1、<p><b> 畢業(yè)設計(論文)</b></p><p><b> 譯文及原稿</b></p><p> 譯文題目:在SMS蜂窩網(wǎng)絡上進行開放式功能的開發(fā)</p><p> 原稿出處:William Enck、Patrick Traynor、Patrick McDaniel and Tho-</p&g
2、t;<p> mas La Porta;Systems and Internet Infrastructure Security La-</p><p> boratory Department of Computer Science and Engineering;</p><p> The Pennsylvania State University University
3、Park,PA 16802</p><p> 在SMS蜂窩網(wǎng)絡上進行開放式功能的開發(fā)</p><p> 1.SMS/CELLULAR網(wǎng)絡概述 本節(jié)簡潔介紹基于GSM網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)的SMS短信從發(fā)送到接收的過程概況,包括基于CDMA等移動網(wǎng)絡,但原理基本一樣。 1.1發(fā)送短信 發(fā)送短信有兩種方法 -- 通過其他移動設備或通過一系列外部短消息設備(ESMEs)實現(xiàn)。 ESMEs
5、 在接收短信時,要對傳入數(shù)據(jù)包的內容檢錯,必要時,轉換成短信的格式并復制。這樣的話,來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的信息將無法區(qū)分哪些是從移動電話發(fā)來的。隨后,消息被放入一個短消息服務中心隊列進行轉發(fā)。 1.2路由短信 SMSC是用來確定如何將短信路由到目的移動設備的。 SMSC查詢</p><p> 當短信從短消息服務中心傳來時,短消息服務中心提取具體的目標設備信息。然后,短消息服務中心查詢訪問位置寄存器數(shù)據(jù)庫,訪問
6、位置寄存器數(shù)據(jù)庫包含目的設備歸屬位置寄存器的一個關于目的設備信息的本地副本。然后,移動交換中心通過移動設備所在基站的空中接口轉發(fā)這條短信。圖1.1是移動通信網(wǎng)絡圖,圖1.2是短信的消息流程圖。</p><p> 圖 1.1 移動通信網(wǎng)絡</p><p> 圖1.2 短消息流程網(wǎng)絡</p><p> 1.3無線傳輸 空中接口分為兩部分 - 控制信道(C
7、CH)和尋呼信道(TCH)。 控制信道又細分為兩種-公用控制信道和專用控制信道。公用控制信道是包含尋呼信道(PCH)和隨機接入信道(RACH)組成的邏輯信道,用于基站進行語音信號和SMS數(shù)據(jù)的傳輸機制。因此,所有連接網(wǎng)絡的移動設備周期性地檢測公用控制信道上的語音和SMS信號。 基站在尋呼信道上發(fā)送包含與終端移動用戶相關的臨時移動用戶識別碼(TMSI)信息。為了防止竊聽者試圖確定接收手機的身份,因此,網(wǎng)絡中使用臨時移動用戶識別碼
9、CH會話中發(fā)送不只一條短信[5]。如果不是文本信息,而是進</p><p> 空中接口交付的最后階段見圖1.3。 </p><p> 圖1.3 簡化的SMS空中接口2.SMS/CELLULAR網(wǎng)絡脆弱性分析 在日常的社交活動和簡單的商業(yè)性質的交流中,SMS系統(tǒng)的大多數(shù)合理使用功能常常被定性為是不重要的。這些通信的顯著特點是,它們通??梢酝ㄟ^其他一些途徑實現(xiàn),盡管潛在的合適信
10、道很少。然而,在 2001年9月11日發(fā)生的恐怖襲擊期間,文字消息被證明是更實用。隨著成百上千的人想聯(lián)絡他們的朋友和家人,電信公司意識到了這大大阻礙移動語音服務的使用。例如,威瑞森無線公司,報告語音通話流量已經(jīng)高出一般水平一倍以上; 辛格勒無線公司數(shù)據(jù)顯示接入華盛頓地區(qū)的語音通話流量已高出了10倍以上[44]。雖然這些網(wǎng)絡設計能處理高于原有理論的容量,但如此大量的通話需求遠遠超過它的極限值,影響語音通信能力。由于業(yè)務信道漸漸達到飽和,基
11、于語音電話服務就變得毫無價值,然而,即使在最擁擠的地區(qū),短信仍然能被成功接收,因為短信使用控制信道,它并不擁塞,因此,短信傳送仍然有效。 盡管不能實現(xiàn)語音通話,但有需要的大多數(shù)的個體用戶可以通過文字信息功能實現(xiàn)通信。因此,現(xiàn)在看來,短信作為一種可靠的通訊方法,這是其他通信方式無法實現(xiàn)的特點。</p><p> 由于隨機接入信道是一個使用時隙ALOHA協(xié)議的共享信道,某一基站上大量的呼叫響應很慢。
12、 由于短信的不斷擴散,我們分析互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的起源,蜂窩網(wǎng)絡的短信攻擊、語音和其他服務的影響。我們首先通過對現(xiàn)有標準的文件和灰盒測試的廣泛研究,了解這些系統(tǒng)的特性。從這些數(shù)據(jù),我們論述了一系列的攻擊和移動電話網(wǎng)絡的脆弱性。最后,通過這次的灰盒測試,我們評估網(wǎng)絡抵御這些攻擊的能力。 在討論任何有關移動網(wǎng)絡攻擊的具體情況時,必需要從對手的角度來審視這些系統(tǒng)。在本節(jié)中,通過確定這些網(wǎng)絡的瓶頸,我們提出了簡單的方法來發(fā)現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡中最脆弱的部分。然
13、后,探討建立有效的終端系統(tǒng)來處理這些瓶頸。</p><p> 2.1確定蜂窩網(wǎng)絡的瓶頸 短信傳送至移動網(wǎng)絡和移動用戶接收短信之間存在著固有的成本失衡。這種不平衡是DOS攻擊的根源。 要認識這些瓶頸,需要對整個系統(tǒng)有徹底的了解。蜂窩網(wǎng)絡標準文件,該文件雖然提供系統(tǒng)建立的框架,但缺乏具體實施的細節(jié)。為了彌補這個差距,我們進行灰盒測試[7,14]。 我們通過系統(tǒng)的傳輸協(xié)議、傳輸速率和接口特
14、性來度量系統(tǒng)的特征。所有測試都是用我們自己的手機完成。 我們絕不會把有害的數(shù)據(jù)包加入系統(tǒng)或違反任何服務協(xié)議。</p><p> 2.1.1傳輸協(xié)議 網(wǎng)絡的傳輸協(xié)議規(guī)定了信息在系統(tǒng)中的傳輸方式。通過對這個信息流的研究來推測系統(tǒng)接收信息的響應度。整個系統(tǒng)的響應是多個排隊點總和得到的。該標準文件包括兩個節(jié)點-短消息服務中心和目標設備。</p><p> 短消息服務中心是短
15、信服務的核心,所有的信息必須通過他們。由于實際條件的限制,每個SMSC的只有隊列的每個用戶的郵件數(shù)量有限。短消息服務中心是根據(jù)存儲和轉發(fā)機制進行信息路由,每條信息都會被保存,除非目標設備成功接收該短信或超時無效。通過緩沖區(qū)容量和短信刪除策略確定哪些信息到達接受者。 SMSC的緩沖區(qū)和驅逐政策進行了評價,同時慢慢注入目標設備是斷電的消息。最著名的三大服務提供商為:AT&T公司(現(xiàn)在是Cingular公司的一部分),Verizon
16、和斯普林特公司。對于每一個供應商,每60秒可以連續(xù)處理緩存中大約400條信息。當設備重新連接網(wǎng)絡時,包含緩沖區(qū)大小和序列短信刪除策略的序列號會變化。</p><p> 我們發(fā)現(xiàn),AT&T的短消息服務中心的緩沖區(qū)能存放400條短信.這看起來似乎很大,400條含160字節(jié)的信息量大小也只有62.5KB。而對Verizon公司的短消息服務中心測試的結果不一樣。當設備開啟時,下載的第一條消息不是序列號為1的那條,而是序
17、列號為301的那條。這表明,Verizon公司的短消息服務中心緩存區(qū)只能存儲100條信息和采用先進先出的規(guī)則執(zhí)行,一個FIFO遷出的政策緩沖能力。斯普林特公司的短消息服務中心是與AT&T公司和Verizon公司的都不同。它的設備重新連接網(wǎng)絡時,只能容納從序列號從1開始的30條短信。因此, 斯普林特公司的短消息服務中心只能存儲30條短信,也遵循先入先出的規(guī)則。</p><p> 當終端設備的短信緩存區(qū)是滿
18、的,網(wǎng)絡中的短信被保留在短消息服務中心的緩存中。在這種情況下,與全球移動通信系統(tǒng)的標準一樣,移動手機會從歸屬位置寄存器返回一個基站緩存溢出標志。由于歸屬位置寄存器不可能確定每一個手機的收件箱容量,因此,我們選擇了不同時期不同價格的手機進行測試:美國電話電報公司的Nokia 3560手機、弗萊森電訊的稍新一點的LG 4400手機和斯普林特公司最近發(fā)布的高端Treo 650手機,包含1GB的可移動的記憶棒。移動設備的能力可以通過緩慢地發(fā)送信
19、息到目標用戶,使目標用戶的整個收件箱出現(xiàn)警告指示來觀察。表2.1所示是不同移動設備緩沖能力的結果值。</p><p> 表2.1 SMS移動設備容量</p><p> 發(fā)送規(guī)則實驗結果指明手機短信服務系統(tǒng)是如何對大量涌入的文本信息作出反應。我們確信大多數(shù)短消息服務中心和移動設備的緩沖容量有限。倘若發(fā)生拒絕服務攻擊,大量短信涌入造成短信的丟失。因此,拒絕服務攻擊要成功,必須有分布式的大量
20、用戶。</p><p> Exploiting Open Functionality in SMS-Capable Cellular Networks</p><p> 1.SMS/CELLULAR NETWORK OVERVIEW</p><p> This section offers a simpli?ed view of an SMS message
21、traversing a GSM-based system from submission to delivery. These procedures are similar in other cellular networks including CDMA.</p><p> 1.1 Submitting a Message</p><p> There are two meth
22、ods of sending a text message to a mobile device - via another mobile device or through a variety of External Short Messaging Entities (ESMEs). ESMEs include a large number of diverse devices and interfaces ranging from
23、 email and web-based messaging portals at service provider websites to voicemail services, paging systems and software applications. Whether these systems connect to the mobile phone network via the Internet or speci?c d
24、edicated channels, messages are ?rst deliv</p><p> Upon receiving a message, the contents of incoming packets are examined and, if necessary, converted and copied into SMS message format. At this point in t
25、he system, messages from the Internet become indistinguishable from those that originated from mobile phones. Messages are then placed into an SMSC queue for forwarding.</p><p> 1.2 Routing a Message<
26、/p><p> The SMSC needs to determine how to route messages to their targeted mobile devices. The SMSC queries a Home Location Register (HLR) database, which serves as the permanent repository of user data and i
27、ncludes subscriber information (e.g. call waiting and text messaging), billing data, availability of the targeted user and their current location. Through interaction with other network elements, the HLR determines the
28、routing information for the destination device. If the SMSC receives a reply st</p><p> When a text message arrives from the SMSC, the MSC fetches information speci?c to the target device. The MSC queries a
29、 database known as the Visitor Location Register, which returns a local copy of the targeted device’s information when it is away from its HLR.The MSC then forwards the text message on to the appropriate base station for
30、 transmission over the air interface. A diagram of a mobile phone network is depicted in Figure 1.1, followed by a simpli?ed SMS message ?ow in Figure 1.2.</p><p> Figure 1.1 SMS Network</p><p>
31、; Figure 1.2 Simplified examples of an SMS Network and message flow</p><p> 1.3 Wireless Delivery</p><p> The air interface is divided into two parts - the Control Channels (CCH) and Traf?c
32、 Channels (TCH). The CCH is further divided into two types of channels - the Common CCH and Dedicated CCHs. The Common CCH, which consists of logical channels including the Paging Channel (PCH) and Random Access Channel(
33、RACH), is the mechanism used by the base station to initiate the delivery of voice and SMS data. Accordingly, all connected mobile devices are constantly listening to the Common CCH for voice and S</p><p>
34、The base station sends a message on the PCH containing the Temporary Mobile Subscriber ID (TMSI) associated with the end destination. The network uses the TMSI instead of the targeted device’s phone number in order to th
35、wart eavesdroppers attempting to determine the identity of the receiving phone. When a device hears its TMSI, it attempts to contact the base station over the RACH and alerts the network of its availability to receive in
36、coming call or text data. When the response arrives, the bas</p><p> An illustration of this ?nal stage of delivery over the air interface is shown in Figure 1.3.</p><p> Figure 1.3 Simplified
37、 SMS air interface communication</p><p> 2.SMS/CELLULAR NETWORK VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS</p><p> The majority of legitimate uses for SMS can often be characterized as nonessential, ranging from
38、social interactions to low priority business-related exchanges. The salient feature of these communications is that they can typically be accomplished through a number of other, albeit potentially less convenient channel
39、s. During the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, however, the nature of text messaging proved to be far more utilitarian. With millions of people attempting to contact friends a</p><p> Text messaging
40、 allowed the lines of communication to remain open for many individuals in need in spite of their inability to complete voice calls. Accordingly, SMS messaging is now viewed by many as a reliable method of communication
41、when all other means appear unavailable.</p><p> A high number of call initiations at a given base station slows this response as the RACH is a shared access channel running the Slotted Aloha protocol</p
42、><p> Due to this proliferation of text messaging, we analyze Internet-originated, SMS attacks and their effects on voice and other services in cellular networks. We ?rst characterize these systems through an
43、extensive study of the available standards documentation and gray-box testing. From this data, we discuss a number of attacks and the susceptibility of mobile phone networks to each.Lastly, from gray-box testing,we asses
44、s the resilience of these networks to these attacks.</p><p> Before discussing the speci?cs of any attack on cellular networks, it is necessary to examine these systems from an adversary’s perspective. In t
45、his section, we present simple methods of discovering the most fragile portions of these networks by determining system bottlenecks. We then investigate the creation of effective targeting systems designed to exploit the
46、se choke points.</p><p> 2.1 Determining Bottlenecks in Cellular Networks</p><p> There is an inherent cost imbalance between injecting SMS messages into the phone network and delivering mes
47、sages to a mobile user. Such imbalances are the root of DoS attacks.</p><p> Recognizing these bottlenecks requires a thorough understanding of the system. The cellular network standards documentation prov
48、ides the framework from which the system is built, but it lacks implementation speci?c details. In an effort to bridge this gap, we performed gray-box testing [7, 14].</p><p> We characterize these systems
49、by delivery disciplines, delivery rates, and interfaces. All tests were performed using our own phones.</p><p> At no time did we inject a damaging volume of packets into the system or violate any service a
50、greement.</p><p> Delivery Discipline</p><p> The delivery discipline of a network dictates the way messages move through the system. By studying this ?ow, we determine system response to an
51、in?ux of text messages. The overall system response is a composite of multiple queuing points. The standards documentation indicates two points of interest - the SMSC and the target device.</p><p> SMSCs ar
52、e the locus of SMS message ?ow; all messages pass through them. Due to practical limitations, each SMSC only queues a ?nite number of messages per user. As SMSCs route messages according to a store and forward mechanism
53、, each message is held until either the target device successfully receives it or it is dropped due to age. The buffer capacity and eviction policy therefore determine which messages reach the recipient.</p><p
54、> The SMSC buffer and eviction policy were evaluated by slowly injecting messages while the target device was powered off. Three of the most prominent service providers were evaluated: AT&T(now part of Cingular)
55、, Verizon, and Sprint. For each provider, 400 messages were serially injected at a rate of approximately one per 60 seconds. When the device was reconnected to the network, the range of the attached sequence numbers indi
56、cated both buffer size and queue eviction policy.</p><p> We found that AT&T’s SMSC buffered the entire 400 messages.While seemingly large, 400 160-byte messages is only 62.5KB.Tests of Verizon’s SMSC y
57、ielded different results. When the device was turned on, the ?rst message downloaded was not sequence number one; instead the ?rst 300 messages were missing. This demonstrates that Verizon’s SMSC has a buffer capacity
58、of 100 messages and a FIFO eviction policy. Sprint’s SMSC proved different than both AT&T and Verizon. Upon reconnecting the device to </p><p> Messages also remain in the SMSC buffer when the target d
59、evice’s message buffer is full.This occurs, as noted in the GSM standards [5], when the mobile phone returns a Mobile-Station-Memory-Capacity-Exceeded-Flag to the HLR. Because it is impossible to determine the inbox capa
60、city of every phone, we chose to test three representative devices of varying age and expense:the Nokia 3560 (AT&T), the slightly newer LG 4400 (Verizon), and the recently released high-end Treo 650 (Sprint) containi
61、ng a 1G</p><p> Table 2.1 Mobile Device SMS Capacity</p><p> The delivery discipline experimentation results indicate how the SMS system will react to an in?ux of text messages. We con?rmed th
62、at ?nite buffer capacities exist in most SMSCs and mobile devices.In the event of a DoS attack, messages exceeding these saturation levels will be lost. Therefore, a successful DoS attack must be distributed over a numbe
63、r of subscribers.</p><p> 2.1.2 Delivery Rate</p><p> The speed at which a collection of nodes can process and forward a message is the delivery rate.In particular, bottlenecks are discovered
64、by comparing injection rates with delivery rates. Additionally, due to variations in injection size for different interfaces,the injection size per message is estimated.</p><p> Determining the maximum inje
65、ction rate for a cellular network is an extremely dif?cult task.The exact number of SMSCs in a network is not publicly known or discoverable. Given the sheer number of entrances into these networks, including but not li
66、mited to website interfaces, email, instant messaging, and dedicated connections running the Short Messaging Peer Protocol (SMPP), we conservatively estimate that it is currently possible to submit between several hundre
67、d and several thousand messages </p><p> A brief sampling of available interfaces is provided in Table 2.These interfaces can be grouped into three main categories: instant messaging, information services,
68、and bulk SMS. Instant messaging provides the same functionality as text messaging, but connects new networks of users to cellular networks. With 24 hour news,customers are frequently ?ooded with “on the go” updates of h
69、eadlines, sports, and stocks from information service providers such as CNN and MSNBC. Lastly, through bulk SMS pro</p><p> While injection rates for instant messaging and the information services are unkno
70、wn, the bulk SMS providers offer plans with rates as high as 30-35 messages per second, per SMPP connection. Furthermore, by using multiple SMPP connections, START Corp. (www.startcorp.com) offers rates “an order of mag
71、nitude” greater. Combining all of these conduits provides an adversary with the ability to inject an immense number of messages.</p><p> When message delivery time exceeds that of message submission, a syst
72、em is subject to DoS attacks. We therefore compare the time it takes for serially injected messages to be submitted and then delivered to the targeted mobile device. This was accomplished via a PERL script designed to se
73、rially inject messages approximately once per second into each provider’s web interface. From this, we recorded an average send time of 0.71 seconds.</p><p> Measurement of incoming messages was more dif?cu
74、lt due to a lack low-level access to the device operating system. Via informal observation, we recorded interarrival times of 7-8 seconds for both Verizon and AT&T. Interarrival times for Sprint were undetermined due
75、 to sporadic message downloads occurring anywhere between a few seconds and few minutes apart. The experiments clearly demonstrate an imbalance between the time to submit and the time to receive.</p><p> W
76、hile SMS messages have a maximum size of 160 bytes, each submission requires additional overhead. Using tcpdump, we observed both raw IP and user data traf?c. Not considering TCP/IP data overhead, Sprint, AT&T, and
77、Verizon all required under 700 bytes to send a 160 byte SMS message. This included the HTTP POST and browser headers. </p><p> Due to the ACKs required for downloading the web page (8.5KB for Sprint, 13.6K
78、B for AT&T, 36.4KB for Verizon), the actual data upload size was signi?cantly higher. While the overhead is relative to retransmissions and window size, we recorded upload sizes of 1300 bytes (Sprint), 1100 bytes (A
79、T&T), and 1600 bytes (Verizon). In an effort to reduce the overhead induced by TCP traf?c,we observed the traf?c resulting from email submission. Even with TCP/IP traf?c overhead, less than 900 bytes was re</p>
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- 2012年--外文翻譯--基于fpga的開放式結構vga驅動器
- 2012年--外文翻譯--基于fpga的開放式結構vga驅動器