1、<p> 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p> 系 : 自動化工程學(xué)院 </p><p> 專 業(yè): 測控技術(shù)與儀器 </p><p> 姓 名: </p>&
2、lt;p> 學(xué) 號: </p><p> 外文出處: http://www.autooo.net/EN/2576.html </p><p> 附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文
3、。 </p><p> 附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p> PLC在蒸汽鍋爐汽包液位PID控制系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用分析</p><p> 來源: 錄入時間:07-06-10 13:22:33 English version</p><p> 1 引言 工業(yè)蒸汽鍋爐汽包水位控制的任務(wù)是控制給水流量使其與蒸發(fā)量保持動態(tài)平衡,維持汽包
5、全自動調(diào)節(jié),保證了工業(yè)鍋爐的安全穩(wěn)定高效運行。2 工業(yè)鍋爐相關(guān)工藝介紹 蒸汽鍋爐是廠礦重要的動力設(shè)備,其任務(wù)是供給合格穩(wěn)定的蒸汽,以滿足負荷的需要。為此,鍋爐生產(chǎn)過程的各個主要參數(shù)都必須嚴格控制。而利用余熱氣體作為熱交換介質(zhì)的余熱鍋爐在全國占有很大的比例,其節(jié)能降耗效果尤為明顯。某化工廠硫酸余熱鍋爐就是利用沸騰爐出來的爐氣(主要是SO2)溫度過高,將其作為熱交換對象,通過余熱鍋爐副產(chǎn)中壓蒸汽供各生產(chǎn)分廠使用,既保證了生產(chǎn)需要,
6、也達到了節(jié)能降耗的目的。</p><p> 圖1 余熱鍋爐工藝流程圖</p><p> 3 控制難點分析 鍋爐計算機控制是近年來開發(fā)的一項新技術(shù)。它是微型計算機軟、硬件、自動控制、鍋爐節(jié)能等幾項技術(shù)緊密結(jié)合的產(chǎn)物,作為鍋爐控制裝置,其主要任務(wù)是保證鍋爐的安全、穩(wěn)定、經(jīng)濟運行,減輕操作人員的勞動強度。采用微計算機控制,能對鍋爐進行過程的自動檢測、自動控制等多項功能。它的被調(diào)量是汽
8、指標,通過調(diào)整進水量的多少來達到進出平衡,將汽包水位維持在汽水分離界面最大的汽包中位線附近,以提高鍋爐的蒸發(fā)效率,保證生產(chǎn)安全。由于鍋爐水位系統(tǒng)是一個設(shè)有自平衡能力的被控對象,運行中存在虛假水位現(xiàn)象,實際應(yīng)用中可根據(jù)情況采用水位單沖量、水位蒸汽量雙沖量和水位、</p><p> 圖2 三沖量調(diào)節(jié)方框圖</p><p> 先通過蒸汽流量變送器和給水流量變送器取得各自的信號乘以相應(yīng)的比例系
9、數(shù),通過比例系數(shù)可以調(diào)節(jié)蒸汽流量或給水流量對調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)的影響力度。通過差壓變送器取得水位信號作為主調(diào)節(jié)信號H。如果水位設(shè)定值為G,那么在平衡條件下應(yīng)有D×Dk-W×Wk+H-G=0的關(guān)系式存在。其中Dk為蒸汽流量系數(shù) Wk為給水流量系數(shù)。如果再設(shè)定時,保證在穩(wěn)態(tài)下D×Dk=W×Wk那么就可以得到H=G。此時調(diào)節(jié)器的輸出就與符合對應(yīng),給水閥停在某一位置上。若有一個或多個信號發(fā)生變化,平衡狀態(tài)被破壞,P
11、鍋爐系統(tǒng)中一般采用給水泵一直以工頻方式運轉(zhuǎn),用回流閥降低水壓防止爆管,現(xiàn)在一般采用通過變頻器恒</p><p> 圖3 汽定水+液位前饋比值控制方案框圖</p><p> 其中系數(shù)K為汽水損失率(給水流量與蒸汽流量的比值),范圍為1.1~1.2。PID參數(shù)為P=300%、I=0.4、D=0。這組PID參數(shù)可以使閥位波動幅度不大而回路有較快的跟蹤效果。液位前饋系數(shù)與鍋爐額定負荷密切相關(guān),
12、一般是額定負荷越大前饋系數(shù)也越大。本項目廢熱鍋爐的額定負荷為35t/h。前饋系數(shù)按表一給定,見附表:附表 前饋系數(shù)表</p><p> 投運時首先投運給水流量單回路,調(diào)節(jié)平穩(wěn)后,再切換為蒸汽流量比值控制,液位前饋同時起作用。以汽定水+液位前饋比值控制方案調(diào)試投運簡單方便,投運后經(jīng)負荷擾動(產(chǎn)汽量變化)、液位擾動(排污量變化)實驗,抗擾動性能良好,投運以來運行平穩(wěn),達到工藝要求。圖4為2.5h實時液位記錄曲線
13、,其中記錄了負荷擾動情況。液位波動范圍<±3%。 </p><p> 4 永宏P(guān)LC PID控制系統(tǒng)分析4.1 帶PID控制功能的FATEK可編程控制器 PID控制及其控制器或智能PID控制器(儀表)已經(jīng)很多,產(chǎn)品已在工程實際中得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用,有各種各樣的PID控制器產(chǎn)品,作為國產(chǎn)PLC企業(yè),永宏電機股份公司一直致力于PLC的研究開發(fā)工作,帶PID控制功能的FATEK可編程控制器(PLC
15、后再由汽包水位調(diào)節(jié)器完成水位的細調(diào)。</p><p> 4.2 汽包水位PID控制設(shè)計優(yōu)點 (1) 減少干擾對主回路的影響,可由副回路控制器予以校正。 (2) 由于副回路的存在減少了相位滯后,從而改善了主回路的響應(yīng)速度。 (3) 對控制閥特性的變化具有較好的魯棒性。 (4) 副回路可以按照主回路的需求對對象實施精確控制。 實際PLC的控制程序采用主副回路進行串級控制,即主回路的輸出做為副回路的設(shè)
16、定值,經(jīng)副回路輸出作用于被控對象。也可以不用副回路只用主回路形成單回路調(diào)解,或手動操作完成。一般常見的過程控制應(yīng)用, 開環(huán)回路控制就可以滿足大部份的應(yīng)用要求,但隨著使用時間、組件特性變化或受控負載或外界工作環(huán)境的變化,開環(huán)回路控制因為沒有真實將受控程序的實際量反饋到控制器,因此控制結(jié)果可能與實際期望的結(jié)果會有些落差,閉環(huán)回路PID過程控制是用來克服并解決上述缺點的極佳選擇。FBS-PLC提供軟件數(shù)字化的PID數(shù)學(xué)表達式,對于一般反應(yīng)的閉
17、環(huán)回路過程控制就可應(yīng)付,但對于工業(yè)鍋爐這樣的需要有快速反應(yīng)的閉環(huán)回路控制要使用本功能需要事先評估是否可行。典型的閉環(huán)回路程控示意圖如圖5示。</p><p> 圖5典型閉環(huán)回路程控示意圖</p><p> 根據(jù)應(yīng)用要求,用戶將PID 控制器設(shè)定成比例+積分+微分控制器,其控制器的數(shù)字化數(shù)學(xué)表達式如下:</p><p> Mn:“n”時的控制輸出量D4005:
18、增益常數(shù),默認值為1000;可設(shè)定范圍為1~ 5000Pb:比例帶(范圍:1~5000,單位為0.1%; Kc(增益)=D4005/Pb)En:“n”時的誤差=設(shè)定值(SP)-“n”時的過程變數(shù)值(PVn)Ki:積分常數(shù)( 范圍:0~9999,相當于0.00~99.99 Repeats/Minute)Td:微積分時間常數(shù)(范圍:0~9999,相當于0.00~99.99Minute)PVn:“n”時的過程變數(shù)值PVn-1:“n
19、”時的上一次過程變數(shù)值Ts:PID運算的間隔時間(范圍:1~3000,單位:0.01S)Bias:偏置輸出量(范圍:0~16383) 加上微分項的控制器,目的在于消除程控系統(tǒng)的過度反應(yīng),進而使程控系統(tǒng)能夠平穩(wěn)緩和達到穩(wěn)定。雖然微分項有上述優(yōu)點,但因其對輸出量的貢獻相當靈敏,大部分的應(yīng)用不必使用微分項而將Td設(shè)定為0。PID控制器的參數(shù)整定是控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計的核心內(nèi)容。它是根據(jù)被控過程的特性確定PID控制器的比例系數(shù)、積分時間和
20、微分時間的大小。PID控制器參數(shù)整定的方法很多,概括起來有兩大類:一是理論計算整</p><p> 圖6永宏可編程序控制器PID部分程序圖除此以外為保證鍋爐運行的安全,在進行自動化控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計時,對鍋爐水位、鍋爐汽包壓力等重要參數(shù)應(yīng)設(shè)置常規(guī)儀表及報警裝置,以保證水位和汽包壓力有雙重甚至三重報警裝置,這是必不可少的,以免鍋爐發(fā)生重大事故。</p><p> 5 結(jié)束語 由于采用
22、gt; 附件2:外文原文</b></p><p> PLC in steam boiler steam drum fluid position PID control system applied analysis</p><p> Origin: Input time: 07-03-18 13:09:33English version</p><p&
23、gt; 1 introductionThe industry steam boiler steam drum water monitor duty is the control causes it for the water current capacity with the transpiration rate maintenance dynamical equilibrium, maintains the steam drum
24、water level in the craft permission scope, is guarantees the boiler safety in production movement the essential condition, also is one of boiler regular production movement major targets or quotas. If the water level exc
25、essively is high, affects the soft drink separation the effect, t</p><p> Chart 1 afterheat boiler flow chart</p><p> 3 controls difficulties analysisThe boiler computer control is a new tech
26、nology which the recent years developed. It is the microcomputer soft, the hardware, the automatic control, the boiler energy conservation and so on several technical in close integration with product, as the boiler cont
27、rol device, its primary mission is guaranteed the boiler the security, is stable, the economical movement, reduces operator's labor intensity. Uses the micro computer control, can carry on the process to th</p>
28、<p> Chart 2 impulse adjustment block diagram</p><p> First and obtains respective signal through vapor stream quantitative change delivering for fluent quantitative change delivering while by the c
29、orresponding scale-up factor, may adjust the steam current capacity through the scale-up factor or give the water current capacity to the governing system influence dynamics. Changes delivering through the difference pre
30、ssure to obtain the water level signal to take host adjustment signal H. If the water level supposes the definite value is G, then shoul</p><p> Chart 3 the steam decides the water + fluid position forward
31、feed ratio control plan diagram </p><p> Coefficient K is the soft drink loss factor (gives water current capacity and steam current capacity ratio), the scope is 1.1 ~ 1.2. The PID parameter is P = 300%, I
32、 = 0.4, D = 0. This group of PID parameter may enable the valve position margin of fluctuation not greatly but the return route to have the quicker track effect. The fluid position forward feed coefficient and the boiler
33、 fixed load close correlation, generally are the fixed load bigger forward feed coefficient is also bigger. This pr</p><p> The attached list forward feed is a mathematical table</p><p> Throw
34、s transports when first throws transports for the water current capacity single return route, after the adjustment is steady, then cuts for the steam current capacity ratio control, at the same time the fluid position fo
35、rward feed the function. To the steam decides the water + fluid position forward feed ratio control plan to move transports simply convenient, after throws transports (produces steam quantitative change) after the load p
36、erturbation, the fluid position perturbation (dumps pol</p><p> Chart 4 real-time fluids positions record curve</p><p> 4 forever great PLC PID control system analysis4.1 brings PID the contr
37、ol function the FATEK programmable controllerPID control and its controller or intelligent PID controller (measuring appliance) already very many, the product actual center obtained the widespread application in the pro
38、ject, has various PID controller product, took the domestically produced PLC enterprise, forever the great electrical machinery joint-stock company continuously will devote to the PLC research development wor</p>
39、<p> 4.2 steam drums waters level PID control design merit (1) reduces the disturbance to the host return route influence, may adjust by the vice- return route controller. (2) because the vice- return route exist
40、ence reduced the phase lag, thus improved the host return route speed of response. (3) has a better robustness to the control valve characteristic change. (4) the vice- return route may defer to the host return route t
41、he demand to the object implementation accuracy control.The actual PLC</p><p> control schematic drawing like chart 6 shows.</p><p> Chart5 typical closed loops return routes program control
42、 schematic drawing</p><p> According to applies the request, the user establishes the PID controller the proportion + integral + differential controller, its controller digitization mathematical expression
43、as follows:Mn: "n" time control outputD4005: The gain constant, tacitly approves the value is 1,000; May establish the scope is 1 ~ 5,000Pb: Hou ratio(scope: 1 ~ 5,000, the unit is 0.1%; Kc (gain) =D4005/Pb
44、)En: "n" the time error = supposes the definite value (SP) - "n" the time process to change the value (PVn)Ki</p><p> The PID controller parameter project tuning method, mainly has the
45、 critical ratio method, the response tune long-base method and fades the subtraction. Three methods respectively have its characteristic, its common ground all is through the experiment, then carries on according to the
46、project empirical formula to The controller parameter setting. But regardless of uses the controller parameter which which one method obtained arrives, all needs to carry on the final adjustment and the consummatio</p
47、><p> Chart 6 forever great programmable foreword controller PID partial procedure charts</p><p> Except for this for guaranteed the boiler movement the security, when carries on the automation c
48、ontrol system design, to the boiler water level, the boiler dome pressure and so on the important parameter should establish the conventional measuring appliance and the alarm device, guaranteed the water level and the d
49、ome pressure have the dual even tertiary alarm device, this is essential, in order to avoid the boiler has the significant accident.5 concluding remarkBecause used PLC to carry on t</p><p><b> 附件3:外
50、文資料2</b></p><p> Drumless natural circulation boiler</p><p> US Patent Issued on January 8, 2002</p><p> Description</p><p> FIELD AND BACKGROUND OF THE INVEN
51、TION The present invention relates generally to large commercial utility boilers or steam generators and, in particular, to a new and useful natural circulation steam generator which uses a plurality of large diameter
52、vertical pressure vessels at the top of downcomers of the steam generator, instead of a conventional single large steam drum. A conventional natural circulation boiler or steam generator system, generally designated 10
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