1、<p><b> 中文4476字</b></p><p> 出處:Hospitality eBusiness Strategies, March, 2010</p><p> 本科畢業(yè)論文——外文譯文</p><p> 掌握網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷:2010年第四次酒店網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷基準的調(diào)查分析</p><p> Max
2、Starkov, Mariana Mechoso Safer & Evan Rosenblum</p><p> 隨著2009年的結(jié)束,酒店業(yè)者對未來的態(tài)度也更為樂觀。而對于2010年的酒店在線營銷,HeBS(Hospitality eBusiness Strategies,簡稱HeBS )發(fā)現(xiàn)了截然不同的兩個趨勢:一方面,部分酒店業(yè)者對市場推廣資金的投入還是非常謹慎;而另一方面,一些酒店業(yè)者決定奮力一
3、搏,把更多的市場預算投入到在線營銷上,同時熱衷于嘗試一些新的營銷手段?! 【频陿I(yè)者如何調(diào)整線下和線上市場預算的比例?他們認為在2010年,哪些營銷方案可帶來的ROI最高?應(yīng)該在哪些方面投入更多的預算?經(jīng)濟危機將要結(jié)束,酒店的市場預算是否變得更靈活?社區(qū)媒體和手機營銷成為近幾個月的熱點話題,酒店業(yè)者最終是否愿意向這些嶄新的市場推廣方式投入大量資金? HeBS發(fā)表《酒店在線營銷計劃和最佳實踐基準調(diào)研》(Benchmark Survey
4、 on Hotel Internet Marketing Budget Planning and Best Practices)的目的,就是為了回答這些問題,以及對酒店在新一年對在線營銷的優(yōu)先選擇次序和相關(guān)策略進行分析。</p><p><b> 誰參加了此次調(diào)查?</b></p><p> HeBS的調(diào)查獲得了全球業(yè)界廣泛的參與,有接近三分之一的受訪者來自美國和
5、西歐地區(qū)。在今年,我們也發(fā)現(xiàn)來自亞太地區(qū)酒店受訪者的比例上升了,達到了14.8%(該比例在去年為12.3%)?! ⑴c調(diào)查的酒店管理人員包括了總經(jīng)理(22.2%)、銷售和市場總監(jiān)(16.7%)、電子商務(wù)經(jīng)理(25.9%)和收益管理經(jīng)理(13%)。今年,酒店的類別和旅游上下游組成情況與去年的類似,包括精品酒店(boutique hotels)、經(jīng)濟型酒店(budget)、中高檔特許經(jīng)營酒店(mid-scale and luxury fr
6、anchised properties)、大型品牌酒店(major brands)、房地產(chǎn)信托公司(real estate trusts)、度假酒店(resorts)、酒店管理公司(hotel management companies)和賭場(casinos)等。超過一半的酒店參與者來自單體酒店(55.6%),還有很大一部分是來自中檔和高檔酒店(比例分別為37%和35.2%)?! ∫韵率堑谒姆菽甓取毒频暝诰€營銷計劃和最佳實踐基準調(diào)研》
7、的調(diào)查結(jié)果?! 〗?jīng)濟環(huán)境成為了酒店制定市場預算</p><p><b> 表格A</b></p><p> 雖然這些數(shù)字與酒店業(yè)者認為可從中獲得最大ROI的營銷方案相吻合,今年還是出現(xiàn)一些意料之外的情況。從下面的表格B可以看出,酒店業(yè)者在2010年提高了對Web 2.0、社區(qū)媒體和手機營銷的市場預算,因為他們相信這些是能為他們帶來最高ROI的部分營銷方案。20
8、09年,各家酒店只采用基本的營銷方案,到了2010年,很多酒店都愿意開拓新的營銷渠道。</p><p> 二、關(guān)于投資回報率(ROI)</p><p> 在現(xiàn)行經(jīng)濟形勢下,酒店業(yè)者認為那些在線營銷方式為酒店帶來的ROI最高? 在過去的幾年里,網(wǎng)站設(shè)計、網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化和搜索引擎優(yōu)化是酒店業(yè)者認為回報率最高的幾個營銷方案。我們從表格B中可看到,酒店業(yè)者雖然在最近才增加了社區(qū)媒體和手機營銷方面
9、的預算,但他們還是希望在這些方面取得真正的成功。</p><p><b> 表格B</b></p><p> 酒店業(yè)者應(yīng)該也意識到一些東西了。eMarketer數(shù)據(jù)顯示,社區(qū)媒體、博客和搜索引擎優(yōu)化在帶來流量方面的成本效率更高。HubSpot的數(shù)據(jù)也顯示,超過五分之二使用社區(qū)媒體營銷的企業(yè)可以直接從該渠道上獲得客戶。</p><p>
10、 Web 2.0和社區(qū)媒體如何參與到酒店的行動計劃中? 調(diào)研結(jié)果顯示酒店業(yè)者相信社區(qū)媒體可帶來更高的ROI,同時還反映出酒店業(yè)者正在參與(或者計劃在2010年參與)的社區(qū)媒體種類數(shù)量出現(xiàn)猛增。從表格C可以看出,更多的酒店希望采用各種類型的Web 2.0和社區(qū)媒體營銷方案。</p><p><b> 表格C</b></p><p> 我們還可以從表格C發(fā)現(xiàn),有一
11、半的受訪酒店(50%)表示2010年計劃在社區(qū)媒體上開通其酒店的頁面。對社區(qū)媒體持靜觀其變態(tài)度的日子看來已經(jīng)結(jié)束了。到了2010年,如果酒店業(yè)者不在社區(qū)媒體上花時間,就會讓其競爭對手取得巨大的領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢。這個從2009年就被熱議的話題被延續(xù)到了現(xiàn)在。不過在今年,越來越多的酒店業(yè)者將付諸實踐?! ∈謾C營銷將在2010年讓酒店的市場營銷如虎添翼 在2010年,手機營銷迅速成為了最受關(guān)注的市場營銷方式。這也是毋庸置疑的。全球的移動設(shè)備數(shù)量
12、已經(jīng)超過了個人電腦的數(shù)量。美國有78%的人口擁有一臺手機。在擁有可上網(wǎng)移動設(shè)備的一般旅行者和頻繁商務(wù)旅行者中,分別有67%和77%的人已通過他們的移動設(shè)備尋找當?shù)胤?wù)(如住宿)和景點信息(PhoCusWright數(shù)據(jù))?! ∮脩粜枰@得即時的信息,以及與傳統(tǒng)個人電腦和筆記本抗衡的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)體驗,酒店業(yè)者必須對這種需求作出迅速的回應(yīng)。從下面的表格D中,我們可發(fā)現(xiàn)酒店業(yè)者對待這一問題的態(tài)度是很認真的。</p><p>
13、<b> 表格D</b></p><p> 雖然,有相當一部分酒店不打算在2010年采用手機營銷方案(32.8%),但還是有很多邁出了至關(guān)重要的第一步。比如說,有很多酒店業(yè)者在2010年打算為酒店開通手機版網(wǎng)站和開發(fā)手機預訂引擎(比例分別是25.9%和22.4%)。我們強烈建議酒店業(yè)者盡可能開通酒店的手機版網(wǎng)站和開發(fā)手機預訂引擎,并開始為將來的短信營銷收集手機號碼(m-lists)?!?/p>
14、 品牌限制依然是很重要的因素 2010年調(diào)研結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),酒店品牌限制的重要性再次逐漸體現(xiàn)出來。很大一部分比例的酒店業(yè)者覺得,他們在2007年到2009年的在線營銷工作受到了很大的阻礙,然而這一比例正在逐年下降。從表格E中可看出,今年認為在線營銷工作受到品牌限制的酒店業(yè)者的比例回升速度緩慢,但肯定會回升。</p><p><b> 表格E</b></p><p>
15、 以下是部分受訪者的回應(yīng): “在個人博客、Facebook和社區(qū)媒體方面受到限制” “要求我們放棄自己的網(wǎng)站” “要求的開支高于我們的預算” “缺乏靈活性,沒有進行轉(zhuǎn)化率監(jiān)測等” “在每一方面都受到限制——品牌非我們所有” “缺乏自由。連鎖經(jīng)營的模式對不斷變化的情況反應(yīng)太慢” “對未來發(fā)展沒有清晰的規(guī)劃,并且不允許我們采取創(chuàng)新的措施” “搜素引擎優(yōu)化只限于品牌管理方操作,或者限制我們衡量ROI的能力”
16、 從過去4年的調(diào)研反饋中我們可以看出,特許經(jīng)營酒店的在線營銷工作總會受到各種限制。在今年,一些品牌還通過禁止所有相關(guān)酒店在社區(qū)媒體上開通頁面,來對其營銷活動進行特別的限制。隨著酒店業(yè)者在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)營銷工作方面變得越來越聰明,同時像社區(qū)媒體和手機營銷這些流行的在線營銷方案逐漸成為主流,大型酒店品牌將需要有相關(guān)的解決方案——而且事不宜遲。</p><p> 結(jié)論 酒店行業(yè)從今年的調(diào)研結(jié)果中學到了什么? 酒店業(yè)者
17、將繼續(xù)把市場預算從線下往線上轉(zhuǎn)移。他們?nèi)匀话汛蟛糠值氖袌鲱A算投放在已被證明的、能提高投資回報率的在線營銷方案上,而特許經(jīng)營酒店將繼續(xù)因為在線營銷工作受到大型品牌的相關(guān)限制而苦苦掙扎?! ≌{(diào)研結(jié)果顯示,很多酒店業(yè)者已走出經(jīng)濟危機的陰霾,并考慮在2010年采用新穎的在線營銷形式,包括網(wǎng)站的Web 2.0優(yōu)化、社區(qū)媒體頁面和手機營銷?! ∵€是那句話,在線渠道是酒店唯一增長的渠道。酒店業(yè)者必須很好地利用在線旅游渠道,尤其是在線直銷渠道,因為
18、它在持續(xù)困難的經(jīng)濟環(huán)境下仍然是獲得增長的唯一切實可行的選擇。HeBs相信,酒店應(yīng)該開始把一部分的資源投放到更新的在線營銷渠道上,如社區(qū)媒體和手機營銷,這是很重要的。然而,酒店業(yè)者也千萬不能忘記基本的原則,要有一個全面的、以投資回報率為核心的在線營銷策略來幫助他們在2010年取得成功。</p><p><b> 附錄四</b></p><p> Mastering
19、Internet Marketing in 2010: Results of the 4th Benchmark Survey on Hotel Internet Marketing</p><p> By Max Starkov, Mariana Mechoso Safer & Evan Rosenblum</p><p> With 2009 over and hoteli
20、ers feeling more optimistic, HeBS sees two very different approaches to hotel Internet marketing in 2010: on one side, some hoteliers are still extremely cautious when spending marketing dollars; on the other, hoteliers
21、are hitting the ground running with more expansive online marketing budgets and an enthusiasm to participate in new initiatives.</p><p> How are hoteliers shifting the balance between offline and online mar
22、keting budgets? Which initiatives do they believe will bring the highest ROIs in 2010, and to which initiatives are they willing to start devoting more of their budget? Are hoteliers’ finding any more “wiggle-room” in th
23、eir budgets now that the recession is coming to an end? With social media and mobile marketing dominating conversations these past few months, are hoteliers finally willing to invest a significant portion of the</p>
24、;<p> The purpose of the Benchmark Survey on Hotel Internet Marketing Budget Planning and Best Practices is to answer these questions and to assess hoteliers’ Internet marketing priorities and strategies for the
25、year ahead. With these direct responses from hoteliers in the field, HeBS can provide the industry with insights on how Internet marketing strategies for the hospitality industry are developing year after year.</p>
26、<p> Who Participated this Year?</p><p> The survey experienced global participation, with almost a third of the responses coming from the US and Western Europe. This year, we also saw more pa
27、rticipation from hoteliers in the Asia-Pacific region (14.8% vs. 12.3% last year).</p><p> Hospitality executives included general managers (22.2%), sales and marketing directors (16.7%), e-commerce manager
28、s (25.9%), and revenue managers (13%). Similar to previous years, the full spectrum of hospitality and travel verticals were represented, including boutique hotels, upscale hotels, budget, mid-scale and luxury franchised
29、 properties, major brands, real estate trusts, resorts, hotel management companies, casinos, and more. Over half of participants were hoteliers from independent prop</p><p> Here are the results of the 4th
30、annual Benchmark Survey on Hotel Internet Marketing Budget Planning and Best Practices.</p><p> Main Findings from the 4th Benchmark Survey</p><p> As expected, the economic environment prevai
31、led as a factor when planning budgets. Even so, hoteliers continued to shift budgets from offline to online marketing formats. In this year’s survey, 51.1% of respondents said they were shifting a portion of their budget
32、s to online because they believe Internet marketing produces the best results (55% vs. 10% that think traditional marketing is more effective). This is a smart move considering the online channel is still the only growth
33、 channel in hosp</p><p> For the first time, we saw static marketing budgets rather than budget increases. Thirty-nine percent said they were not increasing their overall marketing budgets in 2010, vs. 33%
34、last year. HeBS anticipated this, as many hotels experienced a very difficult year and needed to scale back in 2010.</p><p> Year after year, more and more hoteliers are engaging in social media. This year,
35、 50% of respondents said they were planning on creating profiles on social networks in 2010, a dramatic increase over last year (14%).</p><p> In the 2010 survey, we asked hoteliers which mobile initiatives
36、 they were planning for 2010. Over one fourth of respondents (25.9%) are planning a mobile-ready website this year. This is further testament to how quickly mobile is evolving as mobile ready websites were hardly in the
37、hotelier’s arsenal in 2008 and 2009.</p><p> Hoteliers are under the assumption that they have hotel Internet marketing under control. Seventy-six percent responded that they believe their property conforms
38、 to the latest best practices in terms of Internet marketing, compared to just under half last year. As the industry matures, more and more hoteliers are professionally developing in this area.</p><p> Now
39、that the Recession is Finally Coming to an End….Has Hotel Budgeting Changed?</p><p> The online channel, confirmed by the latest eTrack Full Year 2009 report on hotel bookings by channel, remains the only g
40、rowth channel in hospitality. In 2009, Internet bookings for the top 30 hotel brands represented 54.2% of total CRS bookings (growth of 6.6%), while GDS and voice bookings declined by 3.7% and 2.9% respectively..</p&g
41、t;<p> According to PhoCusWright, 60% of leisure and 40% of business travel will be booked online in the U.S. this year, and 45% of hotel bookings in 2010 will be via the Internet (HeBS). Even with these encourag
42、ing signs, survey results show that for another year, hoteliers’ Internet marketing budgets were greatly affected by the economy.</p><p> HeBS first introduced the economic environment in last year’s survey
43、. This year, the economic environment still has a significant impact on hotel Internet marketing budget planning for 2010. Last year, 81.6% of respondents said the economy would affect their budget planning for 2009, dow
44、n to 70% this year.</p><p> With these economic constraints, what portion of hoteliers’ budgets were devoted to Internet marketing activities in 2009? Again, similar to last year, most respondents devoted b
45、etween 11-20% and 21-49% of their budget to the online channel (23.1% and 24.6%, respectively).</p><p> With these limited funds, what are hoteliers planning to spend their budgets on this year? In Table A
46、below, you may see that spending on the various Internet marketing initiatives has not varied greatly from 2009. What we are seeing is a re-organization of budgets, with hoteliers making room in the budget for Web 2.0, s
47、ocial media and mobile marketing.</p><p><b> Table A</b></p><p> While these figures still correlate with initiatives from which hoteliers believe they will achieve the greatest RO
48、Is, there were some surprises this year. As you’ll see below in Table B, hoteliers found room in their budgets in 2010 for Web 2.0, social media and mobile marketing because they believe these initiatives will bring some
49、 of their highest ROIs. In 2009, hoteliers stuck to the basics. In 2010, many are willing to experiment with new initiatives.</p><p> Let’s Talk about ROI</p><p> In this economy, which Intern
50、et marketing formats do hoteliers believe generate the highest ROIs for their hotel?</p><p> In the past few years, website design, website optimization, and search engine optimization were the initiatives
51、which hoteliers said brought the best returns. This year, we see in Table B that even though social media and mobile marketing recently made their way into budgets, hoteliers are expecting real successes here.</p>
52、<p><b> Table B</b></p><p> Hoteliers may be on to something. According to eMarketer, social media, blogs and SEO are more cost-effective for lead generation. Data by HubSpot shows that m
53、ore than 2/5 of companies using social media marketing channels directly acquired a customer.</p><p> How Have Web 2.0 & Social Media Evolved in the Hoteliers Action Plan?</p><p> In addit
54、ion to hoteliers believing that social media will produce greater ROIs, the survey also showed a surge in the types of social media that hoteliers are participating in (or planning for 2010). More hoteliers are planning
55、to engage in all types of Web 2.0 and social media initiatives across the board, as you may see in Table C:</p><p><b> Table C</b></p><p> We may also see from Table C that half of
56、 hoteliers surveyed (50% exactly) responded that in 2010 they are planning to create profiles for their hotels on the social networks. The days of just waiting to see how social media develop seem to be over. In 20
57、10, if hoteliers are not investing time on social media, their competitors are going to have a great advantage. This hot topic of 2009 continues to be a big part of the conversation. This year, however, more and mo
58、re hoteliers are going to act</p><p> Mobile Marketing Proves to be a Big Addition in 2010</p><p> Mobile Marketing has quickly become one of the most talked-about marketing formats in 2010, a
59、nd rightly so. The number of mobile devices has surpassed the number of personal computers worldwide. Seventy-eight percent of the U.S. population has a mobile device of some sort. Sixty-seven percent of travelers and 77
60、% of frequent business travelers with Web enabled mobile devices have already used their devices to find local services (e.g. lodging) and attractions (PhoCusWright). More information abo</p><p> Hoteliers
61、must quickly respond to mobile users’ demand for instant access to information as well as an Internet experience that rivals the one via traditional PCs and laptops. From Table D below, we can see that hoteliers ar
62、e indeed taking this topic very seriously.</p><p><b> Table D</b></p><p> While a significant number of hoteliers surveyed are not yet planning on mobile marketing initiatives for
63、2010 (32.8%), many are taking some very crucial first steps. Building a mobile-ready website and planning for a mobile booking engine, for instance, are in the plan for 2010 (25.9% and 22.4% respectively). In the HeBS ar
64、ticle concerning mobile marketing (referenced above), we highly recommended that hoteliers start with a mobile-ready website and a mobile booking engine if possible, and that</p><p> Brand Restrictions are
65、an Issue Once More</p><p> 2010 Survey results show that brand restrictions are slowly becoming an issue again. While a high percentage of hoteliers felt there were major restrictions on their online market
66、ing efforts between 2007-2009, the percentage was decreasing year after year. As shown in Table E, this year the percentage of hoteliers who find there to be major restrictions is slowly but surely creeping back up.</
67、p><p> Here are some of the responses:</p><p> “Limitations on personal blogs, Facebook and social media”</p><p> “Want us to drop our own website”</p><p> “Pressure t
68、o spend more than we can afford”</p><p> “No flexibility, conversion tracking, etc.”</p><p> “In every way we are restricted – we don’t own the brand”</p><p> “Limited Freedom. C
69、hains are too slow to react to the changing Scenario”</p><p> “Lack of clear vision and not allowing us to go outside the box”</p><p> “Brand like to restrict SEO to their own efforts or restr
70、ict our ability to measure ROI”</p><p><b> Table E</b></p><p> As survey responses from the past 4 years have shown us, there will always be restrictions on online marketing conduc
71、t for franchised properties. This year, some brands are especially restricting activity on social media sites by banning profiles altogether. As hoteliers are becoming smarter in their hotel Internet marketing effo
72、rts, and popular online marketing initiatives such as social media and mobile marketing are becoming mainstream, the major hotel brands will need to find some sort of r</p><p> Conclusion</p><p&g
73、t; What can the industry take away from this year’s survey results?</p><p> Hoteliers are still shifting their budgets from offline to online, they are still focusing most of their budgets on proven, ROI-g
74、enerating Internet marketing initiatives, and franchised properties continue to struggle under major brand restrictions on their online marketing efforts.</p><p> Survey results showed that many hoteliers a
75、re putting the recession behind them and considering exciting new Internet marketing formats in 2010, including Web 2.0 enhancements on the website, social media profiles, and mobile marketing.</p><p> The
76、online channel is the only growth channel in hospitality, period. Hoteliers must embrace the online travel channel, especially the direct online channel, as it continues to be the only viable option for any growth during
77、 what continues to be a difficult economic environment. At HeBS we believe that while it is important to start dedicating a portion of the hotel’s resources to the newer online marketing formats such as social media and
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