1、<p><b> 中文5000字</b></p><p> 畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文文獻翻譯</p><p> 2014年 4 月 </p><p> 系 部經濟系</p><p> 專 業(yè)國際經濟與貿易</p><p> 學生姓名學號</p><
2、p> 指導教師職稱</p><p> Research on the Agricultural Products Export in Shandong Province under Green Trade Barriers </p><p> Chapter One Introduction</p><p> 1.1 Research Backgroun
3、d and significance of the Paper</p><p> Green trade barriers closely related to green trade protection, which provides the trade protector a new concept and had a huge impact on international trade. Althoug
4、h green trade barriers blocked the international trade to some extent, it actually aims to protect environment and human health. Green trade is a trend in the international trade and an irreversible one in the world mark
5、et.</p><p> 1.1.1 Research Background</p><p> As the world’s largest developing country, agriculture industry is the traditional industry in China and agricultural products have been the tradi
6、tional ones for trade. And green trade barrier will have a far-reaching influence on China’s agricultural products export. Since China’s accession to the WTO in2001, China’s agricultural products export enterprises have
7、been restricted not only by tariffs, quotas and other restrictions, but also suffer from the so-called “green requirements”, which led</p><p> 1.1.2 Significance of the Paper</p><p> Agricultu
8、re in China has a long history. Early center of Agriculture has been identified in the Huang he (Yellow River) in China. Rice, millet, soybean, onion, and peach are among of the most important products originated in this
9、 region.</p><p> China has been a nation of farmers for over 4,000 years. When the People’s Republic of China was established in 1949, all arable land was under cultivation; agricultural infrastructure as i
10、rrigation and drainage systems constructed centuries earlier and intensive farming practices already produced relatively high yields (Library of Congress). Currently, even China’s cropland is only about 75 percent of the
11、 US(8). The main crops cultivated are rice, wheat, maize, cotton, soybeans and tobacco. Agr</p><p> Chapter two</p><p> 2.1 Situation of Agricultural Products Export</p><p> Refo
12、rm and trade liberalization in China’s external sector has proceeded progressively during last 20 years. Though this reform period, China’s trade regime has gradually changed form a highly centralized, planned and import
13、 substitution regime to a more decentralized, market-oriented and exports promotion one. These changes in trade and other policies have significantly affected the total and composition of China’s trade in favor of the pr
14、oducts in which China has a comparative advantage. China</p><p> Exports of agricultural products are an important source of foreign currency in China, however ,even the value of agricultural products expor
15、tation continue growing, its share as part of the total export value has diminished gradually over the years, from a share of 20% in 1998 to 6.3% in 2000(21). China continues being a major world player in exports of agri
16、cultural products. In 2001, export of garlic and mushrooms were above 40 percent of world exports, while export of silk reached a share of </p><p> China exports a lot of vegetables, however not all in same
17、 big quantities. Garlic has been the main exported in this category with a quantity of 54.65 thousand Mt in 2001, and an average of 233 thousand Mt over the part 11 year period. Canned mushrooms and Dry onions reached av
18、erages of 171 and 103 thousand Mt each one during the same period. Other vegetables, also very important, that had big average exported quantities (in thousand Mt) are : cabbages (53.5), carrots (35.9), mushroom (35.5),
19、wa</p><p> In the group of meat (23), chicken meat and pork has been the most important with an average export of 237.2 and 190.2 thousand Mt per year. Other types of meat that represent relative large aver
20、age quantities (thousand of Mt) per year are: meat preparation pigs (70) canned chicken meat (42.5), pig meat (35.3), beef and veal boneless (32.7), rabbit meat (21.7), and duck meat (15.8).</p><p> In the
21、cereal group, maize has been the most important product with an average exported quantity that surpassed 6.3 million Mt per year between 1991 to2001, and represented 73.1.% of average exported cereals. Rice has been also
22、 important, ever its quantity is not so large as maize, but it reached an average export of 1,6 million Mt each year, and a share of 19% of total cereals exports:both maize and rice together represented 92.1% of cereal e
23、xports. Other cereals less important in quantity are </p><p> Export of fibres were represented principally by cotton lint, which had an average of 115 thousand Mt per year, that is 55.9% of total fibres ex
24、ports measured in quantity, but only 18.1% measured in value. Other products such cotton waste, scoured wool, raw and waste silk, and jute met average imported quantities of 16.6, 11.7, 10.9, and 9,7 thousand Mt respecti
25、vely. With less quantity are other products like carded or comber hair, tow and waste of flax, ramie, unreliable cocoons and greasy wool</p><p> Spices exports were dominated by ginger, which in 2001 reach
26、a record quantity of 177 thousand Mt Exports of pimento reached 84.8 thousand Mt in 2001 and an average of 50.6 thousand Mt per year while cinnamon surpassed slightly an average of 23.3 thousand Mt per year. Other produc
27、ts are anise peppers. In the stimulant group, even China exports green coffee and cocoa powder, quantities are relative small to compare with export of tea, which accounted average of 201.3 thousand Mt in the 11 years p&
28、lt;/p><p> 2.2 General Situation and The Trade of Export to Main Countries or Regions </p><p> 2.2.1 General Situation of Export to Main Countries or Regions </p><p> According to t
29、he China’s Agricultural Yearbook of 1994, Chinese agricultural exports have reached more than 160 different countries and region region. Chinese agricultural exports are distributed all over the continents; however this
30、distribution is not balanced. The average exports from 1994 to 2000 show that the Asian region was the main destination, concentrating 75.5% of total agricultural exports. The other regions have participated with differe
31、nt percentages: Europe 15.2%, North America 5.</p><p> In the Asia region, exports are also concentrated in three destinies: Japan (30.9%), Hong Kong (18.2%) and South Korea (6.7%); these three destinies to
32、gether have signified an average percentage of 55.8% per year. Other countries in this region with an important participation are: Singapore (2.8%), Indonesia (2.6%), Malaysia (2.5%) and Philippines with 2.1%.</p>
33、<p> In Europe, the main buying countries have been Russia, Holland and Germany, each one with participation of 2.9, 2.7 and 3.1%.</p><p> In North America, exports have gone to the United States (4.
34、7%) and Canada (0.6%). In Africa the main destinies are Cote d’Ivoire (0.3%), Morocco (0.3%) and South Africa (0.3%). In Latin America Cuba (0.3%) and Brazil (0.2 %), and finally in Oceania is Australia (0.5%).</p>
35、<p> China has had an important participation in several agricultural exports. Products with high share of world exports were ramie and raw and waste silk, with 91.9% and 87.7% in 2001. Both of these two products
36、 show increase in share between 1991 and 2001. When shares changed from 58.3% to 91.9% and from 72% to 87.7%, respectively.</p><p> 2.2.2 The Trade of Export and import </p><p> In 1991, ther
37、e were only 6 products its export share was above 50% of world exports: sweet potatoes, pork, raw and waste silk, ramie, unreelable cocoons and cake of cotton seed. In 2001 the number of products increased to 10 products
38、; the new added products were buckwheat, oil of tung, hair (carded or combed), reelable cocoons, fresh or dried vegetables and ginger. At the same time some products decreased participation under 50%, as in the case of s
39、weet potatoes, pork and cake of cottonseed.</p><p> Other products that had participation between 30% and 50% in 2001 were: cassava tapioca, mushrooms (dried and canned), hair of horses, garlic, groundnuts
40、(prepared, shelled, and in shell), and oil of citronella.</p><p> In the group of products with share between 20% and 30% were: rabbit (meat and skins), wool shoddy, chestnuts, beeswax, canella, oil of sesa
41、me seeds, soya sauce, honey and dry beans. The rest of product had a share below 20%.</p><p> Total agricultural exports show an increasing tendency, according to data from Faostat, it increase in 11.7% bet
42、ween 1991 and 2001.</p><p> Exports of cereals have not had a defined tendency. In some years and in others drop. From the point of view of the quantity, China was a net exporter of some cereals such rice,
43、maize, buckwheat, sorghum, triticale and millet. However in some years like 1995 and 1996 Chinas was a net importer of rice and maize, and again 1998 and 1999 for the case of maize. Sorghum exports only were higher than
44、imports until 1997.</p><p> In the meat products group, it was clear a decrease in pork and pig meat exports since 1995 and 1996 respectively, and a continuous increase in chicken meat exports. China was a
45、net exporter Pork (until 1998), pigmeat, rabbit meat and goose meat principally. It is appreciably that canned chicken is the new tendency in export of meat; it already surpassed export of pork since 1999.</p><
46、;p> Fruits and vegetables exports have had the best performance. Fruits show a continuous increasing tendency, especially pushed by increasing exports of apples juice during last years. Exports of main vegetables (ga
47、rlic, onion, mushroom and tomato paste) increased year by year, and for 2001, the exported quantities of all vegetables were more than 300% of that one of 1991. In the vegetables group China was a net exporter except in
48、few cases. In the case of fruits China was a net exporter of main fr</p><p> Textile fibres exports shows a declining tendency, even the export of cotton lint attempted to recover during 1999 and 2000, but
49、for 2001 it declined again. The other main exported products in this group except for jute (decline) show a stable tend. In silk (raw and waste), ramie and hair of horses China was a net exporter during all years of the
50、period.</p><p> Vegetable oil export statistics suggest that large exported quantities (1994 to 1997) of this category were not sustained in the time. All exported quantities were under 200 thousand Mt, wit
51、h exception for oil of soya beans in 1997 and for oil of palm in 1994-5. China was a net exporter of some kinder of oils such: oil of tung, oil of groundnuts, oil of sesame seed, oil of cotton seed and oil of safflower.
52、</p><p> In pulses, instability was also present, caused mainly by changes in dry beans exports. Exports were higher than export for the whole pulses value (quantity), and for dry beans, dry broad beans and
53、 lentils.</p><p> Exports of nuts, except for the walnuts presented a stable tendency; the same situation was experimented by export of tea and livestock, although in livestock, pig and cattle export tenden
54、cies are a little inclined towards decreasing. China was a net exporter of nuts, especially chestnuts and walnuts; in stimulants products not only of tea, also of cocoa butter and coffee extracts; and in livestock most o
55、f animals export for horses and goats.</p><p> Some exports show clear decreasing tendency, for example, export of sweet potatoes and dried cassava almost disappeared; quantities exported in 2001 represente
56、d only 1.63% and 0.0024% respectively compared with quantities exported in 1991. However taro and potatoes maintained its export levels. Oil-bearing crops also were in the declining tendency group, it was pressured by di
57、minish of soybean oil exports, which did’t recover high exported levels reached in 1991 and 1994. Fodder crops followed d</p><p> Chapter Three</p><p> 3.1The Influence of Agricultural Product
58、s Export in Shandong Province under Green Trade Barriers</p><p> The research on main countries Shandong agricultural products export to under greed trade barrier. In the first part, it presents the general
59、 situation of Shandong Province’s agricultural products export to main countries and regions. Japan, U.S. And the EU are the major trading partners of Shandong Province. It is no doubt that green trade barriers enhances
60、awareness of environment protection,human being’s health, and animals and plants safety. Nonetheless, green trade barriers will also impose</p><p> 3.2 The Suggestions to Green Trade Barriers</p><
61、;p> Based on the above studies, the main suggestions are provided from the level of government, enterprises and non-governmental organization: firstly, at the national level, the government as a policy maker should p
62、romote the concept of green-consumption, improve standards and certification systems, actively develop ecological agricultural and production bases to improve overall quality level of agricultural products, and establish
63、 an early waring system to prevent from foreign green trade barriers</p><p> CaoYY. Research on the Agricultural Products</p><p> Export in Shandong Province under Green Trade Barriers (D).<
64、;/p><p> The Netherland: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics.2011</p><p> 綠色貿易壁壘下山東省農產品出口貿易問題研究</p><p><b> 第一章 介紹</b></p><p> 1.1 研究背景及意義</p>
65、<p> 綠色壁壘和綠色貿易保護息息相關,這提供了貿易保護者一個全新的概念并且對于國際貿易產生了巨大的影響。盡管從某種程度上來說綠色貿易壁壘阻礙了國際貿易,但它的目標是保護和環(huán)境和人類的健康。綠色壁壘在國際貿易中是一個新趨勢并且在國際市場上是一個不可逆轉的潮流。</p><p> 1.1.1 研究背景</p><p> 我國作為世界上最大的發(fā)展中國家 , 農業(yè)是我國的傳
66、統(tǒng)產業(yè),農產品又是傳統(tǒng)的出口產品 , 綠色貿易壁壘之于我國農產品的出口影響深遠。自2001年加入W T O 以來 , 中國的農產品出口企業(yè)不僅受制于關稅、配額等限制 , 而且被所謂的“綠色要求”所限制, 從而導致市場準入困難。在WTO的推動下, 各國紛紛采取隱蔽性更強、透明度更低 , 更不易監(jiān)督和預測的綠色貿易壁壘對本國農產品的生產和貿易加以保護,中國外貿農產品和整個經濟發(fā)展將會面對新的挑戰(zhàn), 因而如何應對綠色貿易壁壘已成為我們要處理的
67、關鍵問題。</p><p> 1.1.2 研究意義</p><p> 中國的農業(yè)歷史悠久,黃河被考證為中國農業(yè)的發(fā)源地。中國是水稻、小米,大豆、洋蔥于桃子等一些重要農產皮的原產地。中國有4000多年的耕種歷史,1949年的新中國成立后,所有的耕種地都被利用,農業(yè)生產設施,如排灌設施在早期就已被中國運用(Library of Congress)。主要種植的作物是大米、小麥、棉花、大豆和煙
68、草。中國人口之多決定了中國的農業(yè)是經濟發(fā)展的一個重要因素。 中國大多數人口是農村人口,農業(yè)解決農村勞動力的一個主要途徑。 考慮到糧食安全的問題,政府特別強調農業(yè)的產量,畢竟中國是用全世界9%的耕地養(yǎng)活全世界21%的人口。</p><p><b> 第二章</b></p><p> 2.1 我國農產品出口狀況</p><p> 中國的農產品
69、出口時創(chuàng)匯的一個重要途徑。雖然農產品的出口額在不斷增加,但在出口總額中的比率卻在降低,從1988年的20%下降到2000年的6.3%。中國在全世界的農產品出口中占有一定的地位,2001年 蠶絲的出口額占世界出口總額的81%,大蒜和蘑菇的出口額占40%以上。</p><p> 蔬菜類作物,出口數量因蔬菜種類不同有較大差異。大蒜是蔬菜類中出口數量較多的農產品,2001年出口54.65萬噸,在1991-2001這11
72、;<p> 2.2 出口國家或地區(qū)的一般狀況以及農產品貿易趨勢</p><p> 2.2.1 出口國家或地區(qū)的一般狀況</p><p> 1994年的中國農業(yè)統(tǒng)計年鑒顯示,中國的農產品已出口到160 個國家地區(qū)。中國農產品出口到世界各地,但出口的分布并不均勻。從1994到2000年間中國農產品的出口情況來看,中國主要出口到亞洲地區(qū),亞洲地區(qū)的出口量占總出口量的75.5%
73、,歐洲占15.2%, 北美洲占5.3%,非洲占2.3%, 拉丁美洲占1%, 大洋洲占0.6%。亞洲地區(qū)又可以分為三大片:日本(30.9%),韓國(18.2%)和朝鮮(6.7%)。</p><p> 中國出口到這三個國家的總量每年約占出口總量的55.8%。亞洲地區(qū)另外的出口國還有新加坡(2.8%)、印尼(2.6%)、馬來群島(2.5%)和菲律賓2.1%。歐洲地區(qū),主要的出口國是俄羅斯、荷蘭和德國,分別為2.9%、
74、2.7%和3.1%。北美洲主要是美國(4.7%),加拿大(0.6%)。 非洲地區(qū)主要是科特迪瓦(0.3%),摩洛哥(0.3%) 和南非(0.3%)。拉丁美洲主要是古巴(0.3%)和巴西(0.2%)。</p><p> 大洋洲是澳大利亞(0.5%)。中國出口的農產品占世界的比例較高的主要有:生廢絲,2001年分別占世界出口額的91.9%和87.7%。在1991-2001期間,這兩種農產品所占份額都在增加,分別由5
75、8.3%上升到91.9%及由72%上升到87.7%。</p><p> 2.2.2 農產品貿易趨勢</p><p> 在1991年中國只有6中農產品的出口額占世界出口額的比例超過50%,這6種農產品為:甘薯、豬肉、生廢絲、蠶繭和棉籽餅。2001增加到10種農產品,新增的農產品為:蕎麥、桐樹油、毛、蠶繭、新鮮或干蔬菜、生姜。原有的6種農產品中有部分農產品的出口額比例低于50%,如甘薯、豬
76、肉、棉籽餅。2001年,出口額比例在30%—50%之間的農產品有:木薯、木薯粉、蘑菇、馬毛、大蒜、花生和香茅油。2001年,出口額比例在20%-30%之間的農產品有:兔肉、防止羊皮、栗子、蜂蠟、白桂皮、芝麻油、大豆醬油、蜂蜜、干豆。其他農產品出口額比例均少于20%。</p><p> Faostat 的資料顯示,總的來說,中國的農產品出口呈現增長的趨勢,從1991年到2001年增加了11.7%.</p&g
77、t;<p> 谷類作物的出口變化走勢不是很明顯,時降時升。 從出口量來講,從整個研究講,中國為貿易順差的農產品有:大米、玉米、蕎麥、高粱、黑小麥和小米。不過貿易順差這種情況有時也會改變,比如1995年和1996年中國大米貿易出現逆差,1995、1996、1998和1999年玉米貿易出現逆差,高粱只有在1997年前為順差,其后都為貿易逆差。肉類農產品中,1995年后,豬肉的出口量明顯下降,雞肉的出口量持續(xù)增加。從整個時期來
78、看,肉類為貿易順差,這種狀態(tài)一直保持到1998年,但在此之后,有些肉類出現了逆差的情況。出口大于進口的肉類主要有:豬肉、兔肉、鴨肉和鵝肉。罐裝雞肉為出口肉類增添一種新的走勢,1999年后罐裝雞的出口量已超過了豬肉。</p><p> 水果和蔬菜出口趨勢一直很好。水果一直保持增長的趨勢,尤其是2000年蘋果汁的出口量猛增。主要出口的蔬菜是大蒜、洋蔥、蘑菇、番茄醬,出口量每年增加,2001年蔬菜總出口量比1991年
79、增加了300%。 出口的蔬菜類中除少量的蔬菜為逆差外,大部分出口蔬菜都呈順差。水果類也一樣,大部分的水果實現貿易順差,如蘋果、梨、罐裝鳳梨、李子、芒果、普通蘋果汁。1991-1995年和2001年,水果總出口量大于進口量。紡織纖維出口有夏季那個的趨勢,皮棉在1999年和2000年出口量有所恢復,但在2001年又從新下降。除黃麻外,紡織纖維中主要出口產品的出口量變化都比較穩(wěn)定。絲、馬皮的出口量在研究期內的各年都實現了貿易順差。植物油的出口
81、 第三章</b></p><p> 3.1 綠色壁壘對山東農業(yè)貿易的影響</p><p> 綠色貿易壁壘影響下,對山東省農產品主要出口國家或地區(qū)的分析研究。首先,闡述了山東省農產品出口的主要國家和地區(qū)在農產品貿易中,日本、美國、歐盟是山東省主要的貿易伙伴,毫無疑問,綠色貿易壁壘可以增強人們的環(huán)保理念,提高保護人類健康、動物和植物的安全意識。但是,綠色貿易壁壘對貿易也會施以
82、負面影響。許多發(fā)達國家,憑借其雄厚的資金實力和先進的技術,制定了一系列技術標準,這些標準的制定會嚴重影響發(fā)展中國家對外出口。顯然,發(fā)達國家的環(huán)境標準和技術標準相對較高。此外,由此產生的高成本,使得出口商面臨困難。日本對我國采取限制措施的產品主要集中在蔬菜、貝類等產品,在2006年5月29日,“肯定列表制度”正式在日本生效。 這一制度規(guī)定了農業(yè)化學品的最高殘留限量,涉及302種食品,79種農業(yè)化學品,54782個限量標準,全面提高了農產品
83、進口市場準入的技術門檻“肯定列表制度”是一個全面的安全和衛(wèi)生監(jiān)測方案而歐盟對出口商提出了更多要求,這將意味著今后向歐盟出口 的農產品,不但要符合歐盟食品安全相關標準,還要重視食品安全管理。美國對進口產品的安全衛(wèi)生要求比較高。第二、三 、四節(jié)中,分別對其采取綠色貿易壁壘的措施和特</p><p> 3.2如何應對綠色貿易壁壘的相關建議</p><p> 在上述研究的基礎上,對政府,企業(yè)和
84、非政府組織如何應對綠色貿易壁壘提供了相應的建議:首先,政府作為政策的制定者要加強宣傳綠色消費觀,并制定完善的標準和認證體系,積極發(fā)展生態(tài)農業(yè),建立出口生產基地來提高農產品的整體質量水平,并建立綠色信息預警機制來提早防范國外綠色貿易壁壘的影響。 一般來說,政府負責建立完善的農業(yè)標準體系,提高農產品的質量研究水平,并且緊跟國際標準。通過積極采用國際標準,加快農品質量升級,加強農產品的出 口競爭力。此外,進出口調節(jié)方面,政府應采取措施,以完善
85、監(jiān)督和檢查。為了引進和改進監(jiān)測技術,以及提高國內產品的質量并達到發(fā)達國家要求的水平,我們應該與擁有先進技術的國家制定標準保持一致,以便減少進口和出口的障礙。 此外,加強農產品和制度建設的質量檢驗,加快與國際接軌的過程,也應是我們 的首要任務。我國政府將協(xié)助成千上萬的企業(yè)打破“綠色貿易壁壘”, 并在全球 市場上為企業(yè)尋找更多的機會。其次,企業(yè)應提高綠色意識,主動改進產品生產技術提高質量,以避免貿易保護主義有可乘之機。同時,企業(yè)也應該積極采
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