1、<p> 中文5500字,3700單詞,2萬英文字符</p><p> 出處:Perspectives U. Urban and Landscape Perspectives[M]// Urban and landscape perspectives. Springer, 2012.</p><p> URBAN AND LANDSCAPE PERSPECTIVES<
2、/p><p><b> Part II</b></p><p> Planning and Governance</p><p> Chapter 3——New Trend of Landscape Planning and Design in Japan</p><p> Abstract:In Japan, we
3、 have a long tradition of gardening since seventh century.</p><p> Originally, it was developed by the influence from China and Korea, however,gradually the style of Japanese garden had been established. Th
4、e characteristic of Japanese garden is divided into three aspects. The first is the creation of microcosmos, even though the size of garden were tiny. The second is the methodology of gardening which is always tried to i
5、ntegrate with the surrounding landscapes.The third is the emphasis of concept of time, through the delicate planting design.Based on above co</p><p> After Meiji Revolution in 1868, Japan experienced rapid
6、modernization. It was a</p><p> departure from traditional methodology of gardening, and the modern park movement took place all over Japan. The modern park movement of Japan was totally different from west
7、ern one. It was not the revolutionary citizen movement, but a kind of historical heritage preservation movement, related with the reformation of land tax system of new government. The old shrines, temples and ruins of ca
8、stles were designated as a modern park, and owe to this policy, precious historical gardens and landscapes</p><p> In 1960s, Japan experienced rapid economic growth and after the collapse of bubbling</p&
9、gt;<p> economy, a new trend of landscape planning and design emerged. It could be said to seek for the symbiosis between human beings and nature.</p><p> In this paper, I introduced the methodology
10、 of the creation of natural symbiosis city and region as a new trend of landscape planning and design. We call it “Natural Symbiosis City based on Watershed Management”. The basic components of this methodology divided i
11、nto three principals. The first is the designation of watershed units as a base of landscape planning. The second is the analysis of ecological structure within the watershed. The third is the implementation of landscape
12、 design together </p><p> Keywords Ecological structure ? Flood mitigation ? Historical perspective ? Natural symbiosis city ? Watershed management</p><p> 3.1 Historical Perspectives of Lands
13、cape Planning and Design in Japan</p><p> 3.1.1 Era of Culture</p><p> In Japan, we have a long history of gardening. The concept of garden was originally</p><p> influenced by S
14、yumi-sen Thought in China. It is said that in the southern ocean there existed the utopian island where the sacred man who has ever lasting life. The garden was created as a symbol of this utopian island. Even though the
15、 style of Japanese garden has changed time on and one, the following three principals are the basic structures.</p><p> The fi rst is the creation of micro cosmos, the second is the integration of surroundi
16、ng</p><p> landscapes, and the third is the clear message for the difference of time.</p><p> Katsura Imperial Palace in Kyoto, build in seventieth century. Katsura is a kind of synthesis of d
17、ifferent garden styles, consisted from utopianisland thought, Shinden Garden in eleventh century, and tea ceremony garden developed in sixteenth century. By introducing the experiences of strolling around,the different s
18、tyles were combined into one continuous story, and people found a freedom to enjoy garden whatever they were interested in. The discovery of freedom was an epocmaking incident, and a</p><p> Syugakuin Imper
19、ial Palace in Kyoto, build at almost same era of Katsura. The innovation of Syugakuin is, they opened up the essence garden, that is the structure of micro cosmos, to the normal country side without losing the pure garde
20、ning characteristics. It is called the method of “Borrowing Landscapes”. This method was not the original of Syugakuin, to the surrounding environment had been a major concept of Japanese culture.</p><p> I
21、tsukushima Shrine was built in the end of eleventh century at Seto Inland Sea Area. The temple was carefully set up, considering the surrounding mountain peaks, and the movement of tide.</p><p> 3.1.2 Era o
22、f Modern Park Movement (1873–1918)</p><p> After the Meiji Revolution in 1868, Meij Government introduced not only law, science and technology, but they found the city planning was important, and park was
23、an essential infra-structure of modern city.</p><p> At that time, in Japan we did not have public parks. However, the open spaces of shrines and temples, or bank of river, have been traditionally used as a
24、 similar facility of park. In 1873, Meiji Government sent the ordinance to all municipal governments that they have to submit the appropriate places which should be designated as modern park. The municipal government fol
25、lowed this ordinance, and they selected the most precious cultural places in their city and asked the petition to be designated</p><p> 3.1.3 Era of Park System and Regional Planning (1923–1945)</p>
26、<p> In 1923, Great Kanto Earthquake had occurred and down town Tokyo had completely</p><p> destroyed.the analysis map how fires had expanded. It was proved that forests, parks, cliff lines, canals a
27、nd rivers prevented the expansion of fire.The reconstruction took place immediately, and the method of parks, parkways and boulevards system (park system) was introduced. The park system had developed as aplanning method
28、 of city planning, especially in United States, Chicago, Boston,San Francisco. In Tokyo, the core forest was Imperial Palace, and major parks,shrines, temples are preserved </p><p> After Great Kanto Earthq
29、uake, Tokyo had expanded rapidly. In 1937, she combined adjacent towns, and became the city with 5,000,000 population. The theory of regional planning was introduced, and Tokyo Green Space Plan was established in 1939. t
30、he plan of the central area of Tokyo, and green circular plan was established, influenced by Grungrurtel Plan in Berlin. It is important to notice thatthe basic structure of modern city of Tokyo was established by this p
31、lan.</p><p> 3.1.4 Era of Reconstruction and Rapid Growth (1945–1970s)</p><p> The rapid urbanization took place after the World WarII. As for landscape planning,green belt policy had introdu
32、ced based on Tokyo Green Space Plan. surrounding the edge of 23 Wards. Rivers were designated as corridors to connect inner areas. Major parks have been kept to purchase, even now, but the areas applied only by zoning co
33、ntrol had been abolished.</p><p> 3.1.5 Era of Renovation (1970–2000s)</p><p> After the collapse of bubbling economy, the movement of urban renovation took place. Various landscape planning a
34、nd design had carried out, and I will explain the recent example in the following chapter. In this chapter, I introduce three typical examples which I have worked for. The first is the creation of seaside park, Odaiba Pa
35、rk There used to be a stock yard of wood, and converted into park in late1970s. The second is the restoration of Tamagawa Canal in Shinjyuku.It is the main canal to b</p><p> 3.2 The Methodology of Natural
36、 Symbiosis City Based on Watershed Management: In Case of Metropolitan Tokyo</p><p> 3.2.1 Watershed as a Planning Frame of Landscape Planning and Design</p><p> Entering the twenty-first cent
37、ury, the number of mega cities, which has the population over 10,000,000, has been increasing. In 1985, the number of megacity was 9, and in 2003, it became 25. Therefore, the risk management and urban regeneration of me
38、gacities are the urgent issue. Tokyo Metropolitan Area is the largest megalopolis in the world, having 32,450,000 populations, whereas the second one is New York having 21,610,000 in 2003. In this chapter, firstly I will
39、 discuss about the new trend o</p><p> the watershed of metropolitan Tokyo. For supporting huge populations,the comprehensive plan for watershed management policies established starting from 1947, and seven
40、 major dams and one fl ood control reservoir have been developed.However, recent issues are the urban flood. Frequencies of urban flood are increasing,and once it occurred the damages are serious. The following approach
41、is how to solve these problems, activating the methodology of landscape planning and design.</p><p> the inner district of Tokyo (23 Wards).covers almost same area of 23 Wards. Characteristics of Tokyo coul
42、d be explained clearly by this geological map.</p><p> The configuration consisted from plateau and tiny valley is the fundamental structure of Tokyo. The upper areas were used to be residential districts o
43、f Samurai, and in the valley area there located complex community of merchants, craftmen andpeasants.</p><p> Between plateau and valley, there exist cliffs. the existing greenspaces in Tokyo, and cliff lin
44、es are the last green spaces which have been succeeded since Edo era. We have been working for the preservation of green spaces in cliff line. Recently, by combining watershed management and green preservation, the new p
45、rogress of landscape planning and design were attained. I will explain this process one by one, using the case study of Ochi-ai cliff line in Kanda River watershed.</p><p> 3.2.2 Analysis of Ecological Stru
46、cture</p><p> the present condition of Ochi-ai Cliff in Kanda River watershed. This area is highly urbanized, and as mentioned above, the cliff line is the only place where natural vegetation remains. We ca
47、rried out the extensive survey of vegetation based on the phytosociology method (Braun-Branquet 1964), and by combining micro geography,spring water distribution, and vegetation structure, 16 biotope types were classifie
48、d.</p><p> 3.2.3 Citizen Participation for Reforming Natural</p><p> Along Ochi-ai cliff line, there exist many citizen movements since1960s. After Meiji Revolution,it was sold to the aristocr
49、ats After World War II, it was sold to the residence of company president, and in 1960s, again it was sold to national government for housing of the executive offi cers. </p><p> However to recover original
50、 forest is a long dream of citizen, and fi nally, in 2010,the mayor decided to purchase the adjacent land of Otomeyama Park and converted it into park. The council of Shin-jyuku Ward approved her proposal, and 700,000,00
51、0 yen was spent to purchase the land.</p><p> How to rebuild the natural environment is the major issue.Since mmittee has been set up for this purpose, the bio tope approach became the fundamental methodolo
52、gy of the restoration.</p><p> the bio tope plans including expansion areas。Based on this plan, the restoration of park has partially implemented. Most emphasized aspect was to revitalize the water flow fro
53、m the cliff line. Careful preservation of spring point and underground waterway was implemented, and new water way was created. Also, many deciduous trees have planted ,for enriching the rain catchment potential and bio
54、diversity. The total area became 2.5 ha, whereas the former area covers 1.5 ha. It is important that citi</p><p> 3.2.4 Landscape Planning for Mitigating Urban Flood</p><p> In addition to imp
55、rove bio diversity, we examined the capability of rain fall catchment of different types of forest. There are five types of forest, and by introducing artifi cial rainfall experiment to each type of the forest, we could
56、estimate the water permeability of each type of forest. It was estimated that type , which is a typical deciduous forest in this area with multi layers trees, has the highest ratio of water permeability 。</p><
57、p> Then, we introduced the coverage area of sewer catchment as a frame of urban artifi cial watershed . It becomes possible to calculate water permeability of each area by carrying out the vegetation survey. By intro
58、ducing these units,we could compare the effect of different green policies for mitigating urban flood.</p><p> the distribution of watershed units in the upper part . By introducing different scenario of gr
59、een policy, such as increasing the ratio of green coverage, improving the quality of forest, introducing roof garden, we can estimate the effective way for the mitigation of urban flood. the watershed along Tokyo Bay are
60、a, and by introducing the simulation of different green policies for the water permeability, we could estimate the effective strategy for urban flood. Also, blue circle are the core. We</p><p> Connectin ec
61、ological cores,corridors,and watershed management as matrix,landscape planning and design turn to be new methodology for the reformation mega city.</p><p> 3.3 The Methodology of Natural Symbiosis City Base
62、d on Watershed Management: In Case of Rapidly Developed</p><p> 3.3.1 Issues in City</p><p> Second example of Symbiosis City based on watershed management is the case of local city where urba
63、n-rural restoration is expected.</p><p> City locates in the metropolitan area of Nagoya .She has been developed as a historical city along Nakasen-do which was the major road to connect Kyoto and Edo (form
64、er name of Tokyo). The population in 2013 is 148,000.</p><p> In 1930s the army base was established on the plateau of Kakamigahara, and the aircraft industries have been developed. In 1960s a rapid urban g
65、rowth took place and adjacent hills were turned into residential zone. The forest had been abandoned, and many problems, such as, forest fire or illegal garbage dumping occurred.</p><p> After the collapse
66、of the bubbling economy around 1980s, gradually, the citizen movement occurred for seeking for natural symbiosis city. Since drinking water in this city comes from ground water from Satoyama which used to be a kind of co
67、mmons for collecting fi re woods, people were very conscious about the effect of pollution caused by development. In late 1990s, the private developer bought the land for building industrial garbage dumping site at water
68、 recharge area. City immediately stopped </p><p> 3.3.2 Green Corridor Plan for Park City</p><p> First of all, the committee started to carry out the extensive survey of existing conditions o
69、f water, vegetation, landscapes and wild lives. The analysis of watershed unit was introduced, and the committee established a basic strategy to introduce a small watershed management as a grand green design of the city.
70、</p><p> Then, the committee developed the clear vision which would be easy to understand,even for children.the vision of Park City, consisted from three corridors, Forest Corridor, City Corridor, and River
71、 Corridor. At the crossing pointsof three corridors, seven cores of Parks were planned.</p><p> 1. Learning Forest: Crossing point of City and River Corridor</p><p> 2. Kakamino Natural Herita
72、ge Forest: Crossing point of City and River Corridor</p><p> 3. Meditaion Forest: Crossing point of Forest and River Corridor</p><p> 4. Old River Trail Park: River Corridor</p><p&g
73、t; 5. Sky Forest: City Corridor</p><p> 6. Kakami Forest: Crossing point of City and River Corridor</p><p> 7. Castle Park: Crossing point of city and River Corridor</p><p> 3.3
74、.3 Creating Ecological and Cultural Cores</p><p> of Natural Symbiosis City</p><p> Learning Forest</p><p> The first step for creating natural symbiosis city had started
75、 in 2000, for the crossing point of city and river corridor. It was the former site of Gifu Agricultural Collage established in 1920, and became Dept. of Agriculture of Gifu University. However,Gifu University built the
76、new campus and this site was planned to be sold out for residential development. Strong citizen movement occurred, and based on the recommendation from the green and water corridor committee, it was decided to be purch&l
77、t;/p><p> Kakamino Natural Heritage Forest</p><p> The next step was the restoration of Satoyama. As mentioned above, Satoyama was used to be commons for collecting fi re woods. However,
78、because of the energy shift to the oil, it has been abandoned for a long time. The purpose of Kakamino Natural Heritage Park was to enrich the bio diversity of Satoyama as water recharge area of the city.the landscape pl
79、an. The characteristics of landscape design was to create eco-tone along water edge. Various design were entroduced to enrich bio diversities.th</p><p> Old River Trail Park</p><p> In
80、 the southern part of Kakamigahara City is Kiso River. Historically, there occurred many floods and diverse river ways remained after building the bank in 1960s. The site of Old River Trail Park is the typical area where
81、 the old river existed .It had been abandoned for a long time. We carried out a work shop together with citizen, and develop the comprehensive plan including the neighborhood community.</p><p> Citi
82、zen Participation</p><p> the number of Park Ranger since 2002. It is important that the real power of Kakamigahara City is the contribution of citizen for the management of Park City.</p><p>
83、 3.4 Conclusion</p><p> In this chapter, I discussed about the historical characteristics of Landscape planning and design in Japan. We have a long history of gardening since seventh century to the middle n
84、ineteenth century. It could be said Era of Culture. After the modernization,Japan had experienced, modern park movement in 1873–1920, park system as a reconstruction in 1930s, regional planning in 1930–1945, economic gr
85、owth in 1960s, revitalization of urban environment in 1980s, and fi nally reached to seek for Natu</p><p> I discuss the methodology of Natural Symbiosis City as a new trend of landscapeplanning and design,
86、 using two examples, one is Tokyo and the otherislocal city,Kakamigahara. There are three principals in the methodology of Natural Symbiosis City. The fi rst is to introduce the watershed management as a basic structure,
87、The second is to develop eological network system, and the third is the citizen participation for the activating the plan.</p><p> We are facing to solve earth problems and the risk management of huge disas
88、ters,such as fl oods, earthquakes, and tsunami. The new trend of landscape planning and design are now trying to work for these issues for the sustainability of our Environment.</p><p><b> Chapter 4&l
89、t;/b></p><p> Strategic Practice of Landscape Plan for Development Management with Local Governance in Japan </p><p> Landscape Plan is established as the new planning system in Landscap
90、e Act of 2004. According to the analysis of the questionnaire research, more than 40 %of Landscape Plans are implemented as the ground of development management with the purpose to conserve and generate the local charact
91、er. As the change of the landscape is coincident with development, landscapes began to be recognized as the key for development management, and vigorous places with good landscape are the results of a continuous </p&g
92、t;<p> Keyword Development management ? Landscape Plan ? Local character ? Sector integration</p><p> 4.1 “Landscape” Concept</p><p> The Japanese words that would be translated as “l(fā)a
93、ndscape” in English vary in concept.The concept of “l(fā)andscape” in the planning fi eld in Japan is often associated with physical settings as an object of conservation or good design of developments, which are to be contr
94、olled by regulations and promoted with design guidelines. Thus people considered for long that a “l(fā)andscape” was something special such as a towns cape of a designated historic area or good urban design of well-planned l
95、arge schem</p><p> After the economy started to stagnate in the 1990s, the quality of the ordinary living environment became a matter of public interest. People became aware that a“l(fā)andscape” refl ects the
96、quality of local settings as well as their history and culture,which have been generated by urban activities and their way of living within the local climate and topographical conditions . The physical settings usually a
97、re examined to set up the regulations of materials, style, colors and other elements of build</p><p> In this context, regarding development management, a “l(fā)andscape” in the planning field is closely associ
98、ated with “design” in England, which was developed in the last decade as the key concept to deliver sustainable development by the former Labour government. “By Design”sets out the seven design objectives for good design
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