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1、碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文我 國上市 公司信 息披 露合 規(guī) 性 問題 的研 究R e se a rc ho nIn fo r m a tio nD iselo su reC o m P lia n ceP r o b le m so fL iste dC o m P a n ie sInC h in a作 者 姓 名 :指 導(dǎo) 教 師 :西 南 政 法 大 學(xué)S o u th w estU niv ersi tyo f P o li ti

2、ealS eien cean dL aw多A B S T R A C TIn form atio nD isc lo sur eC o m P lian e eo fL istedC o m P 田l ie s15n ee e ssaryforrequ i rem entt oTh eheal th ydevel oPm entofthestoekm arket.lnform ati ondi sel osurev io lationa

3、n dlessthanth eb asi equa l i tyof the1 l l fb rm ationd isclo sureoneom Plian cerequ ir em ents 誠 11lea dtoinv esto rsm ak ewr o n gd e e isio n s. T h attoalarg eextenia月 七ctsth eeff i eien eyo f thesto ekm ark et. Inr

4、e eenty e ars. ln form atio nd isclo sur eVi o latio nem e rg inginen d le sslyh asb e co m eanlm P o ri a n tfa c to r, W hichh ashin d eredthedevel oPm entofourst oekm arkets.T heal mof 而 5ar t i el ew hl ehstudyIn for

5、m atio nd ise lo sureco m P lian e e15tofi n dthem ainre aso n sw h ieheau seth eP o o rc o m P lian eeo ftheIn form atio nd iselo sur e , toP ut fo柳 ardso m eco u n term e asur ean dad v iee s, w hiehwt llSt a nd ard 沈e

6、theIn fo rm atio nd isclo sur eo f thesto ekm a rk ettoProm otethehealth yandorderl ydevel oPm entofth estockdevel oPm ent.In form atio nd isc lo sur ev io latio n15aeo nu n o nP ro b lemi nd o m e stiean dintern atio n

7、a lsto ekm ark ets, w hiehh asatt ractedtheat entio no f m an yeXP ertsan dseh o lars, an dtheyb e g intostud yit.T h ereare v 如 o u sreas o n sforP o o re o m P lian eeo fthein form atio nd isc lo sure , 即 dthe sereaso

8、n sinf l u en e ean de o n str ainte ac ho thers. Ifstud yi tformo n ea sP e etalo ne , theeo n elu sio n s 誠 11b eo n e一 sid ed .M an yd o m e stiean dforeignre searchm ain 】 yfocuso naP ar t ieu larasP ect, su cha sthe

9、fi n an eialP o sitio n ,the equ l tystr u ctureorthel egalsystem , 50theeonel usi on san dsuggesti onhavel essPraet i eal51 娜 fi ean ee.T hi sar t i el esystem ati call ystudi esthe l 創(chuàng) 陌 rm ati ondisel osureeo m P lian

10、 e eb a sedo ntheextem a lan din t em alco rp o ra t eg o v ern an e e , w hieheo v erm anyi nf l uenti alfaetors.T hroughanalysi sof theful ltextinw hichl ist edeom Pani esi nC hin aw ereP ub lic lyeo n d emn ed2 0 0 5

11、一 2 0 0 9b yS h an g h aiS to ekEx eh an g ean dS h e n z h enS to ckE x eh an g e , itstu d ie sth ere as o n sfor i刊form atio nd ise lo sur ev io latio ni nregu l ateresearehfr omtheory ,an deon st ruetaregressi onm od

12、elu sin gtheB i naryL ogi sti etoem Ptr ieall ystU勿 thei m Port antfaet orsw hi ch i m Pac tt hecom Pl i an ceofixil b n 刀atio nd isc lo sur e , theni tfi n dam a th em atie alm o d e ltofore cast in forl llatio nd ise l


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