

1、<p><b> 新公共管理的現(xiàn)狀</b></p><p><b> 歐文·E·休斯</b></p><p> (澳大利亞莫納什大學管理系)</p><p> 毫無疑問,世界上許多國家,無論是發(fā)達國家還是發(fā)展中國家,在20世紀80年代后期和90年代初期都開始了一場持續(xù)的公共部門管理變革
4、;/p><p><b> 一、前傳統(tǒng)模式</b></p><p> 很顯然,在19世紀末官僚體制理論尚未健全之前,已經(jīng)存在著某種形式的行政管理。公共行政已經(jīng)有很長的歷史了,它與政府這一概念以及文明的興起一樣歷史悠久。正如格拉登(Glad2den)指出的那樣,行政的某種模式自從政府出現(xiàn)之后就一直存在著。首先是創(chuàng)始者或領導者賦予社會以可能,然后是組織者或行政者使之永恒。行
6、同時伴隨著“官僚治理結構的發(fā)展”。盡管這些國家以不同的方式進行管理,但它們具有共同的特點,這可以稱為前現(xiàn)代。也就是說,早期的行政體制本質(zhì)上是人格化的,或者說是建立在韋伯所說的“裙帶關系”的基礎上,也就是說以效忠國王或大臣等某個特定的人為基礎,而不是非人格化的</p><p> 二、傳統(tǒng)的公共行政模式</p><p> 在19世紀末期,另外一種模式開始在全世界流行,這就是所謂的傳統(tǒng)行政模
8、政尤其是威爾遜的行政體制產(chǎn)生了重要影響。在19世紀中期,諾思科特和屈維廉最先提出了通過考試和品德來任命官員的主張,并提出了無偏見和行政中立的觀點。傳統(tǒng)的行政模式有以下幾個主要特點:</p><p> 1.官僚制。政府應當根據(jù)等級、官僚原則進行組織。德國社會學家馬克斯·韋伯對官僚制度有一個經(jīng)典的、清晰的分析。雖然這種官僚制思想在商業(yè)組織和其他組織中采用過,但它在公共部門得到了更好和更長久的執(zhí)行。<
9、/p><p> 2.最好的工作方式和程序都在詳盡全面的手冊中加以規(guī)定,以供行政人員遵循。嚴格地遵守這些原則將會為組織運行提供最好的方式。</p><p> 3.官僚服務。一旦政府涉足政策領域,它將成為通過官僚體制提供公共產(chǎn)品和服務的提供者。</p><p> 4.在政治、行政二者的關系中,行政管理者一般認為政治與行政事務是可以分開的。行政就是貫徹執(zhí)行指令,而任何事
10、關政策或戰(zhàn)略事務的決定都應當由政治領導者做出,這可以確保民主責任制。</p><p> 5.公共利益被假定為公務員個人的惟一動機,為公眾服務是無私的付出。</p><p> 6.職業(yè)化官僚制。公共行政被看作是一種特殊活動,因而要求公務員保持中立、默默無聞、終身雇用以及平等地服務于任何一個政治領導人。</p><p> 7.行政任務的書面含義是執(zhí)行他人的指令而不
11、承擔由此而致的個人責任。</p><p> 通過對比早期的行政模式,我們可以更好地理解韋伯體系的主要優(yōu)點和不同點。韋伯制度和它以前的各種模式最重要的區(qū)別在于:以規(guī)則為基礎的非人格化的制度取代了人格化的行政管理制度。一個組織及其規(guī)則要比組織中的任何個人都重要。官僚制度就其運作以及如何對客戶做出反應方面必須是非人格化的。正如韋伯所論證的那樣“:將現(xiàn)代公職管理歸并為各種規(guī)定深深地觸及了它的本質(zhì)?,F(xiàn)代公共行政理論認為,
12、以法令形式來命令執(zhí)行某些事務的權威已被合法地授予了公共機關。這并沒有授予某機構具體情況下通過指令實施某種事務的權力。它只能是抽象地管制某種事務。與此形成鮮明對比的是,通過個人特權和賦予特許權管制所有事務。后者的情況完全是由世襲制支配的,至少就這些事務不是不可被侵犯的傳統(tǒng)而言是這種情況?!?lt;/p><p> 這一點非常重要。早期的行政管理以人際關系為基礎,個人要忠誠于親戚、保護人、領導人或政黨,而不是對體制負責。
14、場。</p><p> 其他的差別均與此相聯(lián)系。在各種規(guī)定和非人格化的基礎上,會很自然地形成嚴格的等級制度。等級制度及其規(guī)定在個人離開組織后保持不變。雖然韋伯強調(diào)的是整個制度,但他也注意到了官僚制組織中的個人任期和條件。</p><p> 傳統(tǒng)行政模式獲得了極大的成功,它為全世界各國政府所廣泛采用。無論是從理論上還是從實踐上看,它都顯示出了優(yōu)勢。與以前腐敗盛行的制度相比,它更具效率,而
15、且職業(yè)化公務員的思想對個人以及業(yè)余服務都是一個巨大的進步。然而,該模式現(xiàn)在也暴露出了問題,這些問題表明該模式即使不能說已經(jīng)過時了,也可以說即將過時。</p><p> 公共行政的理論支柱已經(jīng)難以描述政府現(xiàn)實了。政治控制理論已經(jīng)問題重重。行政意味著遵從他人的指令,因此要求有一個秩序井然的收發(fā)方法。指令的發(fā)出者與實施者之間有一個明確的劃分。但是這并不現(xiàn)實,并且隨著公共服務規(guī)模和領域的擴大而愈加不可能。傳統(tǒng)模式的另一
17、><b> 三、新公共管理模式</b></p><p> 20世紀八九十年代,在公共部門出現(xiàn)了一種針對傳統(tǒng)行政模式的缺陷的新管理方法。這種方法可以緩解傳統(tǒng)模式的某些問題,同時也意味著公共部門運轉方面發(fā)生了引人注目的變化。這種新的管理方法有很多名稱“:管理主義”、“新公共管理”“、以市場為基礎的公共行政”“、后官僚制典范”或“企業(yè)型政府”。到90年代后期,人們越來越傾向于使用“新公共
18、管理”的概念。</p><p> 盡管新公共管理的名稱眾多,但對于公共部門管理發(fā)生的實際變化而言,人們還是有一種共識。第一,無論這種模式叫什么,它都代表著一種與傳統(tǒng)公共行政不同的重大變化,它更為關注結果的實現(xiàn)和管理者的個人責任。第二,它明確表示要擺脫古典官僚制,從而使組織、人事、任期和條件更加靈活。第三,它明確規(guī)定了組織和人事目標,這就可以根據(jù)績效指標測量工作任務的完成情況。同樣,還可以對計劃方案進行更為系統(tǒng)的
20、步驟就都是必要的。</p><p> 霍姆斯(Holmes)和尚德(Shand)對這次改革的特點作了一個特別有用的概括。他們把新公共管理視作范式,這種好的管理方法具有以下特點:(1)這是一種更加富有戰(zhàn)略性或結構導向型的決策方法(強調(diào)效率、結果和服務質(zhì)量)。(2)分權式管理環(huán)境取代了高度集中的等級組織結構。這使資源分配和服務派送更加接近供應本身,由此可以得到更多相關的信息和來自客戶及其他利益團體的反饋。(3)可以
22、;<p> 新公共管理并沒有認為實現(xiàn)某結果有一條最好的途徑。管理者在被賦予責任之前并沒有被告知如何獲得結果。決定工作方式是管理者的一個職責,如果沒有實現(xiàn)預定的目標,管理者對此應當承擔責任。</p><p><b> 四、結論</b></p><p> 政府管理在過去的一百五十年里經(jīng)歷了三種模式。首先是人格化或前現(xiàn)代行政模式,當該模式日益暴露其缺陷以
24、p><p> 在現(xiàn)實中,市場和官僚體制相互需要,相互補充。新公共管理不可能完全代替官僚制,正如1989年以前的東歐,官僚制不可能代替市場一樣。但新公共管理運動表明的是,早期傳統(tǒng)官僚制的許多功能都可以而且現(xiàn)在經(jīng)常由市場來執(zhí)行。在一個官僚制作為組織原則日益削弱的環(huán)境下,市場解決方案就會被推出。當然不是所有的市場藥方都能成功,但這不是問題的核心。政府將從新公共管理這一工具箱中探尋到解決方案。如果這些方案行之無效,政府就會
25、從同一來源中尋找其他方案。政府管理背后的理論基礎已經(jīng)發(fā)生了變革,我們完全可以用“范式”這一術語來描述它。在公共行政學術界,有許多對新公共管理持否定態(tài)度的批評家。但是他們的批評對迅速開展的政府改革影響很小。在新公共管理模式之后,會出現(xiàn)另一種新的模式,但肯定不會回到傳統(tǒng)的行政模式。</p><p> The New Public Management Situation</p><p>
26、Owen E. Hughes</p><p> Monash University Management (Australia)</p><p> No doubt, many countries in the world, and both developed countries and developing countries, in the late 1980s and earl
27、y 1990s began a continuous public sector management reform movement. The reform movement is still in many aspects government continue to the organization and management of the influence. People in these reforms view repu
28、diating them. Critics especially in Britain and the United States, critics say the new mode of various problems exist, but also does not have the international </p><p> A traditional pattern</p><
29、p> Obviously, in the late 19th century bureaucracy system theory, not sound already exists some form of administrative management. Public administration has a long history, and it is the concept of a government and t
30、he rise of civilization as history. As the case Glad2den Osama bin laden (point), a model of administrative since the government appears has existed. First is endowed with founder or leader, then is the social or adminis
31、trative person to organizers of eternity. Administration management</p><p> The traditional public administrative pattern</p><p> In the late 19th century, additionally one kind of pattern on
32、the world popular, this is the so-called traditional administrative pattern. Its main theoretical basis from several countries, namely, the American scholars and Germany Woodrow Wilson of Max Weber's, people put thei
33、r associated with bureaucracy model, Frederick Tyler systematically elaborated the scientific management theory, the theory of the private sector from America, for public administration method was provided. And the other
34、 t</p><p> 1. The bureaucracy. The government shall, according to the principle of bureaucratic rank and organization. The German sociologist Max Weber bureaucracy system of a classic, and analysis. Althoug
35、h the bureaucracy in business organizations and other tissues, but it is in the public sector got better and longer.</p><p> 2. The best way of working and procedures are in full manual detail codes, for ad
36、ministrative personnel to follow. Strictly abide by these principles will run for the organization provides the best way.</p><p> 3. Bureaucratic service. Once the government policy areas in, it will be thr
37、ough the bureaucracy to provide public products and service providers.</p><p> 4. In political and administrative two relations, political and administrative managers generally think of administrative affai
38、rs can be separated. Administration is the implement instruction, and any matter policy or strategic affairs shall be decided by the political leaders, which can ensure that the democratic system.</p><p> 5
39、. Public interests are assumed to individual civil servants, the only motive for public service is selfless paying.</p><p> 6. Professional bureaucracy. Public administration is viewed as a kind of special
40、activities, thus requirements, obscure, civil servants neutral equal employment and lifelong service to any political leaders.</p><p> 7. The administrative task is to carry out the meaning of the written i
41、nstructions and not others assume the personal responsibility.</p><p> Through the comparison of the early administrative pattern, we can better understand the main advantages and Webber system differences.
42、 Webber system and it is the most important mode of various before the difference: the rule-based impersonal system replaced the personification of administrative management system. An organization and its rules than any
43、 of the people are important organization. Bureaucracy is its operation and how to respond to customer must is personified. As Weber has demonstr</p><p> It is very important. Early administration based on
44、personal relationships, be loyal to relatives, protect, leaders or political, rather than on the system. Sometimes, the early administration is politically sensitive, because of the administrative organs of the staff is
45、appointed, they also politicians arms or mainstream class. However, it is often autocratic, autocratic administration may be unfair, especially for those who can't or unwilling to input personal and political game. O
46、ne of the ba</p><p> Other differences were associated with this. In various regulations and impersonal basis, will naturally formed strict hierarchy. Personal rating system and its provisions in the left u
47、nchanged. Although Webber emphasizes the entire system, but he also noticed the bureaucracy of the organization and individual term.</p><p> The traditional administrative mode won great success, it is wide
48、ly adopted by governments around the world. Theoretically or in practice, it shows the advantage. And before the corruption flourished, it is more efficient than system, and the thought of individual professionalization
49、civil servants and amateur service has a great progress. However, this model is also exposed the problems that shows that the model can even said outdated, also can say is outdated.</p><p> The theory of pu
50、blic administration has been difficult to describe the pillar. Political control theory has problems. Administrative means follow instructions, so people demand a well-ordered transceiver method. Instruction between impl
51、ementers and has a clear division. But this is not the reality, and with the public service domain expands the scale and more impossible. The traditional mode of another theoretical pillar - bureaucracy theory is no long
52、er considered particularly effective form of</p><p> The new public management mode</p><p> In the 1980s, the public sector is a traditional administrative pattern of new management methods of
53、 defects. This method can alleviate some of the problems of traditional pattern, also means that the public sector operation aspects has changed significantly. The new management method has many names: management of &quo
54、t;individualism", "the new public administration", based on the market of public administration ", after the bureaucracy model "or" entrepreneurial government ". To the late 1990s, peop
55、</p><p> Although the new public management, but for many of the names of public management of department of actual changes happened, people still have a consensus. First, no matter what, it is called mode
56、with traditional represents a significant change of public administration, different more attention and managers of the individual responsibility. Second, it is clear to get rid of the classical bureaucracy, thereby orga
57、nization, personnel, term and conditions more flexible. Third, it stipulates the or</p><p> Holmes and Shand as a useful characteristics of generalization. They put the new public management paradigm, the g
58、ood as management method has the following features: (1) it is a more strategic or structure of decision-making method (around the efficiency, quality and service). (2) decentralization type management environment replac
59、ed concentration level structure. The resource allocation and service delivery closer to supply, we can get more itself from the customers and related information and</p><p> The new public management and r
60、ealize a result that no one in the best way. Managers in endowed with responsibility and without being told to get results. Decision is a management job duties, if not for achieving goals, managers should assume responsi
61、bility.</p><p> Conclusion</p><p> The government management over the past 150 years experienced three modes. First is the personification of modern administrative mode, or when the pattern of
62、 its defects and increasingly exposed to improve efficiency, it is the second mode of traditional bureaucracy model is replaced. Similarly, when the traditional administrative mode problems, it is the third model is the
63、new public management, from the government to alternative market. Since 1980s, the dominance of the market as the 1920s to </p><p> In reality, the market and bureaucracy, mutual complement each other. The
64、new public management may not be completely replace the bureaucracy, as in 1989, the eastern Europe before bureaucracy could not instead of the market. But the new public management movement is early traditional bureaucr
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