1、<p><b> MFC/C++</b></p><p> Adding a docking pane to your application</p><p> Author: Kirk Stowell</p><p> Posted: November 16, 2007</p><p> Envir
2、onment:Visual C++ MFC</p><p> The following is a tutorial on how to create an MDI application with Docking Pane using the Visual Studio 6.0 Application Wizard. The same technique can be used for later versi
3、ons of Visual Studio . NET as well.</p><p> Create a simple MDI application using the MFC AppWizard:</p><p> From Visual Studio select ‘File’ then ‘New’ and select the ‘Projects’ tab.</p>
4、;<p> Choose MFC Appwizard(exe) as your project type and enter ‘MDISample’ as the project name.</p><p> For the first step, make sure that "Multiple documents" is selected then press the ‘
5、Finish’ button.</p><p> Add Empty Docking Pane</p><p> Add the following line to your StdAfx.h file: </p><p> Xtreme Toolkit Pro users:</p><p> #include <XTToolk
6、itPro.h> // Xtreme Toolkit Pro components</p><p> Xtreme DockingPane users:</p><p> #include <XTDockingPanePro.h> // Xtreme DockingPane components</p><p> Add CXTPDockin
7、gPaneManager member to CMainFrame class.</p><p> // Attributes</p><p><b> public:</b></p><p> CXTPDockingPaneManager m_paneManager;</p><p> Add string r
8、esources for the titles of the future panes</p><p> IDR_PANE_OPTIONS</p><p><b> 61446</b></p><p><b> Options</b></p><p> PROPERTIES</p>
9、;<p><b> 61447</b></p><p> Properties</p><p> Add following to CMainFrame::OnCreate.</p><p> // Initialize the docking pane manager and set the</p><
10、;p> // initial them for the docking panes. Do </p><p> // this only after all control bars objects have been </p><p> // created and docked.</p><p> m_paneManager.InstallDoc
11、kingPanes(this);</p><p> m_paneManager.SetTheme(xtpPaneThemeOffice);</p><p> // Create docking panes.</p><p> CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane1 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(</p>&l
12、t;p> IDR_PANE_OPTIONS, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), dockLeftOf);</p><p> CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane2 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(</p><p> IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES, CRect(0, 0,200, 120),</p><p
13、> dockBottomOf, pwndPane1);</p><p> Attach CWnd derived class to the panes:</p><p> Add Cwnd derived class as member of CMainFrame.</p><p> // Attributes</p><p>
14、<b> public:</b></p><p> CStatic m_wndOptions;</p><p> CEdit m_wndProperties;</p><p><b> </pre></b></p><p> <li>Add OnDockingPan
15、eNotify handler.</li></p><p> <pre class="code"></p><p> BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CMDIFrameWnd)</p><p> //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame)</p><p>
16、; ON_WM_CREATE()</p><p> //}}AFX_MSG_MAP</p><p> ON_MESSAGE(XTPWM_DOCKINGPANE_NOTIFY,</p><p> OnDockingPaneNotify)</p><p> END_MESSAGE_MAP()</p><p>
17、LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDockingPaneNotify(WPARAM</p><p> wParam, LPARAM lParam)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> if (wParam == XTP_DPN_SHOWWINDOW)</p><p><b>
18、 {</b></p><p> CXTPDockingPane* pPane =</p><p> (CXTPDockingPane*)lParam;</p><p> if (!pPane->IsValid())</p><p><b> {</b></p><p>
19、 switch (pPane->GetID())</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> case IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES:</p><p> { </p><p><b> if (</b></
20、p><p> m_wndProperties.GetSafeHwnd() == 0)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> m_wndProperties.Create(WS_CHILD|</p><p> ES_AUTOVSCROLL|ES_MULTILINE,</p><p&
21、gt; CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, 0);</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> pPane->Attach(&m_wndProperties);</p><p><b> break;</b></p><p><b> }&
22、lt;/b></p><p> case IDR_PANE_OPTIONS:</p><p> { </p><p> if (m_wndOptions.GetSafeHwnd() == 0)</p><p><b> {</b></p>&l
23、t;p> m_wndOptions.Create(_T("\n\nOptions"),</p><p> WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|</p><p> WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|SS_CENTER,</p><p> CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, 0);</p><
24、;p><b> }</b></p><p> pPane->Attach(&m_wndOptions);</p><p><b> break;</b></p><p><b> }</b></p><p><b> }</b>
25、;</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> return TRUE;</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> return FALSE;</p><p><b> }</b></p><p&g
26、t; Add image to pane.</p><p> Create Bitmap with icons for created panes</p><p> Add to CMainFrame::OnCreate.</p><p> nt nIDIcons[] = {IDR_PANE_OPTIONS, IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES};<
27、;/p><p> m_paneManager.SetIcons(IDB_BITMAP_ICONS, nIDIcons,</p><p> _countof(nIDIcons), RGB(0, 255, 0));</p><p> Add Save/Load State</p><p> Add following to the OnCre
28、ate function for CMainFrame. This will restore the previous state of docking panes.</p><p> int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)</p><p><b> {</b></p><
29、p><b> ...</b></p><p> // Load the previous state for docking panes.</p><p> CXTPDockingPaneLayout layoutNormal(&m_paneManager);</p><p> if (layoutNormal.Load(
30、_T("NormalLayout")))</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> m_paneManager.SetLayout(&layoutNormal);</p><p><b> }</b></p><p><b> return
31、 0;</b></p><p><b> }</b></p><p> Add the OnClose message handler to CMainFrame and the following before the call to the base class. This will save the current state of your d
32、ocking pane.</p><p> void CMainFrame::OnClose()</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> // Save the current state for docking panes.</p><p> CXTPDockingPaneLayout layo
33、utNormal(&m_paneManager);</p><p> m_paneManager.GetLayout(&layoutNormal);</p><p> layoutNormal.Save(_T("NormalLayout"));</p><p> CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose();</p&
34、gt;<p><b> }</b></p><p> Outlook Style Menu and Pager Control</p><p> Author: Kirk Stowell</p><p> Posted: November 16, 2007</p><p> Environment
35、:Visual C++ MFC</p><p> Downloads:</p><p> PagerDemo.zip - Source Files with Demo Project [66.10 KB]</p><p> PagerDemoSrc.zip - Source Files Only [8.64 KB]</p><p>
36、The CXTOutlookBar class is a CListBox derived class that implements a Outlook style control. The CXTPagerCtrl class is used to contain and scroll the CXTOutlookBar window. This class wraps the windows pager API. Bot
37、h classes are fairly easy to use and can be used the same way you would any standard MFC control.</p><p> This example was created using a standard MFC SDI application, two CView derived classes COutbarView
38、 ( the left view ) and CPagerView and a splitter window. The left view is used to contain the pager and Outlook style controls. To use these controls, add a member variable for each to the COutbarView class, for example:
39、</p><p> // Attributes</p><p> protected:</p><p> CXTOutlookBar m_wndOutlookBar;</p><p> CXTPagerCtrl m_wndPager;</p><p> Next add a WM_CREATE messag
40、e handler to COutbarView. This is where we will create the pager and Outlook menu. Here we will also initialize the Outlook menu by adding menu items to the control and set pager button size and child window.</p>
41、<p> int COutbarView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)</p><p> return -1;</p>
42、<p> // Create the pager control.</p><p> if (!m_wndPager.Create(WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|PGS_VERT,</p><p> CRect(0,0,0,0), this, IDC_PAGER_CTRL ))</p><p><b> {</b>
43、</p><p> TRACE0("Failed to create CPagerCtrl...\n");</p><p> return -1;</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> // Create the OutlookBar control using m_wndP
44、ager as the</p><p> // parent.</p><p> if (!m_wndOutlookBar.Create( WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |</p><p> WS_TABSTOP, CRect(0,0,0,0), &m_wndPager, IDC_OUTBAR))</p><p>
45、<b> {</b></p><p> TRACE0("Failed to create COutlookBar...\n");</p><p> return -1;</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> // Set the CWnd object
46、 you want messages sent to.</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.SetOwner(this);</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.SetColors(RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff),</p><p> RGB(0x3a,0x6e,0xa5));</p><p> //
47、Add items to the Outlook Bar control.</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_OUTLOOK, _T("Outlook Today"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p>
48、;<p> IDI_ICON_CONTACTS, _T("Contacts"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_TASKS, _T("Tasks"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuIt
49、em(</p><p> IDI_ICON_JOURNAL, _T("Journal"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_NOTES, _T("Notes"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar
50、.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_DELETED, _T("Deleted Items"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_PUBLIC, _T("Public"));</p><p>
51、; m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_DRAFTS, _T("Drafts"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_OUTBOX, _T("Outbox"));</p>
52、<p> m_wndOutlookBar.AddMenuItem(</p><p> IDI_ICON_SENT, _T("Sent"));</p><p> // Insert menu items at a specific index.</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.InsertMenuItem(&
53、lt;/p><p> 1, IDI_ICON_INBOX, _T("Inbox"));</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.InsertMenuItem(</p><p> 2, IDI_ICON_CALENDAR, _T("Calendar"));</p><p> // Set t
54、he child HWND to COutlookBar, and button size to 15.</p><p> m_wndPager.SetChild(m_wndOutlookBar.GetSafeHwnd());</p><p> m_wndPager.SetButtonSize(15);</p><p><b> return 0;&
55、lt;/b></p><p><b> }</b></p><p> Next we will add a WM_SIZE message handler, this will ensure that our pager control will be correctly positioned whenever the view is resized. Y
56、ou can use the class wizard to do this.</p><p> void COutbarView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);</p>
57、<p> if(m_wndPager.GetSafeHwnd()) {</p><p> m_wndPager.MoveWindow(0,0,cx,cy);</p><p><b> }</b></p><p><b> }</b></p><p> Our final tas
58、k will be to add the PGN_SCROLL and PGN_CALCSIZE message handlers for the pager control. This will notify us when the pager is being scrolled and allow us to set the scrollable size of the Outlook menu window. In additio
59、n to the PGN_ handlers, we will need to add a XTWM_OUTBAR_NOTIFY message handler. This will notify us whenever the user clicks an item in the Outlook menu. In the .cpp file for COutbarView, add the following to the messa
60、ge map:</p><p> BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COutbarView, CView)</p><p> //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(COutbarView)</p><p> ON_WM_SIZE()</p><p> ON_WM_CREATE()</p><p> ON_MESS
62、PagerCalcSize)</p><p> END_MESSAGE_MAP()</p><p> And the following member functions to the .cpp...</p><p> void COutbarView::OnPagerCalcSize(</p><p> NMHDR* pNMHDR,
63、 LRESULT* pResult)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> NMPGCALCSIZE* pNMPGCalcSize = (NMPGCALCSIZE*)pNMHDR;</p><p> *pResult = 0;</p><p> switch(pNMPGCalcSize->
64、dwFlag)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> case PGF_CALCWIDTH:</p><p><b> break;</b></p><p> case PGF_CALCHEIGHT:</p><p> pNMPGCalcSize-
65、>iHeight = m_wndOutlookBar.GetCount()</p><p> *(::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)*2);</p><p><b> break;</b></p><p><b> }</b></p><p><b>
66、 }</b></p><p> void COutbarView::OnPagerScroll(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> NMPGSCROLL* pNMPGScroll = (NMPGSCROLL*)pNMHDR;</p>
67、;<p> *pResult = 0;</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> LRESULT COutbarView::OnOutbarNotify(UINT lParam, LONG wParam)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p>
68、switch( wParam ) // control id.</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> case IDC_OUTBAR:</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> // Get the menu item.</p><p>
69、; XT_CONTENT_ITEM* pContentItems =</p><p> m_wndOutlookBar.GetMenuItem((int)lParam);</p><p> ASSERT(pContentItems);</p><p> AfxMessageBox(pContentItems->m_strText);</p>
70、<p><b> }</b></p><p><b> break;</b></p><p><b> }</b></p><p><b> return 0;</b></p><p><b> }</b>&l
71、t;/p><p> and header file.</p><p> // Generated message map functions</p><p> protected:</p><p> //{{AFX_MSG(COutbarView)</p><p> afx_msg void OnSize(UIN
72、T nType, int cx, int cy);</p><p> afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);</p><p> afx_msg LRESULT OnOutbarNotify(UINT lParam, LONG wParam);</p><p> //}}AFX_MSG</p
73、><p> afx_msg void OnPagerScroll(</p><p> NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult);</p><p> afx_msg void OnPagerCalcSize(</p><p> NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);</p>
74、<p> DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()</p><p> And that should just about do it. If you are using Visual C++ 5 you will need to install the latest platform SDK for Visual C++ 5 to use the pager control...have f
75、un!</p><p> Office Style Toolbars and Menus</p><p> Author: Kirk Stowell</p><p> Posted: November 16, 2007</p><p> Environment:Visual C++ MFC</p><p>
76、The following is a tutorial on how to create an MDI application using the Visual Studio 6.0 Application Wizard that will have Office style menus and toolbars. The same technique can be used for later versions of Visual S
77、tudio .NET as well.</p><p> Create a simple MDI application using the MFC AppWizard:</p><p> From Visual Studio and select ‘File’ then ‘New’ and select the ‘Projects’ tab.</p><p>
78、 Choose MFC Appwizard(exe) as your project type and enter ‘MDISample’ as the project name.</p><p> For the first step, make sure that "Multiple documents" is selected then press the ‘Finish’ butt
79、on.</p><p> Add Xtreme CommandBars components:</p><p> Add the following line to your StdAfx.h file:</p><p> Xtreme Toolkit Pro users: #include <XTToolkitPro.h>; // Xtrem
80、e Toolkit Pro components</p><p> Xtreme CommandBars users:#include <XTCommandBarsPro.h> // Xtreme CommandBars components</p><p> #include <XTCommandBarsPro.h>; // Xtreme CommandB
81、ars components</p><p> In your MainFrm.h file you need to change your base class to be CXTPMDIFrameWnd (CXTPFrameWnd for SDI applications):</p><p> class CMainFrame : public CXTPMDIFrameWnd<
82、;/p><p><b> {</b></p><p><b> ...</b></p><p><b> };</b></p><p> If you plan to override either PreTranslateMessage or OnWndMsg make
83、sure that you call the CXTPMDIFrameWnd base class, for example:</p><p> BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> // TODO: Add your spe
84、cialized code here and/or call the base class</p><p> return CXTPMDIFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> BOOL CMainFrame::OnWndMsg(UINT messa
85、ge, WPARAM wParam,</p><p> LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class</p><
86、;p> return CXTPMDIFrameWnd::OnWndMsg(message, wParam, lParam, pResult);</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> Replace int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) function to<
87、/p><p> int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)</p><p> return -
88、1;</p><p> // Create Status bar. </p><p> // Important: All control bars including the Status Bar </p><p> // must be created before CommandBars....</p><p> if (!m_
89、wndStatusBar.Create(this) ||</p><p> !m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators,</p><p> sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT)))</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> TRACE0
90、("Failed to create status bar\n");</p><p> return -1; // fail to create</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> // Initialize the Command Bar</p><p> if
91、 (!InitCommandBars())</p><p> return -1;</p><p> // Get a pointer to the Command Bar object.</p><p> CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars = GetCommandBars();</p><p> if(pC
92、ommandBars == NULL)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> TRACE0("Failed to create Command Bar object.\n");</p><p> return -1; // fail to create</p><p>
93、;<b> }</b></p><p> // Add the menu bar</p><p> CXTPCommandBar* pMenuBar = pCommandBars->SetMenu(</p><p> _T("Menu Bar"), IDR_MDISAMTYPE); </p>
94、;<p> if(pMenuBar == NULL)</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> TRACE0("Failed to create menu bar.\n");</p><p> return -1; // fail to create</p><
95、;p><b> }</b></p><p> // Create ToolBar</p><p> CXTPToolBar* pToolBar = (CXTPToolBar*)</p><p> pCommandBars->Add(_T("Standard"), xtpBarTop);</p>
96、<p> if (!pToolBar || !pToolBar->LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME))</p><p><b> {</b></p><p> TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar\n");</p><p> return -1;<
97、;/p><p><b> }</b></p><p> // Set Office 2003 Theme</p><p> CXTPPaintManager::SetTheme(xtpThemeOffice2003);</p><p><b> return 0;</b></p>
98、<p><b> }</b></p><p> Now we have an MDI application with an Office 2003 interface...it's that Easy!</p><p> Allowing the Popup Window to be Moved</p><p> A
99、uthor: Mike Palmatier</p><p> Posted: May 3, 2008</p><p> Environment:Visual C++ 6.0</p><p> By default you are not allowed to move the popup window when it is displayed. To allo
100、w your users to move the popup window all you need to do is set the AllowMove property to True. Now you will be able to click on the popup window and drag it around.</p><p> m_pActivePopup->AllowMove(TRU
101、E);</p><p> Making a Group Special</p><p> Author: Mike Palmatier</p><p> Posted: May 3, 2008</p><p> Environment:Visual C++ 6.0</p><p> You can desig
102、nate a task panel group as "special." Groups marked as special will be displayed differently than normal groups drawing the users attention to that particular group. This is an excellent way to show the user
103、the "default" or important items.</p><p> "Special" group</p><p> Normal group</p><p> To set a group as special all you need to do is use the SetSpecialG
104、roup method.</p><p> CXTPTaskPanelGroup* pGroupSystem = m_wndTaskPanel.AddGroup(ID_TASKGROUP_SYSTEM);</p><p> pGroupSystem->SetIconIndex(IDI_SYSTEM_TASKS);</p><p> pGroupSyste
105、m->AddLinkItem(ID_TASKITEM_HIDECONTENTS, 0);</p><p> pGroupSystem->AddLinkItem(ID_TASKITEM_ADDORREMOVE, 1);</p><p> pGroupSystem->AddLinkItem(ID_TASKITEM_SEARCH, 2);</p><p&
106、gt; pGroupSystem->SetSpecialGroup();</p><p> Applying the Office 2007 Skin</p><p> Author: Mike Palmatier</p><p> Posted: May 3, 2008</p><p> Environment:Visual
107、 C++ 6.0</p><p> First a skin must be loaded before it can be applied to your application. The LoadSkin method loads a skin from a .cjstyles or .msstyles file.The Office 2007 skin is located in the Office
108、2007.cjstyles skin file and is loaded using the NormalOffice2007.ini file name.</p><p> 'Loads the NormalOffice2007.ini skin</p><p> SkinFramework.LoadSkin App.Path + _</p><p>
109、; XTPSkinManager()->LoadSkin(_T("..\..\..\Styles\WinXP.Luna.cjstyles"),</p><p> _T("NormalBlue.ini"));</p><p> By default, the skin framework will automatically skin al
110、l child windows of your application. If you do not want this to happen you can call the SetAutoApplyNewWindows method to specify that all windows will not automatically receive the skin. You can then individually specify
111、 which windows will receive the skin by using the ApplyWindow method.</p><p> XTPSkinManager()->SetAutoApplyNewWindows(FALSE);</p><p> XTPSkinManager()->ApplyWindow(pWnd->GetSafeHwnd(
112、));</p><p> Removing the Expand Button</p><p> Author: Mike Palmatier</p><p> Posted: April 28, 2008</p><p> Environment:Visual C++ 6.0</p><p> The ex
113、pand button can is used to display a popup menu with items related to the shortcut bar. Sometimes you might not want to display the expand button in your shortcut bar.</p><p> The ShowExpandButton method is
114、 used to remove the expand button. You can use the IsExpandButtonVisible method to determine if the button is visible.</p><p> m_wndShortcutBar.ShowExpandButton(FALSE);</p><p> Adding Multi-Ro
115、w Tabs</p><p> Author: Mike Palmatier</p><p> Posted: May 3, 2008</p><p> Environment:Visual C++ 6.0</p><p> The TabControl can display more than one row of tabs by
116、 using the SetLayout method to apply the xtpTabLayoutMultiRow flag. The number of rows is automatically set by the width and number of the tabs. The number of rows can change if the control is resized, which ensures that
117、 the tabs wrap to the next row. If the tab layout is not set to xtpTabLayoutMultiRow, and the last tab exceeds the width of the control, left and right arrow buttons are added at the right end of the TabControl.</p>
118、;<p> 'The TabControl can display more than one row of tabs</p><p> 'by changing the Layout to xtpTabLayoutMultiRow.</p><p> m_wndTabControl.GetPaintManager()->SetLayout(xtp
119、TabLayoutMultiRow);</p><p> The m_bMultiRowJustified property specifies the justification of the tabs in the TabControl. When True, each tab is wide enough to accommodate its caption and, if needed, the wid
120、th of each tab is increased so that each row of tabs spans the width of the TabControl. This will stretch each row of tabs to fill the entire width of the TabControl.If False, the tab rows will be non-justified. Each t
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