1、<p> 5300漢字,3100單詞,1.7萬英文字符</p><p> 出處:Opara B C, Uboegbulam G C. EMPIRICAL STUDY OF FAMILY PURCHASE DECISION FOR DURABLE GOODS: THE NIGERIA EXPERIENCE[C]// International Journal of Arts & Science
2、. 2015.</p><p> EMPIRICAL STUDY OF FAMILY PURCHASE DECISION FOR DURABLE GOODS: THE NIGERIA EXPERIENCE</p><p> BC Opara,GC Uboegbulam</p><p> Introduction</p><p> Ma
3、rketing professionals and academics appreciate the importance of keeping track of the changes in household structures and composition. This recognition has resulted to plethora of researches in most developed countries a
4、nd few in developing countries like Nigeria. Similarly the changing roles of men and women in recent times on the influence of household purchase decision-making tend to generate another dimension on the study of family
5、purchase behavior (Cox, 1975; Woodside (1975); Moij 2003;a</p><p> A better knowledge of spousal influence patterns and purchase – decision processes, in particular, will enable marketers to develop effecti
6、ve market segmentation strategies (Davis and Rigauz, 1974). The knowledge of family purchase decision-making also enables marketers to visualize a broad framework of stage and apply psychological or group variables to a
7、specific product/market situation. Similarly, family purchase decision-making process will help marketers and manufacturers of durable goods </p><p> Despite these families purchase decision-making research
8、es, there still exist gap in understanding family and social environment influences in purchase decision making in Nigeria. Limited data have also been reported on husband-wife decision-making for households in cross-cul
9、tural settings (Hempel, 1974; Cheng & Swinyard, 1991 and Opara & Minimah, 2009). In the light of the above, and the reality of major socio-economic changes that have occurred in many countries and regions, especi
10、ally in less</p><p> Theoritical Foundation</p><p> Consumer behaviour is the study of the process involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, i
11、deas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires (Shoham & Dalakas, 2003). It could also be seen as the action of consumers before, during and after the purchase of goods and services.</p><p> The need
12、for the study on family as a unit of analysis in consumer purchase decision-making is based on the fact that social and demographic changes in the last 50 decades have triggered growth in household families in different
13、countries or societies. The traditional family households (i.e. a family that consists of married couple with or without children) are still significantly greater than the number of non-traditional or unconventional hous
14、ehold. Since the family is the crucial decision-mak</p><p> Decades ago, there was a common saying in Nigeria that “women education ends in the kitchen.” This saying helps us to appreciate the family set-up
15、 of those years where women were seen as housewives and the sole breadwinner of the house was the husband. This could suggest why in many homes of those years, the husband made most of the family purchase-decision, espec
16、ially with respect to durable goods. Today the trend seems to have changed, as both spouses engage in the income generation for the ho</p><p> Family Influence on Purchase Decision-making</p><p&g
17、t; Rising competition, consumer’s purchasing power, and new technological opportunities among others make environment complex for consumer decision. Consumer behaviour represents a meaningful challenge for marketers and
18、 strategic sales directors. Consumers are influenced by various factors, which stimulate them for actions under different personal and environmental factors (Belch & Willis 2002; and Opara 2010). These are: Psycholo
19、gical influence, socio-cultural influence, demographic Influence, ma</p><p> Early researches on family purchase decision-making considered decision made by the family to be simplistic, with the assumption
20、that responsibility for any decision could be attributed to a single member of the family. Overtime, it became apparent that individual spouses exerted influence over each other’s behaviour across different product categ
21、ories (Belch, et al, 2002; McNeal, 2003; and Opara, 2010). Researchers now opined that it is important to determine the relative influence of each spou</p><p> The study conducted by Gauwmer and shah (2004)
22、, found that dominant marital roles in family purchase decision-making vary according to the phase of the decision process (with the tendency to move towards joint final decision). The relative roles of husband and wife
23、in the family purchase decision- making process have been shown to vary not only with the product category but also with spousal resources and the stage of decision-making process (Thomtone & White-means, 2000; Cummu
24、ri; Piron, 2002 an</p><p> The level of traditional marital role orientation present in the family impacts the degree of influence attributable to either the husband or the wife. Households with a more trad
25、itional orientation tend to conform to norms that prescribe involvement in gender specific activities while households with a more egalitarian orientation are more likely to participate in non-traditional sex-role activi
26、ties (Belch, Krentler & Willis-Flurry, 2005; and Wali & Opera, 2012).</p><p> Ford et al. (1995) similarly contended that the degree of influence attributed to either the husband or wife in a family
27、 decision is a function of the level of traditional values exiting in the family. In Asia, for example, if the family is more oriented towards traditional marital-role values, the husband will be expected to make the maj
28、ority of the decisions and the wife’s role will usually be limited to domestically oriented tasks. Conversely, a higher level of egalitarianism would predict mo</p><p> Methodology</p><p> Thi
29、s study used the survey research method, and the geographical coverage is federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja, Imo and Lagos states for Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba ethnic groups respectively. The study population therefore,
30、consists of families in these three ethnic groups (Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba) in Nigeria. However, the target population of the study was 1,200 families randomly drawn from the three ethnic groups of Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba
31、 in the geographical coverage. The sample size of 300 for</p><p> Structured and semi-structured research questionnaire was used in primary data collection, while relevant and accessible secondary data was
32、also generated. Reliability and validity was achieved through the adoption of a pilot or pre-test study which was carried out in Port Harcourt cosmopolitan city, because the three ethnic groups under study reside in the
33、city.</p><p> The generated data were presented through the use of simple table frequencies and percentages, and the data was analysed with the formulated hypotheses tested by using the analysis of variance
34、 (ANOVA) statistical tool in Statistic Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0.</p><p> Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation</p><p> The data collected are presented, analys
35、ed and interpreted as follows:</p><p> Questionnaire Administration</p><p> A total of 300 copies of questionnaire were distributed, 283 (94%) copies were retrieved, 17 (6.2%) copies were not
36、retrieved, while 8 (2.7%) copies were discarded because of irregularities in the filling of the questionnaire.</p><p> The information in table 1 above reveals that the total frequencies of 87, 95, and 93 w
37、ere the number of respondents from Abuja (Hausa), Imo (Igbo) and Lagos (Yoruba) respectively. 43.7% of the Hausa respondents agreed that the husbands influence family purchase decision making to a very great extent, whil
38、e 42.2% of Igbo and 37.6 of Yoruba respondents also agreed that the husbands influence family purchase decision making to a very great extent.</p><p> Similarly, 3.5%, 4.2%, and 3.2% of Hausa, Igbo and Yoru
39、ba respondents respectively agreed that the husbands influence family purchase decision making to a very low extent. The mean scores of 4.09, 4.03,</p><p> and 3.96 for Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba respectively,
40、are all greater than 3.5. These imply that the Husbands influence family purchase decision making to a high extent in each of the ethnic groups. However, the grand mean 4.3 > 3.5, therefore the researcher concludes th
41、at the Husbands influence family purchase decision making to a high extent.</p><p> Table 2 above shows that 87, 95, and 93 were the sample size for Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba respectively. 12.6% of the Hausa r
42、espondents agreed that the wives influence family purchase decision to a very great extent. 16.8 % of the Igbo respondents also agreed that the wives influence family purchase decision making to a very great extent, whi
43、le 9.7% of Yoruba respondents were also of the same view. 12.6%, 13.8%, and 11.5% of Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba respondents respectively agreed that the wives inf</p><p> However, majority of the respondents, 3
44、3.3%, 35.6%, and 41.4% of Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba respondents respectively agreed that the wives influence family purchase decision making to an extent. The mean scores of 3.18, 3.15, and 3.00 are for Hausa, Igbo and Yor
45、uba respectively. These may imply that the wives influence family purchase decision to a moderate extent in each of the ethnic groups. However, the grand mean of 3.11 may therefore, imply that the wives influence for th
46、e three ethnic group</p><p> The information in table 3 above show stages at which the Husband influences family purchase decision. The stages are Need recognition, Information Search and Purchase decision
47、. The table is a multiple response table; this means that those who responded on furniture also responded on T/V, automobile, refrigerator etc. At need recognition stage, the husbands had 32.3% influences on family purch
48、ase decision making for durable goods. While at need information search stage, the husbands had 14% infl</p><p> Test of Hypothesis</p><p> The hypotheses were tested using the Analysis of Var
49、iance (ANOVA) in SPSS version 17.0. as shown below:</p><p> Decision rule:</p><p> Ho1: There is no significant difference on the Husband’s influence in the Family Purchase Decision Making for
50、 Durable Goods.</p><p> The data on husband’s influence on family purchase decision of durable goods was extracted from table 3 and the data subjected to statistical analyses using the ANOVA, and the result
51、 presented below:</p><p> The ANOVA result in table 4 above shows that F-calculated of 0.019 < F-tabulated (0.05, 2, 12) = 3.89 therefore the researchers reject the null hypothesis. More so, probability
52、Value (PV) = 0.626 > 0.05 level of significance upholds the above decision. We conclude that there is significant difference on the Husband’s influence in the Family Purchase Decision Making for Durable Goods.</p&g
53、t;<p> Ho2: There is no significant difference in the extent to which the Wife influences the Family Purchase Decision Making for Durable Goods.</p><p> The data on wife’s influence on family purcha
54、se decision of durable goods is shown in table 2. The data was analysed using the ANOVA and the result presented below.</p><p> Table 5. ANOVA Result showing the Wife’s influence in Family Purchase Decision
55、 Making for Durable Goods.</p><p> The ANOVA result in table 5 above shows that F-calculated of 0.050 < F-tabulated (0.05, 2, 12) = 3.89, and probability value (PV) = 0.782 > 0.05 level of significanc
56、e. The researchers accept the null hypothesis, and conclude that, no significant difference exist in the extent to which the wife influences the Family Purchase Decision Making for Durable Goods.</p><p> Ho
57、3: There is no significant difference in the husband’s influence to the family purchase decision making for durable goods.</p><p> Table 6. ANOVA Result showing Husband’s degree of Influence in Family Purch
58、ase Decision</p><p> The ANOVA result in table 6 above shows that F-calculated of 125 > F-tabulated (0.05, 2, 18) = 3.55 with probability Value (PV) = 0.000 < 0.05 level of significance. Therefore the
59、 researchers rejects the null hypothesis, and conclude that, there is significant difference in the stages (need recognition, information search and final purchase decision) at which the husband influences the family pur
60、chase decision making for durable goods among the three ethnic groups.</p><p> Discussion of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations</p><p> This study analysed consumer purchase decision-mak
61、ing with respect to husband or the wife’s influence in family purchase decision making for durable goods. The finding shows that significant difference exist in the extent to which the husband influences the family purch
62、ase decision-making, for durable goods among the three ethnic groups (refer to H01). The Husband plays major role in need recognition decision on the purchase of durable goods for the family. This is in consistent to the
63、 study of </p><p> This finding may also be because of the common saying in this part of the world, ‘’that women education ends in the kitchen.” This saying helps us to understand the family set-up of those
64、 years where women were seen as housewives and the sole breadwinner of the house was the husband. This suggests why in many homes of those years, the husband made most of the family purchase-decision, especially with res
65、pect to durable goods. This could be attributed to the cultural believe of the ethnic groups.</p><p> Similarly the result of the study also revealed that no significant difference exists in the extent to w
66、hich the wife influences the family purchase decision making for durable goods among the three ethnic groups of Nigeria (refer to H02). The husbands have the most influence at the purchase decision stage (53.9%) of the f
67、amily purchase decision making of the three ethnic groups under study. The result further revealed that there is a significant difference in the stages at which the husband inf</p><p> These findings are co
68、nsistent with that of Piron (2002), who found greater influence of husband on family decision making for less risky purchases. The finding can be attributed to male ego defense-driven interpretations of what happens in t
69、he final stage. It was observed that this is more common in some places, given the long history of male dominated culture (Verma & Kapoor, 2003 and Cotte & Wood, 2004) for even an egalitarian Japanese male accept
70、 being a joint participant rather than surrende</p><p> In a study of households with a more traditional orientation (Sharon & William, 2007), found that the husband had the greatest influence in the de
71、cision-making process, while the wife’s role was limited to support her husband’s decisions. It would be necessary to note here that some products will tend to be gender dominant (e.g. wife’s clothes), typically a higher
72、 level of egalitarianism would be seen to predict more joint, more wife-dominated and less husband-dominated decisions. This study fur</p><p> According to Belch et al (2005), the knowledge of family purcha
73、sing roles is important in developing appropriate marketing strategies. The marketer can use this knowledge to identify the family member who plays different roles at different stages of family purchase decision making.
74、This will help to develop an appropriate communication strategy targeted at the member (husband) who evokes the desired or more influence / response in family purchase decision. A clearer picture of the demographic, p<
75、;/p><p> Conclusion</p><p> This study investigated the family purchase decision making for durable goods in Nigeria three major ethnic groups (Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba). Based on the data generate
76、d, analyzed, the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that the husband’s influence on the family purchase decision making for durable goods is more significant at the need recognition and final purchase decision
77、stages, for the three ethnic groups of Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba. Similarly, the wife’s influence is not significant </p><p> The need for this study was anchored on the fact that the family as a unit and the i
78、ndividual members play important role in purchase decision. The study therefore recommends that there is need for specific target marketing strategy for each member of the family, as this will help the marketers to focus
79、 on the very member (husband) of the family that influences most in the family purchase of durable goods and to know the appropriate promotional strategy to employ or reach him. Similarly, studies</p><p> 關(guān)
80、于尼日利亞家庭對耐用品的購買決策的實證研究</p><p><b> 引言</b></p><p> 對家庭結(jié)構(gòu)及組成的變化情況的追蹤具有重要意義,這點已經(jīng)得到了營銷專家和學(xué)者的廣泛認(rèn)可。因此,多數(shù)發(fā)達(dá)國家以及少數(shù)發(fā)展中國家(如:尼日利亞)也都進(jìn)行了大量的相關(guān)研究。而且,男女角色的近期轉(zhuǎn)變對家庭購買決策的影響又為家庭購買行為的研究開辟了新方向(Cox, 1975;
81、 Woodside,1975; Moij 2003; Didia & Opara 2008)。由于不同的人口參數(shù)和商品類型,每個家庭成員對其家庭購買決策的影響也不同。但是,一些心理變量仍然可以幫助我們更好地理解消費者的心理。</p><p> 進(jìn)一步了解夫妻各方對家庭消費行為的影響,尤其是決策過程,將有助于營銷人員做出有效的市場細(xì)分策略(Davis和Rigauz, 1974)。而且,了解家庭消費決策過程
82、還能幫助營銷人員理清現(xiàn)階段的基本構(gòu)架并將心理或分組變量應(yīng)用到具體的產(chǎn)品或市場環(huán)境中去。同樣,了解家庭消費決策過程也將幫助營銷人員和制造商制定出針對不同決策時期里最能滿足家庭成員需求的市場細(xì)分策略。</p><p> 盡管目前已有大量關(guān)于家庭購買決策的研究,但是,說到尼日利亞地區(qū)內(nèi)家庭和社會環(huán)境對購買決策的影響,我們對它的理解還并不全面。而且,有關(guān)跨文化背景下夫妻購買決策的研究也只為我們提供了有限的數(shù)據(jù)(Hemp
83、el, 1974; Cheng & Swinyard, 1991和Opara & Minimah, 2009)。此外,許多國家及地區(qū),尤其是像尼日利亞這樣的欠發(fā)展國家,都發(fā)生過巨大的社會、經(jīng)濟(jì)變化。這些原因共同解釋了有關(guān)尼日利亞家庭購買決策的研究仍然稀缺的現(xiàn)象。因此,本研究將分析尼日利亞家庭中夫妻各方對耐用品購買決策的影響。</p><p><b> 理論基礎(chǔ)</b><
84、;/p><p> 對消費者行為的研究應(yīng)該涵蓋消費個人或群體滿足其需求和希望的過程,期間又包括他們對商品的選擇,購買,使用或處置,享受的服務(wù),產(chǎn)生的想法以及消費經(jīng)歷(Shoham & Dalakas, 2003)。我們也可以將其看作購買商品及服務(wù)前,中和后期的消費者行為。</p><p> 對家庭的研究需要整體研究消費者的購買決策,整個研究過程應(yīng)該基于過去五百年內(nèi)社會和人口的變化對不
85、同國家及地區(qū)的家庭人口增長的促進(jìn)作用。傳統(tǒng)的家庭住戶(如:有或無子女的夫婦)在數(shù)量上要遠(yuǎn)大于非傳統(tǒng)或非常規(guī)住戶。因為家庭是一個重要的決策單位,所以在關(guān)于對耐用品的消費決策行為的研究中,家庭成員的互動往往要比其他團(tuán)體更有重要意義。我們可以將一個家庭描述為:“由兩個或兩個以上有血緣,婚姻或供養(yǎng)關(guān)系并一起居住的人組成的團(tuán)體” (Chadha, 1995和Lee, 2002)。一些關(guān)于家庭購買決策的研究都調(diào)查了家庭成員對購買決策的影響大小以及他
86、們對不同決策時期的影響(Davis, 1970; Beatty和Talpade, 1994; Nwosu, Nwulu & Opara, 2009)。</p><p> 幾十年前,尼日利亞的人們普遍認(rèn)為:“廚房是女性教育的墳?zāi)埂?。這種說法也推動了我們在近年來一度推崇的“男主外,女主內(nèi)”的家庭結(jié)構(gòu)的盛行。同時,這也解釋了近年來丈夫通常主導(dǎo)大多數(shù)消費決策的原因,特別是關(guān)于耐用品的購買。而如今的夫妻雙方都成為
87、了家庭經(jīng)濟(jì)的支柱,所以這種趨勢似乎發(fā)生了改變。并且新的趨勢也使家庭購買決策過程發(fā)生了一些轉(zhuǎn)變。因此,我們可以得出:家庭中的每個成員都直接或間接地影響著購買決策(Verma和Kapoor, 2003)。</p><p> 家庭對消費決策的影響</p><p> 愈發(fā)激烈的商品競爭,消費者逐漸提升的購買力以及其它的一些新型技術(shù)機(jī)會使消費者的決策環(huán)境更加復(fù)雜。就營銷者和戰(zhàn)略銷售總監(jiān)而言,弄清
88、消費者行為的意義是一個巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。因為消費者會被各種因素所影響,且不同的個人及環(huán)境因素都會對其行為產(chǎn)生刺激作用(Belch & Willis 2002; Opara 2010),這些因素可能產(chǎn)生的影響包括:心理影響,社會文化影響,人口影響,銷售組合以及對物理,社會,情感和財務(wù)環(huán)境的環(huán)境影響。在消費過程的每一個步驟中,家庭成員的選擇偏好都可能受以上因素影響。</p><p> 早期對家庭購買決策的研究將家
89、庭所做出的決策過分簡化,因為它們籠統(tǒng)地把任意決策都?xì)w因于家庭中的某個成員。而且,隨時間變化,每對夫婦都對其伴侶在不同種類產(chǎn)品的選擇上產(chǎn)生了顯而易見的影響(Belch, et al, 2002; McNeal, 2003; Opara, 2010) 。現(xiàn)在,研究人員認(rèn)為確定家庭中每對夫妻對其配偶的相互影響具有重要意義。因此,現(xiàn)今大多數(shù)關(guān)于家庭購買決策的研究都考慮到了夫妻雙方的影響因素(Qualls, 1987; Webstear 200
90、0; Cummuri & Gentry, 2000; Piron, 2002; Verma, & Kapoor, 2003;Cummuri 和 Gentry, 2005).。</p><p> 2004年,Gauwmer和shah在研究中發(fā)現(xiàn):夫妻之間擁有家庭購買決策權(quán)的人隨不同的決策階段而改變,并有共同做出最終決策的趨勢。在家庭購買決策中,夫妻角色的相關(guān)性不僅隨不同的產(chǎn)品類型更隨夫妻雙方的
91、資源以及決策過程中的不同時期而變化(Thomtone & White-means, 2000; Cummuri; Piron, 2002 ;Gentry, 2005)。人們認(rèn)為這種基于決策過程結(jié)果并單純地認(rèn)為某特定的消費類型是由夫妻中任意一方?jīng)Q定的想法過于簡單,而且它也并沒有給出可信的結(jié)果。如果這種由夫妻中任一方主導(dǎo)的決策行為明顯表現(xiàn)出受家庭成員結(jié)構(gòu)的影響,那么這就自動說明夫妻雙方都對家庭決策都有影響且兩者的影響相當(dāng)。</
92、p><p> 家庭中傳統(tǒng)夫妻角色定位的水平與夫妻中任意一方對消費決策的影響有關(guān)。當(dāng)越被平等定位的家庭角色越可能參與非傳統(tǒng)的性別角色活動時,越傳統(tǒng)的家庭成員定位越符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的特定性別行為規(guī)范。</p><p> 1995年,F(xiàn)ord et al.也同樣主張:夫妻任意一方對家庭購買決策的影響程度對家庭傳統(tǒng)價值觀的水平有影響。例如,在亞洲,如果一個家庭的定位更傾向于傳統(tǒng)夫妻角色的價值觀,那么丈夫就
93、應(yīng)該作大多數(shù)決定,而妻子的角色則受限于其家庭定位。相反,若夫妻雙方的定位越平等,其家庭購買決策則更趨向于一種共同參與的,妻子主導(dǎo)的和丈夫非主導(dǎo)的形式(Lackman & Lanasa, 1993)。此外,人們還認(rèn)為,若一些社會環(huán)境具有父權(quán)制特點,其相關(guān)決策規(guī)則將失去靈活性,反之則更趨于平等(Woodside & Motes, 1979; Martineze & Polo, 1999 ;Piron, 20
94、00)。</p><p><b> 方法</b></p><p> 本研究使用了調(diào)查研究的方法并將豪薩族,伊博族和約魯巴族分別居住的聯(lián)邦首都區(qū)阿布賈,依莫州和拉各斯州定為研究區(qū)域。因此,本研究的目標(biāo)人群應(yīng)該包括上述三個少數(shù)民族(豪薩族,伊博族和約魯巴族)中的各個家庭。但是,本研究中1200個家庭的目標(biāo)人群應(yīng)該從研究區(qū)域中的豪薩族,伊博族和約魯巴族中隨機(jī)抽取。并且,
95、我們通過Mac’odo (2002) Tara Yamani的公式計算出本研究的樣本容量應(yīng)為300人。</p><p> 我們通過結(jié)構(gòu)化及半結(jié)構(gòu)化的研究問卷調(diào)查得到了初期的數(shù)據(jù)集,并同時得出了相關(guān)的、可獲取的二級數(shù)據(jù)。而且,因為本實驗研究區(qū)域中的三個少數(shù)民族分布在國際城市哈克特港中,所以我們可以認(rèn)定此處的初步或預(yù)測研究可靠并有效。</p><p> 我們可以通過簡單的頻率及百分比圖表看
96、到已得出的數(shù)據(jù),并且結(jié)合經(jīng)過社會科學(xué)統(tǒng)計軟件包(17.0版本)中的方差分析(ANOVA)工具檢驗的指定假說對這些數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行了分析。</p><p> 數(shù)據(jù)展示,分析和報告</p><p> 我們將以如下方式展示,分析和報告已收集數(shù)據(jù):</p><p><b> 問卷調(diào)查的實施</b></p><p> 我們總計分發(fā)
97、了300份調(diào)查問卷,其中283(94%)份已收回,17(6.2%)份未收回,并且有8(2.7%)份問卷因不規(guī)則填寫而被廢棄。</p><p> 上方表1的信息顯示:總頻率87,95和93分別為來自阿布賈市(豪薩族),依莫州(伊博族)和拉各斯州(約魯巴族)的調(diào)查對象人數(shù)。其中43.7%的來自于豪薩族的調(diào)查對象,42.2%的依莫州的調(diào)查對象和37.6%的約魯巴族的調(diào)查對象都認(rèn)為丈夫在極大程度上影響著家庭購買決策。&
98、lt;/p><p> 同樣,3.5%,4.2%和3.2%的分別來自于豪薩族,伊博族和約魯巴族的調(diào)查對象認(rèn)為丈夫?qū)彝ベ徺I決策的影響不大。分別對應(yīng)豪薩族,伊博族和約魯巴族的平均分4.09,4.03和3.96都大于3.5。這顯示出:這些少數(shù)民族中的調(diào)查對象普遍認(rèn)可丈夫?qū)彝ベ徺I決策的影響。并且,總平均值4.3也大于3.5。所以研究者可以得出結(jié)論:丈夫在極大程度上影響著家庭購買決策。</p><p&g
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