1、大學英語四級講座CET 4,寫作篇 主講 周 輝,評分標準命題特點寫作類型 寫作過程,評分原則,1.CET 作文題采用總體評分(Global Scoring)方法。閱卷人員就總的印象給出獎勵分(reward scores),而不是按語言點的錯誤數(shù)目扣分。2. 從內容和語言兩個方面對作文進行綜合評判。要考慮作文是否切題,是否充分表達思想,是否用英語清楚而合適的表達思想。3. 避免趨中現(xiàn)象,該給高分給
2、高分,包括滿分;該給低分給低分,包括零分。,評分等級,五等:2分,5分,8分,11分和14分,根據樣卷評分,根據優(yōu)劣,上下浮動一分。0分-白卷,作文與題目無關,或只有幾個孤立的詞而無法表達思想。2分-條理不清,思路紊亂,語言支離破碎或大部分句子均有錯誤,且多數(shù)為嚴重錯誤。 (一塌糊涂)5分-基本切題。表達思想不清楚,連貫性差。有較多的嚴重語言錯誤。(糊里糊涂),8分-基本切題。有些地方表達思想不夠清楚,文字勉強連貫;語言錯誤
3、相當多,其中有一些是嚴重錯誤。(馬馬虎虎)11分-切題。表達思想清楚,文字連貫,但有少量語言錯誤。(像模像樣)14分-切題。表達思想清楚,文字通順, 連貫好,基本上沒有語言錯誤,僅有個別小錯誤。(漂漂亮亮),字數(shù)要求,2002年以后均要求至少120詞,字數(shù)不足酌情扣分。 注意:如題目中給出主題句、祈使句、結尾句,均不得計入所寫字數(shù)。,文章結構,三部分論 Introduction(點題)
4、 「 Topic sentence Main Body ∣Supporting sentences (切題) ∟ Examples Conclusion (首尾呼應)文章結構:總、分、總,注意事項,1.遵循要求2.卷面整潔 3.字數(shù)達標 4.文體統(tǒng)一 5.主題突出(各段主題句應緊緊圍繞文章主題寫,各段擴展句也應圍繞段落主題句來組織。),6.文字連貫性(段與段之間―
5、―過渡句;句與句――連接詞表層進 first, firstly,to begin with, second, secondly, to start with, third, thirdly, what’s more, also, and then, and equally important, besides, in addition, further, in the first place, still, furthermore,
6、last but not the least, moreover, finally, in the first place, in the past, at last, lately, meanwhile, since, so far, subsequently(后來, 隨后) 表舉例 for example, for instance, to illustrate, as an illustration, after all
7、表解釋 as a matter of fact, frankly speaking, in this case, namely(即, 也就是), in other words,表總結 in summary, in a word, in brief, in conclusion, to conclude, in fact, in short, in other words, of course, it is true, speciall
8、y, all in all, that is to say, summarize, on the whole, therefore 表強調 of course, indeed, above all, certainly, in fact 表讓步 still, nevertheless(然而, 不過), in spite of, all the same, even so, after all, 表比較 in comparison
9、, likewise(同樣地, 照樣地), similarly, equally, however, in the same way 。,表轉折 by contrast, although, in contrast, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise regardless of, though, yet, despite, even thoug
10、h, for all that(雖然如此), however, in spite of, instead 表時間 after a while, and then, as long as, at last, at length(最后, 詳細地), at that time, before, eventually, finally, formerly),7.文章切題 8.詞語多樣 9.句式多樣 (閱卷人喜歡的句式有以下兩種:一是
11、插入語;二是倒裝。插入語所謂插入語,英語中有兩種形式。一種是有兩個逗號之間引起的成分稱之為插入語;第二種是有兩個半破折號引起的成分稱之為插入語?! ∪缦滤荆ê隗w劃線處): Jinan, the Spring City, is a famous tourist city.,Other people may give us instrumental support financial aid, material resource
12、s, and needed services-that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems. 插入語的作用主要有兩個,一個是突出主語,比如說:He, who would like to play basketball, is a good student.第二個作用是解釋說明,比如說:People, especially students,
13、 should work hard.,倒裝倒裝是我們寫作中需要用到的。雖然略顯俗套,但是卻是很能滿足閱卷人的主觀感受的。常用的倒裝形式有以下幾種:Only + 時間狀語 Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to have a cleaner society and a more bea
14、utiful future. Only + 介詞詞組 Only by planning his time care fully can he improve efficiency and make achievements. Only in this way can we master the writing skills step by steps.,否定詞位于句首(hardly when; never; not only--
15、-,but also---; seldom) 在我一生當中很難遇到這樣的人 Seldom in my life have I met such a kind-heartedman. 地點方位名詞位于句首 In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.,修
16、辭 無論是漢語寫作還是英語寫作,修辭其實非常的重要。它是作者寫作功底具體事例地展現(xiàn)。所謂修辭包括比喻、擬人、排比等等。這里僅舉一個比喻例子,拿“重要的”來舉例。試比較:,The bicycle is important for us. The bicycle is of importance for us. The bicycle plays an important role in our life. The bic
17、ycle, environmental friendliness vehicle, plays an important role in our life. The bicycle is like the air, water, and sunshine and cannot be parted with a moment in our life.10.首尾呼應 11.檢查到位,命題特點,??碱}材??俭w裁 出題方
18、式1.提綱式文字作文2.提綱式圖表作文 3.“情景+提綱”式應用文,寫作類型,提綱式文字命題作文和提綱圖表命題作文主要可分為:1.現(xiàn)象解釋型(要求對一種現(xiàn)象產生的原因或其影響進行解釋說明并加以評論)2.問題解決型(要求針對某一問題提供解決方案)3.對比選擇型(要求對兩種事物或觀點進行對比并作出選擇;這類作
19、文的標志十分明顯,非常容易識別,其要求比較明確,富有針對性,即要求考生比較兩種觀點或做法,進而表明自己對問題或事物的態(tài)度或觀點,也就是作出選擇),4.觀點論證型(論證觀點的正確性)5.記敘文(敘述一件事情的經過)應用文以各類書信為主,有時也會涉及到海報演說詞等。,材料的組織方法,,四級作文段落,現(xiàn)象闡釋型,題目多是社會問題提出:現(xiàn)象(What)要求:分析 (Why)結論:解決 (How)第一段 1)引話題 2)承上啟下
20、第二段 1)主題句 2)原因+舉例第三段 總結,,(2003.1)It Pays to Be Honest 1. 當前社會上存在許多 不誠實的現(xiàn)象 2. 誠實利人利已,做人應該誠實,,第一段 陳述現(xiàn)象(不誠實)+舉例第二段 分析現(xiàn)象 1)不誠實的壞處 2)誠實的好處 3)小結句(誠實有回報)第三段 1)總結(做人應該誠實),,Although honesty is be
21、lieved to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat in the exams.,,Dishonest people are short-sighted. Those wh
22、o sell fake products may make money at the beginning, but customers won't buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison.,,By contrast, honest people gain a lot. Thos
23、e who always tell the truth or keep promise not only make others trust them but gain respect from other people as well. Since they are trustable and respectable, everyone would be eager to make friends with them, so they
24、 are sure to have a lot of friends. Besides, it is easier for a person with a good record to get a good job,,Generally speaking, every employer wants his employees to be honest. So we can say that anyone who is honest wo
25、uld be paid back later. In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. Therefore it is important that we should be honest .,,寫作模板:ANowadays __________ is a common phenomenon in society. For example,_________. ____
26、____ do more (good) than (harm) to us. For one thing, ___________________ . For another, ___________________ . In summary, / In a word, it is more valuable ________________ .,,BRecently ______________ has aroused publ
27、ic concern. It has both ___________ and ____________._______ do more (good) than (harm) to us. On the one hand,_______________ . On the other hand, ______________ . From what has been discussed above, we may reasona
28、bly arrive at the conclusion that _________________ .,現(xiàn)象解釋十二句作文模板一,1.Recently,____________. 描述現(xiàn)象,引出話題。2.What amaze us most is___________. 表現(xiàn)較典型的一個方面。3.It is true that _____________. 對現(xiàn)象做出評論。4.There are many reasons is
29、 __________. 承上啟下,解釋這一現(xiàn)象的原因。5.The main reason is ____________. 說明原因一。6.What is more,_____________. 原因二。7.Thirdly ,___________. 原因三。8.As a result ________________. 講述導致的結果。9.Considering all these ,___________. 作者的態(tài)度。
30、10.For one thing ,________________. 觀點一。11.For another ,____________. 觀點二。12.In conclusion ,________. 總結全文。,現(xiàn)象解釋十二句作文模板二,1.As is known to all,____________. 擺明現(xiàn)象 2.__________seems to get accustomed to __________. 講
31、明事實,空格內填入people等 3.In fact ,_______________. 說明發(fā)生的實質變化 4.The reasons of ________lie in several aspects. 引起下文,講明原因 5.Firstly ,____________. 原因一 6.Secondly,___________. 原因二 7.Thirdly ,_________. 原因三 8.Fi
32、nally ,_________ . 原因四 9.As a matter of fact ,_________. 說明作者的觀點 10.On the one hand , _________. 支持著一觀點的理由一 11.On the other hand ,___________. 支持理由二 12.Therefore ,__________. 得出結論,現(xiàn)象解釋十二句作文模板三,1.Nowadays ,______
33、___. 說明現(xiàn)象2.For one thing ,__________. 支持這一道理的一個方面3.For another ,____________. 另一方面4.It is obvious ____________. 說明現(xiàn)象具有典型的一方面5.Many remarkable factor contribute to___________. 表明原因,引起下文6.First of the all ,___________
34、. 產生這一現(xiàn)象的原因7.In addition ,__________. 原因二8.Thirdly ,_______________. 原因三9.As to me ,_______________. 作者的觀點10.as we know ,___________, 支持這一觀點的理由一11.Besides ,_________________. 支持這一觀點理由二12.In a word ,________________
35、. 結論。,,Useful sentences:Never in history has the issue of ……been more visible than ……Nowhere in the world has the problem of ……been as evident as……Now there is a growing awareness / recognition of the necessity of ……,
36、,Now, people in growing number are beginning / coming to realize that ……Recently the problem / issue / question of ……h(huán)as been brought to public attentionRecently the problem / issue / question of ……h(huán)as caused/ aroused
37、worldwide concern……h(huán)as become a hot topic, and heated debates are right on their way.,,演練題目 Restore Our Traditional Festivals現(xiàn)在有很多年輕人更喜歡過西方節(jié)日這種現(xiàn)象的原因是……我們對待西方節(jié)日的態(tài)度是……Fast Food1. 快餐在中國十分流行,它是現(xiàn)代快節(jié)奏社會的最佳反映。2. a. 快餐
38、受歡迎有兩條原因 b. 然而,從營養(yǎng)角度來講,快餐卻差強人意 3. 對快餐還是以偶爾品嘗為宜。Online Education1.目前網絡教育形成熱潮2.我認為這股熱潮的的原因是……3.我對網絡教育的評價,問題對策型,題目社會問題或大學生面臨的實際問題(1). 闡述問題/提出問題(2). 問題形成的原因/解決問題的辦法(3). 我的看法/做法,,(1997.6)Getting to Know the wor
39、ld Outside the Campus1.大學生了解社會的必要性。 2.了解社會的途徑(大眾媒介,社會服務等)。 3.我打算怎么做。,,第一段 1)引出話題(必要性) 2)支持句 (必要性原因)第二段 1)主題句 (途徑) 2)一二三原則第三段 解決段(自己做法),,Getting to Kn
40、ow the World Outside the Campus With our society developing at an unprecedented speed, getting to know the world outside the campus has become an indispensable part for college students. On the one hand, it wil
41、l keep the students informed with the updated information beyond the books and classes; on the other hand, it will enable the students to adapt to the society more easily after graduation.,,Students can gain access to th
42、e world outside the campus through the following means. Firstly, communication with seniors and friends, including parents, relatives, teachers etc. Secondly, various media such as radio, TV, newspapers and most importan
43、tly, the Internet. Last but not the least, taking part-time jobs or acting as voluntary workers.,,As for me, a student who is about to graduate from college soon, I will commit myself to broadening my horizon through the
44、 media, especially the Internet, and communication with people from all walks of life. In addition, I will grasp every opportunity to practice my professional skills for my future career.,,寫作模板A.Sometimes we find there
45、 are really many problems / difficulties in ________. Then how can we manage to overcome all these step by step? Firstly, ______. Secondly, ___________. Thirdly, _______ . Last, ___________________________________
46、_______. After a period of painstaking efforts, I feel that ____________ .,,B.These days we often hear that __________________ . There are some possible reasons for that. In the first place, ___________________.
47、In the second place, ____________________________. To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying. We should do something such as __________ to improve the present situation, and I do believe everything wi
48、ll be better in the future.,,Useful sentences:Now people are increasingly aware / conscious of …….Recently the problem of …… has been in the limelight.Generally speaking, the major reasons for ……can be listed as follo
49、ws, ………….,,Obviously / Apparently, several reasons contribute to / account for ……..It is high time that quick / necessary action / steps / measures should be taken to …………We should try every means to …………..Many things
50、 can contribute to solving the problem, but the following ones may be most effective. …………………,,演練題目:On Power Failure1.很多城市嚴重缺電2.分析原因3.提出解決辦法Green Olympics1. 2008年中國要舉辦一次綠色奧運會2. 為什么要提倡“綠色奧運”3. 如何為綠色奧運做準備,On Power
51、Failure,Recently, every morning when I wake up, I find my air-conditioner automatically turned off . I didn’t understand why at first , but soon I learned that there was a great shortage of electricity supply in our city
52、 – my air-conditioner turned off because of a power failure midnight. With the rapidly developing industry and the ever-increasing population, demand for electricity supply is soaring. Besides, summers in recent yea
53、rs are much hotter than before , so most working places and households are air-conditioned , which consumes additional electricity.,Facing with such a hard nut , we have to find ways to crack it . Above all , in western
54、areas China , there is surplus of electricity supply. So , cities that are thirsty for electricity may ask for remote help. Then ,when we have electricity , we should remember to save it . Set your air-conditioners at 27
55、C and you won’t feel less comfortable than when they are at 26C . In fact , some factories already shift their working hours to avoid the peak time of electricity consuming. My parents don’t work from Monday to Friday as
56、 before – they work form Saturday to Wednesday and have the following two days off instead. This is also a way out , isn’t it?,對比選擇型,題目權衡兩種不同方法或觀點的利弊(1). 一些人對待某一事物的觀點是……(2). 另外一些人對待該事物的態(tài)度是……(3). 我的看法…1.分析觀點一的利弊—分析觀點
57、二的利弊—做出選擇2.分析兩種觀點各自的優(yōu)點—分析兩種觀點各自的不足——做出選擇,,(95.1.)Can Money Buy Happiness? 有人認為金錢是幸福之本 (source of happiness)2. 也有人認為金錢是萬惡之源 (root of all evil)3. 我的看法,,Can money buy happiness?
58、 Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring com
59、fort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.,,But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evils. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law.
60、 A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.,,I think that m
61、oney is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have
62、plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a ha
63、ppy life, it can’t buy happiness.,,寫作模板:A.People's opinions about ________ vary from person to person. Some people are inclined to ____ for the following reasons. Firstly,_______ . Secondly, ___________.Other peo
64、ple, however, take a different attitude that _________. On the one hand,_________ . On the other hand, _________.My own point of view is that __________ , because ___. Also,________. So _______.,,B. _______ has
65、 become a hot topic among people, and heated debates are right on their way. Quite a few people think __________. It sounds good because _____________.On the contrary, there is a universally acknowledged saying that __
66、________.To them, ____________________ In my opinion, ________. For one thing,___________. For another, _________ . Hence, ____________.,,Useful sentences:Different people hold different opinions about …… Some take it
67、 for granted that …… But others take an opposite idea that ……People’s views about ……vary from person to person. Some people say that…… While others think that ……In the face of …… Some people take the position that …….
68、Some people come to believe that ……,,There is no consensus(一致) of opinions among people as to the view of ……. Some people suggest that …… While some others argue that …….As far as I am concerned, …………………When it comes t
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