1、<p><b> 畢業(yè)論文開題報告</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> How humanity get lost in Jazz Age?</p><p> 一、選題的背景、意義(所選課題的歷史背景、國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢)</p><p><
2、;b> 歷史背景</b></p><p> 在第一次世界大戰(zhàn)后美國出現(xiàn)了一個經(jīng)濟繁榮的時期,人們認為不用再打仗了可以盡情的享樂。年輕一代的美國人更是覺得他們進入了一個歡樂絢麗的新時代,他們丟開了傳統(tǒng)的道德標準、價值觀念,信奉享樂主義,沉湎于聲色犬馬、紙醉金迷和新奇的爵士樂之中。二十世紀二十年代的美國,爵士時代。鼎盛、經(jīng)濟發(fā)達的二十世紀二十年代,大多數(shù)美國人已經(jīng)開始切實感受到一戰(zhàn)為他們帶來的物
4、園生活的時代,也是一個新技術普遍發(fā)展和商業(yè)繁榮的時代——汽車、飛機、電影、無線電和現(xiàn)代城市的縱情享樂。”</p><p><b> 現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展方向</b></p><p> 托馬斯·斯塔沃拉認為菲茨杰拉德給我們描述了一個悲劇性的人物,因為“人們對蓋茨比故事的反應與對悲涼的巨大荒野反應相似。”在《現(xiàn)代美國小說》中,馬爾科姆·布拉德伯里持有同樣的觀
6、致其死亡的愛情悲劇,小說印證了蓋茨比的夢想幻滅,其悲劇結(jié)局深深地批判了美國夢。對于這個觀點我有自己的想法,我覺得蓋茨比最后的死亡的命運是悲劇的,但是他的悲劇不僅表現(xiàn)在追求了一個難以實現(xiàn)的夢想,更重要的是他在追求夢想中對于金錢渴望以及對于愛情的占有欲都是悲哀的,都是注定他夢想破滅的原因。他過度沉浸在自己所設想的一切美好的夢想中而迷失自我,不肯面對實現(xiàn),這才是他最悲劇的地方。</p><p> 對于蓋茨比是悲劇性的
9、<p> 研究的基本內(nèi)容與擬解決的主要問題</p><p> 本論文通過三部分來研究茲杰拉德小說中的主人翁--蓋茨比。他在追夢中迷失自我,喪失了道德原則。研究《了不起的蓋茨比》和它的主題是有現(xiàn)實意義的,可以給我們對于現(xiàn)在這個現(xiàn)實社會一些啟迪。</p><p> 第一部分介紹了作者生平以及寫《了不起的蓋茨比》時生活背景以及小說的背景和簡介。作者是生活在一戰(zhàn)以后美國的經(jīng)濟繁榮
10、的時代,各個思想都一個個冒出來,那時候的人們都沉迷在享樂中。通過了解背景我們可以知道小說中的人物也是在相同背景下產(chǎn)生的,具備了當時人們所有的性格,也就能了解蓋茨比為何會過著紙醉金迷的生活。</p><p> 第二部分是介紹了一下美國夢的由來、定義以及發(fā)展。人們很難給美國夢下個精確的定義,但一般認為,美國夢就是“黃金夢”。一方面,指在美國大陸這片充滿機遇的國度里,人人均可發(fā)財致富,反映了人們對物質(zhì)財富的追求;另一
12、p> 第三部分寫的是蓋茨比的性格、他的夢想以及實現(xiàn)夢想的方法。蓋茨比認為自己最大的夢想就是能夠和黛西一起生活,一起過著幸福的生活直至死去。但是由于他的執(zhí)著,由于的他那偉大的愛情精神。最終蓋茨比死在了威爾森的槍下。為了他的最愛,也是為了他的夢想而死。通過了解分析蓋茨比的性格,也就能知道蓋茨比是一個為了夢想可以吃苦奮斗的人,是一個為了追求夢想堅持不懈的人。但是他所追求的夢想從一開始的簡單而變的越來越復雜。他甚至最后被自己的夢想而蒙蔽
13、了雙眼迷失在這個金錢化的夢想中了,蓋茨比最終所追求的其實就是自己那幻想中的美好的夢。雖然在追夢中他一直沒有放棄過,但是幻想中的東西都是很迷惑的,因此蓋茨比被迷惑了,注定了他那悲慘的但是偉大的結(jié)局。</p><p> 研究的方法于技術路線</p><p> 本人是通過閱讀菲茲杰拉德的小說、以及閱讀相關的報刊文獻的文章來研究的論題的。當然也通過網(wǎng)路翻閱的其他著名的一些評論,以及根據(jù)作者的小
14、說而翻拍的電影的方法去研究論題的。通過這些方法我更深刻的了解了作者的一些思想以及造成蓋茨比悲劇的主要原因,也了解了蓋茨比迷失的真正原因。</p><p> 四、研究的總體安排與進度</p><p> 第一階段:2010年11月15日前確定并上交論文題目。 </p><p> 第二階段:2010年11月中旬-2010年12月底,根據(jù)任務書向指導老師提交文獻綜述和
15、開題報告。 </p><p> 第三階段:2011年1月底前,撰寫提交論文初稿。 </p><p> 第四階段:2011年4月底前,在導師的指導下,繼續(xù)進行論文的寫 作和修改,提交二稿、三稿。 </p><p> 第五階段:20011年5月上旬,打印符合格式的終稿。</p><p><b> 五、主要參考文獻</b&
16、gt;</p><p> 【1】菲茲杰拉德. 了不起的蓋茨比(雙語版)(賈文浩 賈文淵譯)【M】.北京:北京燕山出版社,2010.5</p><p> 【2】楊仁敬. 20世紀美國文學史【M】.青島: 青島出版社,1999.10</p><p> 【3】菲茲杰拉德. 爵士樂時代的代言人菲茲杰拉德短篇小說選(吳檣譯)【M】 北京:外文出版社,1999.3<
17、/p><p> 【4】左金梅. A Brief Introduction to American Literature(修訂版)【M】 青島:中國海洋大學出版社,2006,8</p><p> 【5】 常耀信,Selected readings in American Literary Criticism, 南京:南開大學出版社,1992</p><p> 【
18、6】王建新 大人物蓋茨比的大 悲劇皖西學院學報 2002,18(6)</p><p> 【7】王慧青 傳奇故事《了不起的蓋茨比》中的悲劇情結(jié)——解讀主人翁物質(zhì)與理想追求錯位導致”美國夢“的破滅 文教資料 2007</p><p> 【8】姚文俊 蓋茨比--”爵士樂時代“的”西部拓荒者“ 山東師大外國語學院學報(基礎英語教育) 2001</p><p>
19、 【9】姚文俊 蓋茨比--美國夢在”爵士樂時代“的化身 佳木斯大學社會科學學報 2002</p><p> 【10】吳俊龍 幻滅中的重生 貶抑下的褒揚--從蓋茨比之死看菲茲杰拉德對美國夢的矛盾心理 重慶科技學院學報(社會科學版) 2009第五期</p><p><b> 畢業(yè)論文文獻綜述</b></p><p><b> 英
20、語</b></p><p> How humanity get lost in Jazz Age?</p><p><b> 一、前言部分</b></p><p><b> 寫作目的</b></p><p> 弗·司各特·菲茲杰拉德是美國20世紀20年代最具代
23、新時代,他們丟開了傳統(tǒng)的道德標準、價值觀念,信奉享樂主義,沉湎于聲色犬</p><p><b> 有關概念</b></p><p> 人們很難給美國夢下個精確的定義,但一般認為,美國夢就是“黃金夢”。一方面,指在美國大陸這片充滿機遇的國度里,人人均可發(fā)財致富,反映了人們對物質(zhì)財富的追求;另一方面,美國夢也指人們對一種美好精神生活的追求,這種美好的精神生活是伴隨著富
24、裕的物質(zhì)生活的實現(xiàn)而實現(xiàn),這種美好的精神生活可概括為道德完善、充滿生機和希望的生活。所以,美國夢不僅指追求財富,物質(zhì)生活得到滿足,也指追求美好,使精神生活達到滿足。我總結(jié)下來“美國夢”其實包含了一下這些要素:第一人人都有平等的權利,第二人人都有信仰的自由,第三人人都有成功的機會,只是成功取決于你的才能和努力。這些要素都是和當時的時代背景和歷史密不可分。</p><p> “爵士樂時代”即一戰(zhàn)結(jié)束以后,20世紀2
25、0年代的美國社會,當時的美國進入了短暫的,空前繁榮的時代,表面的繁榮又預示著它的好景不長。在菲茲杰拉德看來,20年代可以稱為爵士樂時代。他說:“這是美國歷史上最會縱樂,最絢麗的時代?!?lt;/p><p><b> 主題爭論焦點</b></p><p> 有很多評論家對這部小說里面的主要人物蓋茨比有很多不同看法和意見,那就是,蓋茨比在追求愛情過程中幻滅了嗎?小說深刻地
26、批判了美國夢嗎?其實,是否把蓋茨比視為悲劇性人物是他們的爭論焦點。</p><p><b> 主題部分</b></p><p><b> 歷史背景</b></p><p> 二十世紀二十年代的美國,爵士時代。鼎盛、經(jīng)濟發(fā)達的二十世紀二十年代,大多數(shù)美國人已經(jīng)開始切實感受到一戰(zhàn)為他們帶來的物質(zhì)上的好處時,他們就以前所未
28、普遍發(fā)展和商業(yè)繁榮的時代——汽車、飛機、電影、無線電和現(xiàn)代城市的縱情享樂?!?lt;/p><p><b> 現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展方向</b></p><p> 從第一次世界人戰(zhàn)到大蕭條爆發(fā)的十年里,物質(zhì)條件明顯改善,但經(jīng)濟危機加深了,價值觀和道德觀瓦解了。人們對物質(zhì)的渴望使他們相信,只有金錢才會使他們快樂幸福。在那個被稱為歷史上“最會縱樂的年代、最講炫耀的時代”。人們欣賞無拘無
30、明,只要有智慧,有天才,在美國就可以成功。然而,在當今這個急功近利的時代,大多數(shù)人們似乎只看到了他們的天才能力,卻忽視了他們在成功背后所付出的艱辛勞動。于是,各種各樣的投機行為開始泛濫起來。時至今日。一代又一代的人們?nèi)匀蛔穼ぶ鴮儆谒麄冏约旱摹懊绹鴫簟?。在金融危機肆虐的今天,—個被打上金錢烙印,物欲橫流,享樂主義至上的時代正在走向終結(jié),而一個新的時代</p><p><b> 主題焦點爭論的評述<
31、/b></p><p> 托馬斯·斯塔沃拉認為菲茨杰拉德給我們描述了一個悲劇性的人物,因為“人們對蓋茨比故事的反應與對悲涼的巨大荒野反應相似?!痹凇冬F(xiàn)代美國小說》中,馬爾科姆·布拉德伯里持有同樣的觀點,認為《了不起的蓋茨比》是一個象征性的悲劇。他認為蓋茨比注定是要失敗的。并最終淪落為一個悲劇人物,因為蓋茨比所追求的僅僅是“具有象征意義的想象力,以及此想象力的模糊性和奇特性。”也就是說,
33、,更重要的是他在追求夢想中對于金錢渴望以及對于愛情的占有欲都是悲哀的,都是注定他夢想破滅的原因。他過度沉浸在自己所設想的一切美好的夢想中而迷失自我,不肯面對實現(xiàn),這才是他最悲劇的地方。</p><p> 對于蓋茨比是悲劇性的人物的這種觀點卻遭到了另一些評論家的反對。哈羅德-布魯姆就認為蓋茨比并不是一個悲劇性人物。因為蓋茨比的最終死亡“維護了他的偉大.也證明了小說題目的恰當性。而小說的題目絕非具有諷刺意味?!彼?/p>
35、情、夢想時時快樂的,他在努力,他在奮斗,最重要的是他從沒放棄過夢想,對于這一點我認為其實蓋茨比也是一個幸福的人。但是也正是因為如此他過度的幻想在自己的夢想中而導致了他最后悲慘的命運。現(xiàn)實是可怕的,逃避現(xiàn)實是悲哀的,也是不可能的。</p><p><b> 總結(jié)部分</b></p><p> 蓋茨比是20世紀20年代美國文明孕育出來的產(chǎn)兒。第一次世界大戰(zhàn)以后,元氣未
38、應社會.而是繼續(xù)偏執(zhí)地生活在不切實際的幻夢之中</p><p> 參考文獻(根據(jù)文中參閱和引用的先后次序按序編排)</p><p> 【1】菲茲杰拉德. 了不起的蓋茨比(雙語版)(賈文浩 賈文淵譯)【M】.北京:北京燕山出版社,2010.5</p><p> 【2】楊仁敬. 20世紀美國文學史【M】.青島: 青島出版社,1999.10</p>&
39、lt;p> 【3】菲茲杰拉德. 爵士樂時代的代言人菲茲杰拉德短篇小說選(吳檣譯)【M】 北京:外文出版社,1999.3</p><p> 【4】左金梅. A Brief Introduction to American Literature(修訂版)【M】 青島:中國海洋大學出版社,2006,8</p><p> 【5】常耀信,Selected readings in Amer
40、ican Literary Criticism, 南京:南開大學出版社,1992</p><p> 【6】王建新 大人物蓋茨比的大 悲劇皖西學院學報 2002,18(6)</p><p> 【7】王慧青 傳奇故事《了不起的蓋茨比》中的悲劇情結(jié)——解讀主人翁物質(zhì)與理想追求錯位導致”美國夢“的破滅 文教資料 2007</p><p> 【8】姚文俊 蓋茨比
41、--”爵士樂時代“的”西部拓荒者“ 山東師大外國語學院學報(基礎英語教育) 2001</p><p> 【9】姚文俊 蓋茨比--美國夢在”爵士樂時代“的化身 佳木斯大學社會科學學報 2002</p><p> 【10】吳俊龍 幻滅中的重生 貶抑下的褒揚--從蓋茨比之死看菲茲杰拉德對美國夢的矛盾心理 重慶科技學院學報(社會科學版) 2009第五期</p><p&g
42、t;<b> ?。?0_ _屆)</b></p><p><b> 本科畢業(yè)設計</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> 人性如何迷失在爵士樂時代---《了不起的蓋茨比》主題分析</p><p> How Humanity Gets Lost
43、in Jazz Age? ---A thematic analysis of The Great Gatsby</p><p><b> 摘要</b></p><p> 每個美國人至今都還存有美國夢,那就是他們希望自己可以取得財富和社會地位。在爵士樂時代,人們有他們那個年代的美國夢。而蓋茨比的夢想就是變成有錢人然后和黛西結(jié)婚生活,但是他的夢想在當時太理想化以至于不
44、能得以實現(xiàn),令他很失望。使他在瘋狂追求自己夢想的過程中逐漸喪失了道德,迷失了自我。通過分析蓋茨比的故事,可以了解到生活在爵士樂時代的一部分人的價值觀有了扭曲,逐漸迷失了人性。他們想要通過物質(zhì)的成功證明自身的意義,但最終什么也沒得到。</p><p> 關鍵詞:美國夢; 爵士樂時代; 人性; 物質(zhì); 迷失</p><p><b> Abstract</b></
45、p><p> Every American has a American dream today. They hope they can achieve wealth and social status. In Jazz Age, people also had their American dreams. Gatsby's dream is to become a very rich man and ma
46、rry Daisy. But his dream seems too idealized to be realized. He becomes disillusioned. He gets lost in his dream during his crazy pursuit of dream. Through the story we find out that people who live in Jazz Age have thei
47、r value distorted and lose their humanity. They want to prove their own value thro</p><p> Key Words: American Dream; Jazz Age; Humanity; Material; Lost</p><p><b> Contents</b><
48、/p><p><b> 摘要12</b></p><p> Abstract13</p><p> 1. Introduction1</p><p> 2 .The American Dream2</p><p> 2.1 Definition of American Dream3
49、</p><p> 2.2 The American Dream in the Novel4</p><p> 3. Gatsby Lost in His Dream5</p><p> 3.1 Gatsby's goal—fortune and woman5</p><p> 3.2 Distorted humanit
50、y and morality5</p><p> 3.3 Illusion of love as a sign of his success7</p><p> 4 The Reasons Leading to Gatsby’s Being Lost8</p><p> 4.1 His distorted personal values and pers
51、onality8</p><p> 4.2 Social climate of materialism9</p><p> 5 Conclusion10</p><p> Bibliography12</p><p> Acknowledgements13</p><p> 1. Introduct
52、ion</p><p> Fitzgerald is a famous American novelist, short story writer and scenarist. His current status in modern American literature is unshakable and indisputable.</p><p> Francis Scott F
53、itzgerald was born on September 24, 1876 and he was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota from an Irish Catholic family of upper middle class. Fitzgerald attended Newman School, a prep school in Hackensack, New Jersey, and enter
54、ed Princeton University in 1913 as a member of the Class of 1917. This experience makes great impact on Fitzgerald. At there, he became friends with Edmund Wilson and John Peale Bisho—future critics and writers. He also
55、was a member of the University Cottage Club, </p><p> Fitzgerald became a second lieutenant and was stationed at Camp Sheridan in Montgomery, Alabama. In there, Fitzgerald met and fell in love with a 17 yea
56、r old beauty girl who named Zelda Sayre. The girl Zelda finally agreed to marry Fitzgerald. But Zelda wanted to obtain wealth, fun and leisure in her life, and which led her to delay their wedding until Fitzgerald could
57、prove a success. With the publication of This Side of Paradise in 1920, Fitzgerald became a literary sensation, earning enough m</p><p> According to Zelda's biographer, Nancy Milford, Scott claimed tha
58、t he had contracted tuberculosis, but Milford dismissed it as a pretext to cover his drinking problems. Fitzgerald died of a massive heart attack. His body was removed to the Pierce Brothers Mortuary. Due to Zelda's
59、style of life style, Fitzgerald had to earn enough money that he could keep with Zelda's marriage and their love. As Fitzgerald's most famous novel, The Great Gatsby is based on author's life experience.</
60、p><p> Fitzgerald was the most famous chronicler of 1920s America, an era that he was dubbed "the Jazz Age". In Conrad's book, readers can find that Conrad believes that artist's task is &quo
61、t;by the power of the written word to make you hear, to make art communicate truth"(Li Hongwen, 2002). Fitzgerald is one of typical artist, who completes his task. And he is often considered as the spokesman and wri
62、tes many famous novels and short stories. For example, The Great Gatsby(1925), This Side of Paradise(1920)</p><p> The Great Gatsby is one of Fitzgerald's most famous novels. It first was published on A
63、pril 10, 1925. The Great Gatsby is a love story, the narrative of Gatsby's quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meets five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and
64、 Gatsby is an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but when Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying but extremely rich man. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself to the pursu</p><p>
65、In this thesis, I try my best to attract people's attention to the author's morality issue implied in the novel. Through the study and analysis, I hope readers to know how Gatsby gets lost in the pursuit of his d
66、ream and how materialism extreme can lead to the spiritual emptiness and even destruction. </p><p> 2. The American Dream</p><p> The American Dream emerged in the early 17th century. When so
67、me Englishman settled down in America, they tried to restore the lost paradise in this land and build a new garden with no sadness. In the land, everyone is equal and is entitled to the pursuit of his happiness. The stor
68、y of Gatsby is just one about how American Dream lures common people, affects them and even changes their life totally. We can analyze the issue through two aspects.</p><p> 2.1 Definition of American Dream
69、</p><p> There are some definitions to the American Dream. People recognize that it is hard to give the definition of American Dream. At different times the definitions will have different meanings. In the
70、early time of American history, "American Dream" means hard working, optimistic attitude, pursuing happiness, equality and freedom. For instance , one is a belief that the United States through a hard struggle
71、will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life. Namely, people have to work with diligenc</p><p> For ordinary Americans, the American Dream is the success story; the American Dream is the climbing of t
72、he ladder from rags to riches; the American Dream is from the log cabin to the White House; the American Dream is to go west and young man become a millionaire (Hook. 1992:5). The American Dream can also be understood as
73、 being understood as an attitude of hope and faith that pursues for the gratification of human wishes and desires. However, for Fitzgerald, his view on the American Dream is di</p><p> 2.2 The American Drea
74、m in the Novel </p><p> We know American Dream is very important, but what role could it play in the novel? Reading this novel, we could dig out the answers. The Great Gatsby is a novel about what happens t
75、o people who are after the American Dream in the 1920s, a period when the old values that give substance to the dream have been corrupted by the vulgar pursuit of wealth (Lin Suping, 2005:17). In The Great Gatsby, Fitzge
76、rald grieves over the decline of America with a picture of materialism and moral degeneration. In </p><p> The Great Gatsby is an exploration of the American Dream as it exists in a corrupt period (Lin Supi
77、ng. 2005:18). The novel around about the Gatsby’s story, through which the author discusses and explores the American Dream in the 1920s. In the Jazz Age, Ameican dream has no soil, and materialism and the pursuit of wea
78、lth has corrupted and devoured idealism (Lin Suping. 2005:18). </p><p> From reading the novel, a belief in self-reliance and hard working become what Nick Carraway says. Nick, an hero in the novel, he call
79、s "the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty." (Fitzgerald. 2010:220). It stresses on materialistic and interests and disregard of the inner world such as moral integrity and soul unavoidably. It l
80、eads to the degeneration of the American civilization, so the loss of the American dream is its ineluctable consequence. Daisy, a heroine, she is a vain wom</p><p> 3. Gatsby Lost in His Dream</p>&l
81、t;p> In modern society, the self-made man Gatsby ends his life with tragedy. Some critics believe that Gatsby is a tragic figure because his dream is dashed and he ends with death. While others are in favor that Gats
82、by is not a tragic person. Because they think in the end of the novel, Gatsby wakes up from his dream and his spirit of striving for the dream is very good. I believe that Gatsby goes to the extreme of materialism and en
83、ds up being a man without spirit and soul.</p><p> 3.1 Gatsby's goal—fortune and woman </p><p> Gatsby, the protagonist of this novel, his dream consists of into two parts---money and love
84、. But actually, we can say his dream is mainly material-centred. His wish is to achieve both fortune and woman.</p><p> Primarily, Gatsby's idea is very ridiculous and innocent. He believes that if he h
85、as enough money, he can break into the best society. However, he is wrong. He never knows that he could not be accepted by people who from the upper class. The upper class will never recognize those nouveau. He still has
86、 an illusion of his dream. From his point of view, money is the basis of the success. He is overly dependent upon the power of money and he has a blind faith in the power of money. So he hopes he ca</p><p>
87、 What’s more, his value of love is also wrong and unmoral. As we know, Gatsby falls in love with Daisy at the first sight, but Daisy marries Tom who is a rich man from the upper class. Beasue Tom comes from a wealthy fam
88、ily, he becomes wealthy and tries to win the Daisy back. His love is based on material. He regards a beautiful woman as a mark of his success. Daisy becomes his dream and his final goal of success, but he pays the ultima
89、te price for this dream, and he dies for Daisy. On the approa</p><p> From the novel, we know his personality and value of love is distorted. His dream or goal is misleading.</p><p> 3.2 Disto
90、rted humanity and morality</p><p> In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is the embodiment of the Ameican Dreams disillusionment. However, him pursuits of his dream, his humanity is distorted. We can find it in the G
91、atsby’s life. </p><p> James Gatsby, a bright young man from a poor family in North Dakota, despises the imprecations of poverty so much he dropped out of St. Olaf College in Minnesota after only a few week
92、s because of his shame at the janitorial job he had to take to pay his way. Renaming himself Jay Gatsby, he learns the ways to become wealthy while working for a copper tycoon named Dan Cody, but upon Cody's death i
93、s cheated of a $25,000 bequest by Cody's mistress. Gatsby inherited much money "but lost most of it i</p><p> "oh, i've been in several things, ""I was in the drug business and t
94、hen I was in the oil business. But I'm not in either one now."(Scott Fitzgerald. 2010:316). From it we know Gatsby deals in different kinds of business, and he gains enough much money. And also we can infer that
95、 Gatsby is a hypocritical man. Above these words is a part of the conversation between Gatsby and Nick. Nick is his friend, but he lies to Nick. He treats his friend with unhonest. He does not want to tell his friends ho
96、w</p><p> ‘Who doesn’t?’ I inquired.</p><p> ‘Gatsby. Somebody told me—’</p><p> The two girls and Jordan leaned together confidentially.</p><p> ‘Somebody told me
97、they thought he killed a man once.’(Fitzgerald, 2010:254)</p><p> In the process of accumulating wealth, he gets lost himself. His humanity is distorted and lost. Gatsby's money is gained through illega
98、l means, even he can kill somebody. He is cruel, treacherous and unscrupulous. </p><p> On account of his wrong outlooks on life and values, embarked on the road of degeneration and destruction, however, th
99、e formation of his outlooks had a close connection with the American social environment. Taking advantage of the overall economic boom, people indulge themselves in various merry-making activities which include noisy par
100、ties and seeking pleasure in clubs. In fact, Fitzgerald has known in the Jazz Age people's values have changed and distorted. The human qualities are destroyed by</p><p> 3.3 Illusion of love as a sign
101、of his success</p><p> We know why Gatsby needs to earn lots of money in order to win Daisy. Gatsby has too many illusions about love. But Daisy has married, they could not be with together. It means that h
102、is dream of love can not come true. </p><p> On one hand, compared with Daisy, Gatsby is a poor young man,so he lies about his background to make Daisy believe that he is worthy of her. Due to Gatsby misgui
103、des to Daisy, Daisy believes he also comes from a family with a rich background, they fall in love. Therefore, it is certain that Gatsby should prompt his mind to earn much money at that time in order to marry Daisy. <
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