) of the documents. Since it is counterfeit-proof and can be

50、 verified by independent third parties, these services are legally binding. Using blockchain for notarization secures the privacy of the document as well as those w</p><p>  Stampery is a company which can s

51、tamp email or any files using blockchain. It simplifies certifying of emails by just emailing them to an email specifically created for each customer. Law firms are using Stampery’s technology for a very cost effective w

52、ay to certify documents.</p><p>  2.2.Applications of Blockchain in the Music Industry</p><p>  The music industry has gone a big change in last decade due to the growth of Internet and availabi

53、lity of a number of streaming services over the Internet. This change is impacting everyone in the music industry: artists, labels, publishers, songwriters and streaming service providers. The process by which music roya

54、lties are determined has always been a convoluted one, but the emergence of the Internet has made it even more complex giving rise to the demand of transparency in the royalty paymen</p><p>  This is where t

55、he blockchain can play a role. The technology can help mantain a comprehen sive and accurate distributed database of music rights ownership information in a public ledger. In addition to rights ownership information, the

56、 royalty split for each work, as determined by Smart Contracts, could be added to the database. This Smart Contracts would in turn define the relationship relationships between different stakeholders (addresses) and auto

57、mate their interactions.</p><p>  2.3.Decentralized proof of existence of documents</p><p>  Validating the existence or the possession of signed documents is very important in any legal solutio

58、n. The traditional document validation models rely on central authorities for storing and validating the documents, which presents some obvious security challenges. These models become even more difficult as the document

59、s become older.</p><p>  The blockchain technology provides an alternative model to proof-of-existence and possession of legal documents. Proof of Existence is a simple service that allows one to anonymously

60、 and securely store online proof of existence of any document. This service simply stores the cryptographic digest of the file, linked to the time in which a user submits his document. It is worth noting that the cryptog

61、raphic digest or fingerprint is what is stored, and not the actual document. In this way, the user</p><p>  Section IV: Risks of Adoption</p><p>  BlockChain is a promising breakthrough technolo

62、gy. As we described before, there are vast array of applications or problems that can be solved using BlockChain based technology, spanning from Financial (remittance to investment banking) to non-financial applications

63、like Notary services.</p><p>  Most of these are radical innovations. As it happens with the adoption of radical innovations, there are significant risks of adoption.</p><p>  Behavior change: C

64、hange is constant, but there is resistance to change. In the world of non-tangible trusted third parties introduced by BlockChain, customers need to get used to the fact that their electronic transactions are safe, secur

65、ed and complete. The present day intermediaries like Visa or Mastercard (in case of a credit cards) will also go through a change of roles and responsibilities. We envision that these companies will also invest and move

66、their platforms to be BlockChain-based. Th</p><p>  Scaling: Scaling of the current nascent services based on BlockChain presents a challenge. Imagine yourself executing a BlockChain transaction for the firs

67、t time. You will have to go through downloading the entire set of existing BlockChains and validate before executing your first transaction. This may take hours or longer as the number of blocks increase exponentially.&l

68、t;/p><p>  Bootstrapping: Moving the existing contracts or business documents/ frameworks to the new BlockChain based methodology presents a significant set of migration tasks that need to be executed. For exam

69、ple, in case of Real Estate ownerships, the existing documents lying in County or Escrow companies need to be migrated to the equivalent BlockChain form. This may involve time and costs.</p><p>  Government

70、Regulations: In the new world of BlockChain-based transactions, government agencies like FTC and SEC may slow down the adoption by introducing new laws to monitor and regulate the industry for compliance. In a way, this

71、may help adoption in the United States as these agencies carry customer trust. In more controlled economies like China, the adoption will face significant headwind.</p><p>  Fraudulent Activities: Given the

72、pseudonymous nature of BlockChain transactions, coupled with ease of moving valuables, the “bad guy”s may misuse the technology for fraudulent activities like money trafficking. That said, with enough regulations and tec

73、hnology-support, law enforcement agencies will be able to monitor and prosecute these individuals.</p><p>  Quantum Computing: The basis of BlockChain technology relies on the very fact that it is mathematic

74、ally impossible for a single par ty to game the system due to lack of needed compute power. But with the future advent of Quantum Computers, the cryptographic keys may be easy enough to crack within a reasonable time thr

75、ough a sheer brute force approach. This would bring the whole system to its knee. The counter-argument would be for keys to become even stronger so that they may not be easy to crac</p><p>  Conclusion</p

76、><p>  BlockChain is Bitcoin’s backbone technology. The distributed ledger functionality coupled with the security of BlockChain makes it a very attractive technology to solve the current financial as well as n

77、on-financial industry problems.</p><p>  As far as the technology is concerned, the cryptocurrency-based technology is either in the down ward slope of inflated expectations or in trough of disillusionment.&

78、lt;/p><p>  There is enormous interest in BlockChain-based business applications and hence numerous start-ups working on them.</p><p>  The adoption definitely faces strong headwind as described be

79、fore. However, even large financial institutions such as Visa, Mastercard, Banks, and NASDAQ, are investing in exploring applications of current business models on BlockChain. In fact, some of them are searching for new

80、business models in the world of BlockChain.</p><p>  Some would like to stay that they are even ahead of the curve in terms of transformed regulatory environments for BlockChain.</p><p>  We env

81、ision BlockChain technology going through slow adoption due to the risks associated. Most of the startups will fail with few winners. Having said this, we should be seeing significant adoption in a decade or two.</p&g

82、t;<p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù):超越比特幣</p><p>  摘要 區(qū)塊鏈本質(zhì)上是一個分布式的記錄數(shù)據(jù)庫,或是一個在參與方之間執(zhí)行和共享的所有交易或數(shù)字事件的公共分類賬。公共分類賬中的每個交易記錄都通過系統(tǒng)中大多數(shù)參與者的協(xié)商一致來驗證。一旦輸入,信息永遠不會被刪除。區(qū)塊鏈包含了有史以來每一筆交易特定的和可

83、驗證的記錄。分散的P2P形式的數(shù)字貨幣——比特幣,是使用區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)最流行的例子。數(shù)字貨幣比特幣本身具有很大的爭議性,但底層區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)運行良好,在金融和非金融領域都有廣泛的應用。</p><p><b>  簡介</b></p><p>  區(qū)塊鏈本質(zhì)上是一個分布式的記錄數(shù)據(jù)庫,或是一個在參與方之間執(zhí)行和共享的所有交易或數(shù)字事件的公共分類賬。公共分類賬中的每個交易記錄都

84、通過系統(tǒng)中大多數(shù)參與者的協(xié)商一致來驗證。一旦輸入,信息永遠不會被刪除。區(qū)塊鏈包含了有史以來每一筆交易特定的和可驗證的記錄。用一個基本的比喻來說,就是相比于從藏在僻靜處的餅干罐子里偷走一塊餅干,要從集市上的餅干罐子里偷走一塊餅干顯得困難得多,因為成千上萬的人都能觀察的到這塊餅干。</p><p>  比特幣是與區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)有著內(nèi)在聯(lián)系的最流行的例子。這也是最具爭議的一個例子,因為它有助于在沒有政府控制的情況下實現(xiàn)數(shù)十

85、億美元的全球匿名交易市場。因此它必須處理一些涉及國家政府和金融機構(gòu)的監(jiān)管問題。</p><p>  然而,區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)本身是沒有爭議的,多年來一直運行得非常完美,并且正在成功地應用于金融和非金融領域。去年,硅谷投資家老前輩MarcAndreessen將區(qū)塊鏈分布式共識模型列為自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)以來最重要的發(fā)明。來自法國巴黎銀行的JohannPalychata在Quintessence雜志上寫道,比特幣的區(qū)塊鏈,允許數(shù)字貨幣功

86、能的軟件應該被認為是一種像蒸汽或內(nèi)燃機這樣的發(fā)明,它有可能改變金融界和其他領域。</p><p>  第一部分:區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)</p><p><b>  1.比特幣的歷史</b></p><p>  2008年,以“中本聰”為名的一個人(或團體)發(fā)表了題為“比特幣:P2P電子現(xiàn)金系統(tǒng)”的論文。文章描述了一種P2P形式電子現(xiàn)金,它允許在線支付直接從

87、一方轉(zhuǎn)到另一方,而不必通過金融機構(gòu)。比特幣是這個概念的首次實現(xiàn)。現(xiàn)在“加密貨幣”是用來描述所有使用密碼術(shù)來保證交易的交換網(wǎng)絡和介質(zhì)的標簽——相對于那些通過集中式的可信實體進行交易的系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  第一篇論文的作者想要保持匿名,因此到今天也沒有人知道“中本聰”是誰。幾個月后,一個實施新協(xié)議的開源程序被發(fā)布,從50幣的創(chuàng)始區(qū)塊開始。任何人都可以安裝這個開源程序,并成為比特幣點對點網(wǎng)絡的一部分。自那時起,比

88、特幣就越來越受歡迎。</p><p>  自此,比特幣的人氣從未停止過增長。此外,底層的區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)目前正在尋找超出金融領域的新應用。</p><p>  2.區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù):它是如何工作的?</p><p>  我們通過解釋比特幣如何工作來闡述區(qū)塊鏈的概念,因為它與比特幣具有內(nèi)在聯(lián)系。然而,區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)適用于在線交換的任何數(shù)字資產(chǎn)交易。</p><p&

89、gt;<b> ?。?)驗證條目</b></p><p><b> ?。?)保護條目</b></p><p><b> ?。?)保存歷史記錄</b></p><p>  互聯(lián)網(wǎng)商業(yè)完全是與金融機構(gòu)聯(lián)系在一起的,后者是負責處理和調(diào)解任何電子交易的可信第三方??尚诺谌降淖饔檬球炞C、保護和保存交易記錄。在

90、網(wǎng)上交易中,一定比例的欺詐是不可避免的,需要通過金融交易進行調(diào)解。這就導致高的交易成本。</p><p>  比特幣使用加密驗證,而不是兩個愿意通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)執(zhí)行在線交易的當事人對第三方機制的信任。每筆交易都通過數(shù)字簽名進行保護,發(fā)送給接收方的“公鑰”,并使用發(fā)送方的“私鑰”進行數(shù)字簽名。為了使用貨幣,加密貨幣的所有者需要證明他對“私鑰”的所有權(quán)。接收數(shù)字貨幣的實體然后驗證數(shù)字簽名,這意味著在各自的交易中使用發(fā)送方的

91、“公鑰”來表示對應的“私鑰”的所有權(quán)。每筆交易都會廣播到比特幣網(wǎng)絡中的每個節(jié)點,并在驗證后記錄在公共分類賬中。在公共分類賬中記錄之前,每筆交易都需要驗證其有效性。</p><p>  但是,在維護這些交易的順序方面存在問題,它要被廣播到比特幣P2P網(wǎng)絡中的每一個其他節(jié)點。這些交易并不是按照它們生成的順序來進行的,因此需要一個系統(tǒng)來確保不會發(fā)生加密貨幣的雙重支出??紤]到交易是通過比特幣網(wǎng)絡逐個節(jié)點傳遞的,因此不能保

92、證它們在節(jié)點處接收到的訂單與生成這些交易的順序相同。這就意味著需要開發(fā)一種機制,以便整個比特幣網(wǎng)絡都可以就交易順序達成一致,這在分布式系統(tǒng)中是一項艱巨的任務。</p><p>  比特幣通過一種現(xiàn)在普遍稱為區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)的機制解決了這個問題。比特幣系統(tǒng)通過將交易放置在稱為區(qū)塊的組中,然后用所謂的區(qū)塊鏈將這些區(qū)塊鏈接起來,從而確定交易的順序。一個區(qū)塊中的交易被認為是同時發(fā)生的。這些區(qū)塊以適當?shù)木€性時間順序鏈接到彼此(如

93、鏈),每個區(qū)塊包含上一個區(qū)塊的散列的時間順序。</p><p><b>  第二部分:現(xiàn)有市場</b></p><p>  區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)正在尋找金融和非金融領域的應用,革新傳統(tǒng)上依賴第三方可信在線實體來驗證和保護數(shù)字資產(chǎn)的在線交易。還有另一個由NickSzabo于1994年發(fā)明的“智能合約”的應用。在參與方之間自動執(zhí)行合約是一個好主意。不過,這直到加密貨幣或可設定支付的

94、概念出現(xiàn),才得以應用?,F(xiàn)在,當合約協(xié)議的預先設定的條件被觸發(fā)時,區(qū)塊鏈和智能合約這兩個程序可以一起工作來引起支付。智能合約真是加密貨幣世界的殺手锏。</p><p>  智能合約是由計算機協(xié)議自動執(zhí)行的合約。使用區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)使注冊、驗證和執(zhí)行變得更加容易。此外,像以太坊和Codius這樣的開源公司已經(jīng)開始使用區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)來實現(xiàn)智能合約,許多使用比特幣和區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)的公司開始支持智能合約。許多情況下,只有在滿足某些條件(

95、需要律師創(chuàng)建合同以及銀行提供代管服務)后才能轉(zhuǎn)移的資產(chǎn),才能被智能合約所取代。</p><p>  特別是,以太坊創(chuàng)造了很多令人興奮的可編程平臺功能。該公司允許任何人創(chuàng)建自己的加密貨幣,并使用它來執(zhí)行和支付智能合約,同時它還擁有自己的用于支付服務的加密貨幣(以太幣)。以太坊已經(jīng)在治理、自主銀行、無鑰匙進入、眾籌、金融衍生產(chǎn)品交易和結(jié)算等領域為各種早期應用提供支持,所有這些都通過使用智能合約來實現(xiàn)。</p&g

96、t;<p>  諸如IBM、三星、Overstock、亞馬遜、瑞銀、花旗、Ebay和威瑞森無線等公司都在探索區(qū)塊鏈的替代和新穎用途,以供他們自己的應用程序使用。2015年9月,為了在金融市場中創(chuàng)建一個使用區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)的框架,包括巴克萊和高盛在內(nèi)的全球最大的9家銀行最近與紐約金融技術(shù)公司R3聯(lián)手。這是銀行首次合作尋找區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)的應用。像摩根大通、道富銀行、瑞銀、蘇格蘭皇家銀行、瑞士信貸銀行、西班牙對外銀行和澳大利亞聯(lián)邦銀行等主

97、要銀行都加入了這一舉措。</p><p>  第三部分:在金融和非金融領域應用技術(shù)引人注目的案例</p><p><b>  1.金融領域的應用</b></p><p><b>  1.1.私募證券</b></p><p>  公司上市是非常昂貴的。銀行集團必須努力承銷這筆交易并吸引投資者。證券交易

98、所將二級市場的公司股票列入安全運行的交易,并及時進行交易結(jié)算和清算。現(xiàn)在理論上公司可以通過區(qū)塊鏈直接發(fā)行股票。這些股票可以在位于區(qū)塊鏈頂端的二級市場上購買和出售。</p><p>  納斯達克在2014年推出了私募股權(quán)交易所。這意味著為上市前或私營公司提供關(guān)鍵功能,如股權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)表和投資者關(guān)系管理。由于多個第三方的參與,目前在這個交易所進行股票交易的過程效率低下、速度緩慢。納斯達克與舊金山的一家名為chain.com

99、的創(chuàng)業(yè)公司聯(lián)手,在區(qū)塊鏈上實施私募股權(quán)交易。Chain.com正在實施基于區(qū)塊鏈的智能合約來實現(xiàn)交換功能。該產(chǎn)品有望達到速度快、可追蹤和高效率。</p><p><b>  1.2.保險</b></p><p>  可以在區(qū)塊鏈中注冊由一個或多個難以銷毀或復制的標識符唯一標識的資產(chǎn)。這可以用來驗證資產(chǎn)的所有權(quán),也可以追蹤交易歷史。任何財產(chǎn)(實物或數(shù)字,如房地產(chǎn)、汽車、


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