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1、<p>  BIOENERGY AND THE CDM IN THE EMERGING MARKET</p><p>  FOR CARBON CREDITS</p><p>  1. Introduction</p><p>  Bioenergy is one of the most important potential sources of sus

2、tainable rural development for developing countries. Its potential to mitigate global climate change opens up a number of funding opportunities, e.g., through mechanisms of the emerging carbon market.</p><p>

3、;  The international carbon markets today emerged from the Kyoto Protocol (KP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In the KP, agreed upon at the third Conference of the Parties to the U

4、NFCCC (COP-3) in the city ofKyoto (Japan) in 1997, the Parties to the Convention agreed on emission limitations for greenhouse gases (GHG, a/o CO2, CH4 and N2O).1 These emission limitations were only set for countries li

5、sted in the Annex I to the KP, comprising all OECD (at the time</p><p>  The Carbon market is characterized by a number of major actors. On the regulatory side, the UNFCCC is in charge of setting the rules r

6、elated to transactions for compliance with obligations under the KP.</p><p>  The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the mechanism under the KP directly relevant for the developing world. It provides for i

7、ndustrialized countries to invest in emission-reducing projects in developing countries and to use (part of) the resulting “certified emissions reductions” towards their own compliance with the emission limitation target

8、s set forth by the Kyoto Protocol. The CDM has two main objectives (as laid down in Article 12.2 of the KP):</p><p>  (1) to assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in

9、 contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and</p><p>  (2) To assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments.

10、One important initiative facilitating compliance with the KP is the Carbon Finance Business (CF) of theWorldbank Group. Through a number of funds the CF facilitates transactions between project sellers in developing coun

11、tries and project buyers in Annex I countries. Compliance with the regulatory CDM framework set up by the UNFCCC and its subsidiaries (the Execut</p><p>  On the buyer side, several OECD entities (government

12、s, funds and companies) are active. The most important regulatory framework providing a cap on emissions,is the European Emissions Trading System (ETS), but other buyers, such as in Japan, are also contributing significa

13、ntly to the demand for emission reductions.</p><p>  In order to give an overview of opportunities and requirements of the carbon market with regard to bioenergy, this paper is divided into four main section

14、s.</p><p>  The first section (Chap. 2) briefly introduces bioenergy and its significance for climate change mitigation and the role of bioenergy in the Kyoto Protocol.</p><p>  The second part

15、(Chap. 3) elaborates on the modalities and procedures of the CDM (set forth in the KP and the Marrakech Accords), with special regard to opportunities and in particular some serious limitations for bioenergy. Possible so

16、lutions to these are presented.</p><p>  The third part (Chap. 4) gives an overview of the Worldbank CF related funds.</p><p>  These four sections are followed by a final chapter concluding the

17、 discussions and an annex including key information about other major carbon funds.</p><p>  2. Bioenergy for Mitigation of GHG Emissions and Sustainable Development</p><p>  2.1. TRADITIONAL US

18、E OF BIOMASS</p><p>  Bioenergy provides about 11% of total global primary energy supply, and approximately 35% in developing countries. The share of biomass in primary energy consumption in Africa is more t

19、han 70% (Kaltschmitt 2001). Some Sub-Saharan countries, and other countries like Ethiopia and Haiti, obtain more than 90% of their energy needs from biomass (FAO 20043) and this situation is not expected to change in the

20、 near future. In terms of globalwood consumption fuelwood represents more than 50% (FAO 2003).</p><p>  One of the major problems of current patterns of biomass use for energy is the low conversion efficienc

21、y. In households, most biomass is burnt in so-called three stone stoves with an average conversion rate of 10% (Kaltschmitt 2001).</p><p>  In urban areas or larger settlements, larger biomass-fuelled plants

22、 are common, but due to maintenance problems, low technical standards and lack of knowledge about operating them, conversion efficiencies are of the same order of magnitude of roughly 10–15%.</p><p>  In the

23、 case of many developing countries current patterns of energy production and use (i.e. the baseline scenario) are not fossil fuels, but some form of bioenergy, albeit mostly produced and utilized in an inefficient and en

24、vironmentally harmful manner.</p><p>  Energy efficiency improvements often represent a straightforward option for emission reductions, as the existing fuel cycles do not have to be changed and thus non-fina

25、ncial barriers to adoption are more likely to be rather low. On the other hand, investment in new equipment and up-front financing are usually not readily available.</p><p>  2.2. THE SCOPE FOR EMISSION REDU

26、CTION THROUGH BIOENERGY</p><p>  The assessment of potential carbon emission credits generated by a bioenergy project requires the comparison of greenhouse gas emissions over the entire life cycle of the ene

27、rgy chain, including the production of raw materials and their conversion to useful energy. Bioenergy projects may mitigate GHG emissions in two ways: (1) from the sequestration generated if carbon stocks in the terrestr

28、ial biosphere can be increased. (2) by lower emissions associated with the production and use of bioenergy</p><p>  For the Brazilian sugar-cane agro-industry it was estimated, that after including all emiss

29、ions in the production process, it is through the substitution of gasoline by ethanol (~65%) and fuel by bagasse (~35%), that Carbon emissions are reduced by 12.74 Mt C/yr (Hall et al. 2000, p. 47).</p><p> 

30、 Generally, CO2 emissions in the conversion of biofuels to electricity and heat are lower by at least one order of magnitude than in reference cases using fossil fuels and constitute “an important option to reduce net em

31、issions of CO2” (Groscurth et al. 2000, p. 1092).</p><p>  “The potential global contribution of bioenergy has been estimated to be between 95 and 280 EJ in the year 2050 (Hall and Scrase 1998), leading to a

32、 potential reduction/avoidance in emissions of between 1.4 and 4.2 GtC per year, or between roughly 5% and 25% of projected fossil fuel emissions for the year 2050 (IPCC 2000b).” (IEA Bioenergy T38, 2002)</p><

33、p>  Studies in Asia for example have shown that CO2 emissions could be significantly reduced if more efficient cooking stoves would be introduced, or biofuels (e.g. rice husks) would be used more efficiently, in power

34、 and electricity production. Kaltschmitt (2001) identifies large potentials for efficiency improvements in current bioenergy applications, on both industrial and household scales (see also Figure 1).</p><p>

35、  At the same time, less need for fuel wood bears obvious potential for improving the livelihood of people.</p><p>  2.3. HOW IS BIOENERGY CONSIDERED IN THE KYOTO PROTOCOL</p><p>  The Kyoto Pro

36、tocol defines limitations on emissions of CO2, N2O, CH4 and three industrial gases from the following sectors of Annex I countries:</p><p><b>  ? Energy</b></p><p><b>  ? Waste

37、</b></p><p>  ? Industrial Processes</p><p>  ? Agriculture</p><p>  Bioenergy activities in Annex I countries have three distinct effects on the carbon balance:</p>&l

38、t;p>  ? They substitute for fossil fuels (including the fossil fuels that are required to mine, transport, refine fossil fuels)</p><p>  ? They can change the carbon balance of the terrestrial biosphere&l

39、t;/p><p>  ? They may require the use of fossil fuels in their production, processing, transportation, and end-use conversion</p><p>  The first effect is implicitly considered in the Kyoto Protoco

40、l, because any reduction in the use of fossil fuels in the country of interest can be seen in the overall GHG emissions of the energy sector. The emissions from auxiliary fossilfuel use from producing fossil fuels will o

41、nly be seen if they would have occurred in the same country.</p><p>  The third effect will also be covered by the Kyoto emissions inventory, to the extent that these emissions occur in the country of intere

42、st.</p><p>  The second effect can be achieved through either bioenergy efficiency improvements (i.e. biofuel saving) or through switching from non renewable biomass to renewable biomass resources (i.e. subs

43、titution. Both options will be discussed in more detail in the following section, as a proper understanding of these options is crucial for the following evaluation of their eligibility according to the existing modaliti

44、es and procedures of the KP.</p><p>  2.4. FUEL SAVING – IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY</p><p>  Different categories of emission reduction through efficiency improvements can be distinguished:<

45、/p><p>  1. CO2 emission reductions related to energy inputs into the fuel cycle, mostly during the production and conversion stages. These are eligible to the extent that the baseline is combustion of fossil f

46、uels.</p><p>  2. Non-CO2 emission reductions related to end use efficiency (and possibly, conversion). Increasing the efficiency of (e.g.) fuel stoves can result in significant reductions of other pollutant

47、s, including non-CO2 greenhouse gases (CH4; eligible as baseline emission) and other ambient air pollutants, particularly the emissions of unburned components such as VOC (Volatile Organic Carbons), PAH (Poly Aromatic Hy

48、drocarbons) and carbon monoxide, and NOx.The main reasons for these unburned components </p><p>  3. Land-use related emission reductions and additional benefits. </p><p>  Land-use related emis

49、sions (deforestation and forest degradation) make up the bulk of GHG emissions from current, “traditional” biomass energy systems. However, bioenergy activities (such as efficiency improvements) that reduce these landuse

50、 related emissions are currently not eligible as activity under theCDM,as the associated baseline emissions (i.e. emissions stemming from deforestation and forest degradation) are not recognised as eligible baselines for

51、 CDM projects</p><p>  (in the first place).</p><p>  The reduction of eventual negative land-use impacts through enhanced bioenergy efficiency depends obviously on the project baseline. Where f

52、uelwood is not extracted from forest resources but stems from outside forests, the monitoring will be difficult and the negative impacts of the baseline case in terms of GHG emissions are debatable.</p><p> 

53、 In the case of unsustainable charcoal production from forestwood the monitoring of decreased land and forest degradationwould be easier, and the degradation of land in the baseline case clearly linked to the energy prod

54、uction. This link cannot be taken for granted where fuelwood is extracted from land after or because it is or has been cleared for other (primary) purposes, such as land-use change for agricultural use. The change in ene

55、rgy efficiency might thus not necessarily contribute to reduc</p><p>  Another (apart from the monitoring and baseline problems discussed so far) aspect of efficiency improvement in bioenergy systems (and re

56、spective gains in emission reductions) that merits careful attention, is leakage. Leakage in this context occurs when the efficiency improvement does not lead to a decrease in fuel use but merely to an increase in energy

57、 use at constant fuel input levels. This effect has historically been observed where more efficient heating and cooking devices were introduced,</p><p>  2.5. GHG EMISSION REDUCTIONS THROUGH SWITCHING TO A S

58、USTAINABLE</p><p>  (RENEWABLE) SOURCE OF BIOMASS FUEL</p><p>  A key aspect here is the differentiation between sustainable and unsustainable or renewable and non-renewable biomass. A non-renew

59、able source of biomass would be one where the carbon stocks are declining over time due to over-exploitation.</p><p>  An example of how GHG emissions from unsustainable land use can be reduced is a CDM proj

60、ect that includes the establishment of a sustainable source of fuel (such as through the establishment of a community-based fuelwood plantation). This has two benefits: (1) it enhances the carbon stocks in the plantation

61、. (2) It reduces the emissions from unsustainable land use.</p><p>  The change of the carbon balance of the terrestrial biosphere due to efficiency improvements in bioenergy installations may or may not be

62、covered by the Kyoto Protocol, depending on the type of land use in which these carbon stock changes occur, and whether the country has chosen that category under Article 3.4. For example, if the use of bioenergy were to

63、 lead to the afforestation of agricultural land for plantations of fast growing trees, then these positive effects would be covered. Thus, a w</p><p>  All in all, it can be said that biomass energy is a key

64、 component of many countries’ strategies for meeting their Kyoto Protocol targets. This is also obvious from the fact that, for example, the European Union has decided to use policy instruments (Directive for electricity

65、 from renewable energy sources including biomass; Directive for the use of liquid biofuels) to further promote the use of bioenergy.These Directives provide goals for member states in terms of the share of biomass and bi

66、ofuel</p><p>  Annex I countries or entities in these countries can also invest in bioenergy projects in other Annex I countries that reduce emissions or enhance carbon stocks. To the extent that these proje

67、cts reduce emissions in the host country, compared to a baseline case (i.e. level of emissions in absence of the project), the resultant emission reductions can then be transferred to the investor country. Here again,syn

68、ergy effects may occur with the reforestation of non-forest lands, and trade-offs may oc</p><p>  Finally, Annex I countries, or entities in these countries, can invest in projects in developing countries, a

69、nd this topic is subject of the discussion in the following chapter.</p><p>  3. The Clean Development Mechanism</p><p>  3.1. THE CURRENT CDM RULES</p><p>  Examples of CDM project

70、s proposed to date include two basic types of projects: renewable energy projects such as wind energy, biomass energy, promoting a switch from carbon-intensive to less carbon intensive fuels, and projects to enhance the

71、efficiency of energy systems. For each of these projects and in order to calculate the amount of carbon emission reductions, it is necessary to compare emissions with those in a baseline scenario, which represents the si

72、tuation that would have occurred in a</p><p>  The Marrakech Accords (MA) define the term baseline as “the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases that

73、would occur in the absence of the proposed [CDM] project activity”. The MA go on to state that “a baseline shall cover emissions from all gases, sectors and source categories listed in Annex A within the project boundary

74、”.</p><p>  3.2. CHALLENGES RELATED TO BIOENERGY PROJECTS UNDER THE CDM</p><p>  With these decisions and rulings, CERs can only be obtained under the CDM for(1) projects for which baseline emis

75、sions are included in Annex A of the Kyoto Protocol (Figure 2), or(2) projects that constitute afforestation or reforestation activities.</p><p>  This has important implications for activities that improve

76、the efficiency of biomass energy systems in developing countries, as they will usually reduce emissions from land use, which is not included in Annex A of the Kyoto Protocol(Figure 3).</p><p>  Mostly due to

77、 lack of financial capital for investment in modern, more efficient equipment, biofuels are used in a very unsustainable, often simply very inefficient way (for example in cooking or heating applications). Increasing the

78、 efficiency of biomass use would not only have positive effects on greenhouse-gas emissions,but would also contribute to the sustainable development of project areas and the host countries in general, for example by redu

79、cing the unsustainable exploitation of natural </p><p>  While energy-related projects have the greatest potential for GHG emission reduction and sustainable development, and thus for reaching the goals of t

80、he UNFCCC, biomass energy projects are only eligible for crediting in the CDM if the project baseline includes “Annex A” emissions that are in most cases, emissions from the use of fossil fuels, or non-CO2 greenhouse gas

81、es. For example, bioenergyprojects that reduce or eliminate emissions from combustion of coal, oil, or natural gas, are eligible. </p><p>  生物能源與清潔發(fā)展機(jī)制在新興市場的碳信用額</p><p><b>  簡介</b>&l

82、t;/p><p>  對于發(fā)展中國家而言,生物能源是農(nóng)村可持續(xù)發(fā)展最重要的潛在來源之一,它可能減緩全球氣候變化,并開辟了大量資金機(jī)會,例如,通過機(jī)制的新興碳市場。</p><p>  今天,國際碳市場在《京都協(xié)議書》(KP)的聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約(UNFCCC)中出現(xiàn)。在《京都協(xié)議書》中的城市氣候變化框架公約講到,締約方在京都(日本)的第三次會議(締約方會議-3)商定各方同意在1997年后對


84、一切如?!?。為了幫助實(shí)現(xiàn)這些目標(biāo),引進(jìn)了一套以降低總成本的靈活機(jī)制,即排放貿(mào)易(ET),聯(lián)合履約(JI)和清潔發(fā)展機(jī)制(CDM)。</p><p>  碳市場被界定為主要行為者。在監(jiān)管方面,UNFCCC是在遵守PK的義務(wù)下設(shè)置了相關(guān)的交易費(fèi)用規(guī)則。</p><p>  對于發(fā)展中國家而言,清潔發(fā)展機(jī)制(CDM)是《京都協(xié)議書》下直接相關(guān)的機(jī)制。它為工業(yè)化國家在發(fā)展中國家投資減排項(xiàng)目,并(部

85、分)利用《京都協(xié)議書》下的“排放消減核證”規(guī)定來實(shí)現(xiàn)他們自己遵守的廢氣排放限制目標(biāo)。清潔發(fā)展機(jī)制有兩個主要目標(biāo)(在KP中的12.2條有所規(guī)定):</p><p>  協(xié)助未列入附件一的可持續(xù)發(fā)展和促進(jìn)該公約的最終目標(biāo);</p><p>  協(xié)助附件一所列的締約方實(shí)現(xiàn)其量化限制和遵守減少排放的承諾。</p><p>  主動協(xié)助和遵守《京都協(xié)議書》的重要集團(tuán)是世界銀行

86、(CF)。擁有大量資金的CF在發(fā)展中國家和項(xiàng)目買家的附件一國家間促進(jìn)例如項(xiàng)目銷售商之間的交易。參與CF資金的先決條件是符合清潔發(fā)展機(jī)制監(jiān)管框架的規(guī)定,它是由氣候變化框架公約及其附屬公司(執(zhí)行理事會(EB)和方法論的小組(Methpanel))設(shè)置的。</p><p>  在買家方面,一些經(jīng)合組織實(shí)體(政府,基金和公司)是活動的。他們最重要的監(jiān)管架構(gòu)提供了對交易系統(tǒng)(ETS)的排放上限,但其他買主,如日本也極大地促

87、進(jìn)了減排需求。</p><p>  根據(jù)生物能源方面的碳市場的需要概況,本文分為四個主要部分。</p><p>  第一部分(第二章)簡要介紹了生物能源和氣候變化減緩其意義和生物能源在京都議定書的作用。</p><p>  第二部分(第三章)闡述了模式和清潔發(fā)展機(jī)制的程序(載于KP和馬拉喀什協(xié)定等等),特別是關(guān)于機(jī)會和生物能源和一些嚴(yán)重的局限性的解決方案介紹。<

88、;/p><p>  第三部分(第四章)給出了一個CF卡在世界銀行有關(guān)基金的概述。</p><p>  這四部分是接著討論的最后結(jié)論和包括對其他主要碳基金的只要信息篇章的附件來展開的。</p><p>  生物能源的溫室氣體排放和減緩可持續(xù)發(fā)展</p><p>  2.1. 生物質(zhì)的傳統(tǒng)用途</p><p>  生物能源提供

89、了約全球初級能源供應(yīng)的11%,以及約35%在發(fā)展中國家。在非洲一次能源的消費(fèi)量的生物量份額超過70%(KALTSCHMITT 2001年)。一些撒哈拉以南非洲國家,像埃塞俄比亞和海地等國家,取得超過其能源需求的90%的生物量(糧農(nóng)組織2004),在代表全球木材消耗薪柴方面超過50%(糧農(nóng)組織2003年),而這種情況預(yù)計(jì)在不久的將來不會改變。</p><p>  對能源的使用目前的生物模式的主要問題之一是低轉(zhuǎn)換效率

90、。在家庭中,大多數(shù)的生物量燃燒在所謂的三石灶為10%的平均轉(zhuǎn)換率(Kaltschmitt 2001年)。</p><p>  在城市地區(qū)或較大的定居點(diǎn),較大的生物質(zhì)燃料的植物是常見的,但由于維修問題,低技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和認(rèn)識不足的有關(guān)操作,轉(zhuǎn)換效率大約在10-15%的同一量級。</p><p>  在許多發(fā)展中國家的能源生產(chǎn)和使用(即基準(zhǔn)情景)當(dāng)前模式的情況下沒有化石燃料,但有些生物能源形式大多數(shù)

91、是生產(chǎn)和低效利用以及對環(huán)境有害的方式。</p><p>  能源效率的改善往往代表了直截了當(dāng)?shù)臏p排方法,因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)有的燃料循環(huán)沒有改變,因此更可能采用非金融障礙是相當(dāng)?shù)?。另一方面,新設(shè)備和前期投融資通常不容易獲得。</p><p>  2.2.通過生物能源領(lǐng)域減排</p><p>  在整個能源鏈的生命周期,潛在的碳排放量的生物能源項(xiàng)目產(chǎn)生一個學(xué)分評估需要的溫室氣體排放

92、量包括原材料的生產(chǎn)和其轉(zhuǎn)換為有用的能量。生物能源項(xiàng)目在兩個方面可以減少溫室氣體排放量:(1)如果在陸地生物圈碳儲量產(chǎn)生的封存可以增加。(2)基于與化石能源相比,低排放的生產(chǎn)和生物能源的使用相聯(lián)系。在減少溫室氣體排放方面,根據(jù)在生產(chǎn)鏈中的每個步驟的排放量有不同的結(jié)果。</p><p>  估計(jì)2000至2050年期間(警監(jiān)會2000年a,b),平均化石燃料排放量為7-15%,對60至87億噸二氧化碳碳匯在50年時間

93、跨度(每年1.2至1.7億噸碳)可通過土地取得封存使用相關(guān)的活動。</p><p>  據(jù)估計(jì),巴西甘蔗農(nóng)工業(yè)通過用乙醇替代汽油(?65%)和蔗渣燃料(~35%),以后包括在生產(chǎn)過程中所有的排放,即碳排放量分別減少12.74噸碳/年(Hall等,2000年,第47頁)。</p><p>  一般來說,在生物燃料轉(zhuǎn)化為電力和熱能的二氧化碳排放量比使用化石燃料的參考個案至少降低一個數(shù)量級,并構(gòu)

94、成“一個重要的選項(xiàng),以減少二氧化碳的凈排放量”(格羅斯庫特等。 2000年,第1092)。</p><p>  “在2050年,全球生物能源的潛在貢獻(xiàn)估計(jì)為95和280 EJ之間(Hall和Scrase,1998年),導(dǎo)致潛在的減少或避免每年1.4-4.2億噸的碳排放,到2050年預(yù)計(jì)化石燃料排放量約為5%和25%(警監(jiān)會2000年)?!保▏H能源署生物能源T38,2002年)</p><p&

95、gt;  例如在亞洲的研究表明,如果引進(jìn)更多的節(jié)能爐灶或在電力和電力生產(chǎn)上更有效地利用生物燃料(如稻殼),那二氧化碳的排放量會大大減少。Kaltschmitt(2001年)確定了在工業(yè)和家用稱,生物能源為提高效率的應(yīng)用潛力很大。(參見圖一)</p><p>  在同一時間,改善人們生活的明顯潛力在于需要減少木材燃料。</p><p>  2.3.在《京都協(xié)議書》中的生物能源是如何考慮的?&

96、lt;/p><p>  《京都協(xié)議書》規(guī)定限制二氧化碳,氧化亞氮,甲烷和三個附件一國家在以下領(lǐng)域的工業(yè)氣體排放:</p><p>  ?能源?廢物?工業(yè)過程?農(nóng)業(yè)</p><p>  附件一國家生物能源的活動受三個明顯的碳平衡的影響:</p><p>  ?他們代替化石燃料(包括所需的礦山,交通運(yùn)輸?shù)幕剂?,化石燃料的提煉?lt;/p&

97、gt;<p>  ?他們可以改變陸地生物圈的碳平衡</p><p>  ?他們可能需要在其生產(chǎn),加工,運(yùn)輸化石燃料的使用,和最終用途的轉(zhuǎn)換</p><p>  第一個作用是含蓄考慮了京都議定書,因?yàn)槿魏螠p少使用化石燃料的國家利益都可以在能源部門的溫室氣體總排放中看到。從化石燃料的生產(chǎn),從輔助化石燃料使用排放將只能看到他們是否在同一個國家發(fā)生。</p><

98、p>  第三個作用也將包括在京都排放清單,且這些排放量在某種程度上在國內(nèi)發(fā)生利益。</p><p>  第二個作用是可以通過任何生物能源效率的改善(即生物燃料節(jié)約),或通過非再生生物質(zhì)可再生生物質(zhì)資源轉(zhuǎn)換(即替代)。這兩種方法都將在以下部分詳細(xì)討論,因?yàn)檫@些選項(xiàng)的正確理解對于根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的KP方式和程序進(jìn)行評價他們的資格直觀重要。</p><p>  2.4. 燃料儲存 - 提高能源效率

99、</p><p>  通過提高效率不同類別的排放減少可分為:</p><p>  主要是在生產(chǎn)和轉(zhuǎn)換階段減少二氧化碳排放量到投入核燃料循環(huán)有關(guān)的能源。這些范圍內(nèi)有資格的基線是燃燒化石燃料。</p><p>  與非二氧化碳減排相關(guān)的最終使用效率(即可能轉(zhuǎn)換)。增加(例如)燃料爐灶效率可以顯著減少其他污染物,包括非二氧化碳溫室氣體(甲烷;資格為基準(zhǔn)線排放)和其他空氣污


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