1、<p><b> 本科畢業(yè)論文</b></p><p><b> (20 屆)</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> An Analysis of Dickens’ Critical Realism in Bleak House</p>&
2、lt;p> 外語學院學生畢業(yè)論文獨創(chuàng)聲明</p><p> 本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的畢業(yè)論文是本人在導師的認真指導下,獨立進行研究工作所取得的研究成果。除文中已經(jīng)注明引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不包含其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表的學術成果,也不包含為獲得浙江萬里學院或其它教育機構的學位證書而使用過的材料。對本文的研究做出重要貢獻的個人和集體,均已在文中以明確的方式表明。如本文涉及上述聲明及任何知識產(chǎn)權糾紛,本人將承擔一
3、切責任。</p><p> 學生簽名: 日期: </p><p><b> Abstract</b></p><p> The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is introduction which states the main cont
4、ent. The second part is about analyzing the features of critical realism in detail which includes three aspects: exposing and criticizing the evil of capitalist society, analyzing the typical characters in typical enviro
5、nment and explaining the important plots. The last part is a conclusion of the essay. It explains that the goal of this thesis is to reveal and criticize the social issues in the middle o</p><p> Key Words:
6、 social reality judicial system critical realism</p><p><b> 摘 要</b></p><p> 本論文由三個部分構成。首先是介紹,陳述文章主要內(nèi)容。其次是論文主體部分,具體分析批判現(xiàn)實主義的特征包括揭露和批判資本主義社會的罪惡現(xiàn)實,對典型環(huán)境的典型人物的分析以及對重要情節(jié)的分析。最后是結束語,對本文
7、內(nèi)容做出總結, 說明《荒涼山莊》是一部具有代表性的作品,揭露和批判了19世紀中期的社會問題。本文試圖通過對《荒涼山莊》的批判現(xiàn)實主義研究使讀者對狄更斯和批判現(xiàn)實主義文學有更加全面透徹的了解。</p><p> 關鍵詞: 社會現(xiàn)實 法律體系 批判現(xiàn)實主義</p><p><b> Contents</b></p><p> 1 Introd
8、uction………………………………………………………………………1</p><p> 2 The Features of Critical Realism…………………………………………………2</p><p> 2.1 Reflecting the Social Reality Objectively and Actually……………………..3</p><p
9、> 2.2 Deep Exposing and Criticizing the Social Reality……………………..........6</p><p> 3 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..8</p><p> Works Cited……………………………………………………………………......10</p>
10、<p> Acknowledgements</p><p> An Analysis of Dickens’ Critical Realism in Bleak House</p><p> 1 Introduction</p><p> Charles Dickens is one of the greatest representative
11、s of critical realism in England in the 19th century. He has written a lot of novels in his life. Most of them are very famous such as The Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, Hard Times, etc (Liu Bingshan, 1993). His novels e
12、specially focus on people who live in the bottom of British society (Li Yazhu, 2006). Their miserable life experiences deeply reflect the complicated social reality in Great Britain. “Dickens is famous for his appealing
13、charact</p><p> Bleak House is published in the later period. It is a full-length novel with complicated structure (Lindsay, 1970). By depicting several law cases, it clearly presents the overall condition
14、of British society in the early Victorian period. As to mainly exposing the evil of British law system, Bleak House is also regarded as a judicial novel. </p><p> Critical realism refers to a new trend of t
15、hought in literature and art and formula for creation in Europe in 19th century (Lindsay, 1970). Wu Weiren (1988) explained that “The concept of critical realism is first proposed by Proudhon who claims that realism is c
16、ritical. But his thesis is not famous because of his bad reputation. Later, Gorky makes a clear definition about critical realism and his thesis becomes popular. In 1820s, critical realism came into being and preliminari
17、ly developed. Fro</p><p> In a word, critical realism is a strong power in the 19th century because of its rapid development. It makes people clearly recognized the evil of social system and human nature. W
18、ith no doubt, critical realism literature is the main stream of British literature in 19th century.</p><p> The first part is the brief introduction to Charles Dickens and his work. The second part emphasiz
19、es on the features of critical realism. It can be divided into two parts: firstly, reflecting the social reality objectively and actually. Secondly, deeply exposing and criticizing the social reality. These two aspects o
20、ffer enough evidence for the feature of deeply exposing and criticizing the social reality. What’s more, every part is analyzed by events and typical characters in Bleak House.</p><p> 2 The Features of Cri
21、tical Realism Literature</p><p> “Critical realism literature wrote a brilliant age in the history of bourgeois literature in 19th century. At the same time, it was a very important heritage in the world cu
22、lture treasure’’ (Smith, 1996, p.5). Since 1830s, realism has gradually become the main stream of literature. At that time, classicism nearly disappeared and romanticism turned into minor position. In a 2002 article, Zha
23、ng Boxiang and Ma Jianjun explain that realistic literature is based on reality to describe life and show i</p><p> 2.1 Reflecting the Social Reality Objectively and Actually</p><p> “Critical
24、 realism literature is generally based on the materialist theory of reflection. Realist writers emphasize on presenting life condition truthfully which is almost the feature of all realist writers” (Wall, 1970). Bleak Ho
25、use shows a morbid society and the centrostigma of social evils is slum. In chapter 16, Dickens describes a slum called Tom-all-Alone’s. “It is a black, dilapidated street, avoided by all decent people; where the crazy h
26、ouses were seized upon, when their decay was far ad</p><p> Jo who is a young and homeless boy lives in such an environment. This guy comes from Tom-all-Alone’s. He has no parents and no friends. Even he ha
27、s not received education. So he doesn’t know what family is. All he knows is sweeping the street around slum. He has to bear hungry and cold. The most important thing in his life is to do a good job. Even so, poor Jo is
28、not incompatible in the callous society. Due to an accidental reason, he knows a man called “Nemo” who is the alias of Captain James H</p><p> Lindsay (1970) believed that Jo is the sacrificial lamb in Brit
29、ish capitalist society in the middle of the 19th century. What’s more, he is also the representative of oppressed common people. The death of Jo is a famous plot; the writer accuses the society for the death of Jo. “Dead
30、, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every order. Dead, men and women, born with Heavenly compassion in your hearts. And dying thus around us every day” (Charles, <
31、;/p><p> In Bleak House, it is no doubt that Lady Dedlock is a very important character. She has become a plot line with the development of story. She has her counterfeit life. Dedlock comes from a small famil
32、y living with her sister, Bala Sally. She is not a beautiful girl but she looks dignified and elegant. The young Dedlock loves the Captain, James Hawdon. And she writes a lot of billet-doux for him to express her faithfu
33、l love. Then she gets pregnancy, but they are separated unfortunately at last. A</p><p> Holbrook (1993) believed that Dedlock’s family background and her status have a big contradiction, so she has to live
34、 under a heavy mask. In the uppertendom, Dedock dresses in fashionable clothes and shows her arrogance and prestige. People around her worship her like a goddess. Her husband has a bad health, but she seldom rejects his
35、decision publicly. Though she hates Leicester’s guests, she also treats them politely. From this, it can be seen that Lady Dedlock bears a lot of pressure in her l</p><p> Social reality makes a big influen
36、ce on Lady Dedlock. She bears a lot of social pressure which is able to destroy her belief. The tragedy of Lady Dedlock is reflecting the social reality objectively and actually.</p><p> 2.2 Deep Exposing a
37、nd Criticizing the Social Reality</p><p> The critical realism is very popular in the 19th century. Many unjust and cruel society institutions are listed such as the government, the law, the religious, the
38、education and judicial system, etc. “the novel becomes the carrier to express social presence. Hence the novel becomes the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought at that tim
39、e” (Slater, 1983, p. 25). Bleak House is a critical realistic novel aiming at exposing and criticizing the abuses of</p><p> In Bleak House, all clues are related to the High Court of Chancery. The dispute
40、of Jarndyce’s heritage has been delayed for many years. The beginning of this novel explains that older Thom spends his lifetime in order to get the heritage. At last, he commits suicide in despair. And now, his grandnep
41、hew, like the old bachelor John and two young men Richard and Ada, involve in the case. They are also waiting the court decision. John has Richard and Ada in his care and employs a private teacher ca</p><p>
42、 Bleak House is not only exposing the decadency and destructiveness of British law, but also it deeply shows the mysterious and vicious law in the society. This is a very important feature in Bleak House. It can be seen
43、 that the nature of evil is the corrupted law not the bad character in Bleak House. “Dickens deeply exposes and criticizes androphagous essence of the judicial system” (Wu, Junyan, 2002, p.54).</p><p> The
44、High Court of Chancery is not the isolated symbol of law. It appears as a component of the whole social machine which has a close relationship with money and power. It is just like a malignant tumor spread over the whole
45、 society and makes it present a sign of morbidity and mustiness.</p><p> In Bleak House, there is a positive character called Mr. Robert Rounsewell who is the son of Mrs. Rounsewell, he is also a rich ironm
46、aster. When he is a child, he is interested in machinery, later he becomes an apprentice in the northern manufacturing distinct of London. Finally, he comes to be a capitalist in the steel industry. In Dickens’ earlier w
47、orks such as Dombey and Son, it shows the class characteristics that the merchant prince. Dombey is enslaved by his property. Only in Bleak House, </p><p> Rounsewell is an idealized image of industrial cap
48、italist and he is more real and vivid than any other philanthropist written by Dickens. Actually, he is the measure to criticize Mr. Dedlock. At the same time, it is also a realistic way of the British society which is p
49、olluted by the High Court of Chancery and the rotten electoral system. He is the last positive industrial capitalist in Dickens’ works.</p><p> 3 Conclusion</p><p> Charles Dickens is one of t
50、he greatest British writers in the 19th century. His works makes a highly summary of the British society in the 19th century. In his novels, he shows emotion, reason, morality and law. He sincerely warns people to be a g
51、ood friend with good and beauty. Reading Dickens’ novels is like experiencing the life of Victorian period in 19th century. Moreover, the thought of humanitarianism in these novels are still related to our modern humanit
52、y. Therefore, his novels bring pe</p><p> The goal of this thesis is to reveal and criticize the social issues in the early Victorian era in the middle of 19th century. It shows not only the upper class and
53、 bourgeois’s hypocrisy and cruel, but also the dilemma of women and children. </p><p> Above all, Charles Dickens, as a revealer and repudiator and sympathizer, is progressive and great. His creations have
54、far-reaching meanings. If the life is going and there are evils in the society, the questions discussed in his works will be the focus of attention.</p><p> Works Cited</p><p> [1] Buckley, J.
55、 Hamilton. Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding [M]. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1974.</p><p> [2] Charles, D.. Bleak House [M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 2003.</p>
56、<p> [3] Forster, J.. The Life of Charles Dickens [M]. New York: New York University Press, 1905.</p><p> [4] Guo, Chunlin, “Charles Dickens and Critical Realism – Analysis of Great Expectations” [D
57、]. Shandong Normal University, 2004.</p><p> [5] Holbrook, D.. Charles Dickens and the Image of Women [M]. New York: New York University Press, 1993.</p><p> [6] Lindsay, J.. Charles Dickens:
58、A Biographical and Critical Study [M]. New York: Kraus, 1970.</p><p> [7] Liu, Weifeng, “An Analysis of Critical Realism in David Copperfield” [D]. Northwest University, 2010. </p><p> [8] Smi
59、th, G.. Charles Dickens: A Literary Life [M]. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1996.</p><p> [9] Slater, M.. Dickens and Women [M]. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983.</p><p> [10] Wall, S
60、.. Charles Dickens: A Critical Anthology [M]. Harmondsworh: Penguin, 1970.</p><p> [11] Wu, Junyan, “On the Detective Elements in Charles Dickens’ Bleak House” [D]. Hebei Normal University, 2002.</p>
61、<p> [12] Wu, Weiren, ed. History and Anthology of English Literature [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1988.</p><p> [13] 李祝亞 (Li, Zhuya). 解析狄更斯的創(chuàng)作與人生 [J].貴州民族學院學報(哲學社會科學版)
62、,2006(6):135-139.</p><p> [14] 劉炳善 (Liu, Bingshan). 英國文學簡史 [M].鄭州:河南人民出版社,1993. </p><p> [15] 張伯香 (Zhang, Boxiang)和馬建軍 (Ma Jianjun). 英國文學教程 [M]. 武漢:武漢大學出版社,1998.</p><p> Acknowle
63、dgements</p><p> I wish to express my sincere thanks to many people for their invaluable help in the presentation of this paper. I would like to express thanks to my supervisor Ms Liu Ping for his willingne
64、ss provided relevant references and gave me a lot of encouragement and his generosity in spending his time reading and providing invaluable institution and revision at every stage throughout the editing process in presen
65、tation of the dissertation. </p><p> I’m also grateful to all the teachers who have helped me in my study in the university. Besides, I would like to express my thanks to all my classmates and friends who h
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