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1、<p>  Review of Development Economics, 9(4), 530–548, 2005</p><p><b>  中文3730字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目: FDI and the Capital Intensity of “Dirty” Sect

2、ors: A Missing Piece of the Pollution Haven Puzzle </p><p>  出 處: Review of Development Economics 2005, Vol. 9, No.4, 530–548 </p><p> 

3、 作 者:Matthew A. Cole & Robert J. R. Elliott </p><p><b>  譯 文:</b></p><p>  (節(jié)選自第1頁第2段至第5頁結尾)</p><p>  外商直接投資與“骯臟”部門的資本強

4、度:</p><p><b>  污染避難所之謎 </b></p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  隨著世界一體化的逐步加深,貿易壁壘的消除意味著環(huán)保法規(guī)在塑造國家的比較優(yōu)勢方面發(fā)揮比以往更大作用。如果國際競爭力雖隨著法規(guī)的不同而有所不同,那么改變貿易方式或企業(yè)搬遷(外國直接投資)可能會導致保護主義,

5、這些保護主義的目的是為了減少有關環(huán)境的法規(guī)。與此同時,北美自由貿易協(xié)定引發(fā)了一些學者的擔憂,那就是美國污染密集型跨國公司將搬遷到墨西哥。搬遷的原因是墨西哥的環(huán)保法規(guī)沒那么嚴格,這就是所謂的污染避難所假說。</p><p>  在過去的15至20年間,全球外商直接投資特別是對發(fā)展中國家的投資大幅度增加。1995年,發(fā)展中國家收到的世界各地的外國直接投資是900億美元(占全球總量的38%)(世界銀行,1996),其中

6、大部分投資到亞洲(包括中國)和拉丁美洲(貿發(fā)會議,1995)。這種趨勢鼓勵很多學者研究外國直接投資流動的結構性因素(例如,F(xiàn)root,1993)和外國直接投資與生產率溢出之間的關系(例如,Aitken et al.,1996;Aitken 和 Harrison,1999; Görg 和 Strobl, 2001)。工業(yè)化國家與發(fā)展中國家的外商直接投資和嚴格的環(huán)境法規(guī)之間的關系受到的關注相對較少,對這個問題的研究正是本文所做出的

7、貢獻。</p><p>  大多數(shù)研究外國直接投資與環(huán)境的關系的論文沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)行業(yè)減排成本和發(fā)達國家對外直接投資流量之間的聯(lián)系(例如,Dean,1992;Zarsky,1999;Fabry and Zenghi,2000;Eskeland和 Harrison,2003)。事實上Repetto(1995)認為,美國流向發(fā)展中國家的外國投資中,只有5%到污染嚴重的部門(美國24%的投資是流向發(fā)達國家的)。最近研究美國外

8、商對內直接投資的有關文獻成功地發(fā)現(xiàn)了污染避難所假說(例如,List et al.,2001; Fredriksson et al.,2003;Keller 和 Levinson,2002) 。</p><p>  關注貿易流動的污染避難說文獻也發(fā)現(xiàn)了支持污染避難所假說的證據。比起尋求支持污染避難所說的證據,更具針對性的研究問題是為什么我們不能找到更多的證據,這個事實使得污染避難所假說具備直觀的吸引力。在本文中,作

9、者認為,一個導致污染避難所證據不足的原因被大多數(shù)文獻忽略了,那就是他們沒有考慮要素稟賦跨國公司決定搬遷或設立外國工廠時所起的作用。人們常常認為,和貿易流動一樣,外國投資流入至少有部分時被要素稟賦所驅動,尤其是那些由北向南流動的投資(例如,Caves,1982;Helpman,1984; Markusen, 1984)。如果是這樣,那么我們可以預測,資本密集型公司將投資于資本雄厚的國家,而勞動密集型企業(yè)則會投資于勞力密集的國家。然而,資本

10、密集型行業(yè)通常也是污染密集型行業(yè),但資本雄厚的國家通常擁有最高的環(huán)保法規(guī)。因此,這種“資本勞動假說”似乎是反對污染避難所假說的?!百Y本勞動假說”證明資本充足的北方國家將專注于資本(和污染)密集型產業(yè)的生產,而勞動力豐富的南方國家會反其道而行之。與此相反,污染避難所假說證明擁有較低環(huán)境法規(guī)的南方國家將專注于污染(和資本)密集型產業(yè)的生產,而北方國家則正好相反</p><p>  考慮到上述論點,本文所作的貢獻如下。

11、首先,我們證明了美國工業(yè)的資本密集度和污染強度的關系,也是一個國家資本充足度和環(huán)保法規(guī)的嚴格度之間的關系。這些結論可以讓我們找出哪些國家最有可能成為污染的避風港。第二,根據我們的推理,墨西哥和巴西是確實有可能成為污染避難地??紤]到這一信息,我們對這兩個國家多個領域對外直接投資的決定因素進行了詳細的計量分析。對于為何有關污染避難所的證據如此有限,我們提供了重要的見解。 </p><p>  本文的其余安排如下。第二

12、章提供了分析外商直接投資流量的包括理論和實證方面的文獻綜述。第三章研究了資本、污染排放強度和環(huán)境法規(guī)之間的聯(lián)系。第四章的內容為計量分析。第五章是結論。</p><p><b>  文獻回顧</b></p><p>  本章提供了與外國直接投資有關一些問題的理論和實證的簡要概述。在總體上,外商直接投資對于東道國和投資國都存在潛在效益。例如,東道國可以得到財政資源、新技術

13、和管理技能、就業(yè)機會和技能升級的工作隊伍。在另一方面,投資國可獲的高于要素成本的利潤,以及尋求廉價勞動力(資歷)、可靠的基礎設施、技術能力、高效的市場體系內的本地需求、穩(wěn)定的政治和體制化的法律環(huán)境(Van den Bulcke和Zhang,1998)。</p><p>  近期的外商直接投資的文獻嘗試研究外商直接投資的模式,內容包含產業(yè)組織,跨國公司和定位理論。流入發(fā)展中國家的外商直接投資的標準方式是基于內生增長

14、理論的,因為在發(fā)展中國家,外商直接投資可增加資本存量和技術訣竅,從而提高東道國收入和勞動生產率,最終導致更高的GDP和稅收收入。外商直接投資的外部性通??梢酝ㄟ^模仿加強的柯布一道格拉斯生產函數(shù)(以對數(shù)和時間導數(shù)得出一個標準的增長核算方程)得到。如果跨國公司得到大量的利潤和股息或者跨國公司取得東道國的稅收或其他方面的優(yōu)惠而排擠了國內投資,那么外商直接投資的外部性的是負面的。</p><p>  要素比例理論(Hec

15、kscher–Ohlin)指明貿易模式也可用來解釋發(fā)達國家和發(fā)展中國家的之間的投資模式?;诖怪睌U展的動機,企業(yè)在其他條件不變的基礎上,會被要素價格比母國便宜的國家吸引,特別是該企業(yè)密集使用的要素較便宜時(Markusen,1984;Helpman,1984; Helpman and Krugman,1985;Ethier and Horn,1990)。因此,跨國公司會在要素比例差異較大的國家之間進行單一方向的投資活動。Brainard

16、和其他人指出,雖然要素比例論在解釋發(fā)達國家和發(fā)展中國家外商直接投資流量時相對成功,但是無法解釋具有相同資本和勞動力稟賦的國家之間的投資比例(在研究有相同要素稟賦的國家之間的貿易格局時,也發(fā)現(xiàn)相同的結果)。有一種替代方法叫近距離濃度框架,就是在接近客戶和專業(yè)供應商時以規(guī)模經濟為代價產生橫向擴張吸引力(例如,Horstmann和Markusen,1992;Brainard,1992)。</p><p>  然而,本文


18、慮發(fā)展水平和資本復雜程度。</p><p>  可以說,從理論上研究資本密集度和環(huán)境法規(guī)對外商直接投資的影響的學者就只有Eskeland和Harrison(2003)。他們用一個簡單的模型說明了加強環(huán)境法規(guī)對外商直接投資的影響是模糊的。這種含糊性源于資本與污染治理之間的互補性。對于以利潤最大化為目標的公司,更加嚴格的環(huán)保法規(guī)有可能導致增加或減少對東道國(發(fā)展中國家)和母國(發(fā)達國家)的投資。他們的簡單模型的參數(shù)決

19、定了:(1)特定部門的企業(yè)是繼續(xù)待在母國,保留舊技術并支付減量成本。(2)還是轉移地點,保留舊技術并支付減量成本并關閉現(xiàn)有廠房)。(3)或者繼續(xù)待在母國,投資清潔技術并支付較低的減排成本。</p><p>  本文中,作者建議,由于污染密集產業(yè)的資本密集度相對較強,企業(yè)可以有一個優(yōu)先在國內投資。相對于母國的資本成本,發(fā)展中國家的物質資本(由于成本的作用)較稀缺,這使得因嚴格度較低的環(huán)境法規(guī)而產生的利益得不償失。這


21、論文中是非常常見的(例如,Brainard的最新研究,1997;Braconier和Ekholm,2000;Carr et al., 2001;Eskeland和Harrison,2003)。</p><p><b>  實證思考</b></p><p><b>  美國產業(yè)的特征</b></p><p>  為了說明污染


23、是股份價值增加的標準,其中最高的是一下四個行業(yè):標準產業(yè)分類29(石油),標準產業(yè)分類33(基本金屬),標準產業(yè)分類26(紙)和標準產業(yè)分類28(化工行業(yè))。Hettigeet al.(1994)也發(fā)現(xiàn)上述四種行業(yè)對空氣和水的污染最高。</p><p>  現(xiàn)有的污染避難所學說忽視了一個重要因素,那就是具有較高污染減排成本的行業(yè)都有一個共同的特點。那就是這些行業(yè)的資金密集度高于那些清潔、污染少的行業(yè)。資本密集的生

24、產工序每單位產出排放的污染超過勞工密集的工序所排放的。我們從多個方面來證實這一點。首先,表1根據人均物質資本強度對個部門進行了排名(作為1989年至1994年的平均水平)。污染治理成本和人均物質資本強度之間的關系是明確的,污染治理成本最高的五個部門,正好也是人均物質資本強度最高的部門。據統(tǒng)計,排名為兩位數(shù)的企業(yè)和三位數(shù)的企業(yè)的相關系數(shù)分別為0.69(t統(tǒng)計值4.1)和0.53(t 統(tǒng)計值6.8)。我們還認為,從人均來說,污染治理成本和人

25、均物質資本強度之間的相關系數(shù)為0.67(t 統(tǒng)計值9.6)。根據污染治理成本,人均物質資本強度在美國工業(yè)中的分布如圖1所示。</p><p>  FDI and the Capital Intensity of “Dirty” Sectors: A Missing Piece of the Pollution Haven Puzzle</p><p>  Matthew A. Cole a

26、nd Robert J. R. Elliott*</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  In an increasingly integrated world, falling trade barriers mean that the role environ- mental regulations play in shaping a country’s com

27、parative advantage is greater than ever. If international competitiveness is influenced by differences in regulations, then changing trade patterns or the relocation of firms (foreign direct investment) may result in pro

28、tectionist arguments for lower environmental regulations.1 At the same time, in the US, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has re</p><p>  In the last 15 to 20 years, global FDI flows, and speci

29、fically those to developing coun- tries, have increased considerably. In 1995 developing countries received US$90 billion (38%) of world wide FDI (World Bank, 1996), with the majority going to Asia (includ- ing China) an

30、d Latin America (UNCTAD, 1995). Such trends have encouraged a large literature examining the structural determinants of FDI flows (see, for example, Froot, 1993) and the relationship between FDI and productivity spillove

31、rs (s</p><p>  Of the papers that have examined the relationship between FDI and the environ- ment, the majority generally find no firm link between industry abatement costs and</p><p>  develop

32、ed country outbound FDI flows (see, for example, Dean, 1992; Zarsky, 1999; Fabry and Zenghi, 2000; Eskeland and Harrison, 2003). Indeed Repetto (1995) con- cludes that of the US foreign investment that went to developing

33、 countries, only 5% went to pollution-intensive sectors (compared to 24% of US investment to developed countries). Recent evidence that only examines US inward FDI has, however, had more success in finding a PHH effect (

34、see, for example, List et al., 2001; Fredriksson et a</p><p>  The wider pollution haven literature that often focuses on trade flows, has also only found weak or mixed evidence for the PHH. Given the PHH’s

35、anecdotal and intuitive appeal, rather than trying to seek evidence for pollution havens, the more pertinent research question is to assess why we do not find more evidence.4 In this paper, the authors suggest that one r

36、eason for the lack of pollution haven evidence, largely ignored within the literature, is the role of factor-endowments in the decision </p><p>  With these arguments in mind, the contribution of this paper

37、is as follows. First, we demonstrate the relationship between the capital intensity and the pollution intensity of US industries, and also the link between the capital abundance of a country and the stringency of its env

38、ironmental regulations. These empirical insights allow us to iden- tify those countries that are most likely to become pollution havens. Second, with this information in mind, we undertake a detailed econometric analysi&

39、lt;/p><p>  This remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the previous theoretical and empirical literature on FDI flows. Section 3 then exam- ines the linkages between

40、capital, pollution intensity and environmental regulations, whilst section 4 provides the econometric analysis. Section 5 concludes.</p><p>  Literature Review</p><p>  This section provides a b

41、rief overview of some of the relevant theoretical and empir- ical issues relating to FDI. At a general level, FDI has potential benefits to both host and donor countries. The host may receive, for example, financial reso

42、urces, new tech- nology and management skills, employment and a skill-upgraded work force. The donor country on the other hand receives benefits over and above those associated with factor costs, and looks for a combinat

43、ion of cheap labor (with qualificat</p><p>  reliable infrastructures, technological capabilities, local demand within an efficient market system and the stability of a range of political, institutional and

44、legal environ- ments (Van den Bulcke and Zhang, 1998).</p><p>  The more recent FDI literature attempts to provide models of FDI that contain ele- ments of industrial organization, the theory of multinationa

45、ls and location theory.6 The standard approach to FDI inflows to developing countries is based on endogenous growth theory where FDI increases the capital stock and technological know how, which in turn raises income and

46、 labor productivity in the host country, which eventu- ally results in higher GDP and tax revenues. The externality, usually modeled via </p><p>  Trade theories based on factor proportions (Heckscher–Ohlin)

47、 that predict the pattern of trade have also been used to explain foreign investment patterns between the North and the South, based on vertical expansion motives so that ceteris paribus firms are attracted to locations

48、where factors that they use intensively are cheaper than at home (see, for example, Markusen, 1984; Helpman, 1984; Helpman and Krugman, 1985; Ethier and Horn, 1990). Multinational activities should only arise, therefore,

49、</p><p>  This paper, however, is concerned with the effect of sectoral differences in environ- mental regulations and capital intensities between developed and developing countries. In this case, sectors di

50、ffer in their capital requirements and hence the degree of outbound US FDI in a sector will be dependent on, among other things, a sector’s capital requirements (which, in turn, are correlated with the level of pollution

51、 inten- sity in a sector, shown later). We must, however, be careful with our inter</p><p>  Arguably, the only study to theoretically model the effect of capital intensity and environmental regulations on o

52、utbound FDI is Eskeland and Harrison (2003). Using a simple model, they demonstrate that the effect on outward FDI of an increase in environmental regulations may be ambiguous. This ambiguity arises from the possible com

53、plementarity between capital and pollution abatement, where more stringent environmental regulations could lead to an increase or decrease in investment by profit max</p><p>  The parameters of their simple

54、model determine whether: (i) a firm in a given sector stays at home, keeps the old technology and pays the abatements costs; (ii) moves</p><p>  location and keeps the old technology and pays lower abatement

55、 costs (and shuts the existing plant); or (iii) remains at home and invests in cleaner technology and pays lower abatement costs.</p><p>  In this paper, the authors propose that a firm may have a preference

56、 to invest at home due to the relative capital intensity of pollution intensive industries. This feature makes these industries ill-suited for relocation from developed to developing coun- tries since the scarcity (and h

57、ence cost) of physical capital in developing countries relative to the cost of capital at home, may outweigh any benefit from lower environmental regulations (the KLH). This may, therefore, reinforce a developed </p&g

58、t;<p>  Empirical Considerations</p><p>  The Characteristics of US Industries</p><p>  In order to illustrate the opposing forces of the PHH and the KLH, we examine the pollution intensi

59、ty and the capital intensity of US industries. We employ data derived from the US Bureau of the Census that reports the pollution abatement operating costs (PAOC) of US industry up to 1994. Measured as an average for the

60、 period 1989–94, Table 1 provides a ranking of two-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industries, in terms of PAOC as a percentage of value added and physical capital in</p><p>  Observe that PAO

61、C as a share of value added is the highest for SIC 29 (Petroleum), SIC 33 (Primary Metals), SIC 26 (Paper), and SIC 28 (Chemicals industries). Hettige et al. (1994) also find these four industries to have some of the hig

62、hest air and water pollution intensities.</p><p>  A factor largely overlooked in the existing pollution haven literature, however, is that the sectors facing the greatest pollution abatement costs share a c

63、ommon feature. They are typically more capital intensive than cleaner, less pollution intensive sectors. Capital-intensive production processes appear to generate more pollution per unit of output than labor-intensive pr

64、ocesses. We substantiate this assertion in a number of ways. First, Table 1 provides a ranking of each two-digit sector in t</p><p>  Table 1. US Industries Ranked by Pollution Abatement Costs and Physical

65、Capital Intensity (Average 1989–94)</p><p>  a Thousand 1990 US dollars.</p><p><b>  5</b></p><p><b>  4.5</b></p><p><b>  4</b><

66、/p><p><b>  3.5</b></p><p><b>  3</b></p><p><b>  2.5</b></p><p><b>  2</b></p><p><b>  1.5</b><

67、;/p><p><b>  1</b></p><p><b>  0.5</b></p><p><b>  0</b></p><p>  2.533.544.555.56</p><p><b>  ln PCIpw</b


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