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1、<p><b>  中文3210字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目: Game Analysis of Implementing Price Undertaking </p><p>  Agreements in Anti-dumping Disputes

2、 </p><p>  出 處: Journal of Donghua University, 2008 , (1): 65-68 </p><p>  作 者: Xi Jun-fang , Cang Ping , Zhong Gen-yuan </p><p><

3、;b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Game Analysis of Implementing Price Undertaking Agreements in Anti-dumping Disputes</p><p>  Xi Jun-fang , Cang Ping , Zhong Gen-yuan</p><p><b&g

4、t;  Abstract</b></p><p>  The Price Undertaking Agreement is one of the strategies a company accused of dumping often adopts in dealing with anti-dumping disputes.Using static game analysis,this paper

5、compares the impact that anti-dumping duties and price undertaking agreements may have on an importing country’s social welfare and an accused company’s market performance.We conclude that,compared with anti-dumping duti

6、es,price undertakings improve the importing country’s social welfare and reduce the accused company’s mar</p><p>  Key words:anti-dumping;price undertaking;anti-dumping duty</p><p>  Introducti

7、on</p><p>  A price undertaking is a commitment in international trade to raise prices or to stop exporting goods at a price the importing country considers to be a dumping price.Such an agreement,when accep

8、ted by the importing country,typically terminates any anti-dumping (AD) investigation and exempts the investigated dumping products from temporary or permanent AD duties.</p><p>  Price undertakings may be i

9、nitiated by the exporting firm or by the importing country.Typically, an undertaking’s specified increase in price does not entirely eliminate the exporting company’s price advantage;rather,it is set at a level to elimin

10、ate a perceived dumping margin.According to the WTO Anti-Dumping (AD) Agreement and worldwide AD laws,exporting firms can come to agreements with importing countries by raising exporting prices or by ceasing exports at p

11、rices the importing country consi</p><p>  Therefore, China and Chinese companies will more effectively deal with future trade disputes when they understand the history and effect of price undertakings, spec

12、ifically the relative effects of price undertakings and AD duties on importing and exporting countries.</p><p>  Zanardi’s study demonstrated a big difference in implementing price undertakings among countri

13、es or regions with many AD case.Between 1981 and 2001, in EEC and South Korea, 41% of ECC and 40% of S.Korean AD disputes were settled with price undertakings, while only 5% of U.S. cases were.Stegemann and Palmeter comp

14、are the theory and filing process of the commitment of price undertakings with that of imposing AD duties.In regards to the growing trade disputes against China,Du introduced and analyze</p><p>  1 Modeling&

15、lt;/p><p>  In order to make the analysis simple, we assume two countries,named home and foreign respectively,in each of which there is only one firm who produces homogenous products.Both the home firm and the

16、foreign firm compete in quantity in their domestic market with complete information, in order to maximize their profits.Thus, these two firms become duopoly in a complete information market.We suppose the marginal costs

17、of the home firm and the foreign firm as c and c’ respectively.which are constant;</p><p>  In the following parts,we will analyze the two solutions based on the above assumptions and compare welfare effects

18、 under the two different solutions.</p><p>  1.1 Imposing anti-dumping duties</p><p>  We assume that home and foreign firms simultaneously decide their output in their own domestic markets.How

19、ever,the home country government imposes an AD duty with the rate t on foreign firm’s products in the importing market ( assuming zero tariff for the import goods, which does not affect the analysis ).Therefore,these two

20、 firms become duopoly with complete information under the supervision of importing-country’s government.Consequently,the home country firm,the foreign country firm and the ho</p><p>  The profit functions of

21、 the foreign and home firms are:</p><p>  兀f = (a’–b’y’)y’+[a–b(x+y)]y-c’(y+y’)-ty</p><p>  兀d = x[a-b(x+y)]-cx (1)</p><p>  In Eq.(1),兀f and兀d re

22、present the profit of the foreign and home firm respectively.Because both firms decide their output simultaneously.The reaction functions of the home firm and the foreign firm (respectively) are:</p><p>  a-

23、bx-2by-t-c’=0</p><p>  a-2bx-by-c=0 (2)</p><p>  From Eq.(2),we can derive the Cournot-Nash equilibrium output in the static game of imposing AD duties with comple

24、te information:</p><p>  y=(a+c-2c’-2t)/3b</p><p>  x=(a+c’-2c+t)/3b (3)</p><p>  Total home country social welfare (Wt) is equal to the sum of cs, p

25、rofit of the home firm and AD duties T(based on specific duty).</p><p>  The above function demonstrates that when imposing AD duties, the home country’ s total social welfare is relevant to a,a’,c,c’,t.Para

26、meters a and a’ are the highest prices consumers in home and foreign market are willing to pay.They also represent the size of the home and foreign market respectively.The bigger a and a’,the larger the size of the home

27、and foreign market.</p><p>  1.2 Foreign firm implementing price undertakings</p><p>  We assume that under the commitment of price undertaking,the foreign firm will set its price as Pc;total p

28、rofit of the foreign firm in both home and foreign markets is兀f.</p><p>  Firstly,we work out the market price Pf in the foreign market.In the foreign market,the foreign firm is the only supplier,with its ou

29、tput y’.The demand function in the foreign market is P’=a’-b’Q’,and the profit function of the foreign firm is</p><p>  兀f =(a’-b’y’)y’+[a-b(x+y)]-c’(y+y’) (7)</p><p>  Where P

30、f is the minimum price under the price undertaking commitment.That is,the price Pc, the foreign firm set under price undertaking commitment, has to be equal to or higher than Pf.Otherwise dumping still exists.</p>

31、<p>  Secondly,implementing price undertakings forces the foreign firm to raise its price to Pc. Based on the principle of fair competition under price undertakings commitment,the home firm also needs to increase i

32、ts price to Pc.In this case,sales in the home country market of the foreign firm and the home firm are y,and x, respectively.</p><p>  Now we have </p><p>  2a-3a’+2c-c’>0</p><p>

33、;  t>=2(a-c”)/3b (17)</p><p>  Therefore if Eq.(17) is satisfied,it is better for the home firm to accept foreign firm’s price undertaking commitment than to impose AD

34、duties against the foreign firm,and the whole social welfare of the importing country increases accordingly.</p><p>  By analyzing the above inequation,factors that are involved include home and foreign mark

35、et sizes,which are represented by a and a’ respectively,marginal costs of home and foreign firms(c and c’), and the anticipated AD duty t which the importing country may impose against the foreign firm.Generally speaking

36、,when home market size is relatively larger,the marginal cost of the home firm is bigger,the anticipated rate of AD duty is higher,it is rational for the importing country to accept foreign f</p><p>  2 Con

37、clusion</p><p>  Firstly,we conclude from the dumping firms’perspective by analyzing the difference of their sales in the home country market between implementing price undertakings and being imposed AD duti

38、es.By Eqs.(3) ,we see that by implementing price undertaking the foreign firm enjoys a bigger sale,with the gap 2t/3b.This means for a dumping firm,the loss of market share is less when implementing price undertakings th

39、an being imposed AD duties.This conclusion is of positive and profound significance for Ch</p><p>  Secondly,from the perspective of AD filing countries,in certain conditions, for example condition Eq.(17),f

40、iling countries can choose to accept price undertakings of dumping firms to increase the total social welfare of the filing countries.</p><p>  Thirdly,price undertakings can prevent further trade disputes c

41、aused by imposing AD duties, beeause price undertakings can give the plaintiff country a proactive impression in solving trade dispute problems.</p><p>  In conclusion, under certain conditions implementing

42、price undertakings instead of imposing AD duties can increase the total social welfare of the filing countries,help dumping firms to some degree retain their market share in the importing countries, and prevent escalatio

43、n of trade disputes.</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  博弈分析實施反傾銷價格承諾協議糾紛 </p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  價格承諾協議是被指控傾銷的公司往往采取的一種應對國外反傾銷糾紛的策略。利用靜態(tài)博弈分析,

44、本文通過比較征收反傾銷稅,以及價格承諾協議對進口國家的社會福利和被指控公司的市場執(zhí)行的影響。我們總結出,與反傾銷稅相比,價格承諾改善了出口國家的社會福利以及減少了被指控公司在進口國家的市場份額。我們也注意到,除了經濟效益之外,價格承諾還能夠防止在國際貿易談判中的貿易爭端升級。</p><p>  關鍵詞:反傾銷;價格承諾;反傾銷稅 </p><p><b>  介紹</b

45、></p><p>  價格承諾是指在國際貿易中,當進口國家認為是傾銷價格時,出口國家應當提高價格或者停止出口貨物的一種承諾。當進口國家接受這個協議時,通常會終止進行任何反傾銷(AD)的調查以及避免征收傾銷產品的臨時性或永久性的反傾銷稅。</p><p>  價格承諾一般是由出口企業(yè)或進口國發(fā)起的。一般地,承諾在指定的價格上升并不能完全消除出口公司的價格優(yōu)勢;相反地,它設置在一個水平

46、上,消除了傾銷邊緣。根據世貿組織反傾銷(AD)的協定和全世界反傾銷的法律,當進口國認為是傾銷價格時,出口企業(yè)可以通過與進口國達成協議來提高出口價格或減少產品出口。世貿組織數據顯示,從1995年到2002年,在世貿組織成員國提出的2160件反傾銷案中,1258件已經通過反傾銷稅或價格承諾解決,其中具有代表性的41.76%案例通過價格承諾和解。</p><p>  因此,中國和中國的公司在了解歷史和價格承諾影響,特別

47、是反傾銷稅和價格承諾對進口國和出口國的相對作用的影響后,將能夠更有效地應對未來的貿易爭端。</p><p>  Zanardi的研究證實國家或地區(qū)之間在許多反傾銷案例中實施的價格承諾存在著很大的差異。在1981年到2001年期間,在歐洲經濟共同體和韓國,41%的歐洲經濟共同體和40%的韓國反傾銷糾紛通過價格承諾解決,而美國只有5%的案件通過價格承諾解決。Stegemann和Palmeter通過比較理論和實施價格承


49、和企業(yè)福利中的影響。綜上所述,我們總結出了一個決策機制來選擇如何解決貿易糾紛。</p><p><b>  1 建模</b></p><p>  為了簡化分析,我們假設有兩個國家,分別命名為國內和國外,而且它們均生產同一種產品。國內企業(yè)與國外企業(yè)為了最大限度地獲得利潤,分別利用它們在各自國內市場上獲得的完全信息,進行數量上的競爭。這樣,這兩個企業(yè)在分別擁有完整的市場

50、信息的前提下,就分別成為了雙寡頭壟斷?,F在,我們假設國內企業(yè)和國外企業(yè)的邊際成本分別為c和c',而且它們是恒定不變的;它們在各自的國內市場銷售數量分別為x和y;在國內市場和國外市場上的價格分別為Pd和Pf。同時,我們假設進口國(家)的國內市場上的線性需求函數為P =a-bQ,其中P和Q分別表示在國內市場上的價格和需求總量;a和b都是正的常數,a為消費者愿意支付的最高價格,b是需求曲線的斜率。我們同時假設國內的產品不能在國外市場上

51、出售。換句話來說,也就是國外企業(yè)的供應數量在國外市場上占主導地位(這一假設不但簡化了分析,而且同時也不會影響最終的結果)。我們也假設在國外市場上的線性需求函數為P'= a' - b'Q',其中P'和Q'分別表示在國外市場上的價格和需求總量;a'和b'都是正的常數。傾銷被實際定義為,出口商為了擊敗競爭對手以及占領市場,在一個國家或某個地區(qū)以低于其</p><

52、;p>  在接下來的部分中,我們將基于上述的兩個假設分析解決方案,并比較兩種不同的解決方案下的社會福利效果。</p><p>  1.1 征收反傾銷稅</p><p>  我們假設國內企業(yè)與國外企業(yè)同時決定在自己的國內市場輸出產品。然而,國內政府在進口市場上對國外產品征收利率為t的反傾銷稅(假定對進口貨物實行零關稅,而這不影響分析)。因此,這兩家企業(yè)利用完整的信息,在進口國政府的監(jiān)督

53、下,成為雙寡頭壟斷。所以,國內企業(yè),國外企業(yè)和國內政府三者將在完全的信息靜態(tài)博弈中作出各自的決定。</p><p>  國內企業(yè)和國外企業(yè)的利潤職能如下:</p><p>  兀f = (a'–b'y’)y'+[a–b(x+y)]y-c'(y+y')-ty</p><p>  兀d = x[a-b(x+y)]-cx

54、 (1)</p><p>  在方程(1)中,兀f 和兀d分別代表了國外企業(yè)的利潤和國內企業(yè)的利潤。因為兩家企業(yè)同時決定它們各自的產出。國內企業(yè)和國外企業(yè)反應的函數分別為:</p><p>  a-bx-2by-t-c'=0</p><p>  a-2bx-by-c=0

55、 (2)</p><p>  由公式(2),我們可以推導出Cournot-Nash在完全的信息靜態(tài)博弈中,對均衡的輸出施加反傾銷稅:</p><p>  y=(a+c-2c'-2t)/3b</p><p>  x=(a+c'-2c+t)/3b (3)</p>

56、;<p>  國內社會福利的總和等于消費者剩余的總和,國內企業(yè)的利潤和反傾銷稅T(基于具體任務)。</p><p>  上面的函數表明了當征收反傾銷稅時,國內總的社會福利與a,a',c,c',t相關。參數 a和a'分別是在國內和國外市場上消費者愿意支付的最高價格。它們也分別代表了國內和國外市場的規(guī)模。a和a'越大,國內和國外的市場的規(guī)模就越大。</p>

57、<p>  1.2 國外企業(yè)執(zhí)行價格承諾</p><p>  我們假設,在價格承諾的前提下,國外企業(yè)將其價格設定為Pc;國外企業(yè)在國內及國外市場總利潤為兀f 。</p><p>  首先,我們制定了在國外市場價格為Pf。在國外市場上,國外企業(yè)是唯一的供應商,其輸出為y'。在國外市場需求函數為P'= a' - b'Q',以及國企業(yè)的利潤函數為

58、</p><p>  兀f =(a'-b'y')y'+[a-b(x+y)]-c'(y+y') (7)</p><p>  Pf是基于價格承諾的最低價格。也就是說,在價格承諾前提下,國外企業(yè)設定的價格必須等于大于或等于Pf。否則傾銷將仍然存在。</p><p>  其次,實施價格承諾迫使

59、國外企業(yè)提高其價格到Pc。在公平競爭的原則下,及價格承諾的基礎上,國內企業(yè)也需要增加其價格到Pc。在這種情況下,國外企業(yè)和國內企業(yè)的市場銷售量分別為y和x。</p><p><b>  現在我們有</b></p><p>  2a-3a'+2c-c'>0</p><p>  t>=2(a-c')/3b

60、 (17)</p><p>  因此,如果方程(17)得到滿足,那么,國內企業(yè)接受國外企業(yè)的價格承諾的做法,將比對國外企業(yè)征收反傾銷稅的做法更好,而且這樣的話,整個進口國的社會福利也會相應增加。</p><p>  通過分析上述不等式,其中所涉及的因素包括由a和a'分別代表的國內市場和國外市場的大小,國內企業(yè)和外國企業(yè)的

61、邊際成本(c和c'),以及預期的進口國家可能對國外企業(yè)征收的反傾銷稅t。一般來說,當國內市場規(guī)模相對較大時,那么,國內企業(yè)的邊際成本就越大,預期的反傾銷稅稅率也越高,進口國接受國外企業(yè)的價格承諾就比強加反傾銷稅更加地合理,而且這也將能夠增加國內總的社會福利。 </p><p><b>  2 結論</b></p><p>  首先,我們以傾銷企業(yè)的角度,分


63、,中國已成為遭受反傾銷案件最多的受害國。目前,中國企業(yè)克服了反傾銷的恐懼,能夠積極地面對反傾銷的指控。當面臨反傾銷時,我們應采取主動的價格承諾的談判,以便使我們的合作伙伴接受價格承諾并且停止反傾銷調查。這個將盡可能地幫助中國的企業(yè)取得更多的進口國的市場份額。</p><p>  其次,從反傾銷的國家的角度,在一定的條件下,例如在方程(17)條件下,申報國家會選擇接受傾銷企業(yè)的價格承諾,以提高申報國家總的社會福利。


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