1、信函,發(fā)言稿,通知,,應 用 文 寫 作,附:應用文常用句型,附:信函基本形式,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,四級考試中,書信類作文通常是給出一個特定的場景,要求考生在理解的基礎上給相關人士寫一封信,并在信中表達自己寫信的原因、動機、目的和愿望等。文章涉及的內容多樣,但大多與日常 生活比較貼近。,附:信函基本形式,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,確定類型確定信件的類型,是建議、批評、抱怨、申請、感謝、道歉還是求職轉換成三段式結構模式不同信函內容
2、不同,但是總體上總是三段填充內容表達感激,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend’s inquiry about applying to admission to your college or university. You should write at le
3、ast 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.(2004年1月)建議報考的專業(yè)及理由報考該專業(yè)的基本條件應當如何備考,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,首先判斷這是一篇建議性的信函根據(jù)提綱的內容,轉換成相應的三段式結構第一段首先應對朋友要報考自己所在的學校表示高興和歡迎。注意,雖然提綱上沒有要求這一部分內容,但是根據(jù)常理這一部分是不可缺少的,否則文章會顯得突
4、兀且生疏。第二段就報考的專業(yè)提出建議,并說明你建議朋友報考該專業(yè)的理由及報考條件。第三段就如何備考提出自己的建議,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,確定每一段要寫的具體內容第一段:只要表達自己的喜悅之情就可以了,I am glad to know that you are planning to apply for my university. I am looking forward to being your schoolmate an
5、d sure you will be successful.,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,確定每一段要寫的具體內容第二段:建議報考英語專業(yè),理由是:這個專業(yè)是這個學校的強項,英語實際上已經(jīng)成為國際語言,有著廣闊的應用領域,以后的就業(yè)前景好,朋友一直喜歡英語,成績也不錯;基本條件是:達到國家重點學校的分數(shù)線要求,英語成績達到120分以上,并且要對聽說能及做單獨測試。,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,As to the major you apply
6、 for, I would like to suggest English. For one thing, English is one of the best specialized programs in my university. For another, now English is very useful and important in many fields and consequently students major
7、ing in English are more likely to find a good job. Moreover, you have always enjoyed learning English and been good at it.,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,As to the basic requirements to be considered for admission. You first of all must r
8、each the minimum score set for admission to key universities in the College Entrance Examinations. Second, your English score must be no less than 120. Third, you will have to take an extra exam to test your listening an
9、d speaking proficiency in English. Only when you meet the professors’ expectation can you be admitted.,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,確定每一段要寫的具體內容第三段:準備好各門功課,并且要加強英語聽說能力訓練。這里千萬不要忘記,在文章的最后要表達一下良好的祝愿,否則會使文章顯得不夠完整。,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,In order to re
10、ach the requirements, I would like to suggest you pay enough attention to all the subjects so as to reach the minimum score set for admission to key universities. In addition, you should also practice listening and speak
11、ing in order to meet the professors’ expectation. I will be looking forward to good news from you.,建議信模板,Dear——1. I am delighted to learn that——.2. It——.3. In my opinion,——.4. On the one hand,——.5. On the o
12、ther hand, —— 6. As to the——, I suggest——.7.If ——8.It is unnecessary for you to——9. In addition,——.10.I am sure——11.Please inform me —— 12.I am looking forward to —— Sincerely yours,
13、 Signature:,1.寫信的原因。2.引出作者的建議。3.表達建議內容。4.提出建議的理由一。5.建議的理由二。6.具體到某一方面的建議內容。7.供被建議人選擇的條件。8.建議內容的另一方面。9.其它的建議。10.對建議內容的評價。11. 對建議內容所做出的承諾。12. 表達個人的愿望。,2.批評、抱怨、投訴信模板,Dear——1. My name is——.2. I am——.
14、3. I venture to write you a letter about——.4. The focus of the complaint is——.5. For one thing, —— 6. For another,——7. Honestly speaking,—— 8. But——9. Besides,——.10. All in all, there is still much room for impro
15、vement.11.I do hope—— 12.Thank you for your time and kind consideration. Sincerely yours, Signature:,1.寫信人的姓名。2.寫信人的身份。3.表達抱怨的內容。4.提出抱怨內容的核心點。5.抱怨內容的一
16、方面。6.抱怨內容的另一方面。7.客觀的評論。8.抱怨產(chǎn)生的原因一。9.抱怨產(chǎn)生的原因二。10.總結說明所抱怨現(xiàn)象或事物還有很大改進空間。11. 表達本人的愿望。12. 信件結尾的常用語。,3. 求職申請信模板,Dear——1. I am applying for the position of ——advertised in—.2. I major in ——.3. My training in ——definit
17、ely meet your qualifications.4. My complete resume is attached——.5. I will graduate on ——from— 6. In addition to the required courses of this program, I have——.7. I also have some experience in —— 8. I believe that
18、 my training and experience——.9. You will find me to be——.10. I hope that you will consider me for your position.11.May I have a personal interview at your convenience? 12.I can be reach by telephone between——and——.
19、 Sincerely yours, Signature:,應用文寫作,發(fā)言稿的寫作,第一步:先做簡短自我介紹,表達再此發(fā)言的愉悅之情或對聽眾的歡迎之意;第二步:按提綱的要求確定文章主體結構;第三步:在每段中填充具體的內容第四步:結尾表達對聽眾的謝意或提出希望,應用文寫作,發(fā)言稿的寫作,Directions:
20、 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of you election to the post of chairman of the students’ union. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below i
21、n Chinese.(2005年1月)你認為自己具備什么條件(能力,性格,愛好)可以勝任學生會主席的工作如果你當選將為本校同學做什么,應用文寫作,發(fā)言稿的寫作,1) 簡短自我介紹,表達在此發(fā)言的愉悅之情,Good afternoon, everybody Today I am very glad to run for the president of the students’ union My name is Li
22、 Ming and a junior student in the Department of Chemistry,應用文寫作,發(fā)言稿的寫作,2) 按提綱中的要求確定文章的主體結構第一段:自己具備的能力及自己的興趣、愛好第二段:當選后的打算3)在每段中填充具體的內容第一段:我有很好的溝通和組織能力——上大學以來一直擔任班長工作,得到同學好老師的一致好評;學習成績優(yōu)秀,樂于助人,興趣和愛好廣泛,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,Since
23、I entered the university, I have always been the monitor of my class and done a good job for my classmates. In the work I have displayed good communication and organizing abilities, which you can see in the praise that m
24、y classmates and my teachers give me. In addition, I am one of the top students in my class and have been awarded scholarship for each school year.,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,And I’m ready to help. I never hesitate to share my learning
25、 experiences with my classmates who have difficulties in learning. I have a variety of hobbies, such as basketball, football, table tennis, and I am one of the major players in our university basketball team.,應用文寫作,發(fā)言稿的寫
26、作,3)在每段中填充具體的內容第二段:當選后的打算——組織豐富多彩的課余活動,成立各種興趣小組,把興趣相同的不同專業(yè)的同學組織到一起。,應用文寫作,信函的寫作,If I were elected, I would organize all kinds of extra curriculum activities so that each of you can find one that suits you; I would organ
27、ize research groups so that students having the same interest but studying in different departments would be able to work together and help each other. I am confident that I will make you college life more colorful and m
28、eaningful.,應用文寫作,發(fā)言稿的寫作,4)結尾表達感謝和希望,At last, I would like to deliver my gratitude for your time and attention. I sincerely hope you will give me the chance to serve you and please believe that I am the best you are hopin
29、g for.,應用文寫作,通知的寫作,1)結合題目及提綱,確定通知的類型,以布告形式張貼的通知,無需稱呼;以書信形式發(fā)出的通知,其格式同普通書信,開頭有對接受通知這的稱呼。2)將提綱中的內容轉換成三段式模式,確定文章主題結構3)在每段中填充具體內容4)注明通知發(fā)出人和時間,應用文寫作,通知的寫作,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write to w
30、elcome students to join a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese(2007年6月)本社團的主要活動內容參加本社團的好處如何加入本社團,應用文寫作,通知的寫作,1)結合題目及提綱,可確定這是以布告張貼的通知,因此無需稱呼。2)將提綱中的內容轉換成三段式模式第一段:介紹社
31、團活動的主要內容第二段:說明參加本社團的好處第三段:說明如何加入本社團3)在每段中填充具體內容,應用文寫作,通知的寫作,第一段:開門見山說明社團宗旨,然后介紹社團活動的主要內容,可以是已經(jīng)舉辦過的活動,也可以是打算在近期舉辦的活動。,Welcome to our club! Our “Easy-to-Learn” English Club aims at helping college students to study Engl
32、ish in easier ways, There may be varieties of colorful activities almost every week in our club, such as English Talk show, English Corner, English Lectures, English Songs Competition, etc.,應用文寫作,,第二段:說明參加本社團的好處,這應該是寫作重點
33、,因為只有參加社團活動能給大家?guī)硪嫣帟r,大家才能踴躍參加。,If you accepted by our club, you will find you have made a wise choice. To begin with, you may practice and improve your English in our activities in a relaxed and comfortable way.,應用文寫作,信函
34、的寫作,In addition, you may make new friends in the activities, which will inevitably make your college life more enjoyable and meaningful. Last but not the least, you may participate in all the activities at a much lower p
35、rice or even free of charge.,應用文寫作,通知的寫作,第三段:說明如何加入本社團,比較簡單,留下具體的聯(lián)系方式即可。,If you feel interested in our club, please don’t hesitate to join us. You just need to fill in the form and we may contact you as soon as possible.
36、 Out telephone number is 7788666, and if you have any problem, please call us.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,投訴主題,I am writing to you to complain about…I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with …I am writing to call your atten
37、tion to the awful fact that …I am totally disappointed to find that …I can hardly bear/tolerate/put up with it any longer.Even worse …,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,There are some serious problems that deserve your close attention.
38、 For one thing, … For another … If it is not properly settled, I would have to complain to the Consumer’s Association.I request you to be kind enough to solve the problem as soon as possible.I hope that the situation a
39、bove will be improved as soon as possible.,投訴主題,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,感謝主題,I am extremely grateful to you for your kind/selfless help.I am much obliged to you for your kind assistance.I really appreciate your timely assistan
40、ce.I am writing to express my gratitude for the many kind deeds you have done to me.It is very considerate and generous of you to make such a good arrangement.But for your help, I would have…,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,感謝主題,Had
41、it not been for your kind assistance, I would have …Words failed me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you.It is the fine quality of your products and the first-class service that help you set up a world re
42、putation.For this reason, I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks and hope that your company will have a brighter future.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,道歉主題,I must apologize to you for my terrible mistake.I am awfully sorry that
43、 …I am sorry for the inconveniences that I have brought to you.I sincerely hope that you will understand that I offended you quite unintentionally.Needless to say, it is my fault.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,道歉主題,I am to blame fo
44、r this unpleasant situation.I sincerely hope that you will accept my apologies.I sincerely ask for your forgiveness.I am sure that I will not make such a stupid mistake again.I hope the settlement of the matter will
45、meet your demand.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,道歉主題,I am to blame for this unpleasant situation.I sincerely hope that you will accept my apologies.I sincerely ask for your forgiveness.I am sure that I will not make such a stupid m
46、istake again.I hope the settlement of the matter will meet your demand.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,咨詢主題,I am writing to inquire about the details on …I would like to obtain some information about …I would be very grateful if you
47、 would be kind enough to provide me essential information about… Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I ha
48、ve to go through.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,申請主題,I am writing to let you know about my keen interest in the academic research on… I would like to ask for your permission to attend the conference on August 31.I would sincerely re
49、quest that …,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,申請主題,If additional information is required, please advise me at your early convenience.Your prompt and favorable attention to my request would be highly appreciated.I am looking forward to
50、a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,求職主題,I have read your advertisement in Nov.23 Beijing Evening News for a part time interpreter, and should be grateful if you could consider me favorably as
51、 an applicant for the position.I wish to apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper.I believe I am suitable for the job due to my rich experience on the field and my pleasant personalit
52、y.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,求職主題,Upon graduation, I first worked as… The following job was … and currently I am working for…With the kind of experiences I have accumulated, I would expect a salary no less than …I shall be much
53、obliged if you would give me an opportunity for an interview.I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you regarding my application.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,邀請主題,I am writing to invite you to attend a party on…I
54、 am particularly anxious to have you join our party on…I feel it a great honor If you could participate in …I should be much pleased if you would come to our party on…We look forward to seeing you as our honorable gue
55、st.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,推薦主題,I am very glad to recommend you a former student of mine, Mr…. to be a candidate for…With reference to your advised position, I have the pleasure to say that he is the just person you are lookin
56、g for.In view of his previous achievements, I am convinced that Mr…. will become a successful graduate student/staff member in your university/company.,應用文寫作,附:應用文常用句型,推薦主題,He has proved to be industrious, conscientious
57、, responsible and skillful in carrying out his assignment.If further information about him is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation and kindly o
58、ffer him the job.,附:信函基本形式,,Zhang Ping English Department Beijing City University ?。òl(fā)信人) 269 Mid Road of North Loop-4 Beijing, 100083 P. R. China Prof. George J
59、ackson Warner Books 444 Madison Avenue (收信人) New York, NY 10022
60、 U.S.A.,書信格式 February 14th, 2005 Dear Ms Green:You want retail clerks and managers who are accurate, enthusiastic, and experi
61、enced...Working as clerk and then as assistant department manager in a large department store has taught me how challenging a career in retailing can be...I understand that Carefour prefers to promote its managers fr
62、om within the company,… Sincerely yours, Adam Smith,February 14th, 2005 Dear Ms Green, You want retail cler
63、ks and managers who are accurate, enthusiastic, and experienced... Working as clerk and then as assistant department manager in a large department store has taught me how challenging a career in retailing can be
64、... I understand that Carefour prefers to promote its managers from within the company,… Sincerely yours,
65、 Adam Smith,稱呼 (salutation),1) 一般的稱呼: Dear Sir,Dear Madam,Dear Manger 2) 比較熟悉的稱呼:Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Miss Jones, Dear Dr. Wang,3) 親密的稱呼:My Dear Rose, My Dear John4)正式的
66、的稱呼:My Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,,正文 (Body of the Letter),1)引言 (1) How are things recently? 最近過得還好嗎?(2) I am very pleased to tell you that…我很高興地告訴你…(3) As I have not heard of you recently, I feel anxious.久未與你你通信,深感掛念。,(2
67、)信函的中心部分,信函的中心部分是正文的主要內容,或提供信息,或說明情況,或請求解決問題。一般要根據(jù)寫信所要表達的中心思想分段,以使得書信的正文層次清晰,觀點明了。,(3)結尾部分,(1) Hope to hear from you soon.盼望你早日來信。(2) We are looking forward to your early reply.望你早日回信。(3) Your prompt reply will be gr
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