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1、<p><b>  附錄1 外文譯文</b></p><p><b>  第四章</b></p><p>  切削側表面刀具的磨損高速干切削</p><p><b>  4.1前言</b></p><p>  許多不同類型的切削刀具都存在著不同程度的磨損,無論是在側

2、面、凹面或凸面。 側面磨損技術源于平面技術在新興邊緣摩擦工作面的發(fā)展;主要原因是摩擦表面的數(shù)字顯示見圖4-1。它可以測量側面磨損的寬度(VB). 對于凹面磨損來說由于存在磨粒磨損及其擴展于黏附。因此凹面磨損需測量凹陷的深度(KT)。凸面磨損與側面磨損的原理基本相同。一般經常用到的是磨損寬度VB和凹陷深度KT(見圖4-2)因為他們可以比較清楚的反映出加工工件的路徑。然而,凸面則顯得更難以測量。在機械工程發(fā)展的過程中側面磨損被廣泛的用于大量

3、測量磨損的標準。</p><p>  圖4-2顯示了機械磨損的結果,這表明了側面磨損技術標志著一個新的切削時代的到來。最初的高速磨損經常發(fā)生在切削過程的開始階段。第二個區(qū)域也是比較好的一個區(qū)域它處于一個穩(wěn)定或接近穩(wěn)定的磨損率,其磨損率主要取決于切削速度和切削刃。第三個區(qū)域也是最后一個區(qū)域,在這個區(qū)域里磨損率將迅速增長他將導致切削刃毀滅性的破壞。對這一現(xiàn)象的解釋是,側面與工作面的摩擦而導致溫度的升高,從而引起連鎖反

4、應使得溫度迅速升高。</p><p><b>  4.1.1碳化鐵</b></p><p>  自從碳化鐵被用于刀具的原材料以來它就大量的作為刀具生產的原料。這種材料的制作是通過粉末冶金技術的微粒燒結和加如金屬粘合擠而成的高硬度碳化物。與高速鋼相比,這種碳化鐵提供了較好的硬度和在較高溫度下的熱化學穩(wěn)定性。作為金屬粉末產品,這種碳化鐵可以生產出不同檔次的產品以應用于不同

5、領域。這種技術可以加工各種不同幾何形狀的工件,當然也可以用特制的刀具夾頭或較昂貴的黃銅手柄放在上面。這種化學膠結碳化物的組成通常包括碳化鎢(WC),碳化鈦(TiC)和碳化鉭(TaC)且用鈷作為粘合擠。對于上述化學物質每個公司都有自己的混合比例。就碳化鐵的機械特性來說,如可延展性和韌性取決于其中所含碳化物的等級和密度。此外,碳化鐵的硬度及抗壓強度在1100°C時如能達到800 MPa則TiC的含量將達到12%,如要使其硬度在80

6、0 °C達到1.5GPa時則合金的比例分配將是TiC19%,TaC16%和Co9.5%。</p><p>  圖4-1 刀具的磨損</p><p>  圖4-2 切削過程中側面的磨損狀況</p><p><b>  4.2 涂層</b></p><p>  從70年代初涂層技術開始引進以來導致了硬質合金涂層生產

7、的極大提高。此后這種涂層技術幾乎應用于各種切割刀具。涂層就像一堵屏障以防止切削碎片和原料的工作表面發(fā)生相互作用。到目前為止已經開發(fā)出了各種不同類型的涂層材料,包括氮化鈦(TiN),碳化鈦(TiC),三氧化二鋁(AL2O3 )和氮化鋯(ZrN)。一般來說,其硬度高于200VDH并在鐵的參合下溶解性極低。在機械設備中的鋼和鐵都存在銹蝕和脫落的問題,這些涂層能夠使延長他們的使用壽命。但是涂層技術并不能應用于防止切削刀具的折斷與破損。</

8、p><p>  在刀具上應用涂層TiN,TiCN和A12O3顯示了其具有阻礙和降低刀具表面的磨損的作用。以下是常用的涂層技術:</p><p><b>  4.2.1單層涂層</b></p><p>  這種技術是將TiC以化學蒸汽的形式沉積到硬質合金表面上而提出的。然而,在使用這個過程中的缺點是硬質合金上的涂層會帶走金屬表面的碳。這將打破化學平衡

9、和刀具成分的變化從而使涂層和刀具本體的分界層變的比較脆,這將使刀具在切入工件時在刀具邊緣出現(xiàn)容易斷裂的結果。</p><p><b>  4.2.2多層涂層</b></p><p>  這種類型涂層技術的提及被稱為“三明治”涂層,根據(jù)涂層材料的不同而有不同的組合最多可顯示多達8層以上涂層。這種“三明治”涂層技術的最后一層厚度能達到10-15微米,它遠遠大于進行涂層過程

10、中的第一層涂層。但是,第一涂層將是最佳結合性能單一涂層。</p><p>  多層涂層技術一般由TiN/TiCN/ AL2O3涂層,TiN/ AL2O3/ TiC / TiCN涂層或者它們之間的組合。另一方面,涂層中也引進了一些張力與壓力的概念以提高刀具抗拒機械沖擊的過程。</p><p>  在側面磨損與凹面磨損之間有著不同類型的涂層。TiN涂層用于凹面的抗磨性比TiC涂層好而在側面上用

11、TiC涂層將比TiN涂層的抗磨性好。但是,在側面或凹面上采用涂層AL2O3的抗磨效果幾乎是相同的,就像在側面上采用碳化物涂層及在凹面上采用氮化物涂層一樣。最近報道顯示,塑料在抗變形能力上將比其他材料要優(yōu)越的多因而在抗磨性上有取代鋁化物涂層的趨勢。</p><p>  4.3干燥條件下機械磨損的研究</p><p>  關于刀具的使用壽命實驗數(shù)據(jù)在第三章已加以論述,機械磨損的研究將在4.4節(jié)

12、、4.5節(jié)和4.6節(jié)加以論述。通過這幾節(jié)的論述將加深對涂層技術研究的理解提供有益的啟示,優(yōu)化機械操作和對涂層材料及涂層技術的改進提供必要的知識。因為磨削類型的分類是根據(jù)切削速度來進行的,所以對微小磨削非傳統(tǒng)切削速度(即HSM)的研究將是非常必要的。通過這次實驗將首次對磨削壽命及高速干切削條件下的微型機械磨削進行研究。對于非傳統(tǒng)切削速度的重要性是他能縮短生產時間、增加盈利及減少機械故障。</p><p>  4.4

13、碳化鐵機械磨損的實驗觀察</p><p>  干燥條件下的機械切削</p><p>  在這一節(jié)中將對碳化鐵刀具切入4140鋼時的微型機械磨削進行實驗和觀察。根據(jù)圖4-3A顯示切削刀具在達到最大磨損極限時的切削速度通常是180m/min。它顯示了滑移磨損出現(xiàn)在刀具工作表面的側面位置,即滑移產生在工件表面和刀具切入的側面??梢钥闯鲈趥让婺p中切入深度達到最大時的磨削深度。然而將側面進行放大1

14、500倍后,如圖4-3B,則能看見微小的滑痕。在對鎢化鐵刀具進行實驗時其結論也幾乎是相同的。隨著切削速度的增加,在切削速度達到180m/min時溫度可增加到1115℃;從而導致硬度的急劇下降。</p><p>  圖4-3B顯示了機械磨損的微小滑痕,這在鈷作為切入材料的粘合劑時得到了證實,碳的顆粒將在側面上產生而粘在粘合劑上。因此,它的結論是在切削速度達到180m/min時,滑移和微小滑痕都將出現(xiàn)。</p&

15、gt;<p>  圖4-4A顯示了在干燥條件下切入時切削速度達到150m/min的滑移磨損現(xiàn)象。切入側面的邊緣出現(xiàn)了典型的相互平行的滑移磨損溝槽。它類似于碳化鎢的滑痕半徑30微米。</p><p>  切削速度在180m/min時的滑移磨損顯微圖</p><p> ?。˙)切削速度在180m/min時的滑痕顯微圖</p><p>  圖 4-3 切速1

16、80m/min時的放大圖(A)切削速度在180m/min時的滑移磨損</p><p>  顯微圖(B)切削速度在180m/min時的滑痕顯微圖</p><p>  其它類型的機械微小磨損的研究也和上述類型相似,如圖4-4B所示,一條微小的滑痕在狹窄的溝槽中顯示。據(jù)報道同樣類型的磨損現(xiàn)象在陶瓷刀具中也出現(xiàn)過。由于將鈷作為切削刀具的粘合劑則微型溝槽在切削側表面大量的出現(xiàn)。因此,它的結論是在15

17、0m/min的切削速度下滑移磨損和微型機械滑痕都將大量出現(xiàn)。</p><p>  由于在金屬切削過程中存在多種機械磨損;包括氧化、擴散磨損、腐蝕磨損和疲勞磨損。因磨損的存在則刀具的切削刃是焊接在刀柄上的。因為刀刃與刀柄之間是焊接為一體的則焊接處刀柄有一缺口以便于安放刀刃。機械磨損的效力在于刀具表面出現(xiàn)磨粒的硬度。因此刀具切削刃的切削能力與摩擦顆粒的硬度有關。磨損的擴散方向是由刀刃與金屬碎片之間的原子引力來決定的;

18、它將導致原子移動的兩個不同方向。這種方法是通過提高溫度、壓力和接觸時間來實現(xiàn)的。機械疲勞是由于刀刃的連續(xù)壓縮與張力而形成的且刀刃所承受的壓力高于刀刃的機械強度。另一方面,連續(xù)的降溫和升溫也有可能導致熱疲勞。</p><p>  切削速度在150m/min時的滑移磨損顯微圖</p><p>  (B)切削速度在150m/min時的滑痕顯微圖</p><p>  圖 4

19、-4 切速150m/min時的放大圖(A)切削速度在150m/min時的滑移磨損</p><p>  顯微圖(B)切削速度在150m/min時的滑痕顯微圖</p><p>  當切削速度在120m/min時刀具側表面與工件的接觸方向一般會出現(xiàn)縱向平行的溝槽。如圖4-5所示在刀具側表面磨損率較底或較高的區(qū)域都將會出現(xiàn)沿金屬碎片脫落方向而存在的暗淡脊狀條痕。這表明機械磨損的微小黏附是存在的。在

20、刀具AISI 4340的刀刃中加入鋁的化合物(Al2 03 + TiC )時也存在著類似的結果。隨著切削速度下降,刀刃和切削區(qū)域的溫度也隨之下降。另外隨工件材料脫落的切削碎片的黏性也比高速切削時底,但也足夠于黏附在刀具切入時的刀具側表面。同時如另一張放大倍數(shù)更高的圖4-6A所示可明顯的看見刀具側表面摩擦黏附所凸起的脊狀物。這種脊狀條痕也比其它相進的刀具材料所形成的脊狀條痕大。隨著刀具側表面與工件本體之間的連續(xù)摩擦這種粘附在表面的金屬層也

21、會被摩擦掉。因此,一種新的機械磨損出現(xiàn)了即微小摩擦磨損。一些低質材料也將隨著粘附金屬層的移動而帶走。如圖4-6B所示微小摩擦的特征是在表面上出現(xiàn)了微小的孔穴。</p><p>  當切削速度達到90m/min和60m/min時則在刀具凹面將出現(xiàn)刃狀。如圖4-7A所示在刀刃上出現(xiàn)了新的刀刃。因為在干燥的環(huán)境下進行切削,所以一種無油潤滑且潔凈的高速干切削是可以利用的。這些都是理想情況下在切削凹面上形成的壓力熔接點稱為

22、BUE。它是在切削表面的碎片流動速率不是很高的情況下形成的。這顯示了碎片流過凹面部分的流速將隨碎片上層至底層逐級遞減且最底層黏附在刀具凹面不動。這兒有兩種類型的BUE。一種是顯示在速率90和60m/min時切削材料為4140時是穩(wěn)定的。這個跡象闡明了刀具在這兩個切削速度的壽命最長。</p><p>  此外,如圖3-5所示在穩(wěn)定的區(qū)域加大切入長度并在高速切削時在刀刃上將不存在壓力熔接點。盡管如此,壓力熔接速率也和

23、切入表面的粘性碎片移動速率相等。這就是壓力熔接技術(BUE)在切速90和60m/min時穩(wěn)定和連續(xù)的原因。圖4-7B是壓力熔接層放大1000倍的示意圖,它顯示了多層碎片溶解層的重疊。</p><p>  圖4-5 切速120m/min時的脊狀條痕和滑移磨損顯微圖</p><p> ?。ˋ)切速120m/min時的微小黏附磨損顯微圖</p><p> ?。˙)切速12

24、0m/min時黏附層脫落后的微小摩擦磨損顯微圖</p><p>  圖4-6 切速120m/min時的側面區(qū)域顯微圖(A)切速120m/min時的微小黏</p><p>  附磨損顯微圖(B)切速120m/min時黏附層脫落后的微小摩擦磨損顯</p><p><b>  微圖</b></p><p>  切速90m/mi

25、n時刃狀的出現(xiàn)</p><p>  (B)切速90m/min時似刃狀的多層碎片溶解層</p><p>  圖 4-7 切速90m/min時的放大圖(A)切速90m/min時刃狀的出現(xiàn)(B)切</p><p>  速90m/min時似刃狀的多層碎片溶解層</p><p><b>  附錄2 外文原文</b></p&


27、  On the cutting tool many different types of wear mechanisms could take place, on either the flank surface, crater surface, or cutting tool nose [1]. Flank wear takes place by forming a flat surface that develops where

28、the edge rub the newly generated work piece surface; primarily because of the abrasive wear as shown in Figure 4-1. It can be measured by the width of the flank wear land (VB). Crater wear, on the other hand, can be deve

29、loped due to abrasive wear, diffusion and adhesion wear. Crate</p><p>  Figure 4-2 shows the effect of the wear mechanism, in this case the flank wear on the new cutting edge against time. A rapid initial we

30、ar usually is caused by the break-in that begins the process. The second region on the right is the steady state or nearly steady rate of wear, which depends mainly on the cutting speed or (chip removal) over the cutting

31、 edge. The third and last region is the rapidly increasing wear rate the proceeds to a catastrophic failure of the cutting tool edge. The explana</p><p>  4.1.1 Uncoated Cemented Carbide</p><p>

32、  Cemented carbide since its discovery as a cutting tool material has been the most frequently used cutting tool material for high production [1]. This material is fabricated with powder metallurgy technology by sinterin

33、g fine particles of hard carbide in a metal binder. In comparison with high-speed steel, cemented carbide provides a superior hardness chemical stability at elevated temperature. </p><p>  Figure 4-1 Tool we

34、ar measurement.</p><p>  Figure 4-2 Wear situations on the flank surface of the cutting tool.</p><p>  As a metal powder product, the cemented carbide can be produced with different grades for d

35、ifferent applications [2]. Cutting inserts with various geometries can be produced by this technique that either need a special tool holder, or one that can be brazed onto a less expensive shank. The chemical composition

36、 of the cemented carbide, usually includes tungsten carbide (WC), titanium carbide (TiC), and tantalum carbide (TaC) with cobalt as a binder. Each company has its own blending ratio for the</p><p>  4.2 Coat

37、ings</p><p>  Since their introduction in early 70's, hard metal coatings have resulted in tremendous increase in production. Since then they have been applied on almost all types of cutting tools. Coati

38、ngs, however, work as a diffusion barrier to prevent interaction between the chip formed and the work piece material. Different types of coating material have been developed in the past, including titanium nitride (TiN),

39、 titanium carbide (TiC), Alumina (AL2O3), and Zirconium nitride (ZrN). In general, their ha</p><p>  Dearnly and Trent [17] have indicated that the wear resistance of TiN, TiCN, and A12O3 are because of thei

40、r high diffusion resistance on the parts of the tool surface where seizure occurs. The following techniques are commonly used in coating:</p><p>  4.2.1 Single layer coatings</p><p>  This techn

41、ique was first presented by placing a single layer of TiC using a chemical vapor deposition onto a substrate of hard metal [1]. However, the disadvantage of using this process in coating hard metal is that some carbon is

42、 taken away from the surface of the metal. This changes the chemical balance and results in a brittle compound at the interface between the coating and the substrate, which makes the insert susceptible to fracture at the

43、 tool edge.</p><p>  4.2.2 Multiple layer coatings</p><p>  This type of coatings is referred to as "sandwiched" coatings, in which different combinations of different coating material

44、s are used to display up to eight layers over the substrate. The final thickness from multiple layering processes " sandwiched" can reach 10-15 µm, which is much greater than that of the process trying to

45、produce it by one step. However, this process combines the best properties of single coatings.</p><p>  Multiple coatings are made up of TiN/TiCN/AL2O3 layers, TiN/AL2O3 l TiC / TiCN or their repetition. On

46、the other hand, the layers also introduce some pre-tensioning in the form of compressive stresses to help the tool withstand the impact of the machining process.</p><p>  In regard to flank wear and crater w

47、ear there are differences between the different types of coating. TiN is resistant to crater wear than TiC and TiC is more resistant to flank wear than TiN. However, the substrate coated with Alumna AL2O3 has almost the

48、same resistance to flank and crater wear as the inserts coated with carbide and nitride. Dearnly [17] has reported that plastic deformation is the dominant type of wear that takes place on the Alumina coated inserts rath

49、er than diffusion wears.</p><p>  4.3 Wear Mechanism Study Under Dry Condition</p><p>  In an attempt to explain the experimental tool life data presented in (Chapter3), wear mechanisms study wa

50、s carried out through out Section 4.4, Section 4.5, and Section 4.6. It will provide a useful insight for understanding the tribological behavior of coating under study, optimizing machining operations, and to provide es

51、sential knowledge to the improvement of coating materials and coatings techniques. Since the wear type is dependent on the cutting speed [2, 18, 19, 22, 26], it is important </p><p>  4.4 Experimental Observ

52、ations of Wear Mechanisms of Uncoated Cemented CarbideCutting Inserts in Dry Machining</p><p>  In this section, the experimental findings and observations of micro-wear mechanism with uncoated cemented car

53、bide tool inserts in machining 4140 steel are presented. In light of Figure 4-3A the cutting inserts were used at a cutting speed of 180 m/min after the cutting tool reached the maximum wear limit. It is observed that a

54、sliding wear occurred at the flank surface position at the tool work interface, where sliding occurs between the newly generated work piece material and the flank side of</p><p>  Micro-abrasion wear mechani

55、sm is revealed from Figure 4-3B, this is justified by the fact that the cobalt is used in the cutting inserts material as a binder [18]. It is worn faster and then the carbide grains protrude out of the flank face. Hence

56、, it is concluded that at this cutting speed (180m/min), both sliding and micro-abrasion wears are activated.</p><p>  Figure 4-4A was taken for cutting inserts machined at a cutting speed of 150 m/min under

57、 dry conditions. A typical sliding wear at the flank edge of the cutting insert is revealed indicating grooves parallel to the contact direction. It is similar to Koji's [32] findings on Tungsten Carbide inserts in s

58、liding test against diamond pin 30µ radius.</p><p>  (a) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180m/min showing sliding wear</p><p>  (b) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180m/min showing micro-abra

59、sion wear.</p><p>  Figure 4-3 Magnified images of (KC313) at 180m/min: (a) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180m/min showing sliding wear, (b) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180m/min showing micro-abrasion wear

60、.</p><p>  To investigate closely other types of micro-wear mechanisms, a zoom-in view was taken at the surface as shown in Figure 4-4B, a micro-abrasion appeared in the narrow grooves. Chuanzhen [45] report

61、ed the same type of wear when machining Inconel with Ceramic tools. The micro-grooves developed on the flank surface are due mainly to the cobalt used as a binder in this cutting inserts material. Therefore, it is conclu

62、ded that at 150 m/min cutting speed sliding wear and micro-abrasion wear mechanisms </p><p>  Several wear mechanisms occur during metal cutting; these include oxidation, diffusion wear, abrasive wear, and f

63、atigue wear [26]. Attrition wear leading to a build up edge (BUE), is a localized welding of material during sliding. Since the material is moving, the welding points get broken and take small parts away from the cutting

64、 tool. Abrasive wear is a mechanism of wear where a grinding effect takes place between hard particle and the cutting tool surface under load. The ability of the cutti</p><p>  The flank surface at 120m/min

65、also has micro-abrasion wear indicated by the longitudinal grooves laid parallel to the contact direction. The flank side has an appearance of dull flat as shown in Figure 4-5 containing ridges lying in the direction of

66、metal chip flow and regions of lower wear rate and others with higher wear rate. This indicates the presence of micro-adhesion wear mechanism. Avila et al [20] recorded similar results when machining AISI 4340 with mixed

67、 alumina tools (Al2 03 + TiC).</p><p>  SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 150m/min showing sliding wear.</p><p>  (b)SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 150m/min showing micro- abrasion .</p><p

68、>  Figure 4-4 Two images of (KC313) at 150m/min:(a) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 150m/min showing sliding wear, (b) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 150m/min showing micro- abrasion.</p><p>  between the fl

69、ank side and the newly generated metal surface. Therefore, a new wear mechanism was activated, which is the micro-attrition wear. Some of the substrate material was plucked away with the removal of adhered metal. As resu

70、lt micro-holes appeared showing the characteristic feature of micro-attrition as shown in Figure 4-6B. This is again is supported by similar results observed by Gu at al [36].</p><p>  Built up edge (BUE) wa

71、s noticed on the cutting tool crater surface when machined at a cutting speed of 90 m/min and 60 m/min. It's similar to the findings reported by J. Gu [18] in machining resulphurized 0.08 wt-%C steel and C. Lim [31]

72、in testing C5 milling inserts. Figure 4-7A, however, shows a build up edge sticking on the cutting tool edge. Since the machining was carried out at dry conditions, a clean surface was available since no oil lubricant wa

73、s used along with the resultant high heat </p><p>  In addition, for the tool life Figure 3-5 shows the stable region that extended for longer time than inserts, which were machined at higher cutting speeds

74、and no BUE were observed on their edges. Nonetheless, the fonnation rate of the BUE was equal to the removing rate of the sticking chips from the insert surface. This explains the stability and continuity of the BUE noti

75、ced at 90 and 60 m/min. Figure 4-7B was taken at a magnification of 1000 times by the SEM from the side of BUE, showing multi</p><p>  4-5 SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 120m/min showing ridges and sliding we

76、ar.</p><p>  (a) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 120m/min showing micro-adhesion wear.</p><p>  SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 120m/min showing</p><p>  micro-attritionafter the adher

77、ed layer plucked away.</p><p>  Figure 4-6 A zoom-in view at the flank side at 120(min) showing: (a) SEM. micrographs of (KC313) at 120m/min showing micro-adhesion wear, (b) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 120

78、m/min showing micro-attrition after the adhered layer plucked away.</p><p>  SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 90m/min showing build up edge.</p><p>  SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 90m/min showing t

79、he morphology of the build up edge.</p><p>  Figure 4-7 Magnified images of (KC313) at 90mlmin: (a) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 90m/min showing build up edge, (b) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 90m/min show


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