1、DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),一.前言二.品質(zhì)系統(tǒng)三.DELL簡介四.DELL品質(zhì)要求五.結(jié)論,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),一.前言,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),二.品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),System,Process,Activities,,,,,,,,,,,,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),,,,,,Activities vs. Process vs. Process Approach : ? 3 puts : Input -Throughput「生產(chǎn)/Activit
2、ies」- Output ? Set of interrelated or interacting ACTIVITIES which transforms inputs into outputs. ? A PROCESS is any set of associated ACTIVITIES having inputs and generating outputs. (具有輸入 , 並且
3、能產(chǎn)生輸出之任何交互作用之活動稱為一個 “流程”「process」),ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),,? The application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the identification and interactions and managing of these processes can be referred to as the
4、“process approach”.那麼 , 何謂「流程導(dǎo)向/方式」呢 ? 一個組織內(nèi)之所有流程之有系統(tǒng)之結(jié)合與運作 , 加上對這些流程之鑑別 , 交互作用及管理 , 稱之為「流程導(dǎo)向/方式」。,process approach,? An advantage of the process approach is the ongoing control that it provides over the linkage betwe
5、en the individual processes within the system of processes, as well as their combination and interaction. 「流程導(dǎo)向」其中一個好處是 , 它能針對「流程系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的各個流程之間之連結(jié) , 組合以及交互作用提供持續(xù)性之控管」 。,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),,Process Approach Model,,,,,PRODUCT,REALIZ
6、ATION,,C,U,S,T,O,M,E,R,,C,U,S,T,O,M,E,R,,S,a,t,i,s,f,a,c,t,i,o,n,,Product,,,Output,,Input,,R,e,q,u,i,r,e,m,e,n,t,,Continual Improvement of the Quality,Management System,,,,,,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),,,,PROCESS(“Set of interrelated or i
7、nteracting activities”),INPUT,OUTPUT,MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Before, during and after the process),PRODUCT (“Result of a process”),to carry out an activity or a process” – may be documented or not),,,
8、ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),PROCEDURE,Act●How to improve Next time?,Plan●What to do ? ●(“Objective”)●How to do it? ●(“Procedure/method”),Check●Did things happen according to plan?,Do ●Do what was planned,,Bett
10、?INPUTS,? PROCESS/SYSTEM,? OUTPUTS,,THE WAY WE WORKBLENDING OF RESOURCES,PRODUCTS OR SERVICES,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Kaizen (Kai「改」means change and Zen「善」means good): continual improvement of all areas of a company, no
11、t just quality.Is there a way that is Better (Q), Cheaper (C) & Faster (D)?,不僅僅是 「客戶抱怨處理」而已!! GS (Good Service):「好的服務(wù)」而已!!,,,,CS,,,,,,,,,,,PA,CA,,,,,,CD,CI,,,C,「治標(biāo)」e.g. 發(fā)燒打「退燒針」, 頭痛 (只是syndrome):
12、 吃「普拿 疼」, 但root-cause 可能是腦瘤……,Root-Cause(s) elimination , 「治本」 i.e. 對癥下「對」葯,把病因 (腦瘤)徹底根除!…,eliminating the cause(s) of a potential nonconformity, 打預(yù)防針/疫苗,超越滿足顧客: 顧客喜悅!(招來回頭客)P.O.S ( Positively Outrageous Service):超出預(yù)期的「
13、非常服務(wù)」,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Correction,Corrective action,Preventive action,Continue improvement,Customer satisfaction,Customer delight,PDCA vs. Process Approach/Interaction,,A,C,P,D,,EXTERNALCUSTOMER,EXTERN
14、ALCUSTOMER,,,,,P,A,D,C,PROCESS A,PROCESS B,,P,A,D,C,,P,A,D,C,PROCESS C,,P,A,D,C,PROCESS E,,P,A,D,C,PROCESS D,,,,P,A,D,C,PROCESS F,,InternalCustomer,,,InternalCustomer,,,,,Feedback,Output D,Output E,Input A,I
15、nput B,,,Output A,Output B,Input C,Input F,Output F,Output C,Input D,Input E,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),,US MIL SPECS,MIL-Q-9858AMIL-I-45208,,AQAP SPECS,,,(Q) (I) (I) 05/21 05/24 05/29,(Q) (I) (I)
16、 PARE1 PART2 PART3,,,DEF.STANS,BS5750 (1979),,,,,,ISO 9000 SERIES(1987.3.15)(Q) (Q) (Q)PARE1 PART2 PART3,,NATIONAL SPECS (CAN…),Q : Quality system requirementsI : Inspection system requireme
17、nts,品質(zhì)系統(tǒng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)發(fā)展,,ISO 9000 .五年一修訂.十年一改版,ISO 品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),ISO 9000(1994) ISO 9000(2000)ISO/TS 16949(2002),,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),三.DELL簡介,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),戴爾企業(yè)概覽,#. 全球第一的電腦系統(tǒng)供應(yīng)商 。透過直銷模式,提供 最高質(zhì)素的電腦產(chǎn)品和服 務(wù) 。#. 一九八四年由企業(yè)家米高.戴爾(Mich
18、ael Dell)創(chuàng)立 。#. 理念:直接把電腦系統(tǒng)售予客戶,從而更了解客戶需求,並有效提供相應(yīng)的電 腦方案。藉著直銷模式,戴爾不但可節(jié)省花在零售商方面的時間和成本 ,而且能進一步了解客戶所需,按其個別要求訂製每一套系統(tǒng),以具競 爭力的價格提供功能豐富、表現(xiàn)出眾的產(chǎn)品。#.一九九四年推出 www.dell.com 網(wǎng)站,並於一九九六年於網(wǎng)站加
19、入電子商務(wù)功能 ,成為利用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)進行商貿(mào)活動的先驅(qū)。 #. Power Edge 伺服器運作的 www.dell.com 網(wǎng)站 .#. 戴爾在每一項業(yè)務(wù)環(huán)節(jié)中,均能體現(xiàn)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的效率優(yōu)勢,其中包括採購、客戶 支援及客戶關(guān)係管理。,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),戴爾發(fā)展歷史,一九八四年:米高?戴爾創(chuàng)立戴爾電腦公司一九八五年:推出首臺公司設(shè)計的個人電腦 Turbo。Turbo 採用 Intel
20、 8088 處理器,運算速度為 8MHz 一九八七年:成為首家提供下一個工作天上門產(chǎn)品服務(wù)的電腦公司,在 英國設(shè)立辦事處,開始拓展國際市場一九八八年:戴爾正式上市,首次公開發(fā)售三百五十萬新股,每股作價 八點五美元一九九零年:於愛爾蘭 Limerick 設(shè)立生產(chǎn)廠房,以供應(yīng)歐洲、中東及 非洲市場一九九
21、一年:推出公司首部筆記簿電腦一九九二年:首次獲 Fortune 雜誌選為全球五百大企業(yè) 一九九三年:成為全球五大電腦廠商,在澳洲和日本設(shè)立辦事處,正式 進軍亞太區(qū)市場一九九五年:以八點五美元買入的戴爾股票在分拆前每股升值至一百美 元,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),戴爾發(fā)展歷史,一九九六年:在馬來西亞檳城開設(shè)亞太區(qū)生產(chǎn)中心,開始通過網(wǎng)站 www.dell.co
22、m 銷售戴爾電腦產(chǎn)品全力推動網(wǎng)絡(luò)伺服器業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展,成為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾 500 成分股之一一九九七年:付運第一千萬臺電腦系統(tǒng),普通股在分拆前每股升值至一千美元,推 出首臺戴爾工作站系統(tǒng)網(wǎng)上營業(yè)額由年初的一百萬美元,躍升至 每天逾四百萬美元一九九八年:擴展在美國及歐洲的生產(chǎn)廠
23、房,並於中國廈門成立生產(chǎn)及客戶服 務(wù)中心,推出 Power Vault 儲存系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品一九九九年:於美國田納西州那什維爾(Nashville, Tenn)增設(shè)辦事處,拓展美 洲業(yè)務(wù),於巴西 Eldorado do Sul 開建生產(chǎn)廠房,滿足拉丁美洲市場 需求,推出 "E-Support - Direct
24、 from Dell" 網(wǎng)上技術(shù)支援服務(wù)二零零零年:網(wǎng)上營業(yè)額達到每天五千萬美元,首次成為全球工作站付運量冠軍, 推出 Power App 器件伺服器付運第一百萬臺 Power Edge 伺服器二零零一年:首次成為全球市場佔有率最高之電腦廠商,成為全美標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Intel 架構(gòu) 伺服器付運量之冠,推出 Power Connect網(wǎng)絡(luò)交換器,DE
25、LL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),戴爾總部位於公司的發(fā)源地 ── 美國德克薩斯州奧斯汀。區(qū)域總部:英國Bracknell ── 負責(zé)歐洲、中東和非洲業(yè)務(wù)新加坡 ── 負責(zé)亞太區(qū)業(yè)務(wù)日本川崎 ── 負責(zé)日本市場業(yè)務(wù)。製造電腦系統(tǒng)的六個生產(chǎn)中心:德克薩斯州奧斯汀、田納西州 Nashville、巴西 Eldorado do Sul(美洲)、愛爾蘭 Limerick(歐洲、中東和非洲)、馬來西亞檳城(亞太區(qū)及日本)和中國廈門(中國)。,戴爾全球業(yè)務(wù)概
26、覽,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),戴爾 Power Edge 伺服器 戴爾 Power App 器件伺服器 戴爾 Power Vault 及戴爾∣EMC 戴爾 Opti Plex 桌面電腦戴爾 Latitude 筆記簿電腦戴爾 Precision工作站戴爾 Inspiron 筆記簿電腦戴爾 Dimension 桌面電腦戴爾顯示器戴爾尊貴客戶服務(wù) 軟件及周邊設(shè)備,戴爾產(chǎn)品概覽,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),戴爾亞太區(qū)業(yè)
27、務(wù)簡介,#.戴爾於一九九三年進軍亞太區(qū)巿場,首先在日本和澳洲設(shè)立辦事處 。#.目前戴爾在亞太區(qū)十三個市場推行直銷業(yè)務(wù)。戴爾「全球客戶計劃」特別為 業(yè)務(wù)遍及全球的亞太區(qū)客戶而設(shè),提供獨特的服務(wù)及支援組合。#.戴爾亞太區(qū)業(yè)務(wù)的核心為設(shè)在馬來西亞檳城的「亞太客戶中心」於一九九五 年十月投產(chǎn).#.戴爾參考「亞太客戶中心」的生產(chǎn)與專業(yè)功能,於一九九八年八月在福建廈 門開設(shè)「中國客戶中心」。#.亞太區(qū)客戶可以直接向戴爾訂購
28、產(chǎn)品。 #.戴爾首創(chuàng)免費支援熱線服務(wù),訂下業(yè)界標(biāo)準(zhǔn) #.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)為戴爾在全球最重要的其中一項投資。,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Mission StatementDell's mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve
29、. In doing so,Dell willmeet customer expectations of: ?Highest quality ?Leading technology ?Competitive pricing ?Individual and company accountability ?Best-in-class service and support ?Flexible customizat
30、ion capability ?Superior corporate citizenship ?Financial stability,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),「完全滿意」政策-臺灣如果您是於中華民國境內(nèi)直接向Dell購買全新的Dell品牌產(chǎn)品的最終使用者,您可以在發(fā)票日起十四天內(nèi)將產(chǎn)品退還給各相關(guān)Dell工廠並請求更換、返還產(chǎn)品價金或?qū)a(chǎn)品價金轉(zhuǎn)換為債權(quán)。如果您是依據(jù)與Dell間之書面契約購買產(chǎn)品的組織機構(gòu),或者您是依據(jù)融
32、適用於任何經(jīng)由Dell向第三人購買之產(chǎn)品(含軟體)、Dell零件銷售、或經(jīng)調(diào)整或改良之產(chǎn)品或零件。本政策亦不適用於 Dell/EMC 儲存產(chǎn)品。日期: 2002 年 2 月 22 日,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),"Total Satisfaction" policy - TaiwanIf you are an end-user customer who bought new Dell-branded products
33、directly from Dell in the Republic of China, you may return them to the relevant Dell's factory within 14 days of the date of invoice for replacement or a refund or credit of the product purchase price. If you are
34、 an organization that bought the products under a written agreement with Dell, or if you bought the products under financing arrangements, the written agreement orfinancing agreement may contain different terms for the
35、 return of products than specified bythis policy.To return products, you must call Dell Customer Advocacy Department to receive an Equipment Return Authorization Number. Arrangements for the return will be made with y
36、ou at this time. To expedite the processing of your refund or credit, Dell expects the return of the products to Dell in their original packaging and sealed, within five days of the date that Dell issues the Equipment
37、 Return Authorization Number. Returned products must be received by Dell in as-new or as-shipped-by-Dell condition, including conformance to the specifications set out in your invoice, and all of the manuals, diskette(
38、s), CD(s), power cables, and other items included with a product must be returned with it.This Policy does not apply to any third party products (including software) purchased through Dell, Dell Spare Parts Sales, ref
39、urbished or reconditioned products or parts. This Policy also does not apply to Dell | EMC storage products.Revised: 22 February 2002,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),四.DELL品質(zhì)要求,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Supplier successfully passing Dell Quality Systems Audi
40、tApproved score is 90% or greaterSupplier successfully passing Dell Quality Process Audit80% or greater score in every section is requiredWorldwide service infrastructureQuality Management Plan (QMP) developed for e
41、ach panelNew Product Readiness Review (NPRR) to be successfully completed prior to supplier mass production of each panelPanel Specification - Zero Bright Pixel Defects,Dell Quality Requirements,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Joint Quality
42、Engineer (JQE) Program Requirements,Senior Quality Engineer (JQE) in supplier factory dedicated to Dell account JQE to be Empowered by executive managementOther support people required to enable JQE effectivenessField
43、 Applications Engineers (FAE) in each Dell region where product is consumedMinimum requirement is weekly visit to Dell sitesGlobal Quality Account Manager (GQAM) stationed in Austin to manage worldwide quality GQAM to
44、 be Empowered by executive management,Dell Quality Goals,IFIR Goals for FY02 (Inspiron will reduce >50% for FY03 – starting at <4000 dppm)(Latitude - Assume same slope for FY03 - 32% y/y),VLRR Goals for FY02 (Ass
45、ume same slope for FY03),Note: VLRR is supplier owned defects All numbers represent defective parts per million (dppm),DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),LCD Technology ReviewCPT,General Business Questions,What business are
46、you really in?Is LCD fabrication a core business for your company? What makes you competitive?Can you survive if the downturn lasts 1 year?2 years?What are your general technology goals?,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),General Busines
47、s Questions,What are your Fab capacity plans? What part of this plan is subject to change?Do you have a 3/5 year plan with contingencies?What do you perceive to be your biggest risks to survival?,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What is Yo
48、ur Technology Support Plan?: Will this Technology Support Plan make you Competitive? How Long does the Existing Technology Support Last? What Future Technology Support will be Available? Do You ha
49、ve Access to all Current and Future Technology IP? What are the Technology Support Risks?What Drives this Program to completion?,Technology Support Roadmap,,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What is the Display Quality per Size & R
50、esolution Goal?: Will the Display Quality Goal make you Competitive? What is the Existing Technology? What New Technology will be Implemented to Make the Goal? When will the Goal be Achieved?
51、;What are the Technology Risks?What Drives this Program to completion?,Display Quality Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What is the Weight per Size Goal?: Will the Weight Goal make you Competitive? What is the Existing
52、 Technology? What New Technology will be Implemented to Make the Goal? When will the Goal be Achieved? What are the Technology Risks?What Drives this Program to completion?,Low Weight Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),W
53、hat is the Luminance per Size & Resolution Goal?: Will the Luminance Goal make you Competitive? What is the Existing Technology? What New Technology will be Implemented to Make the Goal? When w
54、ill the Goal be Achieved? What are the Technology Risks?What Drives this Program to completion?,High Luminance Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What is the Viewing Angle per Size & Resolution Goal?: Will the Viewing
55、Angle Goal make you Competitive? What is the Existing Technology? What New Technology will be Implemented to Make the Goal? When will the Goal be Achieved? What are the Technology Risks?What Driv
56、es this Program to completion?,Viewing Angle Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What is the Display Thickness per Size & Resolution Goal?: Will the Display Thickness Goal make you Competitive? What is the Existing Techn
57、ology? What New Technology will be Implemented to Make the Goal? When will the Goal be Achieved? What are the Technology Risks?What Drives this Program to completion?,Panel Thickness Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Wh
58、at is the Response Time per Size & Resolution Goal?: Will the Response Time Goal make you Competitive? What is the Existing Technology? What New Technology will be Implemented to Make the Goal?
59、When will the Goal be Achieved? What are the Technology Risks?What Drives this Program to completion?,Response Time Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What is the SPWG Plan per Size & Resolution? Will the SPWG make y
60、ou Competitive? What is the Existing SPWG Status? What New Technology will be required to Implemented SPWG? When will SPWG Style B be Achieved? What are the Technology Risks?What Drives this Prog
61、ram to completion?,SPWG Roadmap,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Standard Panel World Group,What is the general condition of the fab? How new? Is the fab operating at full capacity? What is the TFT yield? C/F yield? Future yi
62、eld plan? What is the module assembly yield? Why are panels failing at final inspection?,FAB Review,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),What activities are in place to improve yields?What failure analysis facilities are you using?
63、What testing is being done to qualify LCD panels?What are the top 5 fab problems? How are they being addressed?What number of masks now? Future mask number? When?,FAB Review,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),Risk to achieve goal No
64、Risk – Currently achieving goal now 10 Small/Low Risk – Goal will be achieved in less than 1 year 8 Medium Risk – Goal will be achieved in 1 year 5 High Risk – G
65、oal will probably not be achieved in 2-3 years 2 Very High Risk – No chance goal will be achieved and little or no progress expected within the next 2-3 years 0,DELL品質(zhì)系統(tǒng),CUSTOMER,SUPPLY CHAIN,SUPPLIER,,,,
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- dell系統(tǒng)安裝
- dell的人員招募系統(tǒng)
- 1-1 dell成功的營銷策略
- dell
- dell 故障排除
- dell equallogic 配置
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- dell服務(wù)說明
- dell 產(chǎn)品介紹
- 使用dell引導(dǎo)光盤配合2003系統(tǒng)光盤安裝系統(tǒng)步驟
- 使用dell引導(dǎo)光盤配合2008系統(tǒng)光盤安裝系統(tǒng)步驟
- 使用dell引導(dǎo)光盤配合2008系統(tǒng)光盤安裝系統(tǒng)步驟
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- dell電腦原裝win8系統(tǒng)硬盤如何分區(qū)
- case study-dell
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- commedia dell’arte and the taming of the shrew