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1、<p>  畢業(yè)設計外文文獻翻譯</p><p><b>  機械與材料工程學院</b></p><p><b>  二O一O年十一月</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)論文(設計)外文翻譯</p><p>  學生姓名:任元鑫 指導老師:丁 班級:機械與材料工程學院A0731班&

2、lt;/p><p>  課題名稱:塑料模具CAD集成技術</p><p>  內(nèi)容提要:通過分析計算機輔助注射模設計和制造的各個環(huán)節(jié)中共享的技術和信息,本文揭示了注射模CAD的集成技術的根本內(nèi)涵,并提出了它的研究熱點和趨勢。</p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  模具CAD集成技術是一項重要的模具先進

3、制造技術, 是一項用高技術改造模具傳統(tǒng)技術的重要關鍵技術。從六五計劃開始,我國有許多模具企業(yè)采用CAD技術, 特別是近年, CAD技術的應用越來越普遍和深入, 大大縮短了模具設計周期,提高了制模質(zhì)量和復雜模具的制造能力。然而, 由于許多企業(yè)對模具CAD集成技術認識不足, 投資帶有盲目性, 不能很好地發(fā)揮作用,造成了很大的浪費。本文就塑料模具CAD集成技術及其應用發(fā)表一些觀點, 供大家參考。</p><p>  1

4、、塑料模具CAD集成技術</p><p>  塑料模具的制造, 包括塑料產(chǎn)品的造型設計、模具的結(jié)構(gòu)設計及分析、模具的數(shù)控加工(銑削、電加工、線切割等)、拋光和配試模以及快速成形制造等。各個環(huán)節(jié)所涉及的CAD單元技術有:造型和結(jié)構(gòu)設計(CAD)、產(chǎn)品外形的快速反求(RE)、結(jié)構(gòu)分析與優(yōu)化設計(CAE)、輔助制造(CAM)、加工過程虛擬仿真(SIMULATION)、產(chǎn)品及模具的快速成形(RP)、輔助工藝過程(CAPP

5、)和產(chǎn)品數(shù)據(jù)管理技術(PDM)等。塑料模具CAD集成技術,  就是把塑料模具制造過程所涉及的各項單元技術集成起來, 統(tǒng)一數(shù)據(jù)庫和文件傳輸格式, 實現(xiàn)信息集成和數(shù)據(jù)資源共享, 從而大大縮短模具的設計制造周期, 提高制模質(zhì)量。</p><p>  2、塑料產(chǎn)品的CAD設計與外形的快速反求</p><p>  進行塑料模具設計制造的第一步是塑件產(chǎn)品的設計。傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品設計方法是設計者對產(chǎn)品

6、的三維構(gòu)思用二維平面圖紙表達出來, 圖紙上標明工藝及施工方法,這種方法決定了所設計圖形的簡單性及不能直接控制制造質(zhì)量?,F(xiàn)代設計方法是設計者在電腦上直接建立產(chǎn)品的三維模型,根據(jù)產(chǎn)品三維模型進行模具結(jié)構(gòu)設計及優(yōu)化設計,再根據(jù)模具結(jié)構(gòu)設計三維模型進行加工編程及編制工藝計劃。這種方法使產(chǎn)品模型設計、模具結(jié)構(gòu)設計、加工編程及工藝設計都以3D數(shù)據(jù)為基礎, 實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)共享, 不僅能快速提高設計效率, 而且能保證質(zhì)量, 降低成本。電腦塑件產(chǎn)品模型的來源有

7、三種: 利用CAD系統(tǒng)軟件進行產(chǎn)品模型設計、利用實物測量進行快速反求建模、利用其它CAD系統(tǒng)的標準格式文件。針對這三種產(chǎn)品模型的來源方式, 目前已研究出各種技術來提高產(chǎn)品模型的設計效率和質(zhì)量。下面進一步分析各種技術的內(nèi)涵和特點。利用CAD系統(tǒng)軟件進行產(chǎn)品模型設計,其技術主要包括二維幾何圖形的繪制、二維參數(shù)化圖形的設計、三維實體造型設計、三維特征造型設計、三維參數(shù)化實體造型設計、三維曲面造型設計、空間自由造型設計、產(chǎn)品的外觀渲染、產(chǎn)品的動

8、態(tài)廣告設計等等。這些軟件有許多典型的代表。二</p><p>  3、模具的CAD設計與分析</p><p>  模具的CAD設計、分析, 包括根據(jù)產(chǎn)品模型進行模具分型面的設計、確定型腔和型芯、模具結(jié)構(gòu)的詳細設計、塑料充填過程分析等幾個方面。利用先進的特征造型軟件如PRO/E、UGII等很容易地確定分型面, 生成上下模腔和模芯, 再進行流道、澆口以及冷卻水管的布置等。確定了這些設計數(shù)據(jù)以后

9、, 再利用模具分析軟件, 如MOLDFLOW、CFLOW進行塑料的成形過程分析。根據(jù)MOLDFOLW軟件和它的豐富的材料、工藝數(shù)據(jù)庫, 通過輸入成形工藝參數(shù),可動態(tài)仿真分析塑料在注塑模腔內(nèi)的注射過程流動情況(含多澆口注射時的塑料匯流紋分析)、分析溫度壓力變化情況、分析注塑件殘余應力等, 根據(jù)分析情況來檢查模具結(jié)構(gòu)的合理性、流動狀態(tài)的合理性、產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量問題等。比如是否存在澆注系統(tǒng)不合理, 出現(xiàn)流道和澆口位置尺寸不當, 無法平衡充滿型腔;

10、是否存在產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)不合理或模具結(jié)構(gòu)不合理, 出現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品充不滿(即短射現(xiàn)象); 是否冷卻不均勻, 影響生產(chǎn)效率和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量; 是否存在注塑工藝不對, 出現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品的翹曲變形等。模具通過CAD設計和分析, 就可以將錯誤消除在設計階段, 提高一次試模成功率。在塑料模具設計和分析這一階段應用了許多新</p><p>  4、模具的CAM技術的應用、加工仿真及制造</p><p>  模具的計算機輔助制造(C

11、AM)技術主要應用在數(shù)控銑削加工、線切割加工、電火花加工等方面。CAM技術尤其是在復雜模具的型腔、型芯及電極的銑削加工中起著更加重要的作用。其主要的技術特點包括:  (1) 粗、精加工刀具軌跡的優(yōu)化規(guī)劃和NC指令的產(chǎn)生, (2) 刀具種類 、特性和材料庫的建立, (3) 切削加工工藝參數(shù)的確定, (4) 普通切削和高速切削加工的特性控制, (5) 過切檢查與加工表面的精度控制, (6) 加工過程的電腦實體仿真切削, (7)電腦

12、控制數(shù)控機床的DNC技術及群控技術的應用等等。在CAM技術的應用中特別需要CAD三維產(chǎn)品模型數(shù)據(jù)。較多的專業(yè)電腦編程軟件如MASTERCAM、UNIMOD、CIMATRON等在多曲面的編程加工時對產(chǎn)品的曲面模型有較高的要求,如相鄰曲面的U、V方向的一致性、曲面與曲面的高精度擬合、曲面斜率連續(xù)變化等。在高級CAD/CAM一體化系統(tǒng)中(如UGII、PRO/E),由于利用了參數(shù)化特征造型設計和同一數(shù)據(jù)庫技術, 使得產(chǎn)品模型數(shù)據(jù)、模具的型腔和型

13、芯模型數(shù)據(jù)、刀具軌跡數(shù)據(jù)有著內(nèi)在的聯(lián)系, 產(chǎn)品模型的修改刀具軌跡亦自動修改。模具加工實體仿真技術越來越成熟</p><p>  5、塑料產(chǎn)品及其模具的快速成形制造</p><p>  塑料產(chǎn)品及其模具用電腦CAD技術設計完成后,可通過快速成形技術來制造。這是一種全新概念的制造技術,它摒棄了傳統(tǒng)的機械加工方法。其成形原理是將三維CAD實體模型離散成設定厚度的一系列片層數(shù)據(jù), 利用激光成形機或

14、其它成形設備讀取這些數(shù)據(jù),用材料添加法技術,依次將每層堆積起來成形。這一技術稱為快速自動成形技術(Rapid Prototype)。它也是CAD集成技術的重要組成部分。第一臺快速成形設備于1987年在美國3D公司誕生, 由于其特點是與制造的產(chǎn)品的復雜程度無關, 給制造業(yè)帶來巨大的震動。此后十年, 快速成形技術得到飛速發(fā)展, 設備的種類也層出不窮,  從材料固化方法可分為激光和非激光燒結(jié)法(SLS)、固體表層造型法(SGC)、層

15、片制造法(LOM)、熔化沉積法(FDM)、選區(qū)粘結(jié)法(DSPC)、激光氣相沉積法(SALD)等。各種方法特點是: SLA法是最早應用的快速成形技術,初期市場占有較大的分額,但由于材料范圍窄,成本較高, 成形件耐熱、耐負荷和著色能力低, 近年逐漸被其它方法所代替。FDM法由于成形速度快,成本低,在塑料產(chǎn)品行業(yè)中得到較好的應用, 由于零件的尺寸小,精度差,也受到一</p><p>  6、模具CAD集成技術的發(fā)展趨勢

16、</p><p>  綜上所述, 模具CAD集成技術就是應用于模具制造各個環(huán)節(jié)的計算機輔助技術和實現(xiàn)各環(huán)節(jié)信息集成的技術。顯然,信息集成與數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)一管理是關鍵。產(chǎn)品的信息是貫穿于設計、分析、加工、檢測、裝配等各個階段,實現(xiàn)各環(huán)節(jié)信息的流暢、解決數(shù)據(jù)格式的標準化及數(shù)據(jù)維護與共享是未來CAD集成技術發(fā)展的重點。PDM系統(tǒng)的出現(xiàn)為解決這一問題帶來了曙光。PDM系統(tǒng)的實施是模具企業(yè)應用CAD集成技術的重要課題。在模具的設計

17、制造方面,含有豐富專家知識的智能化模具CAD/CAM系統(tǒng)的研究、高速切削加工及其編程等是未來研究發(fā)展的趨勢。</p><p>  The molding tool CAD gathers the technique</p><p>  Contents brief summary: Pass to analyze the calculator the assistance inject t

18、he mold design with make in the each link commonly shared of technique with information, this text announces to public to inject the mold CAD gathers technical and basic content, and the research heat that put forward it

19、 orders with trend.</p><p><b>  preface</b></p><p>  The molding tool CAD gathers the technique is an important molding tool forerunner manufacturing technique, is the item reforms w

20、ith the high technique traditional technical and important key in molding tool technique. From 6 5 plan beginning,Our country contain many molding tools business enterprise adoption CAD technique, especially recent years

21、, the technical application in CAD is more and more widespread with thorough, shortened consumedly molding tool design period,Increases to make the mol</p><p>  1, the plastics molding tool CAD gathers techn

22、ique</p><p>  The manufacturing of the plastics molding tool comtains the construction design of the shape design, molding tool and the number of the analysis, molding tools that include the plastics product

23、s control to process( ϳÏ÷ , electricity process, the line incises etc.), throw the light with go together with to try the mold and take shape manufacturing etc. quickly.The each link a CAD for involv

24、ing unit technique has:The shape design( CAD) with the construction, fast anti of the product shape beg( RE</p><p>  2, the CAD design of the plastics product begs with fast anti of the shape</p><

25、p>  The plastics molding tool that proceed the square one designs the manufacturing is the design of the ËÜ a product.The traditional product design method is a design to product of three άs conce

26、ive outline to use two ά plane chart papers expresses to come out, marking clearly the craft and starting construction the method on the diagram paper, hod comes to a decision the simple of a design sketch and

27、 can''ts control to make the quantity directly.The modern design method is a design establish the</p><p>  3, the CAD design of the molding tool and analysis</p><p>  The CAD design of t

28、he molding tool, analysis,Include to divide the type, certain type Ç» according to the product model molding tool of proceeding the design with the type о , molding tool structural and detailed desig

29、n, the plastics ³ä fills process analysis etc. a few aspects.Make use of the advanced characteristic shape software,such as PRO/ E, etc. of UGII, the very easily certain dividing the type,Born top and bottom mo

30、ld Ç» with mold о , then the proceeding flows a way, sprinkle a people</p><p>  4, the technical application in CAM of the molding tool</p><p>  process to imitate true and

31、manufacturingThe calculator assistance manufacturing( CAM) technique of the molding tool applies primarily in the aspects of counting to control &Iu ml;³Ï÷ processing, line incising to process, electri

32、city spark processing to wait.The technique of CAM rises in the type Ç» , type о of the complicated molding tool and the ϳÏ÷ of the electrodes process particularly more important

33、 function.Its main technique characteristics includes:(1) the ´Ö , ¾« processes the knife h</p><p>  Because making use of the parameter turns the characteristic shape design with same da

34、tabase technique, making the type Ç» of the product model data, molding tool have the track data to have got the inside contact with the type о model data, knife,The modification knife of the product

35、 model has the track to also modify automatically.The molding tool processes the entity imitates the true technique more and more mature, also is more and more valued by people.It is mimicry machine bed that proces</p

36、><p>  5, plastics product and its molding tools take shape the manufacturing quickly</p><p>  Plastics product and its molding tools use the computer CAD technique design after completing, can pas

37、s the fleetness take shape the technique make.This is the manufacturing technique of a kind of all new concept, It abandoned the traditional machine processes the method.Its take shape principle is three ά CAD

38、 entity models are long-lost set up a series of a layer data of the thickness, make use of the laser take shape machine or others take shape the equipments read these datas,Increase the me</p><p>  The first

39、 pedestal takes shape the equipments quickly to bear in the United States a company in 1987, because of its characteristics is to has nothing to do with the complicated degree of the product of the manufacturing, bringin

40、g the manufacturing industry the enormous vibration.Henceforth decade,Take shape quickly the technique be flown to develop soon, the category of the equipments also piles up one after another,Turn from the material ¹

41、;Ì the method can is divided into the laser with not the</p><p>  According to above take shape the method characteristics, take shape the technical function quickly to consist in primarily:The manufact

42、uring useds for the design with the on trial product model, make to used for the small the molding tool that batch quantity produce to process with the special spare parts in small batch quantity.Take shape the product m

43、odel of the technique manufacturing quickly in the aspects of material the ratio tradition processes the product model of the method manufacturi</p><p>  Take shape the technique creation molding tool quickl

44、y to model the equipments with the product, all is STL to read CAD system creation or CLI etc. document format datas,Different document format data to the product accuracy of the creation contain bigger margin, therefore

45、, study the system of CAD to take shape quickly the document format of the equipments output to have the very important meaning.</p><p>  6, the molding tool CAD gathers technical development trend</p>

46、<p>  A calculator for saying, molding tool CAD gathering technique is applying in molding tool making each link assistance technique on the ×Û with each link information that realizes the technique gath

47、ers.Obviously,The information gathers unify with data the management is a key.The information of the product is to pierces through in the design, analyze, process, examine, assemble a stage,Fluency, solution data format


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