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1、 Iran J Public Health, Vol. 46, No.7, Jul 2017, pp.890-898 Review Article 890

2、 Available at: http://ijph.tums.ac.ir The Existing Approaches to Sexuality Education Targeting Children: A Review Article Jila GANJI 1, Mohammad Hassan EMAMIAN 2, Raziyeh MAASOUMI 3, Afsanah KERAMAT 4, *Ef

3、fat MERGHATI KHOEI 5, 6 1. Dept. of Reproductive Health, Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Sha-hroud, Iran 2. Center for Health Related Social and Be

4、havioral Sciences Research, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran 3. Dept. of Reproductive Health, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 4. Dept. of Re

5、productive Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran 5. The Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies (INCAS), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, I

6、ran 6. Family accepted 11 Jan 2017) Introduction Sexuality has physical, social, cultural and psycho- logical dimensions and sexual development is part of human being‘s life. This dimension, as the other aspects of h

7、uman development, begins at birth reflected in one‘s sexual behaviors (1). Sex-ual behavior is the result of a deeper and more complex process called ―sexual socialization‖ (2- 5). In other words, sexual behaviors are

8、not only influenced by biological factors, but they also be- come complicated through sexual socialization. Abstract Background: We aimed to assess what is already known about sexuality education (SE)-related policy or

9、 practical issues using review methods to search and critically appraise the existing SE approaches targeting children under age 12 yr. Methods: We completed the data collection by an extensive search of the English a

10、nd Persian published and unpub- lished literature, evidence from experts in the topic, and by searching citations. The MeSH-terms were sexuality and training, sexuality education and programs or approaches, sexuality an

11、d children, sexuality education and parents, sex or sexuality education, sex education and parents or caregivers. A systematic search of medical and health-related da- tabases, the Cochrane Library and Web of Science wa

12、s undertaken for the years 1970–2015 together with citation searching, reference list checking and recommendations from stakeholders to identify evidence for SE. Results: According to the inclusion criteria, 20 docume

13、nts were identified. They were synthesized into three main categories as sexuality-related knowledge, attitudes, and parents‘ skills to manage children's sexual behavior and related education. Employed approaches t

14、o children's sexuality were reported to be effective in developing healthy sexual be- havior in children. Education was identified as the primary focus of the included packages and guidelines. Parents were recognize

15、d as first line educators in SE. However, interventions aiming to improve parents' skills in SE for child- ren were limited. In other words, developing skills in parents, and their competency in children‘s sexual beh

16、avior man- agement were not specified in the existing programs. Conclusion: Parents‘ skill-building must be the focus of SE programs in order to address children' sexual develop- ment goals. Keywords: Sexuality edu

17、cation, Children, Parents, Review Iran J Public Health, Vol. 46, No.7, Jul 2017, pp. 890-898 892 Available at: htt

18、p://ijph.tums.ac.ir Australia, the U.S., and Iran as well as active as- sociations in the field of sexual health for child- ren. In cases where the reported results were in- complete, the authors were contacted and aske

19、d for further details. The articles and gray docu- ments were assessed based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria were studied design (articles, gray documents, packages and guidelines intro-

20、duced in the field of SE); outcomes; and popula- tion (children aged 0-12); and interventions (de- signed to improve child sexual development through the provision of relevant knowledge, attitude, and skills of parents

21、). Studies published in English and Persian was included in the study. We excluded programs targeted at the adolescent and the elderly. Duplicate publications of the same study and articles available only in abstract

22、 form were also excluded. Studies that met the inclusion criteria were critically appraised to as- sess their quality. Guideline Evaluation Tool (38) was used to assess study quality. This tool as- sesses concepts and

23、 topics covered (human de- velopment, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, society and culture), ac- curacy and relevance (information is scientifically accurate; information is up-to-date; i

24、nformation is presented in a way that appeals to young people; information, graphics, and materials represent target populations). Two reviewers separately screened the search re- sults for inclusion using a predefin

25、ed inclusion criteria form. The guidelines and packages con- tents were evaluated based on their applications in improving parents‘ knowledge, attitudes and skills in SE and sexual behavior management for children un

26、der 12 yr of age. Ethics Committee of Shahroud University of Medical Sciences approved this review with the ethical code of IR.SHMU.REC.2015.48. Results Of 1243 studies initially identified, after some exclusion, 20

27、studies from different regions of the world were included in our as study shown in (Fig. 1). The packages and guidelines were classi-fied into three main categories based on sexuali- ty-related knowledge, attitude, and

28、 skill (Table 1). Employed approaches to children's sexuality were reported to be effective in developing healthy sexual behavior in children. Education was iden- tified as the primary focus of the included pack-

29、ages and guidelines. Parents were recognized as first line educators in SEs. However, approaches regarding improving parents' skills in SE for children were limited in number. In other words, skill-building appro

30、aches targeting parents, and parents‘ competency in children‘s sexual behavior management were not specified in the existing programs. - Knowledge: provides accurate information about human sexuality, including grow

31、th and de- velopment, reproductive system, normal sexual behavior, childbirth. - Attitude: offers opportunities for identification of values, beliefs and culture (personal, family, friends, and community). - Skill:

32、promotes the acquisition of skills in rela- tion to competency in children‘s sexual behavior management, impact on children‘s moral growth and development, the ability to make healthy de- cisions, self-confidence, and

33、sense of comfort with oneself and one‘s body, understanding of children‘s normal sexual behaviors, appropriate response to children‘s sexual questions, identifi- cation and reporting of child sexual abuse. Discussion

34、Although valuable and effective packages and guidelines in relation to SE for children were found in this review, feasibility, and possibility of their usage in accordance with the Iranian culture was in question. A

35、lthough cultural influences may alter the effi- ciency of any given educational program, the ma- jority of the included packages and guidelines agree on 1) parents‘ role in SE; 2) education as the primary focus of SE;


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