1、ecological economics. (D) focus, a solid grasp of people's livelihood and various social undertakings. One is to pay special attention to construction of infrastructure work. Infrastructure construction is always l
2、inked to the level and quality of people's lives, through continuous strive for support from higher authorities and provincial poverty reduction unit, continue to strengthen the construction of public facilities, imp
3、rove the working and living conditions of the masses. Second, in the priority development of education. To continue to consolidate the achievements popularization of compulsory education and promote balanced development
4、of compulsory education, positive development of pre-school education. Third, stick to the road of sustainable development, protection of the ecological environment. Increase the comprehensive improvement to the environm
5、ent and constantly improve the living environment in rural areas and the village village appearance. Develop recycling economy. Four is to strengthen health service development. Growing food, medicines, food hygiene reg
6、ulations, and strengthen the monitoring and prevention of major diseases, safeguard the people's health and safety. Five hold family planning not to relax. By strengthening family planning advocacy efforts to improve
7、 the ability of cadres at all levels, full implementation of the responsibility system of family planning work, constantly raise the level of my town planning work. Six good job home poor. Do a difficult rescue relief, v
8、ulnerable groups, protect the poor basic living, strive for and implementation of poverty alleviation projects and further improve aid effectiveness, efforts to reduce poverty. Seven is to pay close attention to social o
9、rder and stability, to build peace XX. Strengthen the comprehensive management of public security, prevention mechanism established; the law letters and visits and mediation to resolve disputes of the masses in a timely
10、manner, avoiding the group petitions the petitions and leapfrog. Pay attention to safety, adhere to preventive measures. (E) strengthen measures to promote the construction of key projects. Is to strengthen the Jean
11、 Highway (XX) tracking of project work and strive to resolve problems arising in the work, firmly grasping practicality, to ensure that highway construction project completed successfully. Second, speed up the guangyig
12、uang II, order an order two “rich-country“ construction, strive to create unique charm of the rich ethnic and American home, to lead the village development of ecological civilization and the tourism industry, will guang
13、yiguang two, orders the first two village into a “green rich beauty“ new scenic countryside. (F) change the way of thinking and accelerate the development of tourism industry. Based on location, strong eco-tourism, con
14、tinue to cultivate new economic growth points. Continues to in-depth build “Ben grid within“ village tourism brand, grasp will paper village “end station“ tourism project, and “go village series Zhai“ and “village le
15、isure park“ construction, combined “XX--red hair“ red tourism planning, carefully build a article boutique tourism route, speed up development folk culture experience, and leisure health holiday, and forest section test
16、adventure, tourism project, led farmers increase of while, for Hainan construction international tourism Island construction embellishing. Comprehensive management office, the 2015 years of judicial work and 2016 to comp
17、rehensive management of work, summary justice by 2015and 2016 work this year, development zone comprehensive management office, development zone, where the Judicial Committee, under the correct leadership of the CMC, in
18、political and Legislative Affairs Committee of the district, the District Judicial Council under the guidance of caring, earnestly implement the falls ... And 2015 the completion of (a) the duocuo simultaneously to enha
19、nce disputes resolving power 1, change the work idea, enhances the activity of the contradiction. On the major disputes and resolve collective disputes, take precautions, always rushing at the forefront of disputes resol
20、ved, change from passive to active, using a variety of channels and resources effective deactivation of the key disputes. ① in the collective dispute was completed West bandits baskets, Jinhua fulisan group resettlement,
21、 such as the two groups dispute Nanjing Ting Heng science and technology limited labour disputes and resolve major disputes; Wah Group placement to do, Li XI shan Garden “two-card“ management, Jiangsu House, Reed intern
22、ational labour disputes and other disputes has been effectively controlled. ② Golden leaf Garden “two card“ for conflicts on the dispute, rearrange priorities this year, and then make “five packets“ and specific stabilit
23、y-control program, in particular Ye Wuxiang, Sun Chenghe resolve has achieved a definite breakthrough. ③ in levels petition of stability control aspects, this year 1-October, zone residents to district petition 6 batch
24、 85 people, petition batch and last year compared declined 51.5%; to city petition 5 batch 6 people, petition batch and last year compared increased 46.7%; to province petition 1 batch 25 people, petition batch and last
25、year compared declined 33.3%; to Beijing petition 11 batch 12 people (which Chen has Beijing petition 10 times), petition batch and last year compared declined 15%. 2, combined with the innovation of social management, d
26、eepen reform, extending contradiction, innovation way, looking for focus, Aichi, found breakthrough attack. Horizontally by the demolition, justice, labor and social security departments specifically responsible for ver
27、tical extension to the development zone enterprises, establishment of enterprise information to Director, Office of business liaison team to further expand the zone system instability troubleshooting linkage, effective f
28、or mediation reflects the reasonable demand of the masses to get a reasonable solution. Up to now, the zone disputes and contradictions and disputes mediation organizations at all levels 80 times, check out contradiction
29、s and disputes, 19, discouraging mass petition 50 batches of 1063, accepting all kinds of contradictions and disputes, 120, conciliation, 120, 119 mediation success, making agreement 70, mediation success rate of 98%. No
30、 transfer of criminal cases occurred. Effective maintenance area harmony and stability, and safeguard the immediate interests of the masses. 3, strengthening the “docking“ promote joint mediation mechanism to extend.
31、Establishing development zone Committee, CMC exercise unified leadership, Communist Party-led coordination, justice, police operations, “Joint Center“ business guidance, relevant departments involved in the docking mecha
32、nism. Improved station facilities at the Studio of people's mediation, update, such as a computer, copies, desk, so that system on the wall, neat people. Has successfully joint mediation Ke peak this year, more than
33、30 people dispute Jiangsu Yuan, Zhang Chaoyin alimony disputes, labour disputes and other major cases of 3 pieces, involving中藥學(xué)試題一、A 型題(最佳選擇題)共 50 題,每題 1 分。每題的備選答案中只有一個(gè)最佳答案。 1. 《本草經(jīng)集注》新增的藥物不可能見于( ) A.神農(nóng)本草經(jīng) B.新修本草 C.證類本
34、草 D.本草綱目 E.本草綱目拾遺 2.解表藥的藥味多為( )A.苦味 B.甘味 C.辛味 D.咸味 E.酸味 3.既能祛風(fēng)解表,又能解痙的藥物是( ) A.荊芥 B.白芷 C.羌活 D.防風(fēng) E.藁本 4.具利水通淋、通乳作用的藥物是( )A.萆薢 B.木通 C.石韋 D.地膚子 E.澤瀉 5.治水腫日久,脾腎陽虛者,用利水滲濕藥必須配用的藥物是( ) A.溫腎壯陽藥 B.健脾利水藥 C 益脾滋腎藥 D.滋補(bǔ)脾腎藥 E
35、.溫補(bǔ)脾腎藥 6.枳實(shí)除治療食積脾胄氣滯外,還常用治( ) A.肝氣郁滯之脅痛 B.水濕停滯之水腫 C.瀉痢腹痛、里急后重 D.腎不納氣之氣喘 E.肝郁月經(jīng)不調(diào) 7.具溫腎納氣作用的藥物是( ) A.沉香 B.木香 C.干姜 D.吳茱萸 E.橘皮 ecological economics. (D) focus, a solid grasp of people's livelihood and various soci
36、al undertakings. One is to pay special attention to construction of infrastructure work. Infrastructure construction is always linked to the level and quality of people's lives, through continuous strive for support
37、from higher authorities and provincial poverty reduction unit, continue to strengthen the construction of public facilities, improve the working and living conditions of the masses. Second, in the priority development of
38、 education. To continue to consolidate the achievements popularization of compulsory education and promote balanced development of compulsory education, positive development of pre-school education. Third, stick to the r
39、oad of sustainable development, protection of the ecological environment. Increase the comprehensive improvement to the environment and constantly improve the living environment in rural areas and the village village app
40、earance. Develop recycling economy. Four is to strengthen health service development. Growing food, medicines, food hygiene regulations, and strengthen the monitoring and prevention of major diseases, safeguard the peop
41、le's health and safety. Five hold family planning not to relax. By strengthening family planning advocacy efforts to improve the ability of cadres at all levels, full implementation of the responsibility system of fa
42、mily planning work, constantly raise the level of my town planning work. Six good job home poor. Do a difficult rescue relief, vulnerable groups, protect the poor basic living, strive for and implementation of poverty al
43、leviation projects and further improve aid effectiveness, efforts to reduce poverty. Seven is to pay close attention to social order and stability, to build peace XX. Strengthen the comprehensive management of public sec
44、urity, prevention mechanism established; the law letters and visits and mediation to resolve disputes of the masses in a timely manner, avoiding the group petitions the petitions and leapfrog. Pay attention to safety,
45、 adhere to preventive measures. (E) strengthen measures to promote the construction of key projects. Is to strengthen the Jean Highway (XX) tracking of project work and strive to resolve problems arising in the work, f
46、irmly grasping practicality, to ensure that highway construction project completed successfully. Second, speed up the guangyiguang II, order an order two “rich-country“ construction, strive to create unique charm of th
47、e rich ethnic and American home, to lead the village development of ecological civilization and the tourism industry, will guangyiguang two, orders the first two village into a “green rich beauty“ new scenic countryside.
48、 (F) change the way of thinking and accelerate the development of tourism industry. Based on location, strong eco-tourism, continue to cultivate new economic growth points. Continues to in-depth build “Ben grid with
49、in“ village tourism brand, grasp will paper village “end station“ tourism project, and “go village series Zhai“ and “village leisure park“ construction, combined “XX--red hair“ red tourism planning, carefully build a ar
50、ticle boutique tourism route, speed up development folk culture experience, and leisure health holiday, and forest section test adventure, tourism project, led farmers increase of while, for Hainan construction internati
51、onal tourism Island construction embellishing. Comprehensive management office, the 2015 years of judicial work and 2016 to comprehensive management of work, summary justice by 2015and 2016 work this year, development zo
52、ne comprehensive management office, development zone, where the Judicial Committee, under the correct leadership of the CMC, in political and Legislative Affairs Committee of the district, the District Judicial Council u
53、nder the guidance of caring, earnestly implement the falls ... And 2015 the completion of (a) the duocuo simultaneously to enhance disputes resolving power 1, change the work idea, enhances the activity of the contradic
54、tion. On the major disputes and resolve collective disputes, take precautions, always rushing at the forefront of disputes resolved, change from passive to active, using a variety of channels and resources effective deac
55、tivation of the key disputes. ① in the collective dispute was completed West bandits baskets, Jinhua fulisan group resettlement, such as the two groups dispute Nanjing Ting Heng science and technology limited labour disp
56、utes and resolve major disputes; Wah Group placement to do, Li XI shan Garden “two-card“ management, Jiangsu House, Reed international labour disputes and other disputes has been effectively controlled. ② Golden leaf Ga
57、rden “two card“ for conflicts on the dispute, rearrange priorities this year, and then make “five packets“ and specific stability-control program, in particular Ye Wuxiang, Sun Chenghe resolve has achieved a definite bre
58、akthrough. ③ in levels petition of stability control aspects, this year 1-October, zone residents to district petition 6 batch 85 people, petition batch and last year compared declined 51.5%; to city petition 5 batch 6
59、 people, petition batch and last year compared increased 46.7%; to province petition 1 batch 25 people, petition batch and last year compared declined 33.3%; to Beijing petition 11 batch 12 people (which Chen has Beijing
60、 petition 10 times), petition batch and last year compared declined 15%. 2, combined with the innovation of social management, deepen reform, extending contradiction, innovation way, looking for focus, Aichi, found brea
61、kthrough attack. Horizontally by the demolition, justice, labor and social security departments specifically responsible for vertical extension to the development zone enterprises, establishment of enterprise information
62、 to Director, Office of business liaison team to further expand the zone system instability troubleshooting linkage, effective for mediation reflects the reasonable demand of the masses to get a reasonable solution. Up t
63、o now, the zone disputes and contradictions and disputes mediation organizations at all levels 80 times, check out contradictions and disputes, 19, discouraging mass petition 50 batches of 1063, accepting all kinds of co
64、ntradictions and disputes, 120, conciliation, 120, 119 mediation success, making agreement 70, mediation success rate of 98%. No transfer of criminal cases occurred. Effective maintenance area harmony and stability, an
65、d safeguard the immediate interests of the masses. 3, strengthening the “docking“ promote joint mediation mechanism to extend. Establishing development zone Committee, CMC exercise unified leadership, Communist Party-le
66、d coordination, justice, police operations, “Joint Center“ business guidance, relevant departments involved in the docking mechanism. Improved station facilities at the Studio of people's mediation, update, such as a
67、 computer, copies, desk, so that system on the wall, neat people. Has successfully joint mediation Ke peak this year, more than 30 people dispute Jiangsu Yuan, Zhang Chaoyin alimony disputes, labour disputes and other ma
68、jor cases of 3 pieces, involvingA.黃連 B.黃柏 C.黃芩 D.梔子 E.龍膽草 17.具有清熱利濕、涼血解毒功效的藥物是( )A.石膏 B.知母 C.生地 D.玄參 E.梔子 18.具燥濕健脾、祛風(fēng)濕功效的藥物是( ) A.蒼術(shù) B.獨(dú)活 C.厚樸 D.薏苡仁 E.藿香 19.白術(shù)不能( )A.補(bǔ)氣 B.健脾 C.發(fā)汗 D.利水 E.燥濕 20.痰熱內(nèi)郁癲癇發(fā)狂可用( )A.鉛丹 B.
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